private void drawTriangle(Canvas c, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, Rect bounds) { if (this.mShowArrow) { if (this.mArrow == null) { this.mArrow = new Path(); this.mArrow.setFillType(FillType.EVEN_ODD); } else { this.mArrow.reset(); } float inset = ((float) (((int) this.mStrokeInset) / 2)) * this.mArrowScale; float x = (float) ((this.mRingCenterRadius * Math.cos(0.0d)) + ((double) bounds.exactCenterX())); float y = (float) ((this.mRingCenterRadius * Math.sin(0.0d)) + ((double) bounds.exactCenterY())); this.mArrow.moveTo(0.0f, 0.0f); this.mArrow.lineTo(((float) this.mArrowWidth) * this.mArrowScale, 0.0f); this.mArrow.lineTo((((float) this.mArrowWidth) * this.mArrowScale) / 2.0f, ((float) this.mArrowHeight) * this.mArrowScale); this.mArrow.offset(x - inset, y); this.mArrow.close(); this.mArrowPaint.setColor(this.mCurrentColor); c.rotate((startAngle + sweepAngle) - 5.0f, bounds.exactCenterX(), bounds.exactCenterY()); c.drawPath(this.mArrow, this.mArrowPaint); } }
private void buildShadowCorners() { RectF innerBounds = new RectF(-this.mCornerRadius, -this.mCornerRadius, this.mCornerRadius, this.mCornerRadius); RectF outerBounds = new RectF(innerBounds); outerBounds.inset(-this.mShadowSize, -this.mShadowSize); if (this.mCornerShadowPath == null) { this.mCornerShadowPath = new Path(); } else { this.mCornerShadowPath.reset(); } this.mCornerShadowPath.setFillType(FillType.EVEN_ODD); this.mCornerShadowPath.moveTo(-this.mCornerRadius, 0.0f); this.mCornerShadowPath.rLineTo(-this.mShadowSize, 0.0f); this.mCornerShadowPath.arcTo(outerBounds, 180.0f, 90.0f, false); this.mCornerShadowPath.arcTo(innerBounds, 270.0f, -90.0f, false); this.mCornerShadowPath.close(); float startRatio = this.mCornerRadius / (this.mCornerRadius + this.mShadowSize); this.mCornerShadowPaint.setShader(new RadialGradient(0.0f, 0.0f, this.mCornerRadius + this.mShadowSize, new int[]{this.mShadowStartColor, this.mShadowStartColor, this.mShadowEndColor}, new float[]{0.0f, startRatio, 1.0f}, TileMode.CLAMP)); this.mEdgeShadowPaint.setShader(new LinearGradient(0.0f, (-this.mCornerRadius) + this.mShadowSize, 0.0f, (-this.mCornerRadius) - this.mShadowSize, new int[]{this.mShadowStartColor, this.mShadowStartColor, this.mShadowEndColor}, new float[]{0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f}, TileMode.CLAMP)); this.mEdgeShadowPaint.setAntiAlias(false); }
private void buildShadowCorners() { RectF innerBounds = new RectF(-this.mCornerRadius, -this.mCornerRadius, this.mCornerRadius, this.mCornerRadius); RectF outerBounds = new RectF(innerBounds); outerBounds.inset(-this.mShadowSize, -this.mShadowSize); if (this.mCornerShadowPath == null) { this.mCornerShadowPath = new Path(); } else { this.mCornerShadowPath.reset(); } this.mCornerShadowPath.setFillType(FillType.EVEN_ODD); this.mCornerShadowPath.moveTo(-this.mCornerRadius, 0.0f); this.mCornerShadowPath.rLineTo(-this.mShadowSize, 0.0f); this.mCornerShadowPath.arcTo(outerBounds, 180.0f, 90.0f, false); this.mCornerShadowPath.arcTo(innerBounds, 270.0f, -90.0f, false); this.mCornerShadowPath.close(); float shadowRadius =; if (shadowRadius > 0.0f) { float startRatio = this.mCornerRadius / shadowRadius; float midRatio = startRatio + ((1.0f - startRatio) / 2.0f); this.mCornerShadowPaint.setShader(new RadialGradient(0.0f, 0.0f, shadowRadius, new int[]{0, this.mShadowStartColor, this.mShadowMiddleColor, this.mShadowEndColor}, new float[]{0.0f, startRatio, midRatio, 1.0f}, TileMode.CLAMP)); } this.mEdgeShadowPaint.setShader(new LinearGradient(0.0f,, 0.0f,, new int[]{this.mShadowStartColor, this.mShadowMiddleColor, this.mShadowEndColor}, new float[]{0.0f, SHADOW_HORIZ_SCALE, 1.0f}, TileMode.CLAMP)); this.mEdgeShadowPaint.setAntiAlias(false); }
public DiscoveryBadgeRating(Context paramContext, AttributeSet paramAttributeSet) { super(paramContext, paramAttributeSet); Resources localResources = getResources(); this.mBadgeRadius = (localResources.getDimensionPixelSize(2131493007) / 2); this.mPaint = new Paint(1); this.mOctagonPath = new Path(); this.mOctagonPath.setFillType(Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD); setWillNotDraw(false); this.mVertices = new PointF[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { this.mVertices[i] = new PointF(); } this.mWhiteOctagonStrokeWidth = localResources.getDimensionPixelSize(2131493299); this.mWhiteOctagonRadius = (this.mBadgeRadius - this.mWhiteOctagonStrokeWidth - this.mWhiteOctagonStrokeWidth / 2); this.mPressedFillColor = localResources.getColor(2131689475); this.mPressedOutlineColor = localResources.getColor(2131689476); this.mFocusedOutlineColor = localResources.getColor(2131689473); this.mOutlineStrokeWidth = (0.5F * localResources.getDimensionPixelSize(2131493377)); }
