Java 类 实例源码

项目:conductor    文件   
private List<String> delete(List<Message> messages) {
if (messages == null || messages.isEmpty()) {
          return null;

      DeleteMessageBatchRequest batch = new DeleteMessageBatchRequest().withQueueUrl(queueURL);
    List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry> entries = batch.getEntries(); -> entries.add(new DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry().withId(m.getId()).withReceiptHandle(m.getReceipt())));

      DeleteMessageBatchResult result = client.deleteMessageBatch(batch);
      List<String> failures = result.getFailed().stream().map(fm -> fm.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
logger.debug("failed to delete: {}", failures);
      return failures;

项目:awslocal    文件   
public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessageBatch(DeleteMessageBatchRequest deleteMessageBatchRequest) throws AmazonClientException {
    DirectorySQSQueue queue = getQueueFromUrl(deleteMessageBatchRequest.getQueueUrl(), false);
    //lists for reporting
    List<BatchResultErrorEntry> batchResultErrorEntries = new ArrayList<>();
    List<DeleteMessageBatchResultEntry> batchResultEntries = new ArrayList<>();
    //attempt delete on each
    for (DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry batchRequestEntry : deleteMessageBatchRequest.getEntries()) {
        try {
            batchResultEntries.add(new DeleteMessageBatchResultEntry().withId(batchRequestEntry.getId()));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            BatchResultErrorEntry batchResultErrorEntry = new BatchResultErrorEntry().
    return new DeleteMessageBatchResult().withFailed(batchResultErrorEntries).withSuccessful(batchResultEntries);
项目:aws-sdk-java-resources    文件   
public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessages(DeleteMessageBatchRequest
        request, ResultCapture<DeleteMessageBatchResult> extractor) {

    ActionResult result = resource.performAction("DeleteMessages", request,

    if (result == null) return null;
    return (DeleteMessageBatchResult) result.getData();
项目:aws-sdk-java-resources    文件   
public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessages(
        ResultCapture<DeleteMessageBatchResult> extractor) {

    DeleteMessageBatchRequest request = new DeleteMessageBatchRequest();
    return deleteMessages(request, extractor);
项目:aws-sdk-java-resources    文件   
public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessages(
        List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry> entries) {

    return deleteMessages(entries,
项目:aws-sdk-java-resources    文件   
public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessages(
        List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry> entries,
        ResultCapture<DeleteMessageBatchResult> extractor) {

    DeleteMessageBatchRequest request = new DeleteMessageBatchRequest()
    return deleteMessages(request, extractor);
项目:unitstack    文件   
public void testBulkSendDelete_shouldWork() {
  // create queue
  CreateQueueResult createdQueue = sqs.createQueue(new CreateQueueRequest().withQueueName("tea-earl-grey-queue"));
  // send batch
  SendMessageBatchRequestEntry firstRequest = new SendMessageBatchRequestEntry().withDelaySeconds(0).withId("one")
  SendMessageBatchRequestEntry secondRequest = new SendMessageBatchRequestEntry().withDelaySeconds(0).withId("two")
  SendMessageBatchRequestEntry thirdRequest = new SendMessageBatchRequestEntry().withDelaySeconds(0).withId("three")
      .withMessageGroupId("groupee").withMessageBody("{\"VHS\":\"street art slow-carb\"}");
  // verify send batch result
  SendMessageBatchResult sendResult = sqs.sendMessageBatch(new SendMessageBatchRequest().withQueueUrl(createdQueue.getQueueUrl())
      .withEntries(ImmutableList.of(firstRequest,secondRequest, thirdRequest)));
  assertNotNull("verify that batch send returned ok", sendResult);
  assertTrue("no request failed",sendResult.getFailed().isEmpty());
  assertEquals("verify successfull message count", 3, sendResult.getSuccessful().size());
  SendMessageBatchResultEntry firstResultEntry = sendResult.getSuccessful().stream().filter(msg -> msg.getId().equals("one")).findAny().get();
  assertEquals("verify correct message MD5",getAwsMessageMD5("{\"XOXO\":234}"),firstResultEntry.getMD5OfMessageBody());
  assertNotNull("verify message id exists",firstResultEntry.getMessageId());

