public static void showTransferProgress(Transfer xfer) { // print the transfer's human-readable description System.out.println(xfer.getDescription()); // print an empty progress bar... printProgressBar(0.0); // update the progress bar while the xfer is ongoing. do { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } // Note: so_far and total aren't used, they're just for // documentation purposes. TransferProgress progress = xfer.getProgress(); long so_far = progress.getBytesTransferred(); long total = progress.getTotalBytesToTransfer(); double pct = progress.getPercentTransferred(); eraseProgressBar(); printProgressBar(pct); } while (xfer.isDone() == false); // print the final state of the transfer. TransferState xfer_state = xfer.getState(); System.out.println(": " + xfer_state); }
@Override public S3FileTransferResultsDto downloadFile(final S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto params) throws InterruptedException {"Downloading S3 file... s3Key=\"{}\" s3BucketName=\"{}\" localPath=\"{}\"", params.getS3KeyPrefix(), params.getS3BucketName(), params.getLocalPath()); // Perform the transfer. S3FileTransferResultsDto results = performTransfer(params, new Transferer() { @Override public Transfer performTransfer(TransferManager transferManager) { return, params.getS3KeyPrefix(), new File(params.getLocalPath()), transferManager); } }); LOGGER .info("Downloaded S3 file to the local system. s3Key=\"{}\" s3BucketName=\"{}\" localPath=\"{}\" totalBytesTransferred={} transferDuration=\"{}\"", params.getS3KeyPrefix(), params.getS3BucketName(), params.getLocalPath(), results.getTotalBytesTransferred(), HerdDateUtils.formatDuration(results.getDurationMillis())); logOverallTransferRate(results); return results; }
@Override public Transfer uploadDirectoryOrFile(final String bucketName, final File source, final String virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix) throws AmazonClientException, AmazonServiceException, IOException {"uploadDirectoryOrFile invoked, bucketName: {} , Source: {}", bucketName, source.getAbsolutePath()); Transfer transfer = null; final TransferManager trMgr = new TransferManager(s3client); if (source.isFile()) { transfer = trMgr.upload(bucketName,source.getPath(),source); } else if (source.isDirectory()) { //Upload recursively //virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix could be virtual directory name inside the bucket transfer = trMgr.uploadDirectory(bucketName, virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix, source, true); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("Source is neither a regular file nor a directory " + source); } return transfer; }
private ProgressListener createProgressListener(Transfer transfer) { return new ProgressListener() { private ProgressEventType previousType; private double previousTransferred; @Override public synchronized void progressChanged(ProgressEvent progressEvent) { ProgressEventType eventType = progressEvent.getEventType(); if (previousType != eventType) { log.debug("Upload progress event (%s/%s): %s", host, key, eventType); previousType = eventType; } double transferred = transfer.getProgress().getPercentTransferred(); if (transferred >= (previousTransferred + 10.0)) { log.debug("Upload percentage (%s/%s): %.0f%%", host, key, transferred); previousTransferred = transferred; } } }; }
public SwingProgressListener(Transfer transfer) { this.transfer = transfer; JFrame f = new JFrame("Transfer Progress"); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Container content = f.getContentPane(); progressBar = new JProgressBar(); progressBar.setValue(0); progressBar.setStringPainted(true); Border border = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Transferring..."); progressBar.setBorder(border); content.add(progressBar, BorderLayout.NORTH); f.setSize(350, 200); f.setLocationRelativeTo(null); f.setVisible(true); }
private void submitCopyJobsFromListing( AmazonS3URI sourceS3Uri, final AmazonS3URI targetS3Uri, ListObjectsRequest request, ObjectListing listing) { LOG.debug("Found objects to copy {}, for request {}/{}", listing.getObjectSummaries(), request.getBucketName(), request.getPrefix()); List<S3ObjectSummary> objectSummaries = listing.getObjectSummaries(); for (final S3ObjectSummary s3ObjectSummary : objectSummaries) { String fileName = StringUtils.removeStart(s3ObjectSummary.getKey(), sourceS3Uri.getKey()); final String targetKey = Strings.nullToEmpty(targetS3Uri.getKey()) + fileName;"copying object from '{}/{}' to '{}/{}'", s3ObjectSummary.getBucketName(), s3ObjectSummary.getKey(), targetS3Uri.getBucket(), targetKey); CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest = new CopyObjectRequest(s3ObjectSummary.getBucketName(), s3ObjectSummary.getKey(), targetS3Uri.getBucket(), targetKey); TransferStateChangeListener stateChangeListener = new TransferStateChangeListener() { @Override public void transferStateChanged(Transfer transfer, TransferState state) { if (state == TransferState.Completed) { // NOTE: running progress doesn't seem to be reported correctly. // transfer.getProgress().getBytesTransferred() is always 0. Unsure what is the cause of this at this moment // so just printing total bytes when completed. LOG.debug("copied object from '{}/{}' to '{}/{}': {} bytes transferred", s3ObjectSummary.getBucketName(), s3ObjectSummary.getKey(), targetS3Uri.getBucket(), targetKey, transfer.getProgress().getTotalBytesToTransfer()); } } }; Copy copy = transferManager.copy(copyObjectRequest, srcClient, stateChangeListener); totalBytesToReplicate += copy.getProgress().getTotalBytesToTransfer(); copyJobs.add(copy); } }
