/** * @param variableNameManager The name manager containing the variables. * @param context A context for inflating layouts. * @param resource The {@link TextView} layout to use when inflating items. */ public VariableViewAdapter(Context context, NameManager variableNameManager, @LayoutRes int resource) { super(context, resource); mVariableNameManager = variableNameManager; mVars = mVariableNameManager.getUsedNames(); mRenameString = context.getString(R.string.rename_variable); mDeleteString = context.getString(R.string.delete_variable); refreshVariables(); variableNameManager.registerObserver(new DataSetObserver() { @Override public void onChanged() { refreshVariables(); } }); }
FirebaseRecyclerAdapter(Class<T> modelClass, @LayoutRes int modelLayout, Class<VH> viewHolderClass, FirebaseArray snapshots) { mModelClass = modelClass; mModelLayout = modelLayout; mViewHolderClass = viewHolderClass; mSnapshots = snapshots; mSnapshots.setOnChangedListener(new ChangeEventListener() { @Override public void onChildChanged(EventType type, int index, int oldIndex) { FirebaseRecyclerAdapter.this.onChildChanged(type, index, oldIndex); } @Override public void onDataChanged() { FirebaseRecyclerAdapter.this.onDataChanged(); } @Override public void onCancelled(DatabaseError error) { FirebaseRecyclerAdapter.this.onCancelled(error); } }); }
public CommonAdapter(Context context, Class<? extends T> clazz, @LayoutRes final int layoutId,final int maxRecyclerCount) { super(); mContext = context; this.layoutId = layoutId; register(clazz, new MultiItemView<T>() { @NonNull @Override public int getLayoutId() { return layoutId; } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ViewHolder holder, @NonNull T item, int position) { convert(holder, item, position); } @Override public int getMaxRecycleCount() { return maxRecyclerCount; } }); }
/** * 安全地显示长时自定义吐司 */ public static void showCustomLongSafe(@LayoutRes final int layoutId) { sHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setView(layoutId); show("", Toast.LENGTH_LONG); } }); }
/** * * @param modelClass the class of the list items * @param itemLayout XML layout of each list item * @param itemHolderClass ViewHolder subclass of the list item * @param headerLayout XML layout of the section headers * @param headerHolderClass ViewHolder subclass of the section headers * @param q reference to the Firebase datasource */ SectionedFirebaseRecyclerAdapter(Class<T> modelClass, @LayoutRes int itemLayout, Class<VH> itemHolderClass, @LayoutRes int headerLayout, Class<HVH> headerHolderClass, Query q) { super(modelClass, itemLayout, (Class<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>) itemHolderClass, q); this.itemLayout = itemLayout; this.headerLayout = headerLayout; this.itemClass = itemHolderClass; this.headerClass = headerHolderClass; }
QariAdapter(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull List<QariItem> items, @LayoutRes int layoutViewId, @LayoutRes int dropDownViewId) { mItems = items; mLayoutViewId = layoutViewId; mDropDownViewId = dropDownViewId; mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context); }
/** * Inflates custom view * * @param layout layout for custom view * @param viewInflateListener inflate listener for custom view */ private void inflateCustomView(@LayoutRes int layout, OnViewInflateListener viewInflateListener) { View view = mActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(layout, this, false); this.addView(view); if (viewInflateListener != null) { viewInflateListener.onViewInflated(view); } }
@Override public XmlResourceParser getLayout(@LayoutRes int id) throws NotFoundException { int realId = getCorrespondResIdStrictly(id); if (realId > 0) { return mSkinResources.getLayout(realId); } return super.getLayout(id); }
@Override public void setContentView(@LayoutRes int layoutResID) { super.setContentView(layoutResID); ButterKnife.bind(this); mediumAnimationDuration = getResources().getInteger( android.R.integer.config_mediumAnimTime); shortAnimationDuration = getResources().getInteger( android.R.integer.config_shortAnimTime); initViews(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setContentView(@LayoutRes final int layoutResID) { super.setContentView(layoutResID); if (mFoundViews != null) { mFoundViews.clear(); } mFoundViews = AnnotationParser.parseFields(getContext(), this, this); }
/** * 添加刷新header layout * @param refreshHeaderLayoutRes */ public void setRefreshHeaderView(@LayoutRes int refreshHeaderLayoutRes) { ensureRefreshHeaderContainer(); final View refreshHeader = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(refreshHeaderLayoutRes, mRefreshHeaderContainer, false); if (refreshHeader != null) { setRefreshHeaderView(refreshHeader); } }
private void setEmptyView(@LayoutRes final int emptyResourceId) { if (mEmptyView == null && emptyResourceId > 0) { mEmptyId = emptyResourceId; mEmpty.setLayoutResource(emptyResourceId); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { mEmpty.setLayoutInflater(inflater); } mEmptyView = mEmpty.inflate(); } else { Log.d(VIEW_LOG_TAG, "unabled to set empty view because the empty has been set"); } }
