public void createSnapshotFromTagName(TagNameRequest tagNameRequest, Context context) { LambdaLogger logger = context.getLogger(); logger.log("create ebs snapshot from tag name Start. backup target[" + tagNameRequest + "]"); String regionName = System.getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"); AmazonEC2Async client = RegionUtils.getRegion(regionName).createClient(AmazonEC2AsyncClient.class, new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain(), cc); try { List<Volume> volumes = describeBackupVolumes(client, tagNameRequest); for (Volume volume : volumes) { createSnapshot(volume.getVolumeId(), tagNameRequest.getGenerationCount(), context); } } finally { client.shutdown(); } }
private void startInstance(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, DefaultAdapterContext c) { StartInstancesRequest startRequest = new StartInstancesRequest(); startRequest.withInstanceIds(; client.startInstancesAsync(startRequest, new AWSAsyncHandler<StartInstancesRequest, StartInstancesResult>() { @Override protected void handleError(Exception e) { c.taskManager.patchTaskToFailure(e); } @Override protected void handleSuccess(StartInstancesRequest request, StartInstancesResult result) { AWSUtils.waitForTransitionCompletion(getHost(), result.getStartingInstances(), "running", client, (is, e) -> { if (e == null) { c.taskManager.finishTask(); } else { c.taskManager.patchTaskToFailure(e); } }); } }); }
@Override public void handlePatch(Operation op) { if (!op.hasBody()) { IllegalArgumentException("body is required")); return; } ComputePowerRequest pr = op.getBody(ComputePowerRequest.class); op.complete(); if (pr.isMockRequest) { updateComputeState(pr, new DefaultAdapterContext(this, pr)); } else { new DefaultAdapterContext(this, pr) .populateBaseContext(BaseAdapterStage.VMDESC) .whenComplete((c, e) -> { AmazonEC2AsyncClient client = this.clientManager.getOrCreateEC2Client( c.parentAuth, c.child.description.regionId, this, (t) -> c.taskManager.patchTaskToFailure(t)); if (client == null) { return; } applyPowerOperation(client, pr, c); }); } }
private void applyPowerOperation(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, ComputePowerRequest pr, DefaultAdapterContext c) { switch (pr.powerState) { case OFF: powerOff(client, pr, c); break; case ON: powerOn(client, pr, c); break; case SUSPEND: // TODO: Not supported yet, so simply patch the state with requested power state. updateComputeState(pr, c); break; case UNKNOWN: default: c.taskManager.patchTaskToFailure( new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported power state transition requested.")); } }
private DeferredResult<Void> validateCredentials( AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, String regionId) { AmazonEC2AsyncClient client = AWSUtils.getAsyncClient(credentials, regionId, this.clientManager.getExecutor()); AWSDeferredResultAsyncHandler<DescribeAvailabilityZonesRequest, DescribeAvailabilityZonesResult> asyncHandler = new AWSDeferredResultAsyncHandler<>( this, "Validate Credentials"); client.describeAvailabilityZonesAsync(asyncHandler); return asyncHandler .toDeferredResult() .handle((describeAvailabilityZonesResult, e) -> { if (e instanceof AmazonServiceException) { AmazonServiceException ase = (AmazonServiceException) e; if (ase.getStatusCode() == STATUS_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED) { throw new LocalizableValidationException( e, PHOTON_MODEL_ADAPTER_UNAUTHORIZED_MESSAGE, PHOTON_MODEL_ADAPTER_UNAUTHORIZED_MESSAGE_CODE); } } return null; }); }