@Override public synchronized boolean isDone() { for ( Transfer subTransfer : subTransfers ) { if ( !subTransfer.isDone() ) return false; } return true; }
@Override public File call() throws Exception { for (Future<File> file : partFiles) { ServiceUtils.appendFile(file.get(), destinationFile); download.updatePersistableTransfer(currentPartNumber++); } download.setState(Transfer.TransferState.Completed); return destinationFile; }
@Test public void testRefreshPageWithoutDuplicateCorrectlyCallsS3() throws Exception { // Refresh page when Cloudformation creates the stack should just // upload pages to S3 but not duplicate them. Duplicating is done as // bookings are later mutated - and is a workaround to ensure // ReadAfterWrite consistency. This tests that this duplication // does not happen when we do not ask for it (i.e. on stack creation). initialisePageManager(); // Set up S3 expectations for no copy: // Transfer interface is implemented by Uploads, Downloads, and Copies Transfer mockTransfer = mockery.mock(Transfer.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransfer).isDone(); will(returnValue(true)); allowing(mockTransfer).waitForCompletion(); } }); mockTransferManager = mockery.mock(IS3TransferManager.class); // Just check S3 methods called correct number of times - don't bother // checking argument details. mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { // We have one upload for the page and one for the cached data exactly(2).of(mockTransferManager).upload(with(any(PutObjectRequest.class))); will(returnValue(mockTransfer)); // We do _not_ have the copy in this case never(mockTransferManager).copy(with(anything())); } }); pageManager.setS3TransferManager(mockTransferManager); // ACT pageManager.refreshPage(fakeCurrentDateString, validDates, apiGatewayBaseUrl, false, bookings, revvingSuffix); }
@Test public void testRefreshPageThrowsWhenS3Throws() throws Exception { // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); thrown.expectMessage("Exception caught while copying booking page to S3"); initialisePageManager(); // Make S3 throw: // Transfer interface is implemented by Uploads, Downloads, and Copies Transfer mockTransfer = mockery.mock(Transfer.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransfer).isDone(); will(returnValue(true)); allowing(mockTransfer).waitForCompletion(); } }); mockTransferManager = mockery.mock(IS3TransferManager.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockTransferManager).upload(with(any(PutObjectRequest.class))); will(throwException(new AmazonServiceException("Grrr..."))); // Should throw before copy is called never(mockTransferManager).copy(with(any(CopyObjectRequest.class))); } }); pageManager.setS3TransferManager(mockTransferManager); // ACT - this should throw pageManager.refreshPage(fakeCurrentDateString, validDates, apiGatewayBaseUrl, false, bookings, revvingSuffix); }
@Test public void testRefreshAllPagesThrowsWhenS3Throws() throws Exception { // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); thrown.expectMessage("Exception caught while copying booking page to S3"); initialisePageManager(); // Make S3 throw: // Transfer interface is implemented by Uploads, Downloads, and Copies Transfer mockTransfer = mockery.mock(Transfer.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransfer).isDone(); will(returnValue(true)); allowing(mockTransfer).waitForCompletion(); } }); mockTransferManager = mockery.mock(IS3TransferManager.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockTransferManager).upload(with(any(PutObjectRequest.class))); will(throwException(new AmazonServiceException("Grrr..."))); // Should throw before copy is called never(mockTransferManager).copy(with(any(CopyObjectRequest.class))); } }); pageManager.setS3TransferManager(mockTransferManager); mockSNSClient = mockery.mock(AmazonSNS.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { ignoring(mockSNSClient); } }); pageManager.setSNSClient(mockSNSClient); // ACT - this should throw pageManager.refreshAllPages(validDates, apiGatewayBaseUrl, revvingSuffix); }