@Override public synchronized boolean draw(BoundingBox boundingBox, byte zoomLevel, Canvas canvas, Point canvasPosition) { synchronized (this.polygonalChains) { if (this.polygonalChains.isEmpty() || (this.paintStroke == null && this.paintFill == null)) { return false; } Path path = new Path(); path.setFillType(FillType.EVEN_ODD); for (int i = 0; i < this.polygonalChains.size(); ++i) { PolygonalChain polygonalChain = this.polygonalChains.get(i); Path closedPath = polygonalChain.draw(zoomLevel, canvasPosition, true); if (closedPath != null) { path.addPath(closedPath); } } if (this.paintStroke != null) { canvas.drawPath(path, this.paintStroke); } if (this.paintFill != null) { canvas.drawPath(path, this.paintFill); } return true; } }
private void drawDirections(Canvas canvas) { paint.setShader(null); for (int i = 0; i < directions.length; i++) { Point[] dirPixelPoints = pixelPoints[i]; Path path = new Path(); path.setFillType(FillType.WINDING); path.moveTo(dirPixelPoints[0].x, dirPixelPoints[0].y); for (int j = 1; j < dirPixelPoints.length; j++) path.lineTo(dirPixelPoints[j].x, dirPixelPoints[j].y); if (directions[i].isOutside(app.campus) && i != curDir) { canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } else if (!directions[i].isOutside(app.campus) && i != curDir) { setDashPathInnerPaint(i); canvas.drawPath(path, insidePaint); } } }
private Path.FillType getClipRuleFromState() { if ( == null) { return Path.FillType.WINDING; } switch (1.$SwitchMap$com$caverock$androidsvg$SVG$Style$FillRule[]) { default: return Path.FillType.WINDING; } return Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD; }
protected final void onMeasure(int paramInt1, int paramInt2) { int i1 = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(paramInt1); int i2 = i1 - this.h.m - this.h.m; if (this.a) { i2 -= this.d + this.h.m; } TextPaint localTextPaint = efj.B(getContext(), aw.ei); boolean bool = TextUtils.isEmpty(this.b); int i3 = 0; if (!bool) { lwj locallwj = this.m; String str = this.b; int i10 = this.n; Point localPoint = new Point(); lxi locallxi = (lxi)locallwj.a(0, 0, i2, 0, null, null, 0, str, localPoint, localTextPaint, true, i10, true, null); locallxi.a(localPoint.x, localPoint.y); this.i = locallxi; i3 = this.i.getHeight(); } int i4 = i3 + 3 * this.h.m; this.l = (i4 - this.h.m); if (!this.a) { int i5 = i1 - this.h.m - this.h.m / 2; int i6 = i5 - this.h.aU; int i7 = i6 + (i5 - i6) / 2; int i8 = this.l - (int)this.h.u.getStrokeWidth(); int i9 = i8 + this.h.aV; this.j.setFillType(Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD); this.j.moveTo(i6, i8); this.j.lineTo(i5, i8); this.j.lineTo(i7, i9); this.j.lineTo(i6, i8); this.j.close(); } setMeasuredDimension(i1, i4); }
private void ˊ(ナ paramナ, Canvas paramCanvas) { int i = -1 + this.ͺ; Path localPath = new Path(); localPath.setFillType(Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD); localPath.moveTo(this.ˏ, i); Paint localPaint = new Paint(1); localPaint.setPathEffect(new CornerPathEffect(4.0F)); localPaint.setColor(this.ˈ.getResources().getColor(2131230763)); localPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); float f1 = this.ˊ / 160.0F; for (int j = 0; j < this.ʿ.length; j++) { int k = j; if (paramナ.ˊ[k] == -1.0F) { float f2 = 0.0F; if (j > 0) f2 = this.ʿ[(j - 1)]; localPath.lineTo(f2, this.ͺ); localPath.close(); paramCanvas.drawPath(localPath, localPaint); return; } int m = j; float f3 = paramナ.ˊ[m]; float f4 = this.ʿ[j]; float f5 = this.ͺ - f1 * f3; if (f5 == this.ͺ) localPath.moveTo(f4, i); else localPath.lineTo(f4, f5); } localPath.lineTo(this.ʽ, this.ͺ); localPath.close(); paramCanvas.drawPath(localPath, localPaint); }
