Java 类 实例源码

项目:outland    文件   
@Override public Void create(Group group) {
  Item item = preparePutItem(group);

  PutItemSpec putItemSpec = new PutItemSpec()
      .withNameMap(new NameMap().with("#ns_key", HASH_KEY));

  Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(groupTableName);
  final Supplier<PutItemOutcome> putItemOutcomeSupplier = () -> {
    try {
      return table.putItem(putItemSpec);
    } catch (ConditionalCheckFailedException e) {
      return null;
  return putItem(group, putItemOutcomeSupplier);
项目:outland    文件   
@Override public Optional<Feature> loadFeatureByKey(String group, String key) {"{}", kvp("op", "loadFeatureByKey", HASH_KEY, group, RANGE_KEY, key));

  Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(featureTableName);

  DynamoDbCommand<Item> cmd = new DynamoDbCommand<>("loadFeatureByKey",
      () -> getItem(group, key, table),
      () -> {
        throw new RuntimeException("loadFeatureById");

  Item item = cmd.execute();
  if (item == null) {
    return Optional.empty();
  return Optional.of(FeatureSupport.toFeature(item.getString("json")));
项目:serverless-cf-analysis    文件   
private boolean tryAddMissingPartition(String dyanmoDBTaableName,DynamoDB dynamoDBClient, Partition partition){

        Table ddbTable= dynamoDBClient.getTable(dyanmoDBTaableName);

        Item item=new Item()

        PutItemSpec itemSpec=new PutItemSpec()
                .withNameMap(new NameMap()

            System.out.println("Item was added to the table.PartitionSpec="+partition.spec()+"; Path="+partition.path());
            return true;
        catch(ConditionalCheckFailedException e){
            System.out.println("Item already exists. PartitionSpec="+partition.spec()+"; Path="+partition.path());
            return false;
项目:webcrawler    文件   
public Map<String, AttributeValue> getNodes(WebsiteModel websiteModel) {

        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        String string = mapper.writeValueAsString(websiteModel);
        Item item = new Item().withJSON(Utils.params.nodes, string);
        return InternalUtils.toAttributeValues(item);
    catch (JsonProcessingException e)

    return new HashMap<>();
项目:orbit-dynamodb    文件   
protected void readStateInternal(final Object state, final Class<?> stateClass, final Item item, final ObjectMapper mapper)
        if (!state.getClass().equals(stateClass))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("State class (%s) did not match expected class (%s), Storage Extension should override generatePutItem method",

    catch (IOException e)
        throw new UncheckedException(e);
项目:orbit-dynamodb    文件   
public StorageTestState readState(final String identity)
    final Table table = dynamoDBConnection.getDynamoDB().getTable(getTableName());
    final Item item = table.getItem("_id", generateItemId(identity));

    if (item != null)
            final StorageTestState testState = new HelloState();
            return testState;
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new UncheckedException(e);
    return null;
项目:drill-dynamo-adapter    文件   
public int next() {
  Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createStarted();

  int count = 0;
  Page<Item, ?> page;
  while (resultIter.hasNext()) {
    page =;
    for (Item item : page) {
      int rowCount = count++;
      for (Map.Entry<String, Object> attribute : item.attributes()) {
        String name = attribute.getKey();
        Object value = attribute.getValue();
        SchemaPath column = getSchemaPath(name);
        handleTopField(rowCount, name, value, topLevelState);

