protected void sendOpenSessionEvent() { if (!isSessionActive()) return; Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); addGameIDUserNameUserToken(params); final Net.HttpRequest http = buildJsonRequest("sessions/open/", params); if (http != null), new NoOpResponseListener()); pingTask = Timer.schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { sendKeepSessionOpenEvent(); } }, GJ_PING_INTERVAL, GJ_PING_INTERVAL); }
public void create() { enemyStack = new Stack<Enemy>(); Timer.schedule(new Task() { @Override public void run() { int choiceToMove = MathUtils.random(3); for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { enemyStack.add(new WeakEnemy(choiceToMove, xOffset * i, yOffset * i)); } //Timer.instance().clear(); } }, 0.5f, intervalBetweenSpawn); }
public void downenergy(int value){ bar.act(; infoProfile.getDateUserGame().setEnergy(infoProfile.getDateUserGame().getEnergy() - value); FadeIn(); new Timer().schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { bar.setAnimateDuration(3); bar.setValue((float) infoProfile.getDateUserGame().getEnergy()); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } mapsScreen.startTimer(); } }, 1000); }
public void update() { bar.act(; infoProfile.getDateUserGame().setEnergy(infoProfile.getDateUserGame().getEnergy()); username.setText("L "+infoProfile.getDateUserGame().getLevel()+" "+infoProfile.getDateUser().getFristName()); bar.setValue(infoProfile.getDateUserGame().getEnergy() - infoProfile.getValueenergyuse()); FadeIn(); new Timer().schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { bar.setAnimateDuration(3); bar.setValue((float) infoProfile.getDateUserGame().getEnergy()); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(infoProfile.getDateUserGame().getEnklaveCombatId() == -1) mapsScreen.startTimer(); } } ,1); }
public void screenExit(String message){ messageShow = message; showtextexit = true; circleShow = false; InformationProfile.getInstance().getDateUserGame().setEnklaveCombatId(-1); Label labelmess = new Label("You already joined this combat once!",new Label.LabelStyle(bitmapFont,Color.WHITE)); labelmess.setPosition(WIDTH /2 - labelmess.getWidth() /2,labelmess.getHeight()*2); stage.addActor(labelmess); combatFight.deselect(); attachers.deselect(); defenders.deselect(); if(!message.contentEquals("You lose!")){ new Timer().scheduleTask(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { managerAssets.getAssertEnklaveScreen().setIsupdate(false); new GetEnklaveDetails().makeRequest(InformationEnklave.getInstance().getId(), managerAssets); // gameManager.setScreen(gameManager.screenEnklave); } },1); } }
public void setUpPlayButton() { playButton = new GameButton(Constants.RECTANGLE_BUTTON_WIDTH, Constants.RECTANGLE_BUTTON_HEIGHT, "playbtn", false); playButton.setPosition(Constants.WIDTH / 4 - playButton.getWidth() * 2 / 5, Constants.HEIGHT / 2 - playButton.getHeight() * 2.5f -2); playButton.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { //FlappySpinner.gameManager.hideAd(); float delay = 0.3f; setUpFadeOut(); Timer.schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { game.setScreen(new GameScreen(game, 0, false)); } }, delay); } }); stage.addActor(playButton); }
public void setUpMarketButton() { marketButton = new GameButton(Constants.RECTANGLE_BUTTON_WIDTH, Constants.RECTANGLE_BUTTON_HEIGHT, "market", false); marketButton.setPosition(Constants.WIDTH * 3 / 4 - marketButton.getWidth() * 3 / 5, Constants.HEIGHT / 2 - marketButton.getHeight() * 2.5f - 2); marketButton.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { float delay = 0.3f; setUpFadeOut(); Timer.schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { game.setScreen(new MarketScreen(game)); } }, delay); } }); stage.addActor(marketButton); }
