美国(选项值= 1) 英国(选项值= 2)
阿拉巴马州(选项值= 1) 加利福尼亚(选项值= 2) 佛罗里达(选项值= 3) 夏威夷(选项值= 4)
伦敦(期权价值= 5) 牛津(期权价值= 6)
如您所见,英国的国家ID以5开头。当我编辑包含Country id=2 (UK)和的记录时State id=6 (Oxford),编辑表单将正确显示- 国家为英国,国家为牛津。但是,如果您下拉状态选择框,则选项文本正确(显示伦敦牛津),但选项值将从0开始。正确的是,选项值应从5开始。
Country id=2 (UK)
State id=6 (Oxford)
您问题的答案在一定程度上取决于来源,您可以从中获得“美国国家”和“英国国家”下显示的信息。的是由支持的jqGrid两种可能性:1)的使用value的参数editoptions 2)的使用dataUrl和buildSelect参数的editoptions。在本地编辑或可能选项列表为静态的情况下,第一种方法是最好的方法。在以下情况下将使用第二种选择:关于状态,国家和某个国家的状态的信息将根据数据库中的每个AJAX请求获取。我在示例中描述解决方案的用法value参数不依赖于服务器组件。如果使用dataUrl和,则实现的大部分内容都是相同的buildSelect。
主要的问题是,value的editoptions使用 只有一次 在上初始化的时间。在dataInit函数内部,可以覆盖value,但是在更改带有国家/地区的第一个选择/下拉框中的值之后,必须手动重建具有状态的第二个选择/下拉框。为此,必须理解,select HTML元素具有由行ID’_’和列名构成的ID:rowId +“ _State”。此外,重要value的是editoptions必须将的重置为初始值,以便可以将任何状态id解码为状态名称。
var countries = { '1': 'US', '2': 'UK' }; var states = { '1': 'Alabama', '2': 'California', '3': 'Florida', '4': 'Hawaii', '5': 'London', '6': 'Oxford' }; var statesOfCountry = { 1: { '1': 'Alabama', '2': 'California', '3': 'Florida', '4': 'Hawaii' }, 2: { '5': 'London', '6': 'Oxford' } }; var mydata = [ { id: '0', Country: '1', State: '1', Name: "Louise Fletcher" }, { id: '1', Country: '1', State: '3', Name: "Jim Morrison" }, { id: '2', Country: '2', State: '5', Name: "Sherlock Holmes" }, { id: '3', Country: '2', State: '6', Name: "Oscar Wilde" } ]; var lastSel = -1; var grid = jQuery("#list"); var resetStatesValues = function () { grid.setColProp('State', { editoptions: { value: states} }); }; grid.jqGrid({ data: mydata, datatype: 'local', colModel: [ { name: 'Name', width: 200 }, { name: 'Country', width: 100, editable: true, formatter: 'select', edittype: 'select', editoptions: { value: countries, dataInit: function (elem) { var v = $(elem).val(); // to have short list of options which corresponds to the country // from the row we have to change temporary the column property grid.setColProp('State', { editoptions: { value: statesOfCountry[v]} }); }, dataEvents: [ { type: 'change', fn: function(e) { // To be able to save the results of the current selection // the value of the column property must contain at least // the current selected 'State'. So we have to reset // the column property to the following //grid.setColProp('State', { editoptions:{value: statesOfCountry[v]} }); //grid.setColProp('State', { editoptions: { value: states} }); resetStatesValues(); // build 'State' options based on the selected 'Country' value var v = parseInt($(e.target).val(), 10); var sc = statesOfCountry[v]; var newOptions = ''; for (var stateId in sc) { if (sc.hasOwnProperty(stateId)) { newOptions += '<option role="option" value="' + stateId + '">' + states[stateId] + '</option>'; } } // populate the new if ($(e.target).is('.FormElement')) { // form editing var form = $(e.target).closest('form.FormGrid'); $("select#State.FormElement", form[0]).html(newOptions); } else { // inline editing var row = $(e.target).closest('tr.jqgrow'); var rowId = row.attr('id'); $("select#" + rowId + "_State", row[0]).html(newOptions); } } } ] } }, { name: 'State', width: 100, editable: true, formatter: 'select', edittype: 'select', editoptions: { value: states } } ], onSelectRow: function (id) { if (id && id !== lastSel) { if (lastSel != -1) { resetStatesValues(); grid.restoreRow(lastSel); } lastSel = id; } }, ondblClickRow: function (id, ri, ci) { if (id && id !== lastSel) { grid.restoreRow(lastSel); lastSel = id; } resetStatesValues(); grid.editRow(id, true, null, null, 'clientArray', null, function (rowid, response) { // aftersavefunc grid.setColProp('State', { editoptions: { value: states} }); }); return; }, editurl: 'clientArray', sortname: 'Name', height: '100%', viewrecords: true, rownumbers: true, sortorder: "desc", pager: '#pager', caption: "Demonstrate dependend select/dropdown lists (edit on double-click)" }).jqGrid('navGrid','#pager', { edit: true, add: true, del: false, search: false, refresh: false }, { // edit options recreateForm:true, onClose:function() { resetStatesValues(); } }, { // add options recreateForm:true, onClose:function() { resetStatesValues(); } });
更新 :我更新了上面的代码,使其也可以在表单编辑的情况下使用。您可以在这里看到它。因为jqGrid不支持表单编辑的本地编辑,所以我无法测试代码。但是,我希望我能充分利用所需的更改。
更新2 :我扩展了上面的代码以支持
