private void pauseGame() { if (paused) return; paused = true; final Window.WindowStyle pauseWindowStyle = new Window.WindowStyle(); pauseWindowStyle.titleFont = game.getFonts().get("moonhouse64"); pauseWindowStyle.background = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(background)); pauseWindow = new PauseWindow(pauseWindowStyle, game.getFonts().get("moonhouse64"), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { unpauseGame(); } }, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { save(); } }, game, uiAssets, button); pauseWindow.setBounds(viewport.getWorldWidth() / 2 - viewport.getWorldWidth() / 3, viewport.getWorldHeight() / 2 - viewport.getWorldHeight() / 3, viewport.getWorldWidth() / 3 * 2, viewport.getWorldHeight() / 3 * 2); stage.addActor(pauseWindow); }
private void addChangeFaction(){ groupChangeFaction = new Group(); Image background = new Image(new TextureRegion(manager.getAssetsSettings().getTexture(NameFiles.extensionImgBackground))); background.setSize(Width - Width * 0.03f, Height * 0.1f); background.setPosition(Width / 2 - background.getWidth() / 2, Height * 0.3f); groupChangeFaction.addActor(background); Label labelFac = new Label("Change Faction",new Label.LabelStyle(Font.getFont((int)(Height*0.025f)),Color.WHITE)); labelFac.setPosition(background.getX()+background.getWidth()*0.05f,background.getY()+background.getHeight()/2-labelFac.getHeight()/2); labelFac.addListener(new ClickListener(){ @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { manager.loadAssetsChoiceFaction(); gameManager.setScreen(new ScreenCircleLoading(gameManager,new ScreenChoiceFaction(gameManager),manager.getAssetsChoiceFaction())); } }); groupChangeFaction.addActor(labelFac); }
private Texture createHighlightingGraphic(TextureRegion textureRegion) { TextureData textureData = textureRegion.getTexture().getTextureData(); textureData.prepare(); Pixmap sourcePixmap = textureData.consumePixmap(); Pixmap destinationPixmap = new Pixmap(textureRegion.getRegionWidth(), textureRegion.getRegionHeight(), Format.RGBA8888); Color color = new Color(); for (int x = 0; x < textureRegion.getRegionWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < textureRegion.getRegionHeight(); y++) { int colorInt = sourcePixmap.getPixel(textureRegion.getRegionX() + x, textureRegion.getRegionY() + y); Color.rgba8888ToColor(color, colorInt); destinationPixmap.setColor(1.0f, 1f, 1.0f, 1); if (color.a > 0.004f) destinationPixmap.drawPixel(x, y); } } Texture result = new Texture(destinationPixmap); textureData.disposePixmap(); destinationPixmap.dispose(); return result; }
private TileTouchCheck(Pixmap pixelMap, TextureRegion region) { this.width = region.getRegionWidth(); this.height = region.getRegionHeight(); map = new int[width * height]; int i = -1; // pixmap coordinates have the origin in the top left corner; shift it so it goes from the bottom left instead for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = height-1; y >= 0; y--) { Color color = new Color(pixelMap.getPixel(region.getRegionX() + x, region.getRegionY() + y)); i++; if(color.a == 0) continue; // set to zero, tile doesn't matter if(color.equals(Color.WHITE)) // the tile must be different from the center tile map[i] = WHITE; else if(color.equals(Color.BLACK)) // the tile must be equal to the center tile map[i] = BLACK; } } }
@Override public void build() { Core.scene.table().addRect((a, b, w, h) -> { Draw.color(); TextureRegion back = Draw.region("background"); float backscl = Unit.dp.scl(5f); Draw.alpha(0.7f); Core.batch.draw(back, w/2 - back.getRegionWidth()*backscl/2 +240f, h/2 - back.getRegionHeight()*backscl/2 + 250f, back.getRegionWidth()*backscl, back.getRegionHeight()*backscl); float logoscl = (int)Unit.dp.scl(7); TextureRegion logo ="logotext"); float logow = logo.getRegionWidth()*logoscl; float logoh = logo.getRegionHeight()*logoscl; Draw.color(); Core.batch.draw(logo, w/2 - logow/2, h - logoh + 15, logow, logoh); }).visible(() ->; }