/** * Accesses the client cache to get the EC2 client for the given auth credentials and regionId. If a client * is not found to exist, creates a new one and adds an entry in the cache for it. * @param credentials * The auth credentials to be used for the client creation * @param regionId * The region of the AWS client * @param service * The stateless service making the request and for which the executor pool needs to be allocated. * @return The AWSClient */ public AmazonEC2AsyncClient getOrCreateEC2Client( AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, String regionId, StatelessService service, Consumer<Throwable> failConsumer) { if (this.awsClientType != AwsClientType.EC2) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This client manager supports only AWS " + this.awsClientType + " clients."); } AmazonEC2AsyncClient amazonEC2Client = null; String cacheKey = createCredentialRegionCacheKey(credentials, regionId); try { amazonEC2Client = this.ec2ClientCache.computeIfAbsent(cacheKey, key -> AWSUtils .getAsyncClient(credentials, regionId, getExecutor())); } catch (Throwable e) { service.logSevere(e); failConsumer.accept(e); } return amazonEC2Client; }
public static void tearDownTestVpc( AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, VerificationHost host, Map<String, Object> awsTestContext, boolean isMock) { if (!isMock && !vpcIdExists(client, AWS_DEFAULT_VPC_ID)) { final String vpcId = (String) awsTestContext.get(VPC_KEY); final String subnetId = (String) awsTestContext.get(SUBNET_KEY); final String internetGatewayId = (String) awsTestContext.get(INTERNET_GATEWAY_KEY); final String securityGroupId = (String) awsTestContext.get(SECURITY_GROUP_KEY); // clean up VPC and all its dependencies if creating one at setUp deleteSecurityGroupUsingEC2Client(client, host, securityGroupId); SecurityGroup securityGroup = new AWSSecurityGroupClient(client) .getSecurityGroup(AWS_DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME, vpcId); if (securityGroup != null) { deleteSecurityGroupUsingEC2Client(client, host, securityGroup.getGroupId()); } deleteSubnet(client, subnetId); detachInternetGateway(client, vpcId, internetGatewayId); deleteInternetGateway(client, internetGatewayId); deleteVPC(client, vpcId); } }
public static void tearDownTestDisk( AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, VerificationHost host, Map<String, Object> awsTestContext, boolean isMock) { if (awsTestContext.containsKey(DISK_KEY)) { String volumeId = awsTestContext.get(DISK_KEY).toString(); if (!isMock) { deleteVolume(client, volumeId); } awsTestContext.remove(DISK_KEY); } if (awsTestContext.containsKey(SNAPSHOT_KEY)) { String snapshotId = awsTestContext.get(SNAPSHOT_KEY).toString(); if (!isMock) { deleteSnapshot(client, snapshotId); } awsTestContext.remove(SNAPSHOT_KEY); } }
/** * Method to directly provision instances on the AWS endpoint without the knowledge of the local * system. This is used to spawn instances and to test that the discovery of items not * provisioned by Xenon happens correctly. * * @throws Throwable */ public static List<String> provisionAWSVMWithEC2Client(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, VerificationHost host, int numberOfInstance, String instanceType, String subnetId, String securityGroupId) throws Throwable { host.log("Provisioning %d instances on the AWS endpoint using the EC2 client.", numberOfInstance); RunInstancesRequest runInstancesRequest = new RunInstancesRequest() .withSubnetId(subnetId) .withImageId(EC2_LINUX_AMI).withInstanceType(instanceType) .withMinCount(numberOfInstance).withMaxCount(numberOfInstance) .withSecurityGroupIds(securityGroupId); // handler invoked once the EC2 runInstancesAsync commands completes AWSRunInstancesAsyncHandler creationHandler = new AWSRunInstancesAsyncHandler( host); client.runInstancesAsync(runInstancesRequest, creationHandler); host.waitFor("Waiting for instanceIds to be retured from AWS", () -> { return checkInstanceIdsReturnedFromAWS(numberOfInstance, creationHandler.instanceIds); }); return creationHandler.instanceIds; }
/** * Method to get Instance details directly from Amazon * * @throws Throwable */ public static List<Instance> getAwsInstancesByIds(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, VerificationHost host, List<String> instanceIds) throws Throwable { host.log("Getting instances with ids " + instanceIds + " from the AWS endpoint using the EC2 client."); DescribeInstancesRequest describeInstancesRequest = new DescribeInstancesRequest() .withInstanceIds(instanceIds); DescribeInstancesResult describeInstancesResult = client .describeInstances(describeInstancesRequest); return describeInstancesResult.getReservations().stream() .flatMap(r -> r.getInstances().stream()).collect(Collectors.toList()); }
