private void configureBounds(Canvas canvas) { Rect clipBounds = canvas.getClipBounds(); Matrix canvasMatrix = canvas.getMatrix(); if (ScaleType.CENTER == this.mScaleType) { this.mBounds.set(clipBounds); } else if (ScaleType.CENTER_CROP == this.mScaleType) { applyScaleToRadii(canvasMatrix); this.mBounds.set(clipBounds); } else if (ScaleType.FIT_XY == this.mScaleType) { Matrix m = new Matrix(); m.setRectToRect(this.mBitmapRect, new RectF(clipBounds), ScaleToFit.FILL); this.mBitmapShader.setLocalMatrix(m); this.mBounds.set(clipBounds); } else if (ScaleType.FIT_START == this.mScaleType || ScaleType.FIT_END == this .mScaleType || ScaleType.FIT_CENTER == this.mScaleType || ScaleType .CENTER_INSIDE == this.mScaleType) { applyScaleToRadii(canvasMatrix); this.mBounds.set(this.mBitmapRect); } else if (ScaleType.MATRIX == this.mScaleType) { applyScaleToRadii(canvasMatrix); this.mBounds.set(this.mBitmapRect); } }
private void calculateImageMatrixFromScale(float scale, Matrix matrix) { matrix.reset(); Drawable drawable = view.getDrawable(); if (drawable != null && maxImageSize != 0) { // First make sure our image respects mMaxImageSize. RectF drawableBounds = tmpRectF1; RectF imageBounds = tmpRectF2; drawableBounds.set(0, 0, drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), drawable.getIntrinsicHeight()); imageBounds.set(0, 0, maxImageSize, maxImageSize); matrix.setRectToRect(drawableBounds, imageBounds, ScaleToFit.CENTER); // Then scale it as requested. matrix.postScale(scale, scale, maxImageSize / 2f, maxImageSize / 2f); } }
public final void onLoaded(FifeImageView paramFifeImageView, Bitmap paramBitmap) { this.mIsImageLoaded = true; if (!this.mIsFrozenInCorpusFill) { this.mHeroImageView.setVisibility(0); } if ((this.mShouldTopAlignImage) && (paramBitmap != null)) { int i = paramBitmap.getWidth(); int j = paramBitmap.getHeight(); int k = this.mHeroImageView.getWidth(); float f = j / i; Matrix localMatrix = new Matrix(); RectF localRectF = new RectF(0.0F, 0.0F, i, j); int m = (int)(f * k); localMatrix.setRectToRect(localRectF, new RectF(0.0F, 0.0F, k, m), Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL); this.mHeroImageView.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.MATRIX); this.mHeroImageView.setImageMatrix(localMatrix); } }
private void restoreInitialPosition() { // Will start animation for the image to return in its bounds updateDiffRect(); if (rectMap.width() < getWidth()) { rectMapUpdate.offset(-rectMap.centerX() + rectView.centerX(), 0); } else if (rectMap.left > 0) { rectMapUpdate.offset(-rectMap.left, 0); } else if (rectMap.right < getWidth()) { rectMapUpdate.offset(getWidth() - rectMap.right, 0); } if (rectMap.height() < getHeight()) { rectMapUpdate.offset(0, -rectMap.centerY() + rectView.centerY()); } else if ( > 0) { rectMapUpdate.offset(0,; } else if (rectMap.bottom < getHeight()) { rectMapUpdate.offset(0, getHeight() - rectMap.bottom); } if (!equalsRect(rectMapUpdate, rectMap)) { // Create matrix for translation from current rect to new rect matrixTranslate.setRectToRect(rectMapOrigin, rectMapUpdate, ScaleToFit.FILL); mapScaleAnim = new ZoomScaleAnim(matrix, matrixTranslate, 200); startZoomAnimation(); } }
