Java 类 实例源码

项目:async-sqs    文件   
public SqsClientTest() {

            .thenReturn(Single.just(new GetQueueUrlResult().withQueueUrl(QUEUE_URL)));
            .thenReturn(Single.just(new SetQueueAttributesResult()));
            .thenReturn(Single.just(new GetQueueUrlResult().withQueueUrl(QUEUE_URL)));
项目:conductor    文件   
private void addPolicy(List<String> accountsToAuthorize) {
    if(accountsToAuthorize == null || accountsToAuthorize.isEmpty()) {"No additional security policies attached for the queue " + queueName);
    }"Authorizing " + accountsToAuthorize + " to the queue " + queueName);
    Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<>();
    attributes.put("Policy", getPolicy(accountsToAuthorize));
    SetQueueAttributesResult result = client.setQueueAttributes(queueURL, attributes);"policy attachment result: " + result);"policy attachment result: status=" + result.getSdkHttpMetadata().getHttpStatusCode());
项目:Camel    文件   
public SetQueueAttributesResult setQueueAttributes(SetQueueAttributesRequest setQueueAttributesRequest) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
    synchronized (queueAttributes) {
        if (!queueAttributes.containsKey(setQueueAttributesRequest.getQueueUrl())) {
            queueAttributes.put(setQueueAttributesRequest.getQueueUrl(), new HashMap<String, String>());
        for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : setQueueAttributesRequest.getAttributes().entrySet()) {
            queueAttributes.get(setQueueAttributesRequest.getQueueUrl()).put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    return new SetQueueAttributesResult();
项目:reactive-sqs-client    文件   
public Observable<SetQueueAttributesResult> setQueueAttributesAsync(SetQueueAttributesRequest request) {
    return Observable.from(sqsClient.setQueueAttributesAsync(request));
项目:reactive-sqs-client    文件   
public Observable<SetQueueAttributesResult> setQueueAttributesAsync(String queueUrl, Map<String, String> attributes) {
    return Observable.from(sqsClient.setQueueAttributesAsync(queueUrl, attributes));
项目:Camel    文件   
public SetQueueAttributesResult setQueueAttributes(SetQueueAttributesRequest setQueueAttributesRequest) throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {
    return new SetQueueAttributesResult();
项目:amazon-sqs-java-extended-client-lib    文件   
 * <p>
 * Sets the value of one or more queue attributes. When you change a queue's
 * attributes, the change can take up to 60 seconds for most of the
 * attributes to propagate throughout the SQS system. Changes made to the
 * <code>MessageRetentionPeriod</code> attribute can take up to 15 minutes.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE:</b>Going forward, new attributes might be added. If you are
 * writing code that calls this action, we recommend that you structure your
 * code so that it can handle new attributes gracefully.
 * </p>
 * @param queueUrl
 *            The URL of the Amazon SQS queue to take action on.
 * @param attributes
 *            A map of attributes to set.
 *            <p>
 *            The following lists the names, descriptions, and values of the
 *            special request parameters the <code>SetQueueAttributes</code>
 *            action uses:
 *            <p>
 *            <ul>
 *            <li><code>DelaySeconds</code> - The time in seconds that the
 *            delivery of all messages in the queue will be delayed. An
 *            integer from 0 to 900 (15 minutes). The default for this
 *            attribute is 0 (zero).</li>
 *            <li><code>MaximumMessageSize</code> - The limit of how many
 *            bytes a message can contain before Amazon SQS rejects it. An
 *            integer from 1024 bytes (1 KiB) up to 262144 bytes (256 KiB).
 *            The default for this attribute is 262144 (256 KiB).</li>
 *            <li><code>MessageRetentionPeriod</code> - The number of
 *            seconds Amazon SQS retains a message. Integer representing
 *            seconds, from 60 (1 minute) to 1209600 (14 days). The default
 *            for this attribute is 345600 (4 days).</li>
 *            <li><code>Policy</code> - The queue's policy. A valid AWS
 *            policy. For more information about policy structure, see <a
 *            href=
 *            ""
 *            >Overview of AWS IAM Policies</a> in the <i>Amazon IAM User
 *            Guide</i>.</li>
 *            <li><code>ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds</code> - The time for
 *            which a ReceiveMessage call will wait for a message to arrive.
 *            An integer from 0 to 20 (seconds). The default for this
 *            attribute is 0.</li>
 *            <li><code>VisibilityTimeout</code> - The visibility timeout
 *            for the queue. An integer from 0 to 43200 (12 hours). The
 *            default for this attribute is 30. For more information about
 *            visibility timeout, see Visibility Timeout in the <i>Amazon
 *            SQS Developer Guide</i>.</li>
 *            <li><code>RedrivePolicy</code> - The parameters for dead
 *            letter queue functionality of the source queue. For more
 *            information about RedrivePolicy and dead letter queues, see
 *            Using Amazon SQS Dead Letter Queues in the <i>Amazon SQS
 *            Developer Guide</i>.</li>
 *            </ul>
 * @return The response from the SetQueueAttributes service method, as
 *         returned by AmazonSQS.
 * @throws InvalidAttributeNameException
 * @throws AmazonClientException
 *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client
 *             while attempting to make the request or handle the response.
 *             For example if a network connection is not available.
 * @throws AmazonServiceException
 *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
 *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server
 *             side issue.
public SetQueueAttributesResult setQueueAttributes(String queueUrl, Map<String, String> attributes)
        throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {

    return amazonSqsToBeExtended.setQueueAttributes(queueUrl, attributes);
项目:amazon-sqs-java-extended-client-lib    文件   
 * <p>
 * Sets the value of one or more queue attributes. When you change a queue's
 * attributes, the change can take up to 60 seconds for most of the
 * attributes to propagate throughout the SQS system. Changes made to the
 * <code>MessageRetentionPeriod</code> attribute can take up to 15 minutes.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE:</b>Going forward, new attributes might be added. If you are
 * writing code that calls this action, we recommend that you structure your
 * code so that it can handle new attributes gracefully.
 * </p>
 * @param setQueueAttributesRequest
 *            Container for the necessary parameters to execute the
 *            SetQueueAttributes service method on AmazonSQS.
 * @throws InvalidAttributeNameException
 * @throws AmazonClientException
 *             If any internal errors are encountered inside the client
 *             while attempting to make the request or handle the response.
 *             For example if a network connection is not available.
 * @throws AmazonServiceException
 *             If an error response is returned by AmazonSQS indicating
 *             either a problem with the data in the request, or a server
 *             side issue.
public SetQueueAttributesResult setQueueAttributes(SetQueueAttributesRequest setQueueAttributesRequest)
        throws AmazonServiceException, AmazonClientException {

    return amazonSqsToBeExtended.setQueueAttributes(setQueueAttributesRequest);
