private Drawable getCachedDelegateDrawable(@NonNull Context context, long key) { Drawable drawable = null; synchronized (this.mDelegateDrawableCacheLock) { LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ConstantState>> cache = (LongSparseArray) this.mDelegateDrawableCaches.get(context); if (cache == null) { } else { WeakReference<ConstantState> wr = (WeakReference) cache.get(key); if (wr != null) { ConstantState entry = (ConstantState) wr.get(); if (entry != null) { drawable = entry.newDrawable(context.getResources()); } else { cache.delete(key); } } } } return drawable; }
private static boolean setContainerConstantStateV9(DrawableContainer drawable, ConstantState constantState) { if (!sSetConstantStateMethodFetched) { try { sSetConstantStateMethod = DrawableContainer.class.getDeclaredMethod("setConstantState", new Class[]{DrawableContainerState.class}); sSetConstantStateMethod.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Could not fetch setConstantState(). Oh well."); } sSetConstantStateMethodFetched = true; } if (sSetConstantStateMethod != null) { try { sSetConstantStateMethod.invoke(drawable, new Object[]{constantState}); return true; } catch (Exception e2) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Could not invoke setConstantState(). Oh well."); } } return false; }
private static boolean setContainerConstantStateV7(DrawableContainer drawable, ConstantState constantState) { if (!sDrawableContainerStateFieldFetched) { try { sDrawableContainerStateField = DrawableContainer.class.getDeclaredField("mDrawableContainerStateField"); sDrawableContainerStateField.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Could not fetch mDrawableContainerStateField. Oh well."); } sDrawableContainerStateFieldFetched = true; } if (sDrawableContainerStateField != null) { try { sDrawableContainerStateField.set(drawable, constantState); return true; } catch (Exception e2) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Could not set mDrawableContainerStateField. Oh well."); } } return false; }
private Drawable getCachedDrawable(@NonNull final Context context, final long key) { synchronized (mDrawableCacheLock) { final LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ConstantState>> cache = mDrawableCaches.get(context); if (cache == null) { return null; } final WeakReference<ConstantState> wr = cache.get(key); if (wr != null) { // We have the key, and the secret ConstantState entry = wr.get(); if (entry != null) { return entry.newDrawable(context.getResources()); } else { // Our entry has been purged cache.delete(key); } } } return null; }
private boolean addDrawableToCache(@NonNull final Context context, final long key, @NonNull final Drawable drawable) { final ConstantState cs = drawable.getConstantState(); if (cs != null) { synchronized (mDrawableCacheLock) { LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ConstantState>> cache = mDrawableCaches.get(context); if (cache == null) { cache = new LongSparseArray<>(); mDrawableCaches.put(context, cache); } cache.put(key, new WeakReference<ConstantState>(cs)); } return true; } return false; }
private Drawable m2496a(Context context, long j) { synchronized (this.f1317m) { C0113f c0113f = (C0113f) this.f1318n.get(context); if (c0113f == null) { return null; } WeakReference weakReference = (WeakReference) c0113f.m641a(j); if (weakReference != null) { ConstantState constantState = (ConstantState) weakReference.get(); if (constantState != null) { Drawable newDrawable = constantState.newDrawable(context.getResources()); return newDrawable; } c0113f.m645b(j); } return null; } }
private Drawable getCachedDelegateDrawable(@NonNull final Context context, final long key) { synchronized (mDelegateDrawableCacheLock) { final LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ConstantState>> cache = mDelegateDrawableCaches.get(context); if (cache == null) { return null; } final WeakReference<ConstantState> wr = cache.get(key); if (wr != null) { // We have the key, and the secret ConstantState entry = wr.get(); if (entry != null) { return entry.newDrawable(context.getResources()); } else { // Our entry has been purged cache.delete(key); } } } return null; }