/** * Draw the gauge. * * @param canvas */ private void drawAxis(Canvas canvas) { // Draw the Y axis canvas.drawLine(rimRect.centerX(),, rimRect.centerX(), rimRect.bottom, axisPaint); // Draw the X axis canvas.drawLine(rimRect.left, rimRect.centerY(), rimRect.right, rimRect.centerY(), axisPaint); // Draw the Y axis arrow Path yArrowPath = new Path(); yArrowPath.setFillType(FillType.EVEN_ODD); yArrowPath.moveTo(rimRect.centerX() - 0.002f,; yArrowPath.lineTo(rimRect.centerX() + 0.05f, + 0.05f); yArrowPath.moveTo(rimRect.centerX() + 0.002f,; yArrowPath.lineTo(rimRect.centerX() - 0.05f, + 0.05f); canvas.drawPath(yArrowPath, axisPaint); // Draw the Y axis arrow Path xArrowPath = new Path(); xArrowPath.setFillType(FillType.EVEN_ODD); xArrowPath.moveTo(rimRect.right, rimRect.centerY() + 0.002f); xArrowPath.lineTo(rimRect.right - 0.05f, rimRect.centerY() - 0.05f); xArrowPath.moveTo(rimRect.right, rimRect.centerY() - 0.002f); xArrowPath.lineTo(rimRect.right - 0.05f, rimRect.centerY() + 0.05f); canvas.drawPath(xArrowPath, axisPaint); }
private void cropImageByPath() { //closing the path now. clipPath.close(); //setting the fill type to inverse, so that the outer part of the selected path gets filled. clipPath.setFillType(FillType.INVERSE_WINDING); Paint xferPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); xferPaint.setColor(Color.BLACK); canvas.drawPath(clipPath, xferPaint); xferPaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_IN)); canvas.drawBitmap(alteredBitmap, 0, 0, xferPaint); }
public void drawPath(Canvas canvas) { Point[] curPixelPoints = pixelPoints[curDir]; // setup gradient paint.setShader(getPathShader(curPixelPoints)); // draw path Path path = new Path(); path.setFillType(FillType.WINDING); path.moveTo(curPixelPoints[0].x, curPixelPoints[0].y); for (int i = 1; i < curPixelPoints.length; i += 1) path.lineTo(curPixelPoints[i].x, curPixelPoints[i].y); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); }
protected final void buildComponents(Rect paramRect) { super.buildComponents(paramRect); this.mFullOutlinePath.reset(); this.mFullOutlinePath.setFillType(Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD); this.mFullOutlinePath.moveTo(this.mCardBounds.left + this.mCornerRadius,; if (this.mBubbleGravity == 48) { this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mBubbleCenterX - this.mBubbleTriangleBaseSize / 2.0F,; this.mOutlineCornerRect.set(this.mBubbleCenterX - this.mCornerRadius, - this.mBubbleSize + this.mShadowSize / 2.0F, this.mBubbleCenterX + this.mCornerRadius, - this.mBubbleSize + this.mShadowSize / 2.0F + 2.0F * this.mCornerRadius); this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mOutlineCornerRect.left, + this.mCornerRadius / 2.0F); this.mFullOutlinePath.arcTo(this.mOutlineCornerRect, 225.0F, 90.0F, false); this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mBubbleCenterX + this.mBubbleTriangleBaseSize / 2.0F,; } this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mCardBounds.right - this.mCornerRadius,; if (this.mCornerRadius > 0.0F) { this.mOutlineCornerRect.set(this.mCardBounds.right - 2.0F * this.mCornerRadius,, this.mCardBounds.right, + 2.0F * this.mCornerRadius); this.mFullOutlinePath.arcTo(this.mOutlineCornerRect, 270.0F, 90.0F, false); } if (this.mBubbleGravity == 5) { this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mCardBounds.right, this.mBubbleCenterY - this.mBubbleTriangleBaseSize / 2.0F); this.mOutlineCornerRect.set(this.mCardBounds.right + this.mBubbleSize - this.mShadowSize / 2.0F - 2.0F * this.mCornerRadius, this.mBubbleCenterY - this.mCornerRadius, this.mCardBounds.right + this.mBubbleSize - this.mShadowSize / 2.0F, this.mBubbleCenterY + this.mCornerRadius); this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mOutlineCornerRect.right - this.mCornerRadius / 2.0F,; this.mFullOutlinePath.arcTo(this.mOutlineCornerRect, 315.0F, 90.0F, false); this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mCardBounds.right, this.mBubbleCenterY + this.mBubbleTriangleBaseSize / 2.0F); } this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mCardBounds.right, this.mCardBounds.bottom - this.mCornerRadius); if (this.mCornerRadius > 0.0F) { this.mOutlineCornerRect.set(this.mCardBounds.right - 2.0F * this.mCornerRadius, this.mCardBounds.bottom - 2.0F * this.mCornerRadius, this.mCardBounds.right, this.mCardBounds.bottom); this.mFullOutlinePath.arcTo(this.mOutlineCornerRect, 0.0F, 90.0F, false); } if (this.mBubbleGravity == 80) { this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mBubbleCenterX + this.mBubbleTriangleBaseSize / 2.0F, this.mCardBounds.bottom); this.mOutlineCornerRect.set(this.mBubbleCenterX - this.mCornerRadius, this.mCardBounds.bottom + this.mBubbleSize - this.mShadowSize / 2.0F - 2.0F * this.mCornerRadius, this.mBubbleCenterX + this.mCornerRadius, this.mCardBounds.bottom + this.mBubbleSize - this.mShadowSize / 2.0F); this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mOutlineCornerRect.right, this.mOutlineCornerRect.bottom - this.mCornerRadius / 2.0F); this.mFullOutlinePath.arcTo(this.mOutlineCornerRect, 45.0F, 90.0F, false); this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mBubbleCenterX - this.mBubbleTriangleBaseSize / 2.0F, this.mCardBounds.bottom); } this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mCardBounds.left + this.mCornerRadius, this.mCardBounds.bottom); if (this.mCornerRadius > 0.0F) { this.mOutlineCornerRect.set(this.mCardBounds.left, this.mCardBounds.bottom - 2.0F * this.mCornerRadius, this.mCardBounds.left + 2.0F * this.mCornerRadius, this.mCardBounds.bottom); this.mFullOutlinePath.arcTo(this.mOutlineCornerRect, 90.0F, 90.0F, false); } if (this.mBubbleGravity == 3) { this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mCardBounds.left, this.mBubbleCenterY + this.mBubbleTriangleBaseSize / 2.0F); this.mOutlineCornerRect.set(this.mCardBounds.left - this.mBubbleSize + this.mShadowSize / 2.0F, this.mBubbleCenterY - this.mCornerRadius, this.mCardBounds.left - this.mBubbleSize + this.mShadowSize / 2.0F + 2.0F * this.mCornerRadius, this.mBubbleCenterY + this.mCornerRadius); this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mOutlineCornerRect.left + this.mCornerRadius / 2.0F, this.mOutlineCornerRect.bottom); this.mFullOutlinePath.arcTo(this.mOutlineCornerRect, 135.0F, 90.0F, false); this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mCardBounds.left, this.mBubbleCenterY - this.mBubbleTriangleBaseSize / 2.0F); } this.mFullOutlinePath.lineTo(this.mCardBounds.left, + this.mCornerRadius); if (this.mCornerRadius > 0.0F) { this.mOutlineCornerRect.set(this.mCardBounds.left,, this.mCardBounds.left + 2.0F * this.mCornerRadius, + 2.0F * this.mCornerRadius); this.mFullOutlinePath.arcTo(this.mOutlineCornerRect, 180.0F, 90.0F, false); } this.mFullOutlinePath.close(); }
public StarRatingBar(Context paramContext, AttributeSet paramAttributeSet) { super(paramContext, paramAttributeSet); Resources localResources = paramContext.getResources(); TypedArray localTypedArray = paramContext.obtainStyledAttributes(paramAttributeSet, R.styleable.StarRatingBar); this.mGap = localTypedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.StarRatingBar_gap, 0); this.mRating = localTypedArray.getFloat(R.styleable.StarRatingBar_rating, 0.0F); this.mStarHeight = localTypedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.StarRatingBar_star_height, localResources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.play_star_height_default)); this.mRange = localTypedArray.getInt(R.styleable.StarRatingBar_range, 5); this.mShowEmptyStars = localTypedArray.getBoolean(R.styleable.StarRatingBar_show_empty_stars, true); this.mIsInCompactMode = localTypedArray.getBoolean(R.styleable.StarRatingBar_compact_mode, false); this.mTextSize = localTypedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.StarRatingBar_text_size, localResources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.play_medium_size)); int i = localTypedArray.getColor(R.styleable.StarRatingBar_star_color, localResources.getColor(R.color.play_white)); int j = localTypedArray.getColor(R.styleable.StarRatingBar_star_bg_color, localResources.getColor(R.color.play_transparent)); localTypedArray.recycle(); this.mStarPaint = new Paint(1); this.mStarPaint.setColor(i); this.mStarPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); this.mStarBackgroundPaint = new Paint(1); this.mStarBackgroundPaint.setColor(j); this.mStarBackgroundPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); this.mStarPath = new Path(); this.mStarPath.setFillType(Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD); this.mLeftHalfStarPath = new Path(); this.mLeftHalfStarPath.setFillType(Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD); this.mRightHalfStarPath = new Path(); this.mRightHalfStarPath.setFillType(Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD); this.mRadius = (this.mStarHeight / (1.0D + Math.sin(0.9424777960769379D))); this.mShortRadius = (Math.sin(0.3926990816987241D) * this.mRadius / Math.sin(2.12057504117311D)); this.mHalfStarWidth = ((float)(this.mRadius * Math.sin(1.256637061435917D))); this.mVertices = new