Java 类android.text.Layout 实例源码

项目:weex-3d-map    文件   
 * Flush view no matter what height and width the {@link WXDomObject} specifies.
 * @param extra must be a {@link Layout} object, otherwise, nothing will happen.
private void flushView(Object extra) {
  if (extra instanceof Layout &&
      getHostView() != null && !extra.equals(getHostView().getTextLayout())) {
    final Layout layout = (Layout) extra;
    /**The following if block change the height of the width of the textView.
     * other part of the code is the same to updateExtra
    ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = getHostView().getLayoutParams();
    if (layoutParams != null) {
      layoutParams.height = layout.getHeight();
      layoutParams.width = layout.getWidth();
项目:chromium-for-android-56-debug-video    文件   
 * Show the end of the URL rather than the beginning.
public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft,
        int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {
    Layout layout = mUrlBar.getLayout();
    if (layout == null) return;

    // Android doesn't account for the compound Drawable in its width calculations, leading to
    // improper scrolling and even Android improperly placing the horizontal fade in its
    // TextView calculation.  Get around it by calculating that width manually:
    int urlBarWidth = mUrlBar.getWidth();
    int iconWidth =
            mCurrentIconResource == 0 ? 0 : mIconResourceWidths.get(mCurrentIconResource);
    int availableTextWidth = urlBarWidth - iconWidth;
    int desiredWidth = (int) Layout.getDesiredWidth(layout.getText(), layout.getPaint());

    if (desiredWidth > availableTextWidth) {
        mUrlBar.scrollTo(desiredWidth - availableTextWidth, 0);
    } else {
        mUrlBar.scrollTo(0, 0);
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * @return True, if adjustments were made that require the view to be invalidated.
private boolean adjustBottomLines() {
  // Bail out if we have a zero width; lines will be adjusted during next layout.
  if (getWidth() == 0) {
    return false;
  int destBottomLines;
  if (tempErrorText != null || helperText != null) {
    Layout.Alignment alignment = (getGravity() & Gravity.RIGHT) == Gravity.RIGHT || isRTL() ?
      Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE : (getGravity() & Gravity.LEFT) == Gravity.LEFT ?
      Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL : Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER;
    textLayout = new StaticLayout(tempErrorText != null ? tempErrorText : helperText, textPaint, getWidth() - getBottomTextLeftOffset() - getBottomTextRightOffset() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight(), alignment, 1.0f, 0.0f, true);
    destBottomLines = Math.max(textLayout.getLineCount(), minBottomTextLines);
  } else {
    destBottomLines = minBottomLines;
  if (bottomLines != destBottomLines) {
  bottomLines = destBottomLines;
  return true;
项目:snippety    文件   
public void drawLeadingMargin(Canvas c, Paint p, int x, int dir, int top, int baseline,
                              int bottom, CharSequence text, int start, int end, boolean first, Layout l) {
    if (first) {
        TextPaint paint = new TextPaint(p);


        if (options.textSize != -1) {

        if (options.textColor != -1) {

        if (options.typeface != null) {
        c.drawText(data,  x + options.leadWidth, baseline, paint);
项目:mininoteview    文件   
private void moveCursor(int x, int y)
    x -= edit.getPaddingLeft();
    y -= edit.getPaddingTop();
    Layout l = edit.getLayout();
    int offset;
    int line = l.getLineForVertical(y);
    if(line == 0 && y < l.getLineTop(line))
        offset = 0;
    else if(line >= l.getLineCount() - 1 && y >= l.getLineTop(line + 1))
        offset = l.getText().length();
        offset = l.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, x);


项目:Markwon    文件   
public void drawLeadingMargin(Canvas c, Paint p, int x, int dir, int top, int baseline, int bottom, CharSequence text, int start, int end, boolean first, Layout layout) {

    if (multiline) {


        final int left;
        final int right;
        if (dir > 0) {
            left = x;
            right = c.getWidth();
        } else {
            left = x - c.getWidth();
            right = x;

        rect.set(left, top, right, bottom);

        c.drawRect(rect, paint);
项目:empty-state-recyclerview    文件   
private void configureTextLayouts(final int availableWidth) {
    if (!textLayoutsConfigured) {
        final int totalNeededPadding = getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();