  ReceiveMessageResult receivedMessagesResult = sqs.receiveMessage(new ReceiveMessageRequest().withQueueUrl(createdQueue.getQueueUrl()).withMaxNumberOfMessages(4));
  // delete batch
  List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry> deleteRequests = new ArrayList<>();
  deleteRequests.add(new DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry().withId("one").withReceiptHandle(receivedMessagesResult.getMessages().get(0).getReceiptHandle()));
  deleteRequests.add(new DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry().withId("two").withReceiptHandle(receivedMessagesResult.getMessages().get(0).getReceiptHandle()));
  deleteRequests.add(new DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry().withId("three").withReceiptHandle(receivedMessagesResult.getMessages().get(0).getReceiptHandle())); 

  DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteBatchResult = sqs.deleteMessageBatch(new DeleteMessageBatchRequest().withQueueUrl(createdQueue.getQueueUrl()).withEntries(deleteRequests));

  // verify delete batch result
  assertNotNull("verify that batch delete returned ok", deleteBatchResult);
  assertTrue("no request failed",deleteBatchResult.getFailed().isEmpty());
  assertEquals("verify successfull message count", 3, deleteBatchResult.getSuccessful().size());
  assertTrue("queue must be empty after removal",getQueues().get("tea-earl-grey-queue").getMessageQueue().isEmpty());
  for(Message message : receivedMessagesResult.getMessages()) {
    assertTrue("invisibility-queue must be empty after removal",getQueues().get("tea-earl-grey-queue").getInvisibilityQueueFor(message.getReceiptHandle()).isEmpty());

  // cleanup
项目:reactive-sqs-client    文件   
public Observable<DeleteMessageBatchResult> deleteMessageBatchAsync(DeleteMessageBatchRequest request) {
    return Observable.from(sqsClient.deleteMessageBatchAsync(request));
项目:reactive-sqs-client    文件   
public Observable<DeleteMessageBatchResult> deleteMessageBatchAsync(String queueUrl, List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry> entries) {
    return Observable.from(sqsClient.deleteMessageBatchAsync(queueUrl, entries));
项目:zipkin-aws    文件   
private DeleteMessageBatchResult delete(List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry> entries) {
  return client.deleteMessageBatch(queueUrl, entries);
项目:aws-sdk-java-resources    文件   
public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessages(DeleteMessageBatchRequest
        request) {

    return deleteMessages(request, null);
项目:aws-sdk-java-resources    文件   
public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessages() {
    return deleteMessages((ResultCapture<DeleteMessageBatchResult>)null);
项目:amazon-sqs-java-extended-client-lib    文件   
 * <p>
 * Deletes up to ten messages from the specified queue. This is a batch
 * version of DeleteMessage. The result of the delete action on each message
 * is reported individually in the response. Also deletes the message
 * payloads from Amazon S3 when necessary.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>IMPORTANT:</b> Because the batch request can result in a combination
 * of successful and unsuccessful actions, you should check for batch errors
 * even when the call returns an HTTP status code of 200.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE:</b>Some API actions take lists of parameters. These lists are
 * specified using the param.n notation. Values of n are integers starting
 * from 1. For example, a parameter list with two elements looks like this:
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <code>&Attribute.1=this</code>
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <code>&Attribute.2=that</code>
 * </p>
 * @param deleteMessageBatchRequest
 *            Container for the necessary parameters to execute the
 *            DeleteMessageBatch service method on AmazonSQS.
 * @return The response from the DeleteMessageBatch service method, as
 *         returned by AmazonSQS.
 * @throws BatchEntryIdsNotDistinctException
 * @throws TooManyEntriesInBatchRequestException
 * @throws InvalidBatchEntryIdException
 * @throws EmptyBatchRequestException
 * @throws AmazonClientException
 *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client
 *             while attempting to make the request or handle the response.
 *             For example if a network connection is not available.
 * @throws AmazonServiceException
 *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
 *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server
 *             side issue.
public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessageBatch(DeleteMessageBatchRequest deleteMessageBatchRequest) {

    if (deleteMessageBatchRequest == null) {
        String errorMessage = "deleteMessageBatchRequest cannot be null.";
        throw new AmazonClientException(errorMessage);


