Java 类android.text.format.Time 实例源码

项目:TimePicker    文件   
 * Announce the currently-selected time when launched.
public boolean dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
    if (event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED) {
        // Clear the event's current text so that only the current time will be spoken.
        Time time = new Time();
        time.hour = getHours();
        time.minute = getMinutes();
        long millis = time.normalize(true);
        int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME;
        if (mIs24HourMode) {
            flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_24HOUR;
        String timeString = DateUtils.formatDateTime(getContext(), millis, flags);
        return true;
    return super.dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event);
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Announce the currently-selected time when launched.
public boolean dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
    if (event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED) {
        // Clear the event's current text so that only the current time will be spoken.
        Time time = new Time();
        time.hour = getHours();
        time.minute = getMinutes();
        long millis = time.normalize(true);
        int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME;
        if (mIs24HourMode) {
            flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_24HOUR;
        String timeString = DateUtils.formatDateTime(getContext(), millis, flags);
        return true;
    return super.dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event);
项目:easyfilemanager    文件   
public static String formatTime(Context context, long when) {
    // TODO: DateUtils should make this easier
    Time then = new Time();
    Time now = new Time();

    int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_NOON | DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_MIDNIGHT | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL;

    if (then.year != now.year) {
        flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE;
    } else if (then.yearDay != now.yearDay) {
        flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE;
    } else {
        flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME;

    return DateUtils.formatDateTime(context, when, flags);
项目:Udacity_Sunshine    文件   
 * Given a day, returns just the name to use for that day.
 * E.g "today", "tomorrow", "wednesday".
 * @param context Context to use for resource localization
 * @param dateInMillis The date in milliseconds
 * @return
public static String getDayName(Context context, long dateInMillis) {
    // If the date is today, return the localized version of "Today" instead of the actual
    // day name.

    Time t = new Time();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(dateInMillis, t.gmtoff);
    int currentJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), t.gmtoff);
    if (julianDay == currentJulianDay) {
        return context.getString(;
    } else if ( julianDay == currentJulianDay +1 ) {
        return context.getString(R.string.tomorrow);
    } else {
        Time time = new Time();
        // Otherwise, the format is just the day of the week (e.g "Wednesday".
        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
        return dayFormat.format(dateInMillis);
项目:letv    文件   
public String a(int i, Thread thread, long j, String str, String str2, Throwable th) {
    long j2 = j % 1000;
    Time time = new Time();
    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    stringBuilder.append(a(i)).append(LetvUtils.CHARACTER_BACKSLASH).append(time.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")).append('.');
    if (j2 < 10) {
    } else if (j2 < 100) {
    stringBuilder.append(j2).append(' ').append('[');
    if (thread == null) {
    } else {
    stringBuilder.append(']').append('[').append(str).append(']').append(' ').append(str2).append('\n');
    if (th != null) {
        stringBuilder.append("* Exception : \n").append(Log.getStackTraceString(th)).append('\n');
    return stringBuilder.toString();
项目:SmART-Form    文件   
private void updateTime() {
    // TODO KIO Is this really necessary to creat a calendar?
    // Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    // calendar.setTime(mTest.getDate());

    Log.d(TAG_KIO, "Inside updateTime() mDate time is: "
            + mTest.getDate().getTime());
    Log.d(TAG_KIO, "Inside updateTime() mDate is: " + mTest.getDate());

    Time time = new Time();

    String timeFormat = time.format("%I:%M");
    Log.d(TAG_KIO, "timeFormat is: " + timeFormat);
项目:aos-Video    文件   
static public String formatTime(int ms) {
    String res;
    if (ms <= 0) {
        res = EMPTY_STRING;
    } else {
        Time t = new Time();
        if (ms >= 3600000) {
            res = t.format(TIME_HOUR);
        } else if (ms < 60000)
            res = t.format(TIME_SECOND);
            res = t.format(TIME_MINUTE);

