Java 类com.afollestad.materialdialogs.util.TypefaceHelper 实例源码

项目:material-dialogs    文件   
 * Sets the fonts used in the dialog, by file names. This also uses TypefaceHelper in order to
 * avoid any un-needed allocations (it recycles typefaces for you).
 * @param medium The name of font in assets/fonts used on titles and action buttons (null uses
 *     device default). E.g. [your-project]/app/main/assets/fonts/[medium]
 * @param regular The name of font in assets/fonts used everywhere else, like content and list
 *     items (null uses device default). E.g. [your-project]/app/main/assets/fonts/[regular]
 * @return The Builder instance so you can chain calls to it.
public Builder typeface(@Nullable String medium, @Nullable String regular) {
  if (medium != null && !medium.trim().isEmpty()) {
    this.mediumFont = TypefaceHelper.get(this.context, medium);
    if (this.mediumFont == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("No font asset found for \"" + medium + "\"");
  if (regular != null && !regular.trim().isEmpty()) {
    this.regularFont = TypefaceHelper.get(this.context, regular);
    if (this.regularFont == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("No font asset found for \"" + regular + "\"");
  return this;
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Sets the fonts used in the dialog, by file names. This also uses TypefaceHelper in order
 * to avoid any un-needed allocations (it recycles typefaces for you).
 * @param medium  The name of font in assets/fonts used on titles and action buttons (null
 *                uses device default). E.g. [your-project]/app/main/assets/fonts/[medium]
 * @param regular The name of font in assets/fonts used everywhere else, like content and
 *                list items (null uses device default). E.g. [your-project]/app/main/assets/fonts/[regular]
 * @return The Builder instance so you can chain calls to it.
public Builder typeface(@Nullable String medium, @Nullable String regular) {
    if (medium != null) {
        this.mediumFont = TypefaceHelper.get(this.context, medium);
        if (this.mediumFont == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No font asset found for " + medium);
    if (regular != null) {
        this.regularFont = TypefaceHelper.get(this.context, regular);
        if (this.regularFont == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No font asset found for " + regular);
    return this;
项目:quotograph    文件   
public Typeface getTypeface() {
    if (activeWallpaper == null) {
        return null;
    Fonts fontById = Fonts.findById((int) activeWallpaper.typefaceId);
    return TypefaceHelper.get(LWQApplication.get(), fontById.getFileName());
项目:quotograph    文件   
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    if (convertView == null) {
        convertView = LayoutInflater.from(this.context).inflate(R.layout.font_option_item, null);

    Fonts font = allFonts[position];

    CheckedTextView checkedTextView = (CheckedTextView) convertView.findViewById(;
    checkedTextView.setTypeface(TypefaceHelper.get(context, font.getFileName()));
    return convertView;
项目:EasyFrame    文件   
 * Sets the fonts used in the dialog, by file names. This also uses TypefaceHelper in order
 * to avoid any un-needed allocations (it recycles typefaces for you).
 * @param medium  The name of font in assets/fonts used on titles and action buttons (null uses device default). E.g. [your-project]/app/main/assets/fonts/[medium]
 * @param regular The name of font in assets/fonts used everywhere else, like content and list items (null uses device default). E.g. [your-project]/app/main/assets/fonts/[regular]
 * @return The Builder instance so you can chain calls to it.
public Builder typeface(@Nullable String medium, @Nullable String regular) {
    if (medium != null) {
        this.mediumFont = TypefaceHelper.get(this.context, medium);
        if (this.mediumFont == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No font asset found for " + medium);
    if (regular != null) {
        this.regularFont = TypefaceHelper.get(this.context, regular);
        if (this.regularFont == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No font asset found for " + regular);
    return this;
项目:puautologin    文件   
 * Sets the fonts used in the dialog, by file names. This also uses TypefaceHelper in order
 * to avoid any un-needed allocations (it recycles typefaces for you).
 * @param medium  The name of font in assets/fonts, minus the extension (null uses device default). E.g. [your-project]/app/main/assets/fonts/[medium].ttf
 * @param regular The name of font in assets/fonts, minus the extension (null uses device default). E.g. [your-project]/app/main/assets/fonts/[regular].ttf
 * @return The Builder instance so you can chain calls to it.
public Builder typeface(String medium, String regular) {
    if (medium != null)
        this.mediumFont = TypefaceHelper.get(this.context, medium);
    if (regular != null)
        this.regularFont = TypefaceHelper.get(this.context, regular);
    this.useCustomFonts = true;
    return this;