public void setTurretAngle(Entity tower){ AngleComponent angle = Mappers.ANGLE_M.get(tower); PositionComponent towerPos = Mappers.POSITION_M.get(tower); TargetComponent target = Mappers.TARGET_M.get(tower); if (target.getTarget() != null) { PositionComponent targetPos = Mappers.POSITION_M.get(target.getTarget()); if(targetPos == null) return; double difX = targetPos.position.x - towerPos.position.x; double difY = targetPos.position.y - towerPos.position.y; // set direction float angleGoal = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(difY, difX)); angle.spriteAngle = MathUtils.lerpAngleDeg(angle.spriteAngle, angleGoal, + 0.2f); } }
@Override public boolean updateTimer(){ if(!running){ return false; } final long currentTime = BaseTimer.getEngineTime(); if(currentTime > nextTime){ // nextInterval(); //������� long interval = MathUtils.random(start, end); // currentiInterval = MathUtils.random(intervals.length - 1); nextTime = currentTime + interval; // + intervals[currentiInterval]; return true; } return false; }
@Override public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) { if (background != null) { // draw background if (size > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { y = (i % (size / 3)) + yoff; x = (i / (size / 3)) + xoff; x_check = pos_x + (getWidth() * x); y_check = pos_y + (getHeight() * y); batch.draw(background, MathUtils.floor(getX() + x_check),MathUtils.floor( getY() + y_check), getWidth(), getHeight()); } } else { batch.draw(background, MathUtils.floor(getX() + pos_x), MathUtils.floor(getY() + pos_y), getWidth(), getHeight()); } } super.draw(batch, parentAlpha); }
@Override public void drawLayer2(Tile tile){ PowerTurretEntity entity = tile.entity(); if(entity.power >= powerUsed && entity.blockTarget != null && Angles.angleDist(entity.angleTo(entity.blockTarget), entity.rotation) < 10){ Tile targetTile = entity.blockTarget.tile; Vector2 offset = targetTile.block().getPlaceOffset(); Angles.translation(entity.rotation, 4f); float x = tile.worldx() + Angles.x(), y = tile.worldy() + Angles.y(); float x2 = entity.blockTarget.x + offset.x, y2 = entity.blockTarget.y + offset.y; Draw.color(Hue.rgb(138, 244, 138, (MathUtils.sin(Timers.time()) + 1f) / 14f)); Draw.alpha(0.3f); Draw.thickness(4f); Draw.line(x, y, x2, y2); Draw.thickness(2f); Draw.rect("circle", x2, y2, 7f, 7f); Draw.alpha(1f); Draw.thickness(2f); Draw.line(x, y, x2, y2); Draw.thickness(1f); Draw.rect("circle", x2, y2, 5f, 5f); Draw.reset(); } }
/** * Setzt die Anzahl der Lebenspunkte direkt. * Sollte so ehr selten benutzt werden. * * @see Player#applyDamage(int) * @see Player#heal(int) * * @param health die neue Anzahl Lebenspunkte */ public void setHealth(int health) { if (health > 100) health = 100; if (health < 0 || MathUtils.isZero(health)) { if (cheatManager.isImmortal()) { = 100; return; } health = 0; if (deadCallback != null); } = health; }
public void draw(SpriteBatch batch) { // If we beat a new record, the cup color will linear interpolate to the high score color cupColor.lerp(isNewRecord() ? Klooni.theme.highScore : Klooni.theme.currentScore, 0.05f); batch.setColor(cupColor); batch.draw(cupTexture, cupArea.x, cupArea.y, cupArea.width, cupArea.height); int roundShown = MathUtils.round(shownScore); if (roundShown != currentScore) { shownScore = Interpolation.linear.apply(shownScore, currentScore, 0.1f); currentScoreLabel.setText(Integer.toString(MathUtils.round(shownScore))); } currentScoreLabel.setColor(Klooni.theme.currentScore); currentScoreLabel.draw(batch, 1f); highScoreLabel.setColor(Klooni.theme.highScore); highScoreLabel.draw(batch, 1f); }
