@Override public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { anyKey = true; if(button == Buttons.LEFT) { leftButton = true; } if(button == Buttons.RIGHT) { rightButton = true; } return false; }
@Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int buttonCode) { anyKey = false; if(buttonCode == Buttons.LEFT) { leftButton = false; } if(buttonCode == Buttons.RIGHT) { rightButton = false; } return false; }
@Override public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (PAUSED) return false; if (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeLastClick < 200) { } timeLastClick = System.currentTimeMillis(); boutonClicked = button; if (button == Buttons.LEFT) { ship.attack(); } return true; }
private void initEnvironment() { ObjectMap<String, Object> values = new ObjectMap<String, Object>(); values.put("Keys", Keys.class); values.put("Input", RavTech.input); values.put("Debug", Debug.class); values.put("Vector2", Vector2.class); values.put("Color", Color.class); values.put("Buttons", Buttons.class); values.put("GameObject", GameObject.class); values.put("ComponentType", ComponentType.class); values.put("RavTech", RavTech.class); values.put("Settings", RavTech.settings); values.put("Graphics", Gdx.graphics); values.put("Box2DWorld", RavTech.sceneHandler.box2DWorld); values.put("Net", Gdx.net); this.environment = values; }
@Override public boolean touchUp (int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { boolean result = false; if (button == Buttons.LEFT) { if (pickConstraint != null) { ((btDynamicsWorld)world.collisionWorld).removeConstraint(pickConstraint); pickConstraint.dispose(); pickConstraint = null; result = true; } if (pickedBody != null) { pickedBody.forceActivationState(Collision.ACTIVE_TAG); pickedBody.setDeactivationTime(0f); pickedBody = null; } } return result ? result : super.touchUp(screenX, screenY, pointer, button); }
@Override public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { boolean processed = false; if (_cityView != null) { processed = true; } if (button == Buttons.MIDDLE) // for drag-mode { _dragMode = true; processed = true; } return processed; }
@Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { boolean processed = false; if (_cityView != null) { processed = true; } if (button == Buttons.MIDDLE) // for drag-mode { _dragMode = false; processed = true; } return processed; }
@Override public boolean mouseClicked(int screenX, int screenY, int mouseButton) { super.mouseClicked(screenX, screenY, mouseButton); // Check for drag-mode: if (isMouseOnWindow(screenX, screenY) && mouseButton == Buttons.LEFT) { _dragMode = true; _oldMousePos = new Point(screenX, screenY); closeIfNeeded(screenX, screenY, mouseButton); return true; } return false; }
@Override public boolean touchDown(final int _screenX, final int _screenY, final int _pointer, final int _button) { boolean processed = false; if (_button == Buttons.LEFT) { // TODO check if UI has been clicked // do things if the cursor is in the visible area if (FovWrapper.getInstance().isLit(mouseOverX, mouseOverY)) { processed = toggleHighlightedActors(); } if (!processed) { processed = addPlayerWalkPath(); } return processed; } return processed; }
@Override public void handleDataClicked( Object data, InputEvent event, float x, float y ) { Item item = (Item) data; if ( event.getButton() == Buttons.RIGHT ) { // show context menu: // Unequip, use?, destory Global.CurrentLevel.player.getInventory().removeItem( item ); Global.CurrentLevel.player.tile[ 0 ][ 0 ].items.add( item ); } else { if ( item.getMainSlot() != null ) { Global.CurrentLevel.player.getInventory().toggleEquip( item ); } } }
@Override public void render(float delta) { cam.update(); batch.setProjectionMatrix(cam.combined); shape.setProjectionMatrix(cam.combined); //adjust zoom zoomCamera(delta); if (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.MIDDLE)) { cam.zoom = 1; setZoomTarget(1); } }
public void checkClicks() { if (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.LEFT)) { for (int id = 0; id < NUM_BUTTONS; id++) { if (isCursorOnButton(id)) { switch (id) { case 0: // play game.getGsm().setCurrentState(StateType.PLAY); break; case 1: // new game game.getGsm().startNewGame(); break; case 2: // options // TODO break; case 3: // quit Gdx.app.exit(); break; default: break; } // at most 1 button should be pressed with a single click break; } } } }
/** Updates the stage and checks for any input. */ public void update() { stage.act(); // invoke on touch only once if (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.LEFT)) { if (!isTouching) { if (typeListener != null) { typeListener.invoke(InputCode.CONFIRM); } isTouching = true; } } else { isTouching = false; } }
@Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (button == Buttons.LEFT) { leftDown = false; screenY = Gdx.graphics.getHeight() - screenY; int mapX = (int) (screenX + RTSGame.getCamera().pos.x - RTSGame.getCamera().canvasWidth / 2); int mapY = (int) (screenY + RTSGame.getCamera().pos.y - RTSGame.getCamera().canvasHeight / 2); if (selection.active && selection.start.x != screenX && selection.start.y != screenY) { selection.select(); selection.active = false; } else { selection.selectOrMove(mapX, mapY); selection.active = false; } return true; } else if (button == Buttons.RIGHT) { selection.clearSelection(); selection.active = false; return true; } return false; }
@Override public void render () { if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) { Gdx.app.log("Input Test", "just touched, button: " + (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.LEFT) ? "left " : "") + (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.MIDDLE) ? "middle " : "") + (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.RIGHT) ? "right" : "") + (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.BACK) ? "back" : "") + (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.FORWARD) ? "forward" : "")); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (Gdx.input.getDeltaX(i) != 0 || Gdx.input.getDeltaY(i) != 0) { Gdx.app.log("Input Test", "delta[" + i + "]: " + Gdx.input.getDeltaX(i) + ", " + Gdx.input.getDeltaY(i)); } } // Gdx.input.setCursorPosition(Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 2, Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / 2); // if(Gdx.input.isTouched()) { // Gdx.app.log("Input Test", "is touched"); // } }
public void buildNotificationMenu() { List<Notification> notifs = notifications.getNotifications(); notifMenu.clear(); if (notifs.isEmpty()) notifMenu.addLabel("No notifications"); else for (Notification n : notifs) { Button b = notifMenu.addButtonSprite(n.type, n.msg, () -> { inputManager.reloadMenus(); if (n.action != null) n.action.run(); }, true); b.addListener(new ClickListener(Buttons.RIGHT) { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { notifications.discard(n); inputManager.reloadMenus(); } }); } notifMenu.addToStage(stage, Gdx.graphics.getWidth() - 400, min(512, notifMenu.getTable().getPrefHeight()), false); }
private void initialize() { this.addListener(new EventListener() { @Override public boolean handle(Event event) { if (event instanceof InputEvent) { Type type = ((InputEvent) event).getType(); // Click if (type == Type.touchUp && ((InputEvent) event).getButton() == Buttons.LEFT) { Gdx.net.openURI(linkURL); } else if (type == Type.enter) { Gdx.graphics.setCursor(Gdx.graphics.newCursor(GlobalResources.linkCursor, 4, 0)); } else if (type == Type.exit) { Gdx.graphics.setSystemCursor(SystemCursor.Arrow); } return true; } return false; } }); }
public boolean touchDown(int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { touching = true; camera.unproject(testPoint.set(x, y, 0)); testPoint2D.x = testPoint.x; testPoint2D.y = testPoint.y; if (button == Buttons.LEFT) { if (!IS_DESKTOP) { isRepulsing = true; isAttracting = false; } else { isAttracting = false; isRepulsing = false; } } if (button == Buttons.RIGHT) { isAttracting = true; } if (button == Buttons.MIDDLE) { isRepulsing = true; } return false; }
@Override public void touchUp (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { if (scene.getActiveLayer().locked) return; currentTool.touchUp(event, x, y, pointer, button); if (button == Buttons.RIGHT && mouseDragged == false) { if (entitiesSelection.size() > 0) { menuX = camera.getInputX(); menuY = camera.getInputY(); buildSelectedEntitiesPopupMenu(); entityPopupMenu.showMenu(event.getStage(), event.getStageX(), event.getStageY()); } else generalPopupMenu.showMenu(event.getStage(), event.getStageX(), event.getStageY()); } mouseDragged = false; }
@Override public void render(Main main) { main.batch.draw(main.manager.get(AssetMap.get("guislider"), Texture.class), x, y, width, height); main.batch.draw(main.manager.get(AssetMap.get("guisliderarrow"), Texture.class), x + ((width - 32) * slider), y, 32, 32); if (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.LEFT)) { if (Main.getInputX() >= x + ((width - 32) * slider) && Main.getInputX() <= x + ((width - 32) * slider) + 32) { if (Main.convertY(Main.getInputY()) >= y && Main.convertY(Main.getInputY()) <= y + height) { grabbed = true; } } } else { grabbed = false; } if (grabbed) { slider = MathUtils.clamp(((Main.getInputX() - x)) / (width - 32f), 0f, 1f); } }