private static TextureRegion y(Area area, int x_y, int y_y, int z_y) { int i = 0; if (exists(area, x_y + 1, y_y, z_y - 1)) i |= A; if (exists(area, x_y + 1, y_y, z_y)) i |= B; if (exists(area, x_y + 1, y_y, z_y + 1)) i |= C; if (exists(area, x_y, y_y, z_y - 1)) i |= D; if (exists(area, x_y, y_y, z_y + 1)) i |= E; y_1(area, x_y, y_y, z_y, i); return loadedRegions[i]; }
public VRCamera(int width, int height, int viewportWidth, int viewportHeight) { leftCamera = new PerspectiveCamera(90, viewportWidth, viewportHeight); rightCamera = new PerspectiveCamera(90, viewportWidth, viewportHeight); leftBuffer = new FrameBuffer(Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888, width, height, true); rightBuffer = new FrameBuffer(Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888, width, height, true); leftTexture = new TextureRegion(); rightTexture = new TextureRegion(); batch = new SpriteBatch(); this.width = width; this.height = height; this.viewportWidth = viewportWidth; this.viewportHeight = viewportHeight; tmpVector3 = new Vector3(); position = new Vector3(250, 20, 250); positionLeft = new Vector3(249.5f, 20, 250); positionRight = new Vector3(250.5f, 20, 250); direction = new Vector3(); up = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); eyeDistance = 0.5f; }
public void setTextureRegion(TextureRegion textureRegion, boolean setNewDimension) { TextureRegion oldTextureRegion = this.textureRegion; this.textureRegion = textureRegion; if (oldTextureRegion == this.textureRegion) { // we dont need to notify listeners return; } if (setNewDimension) { // set new width and height this.positionComponent.setDimension(textureRegion.getRegionWidth(), textureRegion.getRegionHeight()); } -> { // check if dev mode is enabled /* * if (DevMode.isEnabled()) { //log listener * System.out.println("DrawTextureRegionComponent call listener: " + * listener.getClass().getName()); } */ listener.onTextureRegionChanged(oldTextureRegion, this.textureRegion); }); }
public void draw(Coordinates<Integer> coords, Pixmap map) { int terrainID = world.get(coords.y).get(coords.x); // tileID runs 0 through 8, conveniently in the // same order as our split tiles texture... int ty = (int) terrainID / 3; int tx = terrainID % 3; TextureRegion tileRegion = tileRegions[ty][tx]; map.drawPixmap(tilesPixmap, coords.x * tileSize, coords.y * tileSize, tileRegion.getRegionX(), tileRegion.getRegionY(), tileRegion.getRegionWidth(), tileRegion.getRegionHeight()); }
private void initBall() { float radius = 26; mBall = new Circle(0.f, 0.f, radius); mBallTextureRegion = new TextureRegion(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("ball.png"))); // create physics body BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef(); bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody; bodyDef.position.set(mBall.x, mBall.y); CircleShape ballShape = new CircleShape(); ballShape.setRadius(mBall.radius - 2.f); mBallBody = mWorld.createBody(bodyDef); mBallBody.setUserData(new BodyUserDate(BODY_USER_DATA_TYPE_BALL)); Fixture fixture = mBallBody.createFixture(ballShape, 0.5f); fixture.setFriction(BALL_FRICTION_BASE); fixture.setRestitution(0.4f); ballShape.dispose(); }
@Override protected void processEntity(Entity entity, float deltaTime) { TransformComponent transform = transformMapper.get(entity); DrawableComponent drawable = drawableMapper.get(entity); TextureRegion region = drawable.texture; float width = region.getRegionWidth(); float height = region.getRegionHeight(); float originX = width * 0.5f; float originY = height * 0.5f; float x = transform.position.x - originX; float y = transform.position.y - originY; if (debug) drawBounds(entity); batch.draw(drawable.texture, x, y, originX, originY, width, height, transform.scale.x, transform.scale.y, transform.rotation.angle()); PlayerClass playerClass = playerMapper.get(entity); if (playerClass != null && !playerClass.isSelf) { font.draw(batch, playerClass.displayName, x, y, width, -1, true); } }
