案例:我对Google Play商店中随应用程序更新一起提供的数据库文件进行了更新。是否可以检查用户当前拥有的数据库文件的版本,以确定是否应使用新文件替换旧文件?
class DbHelper { static const NEW_DB_VERSION = 2; static final DbHelper _instance = DbHelper.internal(); factory DbHelper() => _instance; DbHelper.internal(); Database _db; Future<Database> get db async { if (_db != null) { return _db; } else { _db = await initDb(); return _db; } } Future<Database> initDb() async { final databasesPath = await getDatabasesPath(); final path = join(databasesPath, "database.db"); var db = await openDatabase(path); //if database does not exist yet it will return version 0 if (await db.getVersion() < NEW_DB_VERSION) { db.close(); //delete the old database so you can copy the new one await deleteDatabase(path); try { await Directory(dirname(path)).create(recursive: true); } catch (_) {} //copy db from assets to database folder ByteData data = await rootBundle.load("assets/databases/database.db"); List<int> bytes = data.buffer.asUint8List(data.offsetInBytes, data.lengthInBytes); await File(path).writeAsBytes(bytes, flush: true); //open the newly created db db = await openDatabase(path); //set the new version to the copied db so you do not need to do it manually on your bundled database.db db.setVersion(NEW_DB_VERSION); } return db; } }