public Maps() { json.setOutputType(OutputType.json); json.setElementType(ArrayContainer.class, "maps", Map.class); json.setSerializer(Color.class, new ColorSerializer()); }
public MenuScreen() { camera = new OrthographicCamera(); viewport = new FitViewport(Game.WIDTH, Game.HEIGHT, camera); viewport.apply(); camera.position.set(Game.WIDTH / 2, Game.HEIGHT / 2, 0); camera.update(); betaText = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("score.fnt"), Gdx.files.internal("score.png"), false); betaText.getData().setScale(0.35f); logo = new Sprite(new Texture("logo.png")); Random r = new Random(); background = new Particle[r.nextInt(55 - 45) + 45]; for (int i = 0; i < background.length; i++) { int size = r.nextInt(4) + 1; int x = r.nextInt(Game.WIDTH); int y = r.nextInt(Game.HEIGHT); background[i] = new Particle(x, y, 0, 0, -1, new Color(207 / 255f, 187 / 255f, 20 / 255f, 1f), size); } musicMuted = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("buttons/music_muted.png"))); musicUnmuted = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("buttons/music_unmuted.png"))); play = new CenteredButton(500, "buttons/play.png"); music = new Button(Game.WIDTH - 130, 15, Game.musicMuted() ? musicMuted : musicUnmuted); music.setScale(4f); }
@Override public void render(float delta) {, 1, 1, 1);; randomDelta += delta; game.batch.begin(); fontHandler.font90.setColor(Color.BLACK); fontHandler.font90.draw(game.batch, "Loading", (game.screenX / 2) - widthLoading / 2, (game.screenY / 2) + 100); game.batch.end(); if (randomDelta >= .1 && settingMap == true) { settingMap = false; game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game)); } }
protected World createWorld() { final RenderBatchingSystem renderBatchingSystem; return new World(new WorldConfigurationBuilder() .dependsOn(OperationsPlugin.class) .with(WorldConfigurationBuilder.Priority.HIGH, // supportive new SuperMapper(), new TagManager(), new CameraSystem(1), new FeatureScreenAssetSystem(), new OdbFeatureDetectionSystem() ).with(WorldConfigurationBuilder.Priority.LOW, // processing new TransitionSystem(GdxArtemisGame.getInstance()), // animation new ClearScreenSystem(Color.valueOf("969291")), renderBatchingSystem = new RenderBatchingSystem(), new AnimRenderSystem(renderBatchingSystem), new FeatureScreenSetupSystem() ).build()); }
public void updateUpgradeInfo() { if (isOverUpgradeBtn()) { if (model.isDamageGreenText()) uistage.getUiPanel().getRightSection().getTowerSelectDamage().setColor(Assets.greenColor); else uistage.getUiPanel().getRightSection().getTowerSelectDamage().setColor(Color.WHITE); if (model.isIsfireRateGreenText()) uistage.getUiPanel().getRightSection().getTowerSelectFireRate().setColor(Assets.greenColor); else uistage.getUiPanel().getRightSection().getTowerSelectFireRate().setColor(Color.WHITE); if (model.isRangeGreenText()) uistage.getUiPanel().getRightSection().getTowerSelectRange().setColor(Assets.greenColor); else uistage.getUiPanel().getRightSection().getTowerSelectRange().setColor(Color.WHITE); } else { uistage.getUiPanel().getRightSection().getTowerSelectFireRate().setColor(Color.WHITE); uistage.getUiPanel().getRightSection().getTowerSelectRange().setColor(Color.WHITE); uistage.getUiPanel().getRightSection().getTowerSelectDamage().setColor(Color.WHITE); } }
public GameActor(TextureRegion actor_region,float x_pos,float y_pos,Color color,float width,float height,boolean is_loading) { actor_texture = actor_region; xpos = x_pos ; ypos = y_pos ; width_ =width ; height_ = height; actor_Sprite = new Sprite(actor_texture); actor_Sprite.setX(xpos); actor_Sprite.setY(ypos); if(color != null){ actor_color = color ; actor_Sprite.setColor(actor_color);} actor_Sprite.setSize(width_, height_); }