private boolean addCachedDelegateDrawable(@NonNull final Context context, final long key, @NonNull final Drawable drawable) { final ConstantState cs = drawable.getConstantState(); if (cs != null) { synchronized (mDelegateDrawableCacheLock) { LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ConstantState>> cache = mDelegateDrawableCaches.get(context); if (cache == null) { cache = new LongSparseArray<>(); mDelegateDrawableCaches.put(context, cache); } cache.put(key, new WeakReference<ConstantState>(cs)); } return true; } return false; }
public void setIcon(Drawable paramDrawable) { Drawable.ConstantState localConstantState; if (paramDrawable != null) { localConstantState = paramDrawable.getConstantState(); if (localConstantState != null) { break label52; } } for (;;) { paramDrawable = DrawableCompat.wrap(paramDrawable).mutate(); paramDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, this.mIconSize, this.mIconSize); DrawableCompat.setTintList(paramDrawable, this.mIconTintList); TextViewCompat.setCompoundDrawablesRelative$16207aff(this.mTextView, paramDrawable); return; label52: paramDrawable = localConstantState.newDrawable(); } }
@Override public boolean onPreferenceTreeClick(PreferenceScreen preferenceScreen, Preference preference) { super.onPreferenceTreeClick(preferenceScreen, preference); if (preference instanceof PreferenceScreen) setUpNestedScreen((PreferenceScreen) preference); try { if (preference!=null && preference instanceof PreferenceScreen) { Dialog dialog = ((PreferenceScreen)preference).getDialog(); if (dialog!=null) { Window window = dialog.getWindow(); if (window != null) { ConstantState state = this.getWindow().getDecorView().findViewById(; if (state != null) window.getDecorView().setBackgroundDrawable(state.newDrawable()); } } } } catch(Exception e){} return false; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public final T get() { @Nullable ConstantState state = drawable.getConstantState(); if (state == null) { return drawable; } // Drawables contain temporary state related to how they're being displayed // (alpha, color filter etc), so return a new copy each time. // If we ever return the original drawable, it's temporary state may be changed // and subsequent copies may end up with that temporary state. See #276. return (T) state.newDrawable(); }
public SuggestionsAdapter(Context context, SearchView searchView, SearchableInfo searchable, WeakHashMap<String, ConstantState> outsideDrawablesCache) { super(context, searchView.getSuggestionRowLayout(), null, true); this.mSearchView = searchView; this.mSearchable = searchable; this.mCommitIconResId = searchView.getSuggestionCommitIconResId(); this.mProviderContext = context; this.mOutsideDrawablesCache = outsideDrawablesCache; }
private Drawable checkIconCache(String resourceUri) { ConstantState cached = (ConstantState) this.mOutsideDrawablesCache.get(resourceUri); if (cached == null) { return null; } return cached.newDrawable(); }
private Drawable getActivityIconWithCache(ComponentName component) { String componentIconKey = component.flattenToShortString(); if (this.mOutsideDrawablesCache.containsKey(componentIconKey)) { ConstantState cached = (ConstantState) this.mOutsideDrawablesCache.get(componentIconKey); if (cached == null) { return null; } return cached.newDrawable(this.mProviderContext.getResources()); } Drawable drawable = getActivityIcon(component); this.mOutsideDrawablesCache.put(componentIconKey, drawable == null ? null : drawable.getConstantState()); return drawable; }
public AnimatedVectorDrawableCompatState(Context context, AnimatedVectorDrawableCompatState copy, Callback owner, Resources res) { if (copy != null) { this.mChangingConfigurations = copy.mChangingConfigurations; if (copy.mVectorDrawable != null) { ConstantState cs = copy.mVectorDrawable.getConstantState(); if (res != null) { this.mVectorDrawable = (VectorDrawableCompat) cs.newDrawable(res); } else { this.mVectorDrawable = (VectorDrawableCompat) cs.newDrawable(); } this.mVectorDrawable = (VectorDrawableCompat) this.mVectorDrawable.mutate(); this.mVectorDrawable.setCallback(owner); this.mVectorDrawable.setBounds(copy.mVectorDrawable.getBounds()); this.mVectorDrawable.setAllowCaching(false); } if (copy.mAnimators != null) { int numAnimators = copy.mAnimators.size(); this.mAnimators = new ArrayList(numAnimators); this.mTargetNameMap = new ArrayMap(numAnimators); for (int i = 0; i < numAnimators; i++) { Animator anim = (Animator) copy.mAnimators.get(i); Animator animClone = anim.clone(); String targetName = (String) copy.mTargetNameMap.get(anim); animClone.setTarget(this.mVectorDrawable.getTargetByName(targetName)); this.mAnimators.add(animClone); this.mTargetNameMap.put(animClone, targetName); } } } }