private void addBackground(){ decalBackground = Decal.newDecal(new TextureRegion(managerAssets.getAssetsCrafting().getTexture(NameFiles.backgroundCrafting))); decalBackground.setDimensions(100,200); decalBackground.setPosition(0,0,0); environment = new Environment(); // environment.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.AmbientLight, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f)); environment.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.Diffuse)); environment.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.Specular)); environment.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.Reflection)); environment.add(new DirectionalLight().set(0.51f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0f, -2f, -30f)); Model model = managerAssets.getAssetsRaider().getModel(NameFiles.raiderFull); model.nodes.get(2).translation.set(-12,28.6f,-5.5f); // model.nodes.get(0).translation.set(0,28f,29.2f); // model.nodes.get(2).translation.set(0,13,-1); instance = new ModelInstance(model); instance.transform.trn(0,-20,25).rotate(0,1,0,-25); instance.transform.scale(1.5f,1.5f,1.5f); }
private void addTestCombat(){ groupTestCombat = new Group(); Image background = new Image(new TextureRegion(manager.getAssetsSettings().getTexture(NameFiles.extensionImgBackground))); background.setSize(Width - Width * 0.03f, Height * 0.1f); background.setPosition(Width / 2 - background.getWidth() / 2, Height * 0.15f); groupChangeFaction.addActor(background); Label labelFac = new Label("Combat Training",new Label.LabelStyle(Font.getFont((int)(Height*0.025f)),Color.WHITE)); labelFac.setPosition(background.getX()+background.getWidth()*0.05f,background.getY()+background.getHeight()/2-labelFac.getHeight()/2); labelFac.addListener(new ClickListener(){ @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { manager.loadAssetsEnklaveScreen(); new GetEnklaveDetails().makeRequest(16066, manager); gameManager.screenEnklave.setEnklave3D(new Vector2(0,0)); gameManager.setScreen(new ScreenCircleLoading(gameManager,gameManager.screenEnklave,manager.getAssertEnklaveScreen()));; } }); groupChangeFaction.addActor(labelFac); }
public void setObjectives(Objective[] objectives, boolean[] objectiveStatus) { this.objectives = objectives; this.objectiveStatus = objectiveStatus; if(objectives.length != objectiveStatus.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); getContentTable().clearChildren(); getBackground().setMinHeight(200 + 100 * objectives.length); getContentTable().setDebug(false); for(int i = 0; i < objectives.length; i++) { ImageButton imgCheck = new ImageButton(new TextureRegionDrawable( new TextureRegion((Texture) hexpert.assetManager.get(objectiveStatus[i] ? TEXTURE_CORRECT : TEXTURE_BAD )))); Label labelObjective = new Label(objectives[i].toString(hexpert.i18NBundle), getSkin()); getContentTable().add(imgCheck).width(100).height(80); imgCheck.getImageCell().expand().fill(); getContentTable().add(labelObjective); getContentTable().row(); } }
public CharacterSheet(TextureRegion[] idle, TextureRegion[] forward, TextureRegion[] backward, TextureRegion[] attack, TextureRegion[] in, TextureRegion[] out) { this.idle = idle; this.forward = forward; this.backward = backward; this.attack = attack; = in; this.out = out; }
/**set a new textureRegion to the Sprite * @param reset true 会重置尺寸/中心点数据 */ public void setSpriteFrame(TextureRegion newFrame, boolean reset) { _sprite.setRegion(newFrame); if(reset) { super.setAnchorPoint(0.5f, 0.5f); super.setContentSize(newFrame.getRegionWidth(), newFrame.getRegionHeight()); SET_DIRTY_RECURSIVELY(); } }