        // Create new static layout only if needed!
        if ((titleLayout.getWidth() + totalNeededPadding) > availableWidth) {
            this.titleLayout = new StaticLayout(title,
                    1.15f, 0, false);

        // Create new static layout only if needed!
        if ((subtitleLayout.getWidth() + totalNeededPadding) > availableWidth) {
            this.subtitleLayout = new StaticLayout(subtitle,
                    1.15f, 0, false);

        textLayoutsConfigured = true;
项目:android-slidr    文件   
private void drawIndicatorsTextAbove(Canvas canvas, String text, TextPaint paintText, float x, float y, Layout.Alignment alignment) {

        final float textHeight = calculateTextMultilineHeight(text, paintText);
        y -= textHeight;

        final int width = (int) paintText.measureText(text);
        if (x >= getWidth() - settings.paddingCorners) {
            x = (getWidth() - width - settings.paddingCorners / 2f);
        } else if (x <= 0) {
            x = width / 2f;
        } else {
            x = (x - width / 2f);

        if (x < 0) {
            x = 0;

        if (x + width > getWidth()) {
            x = getWidth() - width;

        drawText(canvas, text, x, y, paintText, alignment);
项目:SelectableTextProvider    文件   
public static int getPreciseOffset(TextView textView, int x, int y) {
    Layout layout = textView.getLayout();
    if (layout != null) {
        int topVisibleLine = layout.getLineForVertical(y);
        int offset = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(topVisibleLine, x);

        int offsetX = (int) layout.getPrimaryHorizontal(offset);