/** * Method that polls to see if the instances provisioned have turned ON.This method accepts an * error count to allow some room for errors in case all the requested resources are not * provisioned correctly. * * @return boolean if the required instances have been turned ON on AWS with some acceptable * error rate. */ public static boolean computeInstancesStartedStateWithAcceptedErrorRate( AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, VerificationHost host, List<String> instanceIds, int errorRate) throws Throwable { // If there are no instanceIds set then return false if (instanceIds.size() == 0) { return false; } ArrayList<Boolean> provisioningFlags = new ArrayList<Boolean>(instanceIds.size()); for (int i = 0; i < instanceIds.size(); i++) { provisioningFlags.add(i, Boolean.FALSE); } // Calls the describe instances API to get the latest state of each machine being // provisioned. checkInstancesStarted(host, client, instanceIds, provisioningFlags); int totalCount = instanceIds.size(); int passCount = (int) Math.ceil((((100 - errorRate) / HUNDERED) * totalCount)); int poweredOnCount = 0; for (boolean startedFlag : provisioningFlags) { if (startedFlag) { poweredOnCount++; } } return (poweredOnCount >= passCount); }
/** * Gets the instance count of non-terminated instances on the AWS endpoint. This is used to run * the asserts and validate the results for the data that is collected during enumeration.This * also calculates the compute descriptions that will be used to represent the instances that * were discovered on the AWS endpoint. Further factoring in the * * @throws Throwable */ public static BaseLineState getBaseLineInstanceCount(VerificationHost host, AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, List<String> testComputeDescriptions) throws Throwable { BaseLineState baseLineState = new BaseLineState(); AWSEnumerationAsyncHandler enumerationHandler = new AWSEnumerationAsyncHandler(host, AWSEnumerationAsyncHandler.MODE.GET_COUNT, null, null, null, testComputeDescriptions, baseLineState); DescribeInstancesRequest request = new DescribeInstancesRequest(); Filter runningInstanceFilter = getAWSNonTerminatedInstancesFilter(); request.getFilters().add(runningInstanceFilter); client.describeInstancesAsync(request, enumerationHandler); host.waitFor("Error waiting to get base line instance count from AWS in test ", () -> { return baseLineState.isCountPopulated; }); return baseLineState; }
public static void waitForInstancesToBeTerminated(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, VerificationHost host, List<String> instanceIdsToDelete) throws Throwable { if (instanceIdsToDelete.size() == 0) { return; } ArrayList<Boolean> deletionFlags = new ArrayList<>(instanceIdsToDelete.size()); for (int i = 0; i < instanceIdsToDelete.size(); i++) { deletionFlags.add(i, Boolean.FALSE); } host.waitFor("Error waiting for EC2 client delete instances in test ", () -> { boolean isDeleted = computeInstancesTerminationState(client, host, instanceIdsToDelete, deletionFlags); if (isDeleted) { return true; } host.log(Level.INFO, "Waiting for EC2 instance deletion"); Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10)); return false; }); }
/** * Checks if a newly deleted instance has its status set to terminated. * * @return */ public static void checkInstancesDeleted(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, VerificationHost host, List<String> instanceIdsToDelete, ArrayList<Boolean> deletionFlags) throws Throwable { AWSEnumerationAsyncHandler enumerationHandler = new AWSEnumerationAsyncHandler(host, AWSEnumerationAsyncHandler.MODE.CHECK_TERMINATION, null, deletionFlags, null, null, null); DescribeInstancesRequest request = new DescribeInstancesRequest() .withInstanceIds(instanceIdsToDelete); client.describeInstancesAsync(request, enumerationHandler); // Waiting to get a response from AWS before the state computation is done for the list of // VMs. host.waitFor("Waiting to get response from AWS ", () -> { return enumerationHandler.responseReceived; }); }
