public Basic(Matrix4 transform, double speeed, int hp, int health, int range, float coolDown, EnumSet<Types> types, EnumSet<Effects> effects, ModelInstance instance, btCollisionWorld world, IntMap<Entity> entities, List<Vector3> path, Map<String, Sound> sounds) { super(transform, speeed, hp, health, range, coolDown, types, effects, instance, new btCompoundShape(), world, entities, ATTACK_ANIMATION, ATTACK_OFFSET, path, sounds); ((btCompoundShape)shape).addChildShape(new Matrix4(new Vector3(0, 30, 0), new Quaternion().setEulerAngles(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(1, 1, 1)), new btBoxShape(new Vector3(75, 30, 90))); //System.out.println(getModelInstance().getAnimation("Spider_Armature|walk_ani_vor").id); listener = new AnimationController.AnimationListener() { @Override public void onEnd(AnimationController.AnimationDesc animationDesc) { } @Override public void onLoop(AnimationController.AnimationDesc animationDesc) { } }; //animation.setAnimation("Spider_Armature|walk_ani_vor"); //animation.animate("Spider_Armature|walk_ani_vor", -1); //animation.action("Spider_Armature|walk_ani_vor", 0, 1000, -1, 1, listener, 0); //animation.animate("Spider_Armature|Attack", 0, 1000, 1, 1, listener, 0); //animation.queue("Spider_Armature|walk_ani_vor", 0, 1000, -1, 1, listener, 0); }
private void processBodyComponent(RigidBodyComponent bodyComponent, NodeComponent nodeComponent) { if (bodyComponent.state == RigidBodyComponent.State.READY) { if (!bodyComponent.isAdded()) { Matrix4 initialTransform = new Matrix4(); Vector3 translation = nodeComponent.node.translation; Vector3 scale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); Quaternion rotation = nodeComponent.node.rotation; initialTransform.set(translation, rotation, scale); bodyComponent.addToWorld(dynamicsWorld, initialTransform); } else { nodeComponent.setTranslation(bodyComponent.getTranslation()); nodeComponent.setRotation(bodyComponent.getRotation()); nodeComponent.applyTransforms(); } } }
private void processVehicleComponent(VehicleComponent vehicleComponent, NodeComponent nodeComponent) { if (vehicleComponent.state == RigidBodyComponent.State.READY) { if (!vehicleComponent.isAdded()) { Matrix4 initialTransform = new Matrix4(); Vector3 trn = nodeComponent.getTranslation(); Vector3 scl = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); Quaternion rtn = nodeComponent.getRotationQuaternion(); initialTransform.set(trn, rtn, scl); vehicleComponent.addToWorld(dynamicsWorld, initialTransform); } else { nodeComponent.setTranslation(vehicleComponent.getTranslation()); nodeComponent.setRotation(vehicleComponent.getRotation()); nodeComponent.applyTransforms(); } } }
public NodeComponent() { node = new Node(); tempVec = new Vector3(); tempVec2 = new Vector3(); tempQuat = new Quaternion(); translation = new Vector3(); rotation = new Vector3(); scale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); localTranslation = new Vector3(); localRotation = new Vector3(); localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); translationDelta = new Vector3(); rotationDelta = new Vector3(); scaleDelta = new Vector3(); localRotationQuaternion = new Quaternion(); rotationQuaternion = new Quaternion(); }
public static int maxAxis4 (Quaternion v) { int maxIndex = -1; float maxVal = -1e30f; if (v.x > maxVal) { maxIndex = 0; maxVal = v.x; } if (v.y > maxVal) { maxIndex = 1; maxVal = v.y; } if (v.z > maxVal) { maxIndex = 2; maxVal = v.z; } if (v.w > maxVal) { maxIndex = 3; maxVal = v.w; } return maxIndex; }
