private void configure() { Matcher matcher = REGIONAL_ENDPOINT_PATTERN.matcher(uri.toString()); if (matcher.find()) { String bucketName =; String region =; String key =; Region derivedRegion; if (region.equals("external-1")) { derivedRegion = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1); } else { derivedRegion = RegionUtils.getRegion(region); } this.region = Optional.of(derivedRegion); this.bucketName = bucketName; this.key = key; } else { this.region = Optional.absent(); this.bucketName = getBucketName(uri.getHost()); this.key = getS3BucketKey(uri); } }
@Bean public Region awsRegion() { Region region; if(regionString != null && !regionString.isEmpty()) { region = RegionUtils.getRegion(regionString); } else { AwsRegionProvider regionProvider = new DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain(); region = RegionUtils.getRegion(regionProvider.getRegion()); } if(region == null) { throw new BeanInitializationException("Unable to determine AWS region"); } return region; }
public GenericDynamoDB(AmazonDynamoDB client, AWSCredentialsProvider awsCredentials, ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration, SecretsGroupIdentifier groupIdentifier, Class<Entry> clazz, Converters converters, ReadWriteLock readWriteLock) { this.clazz = clazz; buildMappings(); this.converters = converters; this.awsCredentials = awsCredentials; this.clientConfiguration = clientConfiguration; this.client = client; this.region = RegionUtils.getRegion(groupIdentifier.region.getName()); this.readWriteLock = readWriteLock; RegionLocalResourceName resourceName = new RegionLocalResourceName(groupIdentifier); this.tableName = resourceName.toString(); }
/** * Specifically made package access for testing. * Used for internal consumption of AWS SDK. * * Tries to determine the service endpoint for the bucket name. * Returns the endpoint configured in the client if the region cannot be determined. */ URI resolveServiceEndpoint(String bucketName) { if (getSignerRegion() != null || isSignerOverridden()) return endpoint; final String regionStr = fetchRegionFromCache(bucketName); final com.amazonaws.regions.Region region = RegionUtils.getRegion(regionStr); if (region == null) { log.warn("Region information for " + regionStr + " is not available. Please upgrade to latest version of AWS Java SDK"); } return region != null ? RuntimeHttpUtils.toUri(region.getServiceEndpoint(S3_SERVICE_NAME), clientConfiguration) : endpoint; }
/** * Set the request's endpoint and resource path with the new region provided * * @param request Request to set endpoint for * @param regionString New region to determine endpoint to hit */ public void resolveRequestEndpoint(Request<?> request, String regionString) { if (regionString != null) { final Region r = RegionUtils.getRegion(regionString); if (r == null) { throw new SdkClientException("Not able to determine region" + " for " + regionString + ".Please upgrade to a newer " + "version of the SDK"); } endpointBuilder.withRegion(r); } final URI endpoint = endpointBuilder.getServiceEndpoint(); if (shouldUseVirtualAddressing(endpoint)) { request.setEndpoint(convertToVirtualHostEndpoint(endpoint, bucketName)); request.setResourcePath(SdkHttpUtils.urlEncode(getHostStyleResourcePath(), true)); } else { request.setEndpoint(endpoint); if (bucketName != null) { request.setResourcePath(SdkHttpUtils.urlEncode(getPathStyleResourcePath(), true)); } } }
public void createSnapshotFromTagName(TagNameRequest tagNameRequest, Context context) { LambdaLogger logger = context.getLogger(); logger.log("create ebs snapshot from tag name Start. backup target[" + tagNameRequest + "]"); String regionName = System.getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"); AmazonEC2Async client = RegionUtils.getRegion(regionName).createClient(AmazonEC2AsyncClient.class, new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain(), cc); try { List<Volume> volumes = describeBackupVolumes(client, tagNameRequest); for (Volume volume : volumes) { createSnapshot(volume.getVolumeId(), tagNameRequest.getGenerationCount(), context); } } finally { client.shutdown(); } }