/** * Method to get Disk details directly from Amazon */ public static List<Volume> getAwsDisksByIds(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, VerificationHost host, List<String> diskIds) throws Throwable { try { host.log("Getting disks with ids " + diskIds + " from the AWS endpoint using the EC2 client."); DescribeVolumesRequest describeVolumesRequest = new DescribeVolumesRequest() .withVolumeIds(diskIds); DescribeVolumesResult describeVolumesResult = client .describeVolumes(describeVolumesRequest); return describeVolumesResult.getVolumes(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof AmazonEC2Exception && ((AmazonEC2Exception) e).getErrorCode() .equalsIgnoreCase(AWS_INVALID_VOLUME_ID_ERROR_CODE)) { return null; } } return new ArrayList<>(); }
@Test public void testResourceNaming() throws Throwable { boolean tagFound = false; AmazonEC2AsyncClient client = TestUtils.getClient(this.privateKeyId,this.privateKey,this.region,false); //create something to name AWSNetworkClient svc = new AWSNetworkClient(client); String vpcID = svc.createVPC(""); AWSUtils.tagResourcesWithName(client, TEST_NAME, vpcID); List<TagDescription> tags = AWSUtils.getResourceTags(vpcID,client); for (TagDescription tagDesc:tags) { if (tagDesc.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(AWS_TAG_NAME)) { assertTrue(tagDesc.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(TEST_NAME)); tagFound = true; break; } } // ensure we found the tag assertTrue(tagFound); svc.deleteVPC(vpcID); }
protected void assertBootDiskConfiguration(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, Instance awsInstance, String diskLink) { DiskState diskState = getDiskState(diskLink); Volume bootVolume = getVolume(client, awsInstance, awsInstance.getRootDeviceName()); assertEquals("Boot Disk capacity in diskstate is not matching the boot disk size of the " + "vm launched in aws", diskState.capacityMBytes, bootVolume.getSize() * 1024); assertEquals( "Boot disk type in diskstate is not same as the type of the volume attached to the VM", diskState.customProperties.get("volumeType"), bootVolume.getVolumeType()); assertEquals( "Boot disk iops in diskstate is the same as the iops of the volume attached to the VM", Integer.parseInt(diskState.customProperties.get("iops")), bootVolume.getIops().intValue()); assertEquals("Boot disk attach status is not matching", DiskService.DiskStatus.ATTACHED, diskState.status); }
protected Volume getVolume(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, Instance awsInstance, String deviceName) { InstanceBlockDeviceMapping bootDiskMapping = awsInstance.getBlockDeviceMappings().stream() .filter(blockDeviceMapping -> blockDeviceMapping.getDeviceName().equals(deviceName)) .findAny() .orElse(null); //The ami used in this test is an ebs-backed AMI assertNotNull("Device type should be ebs type", bootDiskMapping.getEbs()); String bootVolumeId = bootDiskMapping.getEbs().getVolumeId(); DescribeVolumesRequest describeVolumesRequest = new DescribeVolumesRequest() .withVolumeIds(bootVolumeId); DescribeVolumesResult describeVolumesResult = client .describeVolumes(describeVolumesRequest); return describeVolumesResult.getVolumes().get(0); }
public EC2(UserProviderCredentials credentials) { this.credentials_ = checkNotNull(credentials); checkState(!isNullOrEmpty(credentials.getLoginCredentials().getCredentialName())); checkNotNull(credentials.getRegion()); checkState(!isNullOrEmpty(credentials.getRegion().getName())); checkState(!isNullOrEmpty(credentials.getRegion().getEndpoint())); this.awsCredentials_ = new BasicAWSCredentials(credentials.getLoginCredentials().getIdentity(), credentials.getLoginCredentials().getCredential()); ec2_ = new AmazonEC2AsyncClient(this.awsCredentials_); ec2_.setEndpoint(credentials.getRegion().getEndpoint()); this.defaultUserGroupName_ = System.getProperty("", "excalibur-security-group"); backoffLimitedRetryHandler_ = new BackoffLimitedRetryHandler(); }