/** Creates a new set with the specified initial capacity and load factor. This set will hold initialCapacity items before * growing the backing table. * @param initialCapacity If not a power of two, it is increased to the next nearest power of two. */ public ObjectSet (int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) { if (initialCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("initialCapacity must be >= 0: " + initialCapacity); initialCapacity = MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(initialCapacity / loadFactor)); if (initialCapacity > 1 << 30) throw new IllegalArgumentException("initialCapacity is too large: " + initialCapacity); capacity = initialCapacity; if (loadFactor <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("loadFactor must be > 0: " + loadFactor); this.loadFactor = loadFactor; threshold = (int)(capacity * loadFactor); mask = capacity - 1; hashShift = 31 - Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(capacity); stashCapacity = Math.max(3, (int)Math.ceil(Math.log(capacity)) * 2); pushIterations = Math.max(Math.min(capacity, 8), (int)Math.sqrt(capacity) / 8); keyTable = (T[])new Object[capacity + stashCapacity]; }
public E spawnStructure(String id, int layer) { Vector2 location = planetCreationSystem.getSpawnLocation(); E e = E.E() .pos(location.x, location.y) .anim(id) .originX(0.5f) .originY(0.1f) .renderLayer(layer) .angle() .physics() .planetbound() .flammable() .tint(Tint.TRANSPARENT) .script(sequence(delay(MathUtils.random(0.1f, 0.4f)), add(new Mass(1.1f)), tween(Tint.TRANSPARENT, Tint.WHITE, 0.2f))) .orientToGravityIgnoreFloor(true); if (G.DEBUG_NO_ENTITY_RENDERING) { e.invisible(); } return e; }
private void enemyBulletPlayerCollision() { // Check Collision for enemies hitting the player for (int i = 0; i < enemyBulletList.size; i++) { if (enemyBulletList.get(i).getBoundingBox().contains(player.getBoundingBox()) || player.getBoundingBox().contains(enemyBulletList.get(i).getBoundingBox())) { // Play Explosion on Player explosionList.add(new Explosion((player.getX() + MathUtils.random(0, 32)), player.getY() + MathUtils.random(0, 32), 0, 0, "data/hit_and_explosions/impactHit.png", "data/audio/sound/Bomb Explosion.wav", "Player Hit", 3, 1, 3, 1, 1f / 40f, playState)); // Reduce Player Health HealthBar tempHP = (HealthBar) playState.getHUD(0); tempHP.setHealthLeft(enemyBulletList.get(i).getDamageValue()); // Remove Bullet enemyBulletList.get(i).dispose(); enemyBulletList.get(i).removeBullets(); } } }
@Override public void act(float delta) { if (getY() + getTextureRegion().getRegionHeight() > { setY( - getTextureRegion().getRegionHeight()); setYspeed(0.0f); } if (getY() + getTextureRegion().getRegionHeight() < 0) { dispose(); } if (flying) { float percent = (getYspeed() + 1000) / 800; percent = MathUtils.clamp(percent, 0.0f, 1.0f); setRotation(120.0f * percent - 90.0f); } else { setRotation(0.0f); } }
public void handle() { if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.W) || Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.UP)) { translate(0, 10); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.A) || Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.LEFT)) { translate(-10, 0); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.S) || Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.DOWN)) { translate(0, -10); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.D) || Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.RIGHT)) { translate(10, 0); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.I)) { zoom -= 0.05; } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.O)) { zoom += 0.05; } zoom = MathUtils.clamp(zoom, 0.5f, 2); position.x = MathUtils.clamp(position.x, left, right); position.y = MathUtils.clamp(position.y, bottom, top); }