/** * Calculates DynamoDB end-point. * * Algorithm details: * <ol> * <li> Use endpoint in job configuration "dynamodb.endpoint" value if available * <li> Use endpoint from region in job configuration "dynamodb.region" value if available * <li> Use endpoint from region in job configuration "dynamodb.regionid" value if available * <li> Use endpoint from EC2 Metadata of instance if available * <li> If all previous attempts at retrieving endpoint fail, default to us-east-1 endpoint * </ol> * * @param conf Job Configuration * @param region optional preferred region * @return end-point for DynamoDb service */ public static String getDynamoDBEndpoint(Configuration conf, String region) { String endpoint = getValueFromConf(conf, DynamoDBConstants.ENDPOINT); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(endpoint)) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(region)) { region = getValueFromConf(conf, DynamoDBConstants.REGION); } if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(region)) { region = getValueFromConf(conf, DynamoDBConstants.REGION_ID); } if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(region)) { try { region = EC2MetadataUtils.getEC2InstanceRegion(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(String.format("Exception when attempting to get AWS region information. Will " + "ignore and default " + "to %s", DynamoDBConstants.DEFAULT_AWS_REGION), e); } } if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(region)) { region = DynamoDBConstants.DEFAULT_AWS_REGION; } endpoint = RegionUtils.getRegion(region).getServiceEndpoint(ServiceAbbreviations.Dynamodb); }"Using endpoint for DynamoDB: " + endpoint); return endpoint; }
@Override public AwsToken load(AwsCredentials awsCredentials) throws Exception { AmazonECR amazonECR = new AmazonECRClient(new AWSCredentialsProvider() { @Override public AWSCredentials getCredentials() { return awsCredentials; } @Override public void refresh() { } }); amazonECR.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(awsCredentials.getRegion())); GetAuthorizationTokenResult authorizationToken = amazonECR.getAuthorizationToken(new GetAuthorizationTokenRequest()); List<AuthorizationData> authorizationData = authorizationToken.getAuthorizationData(); Assert.isTrue(!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(authorizationData), "authorizationData is null or empty for token " + authorizationToken); AuthorizationData data = authorizationData.get(0); byte[] decode = Base64.getDecoder().decode(data.getAuthorizationToken()); String token = new String(decode); String[] split = token.split(":");"about to connect to AWS endpoint: {}", data.getProxyEndpoint()); return AwsToken.builder().username(split[0]).password(split[1]) .expiresAt(data.getExpiresAt()).proxyEndpoint(data.getProxyEndpoint()).build(); }
/** * AWS Access Key ID [None]: ACESSKEY AWS Secret Access Key [None]: EXAMPLEKEY Default region name [None]: us-west-2 Default output format [None]: ENTER */ @Test public void testConnection() { // ClientConfiguration configuration = new ClientConfiguration(); // configuration.set amazonECR.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion("us-west-2")); GetAuthorizationTokenResult authorizationToken = amazonECR.getAuthorizationToken(new GetAuthorizationTokenRequest());"authorizationToken: {}", authorizationToken); List<AuthorizationData> authorizationData = authorizationToken.getAuthorizationData();"token: {}", authorizationData.get(0).getAuthorizationToken());"endpoint: {}", authorizationData.get(0).getProxyEndpoint()); // amazonECR.setEndpoint(authorizationData.get(0).getProxyEndpoint()); // BatchGetImageResult batchGetImageResult = amazonECR.batchGetImage(new BatchGetImageRequest()); //"batchGetImageResult {}", batchGetImageResult); }
@Before public void setup() throws Exception { kmsClient = mock(AWSKMSClient.class); urlResolver = mock(UrlResolver.class); lambdaClient = mock(AWSLambdaClient.class); mockWebServer = new MockWebServer(); mockWebServer.start(); vaultUrl = "http://localhost:" + mockWebServer.getPort(); when(urlResolver.resolve()).thenReturn(vaultUrl); mockStatic(Regions.class); when(Regions.getCurrentRegion()).thenReturn(RegionUtils.getRegion("us-west-2")); whenNew(AWSLambdaClient.class).withNoArguments().thenReturn(lambdaClient); whenNew(AWSKMSClient.class).withAnyArguments().thenReturn(kmsClient); }