        if (offsetX > x) {
            return layout.getOffsetToLeftOf(offset);
        } else {
            return offset;
    } else {
        return -1;
项目:HtmlCompat    文件   
private static String getTextDirection(Spanned text, int start, int end) {
        // FIXME not supported
        int paraDir = Layout.DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
//        final int len = end - start;
//        final byte[] levels = ArrayUtils.newUnpaddedByteArray(len);
//        final char[] buffer = TextUtils.obtain(len);
//        TextUtils.getChars(text, start, end, buffer, 0);
//        int paraDir = AndroidBidi.bidi(Layout.DIR_REQUEST_DEFAULT_LTR, buffer, levels, len,
//                false /* no info */);
        switch (paraDir) {
            case Layout.DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT:
                return " dir=\"rtl\"";
            case Layout.DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT:
                return " dir=\"ltr\"";
项目:Sega    文件   
 * Sets the text size of a clone of the view's {@link TextPaint} object
 * and uses a {@link StaticLayout} instance to measure the height of the text.
 * @param source
 * @param availableWidthPixels
 * @param textSizePixels
 * @return the height of the text when placed in a view
 * with the specified width
 * and when the text has the specified size.
private int getTextHeightPixels(
        CharSequence source,
        int availableWidthPixels,
        float textSizePixels) {
    // Make a copy of the original TextPaint object
    // since the object gets modified while measuring
    // (see also the docs for TextView.getPaint()
    // which states to access it read-only)
    TextPaint textPaintCopy = new TextPaint(getPaint());
    // Measure using a StaticLayout instance
    StaticLayout staticLayout = new StaticLayout(
    return staticLayout.getHeight();
项目:boohee_v5.6    文件   
public boolean isTitleTruncated() {
    if (this.mTitleTextView == null) {
        return false;
    Layout titleLayout = this.mTitleTextView.getLayout();
    if (titleLayout == null) {
        return false;
    int lineCount = titleLayout.getLineCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
        if (titleLayout.getEllipsisCount(i) > 0) {
            return true;
    return false;
项目:Sprog-App    文件   
public void drawLeadingMargin(Canvas c,
                              Paint p,
                              int x,
                              int dir,
                              int top,
                              int baseline,
                              int bottom,
                              CharSequence text,
                              int start,
                              int end,
                              boolean first,
                              Layout layout) {
    Paint.Style prevStyle = p.getStyle();
    int prevColor = p.getColor();
    c.drawRect(x, top, x + dir * lineWidth, bottom, p);
项目:Simpler    文件   
 * 微博文本触摸监听处理
 * @param textView 点击的TextView
 * @param event
 * @return true:点击事件被处理;false:点击事件未被处理,向上冒泡
private boolean textTouchEvent(TextView textView, MotionEvent event) {
    boolean ret = false;
    CharSequence text = textView.getText();
    Spannable sText = Spannable.Factory.getInstance().newSpannable(text);
    int action = event.getAction();
    if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
        int x = (int) event.getX();
        int y = (int) event.getY();
        x -= textView.getTotalPaddingLeft();
        y -= textView.getTotalPaddingTop();
        x += textView.getScrollX();
        y += textView.getScrollY();
        Layout layout = textView.getLayout();
        int line = layout.getLineForVertical(y);
        int offset = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, x);
        ClickableSpan[] links = sText.getSpans(offset, offset, ClickableSpan.class);
        if (links.length != 0) {
            if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
            ret = true;
    return ret;
项目:PlusGram    文件   
private void updateSecretTimeText() {
    if (currentMessageObject == null) {
    String str = currentMessageObject.getSecretTimeString();
    if (str == null) {
    if (currentInfoString == null || !currentInfoString.equals(str)) {
        currentInfoString = str;
        infoWidth = (int)Math.ceil(infoPaint.measureText(currentInfoString));
        CharSequence str2 = TextUtils.ellipsize(currentInfoString, infoPaint, infoWidth, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END);
        infoLayout = new StaticLayout(str2, infoPaint, infoWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
项目:ModPE-IDE-Source    文件   
protected void onPopupChangePosition() {
    try {
        Layout layout = getLayout();
        if (layout != null) {
            int pos = getSelectionStart();
            int line = layout.getLineForOffset(pos);
            int baseline = layout.getLineBaseline(line);
            int ascent = layout.getLineAscent(line);

            float x = layout.getPrimaryHorizontal(pos);
            float y = baseline + ascent;

            int offsetHorizontal = (int) x + mLeftPadding;

            int heightVisible = getHeightVisible();
            int offsetVertical = (int) ((y + mCharHeight) - getScrollY());

            int tmp = offsetVertical + getDropDownHeight() + mCharHeight;
            if (tmp < heightVisible) {
                tmp = offsetVertical + mCharHeight / 2;
            } else {
                tmp = offsetVertical - getDropDownHeight() - mCharHeight;
    } catch (Exception ignored) {
项目:RNLearn_Project1    文件   
 * @deprecated Use a non-deprecated constructor for ReactTextUpdate instead. This one remains
 * because it's being used by a unit test that isn't currently open source.
public ReactTextUpdate(
    Spannable text,
    int jsEventCounter,
    boolean containsImages,
    float paddingStart,
    float paddingTop,
    float paddingEnd,
    float paddingBottom,
    int textAlign) {
项目:Renrentou    文件   
private void init() {
    circlePaint = new Paint();

    textPaint = new TextPaint();

    borderPaint = new Paint();