    if (!clientConfiguration.isLargePayloadSupportEnabled()) {
        return super.deleteMessageBatch(deleteMessageBatchRequest);

    for (DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry entry : deleteMessageBatchRequest.getEntries()) {
        String receiptHandle = entry.getReceiptHandle();
        String origReceiptHandle = receiptHandle;
        if (isS3ReceiptHandle(receiptHandle)) {
            origReceiptHandle = getOrigReceiptHandle(receiptHandle);
    return super.deleteMessageBatch(deleteMessageBatchRequest);
项目:amazon-sqs-java-messaging-lib    文件   
 * Calls <code>deleteMessageBatch</code> and wraps
 * <code>AmazonClientException</code>. This is used to acknowledge multiple
 * messages on client_acknowledge mode, so that they can be deleted from SQS
 * queue.
 * @param deleteMessageBatchRequest
 *            Container for the necessary parameters to execute the
 *            deleteMessageBatch service method on AmazonSQS. This is the
 *            batch version of deleteMessage. Max batch size is 10.
 * @return The response from the deleteMessageBatch service method, as
 *         returned by AmazonSQS
 * @throws JMSException
public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessageBatch(DeleteMessageBatchRequest deleteMessageBatchRequest) throws JMSException {
    try {
        return amazonSQSClient.deleteMessageBatch(deleteMessageBatchRequest);
    } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
        throw handleException(e, "deleteMessageBatch");
项目:amazon-sqs-java-extended-client-lib    文件   
 * <p>
 * Deletes up to ten messages from the specified queue. This is a batch
 * version of DeleteMessage. The result of the delete action on each message
 * is reported individually in the response.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>IMPORTANT:</b> Because the batch request can result in a combination
 * of successful and unsuccessful actions, you should check for batch errors
 * even when the call returns an HTTP status code of 200.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE:</b>Some API actions take lists of parameters. These lists are
 * specified using the param.n notation. Values of n are integers starting
 * from 1. For example, a parameter list with two elements looks like this:
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <code>&Attribute.1=this</code>
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <code>&Attribute.2=that</code>
 * </p>
 * @param deleteMessageBatchRequest
 *            Container for the necessary parameters to execute the
 *            DeleteMessageBatch service method on AmazonSQS.
 * @return The response from the DeleteMessageBatch service method, as
 *         returned by AmazonSQS.
 * @throws BatchEntryIdsNotDistinctException
 * @throws TooManyEntriesInBatchRequestException
 * @throws InvalidBatchEntryIdException
 * @throws EmptyBatchRequestException
 * @throws AmazonClientException
 *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client
 *             while attempting to make the request or handle the response.
 *             For example if a network connection is not available.
 * @throws AmazonServiceException
 *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
 *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server
 *             side issue.
public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessageBatch(DeleteMessageBatchRequest deleteMessageBatchRequest)
        throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {

    return amazonSqsToBeExtended.deleteMessageBatch(deleteMessageBatchRequest);
项目:amazon-sqs-java-extended-client-lib    文件   
 * <p>
 * Deletes up to ten messages from the specified queue. This is a batch
 * version of DeleteMessage. The result of the delete action on each message
 * is reported individually in the response.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>IMPORTANT:</b> Because the batch request can result in a combination
 * of successful and unsuccessful actions, you should check for batch errors
 * even when the call returns an HTTP status code of 200.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE:</b>Some API actions take lists of parameters. These lists are
 * specified using the param.n notation. Values of n are integers starting
 * from 1. For example, a parameter list with two elements looks like this:
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <code>&Attribute.1=this</code>
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <code>&Attribute.2=that</code>
 * </p>
 * @param queueUrl
 *            The URL of the Amazon SQS queue to take action on.
 * @param entries
 *            A list of receipt handles for the messages to be deleted.
 * @return The response from the DeleteMessageBatch service method, as
 *         returned by AmazonSQS.
 * @throws BatchEntryIdsNotDistinctException
 * @throws TooManyEntriesInBatchRequestException
 * @throws InvalidBatchEntryIdException
 * @throws EmptyBatchRequestException
 * @throws AmazonClientException
 *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client
 *             while attempting to make the request or handle the response.
 *             For example if a network connection is not available.
 * @throws AmazonServiceException
 *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
 *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server
 *             side issue.
public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessageBatch(String queueUrl, List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry> entries)
        throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {

    return amazonSqsToBeExtended.deleteMessageBatch(queueUrl, entries);
项目:amazon-sqs-java-extended-client-lib    文件   
 * <p>
 * Deletes up to ten messages from the specified queue. This is a batch
 * version of DeleteMessage. The result of the delete action on each message
 * is reported individually in the response. Also deletes the message
 * payloads from Amazon S3 when necessary.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>IMPORTANT:</b> Because the batch request can result in a combination
 * of successful and unsuccessful actions, you should check for batch errors
 * even when the call returns an HTTP status code of 200.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE:</b>Some API actions take lists of parameters. These lists are
 * specified using the param.n notation. Values of n are integers starting
 * from 1. For example, a parameter list with two elements looks like this:
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <code>&Attribute.1=this</code>
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <code>&Attribute.2=that</code>
 * </p>
 * @param queueUrl
 *            The URL of the Amazon SQS queue to take action on.
 * @param entries
 *            A list of receipt handles for the messages to be deleted.
 * @return The response from the DeleteMessageBatch service method, as
 *         returned by AmazonSQS.
 * @throws BatchEntryIdsNotDistinctException
 * @throws TooManyEntriesInBatchRequestException
 * @throws InvalidBatchEntryIdException
 * @throws EmptyBatchRequestException
 * @throws AmazonClientException
 *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client
 *             while attempting to make the request or handle the response.
 *             For example if a network connection is not available.
 * @throws AmazonServiceException
 *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
 *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server
 *             side issue.
public DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessageBatch(String queueUrl, List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry> entries) {
    DeleteMessageBatchRequest deleteMessageBatchRequest = new DeleteMessageBatchRequest(queueUrl, entries);
    return deleteMessageBatch(deleteMessageBatchRequest);
项目:aws-sdk-java-resources    文件   
 * Performs the <code>DeleteMessages</code> action.
 * <p>
 * The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this
 * <code>Queue</code> resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in
 * the request will be overridden:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>
 *     <b><code>QueueUrl</code></b>
 *         - mapped from the <code>Url</code> identifier.
 *   </li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * @return The response of the low-level client operation associated with
 *         this resource action.
 * @see DeleteMessageBatchRequest
DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessages(DeleteMessageBatchRequest request);
项目:aws-sdk-java-resources    文件   
 * Performs the <code>DeleteMessages</code> action and use a ResultCapture
 * to retrieve the low-level client response.
 * <p>
 * The following request parameters will be populated from the data of this
 * <code>Queue</code> resource, and any conflicting parameter value set in
 * the request will be overridden:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>
 *     <b><code>QueueUrl</code></b>
 *         - mapped from the <code>Url</code> identifier.
 *   </li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * @return The response of the low-level client operation associated with
 *         this resource action.
 * @see DeleteMessageBatchRequest
DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessages(DeleteMessageBatchRequest request,
        ResultCapture<DeleteMessageBatchResult> extractor);
项目:aws-sdk-java-resources    文件   
 * The convenient method form for the <code>DeleteMessages</code> action.
 * @see #deleteMessages(DeleteMessageBatchRequest)
DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessages();
项目:aws-sdk-java-resources    文件   
 * The convenient method form for the <code>DeleteMessages</code> action.
 * @see #deleteMessages(DeleteMessageBatchRequest, ResultCapture)
DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessages(
        ResultCapture<DeleteMessageBatchResult> extractor);
项目:aws-sdk-java-resources    文件   
 * The convenient method form for the <code>DeleteMessages</code> action.
 * @see #deleteMessages(DeleteMessageBatchRequest)
DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessages(List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry>
项目:aws-sdk-java-resources    文件   
 * The convenient method form for the <code>DeleteMessages</code> action.
 * @see #deleteMessages(DeleteMessageBatchRequest, ResultCapture)
DeleteMessageBatchResult deleteMessages(List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry>
        entries, ResultCapture<DeleteMessageBatchResult> extractor);