<form action="imageupload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="upload_target_image" onsubmit="return imageClickHandler(this);" class="imageuploadform" > <p class="imagef1_upload_process" align="center"> Loading...<br/> <img src="Images/loader.gif" /> </p> <p class="imagef1_upload_form" align="center"> <br/> <span class="imagemsg"></span> <label>Image File: <input name="fileImage" type="file" class="fileImage" /></label><br/> <br/> <label class="imagelbl"><input type="submit" name="submitImageBtn" class="sbtnimage" value="Upload" /></label> </p> <p class="imagef1_cancel" align="center"> <input type="reset" name="imageCancel" class="imageCancel" value="Cancel" /> </p> <iframe class="upload_target_image" name="upload_target_image" src="#" style="width:0px;height:0px;border:0px;solid;#fff;"></iframe> </form>
$(imageuploadform).find(".imageCancel").on("click", function(event) { $('.upload_target_image').get(0).contentwindow $("iframe[name='upload_target_image']").attr("src", "javascript:'<html></html>'"); return stopImageUpload(2); });
下面是php代码,它将文件上传到该数据库并将数据插入数据库。上面的表格发布到此php页面“ imageupload.php”:
<body> <?php include('connect.php'); session_start(); $result = 0; //uploads file move_uploaded_file($_FILES["fileImage"]["tmp_name"], "ImageFiles/" . $_FILES["fileImage"]["name"]); $result = 1; //set up the INSERT SQL query command to insert the name of the image file into the "Image" Table $imagesql = "INSERT INTO Image (ImageFile) VALUES (?)"; //prepare the above SQL statement if (!$insert = $mysqli->prepare($imagesql)) { // Handle errors with prepare operation here } //bind the parameters (these are the values that will be inserted) $insert->bind_param("s",$img); //Assign the variable of the name of the file uploaded $img = 'ImageFiles/'.$_FILES['fileImage']['name']; //execute INSERT query $insert->execute(); if ($insert->errno) { // Handle query error here } //close INSERT query $insert->close(); //Retrieve the ImageId of the last uploded file $lastID = $mysqli->insert_id; //Insert into Image_Question Table (be using last retrieved Image id in order to do this) $imagequestionsql = "INSERT INTO Image_Question (ImageId, SessionId, QuestionId) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; //prepare the above SQL statement if (!$insertimagequestion = $mysqli->prepare($imagequestionsql)) { // Handle errors with prepare operation here echo "Prepare statement err imagequestion"; } //Retrieve the question number $qnum = (int)$_POST['numimage']; //bind the parameters (these are the values that will be inserted) $insertimagequestion->bind_param("isi",$lastID, 'Exam', $qnum); //execute INSERT query $insertimagequestion->execute(); if ($insertimagequestion->errno) { // Handle query error here } //close INSERT query $insertimagequestion->close(); ?> <!--Javascript which will output the message depending on the status of the upload (successful, failed or cancelled)--> <script> window.top.stopImageUpload(<?php echo $result; ?>, '<?php echo $_FILES['fileImage']['name'] ?>'); </script> </body>
下面是php代码“cancelimage.php”,在这里我想从服务器中删除已取消的文件,并从数据库中删除记录。它已设置但尚未完成,有人可以完成它,以便我可以使用$ _SESSION检索文件的名称及其ID吗?
<?php // connect to the database include('connect.php'); /* check connection */ if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error()); die(); } //remove file from server unlink("ImageFiles/...."); //need to retrieve file name here where the ... line is //DELETE query statement where it will delete cancelled file from both Image and Image Question Table $imagedeletesql = " DELETE img, img_q FROM Image AS img LEFT JOIN Image_Question AS img_q ON img_q.ImageId = img.ImageId WHERE img.ImageFile = ?"; //prepare delete query if (!$delete = $mysqli->prepare($imagedeletesql)) { // Handle errors with prepare operation here } //Dont pass data directly to bind_param store it in a variable $delete->bind_param("s",$img); //execute DELETE query $delete->execute(); if ($delete->errno) { // Handle query error here } //close query $delete->close(); ?>
$lastID = $mysqli->insert_id;
$_SESSION['lastID'] = $lastID; $_SESSION['ImageFile'] = $_FILES["fileImage"]["name"];
unlink("ImageFiles/" . $_SESSION['ImageFile']); $delete = $mysqli->prepare('DELETE FROM Image WHERE id = ?'); $delete->bind_param("i",$_SESSION['lastID']); $delete->execute();