/** * Instantiating an MTurkSystem should be enough to handle your human worker issues. It handles the rest, as in * booting up the jetty server, the API server, and a payments thread to go through and make payments to workers. */ public MTurkSystem() { humanSourceServer = new HumanSourceServer(); new Thread(humanSourceServer).start(); jettyServer = new JettyServer(); new Thread(jettyServer).start(); paymentsThread = new PaymentsThread(((jobRecord, amountOwed) -> payWorker(jobRecord.workerID, jobRecord.assignmentID, amountOwed))); new Thread(paymentsThread).start(); try { mturkService = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("/home/keenon/.aws/mturk.properties")); } catch (Exception e) { } mTurkServer = new MTurkServer(this::hireWorkers, this::numWorkersPaidFor); new Thread(mTurkServer).start(); }
public AbstractCrowdTask(FileObject resultsFO, FileObject mTurkPropertiesFO, FileObject questionFO, FileObject propertiesFO, FileObject inputFO, List<CrowdTask> crowdTasks, GortEntityManager gem, EntityManager em) { this.resultsFO = resultsFO; this.mTurkPropertiesFO = mTurkPropertiesFO; this.questionFO = questionFO; this.taskPropertiesFO = propertiesFO; this.inputFO = inputFO; this.gem = gem; this.em = em; this.crowdTasks = crowdTasks; //instead of the aws requester serivce use the Gort reviewer service //that allows the use of assignment and hit review policies //service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig(mTurkPropertiesFO.getPath())); service = new GortRequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig(mTurkPropertiesFO.getPath())); }
/** * Constructor * */ public BestImage(String mTurkProperties) { //service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("../mturk.properties")); Path currentRelativePath = Paths.get(""); String s = currentRelativePath.toAbsolutePath().toString(); System.out.println("Current relative path is: " + s); System.out.println(mTurkProperties); service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig(mTurkProperties)); }
@Deprecated protected RequesterServiceRaw() { this(new PropertiesClientConfig()); }
public MyHIT() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("../mturk.properties")); }
public SiteCategory() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("../mturk.properties")); }
public FullSurvey() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("../mturk.properties")); }
public ScreenerQuestion() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("../mturk.properties")); }
public Responses() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("../mturk.properties")); }
public QualifyScreenerRespondents() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("../mturk.properties")); }
public MturkResponseManager(MturkLibrary lib) { this.config = new PropertiesClientConfig(lib.CONFIG); this.config.setServiceURL(lib.MTURK_URL); this.service = new RequesterService(config); }
/** * Constructor * */ public Reviewer() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("mturk.properties")); filenames = Utils.getAuthors40(); }
/** Constructor. */ public ReadabilityPusher() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("mturk.properties")); }
/** Constructor. */ public TranslationFixReadabilityPusher() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("mturk.properties")); }
/** Constructor. */ public TranslationFixPusher() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("mturk.properties")); hittypes = new String[5]; }
/** * Constructor */ public MovieSurvey() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig()); }
/** * Constructor * */ public MTurkHelloWorld() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("../mturk.properties")); }
/** * Constructor * */ public SimpleSurvey() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("../mturk.properties")); }
/** * Constructor * */ public ReviewPolicyExample() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("../mturk.properties")); }
/** * Constructor * */ public BestImage() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("../mturk.properties")); }
/** * Constructor * */ public Reviewer() { service = new RequesterService(new PropertiesClientConfig("samples/mturk.properties")); }