        if (res.charAt(0) == '0') {
            res = res.substring(1);
    return res;
项目:buildAPKsSamples    文件   
 * Implementation for the CreateNdefMessageCallback interface
public NdefMessage createNdefMessage(NfcEvent event) {
    Time time = new Time();
    String text = ("Beam me up!\n\n" +
            "Beam Time: " + time.format("%H:%M:%S"));
    NdefMessage msg = new NdefMessage(NdefRecord.createMime(
            "application/", text.getBytes())
      * The Android Application Record (AAR) is commented out. When a device
      * receives a push with an AAR in it, the application specified in the AAR
      * is guaranteed to run. The AAR overrides the tag dispatch system.
      * You can add it back in to guarantee that this
      * activity starts when receiving a beamed message. For now, this code
      * uses the tag dispatch system.
    return msg;
项目:FireFiles    文件   
public static String formatTime(Context context, long when) {
    // TODO: DateUtils should make this easier
    Time then = new Time();
    Time now = new Time();

    int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_NOON | DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_MIDNIGHT | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL;

    if (then.year != now.year) {
        flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE;
    } else if (then.yearDay != now.yearDay) {
        flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE;
    } else {
        flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME;

    return DateUtils.formatDateTime(context, when, flags);
项目:boohee_v5.6    文件   
public String a(int i, Thread thread, long j, String str, String str2, Throwable th) {
    long j2 = j % 1000;
    Time time = new Time();
    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    stringBuilder.append(a(i)).append('/').append(time.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")).append('.');
    if (j2 < 10) {
    } else if (j2 < 100) {
    stringBuilder.append(j2).append(' ').append('[');
    if (thread == null) {
    } else {
    stringBuilder.append(']').append('[').append(str).append(']').append(' ').append(str2)
    if (th != null) {
        stringBuilder.append("* Exception : \n").append(Log.getStackTraceString(th)).append
    return stringBuilder.toString();
项目:simple-share-android    文件   
public static String formatTime(Context context, long when) {
    // TODO: DateUtils should make this easier
    Time then = new Time();
    Time now = new Time();

    int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_NOON | DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_MIDNIGHT | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL;

    if (then.year != now.year) {
        flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE;
    } else if (then.yearDay != now.yearDay) {
        flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE;
    } else {
        flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME;

    return DateUtils.formatDateTime(context, when, flags);
项目:unity-obb-downloader    文件   
public static long parse(String timeString)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {

    int date = 1;
    int month = Calendar.JANUARY;
    int year = 1970;
    TimeOfDay timeOfDay;

    Matcher rfcMatcher = HTTP_DATE_RFC_PATTERN.matcher(timeString);
    if (rfcMatcher.find()) {
        date = getDate(;
        month = getMonth(;
        year = getYear(;
        timeOfDay = getTime(;
    } else {
        Matcher ansicMatcher = HTTP_DATE_ANSIC_PATTERN.matcher(timeString);
        if (ansicMatcher.find()) {
            month = getMonth(;
            date = getDate(;
            timeOfDay = getTime(;
            year = getYear(;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    // FIXME: Y2038 BUG!
    if (year >= 2038) {
        year = 2038;
        month = Calendar.JANUARY;
        date = 1;

    Time time = new Time(Time.TIMEZONE_UTC);
    time.set(timeOfDay.second, timeOfDay.minute, timeOfDay.hour, date,
            month, year);
    return time.toMillis(false /* use isDst */);
项目:aos-MediaLib    文件   
public String formatTime(long ms) {
    String res;
    if (ms == 0) {
        res = "";
    } else {
        Time t = new Time();
        if (ms >= 3600000) {
            res = t.format("%kh%M'");
        } else if (ms < 60000)
            res = t.format("%S''");
            res = t.format("%M'%S''");

        if (res.charAt(0) == '0') {
            res = res.substring(1);
    return res;
项目:AndroidthingsStudy    文件   
 * Implementation for the CreateNdefMessageCallback interface
public NdefMessage createNdefMessage(NfcEvent event) {
    Time time = new Time();
    String text = ("Beam me up!\n\n" +
            "Beam Time: " + time.format("%H:%M:%S"));
    NdefMessage msg = new NdefMessage(NdefRecord.createMime(
            "application/", text.getBytes())
      * The Android Application Record (AAR) is commented out. When a device
      * receives a push with an AAR in it, the application specified in the AAR
      * is guaranteed to run. The AAR overrides the tag dispatch system.
      * You can add it back in to guarantee that this
      * activity starts when receiving a beamed message. For now, this code
      * uses the tag dispatch system.
    return msg;
项目:Advanced_Android_Development_Wear    文件   
 * Given a day, returns just the name to use for that day.
 * E.g "today", "tomorrow", "wednesday".
 * @param context Context to use for resource localization
 * @param dateInMillis The date in milliseconds
 * @return
public static String getDayName(Context context, long dateInMillis) {
    // If the date is today, return the localized version of "Today" instead of the actual
    // day name.