/** * Decrypts the given encrypted String for the given encrypted private key. * * @param encryptedPrivateKeyBytes * @param encryptedString * @return the decrypted text */ public static String decrypt(byte[] encryptedPrivateKeyBytes, Map<String, String> encryptionContext, String encryptedString) throws Exception { //Multi region support String regionParam = System.getProperty("awssdk.region"); Region region = regionParam != null ? RegionUtils.getRegion(regionParam) : Regions.getCurrentRegion(); if (region == null) { throw new Exception("Unrecognized AWS region " + regionParam); } // split and decode the symmetrically-encrypted text from the asymmetrically-encrypted symmetric key String[] sections = encryptedString.split(PAYLOAD_SEPARATOR); byte[] encryptedSecretKeyBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(sections[0]); String encryptedText = sections[1]; // get the decrypted asymmetric private key; Cipher privateKeyDecryptionCipher = getPrivateKeyCipher(region, encryptedPrivateKeyBytes, encryptionContext); // unwrap the symmetric key from the private key; SecretKey secretKey = (SecretKey) privateKeyDecryptionCipher.unwrap(encryptedSecretKeyBytes, "AES", Cipher.SECRET_KEY); return Aes.decrypt(secretKey, encryptedText); }
public JKinesisReceiver(String applicationName, String streamName, String endpointUrl, String regionName, Duration checkpoint, InitialPositionInStream position) { super(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER()); this.workerId = getHostname() + ":" + String.valueOf(UUID.randomUUID()); this.checkpointInterval = checkpoint; this.initialPosition = position; Region region = RegionUtils.getRegion(regionName); try { this.kclConfig = new KinesisClientLibConfiguration(applicationName, streamName, getCredsProvider(), workerId) .withCommonClientConfig(CLIENT_CONF) .withRegionName(region.getName()) .withKinesisEndpoint(endpointUrl) .withInitialPositionInStream(InitialPositionInStream.LATEST) .withTaskBackoffTimeMillis(500); } catch (Exception ex) { // do absolutely nothing - and feel good about it! // but ... // we'd do something meaningful in a PROD context } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { verify(args); String stream = args[0]; Region region = RegionUtils.getRegion(args[1]); AWSCredentials credentials = getCreds(); AmazonKinesis client = new AmazonKinesisClient(credentials, CLIENT_CONF); client.setRegion(region); checkStream(client.describeStream(stream)); System.out.println("Let's start putting records!"); Random rnd = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); for (;;) { putEventRecord(client, stream); Thread.sleep(rnd.nextInt(500) + 650); } }
@ReactMethod public void initCredentialsProvider(String identityPoolId, String token, String region) { RegionUtils regionUtils = new RegionUtils(); Region awsRegion = regionUtils.getRegion(region); cognitoCredentialsProvider = new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider( mActivityContext.getApplicationContext(), identityPoolId, // awsRegion); Regions.EU_WEST_1); cognitoClient = new CognitoSyncManager( mActivityContext.getApplicationContext(), // awsRegion, Regions.EU_WEST_1, cognitoCredentialsProvider); }
@Override public void start() { if (RegionUtils.getRegion(region) == null) { addError(format("Region not set or invalid for appender '%s'", getName())); return; } if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(logGroup)) { addError(format("Log group name not set for appender '%s'", getName())); return; } if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(logStream)) { addError(format("Log stream name not set for appender '%s'", getName())); return; } setConverter(new StringPayloadConverter(getCharset(), isBinary())); super.start(); }
@Override protected void doStart() { logs = new AWSLogsClient( getCredentials(), getClientConfiguration() ); logs.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(region)); if (!skipCreate) { if (!logGroupExists(logGroup)) { createLogGroup(logGroup); } if (!logStreamExists(logGroup, logStream)) { createLogStream(logGroup, logStream); } } queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(internalQueueSize); worker = new Worker<>(this); worker.setName(format("%s-worker", getName())); worker.setDaemon(true); worker.start(); }
