Java 类 实例源码

项目:Camel    文件   
public GetRecordsResult answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
    final String shardIterator = ((GetRecordsRequest) invocation.getArguments()[0]).getShardIterator();
    // note that HashMap returns null when there is no entry in the map.
    // A null 'nextShardIterator' indicates that the shard has finished
    // and we should move onto the next shard.
    String nextShardIterator = shardIterators.get(shardIterator);
    Matcher m = Pattern.compile("shard_iterator_d_0*(\\d+)").matcher(shardIterator);
    Collection<Record> ans = answers.get(shardIterator);
    if (nextShardIterator == null && m.matches()) { // last shard iterates forever.
        Integer num = Integer.parseInt(;
        nextShardIterator = "shard_iterator_d_" + pad(Integer.toString(num + 1), 3);
    if (null == ans) { // default to an empty list of records.
        ans = createRecords();
    return new GetRecordsResult()
项目:kafka-connect-dynamodb    文件   
public List<SourceRecord> poll() throws InterruptedException {
    // TODO rate limiting?

    if (assignedShards.isEmpty()) {
        throw new ConnectException("No remaining source shards");

    final String shardId = assignedShards.get(currentShardIdx);

    final GetRecordsRequest req = new GetRecordsRequest();
    req.setLimit(100); // TODO configurable

    final GetRecordsResult rsp = streamsClient.getRecords(req);
    if (rsp.getNextShardIterator() == null) {"Shard ID `{}` for table `{}` has been closed, it will no longer be polled", shardId, config.tableForShard(shardId));
    } else {
        log.debug("Retrieved {} records from shard ID `{}`", rsp.getRecords().size(), shardId);
        shardIterators.put(shardId, rsp.getNextShardIterator());

    currentShardIdx = (currentShardIdx + 1) % assignedShards.size();

    final String tableName = config.tableForShard(shardId);
    final String topic = config.topicFormat.replace("${table}", tableName);
    final Map<String, String> sourcePartition = sourcePartition(shardId);

    return rsp.getRecords().stream()
            .map(dynamoRecord -> toSourceRecord(sourcePartition, topic, dynamoRecord.getDynamodb()))