  LOG.debug("Took {} ms to get {} records", watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), count);
  return count;
项目:drill-dynamo-adapter    文件   
protected void verify(List<Map<String, Object>> rows, Item... items) {
  assertEquals("Wrong number of expected rows!" +
               "\nExpected: " + toString(items) +
               "\nGot rows: " + rows,
    items.length, rows.size());
  for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
    Map<String, Object> row = rows.get(i);
    Item item = items[i];
    assertEquals("Wrong number of fields in row! Got row: " + row + "\nExpected: " + item,
      row.size(), item.asMap().size());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> field : row.entrySet()) {
      String name = field.getKey();
      Object o = field.getValue();
      if (o instanceof Text) {
        o = o.toString();
      if (item.get(name) instanceof Number) {
        equalsNumber(item, name, row);
      } else if (o instanceof byte[]) {
        assertArrayEquals("Array mismatch for: " + name, (byte[]) item.get(name), (byte[]) o);
      } else {
        assertEquals("Mismatch for: " + name, item.get(name), o);
项目:drill-dynamo-adapter    文件   
public void testPrimaryAndSortKeySpecification() throws Exception {
  String pk = "pk", sort = "sort";
  Table table = createHashAndSortTable(pk, sort);
  Item item = new Item();
  item.with(pk, "p1");
  item.with(sort, "s1");
  item.with(COL1, "1");

  Item item2 = new Item();
  item2.with(pk, "p1");
  item2.with(sort, "s0");
  item2.with(COL1, "2");
  // should create a get
  String query = selectStarWithPK("p1", "t", table) + " AND sort = 's1'";
  verify(runAndReadResults(query), item);
    pkEquals("p1").and(create("equal", "sort", "s1")));
  // should create a query
  query = selectStarWithPK("p1", "t", table) + " AND sort >= 's1'";
  verify(runAndReadResults(query), item);
  validatePlanWithQueries(query, of(pkEquals("p1").and(
    DynamoPlanValidationUtils.gte("sort", "s1")), null));
项目:drill-dynamo-adapter    文件   
public void testWhereColumnEqualsNull() throws Exception {
  Item item = item();
  item.with(COL1, null);
  Table table = createTableWithItems(item);

  String query =
    selectStarWithPK("pk", "t", table) + " AND t." + COL1 + " = cast(null as varchar)";
  verify(runAndReadResults(query), item);
  ImmutablePair<DynamoFilterSpec, DynamoFilterSpec> spec =
    of(pkEquals("pk"), DynamoPlanValidationUtils

      .equals(COL1, null));
  validatePlanWithQueries(query, spec);
  // we return nulls are varchar b/c we can cast anything from varchar. Make sure that a
  // boolean null cast also works
  query = selectStarWithPK("pk", "t", table) + " AND t." + COL1 + " = cast(null as boolean)";
  verify(runAndReadResults(query), item);
  validatePlanWithQueries(query, spec);
项目:drill-dynamo-adapter    文件   
 * Similar to above, but we check for the non-existance of a column
public void testWhereNoColumnValueIsNull() throws Exception {
  Item item = item();
  Table table = createTableWithItems(item);
  String query =
    selectStarWithPK("pk", "t", table) + " AND t." + COL1 + " = cast(null as varchar)";
  assertEquals("Should not have found a row when checking for = null and column not set!",
    0, runAndReadResults(query).size());
  ImmutablePair<DynamoFilterSpec, DynamoFilterSpec> spec =
    of(pkEquals("pk"), DynamoPlanValidationUtils
      .equals(COL1, null));
  validatePlanWithQueries(query, spec);
  // see above for why trying a different type
  query = selectStarWithPK("pk", "t", table) + " AND t." + COL1 + " = cast(null as BOOLEAN)";
  assertEquals("Should not have found a row when checking for = null and column not set!",
    0, runAndReadResults(query).size());
  validatePlanWithQueries(query, spec);
  query = selectStarWithPK("pk", "t", table) + " AND t." + COL1 + " IS NULL";
  verify(runAndReadResults(query), item);
  validatePlanWithQueries(query, of(spec.getLeft(), create("isNull", COL1)));
项目:drill-dynamo-adapter    文件   
public void testSimpleScan() throws Exception {
  Item item = item();
  item.with(COL1, 1);
  Table table = createTableWithItems(item);
  String select = "SELECT *" + from(table) + "t WHERE t." + COL1 + " = 1";
  verify(runAndReadResults(select), item);
  DynamoFilterSpec spec = DynamoPlanValidationUtils.equals(COL1, 1);
  validatePlanWithScan(select, spec);