@Override public void handleRequest(InputStream is, OutputStream os, Context context) { LambdaLogger logger = context.getLogger(); String regionName = System.getenv("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"); AmazonEC2Async client = RegionUtils.getRegion(regionName).createClient(AmazonEC2AsyncClient.class, new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain(), cc); try { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); DeregisterImageRequest event = om.readValue(is, DeregisterImageRequest.class); String imageId = event.getDetail().getRequestParameters().getImageId(); logger.log("Deregister AMI parge snapshot Start. ImageId[" + imageId + "]"); List<Snapshot> snapshots = describeSnapshot(client, imageId, context); if (snapshots.size() == 0) { logger.log("Target of snapshot there is nothing."); } else { -> pargeSnapshot(client, s.getSnapshotId(), context)); } logger.log("[SUCCESS][DeregisterImage]has been completed successfully." + imageId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log("[ERROR][DeregisterImage]An unexpected error has occurred. message[" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } finally { client.shutdown(); } }
private AWSTaskStatusChecker(AmazonEC2AsyncClient amazonEC2Client, String instanceId, String desiredState, Consumer<Object> consumer, TaskManager taskManager, StatelessService service, long expirationTimeMicros) { this(amazonEC2Client, instanceId, desiredState, Collections.emptyList(), consumer, taskManager, service, expirationTimeMicros); }
private AWSTaskStatusChecker(AmazonEC2AsyncClient amazonEC2Client, String instanceId, String desiredState, List<String> failureStates, Consumer<Object> consumer, TaskManager taskManager, StatelessService service, long expirationTimeMicros) { this.instanceId = instanceId; this.amazonEC2Client = amazonEC2Client; this.consumer = consumer; this.desiredState = desiredState; this.failureStates = failureStates; this.taskManager = taskManager; this.service = service; this.expirationTimeMicros = expirationTimeMicros; }
public static AWSTaskStatusChecker create( AmazonEC2AsyncClient amazonEC2Client, String instanceId, String desiredState, Consumer<Object> consumer, TaskManager taskManager, StatelessService service, long expirationTimeMicros) { return new AWSTaskStatusChecker(amazonEC2Client, instanceId, desiredState, consumer, taskManager, service, expirationTimeMicros); }
public static AWSTaskStatusChecker create( AmazonEC2AsyncClient amazonEC2Client, String instanceId, String desiredState, List<String> failureStates, Consumer<Object> consumer, TaskManager taskManager, StatelessService service, long expirationTimeMicros) { return new AWSTaskStatusChecker(amazonEC2Client, instanceId, desiredState, failureStates, consumer, taskManager, service, expirationTimeMicros); }
private void reset(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, ResourceOperationRequest pr, DefaultAdapterContext c) { if (!c.child.powerState.equals(ComputeService.PowerState.ON)) { logWarning(() -> String.format("Cannot perform a reset on this EC2 instance. " + "The machine should be in powered on state")); c.taskManager.patchTaskToFailure(new IllegalStateException("Incorrect power state. Expected the machine " + "to be powered on ")); return; } // The stop action for reset is a force stop. So we use the withForce method to set the force parameter to TRUE // This is similar to unplugging the machine from the power circuit. // The OS and the applications are forcefully stopped. StopInstancesRequest stopRequest = new StopInstancesRequest(); stopRequest.withInstanceIds(; client.stopInstancesAsync(stopRequest, new AWSAsyncHandler<StopInstancesRequest, StopInstancesResult>() { @Override protected void handleError(Exception e) { c.taskManager.patchTaskToFailure(e); } @Override protected void handleSuccess(StopInstancesRequest request, StopInstancesResult result) { AWSUtils.waitForTransitionCompletion(getHost(), result.getStoppingInstances(), "stopped", client, (is, e) -> { if (e != null) { onError(e); return; } //Instances will be started only if they're successfully stopped startInstance(client,c); }); } }); }