@Override public S3FileTransferResultsDto downloadDirectory(final S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto params) throws InterruptedException {"Downloading S3 directory to the local system... s3KeyPrefix=\"{}\" s3BucketName=\"{}\" localDirectory=\"{}\"", params.getS3KeyPrefix(), params.getS3BucketName(), params.getLocalPath()); // Note that the directory download always recursively copies sub-directories. // To not recurse, we would have to list the files on S3 (AmazonS3Client.html#listObjects) and manually copy them one at a time. // Perform the transfer. S3FileTransferResultsDto results = performTransfer(params, new Transferer() { @Override public Transfer performTransfer(TransferManager transferManager) { return s3Operations.downloadDirectory(params.getS3BucketName(), params.getS3KeyPrefix(), new File(params.getLocalPath()), transferManager); } });"Downloaded S3 directory to the local system. " + "s3KeyPrefix=\"{}\" s3BucketName=\"{}\" localDirectory=\"{}\" s3KeyCount={} totalBytesTransferred={} transferDuration=\"{}\"", params.getS3KeyPrefix(), params.getS3BucketName(), params.getLocalPath(), results.getTotalFilesTransferred(), results.getTotalBytesTransferred(), HerdDateUtils.formatDuration(results.getDurationMillis())); logOverallTransferRate(results); return results; }
@Override public S3FileTransferResultsDto uploadDirectory(final S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto params) throws InterruptedException {"Uploading local directory to S3... localDirectory=\"{}\" s3KeyPrefix=\"{}\" s3BucketName=\"{}\"", params.getLocalPath(), params.getS3KeyPrefix(), params.getS3BucketName()); // Perform the transfer. S3FileTransferResultsDto results = performTransfer(params, new Transferer() { @Override public Transfer performTransfer(TransferManager transferManager) { return s3Operations.uploadDirectory(params.getS3BucketName(), params.getS3KeyPrefix(), new File(params.getLocalPath()), params.isRecursive(), new ObjectMetadataProvider() { @Override public void provideObjectMetadata(File file, ObjectMetadata metadata) { prepareMetadata(params, metadata); } }, transferManager); } });"Uploaded local directory to S3. " + "localDirectory=\"{}\" s3KeyPrefix=\"{}\" s3BucketName=\"{}\" s3KeyCount={} totalBytesTransferred={} transferDuration=\"{}\"", params.getLocalPath(), params.getS3KeyPrefix(), params.getS3BucketName(), results.getTotalFilesTransferred(), results.getTotalBytesTransferred(), HerdDateUtils.formatDuration(results.getDurationMillis())); logOverallTransferRate(results); return results; }
@Override public S3FileTransferResultsDto uploadFile(final S3FileTransferRequestParamsDto params) throws InterruptedException {"Uploading local file to S3... localPath=\"{}\" s3Key=\"{}\" s3BucketName=\"{}\"", params.getLocalPath(), params.getS3KeyPrefix(), params.getS3BucketName()); // Perform the transfer. S3FileTransferResultsDto results = performTransfer(params, new Transferer() { @Override public Transfer performTransfer(TransferManager transferManager) { // Get a handle to the local file. File localFile = new File(params.getLocalPath()); // Create and prepare the metadata. ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata(); prepareMetadata(params, metadata); // Create a put request and a transfer manager with the parameters and the metadata. PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(params.getS3BucketName(), params.getS3KeyPrefix(), localFile); putObjectRequest.setMetadata(metadata); return s3Operations.upload(putObjectRequest, transferManager); } });"Uploaded local file to the S3. localPath=\"{}\" s3Key=\"{}\" s3BucketName=\"{}\" totalBytesTransferred={} transferDuration=\"{}\"", params.getLocalPath(), params.getS3KeyPrefix(), params.getS3BucketName(), results.getTotalBytesTransferred(), HerdDateUtils.formatDuration(results.getDurationMillis())); logOverallTransferRate(results); return results; }
/** * Test S3 file copy with an invalid KMS Id that will result in a cancelled transfer. */ @Test public void testCopyFileInvalidKmsIdCancelled() throws InterruptedException { // Put a 1 byte file in S3. s3Operations .putObject(new PutObjectRequest(storageDaoTestHelper.getS3LoadingDockBucketName(), TARGET_S3_KEY, new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[1]), null), null); try { S3FileCopyRequestParamsDto transferDto = new S3FileCopyRequestParamsDto(); transferDto.setSourceBucketName(storageDaoTestHelper.getS3LoadingDockBucketName()); transferDto.setTargetBucketName(storageDaoTestHelper.getS3ExternalBucketName()); transferDto.setSourceObjectKey(TARGET_S3_KEY); transferDto.setTargetObjectKey(TARGET_S3_KEY); transferDto.setKmsKeyId(MockS3OperationsImpl.MOCK_KMS_ID_CANCELED_TRANSFER); s3Dao.copyFile(transferDto); fail("An IllegalStateException was expected but not thrown."); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { assertEquals("Invalid IllegalStateException message returned.", "The transfer operation \"" + MockS3OperationsImpl.MOCK_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTION + "\" did not complete successfully. " + "Current state: \"" + Transfer.TransferState.Canceled + "\".", ex.getMessage()); } }
public int getProgress() { Transfer transfer = getTransfer(); if(transfer != null) { int ret = (int)transfer.getProgress().getPercentTransferred(); return ret; } return 0; }