  Item item2 = new Item();
  item2.with(PK, "pk2");
  item2.with(COL1, 2);
  verify(runAndReadResults(select), item);
  // plan doesn't change as the table gets larger
  validatePlanWithScan(select, spec);
项目:drill-dynamo-adapter    文件   
public void testGetAndQuery() throws Exception {
  Item item = item();
  item.with(COL1, "1");
  Item i2 = new Item();
  i2.with(PK, "pk2");
  i2.with(COL1, 2);
  Table table = createTableWithItems(item, i2);
  String query = "SELECT *" + from(table) + "t WHERE " +
                 "t." + PK + " = 'pk' OR " +
                 "t." + PK + " = 'pk2' AND t." + COL1 + " >= 2" +
                 "ORDER BY t." + PK + " ASC";
  verify(runAndReadResults(query), item, i2);
  validatePlan(query, null, null,
    newArrayList(new DynamoQueryFilterSpec(pkEquals("pk2"),
          .gte(COL1, 2)),
      new DynamoGetFilterSpec(pkEquals("pk"))));
项目:drill-dynamo-adapter    文件   
public void testQueryOrQuery() throws Exception {
  Item item = item();
  item.with(COL1, 1);
  Item i2 = new Item();
  i2.with(PK, "pk2");
  i2.with(COL1, 2);
  Table table = createTableWithItems(item, i2);
  String query = "SELECT *" + from(table) + "t WHERE " +
                 "t." + PK + " = 'pk' AND t." + COL1 + " = 1" +
                 " OR " +
                 "t." + PK + " = 'pk2' AND t." + COL1 + " >= 2" +
                 "ORDER BY t." + PK + " ASC";
  verify(runAndReadResults(query), item, i2);
    of(pkEquals("pk2"), DynamoPlanValidationUtils.gte(COL1, 2)),
    of(pkEquals("pk"), DynamoPlanValidationUtils.equals(COL1, 1)));
项目:drill-dynamo-adapter    文件   
public void testQueryAndQueryForcesScan() throws Exception {
  Item item = item();
  item.with(COL1, 1);
  Item i2 = new Item();
  i2.with(PK, "pk2");
  i2.with(COL1, 2);
  Table table = createTableWithItems(item, i2);
  String query = "SELECT *" + from(table) + "t WHERE " +
                 "t." + PK + " = 'pk' AND t." + COL1 + " = 1" +
                 " AND " +
                 "t." + PK + " = 'pk2' AND t." + COL1 + " >= 2" +
                 "ORDER BY t." + PK + " ASC";
    pkEquals("pk").and(DynamoPlanValidationUtils.equals(COL1, 1)).and(
      pkEquals("pk2")).and(DynamoPlanValidationUtils.gte(COL1, 2)));
项目:drill-dynamo-adapter    文件   
public void testQueryOrAttributeForcesScan() throws Exception {
  Item item = item();
  item.with(COL1, 1);
  Item i2 = new Item();
  i2.with(PK, "pk2");
  i2.with(COL1, 2);
  Table table = createTableWithItems(item, i2);
  String query = "SELECT *" + from(table) + "t WHERE " +
                 "(t." + PK + " = 'pk' AND t." + COL1 + " = 1)" +
                 " OR " +
                 "t." + COL1 + " >= 2" +
                 "ORDER BY t." + PK + " ASC";
  verify(runAndReadResults(query), item, i2);
    pkEquals("pk").and(DynamoPlanValidationUtils.equals(COL1, 1)).or(
      DynamoPlanValidationUtils.gte(COL1, 2)));
项目:drill-dynamo-adapter    文件   
  public void testMultiRangeQuery() throws Exception {
    Table table = createHashAndSortTable(PK, COL1);
    Item item = item();
    item.with(COL1, "1");
    Item i2 = item();
    i2.with(COL1, "2");
    String query = "SELECT *" + from(table) + "t WHERE " +
                   "t." + PK + " = 'pk'" + " AND (" +
                   "t." + COL1 + " = '1'" +
                   " AND " +
                   "t." + COL1 + " >= '2')";
    validatePlanWithQueries(query, of(
      pkEquals("pk").and(DynamoPlanValidationUtils.equals(COL1, "1")),
      of(pkEquals("pk").and(DynamoPlanValidationUtils.gte(COL1, "2")),
//    verify(runAndReadResults("SELECT *" + from(table) + "t WHERE " +
//                             "t." + PK + " = 'pk'" + " AND (" +
//                             "t." + COL1 + " = '1'" +
//                             " OR " +
//                             "t." + COL1 + " >= '2')"), item, i2);
项目:drill-dynamo-adapter    文件   
public void testHashKeyMapping() throws Exception {
  Item item = new Item();
  item.with(PK, "ab");
  Table table = createTableWithItems(item);
  updatePlugin(plugin -> {
    Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
    args.put("@class", LengthBasedTwoPartHashKeyMapper.class.getName());
    args.put("length", 1);
    DynamoKeyMapperSpec spec = new DynamoKeyMapperSpec(of("h1", "h2"), of("S", "S"), args);
    plugin.setDynamoKeyMapperForTesting(table.getTableName(), spec);