public PhaseItem(TextureRegion textureRegion, int phaseNum, String title, String subtitle, float positionX, float positionY) { super(textureRegion); this.phaseNum = phaseNum; this.position.x = positionX; this.position.y = positionY; this.title = title; this.subtitle = subtitle; this.titleX = this.position.x + (this.dimension.x / 2) - (title.length() * 10); this.titleY = this.position.y + this.dimension.y - 10; this.subtitleX = this.position.x + (this.dimension.x / 2) - (subtitle.length() * 10); this.subtitleY = this.position.y + 50; }
@Override public void draw (TextureRegion region, float width, float height, Affine2 transform) { float[] vertices = tempVertices; vertices[U1] = region.getU(); vertices[V1] = region.getV2(); vertices[U2] = region.getU(); vertices[V2] = region.getV(); vertices[U3] = region.getU2(); vertices[V3] = region.getV(); vertices[U4] = region.getU2(); vertices[V4] = region.getV2(); float color = this.color; vertices[C1] = color; vertices[C2] = color; vertices[C3] = color; vertices[C4] = color; // construct corner points vertices[X1] = transform.m02; vertices[Y1] = transform.m12; vertices[X2] = transform.m01 * height + transform.m02; vertices[Y2] = transform.m11 * height + transform.m12; vertices[X3] = transform.m00 * width + transform.m01 * height + transform.m02; vertices[Y3] = transform.m10 * width + transform.m11 * height + transform.m12; vertices[X4] = transform.m00 * width + transform.m02; vertices[Y4] = transform.m10 * width + transform.m12; draw(region.getTexture(), vertices, 0, 20); }
@Override public void buildTable(Tile tile, Table table){ SorterEntity entity = tile.entity(); Array<Item> items = Item.getAllItems(); ButtonGroup<ImageButton> group = new ButtonGroup<>(); Table cont = new Table(); cont.margin(4); cont.marginBottom(5); cont.add().colspan(4).height(105f); cont.row(); for(int i = 0; i < items.size; i ++){ final int f = i; ImageButton button = cont.addImageButton("white", "toggle", 24, () -> { entity.sortItem = items.get(f); setConfigure(tile, (byte)f); }).size(38, 42).padBottom(-5.1f).group(group).get(); button.getStyle().imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(Draw.region("icon-"+items.get(i).name))); button.setChecked( == f); if(i%4 == 3){ cont.row(); } } table.add(cont); }
public Bird(IGameService services, TextureRegion tr, Sling sling) { super(services, tr); float ratio = (RADIUS * 2f) / getRegionWidth(); setScale(ratio); = sling; }
@Override public void draw(TextureRegion region, Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, Vector2 size, Vector2 scale, float rotation) { batch.draw(region, position.x, position.y, origin.x, origin.y, size.x, size.y, scale.x, scale.y, rotation); }
public PixelBuffer() { super(Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888, Scene.BUFFER_WIDTH, Scene.BUFFER_HEIGHT, false); getColorBufferTexture().setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.Nearest, Texture.TextureFilter.Nearest); pixelBufferRegion = new TextureRegion(getColorBufferTexture(), 0, 0, Scene.BUFFER_WIDTH, Scene.BUFFER_HEIGHT); pixelBufferRegion.flip(false, true); }
/** * Creates the animation used for this PowerUp Type. * * @param game the game this view belongs to. Needed to access the * asset manager to get textures. * @param fileName the path to the file that contains the animation sheet. * @return the animation used for this PowerUp */ private Animation<TextureRegion> createAnimation(Armadillo game, String fileName) { Texture texture = game.getAssetManager().get(fileName); TextureRegion[][] regions = TextureRegion.split(texture, texture.getWidth() / NUM_FRAMES, texture.getHeight()); TextureRegion[] frames = new TextureRegion[NUM_FRAMES]; System.arraycopy(regions[0], 0, frames, 0, NUM_FRAMES); return new Animation<>(FRAME_TIME, frames); }