private void waitForUpload(Transfer upload, TransferManager tm) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException, InterruptedException { long bytes = upload.getProgress().getTotalBytesToTransfer(); console.write(new Size(bytes) + " to upload"); //$NON-NLS-1$ long fraction = bytes / 50; upload.addProgressListener(new SharpProgressListener(fraction)); upload.waitForCompletion(); tm.shutdownNow(); console.write("\nDone"); //$NON-NLS-1$ }
public MultipleFileTransferMonitor(AbstractTransfer transfer, Collection<? extends AbstractTransfer> subTransfers) { this.subTransfers = subTransfers; this.transfer = transfer; /* * The future object is not publicly exposed, so we only need to worry * about implementing get(). The other methods are implemented badly, * just to meet the interface contract. */ this.future = new Future<Object>() { @Override public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { return true; } @Override public Object get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { Object result = null; for ( AbstractTransfer download : MultipleFileTransferMonitor.this.subTransfers ) { result = download.getMonitor().getFuture().get(); } return result; } @Override public Object get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { Object result = null; for ( AbstractTransfer subTransfer : MultipleFileTransferMonitor.this.subTransfers ) { result = subTransfer.getMonitor().getFuture().get(timeout, unit); } return result; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return MultipleFileTransferMonitor.this.transfer.getState() == Transfer.TransferState.Canceled; } @Override public boolean isDone() { return MultipleFileTransferMonitor.this.isDone(); } }; }
Transfer uploadDirectory(String bucketName, String virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix, File targetDirectory, boolean includeSubdirectories);
@Override public Transfer copy(CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest) { return transferManager.copy(copyObjectRequest); }
@Override public Transfer download(String bucketName, String keyName, File target) { return, keyName, target); }
@Override public Transfer upload(PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest) { return transferManager.upload(putObjectRequest); }
@Override public Transfer upload(String bucketName, String keyName, File target) { return transferManager.upload(bucketName, keyName, target); }
@Override public Transfer uploadDirectory(String bucketName, String virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix, File targetDirectory, boolean includeSubdirectories) { return transferManager.uploadDirectory(bucketName, virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix, targetDirectory, includeSubdirectories); }
@Test public void testRefreshPageCallsTheLifecycleManagerCorrectly() throws Exception { // refreshPage should query the lifecycle manager for the lifecycle // state. // ARRANGE // Expect method to query the lifecycle manager for the lifecycle // state. N.B. Name mock as it's replacing the default lifecycleManager // mock mockLifecycleManager = mockery.mock(ILifecycleManager.class, "replacementLifecycleManagerMock"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { // One call for creating the page, and one for creating the json data. exactly(2).of(mockLifecycleManager).getLifecycleState(); will(returnValue(activeLifecycleState.get())); } }); initialisePageManager(); // Set up S3 expectations - these are incidental to current test: Transfer mockTransfer = mockery.mock(Transfer.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransfer).isDone(); will(returnValue(true)); allowing(mockTransfer).waitForCompletion(); } }); mockTransferManager = mockery.mock(IS3TransferManager.class); // Just check S3 methods called correct number of times - don't bother // checking argument details. mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { // We have one upload for the page and one for the cached data allowing(mockTransferManager).upload(with(any(PutObjectRequest.class))); will(returnValue(mockTransfer)); } }); pageManager.setS3TransferManager(mockTransferManager); // ACT pageManager.refreshPage(fakeCurrentDateString, validDates, apiGatewayBaseUrl, false, bookings, revvingSuffix); }
@Test public void testRefreshPageWithDuplicateCorrectlyCallsS3() throws Exception { // Refresh page when Cloudformation creates the stack should just // upload pages to S3 but not duplicate them. Duplicating is done as // bookings are later mutated - and is a workaround to ensure // ReadAfterWrite consistency. This tests that this duplication // does happen when we ask for it. initialisePageManager(); // Set up S3 expectations for copy: // Transfer interface is implemented by Uploads, Downloads, and Copies Transfer mockTransfer = mockery.mock(Transfer.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransfer).isDone(); will(returnValue(true)); allowing(mockTransfer).waitForCompletion(); } }); mockTransferManager = mockery.mock(IS3TransferManager.class); // Just check S3 methods called correct number of times - don't bother // checking argument details. mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { // We have one upload for the page and one for the cached data exactly(2).of(mockTransferManager).upload(with(any(PutObjectRequest.class))); will(returnValue(mockTransfer)); // We _do_ have the copy in this case - for the page, but not for the // cached data oneOf(mockTransferManager).copy(with(any(CopyObjectRequest.class))); will(returnValue(mockTransfer)); } }); pageManager.setS3TransferManager(mockTransferManager); // ACT pageManager.refreshPage(fakeCurrentDateString, validDates, apiGatewayBaseUrl, true, bookings, revvingSuffix); }