  Item expected = new Item();
  expected.with("h1", "a");
  expected.with("h2", "b");
  expected.with(PK, "ab");
  selectStar(table, true, expected);
项目:java-persistence    文件   
public Item decrypt(Item item) {
    if ( null == item ) return null;
    boolean hasKey = null != _keyProvider && _keyProvider.getKey(1) != null;
    Item result = new Item();
    for ( Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : item.asMap().entrySet() ) {
        Object val = entry.getValue();
        if ( hasKey && val instanceof byte[] ) {
            // ALWAYS *try* to decrypt byte[] (in case this field was previously encrypted):
            try {
                val = decrypt((byte[])val, Object.class);
            } catch ( Throwable ex ) {
                if ( requiresEncryption(entry.getKey()) ) {
                    LOG.warn("Failed to decrypt '"+entry.getKey()+"'", ex);
        result.with(entry.getKey(), val);
    return result;
项目:fleet-cron    文件   
 * Release a distributed lock, by setting its expiry to 0
 * This always succeeds. There should be no legitimate contention between processes for lock release, as long as
 * this is only called when you're *certain* that the process already holds the lock.
public void unlock(String lockKey) {
    lockKey = getEnvironmentSpecificLockKey(lockKey);"Releasing lock [{}]", lockKey);

    Table table = dynamoDb.getTable(tableName);

    try {
        Item item = new Item()
            .withPrimaryKey(TABLE_KEY, lockKey)
            .withLong(LOCK, 0) // setting an expiry of 0 means the lock is always expired, therefore released

        table.putItem(item);"Released lock [{}]", lockKey);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        logger.error("Failed to release lock [{}]", lockKey);
项目:reinvent2015-practicaldynamodb    文件   
public void transform(Item scoreItem, DynamoDB dynamodb) {
    String playerName = scoreItem.getString(PLAYER_NAME);
    int score = scoreItem.getInt(SCORE);
    int gameLength = scoreItem.getInt(GAME_LENGTH);

     * The XSpec API allows you to use DynamoDB's expression language
     * to execute expressions on the service-side.
    Table viewTable = dynamodb.getTable(PLAYER_STATS_TABLE_NAME);
    UpdateItemExpressionSpec incrementTotalOrder = new ExpressionSpecBuilder()
    viewTable.updateItem(PLAYER_NAME, playerName, incrementTotalOrder);
项目:reinvent2015-practicaldynamodb    文件   
public void transform(Item scoreItem, DynamoDB dynamodb) {
    String playerName = scoreItem.getString(PLAYER_NAME);
    int score         = scoreItem.getInt(SCORE);
    String date       = scoreItem.getString(DATE);

    Table table = dynamodb.getTable(HIGH_SCORES_BY_DATE_TABLE_NAME);