PointF[10]; for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) { this.mVertices[k] = new PointF(); } this.mTextPaint = new TextPaint(1); this.mTextPaint.density = localResources.getDisplayMetrics().density; this.mTextPaint.setTextSize(this.mTextSize); this.mTextPaint.setFakeBoldText(false); Paint.FontMetrics localFontMetrics = this.mTextPaint.getFontMetrics(); this.mTextHeight = ((int)(Math.abs( + Math.abs(localFontMetrics.bottom))); this.mTextBaseline = ((int)Math.abs(; updateRatingDescription(); this.mVertices[0].x = 0.0F; this.mVertices[0].y = (-1.0F * (float)this.mRadius); this.mVertices[1].x = ((float)(this.mShortRadius * Math.sin(0.6283185307179586D))); this.mVertices[1].y = (-1.0F * (float)(this.mShortRadius * Math.cos(0.6283185307179586D))); this.mVertices[2].x = ((float)(this.mRadius * Math.sin(1.256637061435917D))); this.mVertices[2].y = (-1.0F * (float)(this.mRadius * Math.cos(1.256637061435917D))); this.mVertices[3].x = ((float)(this.mShortRadius * Math.sin(1.256637061435917D))); this.mVertices[3].y = ((float)(this.mShortRadius * Math.cos(1.256637061435917D))); this.mVertices[4].x = ((float)(this.mRadius * Math.sin(0.6283185307179586D))); this.mVertices[4].y = ((float)((float)this.mRadius * Math.cos(0.6283185307179586D))); this.mVertices[5].x = 0.0F; this.mVertices[5].y = ((float)this.mShortRadius); this.mVertices[6].x = (-1.0F * this.mVertices[4].x); this.mVertices[6].y = this.mVertices[4].y; this.mVertices[7].x = (-1.0F * this.mVertices[3].x); this.mVertices[7].y = this.mVertices[3].y; this.mVertices[8].x = (-1.0F * this.mVertices[2].x); this.mVertices[8].y = this.mVertices[2].y; this.mVertices[9].x = (-1.0F * this.mVertices[1].x); this.mVertices[9].y = this.mVertices[1].y; initializeStarPaths(); setWillNotDraw(false); }
public final void draw(Canvas paramCanvas) { Rect localRect = getBounds(); int i =; paramCanvas.rotate(this.mRotation, localRect.exactCenterX(), localRect.exactCenterY()); Ring localRing = this.mRing; RectF localRectF = localRing.mTempBounds; localRectF.set(localRect); localRectF.inset(localRing.mStrokeInset, localRing.mStrokeInset); float f1 = 360.0F * (localRing.mStartTrim + localRing.mRotation); float f2 = 360.0F * (localRing.mEndTrim + localRing.mRotation) - f1; localRing.mPaint.setColor(localRing.mCurrentColor); paramCanvas.drawArc(localRectF, f1, f2, false, localRing.mPaint); if (localRing.mShowArrow) { if (localRing.mArrow != null) { break label427; } localRing.mArrow = new Path(); localRing.mArrow.setFillType(Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD); } for (;;) { float f3 = (int)localRing.mStrokeInset / 2 * localRing.mArrowScale; float f4 = (float)(localRing.mRingCenterRadius * Math.cos(0.0D) + localRect.exactCenterX()); float f5 = (float)(localRing.mRingCenterRadius * Math.sin(0.0D) + localRect.exactCenterY()); localRing.mArrow.moveTo(0.0F, 0.0F); localRing.mArrow.lineTo(localRing.mArrowWidth * localRing.mArrowScale, 0.0F); localRing.mArrow.lineTo(localRing.mArrowWidth * localRing.mArrowScale / 2.0F, localRing.mArrowHeight * localRing.mArrowScale); localRing.mArrow.offset(f4 - f3, f5); localRing.mArrow.close(); localRing.mArrowPaint.setColor(localRing.mCurrentColor); paramCanvas.rotate(f1 + f2 - 5.0F, localRect.exactCenterX(), localRect.exactCenterY()); paramCanvas.drawPath(localRing.mArrow, localRing.mArrowPaint); if (localRing.mAlpha < 255) { localRing.mCirclePaint.setColor(localRing.mBackgroundColor); localRing.mCirclePaint.setAlpha(255 - localRing.mAlpha); paramCanvas.drawCircle(localRect.exactCenterX(), localRect.exactCenterY(), localRect.width() / 2, localRing.mCirclePaint); } paramCanvas.restoreToCount(i); return; label427: localRing.mArrow.reset(); } }
public hfb(Context paramContext, AttributeSet paramAttributeSet, int paramInt) { super(paramContext, paramAttributeSet, paramInt); setWillNotDraw(false); Context localContext = getContext(); Resources localResources = localContext.getResources(); this.B = localResources.getDimensionPixelSize(aau.yx); this.A = localResources.getDrawable(aau.yD); this.w = localResources.getDimensionPixelSize(aau.yv); this.g = localResources.getDimensionPixelSize(aau.yw); this.b = localResources.getDimensionPixelSize(aau.yB); this.l = localResources.getDimensionPixelSize(aau.yC); int i1 = this.l; int i2 = this.b; int i3 = localResources.getColor(aau.yn); Point localPoint1 = new Point(0, 0); Point localPoint2 = new Point(0, i2); Point localPoint3 = new