[ { "type": 1, "object": { "title1": "title1", "title2": "title2" } }, { "type": 2, "object": [ "string", "string", "string" ] }, { "type": 3, "object": [ { "url": "url", "text": "text", "width": 600, "height": 600 }, { "url": "url", "text": "text", "width": 600, "height": 600 } ] }, { "type": 4, "object": { "id": 337203, "type": 1, "city": "1" } } ]
public class Models extends ArrayList<Models.Container> { public class Container { public int type; public Object object; } public class Type1Object { public String title1; public String title2; } public class Type3Object { public String url; public String text; public int width; public int height; } public class Type4Object { public int id; public int type; public int city; } }
String json = "{ ... json string ... }"; Gson gson = new Gson(); Models model = gson.fromJson(json, Models.class); for (Models.Container container : model) { String innerJson = gson.toJson(container.object); switch(container.type){ case 1: Models.Type1Object type1Object = gson.fromJson(innerJson, Models.Type1Object.class); // do something with type 1 object... break; case 2: String[] type2Object = gson.fromJson(innerJson, String[].class); // do something with type 2 object... break; case 3: Models.Type3Object[] type3Object = gson.fromJson(innerJson, Models.Type3Object[].class); // do something with type 3 object... break; case 4: Models.Type4Object type4Object = gson.fromJson(innerJson, Models.Type4Object.class); // do something with type 4 object... break; } }
[ { "type": 1, "type1Object": { "title1": "title1", "title2": "title2" } }, { "type": 2, "type2Object": [ "string", "string", "string" ] }, { "type": 3, "type3Object": [ { "url": "url", "text": "text", "width": 600, "height": 600 }, { "url": "url", "text": "text", "width": 600, "height": 600 } ] }, { "type": 4, "type4Object": { "id": 337203, "type": 1, "city": "1" } } ]