import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.security.DigestInputStream; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.util.Arrays; public class ExternalSort { public static void sort(String f1, String f2) throws Exception { RandomAccessFile raf1 = new RandomAccessFile(f1, "rw"); RandomAccessFile raf2 = new RandomAccessFile(f2, "rw"); int fileByteSize = (int) (raf1.length() / 4); int size = Math.min(1000000, fileByteSize); externalSort(f1, f2, size); boolean writeToOriginal = true; DataOutputStream dos; while (size <= fileByteSize) { if (writeToOriginal) { raf1.seek(0); dos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream( new MyFileOutputStream(raf1.getFD()))); } else { raf2.seek(0); dos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream( new MyFileOutputStream(raf2.getFD()))); } for (int i = 0; i < fileByteSize; i += 2 * size) { if (writeToOriginal) { dos = merge(f2, dos, i, size); } else { dos = merge(f1, dos, i, size); } } dos.flush(); writeToOriginal = !writeToOriginal; size *= 2; } if (writeToOriginal) { raf1.seek(0); raf2.seek(0); dos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream( new MyFileOutputStream(raf1.getFD()))); int i = 0; while (i < raf2.length() / 4){ dos.writeInt(raf2.readInt()); i++; } dos.flush(); } } public static void externalSort(String f1, String f2, int size) throws Exception{ RandomAccessFile raf1 = new RandomAccessFile(f1, "rw"); RandomAccessFile raf2 = new RandomAccessFile(f2, "rw"); int fileByteSize = (int) (raf1.length() / 4); int[] array = new int[size]; DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream( new MyFileInputStream(raf1.getFD()))); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream( new MyFileOutputStream(raf2.getFD()))); int count = 0; while (count < fileByteSize){ for (int k = 0; k < size; ++k){ array[k] = dis.readInt(); } count += size; Arrays.sort(array); for (int k = 0; k < size; ++k){ dos.writeInt(array[k]); } } dos.flush(); raf1.close(); raf2.close(); dis.close(); dos.close(); } public static DataOutputStream merge(String file, DataOutputStream dos, int start, int size) throws IOException { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw"); RandomAccessFile raf2 = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw"); int fileByteSize = (int) (raf.length() / 4); raf.seek(4 * start); raf2.seek(4 *start); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream( new MyFileInputStream(raf.getFD()))); DataInputStream dis3 = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream( new MyFileInputStream(raf2.getFD()))); int i = 0; int j = 0; int max = size * 2; int a = dis.readInt(); int b; if (start + size < fileByteSize) { dis3.skip(4 * size); b = dis3.readInt(); } else { b = Integer.MAX_VALUE; j = size; } while (i + j < max) { if (j == size || (a <= b && i != size)) { dos.writeInt(a); i++; if (start + i == fileByteSize) { i = size; } else if (i != size) { a = dis.readInt(); } } else { dos.writeInt(b); j++; if (start + size + j == fileByteSize) { j = size; } else if (j != size) { b = dis3.readInt(); } } } raf.close(); raf2.close(); return dos; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String f1 = args[0]; String f2 = args[1]; sort(f1, f2); } }
您可能希望一次合并k> 2个细分。这样会将I / O数量从n log k / log 2减少到nlogn / log k。
void sort(List list) { if (list fits in memory) { list.sort(); } else { sublists = partition list into k about equally big sublists for (sublist : sublists) { sort(sublist); } merge(sublists); } } void merge(List[] sortedsublists) { keep a pointer in each sublist, which initially points to its first element do { find the pointer pointing at the smallest element add the element it points to to the result list advance that pointer } until all pointers have reached the end of their sublist return the result list }