/** Returns an S3 client given the configuration **/ public static AmazonS3Client getS3Client(Map conf) { AWSCredentialsProvider provider = new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain(); AWSCredentials credentials = provider.getCredentials(); ClientConfiguration config = new ClientConfiguration(); AmazonS3Client client = new AmazonS3Client(credentials, config); String regionName = ConfUtils.getString(conf, REGION); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(regionName)) { client.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(regionName)); } String endpoint = ConfUtils.getString(conf, ENDPOINT); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(endpoint)) { client.setEndpoint(endpoint); } return client; }
@Bean public SQSConnection sqsConnection(AWSCredentialsProvider awsCredentialsProvider, ClientConfiguration awsClientConfig) throws JMSException { SQSConnectionFactory connectionFactory = SQSConnectionFactory.builder() .withRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(awsRegion)) .withAWSCredentialsProvider(awsCredentialsProvider) .withClientConfiguration(awsClientConfig) .build(); return connectionFactory.createConnection(); }
protected KmsMasterKeyProvider getProvider() { if (!prov.isPresent()) { Region region = RegionUtils.getRegion(groupIdentifier.region.getName()); prov = Optional.of(new KmsMasterKeyProvider(awsCredentials, region, transformAndVerifyOrThrow(clientConfiguration), getKeyArn())); } return prov.get(); }
@Inject public AWSCucumberStepdefs(AmazonWebServiceClient client) { this.client = client; this.client.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion("us-east-1")); Class<?> httpClientClass = Classes.childClassOf(AmazonWebServiceClient.class, this.client); this.packageName = httpClientClass.getPackage().getName(); }
@Override public String getRegionName() { String authority = super.endpoint.getAuthority(); if(Constants.S3_HOSTNAME.equals(authority)) { return "us-east-1"; } Matcher m = Region.S3_REGIONAL_ENDPOINT_PATTERN.matcher(authority); try { m.matches(); return RegionUtils.getRegion(; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("No valid region has been specified. Unable to return region name", e); } }
public List<RegionEntry> getRegions() { if(regionEntries != null) return regionEntries; regionEntries = new ArrayList<>(); for(Region region : RegionUtils.getRegions()) { String description = regionDescriptions.get(region.getName()); if(description != null) regionEntries.add(new RegionEntry(region, description)); } return regionEntries; }
@Override public void handleRequest(InputStream is, OutputStream os, Context context) { LambdaLogger logger = context.getLogger(); String regionName = System.getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"); AmazonEC2Async client = RegionUtils.getRegion(regionName).createClient(AmazonEC2AsyncClient.class, new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain(), cc); try { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); DeregisterImageRequest event = om.readValue(is, DeregisterImageRequest.class); String imageId = event.getDetail().getRequestParameters().getImageId(); logger.log("Deregister AMI parge snapshot Start. ImageId[" + imageId + "]"); List<Snapshot> snapshots = describeSnapshot(client, imageId, context); if (snapshots.size() == 0) { logger.log("Target of snapshot there is nothing."); } else { -> pargeSnapshot(client, s.getSnapshotId(), context)); } logger.log("[SUCCESS][DeregisterImage]has been completed successfully." + imageId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log("[ERROR][DeregisterImage]An unexpected error has occurred. message[" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } finally { client.shutdown(); } }
AWSLogsStub(String logGroupName, String logStreamName, String logRegion) { this.logGroupName = logGroupName; this.logStreamName = logStreamName; AWSLogs awsLogs = new AWSLogsClient(); if (logRegion != null) { awsLogs.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(logRegion)); } this.awsLogs = awsLogs; }
@JsonIgnore public void configure(AmazonDynamoDBAsyncClient client) { // set the region or the url, depending on the format if (regionOrUrl.contains(":")) { client.setEndpoint(regionOrUrl); } else { client.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(regionOrUrl)); } }
private static String getRegionName(String location) { final Region region = RegionUtils.getRegion(location); if (region == null && location.equals("US")) { return Regions.US_EAST_1.getName(); } return region != null ? region.getName() : location; }