private void addtimerbuildroom(){ grouptimerbuild = new Group(); Image bg = new Image(new TextureRegion(manager.getAssetsRooms().getTexture(NameFiles.extensionImgBackground))); bg.setSize( / 2.75f, *0.32f); bg.setPosition( / 2 - bg.getWidth() / 2, / 5f); grouptimerbuild.addActor(bg); Label labelBuildingRoom = new Label("Building Room",new Label.LabelStyle(Font.getFont((int)(*0.025)), Color.WHITE)); labelBuildingRoom.setPosition( / 2 - labelBuildingRoom.getWidth() / 2, / 2.2f); grouptimerbuild.addActor(labelBuildingRoom); labelprocent = new Label("0%",new Label.LabelStyle(new Label.LabelStyle(Font.getFont((int)(*0.03)),Color.WHITE))); labelprocent.setPosition( / 2 - labelprocent.getWidth() / 2, / 3.1f); grouptimerbuild.addActor(labelprocent); grouptimerbuild.setVisible(false); }
private void init() { dimension.set(3.0f, 1.5f); regClouds = new Array<TextureRegion>(); regClouds.add(Assets.instance.levelDecoration.cloud01); regClouds.add(Assets.instance.levelDecoration.cloud02); regClouds.add(Assets.instance.levelDecoration.cloud03); int distFac = 5; int numClouds = (int) (length / distFac); clouds = new Array<Cloud>(2 * numClouds); for (int i = 0; i < numClouds; i++) { Cloud cloud = spawnCloud(); cloud.position.x = i * distFac; clouds.add(cloud); } }
public Monster(long id, CustomAnimation<TextureRegion> moveLeftAnimation, CustomAnimation<TextureRegion> moveRightAnimation, CustomAnimation<TextureRegion> moveDownAnimation, CustomAnimation<TextureRegion> moveUpAnimation, MonsterProperties properties, CollisionMap<GameObject> collisionMap) { super(id, moveLeftAnimation, moveRightAnimation, moveDownAnimation, moveUpAnimation, collisionMap); = properties; }
@Override public void render(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (collected) { return; } TextureRegion reg = null; reg = regGoldCoin; spriteBatch.draw(reg.getTexture(), position.x, position.y, origin.x, origin.y, dimension.x, dimension.y, scale.x, scale.y, rotation, reg.getRegionX(), reg.getRegionY(), reg.getRegionWidth(), reg.getRegionHeight(), false, false); }
public static void load() { texture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/texture.png")); texture.setFilter(TextureFilter.Nearest, TextureFilter.Nearest); bg = new TextureRegion(texture, 0, 0, 136, 43); bg.flip(false, true); grass = new TextureRegion(texture, 0, 43, 143, 11); grass.flip(false, true); birdDown = new TextureRegion(texture, 136, 0, 17, 12); birdDown.flip(false, true); bird= new TextureRegion(texture,153,0,17,12); bird.flip(false,true); birdUp=new TextureRegion(texture,170,0,17,12); birdUp.flip(false,true); TextureRegion[] birds = {birdDown, bird, birdUp}; birdAnimation=new Animation(0.06f,birds); birdAnimation.setPlayMode(Animation.PlayMode.LOOP_PINGPONG); skullUp =new TextureRegion(texture,192,0,24,14); skullDown = new TextureRegion(skullUp); skullDown.flip(false,true); bar = new TextureRegion(texture, 136, 16, 22, 3); bar.flip(false,true); }
private Array<TextureRegion> createShortExplosion() { Array<TextureRegion> explosions = new Array<>(); Texture texture = assetService.getTexture(AssetService.TextureAsset.BOMB_EXPLOSION); TextureRegion[][] split = TextureRegion.split(texture, 128, 128); for (TextureRegion[] row : split) { for (TextureRegion region : row) { explosions.add(region); explosions.add(region); } } return explosions; }
VRPerEyeData(FrameBuffer buffer, TextureRegion region, VRCamera cameras) { this.buffer = buffer; this.region = region; = cameras; this.texture = org.lwjgl.openvr.Texture.create(); this.texture.set(buffer.getColorBufferTexture().getTextureObjectHandle(), VR.ETextureType_TextureType_OpenGL, VR.EColorSpace_ColorSpace_Gamma); }
private void addimagebg(){ MapPixmap imageBG = MapPixmap.getInstance(); decalBackground = Decal.newDecal(new TextureRegion(new Texture(imageBG.getImage(1,1)))); decalBackground.setPosition(0, 0, 0); decalBackground.setDimensions( * 0.3125f, * 0.3125f); decalBackground.setBlending(GL20.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); }
