Java 类android.content.PeriodicSync 实例源码

项目:FMTech    文件   
private static void a(Context paramContext, Account paramAccount)
  String str =;
  long l = Math.max(a, ((hyi)mbb.a(paramContext, hyi.class)).c(aun.b, str).longValue());
  Iterator localIterator = ContentResolver.getPeriodicSyncs(paramAccount, "").iterator();
  int i = 0;
  if (localIterator.hasNext())
    PeriodicSync localPeriodicSync = (PeriodicSync);
    if (localPeriodicSync.period == l) {}
    for (int j = 1;; j = 0)
      if (j == 0) {
        ContentResolver.removePeriodicSync(paramAccount, "", localPeriodicSync.extras);
      i |= j;
  if (i == 0)
    Bundle localBundle = new Bundle();
    localBundle.putBoolean("sync_periodic", true);
    ContentResolver.addPeriodicSync(paramAccount, "", localBundle, l);
项目:pedefacil    文件   
 * Test if periodic sync is already configured
 * @param intervalInMinute interval in minute
 * @return true if already exists
private boolean periodicSyncExists( int intervalInMinute ) {
    boolean exists = false;
    long syncInSecond = intervalInMinute * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
    List<PeriodicSync> periodicSyncs = ContentResolver.getPeriodicSyncs(mAccount, mAuthority);
    if ( periodicSyncs != null && !periodicSyncs.isEmpty()) {
        for( PeriodicSync periodicSync : periodicSyncs ) {
            if (periodicSync.period == syncInSecond) {
                exists = true ;
    return exists;
项目:FullRobolectricTestSample    文件   
public static void addPeriodicSync(Account account, String authority, Bundle extras,
                   long pollFrequency) {

  getStatus(account, authority, true).syncs.add(new PeriodicSync(account, authority, extras, pollFrequency));
项目:FullRobolectricTestSample    文件   
public void shouldGetPeriodSyncs() throws Exception {
  assertThat(ContentResolver.getPeriodicSyncs(a, AUTHORITY).size()).isEqualTo(0);
  ContentResolver.addPeriodicSync(a, AUTHORITY, new Bundle(), 6000l);

  List<PeriodicSync> syncs = ContentResolver.getPeriodicSyncs(a, AUTHORITY);

  PeriodicSync first = syncs.get(0);
项目:ntsync-android    文件   
 * Create a new Account and activate the automatic sync
 * @param account
 *            null is not allowed
 * @param accountManager
 *            null is not allowed
 * @param password
 *            null is not allowed
public static boolean createAccount(Context context, final Account account,
        AccountManager accountManager, String password) {
    boolean added = accountManager.addAccountExplicitly(account, password,
    if (added) {
        List<PeriodicSync> syncs = ContentResolver.getPeriodicSyncs(
                account, ContactsContract.AUTHORITY);
        if (syncs != null) {
            // Remove default syncs.
            for (PeriodicSync periodicSync : syncs) {
                        ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, periodicSync.extras);
        SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager
        int synctime;
        try {
            synctime = settings.getInt("pref_synctime",
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            LogHelper.logI(TAG, "Invalid SyncTime-Settingvalue", e);
            synctime = DEFAULT_SYNCINTERVAL;
        if (synctime != 0) {
            addPeriodicSync(ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, Bundle.EMPTY,
                    synctime, context);

        // Set contacts sync for this account.
                ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, true);
    } else {
        LogHelper.logI(TAG, "Account " +
                + " is already available.");
    return added;
项目:anewjkuapp    文件   
public static void applySyncInterval(Context context) {
    Account mAccount = AppUtils.getAccount(context);

    if (mAccount != null) {
        List<PeriodicSync> syncs = ContentResolver.getPeriodicSyncs(
                mAccount, CalendarContractWrapper.AUTHORITY());
        for (PeriodicSync sync : syncs) {
            Log.d(TAG, "old sync: " + sync.period);

        // Inform the system that this account supports sync
        // ContentResolver.setIsSyncable(mAccount,
        // CalendarContractWrapper.AUTHORITY(), 1);

        // Remove old sync periode
                CalendarContractWrapper.AUTHORITY(), new Bundle());
                KusssContentContract.AUTHORITY, new Bundle());

        // Turn on periodic syncing
        int interval = getSyncInterval(context);

                CalendarContractWrapper.AUTHORITY(), new Bundle(),
                60 * 60 * interval);
                KusssContentContract.AUTHORITY, new Bundle(),
                60 * 60 * interval);
    AppUtils.updateSyncAlarm(context, true);
项目:ImapNote2    文件   
public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int pos, long id) {
    ((TextView) this.accountSpinner.getSelectedView()).setBackgroundColor(0xFFB6B6B6);
    Account account = Listactivity.accounts[pos];
    // Check periodic sync. If set to 86400 (once a day), set it to 900 (15 minutes)
    // this is due to bad upgrade to v4 which handles offline mode and syncing
    // Remove this code after V4.0 if version no more used
    List<PeriodicSync> currentSyncs = ContentResolver.getPeriodicSyncs (account, AUTHORITY);
    for (PeriodicSync onesync : currentSyncs) {
        if (onesync.period == 86400) {
            ContentResolver.setIsSyncable(account, AUTHORITY, 1);
            ContentResolver.setSyncAutomatically(account, AUTHORITY, true);
            ContentResolver.addPeriodicSync(account, AUTHORITY, new Bundle(), 60);
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Recreating this account is recommended to manage sync interval. Set to 15 minutes in the meantime",
    // End of code
    Listactivity.imapNotes2Account.SetUsername(Listactivity.accountManager.getUserData (account, "username"));
    String pwd = Listactivity.accountManager.getPassword(account);
    Listactivity.imapNotes2Account.SetServer(Listactivity.accountManager.getUserData (account, "server"));
    Listactivity.imapNotes2Account.SetPortnum(Listactivity.accountManager.getUserData (account, "portnum"));
    Listactivity.imapNotes2Account.SetSecurity(Listactivity.accountManager.getUserData (account, "security"));
    Listactivity.imapNotes2Account.SetUsesticky(accountManager.getUserData (account, "usesticky"));
    Listactivity.imapNotes2Account.SetSyncinterval(Listactivity.accountManager.getUserData (account, "syncinterval"));
项目:YourAppIdea    文件   
 * Test if periodic sync is already configured
 * @param intervalInMinute interval in minute
 * @return true if already exists
private boolean periodicSyncExists(int intervalInMinute) {
    boolean exists = false;
    long syncInSecond = intervalInMinute * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
    List<PeriodicSync> periodicSyncs = ContentResolver.getPeriodicSyncs(mAccount, mAuthority);
    if (periodicSyncs != null && !periodicSyncs.isEmpty()) {
        for (PeriodicSync periodicSync : periodicSyncs) {
            if (periodicSync.period == syncInSecond) {
                exists = true;
    return exists;
项目:FullRobolectricTestSample    文件   
public static List<PeriodicSync> getPeriodicSyncs(Account account, String authority) {
  return getStatus(account, authority, true).syncs;
项目:chailmis-android    文件   
private List<PeriodicSync> getPeriodicSyncs(User user) {
    Account account = new Account(user.getUsername(), syncAccountType);
    return ShadowContentResolver.getPeriodicSyncs(account, syncContentAuthority);