@Test public void testRefreshAllPagesCorrectlyCallsS3() throws Exception { initialisePageManager(); // Set up S3 expectations for upload (without copy) for each valid date: // Transfer interface is implemented by Uploads, Downloads, and Copies Transfer mockTransfer = mockery.mock(Transfer.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransfer).isDone(); will(returnValue(true)); allowing(mockTransfer).waitForCompletion(); } }); mockTransferManager = mockery.mock(IS3TransferManager.class); // Just check S3 methods called correct number of times - don't bother // checking argument details. final Sequence refreshSequence = mockery.sequence("refresh"); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { // 2 uploads for each date + 3 uploads for the index pages + 1 upload // for the validdates json + 1 upload for the famous players json. exactly(2 * validDates.size() + 5).of(mockTransferManager).upload( with(any(PutObjectRequest.class))); will(returnValue(mockTransfer)); inSequence(refreshSequence); // We do _not_ have the copy in this case never(mockTransferManager).copy(with(anything())); } }); // Delete previous day's bookings and cached data at end mockS3Client = mockery.mock(AmazonS3.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { exactly(2).of(mockS3Client).deleteObject(with(aNonNull(DeleteObjectRequest.class))); // Ensures this delete occurs after uploads of new pages and cached data inSequence(refreshSequence); exactly(1).of(mockTransferManager).getAmazonS3Client(); will(returnValue(mockS3Client)); } }); pageManager.setS3TransferManager(mockTransferManager); // ACT pageManager.refreshAllPages(validDates, apiGatewayBaseUrl, revvingSuffix); }
@Test public void testRefreshAllPagesNotifiesTheSnsTopicWhenItThrows() throws Exception { // It is useful for the admin user to be notified whenever the refreshing // of booking pages does not succeed - so that they can update the pages // manually instead. This tests that whenever the page manager catches an // exception while refreshing pages, it notifies the admin SNS topic. // ARRANGE thrown.expect(Exception.class); String message = "Exception caught while copying booking page to S3"; thrown.expectMessage(message); initialisePageManager(); // Make S3 throw: // Transfer interface is implemented by Uploads, Downloads, and Copies Transfer mockTransfer = mockery.mock(Transfer.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransfer).isDone(); will(returnValue(true)); allowing(mockTransfer).waitForCompletion(); } }); mockTransferManager = mockery.mock(IS3TransferManager.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockTransferManager).upload(with(any(PutObjectRequest.class))); will(throwException(new AmazonServiceException("Grrr..."))); // Should throw before copy is called never(mockTransferManager).copy(with(any(CopyObjectRequest.class))); } }); pageManager.setS3TransferManager(mockTransferManager); // Set up mock SNS client to expect a notification mockSNSClient = mockery.mock(AmazonSNS.class); String partialMessage = "Apologies - but there was an error refreshing the booking pages in S3"; mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockSNSClient).publish(with(equal(adminSnsTopicArn)), with(startsWith(partialMessage)), with(equal("Sqawsh booking pages in S3 failed to refresh"))); } }); pageManager.setSNSClient(mockSNSClient); // ACT - this should throw - and notify the SNS topic pageManager.refreshAllPages(validDates, apiGatewayBaseUrl, revvingSuffix); }
public void doTestBackupBookingsAndBookingRulesCorrectlyCallsS3( Boolean backupAllBookingsAndBookingRules, Boolean backupSingleBookingRule, Boolean isNotDeletion) throws Exception { // Prevent this method being called with invalid combination of parameters assertTrue("Either backup all bookingsAndRules or backup a single booking/rule", !(backupAllBookingsAndBookingRules && backupSingleBookingRule)); // Set up mock transfer manager Transfer mockTransfer = mockery.mock(Transfer.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransfer).isDone(); will(returnValue(true)); allowing(mockTransfer).waitForCompletion(); } }); mockTransferManager = mockery.mock(IS3TransferManager.class); // Set up mock booking and rule managers mockBookingManager = mockery.mock(IBookingManager.class); mockRuleManager = mockery.mock(IRuleManager.