@Override public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { dragTemp.set(Engine.screenToWorld(screenX, screenY)); secondData = null; float dst = 0; if (data != null) { dst = data.position.dst(dragTemp); } if (dst > 100 && dst < 150) { rotateOn = true; } else { data = null; //find the first data // if (button == Buttons.LEFT) { box2dAABBTestPoint.set(dragTemp).scl(1f / Box2dObject.RADIO); PhysicalWorld.WORLD.QueryAABB(callback, box2dAABBTestPoint.x - 0.1f, box2dAABBTestPoint.y - 0.1f, box2dAABBTestPoint.x + 0.1f, box2dAABBTestPoint.y + 0.1f); } } return super.touchDown(screenX, screenY, pointer, button); }
@Override public boolean touchDown(int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { if (button == Buttons.LEFT) { if (Click.NONE == click) { secondPoint.set(Engine.screenToWorld(x, y)); click = Click.FIRST; // do start } else if (click == Click.FIRST) { secondPoint.set(Engine.screenToWorld(x, y)); float width = secondPoint.x - worldCenter.x; float height = secondPoint.y - worldCenter.y; model.width = Math.abs(width) * 2; model.height = Math.abs(height) * 2; updateToUI(); click = Click.NONE; // do end } } return super.touchDown(x, y, pointer, button); }
@Override public boolean touchDown(int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { if (button == Buttons.LEFT) { if (Click.NONE == click) { secondPoint.set(Engine.screenToWorld(x, y)); click = Click.FIRST; // do start } else if (Click.FIRST == click) { secondPoint.set(Engine.screenToWorld(x, y)); if (worldCenter.dst(secondPoint) > 0) { model.radius = worldCenter.dst(secondPoint); updateToUI(); click = Click.NONE; // do end } } } return super.touchDown(x, y, pointer, button); }
@Override public boolean touchDown(int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { if (button == Buttons.LEFT) { if (button == Buttons.LEFT) { if (snapPoint == null) { Vector2 newPoint = new Vector2(Engine.screenToWorld(x, y)); snapPoint = newPoint; model.polygon.add(newPoint); updateToUI(); } } } else if (button == Buttons.RIGHT) { if (null != snapPoint) { if (model.polygon.size() > 3) { model.polygon.remove(snapPoint); updateToUI(); } } } return super.touchDown(x, y, pointer, button); }
@Override public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (pointer >= 10) return true; if (button != Buttons.LEFT) return false; mTime = Gdx.input.getCurrentEventTime(); if (mPointerDown++ == 0) { mDownTime = getTime(); mType = MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN; } else { mType = MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN; } mPointerX[pointer] = mCurX = screenX; mPointerY[pointer] = mCurY = screenY; mPointer = pointer; //GdxMap.log.debug("down " + screenX + ":" + screenY // + " / " + pointer + " " + mPointerDown // + " " + (getTime() - mDownTime)); mMap.input.fire(null, this); return true; }
@Override public void render() { // Call to method that executes the game logic logic(); // clear Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); Gdx.gl.glClear(GL10.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // actual render shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeType.Line); //When left mouse button is pressed, render line if (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.LEFT)) shapeRenderer.line( lineStartX, lineStartY, Gdx.input.getX() + camera.position.x - Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 2, Gdx.input.getY() + camera.position.y - Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / 2); //Draw every gravity point in the universe GravityPoint.drawAll(shapeRenderer); shapeRenderer.end(); }
@Override public ActionableRenderNode mouseDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (!isIncludedInRender()) { return null; } if (button != Buttons.LEFT && button != Buttons.RIGHT && button != Buttons.MIDDLE) { return null; } if (!element.isEnabled()) { return null; } if (outerArea.contains(screenX, screenY)) { setState(NodeState.ACTION); return this; } return null; }
@Override public ActionableRenderNode mouseDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (!isIncludedInRender()) { return null; } if (button != Buttons.LEFT) { return null; } if (!element.isEnabled()) { return null; } if (outerArea.contains(screenX, screenY)) { setState(NodeState.ACTION); return this; } return null; }
@Override public ActionableRenderNode mouseDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (!isIncludedInRender()) { return null; } if (button != Buttons.LEFT) { return null; } if (!element.isEnabled()) { return null; } if (outerArea.contains(screenX, screenY)) { setState(NodeState.ACTION); if (sliderPosition.contains(screenX - getContentRenderX(), screenY - getContentRenderY())) { dragging = true; } else { dragging = false; } return this; } return null; }