final StructShapeCommand popShapeCommandCell() { if(currShapePos >= shapeCommandQueues.size) { return null; } stackCommand.clear(); stackCommand.drawType = (DrawType) shapeCommandQueues.get(currShapePos++); stackCommand.color = (Color) shapeCommandQueues.get(currShapePos++); // 如果color是null则使用默认颜色 if(stackCommand.color == null) { stackCommand.color = getDisplayedColor(); } stackCommand.shapeType = (ShapeType) shapeCommandQueues.get(currShapePos++); stackCommand.borderWidth = (float) shapeCommandQueues.get(currShapePos++); int dataLen = (int) shapeCommandQueues.get(currShapePos++); for(int i = 0; i < dataLen; ++i) { stackCommand.vertexArray.add((Float) shapeCommandQueues.get(currShapePos++)); } return stackCommand; }
public void updateVisual(){ Skin skin = new Skin(); Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(1,(int)(*0.0175), Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888); switch (infoProfile.getDateUserGame().getFaction()){ case 1:{ pixmap.setColor(1, 0f, 0f, 1); break; } case 2:{ pixmap.setColor(0f, 0.831f, 0.969f,1f); break; } case 3:{ pixmap.setColor(0.129f, 0.996f, 0.29f,1); break; } } pixmap.fill(); skin.add("blue", new Texture(pixmap)); ProgressBar.ProgressBarStyle style = new ProgressBar.ProgressBarStyle(bar.getStyle().background,skin.newDrawable("blue",Color.WHITE)); style.knobBefore = style.knob; bar.setStyle(style); }
private void addChangeFaction(){ groupChangeFaction = new Group(); Image background = new Image(new TextureRegion(manager.getAssetsSettings().getTexture(NameFiles.extensionImgBackground))); background.setSize(Width - Width * 0.03f, Height * 0.1f); background.setPosition(Width / 2 - background.getWidth() / 2, Height * 0.3f); groupChangeFaction.addActor(background); Label labelFac = new Label("Change Faction",new Label.LabelStyle(Font.getFont((int)(Height*0.025f)),Color.WHITE)); labelFac.setPosition(background.getX()+background.getWidth()*0.05f,background.getY()+background.getHeight()/2-labelFac.getHeight()/2); labelFac.addListener(new ClickListener(){ @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { manager.loadAssetsChoiceFaction(); gameManager.setScreen(new ScreenCircleLoading(gameManager,new ScreenChoiceFaction(gameManager),manager.getAssetsChoiceFaction())); } }); groupChangeFaction.addActor(labelFac); }
private void createToolTip() { Skin skin = new Skin(); Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(1, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888); pixmap.setColor(Color.WHITE); pixmap.fill(); skin.add("white", new Texture(pixmap)); skin.add("default", new BitmapFont()); TextButton.TextButtonStyle textButtonStyle = new TextButton.TextButtonStyle(); textButtonStyle.up = skin.newDrawable("white", new Color(0, 0, 0, 1)); textButtonStyle.font = skin.getFont("default"); skin.add("default", textButtonStyle); labelToolTip = new TextButton("TEST", skin); labelToolTip.setX(5); labelToolTip.setY(5); labelToolTip.setWidth(125); labelToolTip.setVisible(false); labelToolTip.getLabel().setWrap(true); labelToolTip.setHeight(labelToolTip.getLabel().getHeight()); group.addActor(labelToolTip); }
@Override public void drawSelect(Tile tile){ super.drawSelect(tile); NuclearReactorEntity entity = tile.entity(); Vector2 offset = getPlaceOffset(); Vars.renderer.drawBar(Color.GREEN, tile.worldx() + offset.x, tile.worldy() + 6 + offset.y + height*Vars.tilesize/2f, (float)entity.getItem(generateItem) / itemCapacity); Draw.reset(); float fract = entity.heat; if(fract > 0) fract = Mathf.clamp(fract + 0.2f, 0.24f, 1f); Vars.renderer.drawBar(Color.ORANGE, tile.worldx() + offset.x, tile.worldy() + Vars.tilesize * height/2f + 10 + offset.y, fract); }