    Time t = new Time();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(dateInMillis, t.gmtoff);
    int currentJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), t.gmtoff);
    if (julianDay == currentJulianDay) {
        return context.getString(;
    } else if ( julianDay == currentJulianDay +1 ) {
        return context.getString(R.string.tomorrow);
    } else {
        Time time = new Time();
        // Otherwise, the format is just the day of the week (e.g "Wednesday".
        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
        return dayFormat.format(dateInMillis);
项目:getting-ready-for-android-n    文件   
 * Given a day, returns just the name to use for that day.
 * E.g "today", "tomorrow", "wednesday".
 * @param context Context to use for resource localization
 * @param dateInMillis The date in milliseconds
 * @return
public static String getDayName(Context context, long dateInMillis) {
    // If the date is today, return the localized version of "Today" instead of the actual
    // day name.

    Time t = new Time();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(dateInMillis, t.gmtoff);
    int currentJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), t.gmtoff);
    if (julianDay == currentJulianDay) {
        return context.getString(;
    } else if ( julianDay == currentJulianDay +1 ) {
        return context.getString(R.string.tomorrow);
    } else {
        Time time = new Time();
        // Otherwise, the format is just the day of the week (e.g "Wednesday".
        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
        return dayFormat.format(dateInMillis);
项目:udacity-p3    文件   
public String getDayName(long dateInMillis) {
    // If the date is today, return the localized version of "Today" instead of the actual
    // day name.

    Time t = new Time();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(dateInMillis, t.gmtoff);
    int currentJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), t.gmtoff);
    if (julianDay == currentJulianDay) {
        return mContext.getString(;
    } else if (julianDay == currentJulianDay + 1) {
        return mContext.getString(R.string.tomorrow);
    } else if (julianDay == currentJulianDay - 1) {
        return mContext.getString(R.string.yesterday);
    } else {
        Time time = new Time();
        // Otherwise, the format is just the day of the week (e.g "Wednesday".
        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
        return dayFormat.format(dateInMillis);
项目:io16watchface    文件   
public void onCreate(SurfaceHolder holder){

    setWatchFaceStyle(new WatchFaceStyle.Builder(IOWatchFace.this)
            .setHotwordIndicatorGravity(Gravity.TOP | Gravity.RIGHT)
    Resources resources=IOWatchFace.this.getResources();

    mBackgroundPaint=new Paint();

    paint=new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);

    time=new Time();
项目:Weather4U    文件   
 * Given a day, returns just the name to use for that day.
 * E.g "today", "tomorrow", "wednesday".
 * @param context Context to use for resource localization
 * @param dateInMillis The date in milliseconds
 * @return
public static String getDayName(Context context, long dateInMillis) {
    // If the date is today, return the localized version of "Today" instead of the actual
    // day name.

    Time t = new Time();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(dateInMillis, t.gmtoff);
    int currentJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), t.gmtoff);
    if (julianDay == currentJulianDay) {
        return context.getString(;
    } else if ( julianDay == currentJulianDay +1 ) {
        return context.getString(R.string.tomorrow);
    } else {
        Time time = new Time();
        // Otherwise, the format is just the day of the week (e.g "Wednesday".
        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
        return dayFormat.format(dateInMillis);
项目:Android-SwitchDateTimePicker    文件   
 * Announce the currently-selected time when launched.
public boolean dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
    if (event.getEventType() == AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED) {
        // Clear the event's current text so that only the current time will be spoken.
        Time time = new Time();
        time.hour = getHours();
        time.minute = getMinutes();
        long millis = time.normalize(true);
        int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME;
        if (mIs24HourMode) {
            flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_24HOUR;
        String timeString = DateUtils.formatDateTime(getContext(), millis, flags);
        return true;
    return super.dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(event);
项目:WearApp    文件   
 * Given a day, returns just the name to use for that day.
 * E.g "today", "tomorrow", "wednesday".
 * @param context Context to use for resource localization
 * @param dateInMillis The date in milliseconds
 * @return
public static String getDayName(Context context, long dateInMillis) {
    // If the date is today, return the localized version of "Today" instead of the actual
    // day name.

