Java 类 实例源码

项目:strongbox    文件   
public void testCreateAdminPolicy() throws Exception {
    String policyDocument = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(TEST_DATA_DIR, "test_admin_policy")));
    CreatePolicyRequest request = constructCreatePolicyRequest("admin", policyDocument);
    CreatePolicyResult result = new CreatePolicyResult().withPolicy(new Policy().withArn(ADMIN_POLICY_ARN));

    // When constructing policy statement for KMS, the KMSManager checks that the key exists with a
    // DescribeKeyRequest. So we need to mock this result as well.
    DescribeKeyRequest keyRequest = new DescribeKeyRequest().withKeyId(KMS_ALIAS_ARN);

    // Create the policy and verify the policy is as expected and expected calls to AWS were made.
    String policyArn = partiallyMockedPolicyManager.createAdminPolicy(group, kmsEncryptor, partiallyMockedStore);

    verify(mockClient, times(1)).createPolicy(request);
    verify(mockKMSClient, times(1)).describeKey(keyRequest);
    assertEquals(policyArn, ADMIN_POLICY_ARN);
项目:strongbox    文件   
public void testCreateReadOnlyPolicy() throws Exception {
    String policyDocument = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(TEST_DATA_DIR, "test_readonly_policy")));
    CreatePolicyRequest request = constructCreatePolicyRequest("readonly", policyDocument);
    CreatePolicyResult result = new CreatePolicyResult().withPolicy(new Policy().withArn(READONLY_POLICY_ARN));

    // When constructing policy statement for KMS, the KMSManager checks that the key exists with a
    // DescribeKeyRequest. So we need to mock this result as well.
    DescribeKeyRequest keyRequest = new DescribeKeyRequest().withKeyId(KMS_ALIAS_ARN);

    // Create the policy and verify the policy is as expected and expected calls to AWS were made.
    String policyArn = partiallyMockedPolicyManager.createReadOnlyPolicy(group, kmsEncryptor, partiallyMockedStore);
    verify(mockClient, times(1)).createPolicy(request);
    verify(mockKMSClient, times(1)).describeKey(keyRequest);
    assertEquals(policyArn, READONLY_POLICY_ARN);
项目:aws-doc-sdk-examples    文件   
public static void main(String[] args) {

        final String USAGE =
            "To run this example, supply a policy name\n" +
            "Ex: CreatePolicy <policy-name>\n";

        if (args.length != 1) {

        String policy_name = args[0];

        final AmazonIdentityManagement iam =

        CreatePolicyRequest request = new CreatePolicyRequest()

        CreatePolicyResult response = iam.createPolicy(request);

        System.out.println("Successfully created policy: " +