public void setTimersAndTasks() { endTask = new Timer.Task() { public void run() {"timer", "Ending game"); endGameWorld(won()); } }; endClock = new CGCTimer(endTask, endTime, false, "endClock"); respawnTask = new Timer.Task() { public void run() { respawnHeight = getPlayerAverageY(); } }; respawnClock = new CGCTimer(respawnTask, CAMERA_DELAY, (int)respawnTime * 60); = "respawnClock"; }
public Helicopter(CGCWorld theWorld, Animation newLowAnimation, Animation newMidAnimation, Animation newHighAnimation, EntityType entityType, Body body) { super(newLowAnimation, newMidAnimation, newHighAnimation, entityType, body); gameWorld = theWorld;"In the pipe", "five by five"); rotation = 90; //SoundManager.playSound("helicopter", false); hoverTask = new Timer.Task() { public void run() { stopped = false; returnTrip = true; getBody().setLinearVelocity(new Vector2(4,0)); } }; hoverClock = new CGCTimer(hoverTask, hoverTime, false, "hoverClock"); body.setLinearVelocity(new Vector2(4, 0)); }
public RookieCop(CGCWorld theWorld, CharacterArt art, EntityType pEntityType, Body attachedBody, short pID) { super(art, pEntityType, attachedBody, pID); gameWorld = theWorld; maxGrabStrength = MAX_GRAB_STRENGTH_BASE + Math.round(((float)(Math.random() * 2) - 1.0f) * MAX_GRAB_RANGE); currentGrabStrength = maxGrabStrength; noGrab = false; setCoins(0); grabCooldownTask = new Timer.Task() { public void run() { currentGrabStrength = maxGrabStrength; noGrab = false; } }; grabCooldownTimer = new CGCTimer(grabCooldownTask, grabCooldown, false, "grabCooldownTimer"); }
public RookieCop(CGCWorld theWorld, Animation newLowAnimation, Animation newMidAnimation, Animation newHighAnimation, EntityType pEntityType, Body attachedBody, short pID) { super(newLowAnimation, newMidAnimation, newHighAnimation, pEntityType, attachedBody, pID); gameWorld = theWorld; maxGrabStrength = MAX_GRAB_STRENGTH_BASE + Math.round(((float)(Math.random() * 2) - 1.0f) * MAX_GRAB_RANGE); currentGrabStrength = maxGrabStrength; noGrab = false; setCoins(0); grabCooldownTask = new Timer.Task() { public void run() { currentGrabStrength = maxGrabStrength; noGrab = false; } }; grabCooldownTimer = new CGCTimer(grabCooldownTask, grabCooldown, false, "grabCooldownTimer"); }
public Sheriff(Animation newLowAnimation, Animation newMidAnimation, Animation newHighAnimation, EntityType pEntityType, Body attachedBody, Boss bo, float startAlpha) { super(newLowAnimation, newMidAnimation, newHighAnimation, pEntityType, attachedBody, startAlpha); boss = bo; fireTask = new Timer.Task() { public void run() { fire(); } }; fireTimer = new CGCTimer(fireTask, fireTime, true, "fireTimer"); do { target = CGCWorld.getPrisoners().random(); }while(!target.isAlive() || target == null); TimerManager.addTimer(fireTimer); }
public SoundEffect(FileHandle f) { mySound =; playTime = (float)(f.length())/(float)(16384); playTask = new Timer.Task() { public void run() { if(!looping) { playing = false; paused = false; } } }; playTimer = new CGCTimer(playTask, playTime, looping, "playTimer"); }
private void setUpTimer() { hidePromptTask = new Timer.Task() { public void run() { if (yDisplacement < creditsBottom) { showButtonPrompt = false; } } }; autoScrollTask = new Timer.Task() { public void run() { autoScroll = true; } }; hidePromptTimer = new CGCTimer(hidePromptTask, hidePromptTime, false, "hidePromptTimer"); autoScrollTimer = new CGCTimer(autoScrollTask, autoScrollTime, false, "autoScrollTimer"); }
public void keepAttacking() { changeState(Enemy.State.ATTACKING, 1, new GameObject.OnAnimationComplete() { @Override public void run(GameObject object) { changeState(Enemy.State.STANDING); } }); context.removeLife(); if( return; int randomAttack = (int) Math.floor(context.soundsEffectEnemyAttack.size()*Math.random()); context.soundsEffectEnemyAttack.get(randomAttack).play(); Timer.schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { if(!state.equals(Enemy.State.DYING)) keepAttacking(); } }, TIME_TO_ATTACK); }