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { if (backupAllBookingsAndBookingRules) { // When backing everything up, we call through to the managers: oneOf(mockBookingManager).getAllBookings(with.booleanIs(anything())); will(returnValue(bookings)); oneOf(mockRuleManager).getRules(with.booleanIs(anything())); will(returnValue(bookingRules)); // Each type of backup uploads to a different S3 key: oneOf(mockTransferManager).upload( with(allOf(any(PutObjectRequest.class), hasProperty("key", equal("AllBookingsAndBookingRules"))))); will(returnValue(mockTransfer)); } else { ignoring(mockBookingManager); ignoring(mockRuleManager); if (backupSingleBookingRule) { oneOf(mockTransferManager).upload( with(allOf(any(PutObjectRequest.class), hasProperty("key", equal("LatestBookingRule"))))); will(returnValue(mockTransfer)); } else { oneOf(mockTransferManager) .upload( with(allOf(any(PutObjectRequest.class), hasProperty("key", equal("LatestBooking"))))); will(returnValue(mockTransfer)); } } } }); backupManager.initialise(mockBookingManager, mockRuleManager, mockLogger); backupManager.setS3TransferManager(mockTransferManager); // Set up mock SNS client mockSNSClient = mockery.mock(AmazonSNS.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { ignoring(mockSNSClient); } }); backupManager.setSNSClient(mockSNSClient); // ACT if (backupAllBookingsAndBookingRules) { backupManager.backupAllBookingsAndBookingRules(); } else { if (backupSingleBookingRule) { backupManager.backupSingleBookingRule(bookingRule, isNotDeletion); } else { backupManager.backupSingleBooking(booking, isNotDeletion); } } }
public void doTestBackupSingleBookingOrRuleCorrectlyCallsSNS(Boolean isBooking, Boolean isCreation) throws Exception { // Not interested in manager calls in this test mockBookingManager = mockery.mock(IBookingManager.class); mockRuleManager = mockery.mock(IRuleManager.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { ignoring(mockBookingManager); ignoring(mockRuleManager); } }); backupManager.initialise(mockBookingManager, mockRuleManager, mockLogger); // Not interested in S3 calls in this test Transfer mockTransfer = mockery.mock(Transfer.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransfer).isDone(); will(returnValue(true)); allowing(mockTransfer).waitForCompletion(); } }); mockTransferManager = mockery.mock(IS3TransferManager.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransferManager).upload(with(any(PutObjectRequest.class))); will(returnValue(mockTransfer)); } }); backupManager.setS3TransferManager(mockTransferManager); // Set up expectation to publish to our SNS topic with expected message and // subject - both of which differ between bookings and booking rules. String backupMessage; String backupSubject; if (!isBooking) { // Encode booking rule as JSON backupMessage = (isCreation ? "Booking rule updated: " : "Booking rule deleted: ") + System.getProperty("line.separator") + getExpectedBookingRuleJson(bookingRule); backupSubject = "Sqawsh single booking rule backup"; } else { // Encode booking as JSON backupMessage = (isCreation ? "Booking created: " : "Booking deleted: ") + System.getProperty("line.separator") + getExpectedBookingJson(booking); backupSubject = "Sqawsh single booking backup"; } // Set up mock SNS client mockSNSClient = mockery.mock(AmazonSNS.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockSNSClient).publish(with(equal(adminSnsTopicArn)), with(equal(backupMessage)), with(equal(backupSubject))); } }); backupManager.setSNSClient(mockSNSClient); // ACT if (isBooking) { backupManager.backupSingleBooking(booking, isCreation); } else { backupManager.backupSingleBookingRule(bookingRule, isCreation); } }
@Test public void testBackupAllBookingsAndBookingRulesCorrectlyCallsSNS() throws Exception { // Add extra booking and booking rule to verify ALL bookings and rules are // backed up. Booking booking2 = new Booking(booking); // Tweak booking2 so it's different to booking booking2.setCourt(booking2.getCourt() + 1); bookings.add(booking2); BookingRule bookingRule2 = new BookingRule(bookingRule); // Tweak bookingRule2 so it's different to bookingRule bookingRule2.setIsRecurring(!bookingRule2.getIsRecurring()); bookingRules.add(bookingRule2); // Set up mock managers mockBookingManager = mockery.mock(IBookingManager.class); mockRuleManager = mockery.mock(IRuleManager.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { // When backing everything up, we call through to the managers: allowing(mockBookingManager).getAllBookings(with.booleanIs(anything())); will(returnValue(bookings)); allowing(mockRuleManager).getRules(with.booleanIs(anything())); will(returnValue(bookingRules)); } }); backupManager.initialise(mockBookingManager, mockRuleManager, mockLogger); // Not interested in S3 calls in this test Transfer mockTransfer = mockery.mock(Transfer.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransfer).isDone(); will(returnValue(true)); allowing(mockTransfer).waitForCompletion(); } }); mockTransferManager = mockery.mock(IS3TransferManager.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransferManager).upload(with(any(PutObjectRequest.class))); will(returnValue(mockTransfer)); } }); backupManager.setS3TransferManager(mockTransferManager); // Set up mock SNS client String backupMessage = "{\"bookings\":[" + getExpectedBookingJson(booking) + "," + getExpectedBookingJson(booking2) + "],\"bookingRules\":[" + getExpectedBookingRuleJson(bookingRule) + "," + getExpectedBookingRuleJson(bookingRule2) + "],\"clearBeforeRestore\":true}"; mockSNSClient = mockery.mock(AmazonSNS.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { oneOf(mockSNSClient).publish(with(equal(adminSnsTopicArn)), with(equal(backupMessage)), with(equal("Sqawsh all-bookings and booking rules backup"))); } }); backupManager.setSNSClient(mockSNSClient); // ACT backupManager.backupAllBookingsAndBookingRules(); }