    Time t = new Time();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(dateInMillis, t.gmtoff);
    int currentJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), t.gmtoff);
    if (julianDay == currentJulianDay) {
        return context.getString(;
    } else if ( julianDay == currentJulianDay +1 ) {
        return context.getString(R.string.tomorrow);
    } else {
        Time time = new Time();
        // Otherwise, the format is just the day of the week (e.g "Wednesday".
        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
        return dayFormat.format(dateInMillis);
项目:HoM-Open-API    文件   
public void onCreate() {

    gClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)


    sensorManager = (SensorManager) getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
    walk_count = 0;
    today = new Time(Time.getCurrentTimezone());

    Log.d("server","service on");
项目:Sunshine    文件   
 * Given a day, returns just the name to use for that day.
 * E.g "today", "tomorrow", "wednesday".
 * @param context Context to use for resource localization
 * @param dateInMillis The date in milliseconds
 * @return
public static String getDayName(Context context, long dateInMillis) {
    // If the date is today, return the localized version of "Today" instead of the actual
    // day name.

    Time t = new Time();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(dateInMillis, t.gmtoff);
    int currentJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), t.gmtoff);
    if (julianDay == currentJulianDay) {
        return context.getString(;
    } else if ( julianDay == currentJulianDay +1 ) {
        return context.getString(R.string.tomorrow);
    } else {
        Time time = new Time();
        // Otherwise, the format is just the day of the week (e.g "Wednesday".
        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
        return dayFormat.format(dateInMillis);
项目:go-ubiquitous    文件   
 * Given a day, returns just the name to use for that day.
 * E.g "today", "tomorrow", "wednesday".
 * @param context Context to use for resource localization
 * @param dateInMillis The date in milliseconds
 * @return
public static String getDayName(Context context, long dateInMillis) {
    // If the date is today, return the localized version of "Today" instead of the actual
    // day name.

    Time t = new Time();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(dateInMillis, t.gmtoff);
    int currentJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), t.gmtoff);
    if (julianDay == currentJulianDay) {
        return context.getString(;
    } else if ( julianDay == currentJulianDay +1 ) {
        return context.getString(R.string.tomorrow);
    } else {
        Time time = new Time();
        // Otherwise, the format is just the day of the week (e.g "Wednesday".
        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
        return dayFormat.format(dateInMillis);
项目:UdacityProject6    文件   
 * Given a day, returns just the name to use for that day.
 * E.g "today", "tomorrow", "wednesday".
 * @param context Context to use for resource localization
 * @param dateInMillis The date in milliseconds
 * @return
public static String getDayName(Context context, long dateInMillis) {
    // If the date is today, return the localized version of "Today" instead of the actual
    // day name.

    Time t = new Time();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(dateInMillis, t.gmtoff);
    int currentJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), t.gmtoff);
    if (julianDay == currentJulianDay) {
        return context.getString(;
    } else if ( julianDay == currentJulianDay +1 ) {
        return context.getString(R.string.tomorrow);
    } else {
        Time time = new Time();
        // Otherwise, the format is just the day of the week (e.g "Wednesday".
        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
        return dayFormat.format(dateInMillis);
项目:Sunshine_WeatherApp    文件   
 * Given a day, returns just the name to use for that day.
 * E.g "today", "tomorrow", "wednesday".
 * @param context Context to use for resource localization
 * @param dateInMillis The date in milliseconds
 * @return
public static String getDayName(Context context, long dateInMillis) {
    // If the date is today, return the localized version of "Today" instead of the actual
    // day name.

    Time t = new Time();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(dateInMillis, t.gmtoff);
    int currentJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), t.gmtoff);
    if (julianDay == currentJulianDay) {
        return context.getString(;
    } else if ( julianDay == currentJulianDay +1 ) {
        return context.getString(R.string.tomorrow);
    } else {
        Time time = new Time();
        // Otherwise, the format is just the day of the week (e.g "Wednesday".
        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
        return dayFormat.format(dateInMillis);
项目:Sunshine.Wear    文件   
 * Given a day, returns just the name to use for that day.
 * E.g "today", "tomorrow", "wednesday".
 * @param context Context to use for resource localization
 * @param dateInMillis The date in milliseconds
 * @return
public static String getDayName(Context context, long dateInMillis) {
    // If the date is today, return the localized version of "Today" instead of the actual
    // day name.