public void die() { final Enemy enemy = this; enabled = false; context.tweenManager.killTarget(this, GameObjectAccessor.XYZ); context.tweenManager.killTarget(this, GameObjectAccessor.ROTATION); changeState(Enemy.State.DYING, 1); Timer.schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { Vector3 position = enemy.transform.getTranslation(new Vector3()); enemy.moveToAnimation(position.x, -0.5f, position.z, 2, new GameObject.OnAnimationComplete() { @Override public void run(GameObject object) { context.instances.remove(enemy); } }); } }, TIME_TO_ATTACK); }
private void setGameScore(final int points) { numbersRunning.schedule(new Timer.Task(){ int count = 0; @Override public void run() { int a = count / 100; int b = (count - (a * 100)) / 10; int c = count - ((a * 100) +(b * 10)); count++; hundredths = numbersFrames.getKeyFrame(a, true); tens = numbersFrames.getKeyFrame(b, true); ones = numbersFrames.getKeyFrame(c, true); } } , 0f , 0.5f/(points*2) , points ); }
private void cashDecrease(final int cashBefore, final int cashAfter) { changeNumbers.clear(); changeNumbers.scheduleTask(new Timer.Task(){ int a = cashBefore-1; @Override public void run() { thousandthsPlace = a / 1000; hundredthsPlace = (a - (thousandthsPlace * 1000)) / 100; tensPlace = (a - ((thousandthsPlace * 1000) + (hundredthsPlace * 100))) / 10; onesPlace = a - ((thousandthsPlace * 1000) + (hundredthsPlace * 100) + (tensPlace * 10)); a--; } } , 0f , 0.003f , cashBefore-cashAfter-1 ); }
public SpawnItemThread(int numberOfItemFields, Server server) { this.itemFields = numberOfItemFields; this.server = server; /*--------------INCREASE BOMB RANGE--------------*/ Timer.schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { if(cubicRange < Constants.MAXCUBICRANGE) { cubicRange += 1; } if(normalRange < Constants.MAXBOMBRANGE) { normalRange += 1; } } } ,60 // first execute delay ,60 // delay between executes ); }
private void scheduleReappear() { final int oldLevelId = Level.getInstance().getId(); new Timer().scheduleTask(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (oldLevelId != Level.getInstance().getId()) { return; } TiledEntityDefinition offspringDefinition = new TiledEntityDefinition(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), (TiledEntityDefinition)definition); VanishingPlatform offspring = (VanishingPlatform); offspring.setReappearWait(true); Level.getInstance().addEntity(offspring); Canvas.getInstance().addToLayer(offspringDefinition.getLayer(), offspring); } }); } }, reappearDelay / 1000); }
public Integer tap() { if (currentClearTask != null) { currentClearTask.cancel(); } currentClearTask = Timer.schedule(clearTask, clearInterval); if (tapTimes.size() == numberOfTaps) { tapTimes.remove(0); } tapTimes.add(TimeUtils.nanoTime()); long sum = 0; if (tapTimes.size() > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < tapTimes.size(); i++) { sum += tapTimes.get(i) - tapTimes.get(i - 1); } float averageSeconds = sum / (tapTimes.size() - 1) / 1000000000f; int bpm = (int) (60f / averageSeconds); return bpm; } else { return null; } }
public void loadComplete() { // System.out.print("["); // for (Block b : blocks) { // System.out.print("[\"" + b.body.getPosition().x + "\"d \"" + b.body.getPosition().y + "\"d]"); // } // System.out.println("]"); //// System.out.print("["); //// for (Entity b : entities) { //// System.out.print("[\"" + b.body.getPosition().x + "\"d \"" + b.body.getPosition().y + "\"d]"); //// } //// System.out.println("]"); Timer.schedule(new Task() { public void run() { loaded = true; } }, 1); }
public void playerAttacks(Role player){ if( _currentOpponent == null ){ return; } //Check for magic if used in attack; If we don't have enough MP, then return // int mpVal = ProfileManager.getInstance().getProperty("currentPlayerMP", Integer.class); int mpVal = player.getMagicPoint(); battleUI.updateEvent(_currentOpponent, BattleEvent.PLAYER_TURN_START); if( _currentPlayerWandAPPoints == 0 ){ if( !_playerAttackCalculations.isScheduled() ){ Timer.schedule(_playerAttackCalculations, 1); } }else if(_currentPlayerWandAPPoints > mpVal ){ BattleState.this.battleUI.updateEvent(_currentOpponent, BattleEvent.PLAYER_TURN_DONE); return; }else{ if( !_checkPlayerMagicUse.isScheduled() && !_playerAttackCalculations.isScheduled() ){ Timer.schedule(_checkPlayerMagicUse, .5f); Timer.schedule(_playerAttackCalculations, 1); } } }