public ConstantState getConstantState() { if (this.mDelegateDrawable != null) { return new VectorDrawableDelegateState(this.mDelegateDrawable.getConstantState()); } this.mVectorState.mChangingConfigurations = getChangingConfigurations(); return this.mVectorState; }
@Nullable public ConstantState getConstantState() { if (this.mState == null || !this.mState.canConstantState()) { return null; } this.mState.mChangingConfigurations = getChangingConfigurations(); return this.mState; }
public void setIcon(Drawable icon) { if (icon != null) { ConstantState state = icon.getConstantState(); if (state != null) { icon = state.newDrawable(); } icon = DrawableCompat.wrap(icon).mutate(); icon.setBounds(0, 0, this.mIconSize, this.mIconSize); DrawableCompat.setTintList(icon, this.mIconTintList); } TextViewCompat.setCompoundDrawablesRelative(this.mTextView, icon, null, null, null); }
public void onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull Context context) { synchronized (mDrawableCacheLock) { LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ConstantState>> cache = mDrawableCaches.get(context); if (cache != null) { // Crude, but we'll just clear the cache when the configuration changes cache.clear(); } } }
private Drawable m2677a(ComponentName componentName) { Object obj = null; String flattenToShortString = componentName.flattenToShortString(); if (this.f1488n.containsKey(flattenToShortString)) { ConstantState constantState = (ConstantState) this.f1488n.get(flattenToShortString); return constantState == null ? null : constantState.newDrawable(this.f1487m.getResources()); } else { Drawable b = m2684b(componentName); if (b != null) { obj = b.getConstantState(); } this.f1488n.put(flattenToShortString, obj); return b; } }
public static boolean m2634b(Drawable drawable) { if (drawable instanceof LayerDrawable) { return VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16; } else if (drawable instanceof InsetDrawable) { return VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14; } else { if (drawable instanceof StateListDrawable) { return VERSION.SDK_INT >= 8; } else { if (drawable instanceof GradientDrawable) { return VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14; } else { if (!(drawable instanceof DrawableContainer)) { return drawable instanceof C0063q ? m2634b(((C0063q) drawable).m469a()) : drawable instanceof C0244a ? m2634b(((C0244a) drawable).m1984a()) : drawable instanceof ScaleDrawable ? m2634b(((ScaleDrawable) drawable).getDrawable()) : true; } else { ConstantState constantState = drawable.getConstantState(); if (!(constantState instanceof DrawableContainerState)) { return true; } for (Drawable b : ((DrawableContainerState) constantState).getChildren()) { if (!m2634b(b)) { return false; } } return true; } } } } }
private boolean m2504a(Context context, long j, Drawable drawable) { ConstantState constantState = drawable.getConstantState(); if (constantState == null) { return false; } synchronized (this.f1317m) { C0113f c0113f = (C0113f) this.f1318n.get(context); if (c0113f == null) { c0113f = new C0113f(); this.f1318n.put(context, c0113f); } c0113f.m646b(j, new WeakReference(constantState)); } return true; }
public ConstantState getConstantState() { if (this.f345b == null || !this.f345b.m488a()) { return null; } this.f345b.f351a = getChangingConfigurations(); return this.f345b; }
public ConstantState getConstantState() { if (this.a != null) { return new C0019t(this.a.getConstantState()); } this.f22c.f76a = getChangingConfigurations(); return this.f22c; }