@Test public void testBackupAllBookingsAndBookingRulesCorrectlyCallsTheManagers() throws Exception { // Checks BackupManager correctly calls the booking and rule managers when // backing up everything. In particular they should say it's not making // service user calls - so calls get allowed even when not in ACTIVE // lifecycle state. // Set up mock managers mockBookingManager = mockery.mock(IBookingManager.class); mockRuleManager = mockery.mock(IRuleManager.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { // When backing everything up, we call through to the managers: oneOf(mockBookingManager).getAllBookings(false); will(returnValue(bookings)); oneOf(mockRuleManager).getRules(false); will(returnValue(bookingRules)); } }); backupManager.initialise(mockBookingManager, mockRuleManager, mockLogger); // Not interested in S3 calls in this test Transfer mockTransfer = mockery.mock(Transfer.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransfer).isDone(); will(returnValue(true)); allowing(mockTransfer).waitForCompletion(); } }); mockTransferManager = mockery.mock(IS3TransferManager.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransferManager).upload(with(any(PutObjectRequest.class))); will(returnValue(mockTransfer)); } }); backupManager.setS3TransferManager(mockTransferManager); // Not interested in SNS calls in this test mockSNSClient = mockery.mock(AmazonSNS.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { ignoring(mockSNSClient); } }); backupManager.setSNSClient(mockSNSClient); // ACT backupManager.backupAllBookingsAndBookingRules(); }
@Test public void testBackupAllBookingsAndBookingRulesReturnsCorrectBookingsAndBookingRules() throws Exception { // Add extra booking and booking rule to verify ALL bookings and rules are // returned. Booking booking2 = new Booking(booking); // Tweak booking2 so it's different to booking booking2.setCourt(booking2.getCourt() + 1); bookings.add(booking2); BookingRule bookingRule2 = new BookingRule(bookingRule); // Tweak bookingRule2 so it's different to bookingRule bookingRule2.setIsRecurring(!bookingRule2.getIsRecurring()); bookingRules.add(bookingRule2); // Set up mock managers mockBookingManager = mockery.mock(IBookingManager.class); mockRuleManager = mockery.mock(IRuleManager.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { // When backing everything up, we call through to the managers: allowing(mockBookingManager).getAllBookings(with.booleanIs(anything())); will(returnValue(bookings)); allowing(mockRuleManager).getRules(with.booleanIs(anything())); will(returnValue(bookingRules)); } }); backupManager.initialise(mockBookingManager, mockRuleManager, mockLogger); // Not interested in S3 calls in this test Transfer mockTransfer = mockery.mock(Transfer.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransfer).isDone(); will(returnValue(true)); allowing(mockTransfer).waitForCompletion(); } }); mockTransferManager = mockery.mock(IS3TransferManager.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { allowing(mockTransferManager).upload(with(any(PutObjectRequest.class))); will(returnValue(mockTransfer)); } }); backupManager.setS3TransferManager(mockTransferManager); // Not interested in SNS calls in this test mockSNSClient = mockery.mock(AmazonSNS.class); mockery.checking(new Expectations() { { ignoring(mockSNSClient); } }); backupManager.setSNSClient(mockSNSClient); // ACT ImmutablePair<List<Booking>, List<BookingRule>> bookingsAndBookingRules = backupManager .backupAllBookingsAndBookingRules(); // ASSERT // Verify we've got the correct bookings and booking rules. assertEquals("Unexpected bookings returned", bookingsAndBookingRules.left, bookings); assertEquals("Unexpected booking rules returned", bookingsAndBookingRules.right, bookingRules); }