private void smoothMask(Planet planet) { for (int y = 1; y < (SIMULATION_HEIGHT / GRADIENT_SCALE) - 1; y++) { if (G.INTERLACING_SIMULATION && y % 2 == lace) { for (int x = 1; x < (SIMULATION_WIDTH / GRADIENT_SCALE) - 1; x++) { planet.tempMask[y][x].temperature = planet.mask[y][x].temperature; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { planet.tempMask[y][x].temperature = Math.max( (planet.mask[y + PlanetCell.directions[i][1]][x + PlanetCell.directions[i][0]].temperature) * TEMPERATURE_LOSS, planet.tempMask[y][x].temperature ); } } } } for (int y = 1; y < (SIMULATION_HEIGHT / GRADIENT_SCALE) - 1; y++) { for (int x = 1; x < (SIMULATION_WIDTH / GRADIENT_SCALE) - 1; x++) { planet.mask[y][x].temperature = MathUtils.clamp(planet.tempMask[y][x].temperature, -100f, StatusMask.MAX_TEMPERATURE) * 0.95f; } } }
@Override public void draw(Batch batch) { vanishElapsed +=; // vanishElapsed might be < 0 (delay), so clamp to 0 float progress = Math.min(1f, Math.max(vanishElapsed, 0f) / vanishLifetime); // If one were to plot the elasticIn function, they would see that the slope increases // a lot towards the end- a linear interpolation between the last size + the desired // size at 20% seems to look a lot better. vanishSize = MathUtils.lerp( vanishSize, Interpolation.elasticIn.apply(cell.size, 0, progress), 0.2f ); float centerOffset = cell.size * 0.5f - vanishSize * 0.5f; Cell.draw(vanishColor, batch, cell.pos.x + centerOffset, cell.pos.y + centerOffset, vanishSize); }
public void calcAnglePoint(int degrees, Vector2 out) { degrees = degrees % 360; degrees = degrees < 0 ? degrees + 360 : degrees; if (degrees >= 45 && degrees < 135) { out.y = 1f; out.x = out.y / (float) Math.tan(degrees * MathUtils.degreesToRadians); } else if (degrees >= 135 && degrees < 225) { out.x = -1f; out.y = out.x * (float) Math.tan(degrees * MathUtils.degreesToRadians); } else if (degrees >= 225 && degrees < 315) { out.y = -1f; out.x = out.y / (float) Math.tan(degrees * MathUtils.degreesToRadians); } else { out.x = 1f; out.y = out.x * (float) Math.tan(degrees * MathUtils.degreesToRadians); } }
@Override public void Initialize(Entity entity) { Callable<Object> pause = () -> { return null; }; yield.append(pause, 120); yield.append(() -> { for (int i=0; i<=1; i++) { Entity sprite = BaseSprite.Create(new Vector2(135 + i * 300, 730), i, 300 + i * 300); sprites[i] = sprite; final Transform tr = sprite.GetComponent(Transform.class); tr.scale.set(0.5f, 0.5f); sprite.AddComponent(new LambdaComponent(() -> { for (int angle=MathUtils.random(360), k=0; k<24; angle+=15, k++) BaseProjectile.Create(tr.position.cpy(), BulletType.FormCircleLightM, BulletType.ColorYellow, new EnemyJudgeCircle(13), new MoveBasic(new Vector2(7.2f, 0).rotate(angle))); }, 40, 30)); sprite.AddComponent(new MoveFunction(MoveFunctionTarget.VELOCITY, MoveFunctionType.ASSIGNMENT, (time) -> { return IMoveFunction.vct2_tmp1.set(0, time < 30 ? -8 : 0); })); } }); yield.append(pause, 900); }
public void part4() { if (flag4) { flag4 = false; existTime = 0; moveBasic.velocity.set(0, 0); moveBasic.acc.set(0, 0); Entity.postUpdate.add(() -> { GameHelper.clearEnemyBullets(); }); } if (existTime > 60) { for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { final int c = MathUtils.random(3); final Entity proj = BaseProjectile.Create(transform.position.cpy(), BulletType.FormCircleS, color4s[c]); final ImageRenderer renderer = proj.GetComponent(ImageRenderer.class); proj.AddComponent(new EnemyJudgeCircle(5)); proj.AddComponent(new LambdaComponent(() -> { renderer.image.setColor(1, 1, 1, alpha4s[c]); }, 5)); proj.AddComponent(new MoveBasic(new Vector2(1, 0).rotate(MathUtils.random(360f)).scl(MathUtils.random(2f, 7f)))); } } if (existTime % 20 == 0) { for (int i=0; i<4; i++) alpha4s[i] = MathUtils.randomBoolean() || alpha4s[i] < 0.4f ? 0.88f : 0.12f; } }