public C0004d(Context context, C0004d c0004d, Callback callback, Resources resources) { int i = 0; if (c0004d != null) { this.f12a = c0004d.f12a; if (c0004d.f13b != null) { ConstantState constantState = c0004d.f13b.getConstantState(); if (resources != null) { this.f13b = (C0011l) constantState.newDrawable(resources); } else { this.f13b = (C0011l) constantState.newDrawable(); } this.f13b = (C0011l) this.f13b.mutate(); this.f13b.setCallback(callback); this.f13b.setBounds(c0004d.f13b.getBounds()); this.f13b.m34a(false); } if (c0004d.f14c != null) { int size = c0004d.f14c.size(); this.f14c = new ArrayList(size); this.f15d = new C0107a(size); while (i < size) { Animator animator = (Animator) c0004d.f14c.get(i); Animator clone = animator.clone(); String str = (String) c0004d.f15d.get(animator); clone.setTarget(this.f13b.m33a(str)); this.f14c.add(clone); this.f15d.put(clone, str); i++; } } } }
private static boolean shouldMutateBackground(Drawable paramDrawable) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) {} for (;;) { return true; if ((paramDrawable instanceof LayerDrawable)) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 16) { return false; } } else if ((paramDrawable instanceof InsetDrawable)) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 14) { return false; } } else if ((paramDrawable instanceof DrawableContainer)) { Drawable.ConstantState localConstantState = paramDrawable.getConstantState(); if ((localConstantState instanceof DrawableContainer.DrawableContainerState)) { Drawable[] arrayOfDrawable = ((DrawableContainer.DrawableContainerState)localConstantState).getChildren(); int i = arrayOfDrawable.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (!shouldMutateBackground(arrayOfDrawable[j])) { return false; } } } } } }
public SuggestionsAdapter(Context paramContext, SearchView paramSearchView, SearchableInfo paramSearchableInfo, WeakHashMap<String, Drawable.ConstantState> paramWeakHashMap) { super(paramContext, paramSearchView.getSuggestionRowLayout()); this.mSearchView = paramSearchView; this.mSearchable = paramSearchableInfo; this.mCommitIconResId = paramSearchView.getSuggestionCommitIconResId(); this.mProviderContext = paramContext; this.mOutsideDrawablesCache = paramWeakHashMap; }
private Drawable checkIconCache(String paramString) { Drawable.ConstantState localConstantState = (Drawable.ConstantState)this.mOutsideDrawablesCache.get(paramString); if (localConstantState == null) { return null; } return localConstantState.newDrawable(); }
private final Drawable b(String paramString) { Drawable.ConstantState localConstantState = (Drawable.ConstantState)null.get(paramString); if (localConstantState == null) { return null; } return localConstantState.newDrawable(); }
private Drawable getCachedDrawable(LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ConstantState>> drawableCache, long key) { synchronized (mAccessLock) { WeakReference<Drawable.ConstantState> wr = drawableCache.get(key); if (wr != null) { Drawable.ConstantState entry = wr.get(); if (entry != null) { return entry.newDrawable(this); } else { drawableCache.delete(key); } } } return null; }
public final Drawable.ConstantState getConstantState() { if (canConstantState()) { this.oJ.oS = getChangingConfigurations(); return this.oJ; } return null; }
static boolean canSafelyMutateDrawable(@NonNull Drawable drawable) { if (drawable instanceof LayerDrawable) { if (VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) { return true; } return false; } else if (drawable instanceof InsetDrawable) { if (VERSION.SDK_INT < 14) { return false; } return true; } else if (drawable instanceof StateListDrawable) { if (VERSION.SDK_INT < 8) { return false; } return true; } else if (drawable instanceof GradientDrawable) { if (VERSION.SDK_INT < 14) { return false; } return true; } else if (drawable instanceof DrawableContainer) { ConstantState state = drawable.getConstantState(); if (!(state instanceof DrawableContainerState)) { return true; } for (Drawable child : ((DrawableContainerState) state).getChildren()) { if (!canSafelyMutateDrawable(child)) { return false; } } return true; } else if (drawable instanceof DrawableWrapper) { return canSafelyMutateDrawable(((DrawableWrapper) drawable).getWrappedDrawable()); } else { if (drawable instanceof { return canSafelyMutateDrawable((( drawable).getWrappedDrawable()); } return true; } }