protected void onBoundsChange(Rect bounds) { super.onBoundsChange(bounds); this.mRect.set((float) this.margin, (float) this.margin, (float) (bounds.width() - this.margin), (float) (bounds.height() - this.margin)); Matrix shaderMatrix = new Matrix(); shaderMatrix.setRectToRect(this.mBitmapRect, this.mRect, ScaleToFit.FILL); this.bitmapShader.setLocalMatrix(shaderMatrix); }
protected void onBoundsChange(Rect bounds) { super.onBoundsChange(bounds); this.mRect.set(0.0f, 0.0f, (float) bounds.width(), (float) bounds.height()); this.radius = (float) (Math.min(bounds.width(), bounds.height()) / 2); this.strokeRadius = this.radius - (this.strokeWidth / 2.0f); Matrix shaderMatrix = new Matrix(); shaderMatrix.setRectToRect(this.mBitmapRect, this.mRect, ScaleToFit.FILL); this.bitmapShader.setLocalMatrix(shaderMatrix); }
public void setFraming(final Rect frame, final RectF framePreview, final int displayRotation, final int cameraRotation, final boolean cameraFlip) { this.frame = frame; matrix.setRectToRect(framePreview, new RectF(frame), ScaleToFit.FILL); matrix.postRotate(-displayRotation, frame.exactCenterX(), frame.exactCenterY()); matrix.postScale(cameraFlip ? -1 : 1, 1, frame.exactCenterX(), frame.exactCenterY()); matrix.postRotate(cameraRotation, frame.exactCenterX(), frame.exactCenterY()); invalidate(); }
private void updateMatrix() { Drawable localDrawable = getDrawable(); float f1 = getWidth(); float f2 = getHeight(); if ((localDrawable == null) || (f1 == 0.0F) || (f2 == 0.0F)) { return; } float f3 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(); float f4 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight(); if ((f3 <= 0.0F) || (f4 <= 0.0F)) { this.mMatrix.reset(); } for (;;) { super.setImageMatrix(this.mMatrix); return; float f5 = Math.max(f1 / f3, f2 / f4); float f6 = Math.max(f3 - f1 / f5, 0.0F); float f7 = Math.max(f4 - f2 / f5, 0.0F); float f8 = f6 * this.mFocusPoint.x; float f9 = f6 - f8; float f10 = f7 * this.mFocusPoint.y; float f11 = f7 - f10; float f12 = f3 * (this.mDefaultZoom - 1.0F); float f13 = f4 * (this.mDefaultZoom - 1.0F); RectF localRectF1 = new RectF(f8 + f12 / 2.0F, f10 + f13 / 2.0F, f3 - f9 - f12 / 2.0F, f4 - f11 - f13 / 2.0F); RectF localRectF2 = new RectF(0.0F, 0.0F, f1, f2); this.mMatrix.setRectToRect(localRectF1, localRectF2, Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL); } }
private void resetOrigin() { if (rectView.isEmpty()) { matrixOrigin.reset(); } else { matrixOrigin.setRectToRect(rectMapOrigin, rectView, ScaleToFit.CENTER); matrixOrigin.getValues(matrixOriginValues); } }
protected final View onCreateThemedView(LayoutInflater paramLayoutInflater, ViewGroup paramViewGroup, Bundle paramBundle) { View localView = paramLayoutInflater.inflate(this.mRootLayout, paramViewGroup, false); this.mMainContent = ((FocusedViewToTopScrollView)localView.findViewById(; this.mTitleImageView = ((FifeNetworkImageView)localView.findViewById(; this.mTopBarView = ((TopBarView)localView.findViewById(; this.mTitleSeparator = localView.findViewById(; this.mButtonBar = ((ButtonBar)localView.findViewById(; this.mButtonBar.setPositiveButtonOnClickListener(this); this.mButtonBar.setNegativeButtonOnClickListener(this); this.mButtonBar.setExpandButtonOnClickListener(this); String str = this.mArguments.getBundle("additionalArgs").getString(""); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) { this.mTitleImageView.setOnLoadedListener(new FifeNetworkImageView.OnLoadedListener() { public final void onLoaded$70e9aa75(Bitmap paramAnonymousBitmap) { int i; int j; int k; int m; float f; int n; if (paramAnonymousBitmap != null) { BaseOrchestrationFragment.this.mTitleImageView.