/******************************************** * Triggle Event *************************************/ public void Transfer(final String mapName, final Vector2 pos, final Role.Direction dir) { float delay = 0.1000f; // seconds player.setVisible(false); Timer.schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { mapMgr.loadMap(mapName); player.setCurrentDir(dir); player.setPosInMap(pos); player.setVisible(true); fighting = 0; cycleTime = 0; } }, delay); }
@Override public void beginContact(Contact contact) { Entity entity = getEntity(contact, PlayerComponent.class); spawnSmoke(entity);; engine.removeEntity(entity); Timer.instance().scheduleTask( new Task() { @Override public void run() { EventManager.fireEvent( SceneManager.getCurrentScene(), new Event(EventType.YOU_HAVE_BEEN_KILLED, false, false) ); } }, 2.0f ); }
public void create() { batch = new SpriteBatch(); sr = new ShapeRenderer(); bg[0] = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/loadingscreens/layout.png"))); bg[1] = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("gfx/loadingscreens/layout-dif.png"))); fps = new Button("Fps: " + 60, 32, 678); Timer.schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { fps.text = "Fps: " + (int) (1 /; } }, 1f, 1f); }
@Override public boolean handleMessage (Telegram msg) { TelegramMessage telegramMsg = TelegramMessage.values()[msg.message]; switch (telegramMsg) { case SQUAD_INPUT_SELECTED: int index = (Integer)msg.extraInfo; setSelected(index, true); return true; case GUI_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: if(resourceAlertTask.isScheduled()) resourceAlertTask.cancel(); Timer.schedule(resourceAlertTask, 0.0f, 0.15f, 5); return true; default: return false; } }
@Override public void aventure() { final OdysseeDesMaths gameReference = getMss().getJeu(); getMss().getJeu().setScreen(new SimpleDialog(getMss().getJeu(), Assets.DLG_ARRIVEE_1, new EndButtonsListener() { @Override public void buttonPressed(String buttonName) { background = Assets.getManager().get(Assets.S01_FUITE, Texture.class); getMss().updateBackground(); Timer.schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { background = Assets.getManager().get(Assets.S01_PAYSAGE, Texture.class); gameReference.setScreen(new ArriveeRemarquable(gameReference)); } }, 3f); } })); }
private void play() { AlphaAction alphaAction = new AlphaAction(); alphaAction.setAlpha(0); alphaAction.setDuration(0.5f); play.addAction(alphaAction); play.setTouchable(Touchable.disabled); MoveToAction moveToAction = new MoveToAction(); moveToAction.setPosition(gameTitle.getX(), HEIGHT * 12 / 13 - gameTitle.getHeight()); moveToAction.setDuration(2); gameTitle.addAction(moveToAction); Timer.instance().clear(); gameTitle.setText("L'Odyssée des Maths"); currentState = State.TRANSITION; }
private void encryptGameTitle() { char oldCharTmp; int indexTmp; do { indexTmp = (int)(Math.random() * gameTitle.getText().length()); oldCharTmp = gameTitle.getText().charAt(indexTmp); } while (!Character.isLetter(oldCharTmp) || oldCharTmp == 'M'); final char oldChar = oldCharTmp; final int index = indexTmp; int number = (int)(Math.random() * 10); gameTitle.setText(gameTitle.getText().substring(0, index) + number + gameTitle.getText().substring(index + 1)); Timer.schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { gameTitle.setText(gameTitle.getText().substring(0, index) + oldChar + gameTitle.getText().substring(index + 1)); } }, ENCRYPTION_DURATION); }