@Override public S3FileTransferResultsDto copyFile(final S3FileCopyRequestParamsDto params) throws InterruptedException { LOGGER .info("Copying S3 object... sourceS3Key=\"{}\" sourceS3BucketName=\"{}\" targetS3Key=\"{}\" targetS3BucketName=\"{}\"", params.getSourceObjectKey(), params.getSourceBucketName(), params.getTargetObjectKey(), params.getTargetBucketName()); // Perform the copy. S3FileTransferResultsDto results = performTransfer(params, new Transferer() { @Override public Transfer performTransfer(TransferManager transferManager) { // Create a copy request. CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest = new CopyObjectRequest(params.getSourceBucketName(), params.getSourceObjectKey(), params.getTargetBucketName(), params.getTargetObjectKey()); // If KMS Key ID is specified, set the AWS Key Management System parameters to be used to encrypt the object. if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(params.getKmsKeyId())) { copyObjectRequest.withSSEAwsKeyManagementParams(new SSEAwsKeyManagementParams(params.getKmsKeyId())); } // Otherwise, specify the server-side encryption algorithm for encrypting the object using AWS-managed keys. else { ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata(); metadata.setSSEAlgorithm(ObjectMetadata.AES_256_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION); copyObjectRequest.setNewObjectMetadata(metadata); } return s3Operations.copyFile(copyObjectRequest, transferManager); } });"Copied S3 object. sourceS3Key=\"{}\" sourceS3BucketName=\"{}\" targetS3Key=\"{}\" targetS3BucketName=\"{}\" " + "totalBytesTransferred={} transferDuration=\"{}\"", params.getSourceObjectKey(), params.getSourceBucketName(), params.getTargetObjectKey(), params.getTargetBucketName(), results.getTotalBytesTransferred(), HerdDateUtils.formatDuration(results.getDurationMillis())); logOverallTransferRate(results); return results; }
@Override public boolean uploadDirectoryOrFileAndListenProgress(final String bucketName, final File source, final String virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix) throws AmazonClientException, AmazonServiceException, FileNotFoundException {"uploadDirectoryOrFileAndWaitForCompletion invoked, bucketName: {} , Source: {}", bucketName, source.getAbsolutePath()); Transfer transfer = null; final TransferManager transferMgr = new TransferManager(s3client); if (source.isFile()) { transfer = transferMgr.upload(bucketName,source.getPath(),source); } else if (source.isDirectory()) { //upload recursively transfer = transferMgr.uploadDirectory(bucketName, virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix, source, true); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("File is neither a regular file nor a directory " + source); } // You can poll your transfer's status to check its progress if (transfer.isDone()) {"Start: {} , State: {} and Progress (%): {}", transfer.getDescription(), transfer.getState(), transfer.getProgress().getPercentTransferred()); } // Add progressListener to listen asynchronous notifications about your transfer's progress // Uncomment below code snippet during development /*transfer.addProgressListener(new ProgressListener() { public void progressChanged(ProgressEvent event) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Transferred bytes: " + (long) event.getBytesTransferred()); } } });*/ try { //Block the current thread and wait for completion //If the transfer fails AmazonClientException will be thrown transfer.waitForCompletion(); } catch (AmazonClientException | InterruptedException excp) { LOGGER.error("Exception occured while waiting for transfer: ",excp); }"End: {} , State: {} , Progress (%): {}", transfer.getDescription(), transfer.getState(), transfer.getProgress().getPercentTransferred()); return transfer.isDone(); }
@Override public Transfer getTransfer() { return mUpload; }
/** * Perform a transfer using the specified transfer manager. * * @param transferManager the transfer manager. * * @return the transfer information for the transfer. This will typically be returned from an operation on the transfer manager (e.g. upload). */ public Transfer performTransfer(TransferManager transferManager);
/** * Upload directory or file.<br/> * S3 will overwrite any existing objects that happen to have the same key, * just as when uploading individual files, so use with caution.<br/> * This method will upload the files or directory to S3 asynchronously<br/> * You can use {@link} returning object to check for progress, * Usage: <code>transfer.getProgress().getPercentTransferred()</code><br/> * It is implemented via {@link} <br/> * TransferManager provides a simple API for uploading content to Amazon S3, * and makes extensive use of Amazon S3 multipart uploads to achieve * enhanced throughput, performance and reliability. <br/>When possible, * TransferManager attempts to use multiple threads to upload multiple parts * of a single upload at once. <br/> When dealing with large content sizes and * high bandwidth, this can have a significant increase on throughput. * * @param bucketName the bucket name * @param source the source fir or directory * @param virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix the key prefix of the virtual directory to upload to. Use the null or empty string to upload files to the root of the bucket. * @return the transfer * @throws AmazonClientException the amazon client exception * @throws AmazonServiceException the amazon service exception * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ Transfer uploadDirectoryOrFile(final String bucketName, final File source, final String virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix) throws AmazonClientException, AmazonServiceException, IOException;
public void transferStateChanged(Transfer transfer, TransferState state);