    int textWidth = (int) textPaint.measureText(text.substring(0, (text.length() + 1) / 2));
    staticLayout = new StaticLayout(text, textPaint, textWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1F, 0, false);
项目:boohee_v5.6    文件   
public boolean onTouchEvent(TextView widget, Spannable buffer, MotionEvent event) {
    if (event.getAction() == 1) {
        this.mLinkClicked = false;
        this.mClickedLink = null;
        int x = (((int) event.getX()) - widget.getTotalPaddingLeft()) + widget.getScrollX();
        int y = (((int) event.getY()) - widget.getTotalPaddingTop()) + widget.getScrollY();
        Layout layout = widget.getLayout();
        int off = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(layout.getLineForVertical(y), (float) x);
        ClickableSpan[] link = (ClickableSpan[]) buffer.getSpans(off, off, ClickableSpan
        if (link.length != 0) {
            SensibleUrlSpan span = link[0];
            this.mLinkClicked = span.onClickSpan(widget);
            this.mClickedLink = span.getURL();
            return this.mLinkClicked;
    super.onTouchEvent(widget, buffer, event);
    return false;
项目:PlusGram    文件   
public void checkUnreadCounter(int mask) {
    if (mask != 0 && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_READ_DIALOG_MESSAGE) == 0 && (mask & MessagesController.UPDATE_MASK_NEW_MESSAGE) == 0) {
    TLRPC.TL_dialog dialog = MessagesController.getInstance().dialogs_dict.get(dialog_id);
    if (dialog != null && dialog.unread_count != 0) {
        if (lastUnreadCount != dialog.unread_count) {
            lastUnreadCount = dialog.unread_count;
            String countString = String.format("%d", dialog.unread_count);
            countWidth = Math.max(AndroidUtilities.dp(12), (int) Math.ceil(countPaint.measureText(countString)));
            countLayout = new StaticLayout(countString, countPaint, countWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
            if (mask != 0) {
    } else if (countLayout != null) {
        if (mask != 0) {
        lastUnreadCount = 0;
        countLayout = null;
项目:XERUNG    文件   
 * @return True, if adjustments were made that require the view to be invalidated.
private boolean adjustBottomLines() {
  // Bail out if we have a zero width; lines will be adjusted during next layout.
  if (getWidth() == 0) {
    return false;
  int destBottomLines;
  if (tempErrorText != null || helperText != null) {
    Layout.Alignment alignment = (getGravity() & Gravity.RIGHT) == Gravity.RIGHT || isRTL() ?
      Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE : (getGravity() & Gravity.LEFT) == Gravity.LEFT ?
      Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL : Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER;
    textLayout = new StaticLayout(tempErrorText != null ? tempErrorText : helperText, textPaint, getWidth() - getBottomTextLeftOffset() - getBottomTextRightOffset() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight(), alignment, 1.0f, 0.0f, true);
    destBottomLines = Math.max(textLayout.getLineCount(), minBottomTextLines);
  } else {
    destBottomLines = minBottomLines;
  if (bottomLines != destBottomLines) {
  bottomLines = destBottomLines;
  return true;
项目:FastTextView    文件   
private static Layout.Alignment getAlignmentByGravity(int gravity) {
  switch (gravity & Gravity.RELATIVE_HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) {
    case Gravity.START:
      return Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL;
    case Gravity.END:
      return Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE;
    case Gravity.LEFT:
      return Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_LEFT;
    case Gravity.RIGHT:
      return Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_RIGHT;
    case Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL:
      return Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER;
      return Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL;
项目:XERUNG    文件   
 * @return True, if adjustments were made that require the view to be invalidated.
private boolean adjustBottomLines() {
  // Bail out if we have a zero width; lines will be adjusted during next layout.
  if (getWidth() == 0) {
    return false;
  int destBottomLines;
  if (tempErrorText != null || helperText != null) {
    Layout.Alignment alignment = (getGravity() & Gravity.RIGHT) == Gravity.RIGHT || isRTL() ?
        Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE : (getGravity() & Gravity.LEFT) == Gravity.LEFT ?
        Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL : Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER;
    textLayout = new StaticLayout(tempErrorText != null ? tempErrorText : helperText, textPaint, getWidth() - getBottomTextLeftOffset() - getBottomTextRightOffset() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight(), alignment, 1.0f, 0.0f, true);
    destBottomLines = Math.max(textLayout.getLineCount(), minBottomTextLines);
  } else {
    destBottomLines = minBottomLines;
  if (bottomLines != destBottomLines) {
  bottomLines = destBottomLines;
  return true;
项目:aos-MediaLib    文件   
public Bitmap createViewBitmap(View view, Layout textLayout, int bitmapWidth, int bitmapHeight, int vertical_align) {
    final int actualBitmapWidth = getPowerOfTwo(bitmapWidth);
    final int actualBitmapHeight = getPowerOfTwo(bitmapHeight);
    Bitmap destBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap( actualBitmapWidth, actualBitmapHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 );