public PlaylistAdapter(AppCompatActivity activity, ArrayList<Playlist> dataSet, @LayoutRes int itemLayoutRes, @Nullable CabHolder cabHolder) { super(activity, cabHolder, R.menu.menu_playlists_selection); this.activity = activity; this.dataSet = dataSet; this.itemLayoutRes = itemLayoutRes; setHasStableIds(true); }
public RecyclerViewAdapter(Context context, List<T> dataList , @LayoutRes int layoutId, RecyclerViewSingleTypeProcessor singleTypeProcessor) { mContext = context; mDataList = dataList; mTypeLayoutIds = new ArrayMap<>(); mTypeLayoutIds.put(0, layoutId); mSingleTypeProcessor = singleTypeProcessor; }
/** * 为snackbar添加布局 * <p>在show...Snackbar之后调用</p> * * @param layoutId 布局文件 * @param index 位置(the position at which to add the child or -1 to add last) */ public static void addView(@LayoutRes int layoutId, int index) { Snackbar snackbar = snackbarWeakReference.get(); if (snackbar != null) { View view = snackbar.getView(); Snackbar.SnackbarLayout layout = (Snackbar.SnackbarLayout) view; View child = LayoutInflater.from(view.getContext()).inflate(layoutId, null); LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL; layout.addView(child, index, params); } }
public static LViewHolder get(View convertView, @LayoutRes int layoutId, int position, ViewGroup parent) { if (convertView == null) { return new LViewHolder(layoutId, position, parent); } else { LViewHolder viewHolder = (LViewHolder) convertView.getTag(); viewHolder.mPosition = position; return viewHolder; } }
@LayoutRes protected int getLayoutRes() { super.getLayoutRes(); if (!Util.isTablet(getResources())) { return R.layout.fragment_albums_rv; } else { return super.getLayoutRes(); } }
/** * 安全地显示短时自定义吐司 */ public static void showCustomShortSafe(@LayoutRes final int layoutId) { sHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setView(layoutId); show("", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); } }); }
/** * 安全地显示短时自定义吐司 */ public static View showCustomShort(@LayoutRes final int layoutId) { final View view = getView(layoutId); show(view, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); return view; }
public BaseSimpleAdapter(@LayoutRes int resource, List<T> data) { this.mResource = resource; this.mData = data; }
public UIWindow layout(@LayoutRes int layoutId) { this.layoutId = layoutId; return this; }
@Override public void setContentView(@LayoutRes int layoutResID) { getDelegate().setContentView(layoutResID); }
public Builder tipsView(@LayoutRes int tipsViewLayoutResId) { param.tipsViewResId = tipsViewLayoutResId; return this; }
public AddWalletView(Context context, @LayoutRes int layoutId) { super(context); init(layoutId); }
ColumnAdapter(@NonNull Context context, @LayoutRes int resource, @NonNull List<String> objects) { super(context, resource, objects); resourceId = resource; columnDataList = objects; }
protected void setDefaultViewTypeLayout(@LayoutRes int layoutResId) { addItemType(DEFAULT_VIEW_TYPE, layoutResId); }
public DefaultVideoAdapter(@LayoutRes int layoutResId, @Nullable List<VideoListInfo.Video> data) { super(layoutResId, data); }
public ContactModelAdapter(Context context, @LayoutRes int layout, List<T> items) { this(context,layout,null, items); }
@Override public void setContentView(@LayoutRes int _layoutResID) { getDelegate().setContentView(_layoutResID); }
@LayoutRes protected abstract int getLayout();
public void showEmpty(@LayoutRes int emptyLayout) { showEmpty(LayoutInflater.from(getContext()) .inflate(emptyLayout, emptyBox, false)); }
public SongAdapter(AppCompatActivity activity, ArrayList<Song> dataSet, @LayoutRes int itemLayoutRes, boolean usePalette, @Nullable CabHolder cabHolder) { this(activity, dataSet, itemLayoutRes, usePalette, cabHolder, true); }
/** * A convenience method for {@code ItemView.setBindingVariable(int).setLayoutRes(int)}. * * @return the {@code ItemView} for chaining */ public ItemView set(int bindingVariable, @LayoutRes int layoutRes) { this.bindingVariable = bindingVariable; this.layoutRes = layoutRes; return this; }
@LayoutRes protected int getLayoutResId() { return R.layout.activity_single_fragment; }
public BaseSimpleAdapter(Context context, @LayoutRes int id, List<T> list) { mContext = context; mLayoutResId = id; mList = list; }
public PlaylistSongAdapter(@NonNull AppCompatActivity activity, @NonNull ArrayList<PlaylistSong> dataSet, @LayoutRes int itemLayoutRes, boolean usePalette, @Nullable CabHolder cabHolder, @Nullable OnMoveItemListener onMoveItemListener) { super(activity, (ArrayList<Song>) (List) dataSet, itemLayoutRes, usePalette, cabHolder); overrideMultiSelectMenuRes(R.menu.menu_playlists_songs_selection); this.onMoveItemListener = onMoveItemListener; }
@LayoutRes protected int getLayoutResId() { return R.layout.activity_fragment; }
protected <T> T inflateView(@LayoutRes int layoutResource) { LogUtils.verbose(className + " inflate view by layout resource"); //noinspection unchecked return (T) LayoutInflater.from(activity).inflate(layoutResource, null); }