Java 类 实例源码

项目:photon-model    文件   
 * Create a NAT Gateway
 * It waits for the NAT gateway to become available before returning the gateway id.
public DeferredResult<String> createNatGateway(String publicSubnetId, String allocationId,
        TaskManager taskManager, long taskExpirationMicros) {
    CreateNatGatewayRequest req = new CreateNatGatewayRequest()

    String message = "Create AWS NAT Gateway for subnet [" + publicSubnetId
            + "] with elastic IP allocation id [" + allocationId + "].";

    AWSDeferredResultAsyncHandler<CreateNatGatewayRequest, CreateNatGatewayResult> handler = new
            AWSDeferredResultAsyncHandler<>(this.service, message);
    this.client.createNatGatewayAsync(req, handler);
    return handler.toDeferredResult()
            .thenCompose(natGatewayId -> waitForNatGatewayState(natGatewayId,
                    taskManager, taskExpirationMicros,
项目:cmn-project    文件   
public NatGateway createNATGateway(String subnetId, String ip) {"create nat gateway, subnetId={}, ip={}", subnetId, ip);

    List<Address> addresses = AWS.vpc.ec2.describeAddresses(new DescribeAddressesRequest().withPublicIps(ip)).getAddresses();
    if (addresses.isEmpty()) throw new Error("cannot find eip, ip=" + ip);
    Address address = addresses.get(0);
    if (address.getAssociationId() != null) throw new Error("eip must not associated with other resource, ip=" + ip);

    CreateNatGatewayRequest request = new CreateNatGatewayRequest()
    String gatewayId = ec2.createNatGateway(request).getNatGateway().getNatGatewayId();

    NatGateway gateway;
    while (true) {
        gateway = describeNATGateway(gatewayId);
        String state = gateway.getState();
        if ("pending".equals(state)) continue;
        if ("available".equals(state)) {
        } else {
            throw new Error("failed to create nat gateway, gatewayId=" + gatewayId + ", state=" + state);
    return gateway;
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
public CreateNatGatewayResult createNatGateway(CreateNatGatewayRequest createNatGatewayRequest) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported in mock");