解决这个问题的第一种方法是使用2个嵌套的for循环通过强制计算通用共享子字符串来强行执行我的方法- 显然效率最低,但这是一种快速而肮脏的方法,可以了解预期的输出结果应该使用较小的测试输入和最慢的运行时间,大约2分钟才能计算出包含50kb的ascii字符串的2个文件之间的所有公共共享子字符串。将大小增加到1mb使得此操作陷入停顿,这是因为必须进行大量的嵌套嵌套迭代才能计算出来。
下一种方法是使用树- 看看我可以权衡多少内存来优化计算时间。这种方法要快得多。用强力方法花费2分钟的两个相同的50kb文件几乎是即时的。针对1mb的文件运行仍然非常快(几秒钟),但是随着我继续测试越来越大的文件大小,由于树的大小,我很快就遇到了内存问题。
这是一个基于C的实现,该实现基于最长的公共前缀数组的遍历输入串联的后缀数组。您可以用实数(O(n)或O(n log n))替换编程竞赛级(O(n log ^ 2 n))后缀数组实现,以提高性能。(编辑:这样做,其他一些更改反映了问询者的新要求:https : //github.com/eisenstatdavid/commonsub。)
#include <inttypes.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef int_fast32_t I32; #define Constrain(expression) _Static_assert(expression, #expression) Constrain(CHAR_BIT == 8); #define InputMaxBytes 80000000 Constrain(InputMaxBytes <= (INT_LEAST32_MAX - 2) / 2); #define MaxLen (2 * InputMaxBytes + 2) Constrain(MaxLen <= INT_FAST32_MAX / 2); static I32 Len; static I32 Begin2; static signed char Buf[MaxLen]; static int_least32_t SufArr[MaxLen]; static int_least32_t SufRank[MaxLen]; static int_least32_t NewRank[MaxLen]; static int_least32_t *const LongCommPre = NewRank; // aliased to save space static uint_least64_t Bitmap2[(MaxLen >> 6) + 1]; static int_least32_t SparseCount2[(MaxLen >> 6) + 1]; static int_least32_t *const Stack = SufRank; // aliased to save space static void Slurp(const char *filename) { FILE *stream = fopen(filename, "r"); if (stream == NULL) goto fail; I32 n = fread(Buf + Len, sizeof *Buf, InputMaxBytes + 1, stream); if (ferror(stream)) goto fail; if (n > InputMaxBytes) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: file is too large; increase InputMaxBytes\n", filename); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (I32 i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (Buf[Len + i] < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: file contains non-ASCII byte at offset %" PRIdFAST32 "\n", filename, i); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } Len += n; if (fclose(stream) == EOF) goto fail; return; fail: perror(filename); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static I32 Radix; static int CompareRankPairs(const void *iPtr, const void *jPtr) { I32 i = *(const int_least32_t *)iPtr; I32 j = *(const int_least32_t *)jPtr; if (SufRank[i] < SufRank[j]) return -1; if (SufRank[i] > SufRank[j]) return 1; I32 iRank = i + Radix < Len ? SufRank[i + Radix] : -2; I32 jRank = j + Radix < Len ? SufRank[j + Radix] : -2; if (iRank < jRank) return -1; if (iRank > jRank) return 1; return 0; } static void BuildSuffixArray(void) { for (I32 i = 0; i < Len; i++) { SufArr[i] = i; SufRank[i] = Buf[i]; } for (Radix = 1; true; Radix *= 2) { qsort(SufArr, Len, sizeof *SufArr, CompareRankPairs); NewRank[0] = 0; for (I32 i = 1; i < Len; i++) { NewRank[i] = CompareRankPairs(&SufArr[i - 1], &SufArr[i]) == 0 ? NewRank[i - 1] : NewRank[i - 1] + 1; } for (I32 i = 0; i < Len; i++) { SufRank[SufArr[i]] = NewRank[i]; } if (NewRank[Len - 1] == Len - 1) break; } I32 lenCommPre = 0; for (I32 i = 0; i < Len; i++) { if (SufRank[i] == Len - 1) { LongCommPre[SufRank[i]] = -1; continue; } while (Buf[i + lenCommPre] == Buf[SufArr[SufRank[i] + 1] + lenCommPre]) { lenCommPre++; } LongCommPre[SufRank[i]] = lenCommPre; if (lenCommPre > 0) lenCommPre--; } } static I32 PopCount(uint_fast64_t x) { I32 v = 0; while (x != 0) { x &= x - 1; v++; } return v; } static void BuildCumCount2(void) { for (I32 i = 0; i < Len; i++) { if (SufArr[i] >= Begin2) { Bitmap2[i >> 6] |= UINT64_C(1) << (i & 63); SparseCount2[i >> 6]++; } } for (I32 i = 0; i < (Len >> 6); i++) { SparseCount2[i + 1] += SparseCount2[i]; } } static I32 CumCount2(I32 i) { return SparseCount2[i >> 6] - PopCount(Bitmap2[i >> 6] >> (i & 63)); } static void FindCommonStrings(void) { I32 lenCommPre = -1; for (I32 i = 0; i < Len; i++) { while (lenCommPre > LongCommPre[i]) { I32 begin = Stack[lenCommPre]; I32 end = i + 1; I32 count2 = CumCount2(end) - CumCount2(begin); if (count2 > 0 && count2 < end - begin && lenCommPre > 0) { printf("%" PRIdFAST32 "\t%.*s\n", count2, (int)lenCommPre, Buf + SufArr[begin]); } lenCommPre--; } while (lenCommPre < LongCommPre[i]) { lenCommPre++; Stack[lenCommPre] = i; } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { fputs("usage: commonsub needle haystack\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Len = 0; Slurp(argv[1]); Buf[Len] = -1; Len++; Begin2 = Len; Slurp(argv[2]); Buf[Len] = -2; // sentinel BuildSuffixArray(); if (false) { for (I32 i = 0; i < Len; i++) { printf("%" PRIdFAST32 "\t%" PRIdLEAST32 "\t%" PRIdLEAST32 "\t%.*s\n", i, SufArr[i], LongCommPre[i], (int)(Len - SufArr[i]), Buf + SufArr[i]); } } BuildCumCount2(); FindCommonStrings(); }