    // Use conditional write to update max score
    UpdateItemExpressionSpec updateMax = new ExpressionSpecBuilder()
    try {
        table.updateItem(PLAYER_NAME, playerName, DATE, date, updateMax);
    } catch (ConditionalCheckFailedException ccfe) {}
项目:reinvent2015-practicaldynamodb    文件   
public Object handleRequest(DynamodbEvent input, Context context) {
    context.getLogger().log("Input: " + input);

    DynamoDB dynamodb = new DynamoDB(Regions.US_WEST_2);

    for (DynamodbStreamRecord record : input.getRecords()) {
        Map<String, AttributeValue> newData = record.getDynamodb().getNewImage();
        if (newData == null) continue;  // ignore deletes

        Item item = Item.fromMap(InternalCalls.toSimpleMapValue(newData));
        DataTransformer.PLAYER_STATS_TRANSFORMER.transform(item, dynamodb);

    return true;
项目:para    文件   
 * Reads a page from a "shared" DynamoDB table. Shared tables are tables that have global secondary indexes
 * and can contain the objects of multiple apps.
 * @param <P> type of object
 * @param appid the app identifier (name)
 * @param pager a {@link Pager}
 * @return the id of the last object on the page, or null.
public static <P extends ParaObject> List<P> readPageFromSharedTable(String appid, Pager pager) {
    LinkedList<P> results = new LinkedList<>();
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(appid)) {
        return results;
    Page<Item, QueryOutcome> items = queryGSI(appid, pager);
    if (items != null) {
        for (Item item : items) {
            P obj = ParaObjectUtils.setAnnotatedFields(item.asMap());
            if (obj != null) {
    if (!results.isEmpty() && pager != null) {
    return results;
项目:para    文件   
private static Page<Item, QueryOutcome> queryGSI(String appid, Pager p) {
    Pager pager = (p != null) ? p : new Pager();
    Index index = getSharedIndex();
    QuerySpec spec = new QuerySpec().
            withKeyConditionExpression(Config._APPID + " = :aid").
            withValueMap(new ValueMap().withString(":aid", appid));

    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(pager.getLastKey())) {
        spec = spec.withExclusiveStartKey(new KeyAttribute(Config._APPID, appid),   // HASH/PARTITION KEY
                new KeyAttribute(Config._ID, pager.getLastKey()), // RANGE/SORT KEY
                new KeyAttribute(Config._KEY, getKeyForAppid(pager.getLastKey(), appid))); // TABLE PRIMARY KEY
    return index != null ? index.query(spec).firstPage() : null;
项目:fiware-cygnus    文件   
 * Test of createTable method, of class MySQLBackendImpl.
public void testPutItems() {
    System.out.println("Testing MySQLBackend.createTable (within first database");

    try {
        backend.createTable(tableName, primaryKey);
        ArrayList<Item> aggregation = new ArrayList<Item>();
        Item item = new Item().withString("field", "value");
        backend.putItems(tableName, aggregation);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        assertTrue(backend.getDynamoDB().getTable(tableName) != null);
    } // try catch finally
项目:aws-dynamodb-examples    文件   
private static void loadSampleForums(String tableName) {

        Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(tableName);

        try {

            System.out.println("Adding data to " + tableName);

            Item item = new Item().withPrimaryKey("Name", "Amazon DynamoDB")
                .withString("Category", "Amazon Web Services")
                .withNumber("Threads", 2).withNumber("Messages", 4)
                .withNumber("Views", 1000);

            item = new Item().withPrimaryKey("Name", "Amazon S3")
                .withString("Category", "Amazon Web Services")
                .withNumber("Threads", 0);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to create item in " + tableName);
项目:aws-dynamodb-examples    文件   
private static void loadSampleForums(String tableName) {

        Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(tableName);

        try {

            System.out.println("Adding data to " + tableName);