@Override public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (checkProcessing() && button == Buttons.LEFT) { Vector3 vec = camera.unproject(new Vector3(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0)); selectionBegin = new Vector2(vec.x, vec.y); return true; } return false; }
@Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (checkProcessing() && button == Buttons.LEFT) { Vector3 vec = camera.unproject(new Vector3(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0)); selectionEnd = new Vector2(vec.x, vec.y); return true; } return false; }
/**Default constructor for a TouchEvent*/ public UserEvent(int x,int y){ this.type = TYPE_MEVENT; this.value = Buttons.LEFT; this.x = x; this.y = y; }
@Override public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (Buttons.LEFT == button) { keyPressedMap.put(Keys.SELECT, true); } else { keyPressedMap.put(Keys.DESELECT, true); } mouseLocation.set(screenX, screenY, 0); inputChanged = true; return true; }
@Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (Buttons.LEFT == button) { keyPressedMap.put(Keys.SELECT, false); } else { keyPressedMap.put(Keys.DESELECT, false); } mouseLocation.set(screenX, screenY, 0); inputChanged = true; return true; }
@Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (PAUSED) return false; boutonClicked = 0; if (button == Buttons.LEFT) { } else { } return true; }
@Override public void render(float delta) { batch.begin(); Advio.instance.font.draw(batch, "Level Complete", Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 2, Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / 1.25f, 0, Align.center, false); Advio.instance.sfont.draw(batch, "Click for the next level.", Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 2, Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / 2, 0, Align.center, false); batch.end(); if (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.LEFT)) Advio.instance.setScreen(new GameScreen(Advio.instance.constants.getLevel(nextLevel))); }
public boolean changed (ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { if (actor instanceof StatBar) { return false; } if (UIManager.getDisplayedCharacter() != null) { if (!pc.equals(UIManager.getDisplayedCharacter())) { if (levelUpIndicator.equals(actor) && !UIManager.isPerksScreenOpen()) { UIManager.togglePerks(pc); } else { UIManager.switchDisplayedCharacter(pc); } } else if (levelUpIndicator.equals(actor)) { UIManager.togglePerks(pc); } } else { PlayerCharacterController controller = gameState.getPlayerCharacterController(); if (controller.isTargetSelectionInProgress()) { Vector2 tempVector = MathUtil.getVector2(); boolean returnValue = controller.handleTargetSelection(Buttons.LEFT, pc.position().setVector2(tempVector)); MathUtil.freeVector2(tempVector); return returnValue; } if (levelUpIndicator.equals(actor)) { UIManager.togglePerks(pc); return true; } if (!controller.isMultiSelectActive()) { boolean wasSelected = pc.isSelected(); GameState.getPlayerCharacterGroup().selectOnlyMember(pc); if (!wasSelected) { pc.getAudioProfile().playCharacterBark(pc); } } else { GameState.getPlayerCharacterGroup().toggleMemberSelection(pc); } } return true; }
public boolean clicked (InputEvent inputEvent, Actor actor) { if (actor instanceof Image) { actor = ((Image)actor).getParent(); } if (actor instanceof InventoryItemButton) { InventoryItemButton clickedSlot = (InventoryItemButton)actor; InventoryItem slotItem = clickedSlot.getItem(); InventoryItem draggedItem = UIManager.getDraggedItem(); InventoryContainer clickedContainer = clickedSlot.getInventory().getParentContainer(); boolean playersGroupItem = (draggedItem != null && draggedItem.isGroupHeldItem() && containerIsPlayerControlled(clickedContainer)); if (draggedItem != null && (slotItem == null || playersGroupItem)) { putItemDown(clickedSlot, draggedItem, Buttons.RIGHT != inputEvent.getButton(), playersGroupItem); return true; } else if (slotItem != null && draggedItem == null) { if (KeyBindings.MOVE_TO_JUNK.isPressed() && clickedContainer != GameState.getPlayerCharacterGroup()) { moveToJunk(slotItem); } else if (KeyBindings.MOVE_TO_INVENTORY.isPressed() && clickedContainer != displayedCharacter) { moveToInventory(slotItem); } else { pickItemUp(clickedSlot, Buttons.RIGHT != inputEvent.getButton()); } return true; } else if (slotItem != null && draggedItem != null) { if (Buttons.RIGHT == inputEvent.getButton() && draggedItem.isStackable(slotItem)) { pickItemUp(clickedSlot, false); } else { swapOrCombineItems(clickedSlot, slotItem, draggedItem); } return true; } } return false; }