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.MATRIX); i = BaseOrchestrationFragment.this.mTitleImageView.getWidth(); j = BaseOrchestrationFragment.this.mTitleImageView.getHeight(); k = paramAnonymousBitmap.getWidth(); m = paramAnonymousBitmap.getHeight(); f = k / m; if (!BaseOrchestrationFragment.this.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.wallet_uic_is_tablet)) { break label156; } n = (int)(f * j); } for (int i1 = j;; i1 = Math.max(j, (int)(i / f))) { RectF localRectF1 = new RectF(0.0F, 0.0F, k, m); RectF localRectF2 = new RectF(0.0F, 0.0F, n, i1); Matrix localMatrix = new Matrix(); localMatrix.setRectToRect(localRectF1, localRectF2, Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL); BaseOrchestrationFragment.this.mTitleImageView.setImageMatrix(localMatrix); return; label156: n = Math.max(i, (int)(f * j)); } } }); this.mTitleImageView.setVisibility(0); this.mTitleImageView.setFadeIn(false); this.mTitleImageView.setFifeImageUrl(str, PaymentUtils.getImageLoader(getActivity().getApplicationContext()), ((Boolean)G.images.useWebPForFife.get()).booleanValue()); } this.mTopInfoText = ((ImInfoMessageTextView)localView.findViewById(; this.mTopInfoText.setParentUiNode(this); this.mTopInfoText.setUrlClickListener(this); this.mProgressTopBarView = ((TopBarView)localView.findViewById(; this.mProgressBar = ((ProgressBar)localView.findViewById(; this.mProgressText = ((TextView)localView.findViewById(; this.mErrorText = ((TextView)localView.findViewById(; this.mErrorCode = ((TextView)localView.findViewById(; updateNonSubformPageUi(); this.mSubFormFragment = ((FormFragment)getChildFragmentManager().findFragmentById(; if (this.mSubFormFragment == null) { updateSubFormFragment(); } for (;;) { if ((paramBundle != null) && (this.mInlineErrorMessageDetails != null)) { updateInlineErrorMessageStateAndVisibility(); } localView.findViewById(; return localView; configureAutoScrollingForPage(); constructAndConfigureDependencyGraphManagerForPage(); } }
private final void c(int paramInt1, int paramInt2) { int i1 = getPaddingTop(); int i2 = getPaddingRight(); int i3 = getPaddingBottom(); int i4 = getPaddingLeft(); int i5 = getWidth() - i4 - i2; int i6 = getHeight() - i1 - i3; float f1 = paramInt1 / paramInt2; float f2 = i5 / i6; switch (this.w) { } for (;;) { this.aj.set(;; this.ak.setRectToRect(this.aj,, Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL); if (!this.ak.invert( {; } return;, 0, paramInt1, paramInt2); if (f1 > f2) { int i11 = (i6 - (int)(i5 / f1)) / 2; this.ah.set(i4, i1 + i11, i5 + i4, i1 + i6 - i11); } else { int i10 = (i5 - (int)(f1 * i6)) / 2; this.ah.set(i4 + i10, i1, i5 + i4 - i10, i6 + i1); continue; if (f1 > f2) { int i9 = (paramInt1 - (int)(f2 * paramInt2)) / 2;, 0, paramInt1 - i9, paramInt2); } for (;;) { this.ah.set(i4, i1, i5 + i4, i6 + i1); break; int i7 = (int)(paramInt1 / f2); int i8 = Math.max((int)(paramInt2 * this.N) - i7 / 2, 0);, i8, paramInt1, i7 + i8); }, 0, paramInt1, paramInt2); this.ah.set(0, 0, i5, i6); } } }