FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: The library com.google.android.gms:play-services-base is being requested by various other libraries at [[15.0.1,15.0.1]], but resolves to 16.0.1. Disable the plugin and check your dependencies tree using ./gradlew :app:dependencies. * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. * Get more help at https://help.gradle.org BUILD FAILED in 3s Finished with error: Gradle build failed: 1
我已经在我的android / build.gradle文件中使用了这种依赖关系
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.1.2' classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:3.2.1'
firebase_auth: 0.5.11 google_sign_in: 3.0.4 cloud_firestore: 0.7.3
之所以能正常工作,是因为在这些版本上,gradle工具已更新为与Android Studio 3.1.2匹配。
firebase_admob: 0.5.5 firebase_analytic: 1.0.1 firebase_core: 0.2.4 firebase_database: 1.0.1 firebase_dynamic_links: 0.02 firebase_messaging: 1.0.2 firebase_performance: 0.0.3 firebase_remote_config: 0.0.4 firebase_storage: 0.3.7