var countries = { '1': 'US', '2': 'UK' }, //allCountries = {'': 'All', '1': 'US', '2': 'UK'}, // we use string form of allCountries to have control on the order of items allCountries = ':All;1:US;2:UK', states = { '1': 'Alabama', '2': 'California', '3': 'Florida', '4': 'Hawaii', '5': 'London', '6': 'Oxford' }, allStates = ':All;1:Alabama;2:California;3:Florida;4:Hawaii;5:London;6:Oxford', statesOfUS = { '1': 'Alabama', '2': 'California', '3': 'Florida', '4': 'Hawaii' }, statesOfUK = { '5': 'London', '6': 'Oxford' }, // the next maps contries by ids to states statesOfCountry = { '': states, '1': statesOfUS, '2': statesOfUK }, mydata = [ { id: '0', country: '1', state: '1', name: "Louise Fletcher" }, { id: '1', country: '1', state: '3', name: "Jim Morrison" }, { id: '2', country: '2', state: '5', name: "Sherlock Holmes" }, { id: '3', country: '2', state: '6', name: "Oscar Wilde" } ], lastSel = -1, grid = $("#list"), removeAllOption = function (elem) { if (typeof elem === "object" && typeof elem.id === "string" && elem.id.substr(0, 3) !== "gs_") { // in the searching bar $(elem).find('option[value=""]').remove(); } }, resetStatesValues = function () { // set 'value' property of the editoptions to initial state grid.jqGrid('setColProp', 'state', { editoptions: { value: states} }); }, setStateValues = function (countryId) { // to have short list of options which corresponds to the country // from the row we have to change temporary the column property grid.jqGrid('setColProp', 'state', { editoptions: { value: statesOfCountry[countryId]} }); }, changeStateSelect = function (countryId, countryElem) { // build 'state' options based on the selected 'country' value var stateId, stateSelect, parentWidth, $row, $countryElem = $(countryElem), sc = statesOfCountry[countryId], isInSearchToolbar = $countryElem.parent().parent().parent().hasClass('ui-search-toolbar'), //$(countryElem).parent().parent().hasClass('ui-th-column') newOptions = isInSearchToolbar ? '<option value="">All</option>' : ''; for (stateId in sc) { if (sc.hasOwnProperty(stateId)) { newOptions += '<option role="option" value="' + stateId + '">' + states[stateId] + '</option>'; } } setStateValues(countryId); // populate the subset of contries if (isInSearchToolbar) { // searching toolbar $row = $countryElem.closest('tr.ui-search-toolbar'); stateSelect = $row.find(">th.ui-th-column select#gs_state"); parentWidth = stateSelect.parent().width(); stateSelect.html(newOptions).css({width: parentWidth}); } else if ($countryElem.is('.FormElement')) { // form editing $countryElem.closest('form.FormGrid').find("select#state.FormElement").html(newOptions); } else { // inline editing $row = $countryElem.closest('tr.jqgrow'); $("select#" + $.jgrid.jqID($row.attr('id')) + "_state").html(newOptions); } }, editGridRowOptions = { recreateForm: true, onclickPgButtons: function (whichButton, $form, rowid) { var $row = $('#' + $.jgrid.jqID(rowid)), countryId; if (whichButton === 'next') { $row = $row.next(); } else if (whichButton === 'prev') { $row = $row.prev(); } if ($row.length > 0) { countryId = grid.jqGrid('getCell', $row.attr('id'), 'country'); changeStateSelect(countryId, $("#country")[0]); } }, onClose: function () { resetStatesValues(); } }; grid.jqGrid({ data: mydata, datatype: 'local', colModel: [ { name: 'name', width: 200, editable: true }, { name: 'country', width: 100, editable: true, formatter: 'select', stype: 'select', edittype: 'select', searchoptions: { value: allCountries, dataInit: function (elem) { removeAllOption(elem); }, dataEvents: [ { type: 'change', fn: function (e) { changeStateSelect($(e.target).val(), e.target); } }, { type: 'keyup', fn: function (e) { $(e.target).trigger('change'); } } ] }, editoptions: { value: countries, dataInit: function (elem) { setStateValues($(elem).val()); }, dataEvents: [ { type: 'change', fn: function (e) { changeStateSelect($(e.target).val(), e.target); } }, { type: 'keyup', fn: function (e) { $(e.target).trigger('change'); } } ] }}, { name: 'state', width: 100, formatter: 'select', stype: 'select', editable: true, edittype: 'select', editoptions: { value: states }, searchoptions: { value: allStates, dataInit: function (elem) { removeAllOption(elem); } } } ], onSelectRow: function (id) { if (id && id !== lastSel) { if (lastSel !== -1) { $(this).jqGrid('restoreRow', lastSel); resetStatesValues(); } lastSel = id; } }, ondblClickRow: function (id) { if (id && id !== lastSel) { $(this).jqGrid('restoreRow', lastSel); lastSel = id; } resetStatesValues(); $(this).jqGrid('editRow', id, { keys: true, aftersavefunc: function () { resetStatesValues(); }, afterrestorefunc: function () { resetStatesValues(); } }); return; }, editurl: 'clientArray', sortname: 'name', ignoreCase: true, height: '100%', viewrecords: true, rownumbers: true, sortorder: "desc", pager: '#pager', caption: "Demonstrate dependend select/dropdown lists (inline editing on double-click)" }); grid.jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', { del: false }, editGridRowOptions, editGridRowOptions); grid.jqGrid('filterToolbar', {stringResult: true, searchOnEnter: true, defaultSearch : "cn"});
更新3 :您将在此处找到该演示代码的最新版本。