@Override public void drawSelect(Tile tile){ Vector2 offset = getPlaceOffset(); Draw.color(Color.GREEN); Draw.dashCircle(tile.worldx() + offset.x, tile.worldy() + offset.y, range); Draw.reset(); TurretEntity entity = tile.entity(); float fract = (float)entity.ammo/maxammo; if(fract > 0) fract = Mathf.clamp(fract, 0.24f, 1f); Vars.renderer.drawBar(Color.GREEN, tile.worldx() + offset.x, 2 + tile.worldy() + height/2f*Vars.tilesize + offset.y, fract); }
@Override public Color read(Kryo kryo, Input input, Class<Color> type) { Boolean compact = GraphHeader.isUseCompactColor(kryo); if (compact == null) compact = isCompactDefault; if (compact){ Color color = new Color(); Color.rgba8888ToColor(color, input.readInt()); return color; } else { float r = input.readFloat(); float g = input.readFloat(); float b = input.readFloat(); float a = input.readFloat(); return new Color(r, g, b, a); } }
/** * Creates a new Infantry on the Region specified within the message * @param message GUI Message containing position information */ private void spawnNewTroop(SpawnTroopGui message) { AssetMap.Region region = regionNameMap.get(message.getRegionName()); Vector2 troopCoordinates = calculatePolygonCentroid(region.getVertices()); Infantry infantry = new Infantry((troopCoordinates.x * - 50, (troopCoordinates.y * - 50, 100, 100, message.getId()); infantry.addTouchListener(); infantry.setFirstMove(false); infantry.setCurrentRegion(regionNameMap.get(message.getRegionName()));"Spawning", "Actor with ID: " + infantry.getId()); // set color and owner only when the first troop spawns on this region if (region.getOwner().equals(Player.NULL_PLAYERNAME)) { region.setOwner(data.getCurrentPlayer().getPlayerName()); setRegionColor(new Color(data.getCurrentPlayer().getColor()), infantry.getCurrentRegion()); } region.updateTroops(1); data.setChangedFlag(true); figures.add(infantry); addSceneObject(infantry); }
public Orbiter createMoon() { ColorGroup colors = new ColorGroup() .add(Color.rgba8888(176f / 255f, 155f / 255f, 178f / 255f, 1f)) .add(Color.rgba8888(156f / 255f, 155f / 255f, 190f / 255f, 1f)) .add(Color.rgba8888(223f / 255f, 233f / 255f, 180f / 255f, 1f)) .add(Color.rgba8888(75f / 255f, 109f / 255f, 133f / 255f, 1f)); int moonCount = MathUtils.random(0, 8); float zTilt = zDir * MathUtils.random(10, 50); float xTilt = -MathUtils.random(15, 55); Orbiter.OrbiterBlueprint moonBlueprint = new Orbiter.OrbiterBlueprint(); moonBlueprint.angularVelocity = velDir * MathUtils.random(15, 60); moonBlueprint.zTilt = zTilt + MathUtils.random(-10, 10); moonBlueprint.xTilt = xTilt + MathUtils.random(-10, 10); moonBlueprint.angle = MathUtils.random(0, 360); moonBlueprint.radius = MathUtils.random(100, 250); int color = colors.random(); Orbiter moon = new Orbiter(createMoonSprite(MathUtils.random(16, 20) / (moonCount / 3 + 1)), moonBlueprint, color); scene.addMoon(moon); return moon; }
public GameObject() { controllers = new Array<GameObjectController>(); sprite = NO_SPRITE; velocity = new Vector2(); setOrigin(; debug_bounds = Color.YELLOW; flip_x = false; flip_y = false; ignore_collision = false; group = 1; filter = -1; }
public Button(String text, Point top_left, Integer size, Color color, Float width, Float height, Runnable action) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.color = color; this.top_left = top_left; this.label = new Label(text, top_left, size, color); this.action = action; }
public void drawRect(float fromX, float fromY, float toX, float toY, Color color) { if(!batchCommand) { clear(); } pushShapeCommandCell(DrawType.Rect, color, ShapeType.Line, lineWidth, fromX, fromY, toX, toY); }
