/** * Optionally you can specify the user attributes * @param pAttributes The attributes of the user. Can contain only String, char, byte, int, long, float or double values * @return The Task itself for method chaining * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the attributes map check fails */ @CheckResult @NonNull public RegisterUserTask attributes(@Nullable JSONObject pAttributes) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(pAttributes != null) { Iterator<String> keysIterator = pAttributes.keys(); String key; while(keysIterator.hasNext()) { Object attr = pAttributes.opt(keysIterator.next()); if( attr != null && ( attr instanceof String || attr instanceof Integer || attr instanceof Byte || attr instanceof Long || attr instanceof Double || attr instanceof Float || attr instanceof Character || attr instanceof Boolean)) { continue; } _log("Attributes HashMap can contain only String, char, byte, int, long, float or double values"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attributes HashMap can contain only Strings, int, float, long, double or char values"); } } else { this.attributes = null; } return this; }
/** * @see RequestOptions#noTransformation() */ @CheckResult public static GlideOptions noTransformation() { if (GlideOptions.noTransformation4 == null) { GlideOptions.noTransformation4 = new GlideOptions().dontTransform().autoClone(); } return GlideOptions.noTransformation4; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#placeholder(Drawable) */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> placeholder(@Nullable Drawable arg0) { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).placeholder(arg0); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).placeholder(arg0); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#placeholder(int) */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> placeholder(@DrawableRes int arg0) { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).placeholder(arg0); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).placeholder(arg0); } return this; }
/** * @see RequestOptions#centerCropTransform() */ @CheckResult public static GlideOptions centerCropTransform() { if (GlideOptions.centerCropTransform3 == null) { GlideOptions.centerCropTransform3 = new GlideOptions().centerCrop().autoClone(); } return GlideOptions.centerCropTransform3; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#frame(long) */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> frame(@IntRange(from = 0) long arg0) { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).frame(arg0); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).frame(arg0); } return this; }
@CheckResult Single<Items<VKApiUser>> search(String query, Integer sort, Integer offset, Integer count, String fields, Integer city, Integer country, String hometown, Integer universityCountry, Integer university, Integer universityYear, Integer universityFaculty, Integer universityChair, Integer sex, Integer status, Integer ageFrom, Integer ageTo, Integer birthDay, Integer birthMonth, Integer birthYear, Boolean online, Boolean hasPhoto, Integer schoolCountry, Integer schoolCity, Integer schoolClass, Integer school, Integer schoolYear, String religion, String interests, String company, String position, Integer groupId, String fromList);
/** * @see GlideOptions#set(Option<T>, T) */ @CheckResult public <T> GlideRequest<TranscodeType> set(@NonNull Option<T> arg0, @NonNull T arg1) { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).set(arg0, arg1); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).set(arg0, arg1); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#fitCenter() */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> fitCenter() { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).fitCenter(); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).fitCenter(); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#error(Drawable) */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> error(@Nullable Drawable arg0) { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).error(arg0); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).error(arg0); } return this; }
@SuppressLint("ShowToast") @CheckResult public static Toast custom(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull CharSequence message, Drawable icon, @ColorInt int tintColor, int duration, boolean withIcon, boolean shouldTint) { final Toast currentToast = Toast.makeText(context, null, duration); final View toastLayout = ((LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE)) .inflate(R.layout.toast_layout, null); final ImageView toastIcon = toastLayout.findViewById(R.id.toast_icon); final TextView toastTextView = toastLayout.findViewById(R.id.toast_text); Drawable drawableFrame; if (shouldTint) drawableFrame = ToastyUtils.tint9PatchDrawableFrame(context, tintColor); else drawableFrame = ToastyUtils.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.toast_frame); ToastyUtils.setBackground(toastLayout, drawableFrame); if (withIcon) { if (icon == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Avoid passing 'icon' as null if 'withIcon' is set to true"); if (tintIcon) icon = ToastyUtils.tintIcon(icon, DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR); ToastyUtils.setBackground(toastIcon, icon); } else { toastIcon.setVisibility(View.GONE); } toastTextView.setText(message); toastTextView.setTextColor(DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR); toastTextView.setTypeface(currentTypeface); toastTextView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, textSize); currentToast.setView(toastLayout); return currentToast; }
/** * @see RequestOptions#centerCropTransform() */ @CheckResult public static GlideOptions centerCropTransform() { if (GlideOptions.centerCropTransform2 == null) { GlideOptions.centerCropTransform2 = new GlideOptions().centerCrop().autoClone(); } return GlideOptions.centerCropTransform2; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#transforms(Transformation<Bitmap>[]) */ @CheckResult @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "varargs" }) public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> transforms(@NonNull Transformation<Bitmap>... arg0) { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).transforms(arg0); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).transforms(arg0); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#fallback(int) */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> fallback(@DrawableRes int arg0) { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).fallback(arg0); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).fallback(arg0); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#decode(Class<?>) */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> decode(@NonNull Class<?> arg0) { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).decode(arg0); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).decode(arg0); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#optionalCenterCrop() */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> optionalCenterCrop() { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).optionalCenterCrop(); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).optionalCenterCrop(); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#dontTransform() */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> dontTransform() { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).dontTransform(); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).dontTransform(); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#fallback(Drawable) */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> fallback(@Nullable Drawable arg0) { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).fallback(arg0); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).fallback(arg0); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#centerInside() */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> centerInside() { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).centerInside(); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).centerInside(); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#useAnimationPool(boolean) */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> useAnimationPool(boolean flag) { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).useAnimationPool(flag); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).useAnimationPool(flag); } return this; }
/** * @see RequestOptions#fitCenterTransform() */ @CheckResult public static GlideOptions fitCenterTransform() { if (GlideOptions.fitCenterTransform0 == null) { GlideOptions.fitCenterTransform0 = new GlideOptions().fitCenter().autoClone(); } return GlideOptions.fitCenterTransform0; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#downsample(DownsampleStrategy) */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> downsample(@NonNull DownsampleStrategy arg0) { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).downsample(arg0); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).downsample(arg0); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#disallowHardwareConfig() */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> disallowHardwareConfig() { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).disallowHardwareConfig(); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).disallowHardwareConfig(); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#optionalCircleCrop() */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> optionalCircleCrop() { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).optionalCircleCrop(); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).optionalCircleCrop(); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#sizeMultiplier(float) */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> sizeMultiplier(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) float arg0) { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).sizeMultiplier(arg0); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).sizeMultiplier(arg0); } return this; }
/** * @see GlideOptions#encodeQuality(int) */ @CheckResult public GlideRequest<TranscodeType> encodeQuality(@IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int arg0) { if (getMutableOptions() instanceof GlideOptions) { this.requestOptions = ((GlideOptions) getMutableOptions()).encodeQuality(arg0); } else { this.requestOptions = new GlideOptions().apply(this.requestOptions).encodeQuality(arg0); } return this; }
@CheckResult Completable attachPoll(int accountId, int ownerId, int topicId, PollEntity pollDbo);
@Override @CheckResult public final GlideOptions transform(@NonNull Transformation<Bitmap> arg0) { return (GlideOptions) super.transform(arg0); }
@Override @CheckResult public final GlideOptions dontTransform() { return (GlideOptions) super.dontTransform(); }
@CheckResult public static Toast warning(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull CharSequence message) { return warning(context, message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT, true); }
@CheckResult public static Toast error(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String message, int duration) { return error(context, message, duration, true); }