    synchronized (mCanvas) {

        // Center the bitmap horizontally inside the "powerOfTwo" texture bitmap
           mCanvas.translate((actualBitmapWidth - bitmapWidth) / 2, 0);

        // Align vertically depending of the argument
        switch (vertical_align) {
        case ALIGN_BOTTOM:
            mCanvas.translate(0,actualBitmapHeight - bitmapHeight);
        case ALIGN_TOP:
        case ALIGN_CENTER:
            mCanvas.translate(0, (actualBitmapHeight - bitmapHeight) / 2);

           if (textLayout != null) {
               // Draw the text using the TextLayout if one is provided
               mCanvas.translate(0, (actualBitmapHeight - bitmapHeight) / 2);

    return destBitmap;
项目:HeadlineNews    文件   
public void drawLeadingMargin(final Canvas c, final Paint p, int x, final int dir,
                              final int top, final int baseline, final int bottom,
                              final CharSequence text, final int start, final int end,
                              final boolean first, final Layout layout) {
    int st = ((Spanned) text).getSpanStart(this);
    int itop = layout.getLineTop(layout.getLineForOffset(st));

    if (dir < 0)
        x -= mBitmap.getWidth();

    int delta = totalHeight - mBitmap.getHeight();

    if (delta > 0) {
        if (mVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_TOP) {
            c.drawBitmap(mBitmap, x, itop, p);
        } else if (mVerticalAlignment == ALIGN_CENTER) {
            c.drawBitmap(mBitmap, x, itop + delta / 2, p);
        } else {
            c.drawBitmap(mBitmap, x, itop + delta, p);
    } else {
        c.drawBitmap(mBitmap, x, itop, p);
项目:CommentView    文件   
private Layout makeNewLayout(int i, BoringLayout.Metrics metrics, int i2, boolean z) {
    int i3;
    boolean z2;
    if (i < 0) {
        i3 = 0;
    } else {
        i3 = i;
    this.mOldMaxLines = this.mMaxLines;
    if (this.mEllipsize != null) {
        z2 = true;
    } else {
        z2 = false;
    return makeSingleLayout(i3, metrics, i2, this.mLayoutAlignment, z2, this.mEllipsize, z);
项目:qmui    文件   
public ITouchableSpan getPressedSpan(TextView textView, Spannable spannable, MotionEvent event) {
    int x = (int) event.getX();
    int y = (int) event.getY();

    x -= textView.getTotalPaddingLeft();
    y -= textView.getTotalPaddingTop();

    x += textView.getScrollX();
    y += textView.getScrollY();

    Layout layout = textView.getLayout();
    int line = layout.getLineForVertical(y);
    int off = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, x);
    if (x < layout.getLineLeft(line) || x > layout.getLineRight(line)) {
        // 实际上没点到任何内容
        off = -1;

    ITouchableSpan[] link = spannable.getSpans(off, off, ITouchableSpan.class);
    ITouchableSpan touchedSpan = null;
    if (link.length > 0) {
        touchedSpan = link[0];
    return touchedSpan;
项目:RNLearn_Project1    文件   
public void setTextBreakStrategy(@Nullable String textBreakStrategy) {