/** * Zeigt den Spielstarten Bildschirm an * * @param camera die aktuelle Kamera */ public void renderStart(OrthographicCamera camera) { fontLayout.setText(font, localeBundle.format("hallo", saveData.getPlayerName(), saveData.isMale() ? "M" : "W"), Color.WHITE, camera.viewportWidth,, false); font.draw(batch, fontLayout, -camera.viewportWidth / 2, 100); fontLayout.setText(font, localeBundle.get("fertig1"), Color.WHITE, camera.viewportWidth,, false); font.draw(batch, fontLayout, -camera.viewportWidth / 2, 50); fontLayout.setText(font, localeBundle.get("fertig2"), Color.WHITE, camera.viewportWidth,, false); font.draw(batch, fontLayout, -camera.viewportWidth / 2, -50); }
public Monster(IGameService services, Texture texture, int index) { super(services); color = Color.WHITE; hitPoint = MaxHitPoint = GameSpecs.hitPoint[index]; bonus = GameSpecs.bonus[index]; speed = GameSpecs.speed[index]; this.region = new TextureRegion(texture); region.setRegion(0, 0, REGION_WIDTH, REGION_HEIGHT); this.path = new ArrayDeque<Path>(TowerDefenseScene.path); target = path.pop(); x = target.x; y = target.y; direction = target.getDirection(); move(direction); player = new AnimationPlayer(TowerDefenseScene.monsterAnimation) { @Override public void onFrameChanged() { region.setRegion(frameIndex * REGION_WIDTH, REGION_HEIGHT * direction.getIndex(), REGION_WIDTH, REGION_HEIGHT); } @Override public void onAnimationChanged() { } @Override public void onFinishedLooping() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }; }
/** * Zeigt den Geschlechtsauswahl Bildschirm an * * @param camera die aktuelle Kamera */ public void renderGender(OrthographicCamera camera) { Color maleColor; Color femaleColor; if (stateSwitch) { maleColor = Color.GREEN; femaleColor = Color.DARK_GRAY; } else { maleColor = Color.DARK_GRAY; femaleColor = Color.GREEN; } fontLayout.setText(font, localeBundle.get("geschlecht"), Color.WHITE, camera.viewportWidth,, false); font.draw(batch, fontLayout, -camera.viewportWidth / 2, camera.viewportHeight / 2 - 120); fontLayout.setText(font, localeBundle.get("frau"), femaleColor, camera.viewportWidth,, false); font.draw(batch, fontLayout, -camera.viewportWidth / 2, 30); fontLayout.setText(font, localeBundle.get("mann"), maleColor, camera.viewportWidth,, false); font.draw(batch, fontLayout, -camera.viewportWidth / 2, -30); fontLayout.setText(smallFont, localeBundle.get("enter_bestaetigen"), Color.WHITE, camera.viewportWidth,, false); smallFont.draw(batch, fontLayout, -camera.viewportWidth / 2, -camera.viewportHeight / 2 + 70); }
public PlayScreen(NoObjectionGame game) { atlas = new TextureAtlas("dudestuff3.pack"); = game; bg = new Texture("main_background.png"); gameCam = new OrthographicCamera(); gamePort = new FitViewport(NoObjectionGame.V_WIDTH / NoObjectionGame.PPM, NoObjectionGame.V_HEIGHT / NoObjectionGame.PPM, gameCam); hud = new Hud(game.batch); maploader = new TmxMapLoader(); map = maploader.load("map1.tmx"); renderer = new OrthoCachedTiledMapRenderer(map, 1 / NoObjectionGame.PPM); gameCam.position.set(gamePort.getWorldWidth() / 2, gamePort.getWorldHeight() / 2, 0); world = new World(new Vector2(0, -10), true); b2dr = new Box2DDebugRenderer(); new B2WorldCreator(world, map); hero = new Hero(world, this); controller = new Controller(); worldContactListener = new WorldContactListener(); world.setContactListener(worldContactListener); //timer sb = new SpriteBatch(); viewport = new FitViewport(NoObjectionGame.V_WIDTH, NoObjectionGame.V_HEIGHT, new OrthographicCamera()); stage = new Stage(viewport, sb); table = new Table();; table.setFillParent(true); countDownLabel = new Label(Float.toString(playTime), new Label.LabelStyle(new BitmapFont(), Color.WHITE)); table.add(countDownLabel).expandX(); stage.addActor(table); }
public void drawDot(float x, float y, float radius, Color color) { if(!batchCommand) { clear(); } pushShapeCommandCell(DrawType.Dot, color, ShapeType.Filled, radius, x, y); }