Point(i1, i2 / 2); Path localPath = new Path(); localPath.setFillType(Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD); localPath.lineTo(localPoint2.x, localPoint2.y); localPath.lineTo(localPoint3.x, localPoint3.y); localPath.lineTo(localPoint1.x, localPoint1.y); localPath.close(); ShapeDrawable localShapeDrawable = new ShapeDrawable(new PathShape(localPath, i1, i2)); localShapeDrawable.getPaint().setColor(i3); this.a = localShapeDrawable; this.u = localResources.getDimensionPixelSize(aau.ys); this.v = localResources.getDimensionPixelOffset(aau.yr); this.x = localResources.getDimensionPixelSize(aau.yp); this.C = localResources.getDimensionPixelSize(aau.yu); this.c = new Button(localContext, null, 0); TypedArray localTypedArray = localContext.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { 16843534 }); this.c.setBackgroundResource(localTypedArray.getResourceId(0, 0)); localTypedArray.recycle(); this.c.setGravity(16); this.c.setMaxLines(1); this.c.setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt.END); this.c.setVisibility(8); addView(this.c); this.e = new TextView(localContext); this.e.setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt.END); addView(this.e); this.d = new TextView(localContext); this.d.setMaxLines(1); this.d.setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt.END); addView(this.d); this.f = new TextView(localContext); this.f.setMaxLines(1); this.f.setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt.END); this.f.setTextAppearance(localContext, aau.yL); addView(this.f); this.i = new TextView(localContext); this.i.setGravity(16); this.i.setTextAppearance(localContext, aau.yL); this.i.setAllCaps(true); this.i.setText(localResources.getString(efj.Gq)); this.i.setVisibility(8); addView(this.i); }
@Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { //must be located here mPaint.setColor(mContext.getResources().getColor(android.R.color.holo_orange_light)); mPaint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); mPaint.setStrokeWidth(RateChartConst.sLineWidth); mPaint.setAntiAlias(true); RateChartManager manager = mManager; int columns = manager.getColumnNum(); double[] YValues = manager.getYValues(); if (YValues == null || YValues.length < columns) return; double[] yValues = new double[YValues.length]; System.arraycopy(YValues, 0, yValues, 0, yValues.length); double[] yCoordinates = manager.getYCoordinates(); double deltaYCoordinateMM = RateDataHelper.getAbsDeltaMaxMin(yCoordinates); double maxYCoordinate = RateDataHelper.getMax(yCoordinates); //draw y coordinate value. float[] drawYValue = new float[YValues.length]; for (int m = 0; m < yValues.length; m++) { drawYValue[m] = (float) (mRegionHeight * (maxYCoordinate - yValues[m]) / deltaYCoordinateMM); } // line path mLinePath.reset(); mLinePath.moveTo(mMarginLeft, mMarginTop + drawYValue[0]); mShaderPath.reset(); mShaderPath.moveTo(mMarginLeft, mMarginTop + drawYValue[0]); float deltaX = mRegionWidth / (columns - 1); if (columns < RateChartConst.sColumnNum) { deltaX = mRegionWidth / (RateChartConst.sColumnNum - 1); } for (int i = 1; i < columns; i++) { mLinePath.lineTo(mMarginLeft + deltaX * i, drawYValue[i] + mMarginTop); mShaderPath.lineTo(mMarginLeft + deltaX * i, drawYValue[i] + mMarginTop); } //draw shader mShaderPath.lineTo(mMarginLeft + deltaX * (columns - 1), mRegionHeight + mMarginTop); mShaderPath.lineTo(mMarginLeft, mRegionHeight + mMarginTop); mShaderPath.lineTo(mMarginLeft, mMarginTop + drawYValue[0]); mShaderPath.setFillType(FillType.EVEN_ODD); canvas.drawPath(mShaderPath, mShaderPaint); //draw line canvas.drawPath(mLinePath, mPaint); //draw orange circle mPaint.setStrokeWidth(RateChartConst.sCircleWidth); canvas.drawCircle(mMarginLeft + deltaX * (columns - 1), drawYValue[columns - 1] + mMarginTop, RateChartConst.sCircleOuterRadius, mPaint); //draw inner circle. mPaint.setColor(mContext.getResources().getColor(android.R.color.white)); mPaint.setStyle(Style.FILL); canvas.drawCircle(mMarginLeft + deltaX * (columns - 1), drawYValue[columns - 1] + mMarginTop, RateChartConst.sCircleInnerRadius, mPaint); //draw black pop window. float mLatestX = mMarginLeft + deltaX * (columns - 1); float mLatestY = mMarginTop + drawYValue[columns - 1]; showPopText(canvas, mDecimalFormat.format(manager.getYValues()[manager.getYValues().length - 1]), mLatestX, mLatestY); }