@Override public void handlePatch(Operation op) { if (!op.hasBody()) { IllegalArgumentException("body is required")); return; } ResourceOperationRequest request = op.getBody(ResourceOperationRequest.class); op.complete(); logInfo(() -> String.format("Handle operation %s for compute %s.", request.operation, request.resourceLink())); if (request.isMockRequest) { updateComputeState(new DefaultAdapterContext(this, request)); } else { new DefaultAdapterContext(this, request) .populateBaseContext(BaseAdapterStage.VMDESC) .whenComplete((c, e) -> { AmazonEC2AsyncClient client = this.clientManager.getOrCreateEC2Client( c.parentAuth, c.child.description.regionId, this, (t) -> c.taskManager.patchTaskToFailure(t)); if (client != null) { reset(client,request,c); } // if the client is found to be null, it implies the task is already patched to // failure in the catch block of getOrCreateEC2Client method (failConsumer.accept()). // So it is not required to patch it again. }); } }
public static AmazonEC2AsyncClient getAsyncClient( AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, String region, ExecutorService executorService) { ClientConfiguration configuration = new ClientConfiguration(); configuration.setMaxConnections(100); configuration.withRetryPolicy(new RetryPolicy(new CustomRetryCondition(), DEFAULT_BACKOFF_STRATEGY, DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR_RETRY, false)); AWSStaticCredentialsProvider awsStaticCredentialsProvider = new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider( new BasicAWSCredentials(credentials.privateKeyId, EncryptionUtils.decrypt(credentials.privateKey))); AmazonEC2AsyncClientBuilder ec2AsyncClientBuilder = AmazonEC2AsyncClientBuilder .standard() .withClientConfiguration(configuration) .withCredentials(awsStaticCredentialsProvider) .withExecutorFactory(() -> executorService); if (region == null) { region = Regions.DEFAULT_REGION.getName(); } if (isAwsClientMock()) { configuration.addHeader(AWS_REGION_HEADER, region); ec2AsyncClientBuilder.setClientConfiguration(configuration); AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration endpointConfiguration = new AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration( getAWSMockHost() + AWS_MOCK_EC2_ENDPOINT, region); ec2AsyncClientBuilder.setEndpointConfiguration(endpointConfiguration); } else { ec2AsyncClientBuilder.setRegion(region); } return (AmazonEC2AsyncClient); }
public static void validateCredentials(AmazonEC2AsyncClient ec2Client, AWSClientManager clientManager, AuthCredentialsServiceState credentials, ComputeEnumerateAdapterRequest context, Operation op, StatelessService service, Consumer<DescribeAvailabilityZonesResult> onSuccess, Consumer<Throwable> onFail) { if (clientManager.isEc2ClientInvalid(credentials, context.regionId)) { op.complete(); return; } ec2Client.describeAvailabilityZonesAsync(new DescribeAvailabilityZonesRequest(), new AsyncHandler<DescribeAvailabilityZonesRequest, DescribeAvailabilityZonesResult>() { @Override public void onError(Exception e) { if (e instanceof AmazonServiceException) { AmazonServiceException ase = (AmazonServiceException) e; if (ase.getStatusCode() == STATUS_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED) { clientManager.markEc2ClientInvalid(service, credentials, context.regionId); op.complete(); return; } onFail.accept(e); } } @Override public void onSuccess(DescribeAvailabilityZonesRequest request, DescribeAvailabilityZonesResult describeAvailabilityZonesResult) { onSuccess.accept(describeAvailabilityZonesResult); } }); }