public Monster(Texture lookout, long id, PlayState playState, MonsterProperties properties) { super(lookout, id, playState); linkedState = playState; font.setColor(new Color(1, 0, 0, 1)); = properties; }
public LogMenu() { label = new Label("", new LabelStyle(Fonts.smallHUD, Color.BLACK)); label.setWrap(true); Drawable background = new TextureRegionDrawable(Assets.getTextureRegion("core:hud/LogBackground.png")); scrollPane = new ScrollPane(label, new ScrollPaneStyle(background, null, null, null, null)); scrollPane.setScrollingDisabled(true, false); back = MenuTools.getBackButton(this); stage.addActor(scrollPane); stage.addActor(back); refresh(); }
@Override public void preload() { clickedRegionLabel = new LabelSceneObject(sceneData.createLabel("Region: ", Assets.FONT_36PX_WHITE_WITH_BORDER)); clickedRegionLabel.setBounds(0, 0, 500, 100); addSceneObject(clickedRegionLabel); GameObjectMap gameObjectMap = new GameObjectMap(data.getMapAsset()); regionMap = gameObjectMap.getRegionMap(); regionNameMap = gameObjectMap.getRegionNameMap(); troopIndicators = new HashMap<>(); ownColor = new Color(data.getMyself().getColor()); addSceneObject(gameObjectMap); addFiguresToStage(); addInputListener(); initTurnIndicator(); initStateIndicator(); initTroopIndicators(); initDoneButton(); for (Player player:data.getPlayers()) {, "Player Available: " + player.getPlayerName() + " Color: " + player.getColor()); }, "Myself: " + data.getMyself().getPlayerName() + " Color: " + data.getMyself().getColor()); }
private void initButton(Button b, int choiceNumber) { b.setColor(Color.BLUE); b.pad(5); b.pack(); b.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { choice = choiceNumber; ableall(); b.setDisabled(true); } }); }
public Particle(float x, float y, int dir, int speed, long timeInMilliseconds, Color color, int size) { super(x, y); expireTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeInMilliseconds; if (timeInMilliseconds < 0) expireTime = -1; this.color = color; this.size = size; this.dir = dir; this.speed = speed; }
public void drawSolidTriangle(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Color color) { if(!batchCommand) { clear(); } pushShapeCommandCell(DrawType.Triange, color, ShapeType.Filled, lineWidth, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2); }
private static void generateMediumFont(FreeTypeFontGenerator generator) { FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter(); parameter.size = Constants.MEDIUM_FONT_SIZE; parameter.borderColor = Color.BLACK; parameter.color = Color.GOLD; parameter.hinting = FreeTypeFontGenerator.Hinting.None; parameter.borderWidth = 1; mediumFont = generator.generateFont(parameter); mediumFont.setUseIntegerPositions(false); }
public Slot (SlotData data, Bone bone) { if (data == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("data cannot be null."); if (bone == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bone cannot be null."); = data; this.bone = bone; color = new Color(); setToSetupPose(); }
protected void updateCascadeColor() { float r = 1, g = 1, b = 1; if(_parent != null && _parent.isCascadeColorEnabled()) { Color c = _parent.getDisplayedColor(); r = c.r; g = c.g; b = c.b; } updateDisplayedColor(r, g, b); }
public void showTimedErrorMessage(String errorMessage, float timeout) { Label label = new TimedLabel(errorMessage, timeout); label.setColor(Color.RED); label.setX(960); label.setY(55); stage.addActor(label); }
/** * Change the color of node. * @param color A Color3B color value. */ public void setColor(Color color) { _displayColor.r = _r = color.r; _displayColor.g = _g = color.g; _displayColor.b = _b = color.b; updateCascadeColor(); }