private void addMemoryItemButtonListener(final MemorySingle button) { button.addListener(new ClickListener(){ @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y){ button.setText(Integer.toString(button.numb)); addBouncyAction(button); stage.addActor(new Bubbles(Gdx.input.getX() - 100, game.getHeight() - Gdx.input.getY(),10)); if(!checkedButtons.contains(button)) checkedButtons.add(button); if(checkedButtons.size() == 2){ disableAllButtons(); Timer.schedule(new Task(){ @Override public void run() { checkIfMatch(); enableAllButtons(); } }, 1f); } } }); }
public void show() { splash0 = new Timer.Task(){ public void run() { stage = 1; Timer.schedule(splash1, 1.5F); loadAssets(); } }; splash1 = new Timer.Task(){ public void run() { NerdShooter.shooter.setScreen(new StartScreen()); } }; Timer.schedule(splash0, 1.5F); }
public void RespawnEnemy() { Timer.schedule(new Task(){ @Override public void run() { tics++; if(tics > 25){ tics = 1; } if (tics == 1) {enemigoSpamea = true;} if (tics == 2) {enemigoSpamea = true;} if (tics == 3) {enemigoSpamea = true;} if (tics == 5) {enemigoSpamea = false;} if(tics % 2 == 0) {go=1;} else {go=0;} } } ,0,30/30.0f); }
public void animacionGameOver() { Timer.schedule(new Task(){ @Override public void run() { tics++; if(tics > 60){ tics = 0; } if(tics%10==0){if(timer>0 && Juego.gameOver==0 && Juego.titleScreen==0){timer--;}} if(tics==20 && Juego.gameOver==1){Juego.titleScreen=1;} if(tics==20){Juego.gameOver=0;} } } ,0,30/35.0f); }
public void drag (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer) { if (x >= 0 && x < scroll.getWidth()) { if (y >= scroll.getHeight()) { scrollDown.cancel(); if (!scrollUp.isScheduled()) { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Timer.schedule(scrollUp, tickSecs, tickSecs); } return; } else if (y < 0) { scrollUp.cancel(); if (!scrollDown.isScheduled()) { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Timer.schedule(scrollDown, tickSecs, tickSecs); } return; } } scrollUp.cancel(); scrollDown.cancel(); }
public void startChatting() { userName = userNameTextField.getText(); if (userName == null || userName.length() == 0) { return; // The user didn't enter anything valid, so we don't advance to the chat stage. } inChatUserNameLabel.setText(userName); isStarted = true; Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(chatStage); chatStage.setKeyboardFocus(newMessageTextField); timer = new Timer(); timer.scheduleTask(new UpdateTask(this), 0, numberOfSecondsBetweenUpdateCalls); }
public void beingHit() { if (!this.invincible) { Assets.playSound("playerHurt"); this.invincible = true; this.state = Player.State.BeingHit; this.stateTime = 0; this.velocity.y = 150; this.noControl = true; int lifes = this.counter.lostLife(); if (lifes <= 0) { this.die(); } Timer.schedule(new Task() { @Override public void run() { Player.this.invincible = false; Player.this.state = Player.State.Standing; } }, 1.8f); } }
@Override protected void ok() { try { Ctx.project.getEditorConfig().setProperty(ANDROID_SDK_PROP, androidSdk.getText()); Ctx.project.saveProject(); } catch (Exception ex) { String msg = ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + " - " + ex.getMessage(); Message.showMsgDialog(getStage(), "Error saving project", msg); } final Stage stage = getStage(); Message.showMsg(getStage(), "Creating project...", true); Timer.schedule(new Task() { @Override public void run() { createProject(stage); } },1); }
@Override protected void ok() { Message.showMsg(getStage(), "Creating resolution...", true); Timer.schedule(new Task() { @Override public void run() { createResolution(); String msg = scaleImages(); if(listener != null) listener.changed(new ChangeEvent(), CreateResolutionDialog.this); Message.hideMsg(); if(msg != null) Message.showMsgDialog(getStage(), "Error creating resolution", msg); } },1); }
public static void showMsg(final Stage stage, final String text, final boolean modal) { Task() { @Override public void run() { isModal = modal; if (text == null) { hideMsg(); return; } add(stage, text); if (FADE_DURATION > 0) { msg.getColor().a = 0; msg.addAction(Actions.fadeIn(FADE_DURATION, Interpolation.fade)); } } }); }