private void ˊ(ナ paramナ, Canvas paramCanvas, Paint paramPaint, int paramInt) { int i = -1 + this.ͺ; float f1 = this.ˊ / 160.0F; float f2 = this.ˈ.getResources().getDimension(2131558465); Path localPath = new Path(); localPath.setFillType(Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD); localPath.moveTo(this.ˏ, i); paramPaint.setPathEffect(null); paramPaint.setColor(paramInt); paramPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE); paramPaint.setStrokeWidth((int)(3.0F * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().density)); Paint localPaint = new Paint(1); localPaint.setPathEffect(new CornerPathEffect(4.0F)); localPaint.setColor(paramInt); localPaint.setStrokeWidth((int)(3.0F * Resources.getSystem().getDisplayMetrics().density)); localPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); for (int j = 0; j < this.ʿ.length; j++) { int k = j; if (paramナ.ˊ[k] == -1.0F) { float f6; float f7; if (j > 0) { f6 = this.ʿ[(j - 1)]; float f8 = this.ͺ; int n = j - 1; f7 = f8 - f1 * paramナ.ˊ[n]; } else { f6 = 0.0F; f7 = this.ͺ; } paramCanvas.drawCircle(f6 - 2.5F, f7, f2, paramPaint); break; } float f3 = this.ʿ[j]; float f4 = this.ͺ; int m = j; float f5 = f4 - f1 * paramナ.ˊ[m]; if (f5 == this.ͺ) { localPath.moveTo(f3, i); } else { if (j == -1 + this.ʿ.length) paramCanvas.drawCircle(f3, f5, f2, paramPaint); localPath.lineTo(f3, f5); } } paramCanvas.drawPath(localPath, localPaint); }
private static void renderPolygon(SVGPolygon e, Canvas canvas) { Paint fill = e.getStyle().getFill(); if (fill != null) { fill.setStyle(Style.FILL); } Paint stroke = e.getStyle().getStroke(); if (stroke != null) { stroke.setStyle(Style.STROKE); stroke.setStrokeWidth(e.getStyle().getStrokeWidth()); } FillType ft = null; switch (e.getFillRule()) { case EVENODD: { ft = FillType.EVEN_ODD; break; } case NONZERO: { ft = FillType.WINDING; break; } default: { break; } } // Animation : fill if (e.getAnimationColor() != null && e.getAnimationColor().getType() == EColorOperatorType.FILL) { fill = e.getAnimationColor().getResultingPaint(); fill.setStyle(Style.FILL); } // Animation : stroke if (e.getAnimationColor() != null && e.getAnimationColor().getType() == EColorOperatorType.STROKE) { stroke = e.getAnimationColor().getResultingPaint(); stroke.setStrokeWidth(e.getStyle().getStrokeWidth()); stroke.setStyle(Style.FILL); } // Animation : transformation Matrix ctmElement = e.getElementMatrix(); Matrix ctmScale = e.getScaleMatrix(); e = e.applyCTM(ctmScale.multiply(ctmElement)); List<Vector2> points = e.getPoints(); Path path = new Path(); path.moveTo(points.get(0).getX(), points.get(0).getY()); for (Vector2 point : points) { path.lineTo(point.getX(), point.getY()); } path.close(); path.setFillType(ft); if (fill != null) canvas.drawPath(path, fill); if (stroke != null) canvas.drawPath(path, stroke); }
/** * @Overrided method that handles the core portion, <br> * @warning Dont change the implementation * This method get called when ever a invalidate is invoked */ @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { // Gets the whole available width to work on width = canvas.getWidth(); Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.reload); // Create a mutable bitmap to work on. @warning dont load large images Bitmap mutableBitmap = bitmap.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true); // Set the radius based on image width RADIUS = bitmap.getWidth() / 2; calculatePoints(); // release unused bitmap memory bitmap.recycle(); Path _path = new Path(); if(distance < REFRESH_POSITION && distance >= 0) { // Rough Y point which bend to pass through BEND_POINT_Y = distance/2; // Rough X point which bend to pass through BEND_POINT_X = distance/5; _path.moveTo(top_X1, CENTER_POINT_Y); _path.quadTo(top_X1 + BEND_POINT_X, CENTER_POINT_Y + BEND_POINT_Y, bottom_X1, CENTER_POINT_Y + distance); /* Calculate the radius of the bottom arc */ int bottomRadius = (bottom_X2 - bottom_X1)/2; _path.quadTo(bottom_X1 + bottomRadius, CENTER_POINT_Y + distance + bottomRadius, bottom_X2, CENTER_POINT_Y + distance); _path.quadTo(top_X2 - BEND_POINT_X, CENTER_POINT_Y + BEND_POINT_Y, top_X2, CENTER_POINT_Y ); _path.lineTo(top_X1, CENTER_POINT_Y); _path.setFillType(FillType.WINDING); } _path.close(); // Draw on canvas canvas.drawPath(_path, paint); canvas.drawBitmap(mutableBitmap, (width/2) - RADIUS, CENTER_POINT_Y - RADIUS, paint); refreshList(); mutableBitmap.recycle(); }
@Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onDraw(canvas); float mx = this.getWidth()/2; float my = this.getHeight()/2; float r = getBaseRadius(); int d = 0; float velocity = (value - valueOld1); for (d = depth; d > 0; d--) { Paint p = new Paint(knobColour); int colour = p.getColor(); int green = (colour & 0x0000FF00) >> 8; green += d * 10; colour = (colour & 0xFFFF00FF) | ((green << 8) & 0x0000FF00); p.setColor(colour); float R = r*d; float Rsub = r*d-r; if (d == 1) { Rsub = (float) (r*(d-0.75)); } canvas.drawCircle(0, my, R, p); Path arc = null; float radVelocity = (float) (Math.abs(velocity) * Math.pow(power, d)); radVelocity = radVelocity/16; radVelocity = Math.min(10f/360f*2f*(float)Math.PI, radVelocity); radVelocity = Math.max(1.0f/Rsub, radVelocity); // minimum size radVelocity = radVelocity/2; float alpha = (float) ((0.7f/Rsub / radVelocity)); alpha = Math.min(1.0f, alpha); if (arcs) { arc = new Path(); float lx1 = (float) ((R-10)*Math.cos(-radVelocity)); float ly1 = (float) ((R-10)*Math.sin(-radVelocity)); float lxSub1 = (float) ((Rsub+10)*Math.cos(-radVelocity)); float lySub1 = (float) ((Rsub+10)*Math.sin(-radVelocity)); float lx2 = (float) ((R-10)*Math.cos(radVelocity)); float ly2 = (float) ((R-10)*Math.sin(radVelocity)); float lxSub2 = (float) ((Rsub+10)*Math.cos(radVelocity)); float lySub2 = (float) ((Rsub+10)*Math.sin(radVelocity)); arc.moveTo(lxSub1, lySub1); arc.lineTo(lx1, ly1); arc.lineTo(lx2, ly2); arc.lineTo(lxSub2, lySub2); arc.close(); arc.setFillType(FillType.EVEN_ODD); }; canvas.rotate(value * 360.0f * ((float) Math.pow(power, d)) / 2 / (float) Math.PI, 0, my); Paint marksC = new Paint(marksColour); marksC.setAlpha((int)(alpha * 255)); for (float a = 0; a < 359.8; a += 10f) {; canvas.rotate(a, 0, my); canvas.translate(0, my); if (arcs) { canvas.drawPath(arc, marksC); } else { canvas.drawLine(Rsub, 0, R, 0, marksC); } canvas.restore(); } canvas.restore(); } canvas.drawText("Value :" + value, 0, this.getHeight(), textColour); if (value != valueOld1) { valueOld1 = value; this.invalidate(); } }
@Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { if (!isInitialized) { calculateRegions(); connected = getResources().getDrawable(A.drawable.remote_control_connected); disconnected = getResources().getDrawable(A.drawable.remote_control_disconnected); isInitialized = true; } int width = this.getWidth(); int height = this.getHeight(); Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor(Color.LTGRAY); paint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); if (isScrollPadActive()) { int sbLeft = width - (xScrollBar * 2 / 3); int sbRight = width - (xScrollBar / 3); Path path = new Path(); path.setFillType(FillType.EVEN_ODD); path.moveTo((sbLeft + sbRight) / 2,; path.lineTo(sbLeft, + yBorder / 2); path.lineTo(sbRight, + yBorder / 2); path.lineTo((sbLeft + sbRight) / 2,; path.close(); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); path = new Path(); path.setFillType(FillType.EVEN_ODD); path.moveTo((sbLeft + sbRight) / 2, scrollPad.bottom); path.lineTo(sbLeft, scrollPad.bottom - yBorder / 2); path.lineTo(sbRight, scrollPad.bottom - yBorder / 2); path.lineTo((sbLeft + sbRight) / 2, scrollPad.bottom); path.close(); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); for (int i = (2 * yBorder); i < height - (2 * yBorder); i += yScrollBarItem) { canvas.drawRect( new Rect(sbLeft, i, sbRight, Math.min((i + (yScrollBarItem / 2)), (height - (2 * yScrollBarItem)))), paint); } } if (isButtonsActive()) { canvas.drawRoundRect(leftButton, 5, 5, paint); canvas.drawRoundRect(rightButton, 5, 5, paint); } if (isTouchPadActive()) { canvas.drawLines(new float[] { touchPad.left, + yBorder, touchPad.left, touchPad.bottom - yBorder, touchPad.right, + yBorder, touchPad.right, touchPad.bottom - yBorder, touchPad.left + xBorder,, touchPad.right - xBorder,, touchPad.left + xBorder, touchPad.bottom, touchPad.right - xBorder, touchPad.bottom }, paint); } if (isPointerStickActive()) { canvas.drawOval(pointerStick, paint); canvas.drawOval(pointerStickCenter, paint); } Drawable image = ((client != null) && client.isConnected()) ? connected : disconnected; if (image instanceof BitmapDrawable) { Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) image).getBitmap(); Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.setScale(0.5F, 0.5F); canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, matrix, new Paint()); } invalidate(); }