public PlayState(GameStateManager gsm) { super(gsm); score = 0; chapa = new Chapa(50, 300); camera.setToOrtho(false, FlappyChapa.WIDTH / 2, FlappyChapa.HEIGHT / 2); Texture texture = new Texture("bg.png"); backGround = new org.academiadecodigo.bootcamp.sprites.Background(camera); backGround.start(); ground = new Texture("ground.png"); /*table = new Table(); table.setPosition(camera.position.x,camera.position.y); //table.setBounds(camera.position.x,camera.position.y,camera.viewportWidth,camera.viewportHeight/10); table.setFillParent(true);*/ scoreLabel = new Label(String.format("%06d", score), new Label.LabelStyle(new BitmapFont(), Color.WHITE)); scoreLabel.setPosition(camera.position.x,0); startTime = TimeUtils.nanoTime(); anto = new Anto(camera); // groundPos1 = new Vector2(camera.position.x - camera.viewportWidth / 2, GROUND_Y_OFFSET); // groundPos2 = new Vector2((camera.position.x - camera.viewportWidth / 2) + ground.getWidth(), GROUND_Y_OFFSET); tubes = new Array<Tube>(); for (int i = 0; i < TUBE_COUNT; i++) { tubes.add(new Tube(i * (TUBE_SPACING + Tube.TUBE_WIDTH))); } music ="bigSmoke_justAudio.mp3")); music.setLooping(true); music.setVolume(0.5f);; }
/** * @param configuration the configuration which drives the effect * @param source the color to be manipulated */ public CrossFadeColorEffect(CrossFadeColorEffectConfiguration configuration, Color source) { this.source = source; this.cycle = CycleList.of(configuration.cycleColors); this.crossFadeTime = configuration.crossFadeTime; this.crossFadeDeltaTimeStepRequirement = configuration.crossFadeDeltaTimeStepRequirement; this.fadeInDeltaMultiplier = configuration.fadeInDeltaMultiplier; this.fadeOutDeltaMultiplier = configuration.fadeOutDeltaMultiplier; }
public void onEnter() { super.onEnter(); Node node = Sprite.create("powered.png"); addChild(node); node.setOnTransformCallback((n)->{ // System.out.println("updateTransform = " + node.getPosition()); }); DrawNode dn = new DrawNode(); addChild(dn); node.setContentSize(100, 100); DrawNode debugDraw = (DrawNode) DrawNode.create().addTo(this); node.setOnUpdateCallback((n, t)->{ Rect r = node.getBoundingBox(); debugDraw.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height, null); }); node.scheduleUpdate(); node.setAnchorPoint(0f, 0f); node.runAction(MoveTo.create(2, 1000, 500)); node.runAction(RotateBy.create(2, 1000)); // node.runAction(Move.create(2, 0, 100)); // node.runAction(MoveBy.create(0.5f, 500, 100)); node.setColor(Color.RED); node.setOpacity(0.5f); }
void initFishTable(Table fishTable) { oneFishCount = new Table(; twoFishCount = new Table(; threeFishCount = new Table(; oneFishCountLabel = new Label("0",; twoFishCountLabel = new Label("0",; threeFishCountLabel = new Label("0",; oneFishCount.add(new Label("1 fish",; twoFishCount.add(new Label("2 fish",; threeFishCount.add(new Label("3 fish",; oneFishCount.add(oneFishCountLabel).row(); twoFishCount.add(twoFishCountLabel).row(); threeFishCount.add(threeFishCountLabel).row(); oneFishCount.setBackground("white", Color.BLUE)); twoFishCount.setBackground("white", Color.BLUE)); threeFishCount.setBackground("white", Color.BLUE)); fishTable.add(oneFishCount).width(60).height(60).pad(5); fishTable.add(twoFishCount).width(60).height(60).pad(5); fishTable.add(threeFishCount).width(60).height(60).pad(5); fishTable.setBackground("resTableBackground"); fishTable.pad(10); fishTable.pack(); }
public ChooseTroopAmountScene(SceneData sceneData){ super(SceneNames.TROOP_AMOUNT_SCENE, Color.WHITE); this.sceneData = sceneData; = sceneData.getGameData(); this.buttonPressedSound = sceneData.createSound(Assets.BUTTON_PRESSED_SOUND_FILENAME); }
@Override public void drawSelect(Tile tile){ super.drawSelect(tile); Draw.color(Color.YELLOW); Draw.dashCircle(tile.worldx(), tile.worldy(), powerRange * Vars.tilesize); Draw.reset(); }