  if (textBreakStrategy == null || "simple".equals(textBreakStrategy)) {
    mTextBreakStrategy = Layout.BREAK_STRATEGY_SIMPLE;
  } else if ("highQuality".equals(textBreakStrategy)) {
    mTextBreakStrategy = Layout.BREAK_STRATEGY_HIGH_QUALITY;
  } else if ("balanced".equals(textBreakStrategy)) {
    mTextBreakStrategy = Layout.BREAK_STRATEGY_BALANCED;
  } else {
    throw new JSApplicationIllegalArgumentException("Invalid textBreakStrategy: " + textBreakStrategy);
项目:ucar-weex-core    文件   
 * Flush view no matter what height and width the {@link WXDomObject} specifies.
 * @param extra must be a {@link Layout} object, otherwise, nothing will happen.
private void flushView(Object extra) {
  if (extra instanceof Layout &&
      getHostView() != null && !extra.equals(getHostView().getTextLayout())) {
    final Layout layout = (Layout) extra;
    /**The following if block change the height of the width of the textView.
     * other part of the code is the same to updateExtra
    ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = getHostView().getLayoutParams();
    if (layoutParams != null) {
      layoutParams.height = layout.getHeight();
      layoutParams.width = layout.getWidth();
项目:android-slidr    文件   
private void drawMultilineText(Canvas canvas, String text, float x, float y, TextPaint paint, Layout.Alignment aligment) {
    final float lineHeight = paint.getTextSize();
    float lineY = y;
    for (CharSequence line : text.split("\n")) {;
            final float lineWidth = (int) paint.measureText(line.toString());
            float lineX = x;
            if (aligment == Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER) {
                lineX -= lineWidth / 2f;
            if (lineX < 0) {
                lineX = 0;

            final float right = lineX + lineWidth;
            if (right > canvas.getWidth()) {
                lineX = canvas.getWidth() - lineWidth - settings.paddingCorners;

            canvas.translate(lineX, lineY);
            final StaticLayout staticLayout = new StaticLayout(line, paint, (int) lineWidth, aligment, 1.0f, 0, false);

            lineY += lineHeight;

项目:weex-uikit    文件   
public static Layout.Alignment getTextAlignment(Map<String, Object> style){
  Layout.Alignment alignment= Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL;
  String textAlign= (String) style.get(Constants.Name.TEXT_ALIGN);
    alignment= Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL;
  else if(TextUtils.equals(Constants.Value.CENTER,textAlign)){
  else if(TextUtils.equals(Constants.Value.RIGHT,textAlign)){
    alignment= Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE;
  return alignment;
项目:weex-uikit    文件   
public void updateExtra(Object extra) {
  if (extra instanceof Layout &&
      getHostView() != null && !extra.equals(getHostView().getTextLayout())) {
    final Layout layout = (Layout) extra;
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Calculates desired height for layout
 * @param layout the source layout
 * @return the desired layout height
private int getDesiredHeight(Layout layout) {
    if (layout == null) {
        return 0;

    int desired = getItemHeight() * visibleItems - ITEM_OFFSET * 2

    // Check against our minimum height
    desired = Math.max(desired, getSuggestedMinimumHeight());

    return desired;
项目:show-case-card-view    文件   
private float getMaxLineWidth(Layout layout) {
    float max_width = 0.0f;
    int lines = layout.getLineCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
        if (layout.getLineWidth(i) > max_width) {
            max_width = layout.getLineWidth(i);
    return max_width;
项目:RNLearn_Project1    文件   
/* package */ void updateNodeRegion(
    float left,
    float top,
    float right,
    float bottom,
    boolean isVirtual) {

  NodeRegion nodeRegion = getNodeRegion();
  if (mDrawCommand == null) {
    if (!nodeRegion.matches(left, top, right, bottom, isVirtual)) {
      setNodeRegion(new TextNodeRegion(left, top, right, bottom, getReactTag(), isVirtual, null));

  Layout layout = null;

  if (nodeRegion instanceof TextNodeRegion) {
    layout = ((TextNodeRegion) nodeRegion).getLayout();