            Item item = new Item().withPrimaryKey("Name", "Amazon DynamoDB")
                .withString("Category", "Amazon Web Services")
                .withNumber("Threads", 2)
                .withNumber("Messages", 4)
                .withNumber("Views", 1000);

            item = new Item().withPrimaryKey("Name", "Amazon S3")
                .withString("Category", "Amazon Web Services")
                .withNumber("Threads", 0);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to create item in " + tableName);
项目:aws-dynamodb-examples    文件   
public static void main(String[] args) {

        AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();
        DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(client);

        Table table = dynamoDB.getTable("Movies");

        ScanSpec scanSpec = new ScanSpec()
            .withProjectionExpression("#yr, title, info.rating")
            .withFilterExpression("#yr between :start_yr and :end_yr")
            .withNameMap(new NameMap().with("#yr",  "year"))
            .withValueMap(new ValueMap().withNumber(":start_yr", 1950).withNumber(":end_yr", 1959));

        ItemCollection<ScanOutcome> items = table.scan(scanSpec);

        Iterator<Item> iter = items.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Item item =;
项目:aws-dynamodb-examples    文件   
public static void main(String[] args)  {

        AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();
        DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(client);

        Table table = dynamoDB.getTable("Movies");

        int year = 2015;
        String title = "The Big New Movie";

        try {
            table.putItem(new Item()
                .withPrimaryKey("year", year, "title", title)
                .withJSON("info", "{\"plot\" : \"Something happens.\"}"));
            System.out.println("PutItem succeeded: " + 
                table.getItem("year", year, "title", title).toJSONPretty());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("PutItem failed");
项目:aws-dynamodb-examples    文件   
public static void createItem(String threadId, String replyDateTime) throws IOException {

    Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(tableName);

    // Craft a long message
    String messageInput = "Long message to be compressed in a lengthy forum reply";

    // Compress the long message
    ByteBuffer compressedMessage = compressString(messageInput.toString());

    table.putItem(new Item()
        .withPrimaryKey("Id", threadId)
        .withString("ReplyDateTime", replyDateTime)
        .withString("Message", "Long message follows")
        .withBinary("ExtendedMessage", compressedMessage)
        .withString("PostedBy", "User A"));
项目:aws-dynamodb-examples    文件   
public static void retrieveItem(String threadId, String replyDateTime) throws IOException {

    Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(tableName);

    GetItemSpec spec = new GetItemSpec()
        .withPrimaryKey("Id", threadId, "ReplyDateTime", replyDateTime)

    Item item = table.getItem(spec);

 // Uncompress the reply message and print
    String uncompressed = uncompressString(ByteBuffer.wrap(item.getBinary("ExtendedMessage")));

    System.out.println("Reply message:\n"
        + " Id: " + item.getString("Id") + "\n" 
        + " ReplyDateTime: " + item.getString("ReplyDateTime") + "\n" 
        + " PostedBy: " + item.getString("PostedBy") + "\n"
        + " Message: " + item.getString("Message") + "\n"
        + " ExtendedMessage (uncompressed): " + uncompressed + "\n");
项目:aws-dynamodb-examples    文件   
private static void uploadProduct(String tableName, int productIndex) {

        Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(tableName);

        try {
            System.out.println("Processing record #" + productIndex);

            Item item = new Item()
                .withPrimaryKey("Id", productIndex)
                .withString("Title", "Book " + productIndex + " Title")
                .withString("ISBN", "111-1111111111")
                    new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("Author1")))
                .withNumber("Price", 2)
                .withString("Dimensions", "8.5 x 11.0 x 0.5")
                .withNumber("PageCount", 500)
                .withBoolean("InPublication", true)
                .withString("ProductCategory", "Book");

        }   catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to create item " + productIndex + " in " + tableName);
项目:aws-dynamodb-examples    文件   
private static void findProductsForPriceLessThanZero() {

    Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(tableName);

    Map<String, Object> expressionAttributeValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    expressionAttributeValues.put(":pr", 100);