@Override protected void processSystem() { if (cooldown > 0 && !G.DEBUG_SKIP_INTRO) { if ( cooldown < 2f ) {; } = true; cooldown -=; if (cooldown < 0) cooldown = 0; camera.position.y = Interpolation.pow2In.apply(y, y + G.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2, MathUtils.clamp(cooldown / VISIBLE_FOCUS_COOLDOWN,0f,1f)); camera.update(); } else { if ( !introDone ) { introDone=true; gameScreenAssetSystem.playMusicInGame(); } = false; } super.processSystem(); }
/** * //use degress Rotation, equals cos(angle) sin(angle) 0 -sin(angle) cos(angle) 0 * AffineTransform 0 0 1 */ public static final AffineTransform AffineTransformRotate(final AffineTransform t, float anAngle, AffineTransform out) { float sine = MathUtils.sinDeg(anAngle); float cosine = MathUtils.cosDeg(anAngle); return AffineTransformMakeOut(t.a * cosine + t.c * sine, t.b * cosine + t.d * sine, t.c * cosine - t.a * sine, t.d * cosine - t.b * sine, t.tx, t.ty, out); }
@Override /**ʹnextTimeָ����ȷ��ʱ�� */ public final void updateNextTime() { long interval = MathUtils.random(start, end); nextTime = BaseTimer.getEngineTime() + interval; // + intervals[currentiInterval]; // nextTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + intervals[currentiInterval]; }
/** * @param dt in seconds. * @js NA */ public void step(float dt) { if(_boundarySet) { if(_boundaryFullyCovered) { return; } float tempX = _halfScreenSize.x - _followedNode.getPositionX(); float tempY = _halfScreenSize.y - _followedNode.getPositionY(); _target.setPosition(MathUtils.clamp(tempX, _leftBoundary, _rightBoundary), MathUtils.clamp(tempY, _bottomBoundary, _topBoundary)); } else { _target.setPosition(_halfScreenSize.x - _followedNode.getPositionX(), _halfScreenSize.y - _followedNode.getPositionY()); } }
public void setColor(float r, float g, float b) { _displayColor.r = _r = MathUtils.clamp(r, 0, 1); _displayColor.g = _g = MathUtils.clamp(g, 0, 1); _displayColor.b = _b = MathUtils.clamp(b, 0, 1); updateCascadeColor(); }
@Override public void render(Batch batch, float deltaTime) { if (body == null) return; Color oldColor = batch.getColor(); batch.setColor(1f, (health + 5)/10f, (health + 5)/10f, 1f); Vector2 pos = body.getPosition(); pos.scl(Physics.PPM); TextureRegion region = MathUtils.isZero(hitTimer) ? dummy : dummy_hit; batch.draw(region, // TextureRegion (front, back, side) pos.x - dummy.getRegionWidth() / 2, // Offset to the X position (character center) pos.y, // Y position is at the foots dummy.getRegionWidth() / 2, // Origin X (important for flipping) dummy.getRegionHeight(), // Origin Y dummy.getRegionWidth(), // Width dummy.getRegionHeight(), // Height 1f, // Scale X (-1 to flip) 1f, // Scale Y 0f); // Rotation batch.setColor(oldColor); }
/** * Saves scale and x and y offsets for use by world2pixel methods, avoiding repeated method * calls and math operations. */ public void cacheScaleAndOffsets() { zoom = maxZoom; // Don't zoom if game is over or multiball is active. if (zoom<=1.0f || !field.getGameState().isGameInProgress() || field.getBalls().size()>1) { zoom = 1.0f; cachedScale = getScale(); // Center the entire table horizontally and put at at the top vertically. // Negative offsets so the 0 coordinate will be on the screen. float horizontalSpaceLeft = view.getWidth() - (field.getWidth() * cachedScale); cachedXOffset = (horizontalSpaceLeft > 0) ? -horizontalSpaceLeft/(2*cachedScale) : 0; float verticalSpaceLeft = view.getHeight() - (field.getHeight() * cachedScale); cachedYOffset = (verticalSpaceLeft > 0) ? -verticalSpaceLeft/cachedScale : 0; } else { List<Ball> balls = field.getBalls(); float x=-1, y=-1; if (balls.size()==1) { Ball b = balls.get(0); x = b.getPosition().x; y = b.getPosition().y; } else { // use launch position List<Float> position = field.layout.getLaunchPosition(); x = position.get(0); y = position.get(1); } float maxOffsetRatio = 1.0f - 1.0f/zoom; cachedXOffset = x - field.getWidth()/(2.0f * zoom); cachedXOffset = MathUtils.clamp(cachedXOffset, 0, field.getWidth()*maxOffsetRatio); cachedYOffset = y - field.getHeight()/(2.0f * zoom); cachedYOffset = MathUtils.clamp(cachedYOffset, 0, field.getHeight()*maxOffsetRatio); cachedScale = getScale(); } cachedHeight = view.getHeight(); }
private void renderBall() { // render ball mSpriteBatch.draw(mBallTextureRegion, mBall.x - mBall.radius, mBall.y - mBall.radius, mBall.radius, mBall.radius, mBall.radius * 2, mBall.radius * 2, 1.f, 1.f, mBallBody.getAngle() * MathUtils.radDeg ); }
@Override public void drawLayer2(Tile tile){ TurretEntity entity = tile.entity(); if( != null && Angles.angleDist(entity.rotation, Angles.angle(tile.worldx(), tile.worldy(),, <= cone){ Angles.translation(entity.rotation, 4f); float x = tile.worldx() + Angles.x(), y = tile.worldy() + Angles.y(); float x2 =, y2 =; float lighten = (MathUtils.sin(Timers.time()/1.2f) + 1f) / 10f; Draw.color(Tmp.c1.set(beamColor).mul(1f + lighten, 1f + lighten, 1f + lighten, 1f)); Draw.alpha(0.3f); Draw.thickness(4f); Draw.line(x, y, x2, y2); Draw.thickness(2f); Draw.rect("circle", x2, y2, 7f, 7f); Draw.alpha(1f); Draw.thickness(2f); Draw.line(x, y, x2, y2); Draw.thickness(1f); Draw.rect("circle", x2, y2, 5f, 5f); } Draw.reset(); }
@Override public void process(CellDecorator c, float delta) { final float temperature = c.mask().temperature; if ( temperature > 0 && MathUtils.random(100) < temperature ) { c.setNextType(PlanetCell.CellType.WATER); } }
@Override protected void tick() { for(Nation n : Nation.values()) { setRelationDelta(n, MathUtils.random(-1f, 1f)); setWalletDelta(n, MathUtils.random(-5, 5)); } }
public void renderCercle(OrthographicCamera camera,float amt, Color c){ float start = 0f; float end = amt * 360f; lookup.bind(); renderer.begin(camera.combined, GL20.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);;, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); int segs = (int)(24 * Math.cbrt(r)); end += 90f; start += 90f; float halfThick = thickness/2f; float step = 360f / segs; for (float angle=start; angle<(end+step); angle+=step) { float tc = 0.5f; if (angle==start) tc = 0f; else if (angle>=end) tc = 1f; float fx = MathUtils.cosDeg(angle); float fy = MathUtils.sinDeg(angle); float z = 0f; //renderer. renderer.color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a); renderer.texCoord(tc, 1f); renderer.vertex(cx + fx * (r + halfThick), cy + fy * (r + halfThick), z); renderer.color(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a); renderer.texCoord(tc, 0f); renderer.vertex(cx + fx * (r + -halfThick), cy + fy * (r + -halfThick), z); } renderer.end(); }
public void setMinimumRadius(float minimumRadius) { this.minRadius = minimumRadius; if(maxRadius < minRadius) { maxRadius = minRadius + 1; } for(Orbiter ringObj : objects) { ringObj.setRadius(MathUtils.random(minRadius, maxRadius)); } }