@Override public void ensureValid(String name, Object region) { String regionStr = ((String) region).toLowerCase().trim(); if (RegionUtils.getRegion(regionStr) == null) { throw new ConfigException( name, region, "Value must be one of: " + Utils.join(RegionUtils.getRegions(), ", ") ); } }
@Before public void setUp() { PowerMockito.spy(RegionUtils.class); PowerMockito.mockStatic(EC2MetadataUtils.class); region = mock(Region.class); conf.clear(); }
@Test public void getsEndpointFromRegion() { when(RegionUtils.getRegion(TEST_REGION)).thenReturn(region); when(region.getServiceEndpoint(ServiceAbbreviations.Dynamodb)).thenReturn(TEST_ENDPOINT); conf.set(DynamoDBConstants.REGION, TEST_REGION); assertEquals(TEST_ENDPOINT, DynamoDBUtil.getDynamoDBEndpoint(conf, null)); verify(region).getServiceEndpoint(ServiceAbbreviations.Dynamodb); }
@Test public void getsEndpointFromEc2InstanceRegion() { when(EC2MetadataUtils.getEC2InstanceRegion()).thenReturn("ec2-instance-region"); when(RegionUtils.getRegion("ec2-instance-region")).thenReturn(region); when(region.getServiceEndpoint(ServiceAbbreviations.Dynamodb)).thenReturn(TEST_ENDPOINT); assertEquals(TEST_ENDPOINT, DynamoDBUtil.getDynamoDBEndpoint(conf, null)); PowerMockito.verifyStatic(); EC2MetadataUtils.getEC2InstanceRegion(); verify(region, never()).getServiceEndpoint(TEST_REGION); }
@Test public void getsEndpointFromDefaultAwsRegion() { PowerMockito.mockStatic(RegionUtils.class); when(EC2MetadataUtils.getEC2InstanceRegion()).thenThrow(new AmazonClientException("Unable to " + "get region from EC2 instance data")); when(RegionUtils.getRegion(DynamoDBConstants.DEFAULT_AWS_REGION)).thenReturn(region); when(region.getServiceEndpoint(ServiceAbbreviations.Dynamodb)).thenReturn(TEST_ENDPOINT); assertEquals(TEST_ENDPOINT, DynamoDBUtil.getDynamoDBEndpoint(conf, null)); PowerMockito.verifyStatic(); RegionUtils.getRegion(DynamoDBConstants.DEFAULT_AWS_REGION); }
/** * Looks up the assigned role for the running Lambda via the GetFunctionConfiguration API. Requests a token from * Cerberus and attempts to decrypt it as that role. */ @Override protected void authenticate() { final Region currentRegion = RegionUtils.getRegion(this.region); final AWSLambda lambdaClient = new AWSLambdaClient(); lambdaClient.setRegion(currentRegion); final GetFunctionConfigurationResult functionConfiguration = lambdaClient.getFunctionConfiguration( new GetFunctionConfigurationRequest() .withFunctionName(functionName) .withQualifier(qualifier)); final String roleArn = functionConfiguration.getRole(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(roleArn)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Lambda function has no assigned role, aborting Cerberus authentication."); } final Matcher roleArnMatcher = IAM_ROLE_ARN_PATTERN.matcher(roleArn); if (!roleArnMatcher.matches()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Lambda function assigned role is not a valid IAM role ARN."); } try { getAndSetToken(roleArn, currentRegion); return; } catch (AmazonClientException ace) { LOGGER.warn("Unexpected error communicating with AWS services.", ace); } catch (JsonSyntaxException jse) { LOGGER.error("The decrypted auth response was not in the expected format!", jse); } catch (VaultClientException sce) { LOGGER.warn("Unable to acquire Vault token for IAM role: " + roleArn, sce); } throw new VaultClientException("Unable to acquire token with Lambda instance role."); }
/** * Returns the KMS endpoint URL for the specified region. * * @param kmsClient the KMS client * @param regionName the desired region * @return the endpoint URL for the specified region * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the endpoint cannot be determined */ private static String getKMSEndpointForRegion(AWSKMSClient kmsClient, String regionName) { requireNonNull(kmsClient, "kmsClient is null"); requireNonNull(regionName, "regionName is null"); com.amazonaws.regions.Region region = RegionUtils.getRegion(regionName); if (region == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unable to find the region %s", regionName)); } String serviceName = kmsClient.getServiceName(); String protocolPrefix = region.hasHttpsEndpoint(serviceName) ? "https://" : "http://"; return protocolPrefix + region.getServiceEndpoint(serviceName); }