public Boom(float x, float y) { texture = AssetLoader.assetManager.get("explosion.pack", TextureAtlas.class); animation = new Animation<TextureRegion>(1/15f, texture.getRegions()); sprite = new Sprite(animation.getKeyFrame(0)); elapsedTime = 0; sprite.setPosition(x, y); rotationAngle = MathUtils.random(359); sprite.setRotation(rotationAngle); }
@Override public void draw(TextureRegion region, Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, Vector2 size, float scale, float rotation) { batch.draw(region, position.x, position.y, origin.x, origin.y, size.x, size.y, scale, scale, rotation); }
@Override public void load(){ AssetLoader.setAssetClass(Texture.class); for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++){ monsterTexture[i] = AssetLoader.load("towerdefense/monster/monster ("+i+").png"); } AssetLoader.setAssetClass(TextureRegion.class); canon = AssetLoader.load("towerdefense/tower/canon.png", new Rectangle(190, 0, 63, 63)); towerTexture = AssetLoader.load("towerdefense/tower/tower.png"); gun = AssetLoader.load("towerdefense/tower/gun.png", new Rectangle(190, 0, 63, 63)); slower = AssetLoader.load("towerdefense/tower/slower.png", new Rectangle(190, 0, 63, 63)); }
public Bird(int x, int y){ position = new Vector3(x, y, 0); velosity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); texture = new Texture("Sheep-Animated-Gif4.png"); birdAnimation = new Animation(new TextureRegion(texture), FRAME_COUNT, 0.9f); bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, texture.getWidth() / FRAME_COUNT, texture.getHeight()); flap ="sfx_wing.ogg")); }
public Animation(TextureRegion region, int frameCount, float cycleTime){ frames = new Array<TextureRegion>(); int frameWidth = region.getRegionWidth() / frameCount; for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++){ frames.add(new TextureRegion(region, i * frameWidth, 0, frameWidth, region.getRegionHeight())); } this.frameCount = frameCount; maxFrameTime = cycleTime / frameCount; frame = 0; }
public Cherry(int x, int y){ cherry = new Texture("Cherry2_0.35.png"); cherryAnimation = new Animation(new TextureRegion(cherry),2,0.5f); rand = new Random(); posCherry = new Vector2(rand.nextInt(FLUCTUATION)+CHERRY_MIN_X, y); cherryBounds = new Rectangle(posCherry.x,posCherry.y,cherry.getWidth(),cherry.getHeight()); collided = false; }
public void draw(Batch batch, float x, float y, float width, float height) { batch.draw(blank, x, y, width, height); if (inventory.itemStacks[num] != null) { TextureRegion region = inventory.itemStacks[num].getTextureRegion(); batch.draw(region, x + 2f, y + 2f, width - 4f, height - 4f); drawText(batch, x + 2f, y + 2f, inventory.itemStacks[num]); } }
@Override public TextureRegion loadTextureRegion(Texture texture, Rectangle rec) { TextureRegion tr = new TextureRegion(texture, (int)rec.x, (int)rec.y, (int)rec.width, (int)rec.height); //flip for system of y-axis down if(Game.isYdown()) tr.flip(false, true); return tr; }
/** * Transforms byte[] to Texture Region. * <p> * If you are going to call this method inside firebase callback remember to wrap it<p> * into {@code}. * The texture will be changed so that it has sides with length of power of 2. * * @param bytes Byte array with image description * @return Texture region representation of given byte array */ public static TextureRegion createTextureFromBytes(byte[] bytes) { Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(bytes, 0, bytes.length); final int orgWidth = pixmap.getWidth(); final int orgHeight = pixmap.getHeight(); int width = MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo(orgWidth); int height = MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo(orgHeight); final Pixmap potPixmap = new Pixmap(width, height, pixmap.getFormat()); potPixmap.drawPixmap(pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, pixmap.getWidth(), pixmap.getHeight()); pixmap.dispose(); TextureRegion region = new TextureRegion(new Texture(potPixmap), 0, 0, orgWidth, orgHeight); potPixmap.dispose(); return region; }