/** * Synchronous UnTagging of one or many AWS resources with the provided tags. */ public static void unTagResources(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, Collection<Tag> tags, String... resourceIds) { if (isAwsClientMock()) { return; } DeleteTagsRequest req = new DeleteTagsRequest() .withTags(tags) .withResources(resourceIds); client.deleteTags(req); }
/** * Synchronous Tagging of one or many AWS resources with the provided tags. */ public static void tagResources(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, Collection<Tag> tags, String... resourceIds) { if (isAwsClientMock()) { return; } CreateTagsRequest req = new CreateTagsRequest() .withResources(resourceIds).withTags(tags); client.createTags(req); }
public static List<TagDescription> getResourceTags(String resourceID, AmazonEC2AsyncClient client) { Filter resource = new Filter().withName(AWS_FILTER_RESOURCE_ID) .withValues(resourceID); DescribeTagsRequest req = new DescribeTagsRequest() .withFilters(resource); DescribeTagsResult result = client.describeTags(req); return result.getTags(); }
public static List<String> getOrCreateDefaultSecurityGroup(AmazonEC2AsyncClient amazonEC2Client, AWSNicContext nicCtx) { AWSSecurityGroupClient client = new AWSSecurityGroupClient(amazonEC2Client); // in case no group is configured in the properties, attempt to discover the default one if (nicCtx != null && nicCtx.vpc != null) { try { SecurityGroup group = client.getSecurityGroup( DEFAULT_SECURITY_GROUP_NAME, nicCtx.vpc.getVpcId()); if (group != null) { return Arrays.asList(group.getGroupId()); } } catch (AmazonServiceException t) { if (!t.getMessage().contains( DEFAULT_SECURITY_GROUP_NAME)) { throw t; } } } // if the group doesn't exist an exception is thrown. We won't throw a // missing group exception // we will continue and create the group String groupId = client.createDefaultSecurityGroupWithDefaultRules(nicCtx.vpc); return Collections.singletonList(groupId); }
public static void waitForTransitionCompletion(ServiceHost host, List<InstanceStateChange> stateChangeList, final String desiredState, AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, BiConsumer<InstanceState, Exception> callback) { InstanceStateChange stateChange = stateChangeList.get(0); try { DescribeInstancesRequest request = new DescribeInstancesRequest(); request.withInstanceIds(stateChange.getInstanceId()); DescribeInstancesResult result = client.describeInstances(request); Instance instance = result.getReservations() .stream() .flatMap(r -> r.getInstances().stream()) .filter(i -> i.getInstanceId() .equalsIgnoreCase(stateChange.getInstanceId())) .findFirst().orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("%s instance not found", stateChange.getInstanceId()))); String state = instance.getState().getName(); if (state.equals(desiredState)) { callback.accept(instance.getState(), null); } else { host.schedule(() -> waitForTransitionCompletion(host, stateChangeList, desiredState, client, callback), 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } catch (AmazonServiceException | IllegalArgumentException ase) { callback.accept(null, ase); } }
@Override public void handlePatch(Operation op) { if (!op.hasBody()) { IllegalArgumentException("body is required")); return; } ResourceOperationRequest request = op.getBody(ResourceOperationRequest.class); op.complete(); logInfo("Handle operation %s for compute %s.", request.operation, request.resourceLink()); if (request.isMockRequest) { updateComputeState(request, new DefaultAdapterContext(this, request)); } else { new DefaultAdapterContext(this, request) .populateBaseContext(BaseAdapterStage.VMDESC) .whenComplete((c, e) -> { AmazonEC2AsyncClient client = this.clientManager.getOrCreateEC2Client( c.parentAuth, c.child.description.regionId, this, (t) -> c.taskManager.patchTaskToFailure(t)); if (client != null) { reboot(client,request,c); } // if the client is found to be null, it implies the task is already patched to // failure in the catch block of getOrCreateEC2Client method (failConsumer.accept()). // So it is not required to patch it again. }); } }