    ItemCollection<ScanOutcome> items = table.scan(
        "Price < :pr", //FilterExpression
        "Id, Title, ProductCategory, Price", //ProjectionExpression
        null, //ExpressionAttributeNames - not used in this example 

    System.out.println("Scan of " + tableName + " for items with a price less than 100.");
    Iterator<Item> iterator = items.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
项目:aws-dynamodb-examples    文件   
private static void findRepliesUsingAFilterExpression(String forumName, String threadSubject) {

        Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(tableName);

        String replyId = forumName + "#" + threadSubject;

        QuerySpec spec = new QuerySpec()
            .withProjectionExpression("Message, ReplyDateTime, PostedBy")
            .withKeyConditionExpression("Id = :v_id")
            .withFilterExpression("PostedBy = :v_postedby")
            .withValueMap(new ValueMap()
                .withString(":v_id", replyId)
                .withString(":v_postedby", "User B"));

        ItemCollection<QueryOutcome> items = table.query(spec);

        System.out.println("\nfindRepliesUsingAFilterExpression results:");
        Iterator<Item> iterator = items.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
项目:aws-dynamodb-examples    文件   
public static void putItem(

        String issueId, String title, String description, String createDate,
        String lastUpdateDate, String dueDate, Integer priority,
            String status) {

        Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(tableName);

        Item item = new Item()
            .withPrimaryKey("IssueId", issueId)
            .withString("Title", title)
            .withString("Description", description)
            .withString("CreateDate", createDate)
            .withString("LastUpdateDate", lastUpdateDate)
            .withString("DueDate", dueDate)
            .withNumber("Priority", priority)
            .withString("Status", status);

项目:SPLGroundControl    文件   
public void writePacket(String deviceId, Date time, MAVLinkPacket packet) throws IOException {
    if (deviceId == null || deviceId.isEmpty() || time == null || packet == null) {

    Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(tableName);

    table.putItem(new Item().withPrimaryKey(ATTR_DEVICE_ID, deviceId, ATTR_TIME, time.getTime())
            .withNumber(ATTR_MSG_ID, packet.msgid)
            .withJSON(ATTR_MESSAGE, toJSON(packet)));
项目:tweet-analysis    文件   
public static void saveTwitterStatus(String json) {
    // Workaround until is fixed
    json = json.replaceAll(":\"\"", ":null");

    System.out.println("\n\njson: " + json);
项目:outland    文件   
@Override public Void saveRelation(Group group, String relationHashKey, String relationRangeKey) {

    Item item = new Item()
        .withString(GroupStorage.SUBJECT_KEY, relationHashKey)
        .withString(GroupStorage.OBJECT_RELATION_KEY, relationRangeKey);

    Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(groupGraphTableName);

    DynamoDbCommand<PutItemOutcome> cmd = new DynamoDbCommand<>("saveRelation",
        () -> table.putItem(item),
        () -> {
          throw new RuntimeException("saveRelation");

    PutItemOutcome outcome = cmd.execute();"{} /dynamodb_put_item_result=[{}]",
        kvp("op", "saveRelation",
            "appkey", group.getKey(),
            "hash_key", relationHashKey,
            "range_key", relationRangeKey,
            "result", "ok"),


    return null;
项目:outland    文件   
@Override public Optional<Group> loadByKey(String key) {
  Table table = dynamoDB.getTable(this.groupTableName);

  QuerySpec querySpec = new QuerySpec()
      .withKeyConditionExpression(HASH_KEY + " = :k_app_key")
      .withValueMap(new ValueMap()
          .withString(":k_app_key", key)

  DynamoDbCommand<ItemCollection<QueryOutcome>> cmd = new DynamoDbCommand<>("loadByKey",
      () -> queryTable(table, querySpec),
      () -> {
        throw new RuntimeException("loadByKey");

  final ItemCollection<QueryOutcome> items = cmd.execute();
  final IteratorSupport<Item, QueryOutcome> iterator = items.iterator();
  if (iterator.hasNext()) {
    return Optional.of(GroupSupport.toGroup("json")));

  return Optional.empty();