/** * Creates texture region from byte[]. * <p> * GWT platform requires additional step (as far as i know) to deal with Pixmap. It is need to load Image element * and wait until it is loaded. * * @param bytes Image byte[] representation, not null * @param consumer Consumer where you should deal with region, not null */ public static void createTextureFromBytes(byte[] bytes, final Consumer<TextureRegion> consumer) { String base64 = "data:image/png;base64," + new String(Base64Coder.encode(bytes)); final Image image = new Image(); image.setVisible(false); image.addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler() { @Override public void onLoad(LoadEvent event) { ImageElement imageElement = image.getElement().cast(); Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(imageElement);"ImageHelper", "pixmap: " + pixmap.getWidth() + "/" + pixmap.getHeight()); final int orgWidth = pixmap.getWidth(); final int orgHeight = pixmap.getHeight(); int width = MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo(orgWidth); int height = MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo(orgHeight); final Pixmap potPixmap = new Pixmap(width, height, pixmap.getFormat()); potPixmap.drawPixmap(pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, pixmap.getWidth(), pixmap.getHeight()); pixmap.dispose(); TextureRegion region = new TextureRegion(new Texture(potPixmap), 0, 0, orgWidth, orgHeight); potPixmap.dispose(); RootPanel.get().remove(image); consumer.accept(region); } }); image.setUrl(base64); RootPanel.get().add(image); }
public static float[][] GenerateWhiteNoise(int width, int height) { float[][] noise = new float[width][height]; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { noise[i][j] = (float) MathUtils.random.nextDouble() % 1; } } return noise; }
public Orbiter createObjectInRing(Ring ring) { Orbiter.OrbiterBlueprint blueprint = new Orbiter.OrbiterBlueprint(); blueprint.angle = MathUtils.random(0, 360); blueprint.radius = MathUtils.random(ring.getMinimumRadius(), ring.getMaximumRadius()); blueprint.zTilt = ring.getZTilt(); blueprint.xTilt = ring.getXTilt(); blueprint.angularVelocity = ring.getAngularVelocity(); Orbiter ringObject = new Orbiter(createMoonSprite(MathUtils.random(4, 6)), blueprint, ring.getColors().random()); //scene.addSpaceObject(ringObject); scene.addRingObject(ringObject); ring.addObject(ringObject); return ringObject; }
private void checkWingStatus() { // Check if Wings are dead if (rightWingHealth <= 0 && !isRightWingDead) { if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(rightWingExplosionTimer) > 200 && rightWingExplosionCounter < 10) { // Add delayed explosions explosionList.add(new Explosion((x + 148) + MathUtils.random(-48, 48), y, 48, height, playState)); rightWingExplosionTimer = TimeUtils.millis(); rightWingExplosionCounter++; } // Kill Right Wing if (rightWingExplosionCounter == 10) { setRightWingDead(true); } } if (leftWingHealth <= 0 && !isLeftWingDead) { if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(leftWingExplosionTimer) > 200 && leftWingExplosionCounter < 10) { // Add delayed explosions explosionList.add(new Explosion(x + MathUtils.random(-48, 48), y, 48, height, playState)); leftWingExplosionTimer = TimeUtils.millis(); leftWingExplosionCounter++; } // Kill Left Wing if (leftWingExplosionCounter == 10) { setLeftWingDead(true); } } // If Both wings are dead, then set middle to be vulnerable if (isLeftWingDead && isRightWingDead && isMiddleInvincible) { isMiddleInvincible = false; } }
@Override protected void tick() { for(Nation n : Nation.values()) { setPrecipitationDelta(n, MathUtils.random(-1f, 1f)); setTemperatureDelta(n, MathUtils.random(-1f, 1f)); } }