/** * start the instance and on success updates the disk and compute state to reflect the detach information. */ private void startInstance(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, DiskContext c, DeferredResult<DiskContext> dr) { StartInstancesRequest startRequest = new StartInstancesRequest(); startRequest.withInstanceIds(; client.startInstancesAsync(startRequest, new AWSAsyncHandler<StartInstancesRequest, StartInstancesResult>() { @Override protected void handleError(Exception e) {; } @Override protected void handleSuccess(StartInstancesRequest request, StartInstancesResult result) { AWSUtils.waitForTransitionCompletion(getHost(), result.getStartingInstances(), "running", client, (is, e) -> { if (e != null) {; return; } logInfo(() -> String.format( "[AWSComputeDiskDay2Service] Successfully started the " + "instance %s", result.getStartingInstances().get(0).getInstanceId())); updateComputeAndDiskState(dr, c); }); } }); }
public static void setUpTestVolume(VerificationHost host, AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, Map<String, Object> awsTestContext, boolean isMock) { if (!isMock) { String volumeId = createVolume(host, client); awsTestContext.put(DISK_KEY, volumeId); String snapshotId = createSnapshot(host, client, volumeId); awsTestContext.put(SNAPSHOT_KEY, snapshotId); } }
public static void setUpTestVpc(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, Map<String, Object> awsTestContext, boolean isMock, String zoneId) { awsTestContext.put(VPC_KEY, AWS_DEFAULT_VPC_ID); awsTestContext.put(NIC_SPECS_KEY, SINGLE_NIC_SPEC); awsTestContext.put(SUBNET_KEY, AWS_DEFAULT_SUBNET_ID); awsTestContext.put(SECURITY_GROUP_KEY, AWS_DEFAULT_GROUP_ID); // create new VPC, Subnet, InternetGateway if the default VPC doesn't exist if (!isMock && !vpcIdExists(client, AWS_DEFAULT_VPC_ID)) { String vpcId = createVPC(client, AWS_DEFAULT_VPC_CIDR); awsTestContext.put(VPC_KEY, vpcId); String subnetId = createOrGetSubnet(client, AWS_DEFAULT_VPC_CIDR, vpcId, zoneId); awsTestContext.put(SUBNET_KEY, subnetId); String internetGatewayId = createInternetGateway(client); awsTestContext.put(INTERNET_GATEWAY_KEY, internetGatewayId); attachInternetGateway(client, vpcId, internetGatewayId); awsTestContext.put(SECURITY_GROUP_KEY, new AWSSecurityGroupClient(client) .createDefaultSecurityGroup(vpcId)); NetSpec network = new NetSpec(vpcId, vpcId, AWS_DEFAULT_VPC_CIDR); List<NetSpec> subnets = new ArrayList<>(); subnets.add(new NetSpec(subnetId, AWS_DEFAULT_SUBNET_NAME, AWS_DEFAULT_SUBNET_CIDR, zoneId == null ? TestAWSSetupUtils.zoneId + avalabilityZoneIdentifier : zoneId)); NicSpec nicSpec = NicSpec.create() .withSubnetSpec(subnets.get(0)) .withDynamicIpAssignment(); awsTestContext.put(NIC_SPECS_KEY, new AwsNicSpecs(network, Collections.singletonList(nicSpec))); } }
/** * Return true if vpcId exists. */ public static boolean vpcIdExists(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, String vpcId) { List<Vpc> vpcs = client.describeVpcs() .getVpcs() .stream() .filter(vpc -> vpc.getVpcId().equals(vpcId)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return vpcs != null && !vpcs.isEmpty(); }
/** * Return true if volumeId exists. */ public static boolean volumeIdExists(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, String volumeId) { List<Volume> volumes = client.describeVolumes() .getVolumes() .stream() .filter(volume -> volume.getVolumeId().equals(volumeId)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return volumes != null && !volumes.isEmpty(); }
/** * Return true if snapshotId exists. */ public static boolean snapshotIdExists(AmazonEC2AsyncClient client, String snapshotId) { List<Snapshot> snapshots = client.describeSnapshots() .getSnapshots() .stream() .filter(snapshot -> snapshot.getSnapshotId().equals(snapshotId)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return snapshots != null && !snapshots.isEmpty(); }