condition target sub oxygen tree G1 oxygen tree G2 water car G3 water tree GZ fire car GTD oxygen bomb GYYS
oxygen - tree - G1 - G2 - bomb -GYYS water - car - G3 - tree -GZ fire - car - GTD
{ "name": "oxygen", "children": [ { "name": "tree", "children": [ {"name": "G1"}, {"name": "G2"}, {"name": "GYYS"} ] }, { "name": "bomb", "children": [ {"name": "GYYS"} ] } ] } etc.
condition, target, sub, dub oxygen,tree,G1,T1 oxygen,tree,G2,T1 oxygen,tree,G2,T2 water,car,G3,T1 water,tree,GZ,T1 water,tree,GZ,T2 fire,car,GTD,T3 oxygen,bomb,GYYS,T1
import csv from collections import defaultdict def ctree(): """ One of the python gems. Making possible to have dynamic tree structure. """ return defaultdict(ctree) def build_leaf(name, leaf): """ Recursive function to build desired custom tree structure """ res = {"name": name} # add children node if the leaf actually has any children if len(leaf.keys()) > 0: res["children"] = [build_leaf(k, v) for k, v in leaf.items()] return res def main(): """ The main thread composed from two parts. First it's parsing the csv file and builds a tree hierarchy from it. Second it's recursively iterating over the tree and building custom json-like structure (via dict). And the last part is just printing the result. """ tree = ctree() # NOTE: you need to have test.csv file as neighbor to this file with open('test.csv') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) for rid, row in enumerate(reader): # skipping first header row. remove this logic if your csv is # headerless if rid == 0: continue # usage of python magic to construct dynamic tree structure and # basically grouping csv values under their parents leaf = tree[row[0]] for cid in range(1, len(row)): leaf = leaf[row[cid]] # building a custom tree structure res = [] for name, leaf in tree.items(): res.append(build_leaf(name, leaf)) # printing results into the terminal import json print(json.dumps(res)) # so let's roll main()
{ "name": "oxygen", "children": [ { "name": "tree", "children": [ { "name": "G2", "children": [ { "name": "T2" }, { "name": "T1" } ] }, { "name": "G1", "children": [ { "name": "T1" } ] } ] }, { "name": "bomb", "children": [ { "name": "GYYS", "children": [ { "name": "T1" } ] } ] } ] }