  Layout newLayout = mDrawCommand.getLayout();
  if (!nodeRegion.matches(left, top, right, bottom, isVirtual) || layout != newLayout) {
        new TextNodeRegion(left, top, right, bottom, getReactTag(), isVirtual, newLayout));
项目:javaide    文件   
public static int getStartIndexAtLine(EditText editable, int line) {
    Layout layout = editable.getLayout();
    if (layout != null) {
        return layout.getLineStart(line);
    return 0;
项目:CommentView    文件   
protected void onMeasure(int i, int i2) {
    String generateCacheKey = generateCacheKey();
    this.mCacheText = (TextCache) getAreaCache(generateCacheKey);
    if (this.mCacheText == null || this.mCacheText.mLayout == null || this.mMeasureDirty) {
        this.mCacheText = new TextCache();
        addAreaCache(generateCacheKey, this.mCacheText);
        int mode = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(i);
        int mode2 = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(i2);
        int size = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(i);
        int size2 = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(i2);
        if (mode == 1073741824) {
            this.mCacheText.measuredWidth = size;
        } else {
            this.mBoring = BoringLayout.isBoring(this.mText, this.mPaint, UNKNOWN_BORING);
            if (this.mBoring == null || this.mBoring == UNKNOWN_BORING) {
                this.mCacheText.measuredWidth = (int) Layout.getDesiredWidth(this.mText, this.mPaint);
            } else {
                this.mCacheText.measuredWidth = this.mBoring.width;
            TextCache textCache = this.mCacheText;
            textCache.measuredWidth = textCache.measuredWidth + (this.paddingLeft + this.paddingRight);
            if (mode == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
                this.mCacheText.measuredWidth = Math.min(size, this.mCacheText.measuredWidth);
        mode = (this.mCacheText.measuredWidth - this.paddingLeft) - this.paddingRight;
        this.mCacheText.mLayout = makeNewLayout(mode, this.mBoring, mode, false);
        if (mode2 == 1073741824) {
            this.mCacheText.measuredHeight = size2;
        } else {
            this.mCacheText.measuredHeight = getDesiredHeight();
            if (mode2 == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
                this.mCacheText.measuredHeight = Math.min(size2, this.mCacheText.measuredHeight);
        setMeasuredDimension(this.mCacheText.measuredWidth, this.mCacheText.measuredHeight);
    setMeasuredDimension(this.mCacheText.measuredWidth, this.mCacheText.measuredHeight);
项目:OSchina_resources_android    文件   
private static Layout.Alignment getAlignment(int alignment) {
    if (alignment == TextSection.CENTER) {
        return Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER;
    } else if (alignment == TextSection.RIGHT)
        return Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE;
    return Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL;
项目:SmartChart    文件   
private int getHeightS() {
    TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint(TextPaint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
    StaticLayout staticLayout = new StaticLayout(textList.get(currentPosition), textPaint, getWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight(), Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0, false);
    int height = staticLayout.getHeight();
    if (staticLayout.getLineCount() > getMaxLines()) {
        int lineCount = staticLayout.getLineCount();
        height = staticLayout.getLineBottom(getMaxLines() - 1);
    return height;
项目:OSchina_resources_android    文件   
public boolean handleTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
    int action = event.getAction();
    if (action != MotionEvent.ACTION_UP
            && action != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
        return true;
    } else {
        int x = (int) event.getX();
        int y = (int) event.getY();

        x -= getTotalPaddingLeft();
        y -= getTotalPaddingTop();

        x += getScrollX();
        y += getScrollY();
        Layout layout = getLayout();
        int line = layout.getLineForVertical(y);
        int offset = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, x);

        float width = layout.getLineWidth(line);
        if (y > width) {
            offset = y;

        if (!(getText() instanceof Spannable)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            Spannable span = (Spannable) getText();
            ClickableSpan[] clickSpan = span.getSpans(offset, offset,
            if (clickSpan == null || clickSpan.length == 0) {
                am[] aam = span.getSpans(offset, offset, am.class);
                if (aam != null && aam.length != 0)
                    return false;
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;