void setSqsRegion() { String regionName = this.configuration.getSqsConfiguration().getRegion(); Region region = RegionUtils.getRegion(regionName); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Setting SQS region to " + region.getName()); } sqs.setRegion(region); }
/** * Looks up table name and creates one if it does not exist */ public UserAuthentication() { ddb = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); ddb.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(Configuration.REGION)); try { if (!doesTableExist(USER_TABLE)) { createIdentityTable(); } } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create device table.", e); } }
/** * Looks up table name and creates one if it does not exist */ public DeviceAuthentication() { ddb = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); ddb.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(Configuration.REGION)); try { if (!doesTableExist(DEVICE_TABLE)) { createDeviceTable(); } } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create device table.", e); } }
@Test public void testCustomRegionAndPathStyleAccess() throws Exception { Config config = newConfig(); config.set("path_style_access", true); config.set("_command", BUCKET + "/" + KEY); when(taskRequest.getConfig()).thenReturn(config); when(s3Secrets.getSecretOptional("region")).thenReturn(Optional.of(REGION)); when(s3Client.getObjectMetadata(objectMetadataRequestCaptor.capture())).thenThrow(NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION); Operator operator = factory.newOperator(newContext(projectPath, taskRequest)); try {; fail(); } catch (TaskExecutionException ignore) { } verify(s3Client).setS3ClientOptions(s3ClientOptionsCaptor.capture()); S3ClientOptions s3ClientOptions = s3ClientOptionsCaptor.getValue(); assertThat(s3ClientOptions.isPathStyleAccess(), is(true)); verify(s3Client).setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(REGION)); }
/** * Creates a new StreamSource. * * @param config * Configuration to determine which stream to put records to and get {@link AWSCredentialsProvider} * @param inputFile * File containing record data to emit on each line * @param loopOverStreamSource * Loop over the stream source to continually put records */ public StreamSource(KinesisConnectorConfiguration config, String inputFile, boolean loopOverStreamSource) { this.config = config; this.inputFile = inputFile; this.loopOverInputFile = loopOverStreamSource; this.objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); kinesisClient = new AmazonKinesisClient(config.AWS_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER); kinesisClient.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(config.REGION_NAME)); if (config.KINESIS_ENDPOINT != null) { kinesisClient.setEndpoint(config.KINESIS_ENDPOINT); } KinesisUtils.createInputStream(config); }
/** * Creates the Amazon Kinesis stream specified by config.KINESIS_INPUT_STREAM * * @param config * The configuration with the specified input stream name and {@link AWSCredentialsProvider} * @param shardCount * The shard count to create the stream with */ public static void createInputStream(KinesisConnectorConfiguration config) { AmazonKinesisClient kinesisClient = new AmazonKinesisClient(config.AWS_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER); kinesisClient.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(config.REGION_NAME)); if (config.KINESIS_ENDPOINT != null) { kinesisClient.setEndpoint(config.KINESIS_ENDPOINT); } createAndWaitForStreamToBecomeAvailable(kinesisClient, config.KINESIS_INPUT_STREAM, config.KINESIS_INPUT_STREAM_SHARD_COUNT); }
/** * Creates the Amazon Kinesis stream specified by config.KINESIS_OUTPUT_STREAM. * * @param config * The configuration with the specified output stream name and {@link AWSCredentialsProvider} * @param shardCount * The shard count to create the stream with */ public static void createOutputStream(KinesisConnectorConfiguration config) { AmazonKinesisClient kinesisClient = new AmazonKinesisClient(config.AWS_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER); kinesisClient.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(config.REGION_NAME)); if (config.KINESIS_ENDPOINT != null) { kinesisClient.setEndpoint(config.KINESIS_ENDPOINT); } createAndWaitForStreamToBecomeAvailable(kinesisClient, config.KINESIS_OUTPUT_STREAM, config.KINESIS_OUTPUT_STREAM_SHARD_COUNT); }