    Time t = new Time();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(dateInMillis, t.gmtoff);
    int currentJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), t.gmtoff);
    if (julianDay == currentJulianDay) {
        return context.getString(;
    } else if ( julianDay == currentJulianDay +1 ) {
        return context.getString(R.string.tomorrow);
    } else {
        Time time = new Time();
        // Otherwise, the format is just the day of the week (e.g "Wednesday".
        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
        return dayFormat.format(dateInMillis);
项目:MirageWatch    文件   
private HandRotation getRotation(Time time) {
    HandRotation rotation = new HandRotation();

    float minRotationUnit = 360 / 60;
    int min = time.minute;
    float hourH = time.hour < 12 ?
            (float) time.hour + time.minute / 60f :
            (float) (time.hour - 12) + time.minute / 60f;

    rotation.setSecondHand(time.second * minRotationUnit);
    rotation.setMinuteHand(min * minRotationUnit);
    rotation.setHourHand(hourH * 5f * minRotationUnit);

    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
        String tag = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
        Log.d(tag, "時間回転角 = " + String.valueOf(rotation.getHourHand()));
        Log.d(tag, "分回転角 = " + String.valueOf(rotation.getMinuteHand()));
        Log.d(tag, "秒回転角 = " + String.valueOf(rotation.getSecondHand()));

    return rotation;
项目:Sunshinewear    文件   
 * Given a day, returns just the name to use for that day.
 * E.g "today", "tomorrow", "wednesday".
 * @param context Context to use for resource localization
 * @param dateInMillis The date in milliseconds
 * @return
public static String getDayName(Context context, long dateInMillis) {
    // If the date is today, return the localized version of "Today" instead of the actual
    // day name.

    Time t = new Time();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(dateInMillis, t.gmtoff);
    int currentJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(System.currentTimeMillis(), t.gmtoff);
    if (julianDay == currentJulianDay) {
        return context.getString(;
    } else if ( julianDay == currentJulianDay +1 ) {
        return context.getString(R.string.tomorrow);
    } else {
        Time time = new Time();
        // Otherwise, the format is just the day of the week (e.g "Wednesday".
        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
        return dayFormat.format(dateInMillis);
项目:CheckSmarter    文件   
public static int timeDay2Day(int day) {
    switch (day) {
        case Time.SUNDAY:
            return SU;
        case Time.MONDAY:
            return MO;
        case Time.TUESDAY:
            return TU;
        case Time.WEDNESDAY:
            return WE;
        case Time.THURSDAY:
            return TH;
        case Time.FRIDAY:
            return FR;
        case Time.SATURDAY:
            return SA;
            throw new RuntimeException("bad day of week: " + day);
项目:CheckSmarter    文件   
 * Converts the day of the week from android.text.format.Time to java.util.Calendar
public static int convertDayOfWeekFromTimeToCalendar(int timeDayOfWeek) {
    switch (timeDayOfWeek) {
        case Time.MONDAY:
            return Calendar.MONDAY;
        case Time.TUESDAY:
            return Calendar.TUESDAY;
        case Time.WEDNESDAY:
            return Calendar.WEDNESDAY;
        case Time.THURSDAY:
            return Calendar.THURSDAY;
        case Time.FRIDAY:
            return Calendar.FRIDAY;
        case Time.SATURDAY:
            return Calendar.SATURDAY;
        case Time.SUNDAY:
            return Calendar.SUNDAY;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument must be between Time.SUNDAY and " +
项目:ClouldReader    文件   
 * 获取当前时间是否大于12:30
public static boolean isRightTime() {
    // or Time t=new Time("GMT+8"); 加上Time Zone资料。
    Time t = new Time();
    t.setToNow(); // 取得系统时间。
    int hour = t.hour; // 0-23
    int minute = t.minute;
    return hour > 12 || (hour == 12 && minute >= 30);
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * 获取当前时间是否大于12:30
public static boolean isRightTime() {
    // or Time t=new Time("GMT+8"); 加上Time Zone资料。
    Time t = new Time();
    t.setToNow(); // 取得系统时间。
    int hour = t.hour; // 0-23
    int minute = t.minute;
    return hour > 12 || (hour == 12 && minute >= 30);
项目:Guanajoven    文件   
public Day(Context context,int day, int year, int month){ = day;
    this.year = year;
    this.month = month;
    this.context = context;
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.set(year, month-1, day);
    int end = cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    cal.set(year, month, end);
    TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
    monthEndDay = Time.getJulianDay(cal.getTimeInMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(tz.getOffset(cal.getTimeInMillis())));
项目:AndroidSkinAnimator    文件   
 * 获取当前时间是否大于12:30
public static boolean isRightTime() {
    Time t = new Time(); // or Time t=new Time("GMT+8"); 加上Time Zone资料。
    t.setToNow(); // 取得系统时间。
    int hour = t.hour; // 0-23
    int minute = t.minute;
    return hour > 12 || (hour == 12 && minute >= 30);
项目:ChewSnap    文件   
private Uri generateTimeStampPhotoFileUri() {