/** Reduces the size of the backing arrays to be the specified capacity or less. If the capacity is already less, nothing is * done. If the map contains more items than the specified capacity, the next highest power of two capacity is used instead. */ public void shrink (int maximumCapacity) { if (maximumCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("maximumCapacity must be >= 0: " + maximumCapacity); if (size > maximumCapacity) maximumCapacity = size; if (capacity <= maximumCapacity) return; maximumCapacity = MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo(maximumCapacity); resize(maximumCapacity); }
public void sprinkleSand(int percentageChance) { for (E e : allEntitiesWith(SandSprinkler.class)) { if (MathUtils.random(0, 100f) <= percentageChance) { triggerSprinkler(e); } } }
private void checkMiddleHP() { if (healthbar < 0) { dx = 0; dy = 0; if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(bossDeathExplosionTimer) > 200 && bossDeathExplosionCounter < 15) { // Add delayed explosions explosionList.add(new Explosion(x + (0.5f * MathUtils.random(0, width)), (y + (0.5f * MathUtils.random(0, height))), width, height, playState)); bossDeathExplosionTimer = TimeUtils.millis(); bossDeathExplosionCounter++; isDead = true; } } }
public void onGameStart() { PhysicsComponent physicsComponent = getComponentByType(PhysicsComponent.class); physicsComponent.body.setTransform(mBallStartPosition.x, mBallStartPosition.y, 0); physicsComponent.body.setLinearVelocity(MathUtils.randomBoolean() ? -10.f : 10.f, 0.f); physicsComponent.body.setAngularVelocity(0.f); PositionComponent positionComponent = getComponentByType(PositionComponent.class); positionComponent.position.set(mBallStartPosition.x, mBallStartPosition.y); }
public float[] updateWorldVertices (Slot slot, boolean premultipliedAlpha) { if (regions == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Regions have not been set: " + this); int frameIndex = (int)(slot.getAttachmentTime() / frameTime); switch (mode) { case forward: frameIndex = Math.min(regions.length - 1, frameIndex); break; case forwardLoop: frameIndex = frameIndex % regions.length; break; case pingPong: frameIndex = frameIndex % (regions.length << 1); if (frameIndex >= regions.length) frameIndex = regions.length - 1 - (frameIndex - regions.length); break; case random: frameIndex = MathUtils.random(regions.length - 1); break; case backward: frameIndex = Math.max(regions.length - frameIndex - 1, 0); break; case backwardLoop: frameIndex = frameIndex % regions.length; frameIndex = regions.length - frameIndex - 1; break; } setRegion(regions[frameIndex]); return super.updateWorldVertices(slot, premultipliedAlpha); }
@Override protected void onApply (Glyph glyph, int localIndex) { // Make sure we can hold enough entries for the current index if (localIndex >= lastOffsets.size / 2) { lastOffsets.setSize(lastOffsets.size + 16); } // Get last offsets float lastX = lastOffsets.get(localIndex * 2); float lastY = lastOffsets.get(localIndex * 2 + 1); // Calculate new offsets float x = getLineHeight() * distance * MathUtils.random(-1, 1) * DEFAULT_DISTANCE; float y = getLineHeight() * distance * MathUtils.random(-1, 1) * DEFAULT_DISTANCE; // Apply intensity float normalIntensity = MathUtils.clamp(intensity * DEFAULT_INTENSITY, 0, 1); x = Interpolation.linear.apply(lastX, x, normalIntensity); y = Interpolation.linear.apply(lastY, y, normalIntensity); // Apply fadeout float fadeout = calculateFadeout(); x *= fadeout; y *= fadeout; x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); // Store offsets for the next tick lastOffsets.set(localIndex * 2, x); lastOffsets.set(localIndex * 2 + 1, y); // Apply changes glyph.xoffset += x; glyph.yoffset += y; }