        Uri photoFileUri = null;
        File outputDir = getPhotoDirectory();
        if (outputDir != null) {
            Time t = new Time();
            File photoFile = new File(outputDir, System.currentTimeMillis()
                    + ".jpg");
            //photoFileUri = Uri.fromFile(photoFile);
            photoFileUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(this, this.getApplicationContext().getPackageName() + ".provider", photoFile);
        return photoFileUri;
项目:RxEasyHttp    文件   
 * 将UTC-0时区时间字符串转换成用户时区时间距离1970-01-01的毫秒数.
 * @param strUtcTime UTC-0时区的时间字符串
 * @param strInFmt   时间格式
 * @return 用户时区时间距离1970-01-01的毫秒数.
 * @throws ParseException 时间转换异常
public static long getUserZoneMillis(final String strUtcTime,
                                     final String strInFmt) throws ParseException {
    if (StringUtils.isNull(strUtcTime)) {
        throw new NullPointerException("参数strUtcTime不能为空");
    } else if (StringUtils.isNull(strInFmt)) {
        throw new NullPointerException("参数strInFmt不能为空");
    long lUtcMillis = parseMillis(strUtcTime, strInFmt);
    Time time = new Time();
    long lOffset = time.gmtoff * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS;
    long lUserZoneMillis = lUtcMillis + lOffset;
    return lUserZoneMillis;
项目:Udacity_Sunshine    文件   
public static long normalizeDate(long startDate) {
    // normalize the start date to the beginning of the (UTC) day
    Time time = new Time();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(startDate, time.gmtoff);
    return time.setJulianDay(julianDay);
项目:Udacity_Sunshine    文件   
 * Helper method to convert the database representation of the date into something to display
 * to users.  As classy and polished a user experience as "20140102" is, we can do better.
 * @param context Context to use for resource localization
 * @param dateInMillis The date in milliseconds
 * @return a user-friendly representation of the date.
public static String getFriendlyDayString(Context context, long dateInMillis, boolean displayLongToday) {
    // The day string for forecast uses the following logic:
    // For today: "Today, June 8"
    // For tomorrow:  "Tomorrow"
    // For the next 5 days: "Wednesday" (just the day name)
    // For all days after that: "Mon Jun 8"

    Time time = new Time();
    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    int julianDay = Time.getJulianDay(dateInMillis, time.gmtoff);
    int currentJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(currentTime, time.gmtoff);

    // If the date we're building the String for is today's date, the format
    // is "Today, June 24"
    if (displayLongToday && julianDay == currentJulianDay) {
        String today = context.getString(;
        int formatId = R.string.format_full_friendly_date;
        return String.format(context.getString(
                getFormattedMonthDay(context, dateInMillis)));
    } else if ( julianDay < currentJulianDay + 7 ) {
        // If the input date is less than a week in the future, just return the day name.
        return getDayName(context, dateInMillis);
    } else {
        // Otherwise, use the form "Mon Jun 3"
        SimpleDateFormat shortenedDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd");
        return shortenedDateFormat.format(dateInMillis);
项目:Udacity_Sunshine    文件   
 * Converts db date format to the format "Month day", e.g "June 24".
 * @param context Context to use for resource localization
 * @param dateInMillis The db formatted date string, expected to be of the form specified
 *                in Utility.DATE_FORMAT
 * @return The day in the form of a string formatted "December 6"
public static String getFormattedMonthDay(Context context, long dateInMillis ) {
    Time time = new Time();
    SimpleDateFormat dbDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(Utility.DATE_FORMAT);
    SimpleDateFormat monthDayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM dd");
    String monthDayString = monthDayFormat.format(dateInMillis);
    return monthDayString;