public static Quaternion shortestArcQuat (Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, Quaternion out) { Stack stack = Stack.enter(); Vector3 c = stack.allocVector3(); c.set(v0).crs(v1); float d =; if (d < -1.0 + BulletGlobals.FLT_EPSILON) { // just pick any vector out.set(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); stack.leave(); return out; } float s = (float)Math.sqrt((1.0f + d) * 2.0f); float rs = 1.0f / s; out.set(c.x * rs, c.y * rs, c.z * rs, s * 0.5f); stack.leave(); return out; }
public static void setRotation (Matrix3 dest, Quaternion q) { float d = q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z + q.w * q.w; assert (d != 0f); float s = 2f / d; float xs = q.x * s, ys = q.y * s, zs = q.z * s; float wx = q.w * xs, wy = q.w * ys, wz = q.w * zs; float xx = q.x * xs, xy = q.x * ys, xz = q.x * zs; float yy = q.y * ys, yz = q.y * zs, zz = q.z * zs; dest.val[Matrix3.M00] = 1f - (yy + zz); dest.val[Matrix3.M01] = xy - wz; dest.val[Matrix3.M02] = xz + wy; dest.val[Matrix3.M10] = xy + wz; dest.val[Matrix3.M11] = 1f - (xx + zz); dest.val[Matrix3.M12] = yz - wx; dest.val[Matrix3.M20] = xz - wy; dest.val[Matrix3.M21] = yz + wx; dest.val[Matrix3.M22] = 1f - (xx + yy); }
public static void getRotation (Matrix3 mat, Quaternion dest) { /* * ArrayPool<float[]> floatArrays = ArrayPool.get(float.class); * * float trace = mat.val[Matrix3.M00] + mat.val[Matrix3.M11] + mat.val[Matrix3.M22]; float[] temp = floatArrays.getFixed(4); * * if (trace > 0f) { float s = (float) Math.sqrt(trace + 1f); temp[3] = (s * 0.5f); s = 0.5f / s; * * temp[0] = ((mat.val[Matrix3.M21] - mat.val[Matrix3.M12]) * s); temp[1] = ((mat.val[Matrix3.M02] - mat.val[Matrix3.M20]) * * s); temp[2] = ((mat.val[Matrix3.M10] - mat.val[Matrix3.M01]) * s); } else { int i = mat.val[Matrix3.M00] < * mat.val[Matrix3.M11] ? (mat.val[Matrix3.M11] < mat.val[Matrix3.M22] ? 2 : 1) : (mat.val[Matrix3.M00] < * mat.val[Matrix3.M22] ? 2 : 0); int j = (i + 1) % 3; int k = (i + 2) % 3; * * float s = (float) Math.sqrt(mat.getElement(i, i) - mat.getElement(j, j) - mat.getElement(k, k) + 1f); temp[i] = s * 0.5f; * s = 0.5f / s; * * temp[3] = (mat.getElement(k, j) - mat.getElement(j, k)) * s; temp[j] = (mat.getElement(j, i) + mat.getElement(i, j)) * s; * temp[k] = (mat.getElement(k, i) + mat.getElement(i, k)) * s; } dest.set(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3]); * * floatArrays.release(temp); */ // FIXME check this is correct dest.setFromMatrix(true, mat); }
public PlaneIntersectionType plane_classify (Quaternion plane) { Stack stack = Stack.enter(); Vector3 tmp = stack.allocVector3(); float[] _fmin = new float[1], _fmax = new float[1]; tmp.set(plane.x, plane.y, plane.z); projection_interval(tmp, _fmin, _fmax); if (plane.w > _fmax[0] + BOX_PLANE_EPSILON) { stack.leave(); return PlaneIntersectionType.BACK_PLANE; // 0 } if (plane.w + BOX_PLANE_EPSILON >= _fmin[0]) { stack.leave(); return PlaneIntersectionType.COLLIDE_PLANE; // 1 } stack.leave(); return PlaneIntersectionType.FRONT_PLANE; // 2 }
/** Line plane collision. * * @return -0 if the ray never intersects, -1 if the ray collides in front, -2 if the ray collides in back */ public static int line_plane_collision (Quaternion plane, Vector3 vDir, Vector3 vPoint, Vector3 pout, float[] tparam, float tmin, float tmax) { float _dotdir = VectorUtil.dot3(vDir, plane); if (Math.abs(_dotdir) < PLANEDIREPSILON) { tparam[0] = tmax; return 0; } float _dis = ClipPolygon.distance_point_plane(plane, vPoint); int returnvalue = _dis < 0.0f ? 2 : 1; tparam[0] = -_dis / _dotdir; if (tparam[0] < tmin) { returnvalue = 0; tparam[0] = tmin; } else if (tparam[0] > tmax) { returnvalue = 0; tparam[0] = tmax; } pout.x = vPoint.x + tparam[0] * vDir.x; pout.y = vPoint.y + tparam[0] * vDir.y; pout.z = vPoint.z + tparam[0] * vDir.z; return returnvalue; }
public void moveShipLeft (float delta, float scale) { if (ship.isExploding) return; float q0 = (float) Invaders.mInvaderInterface.getQ0(); float q1 = (float) Invaders.mInvaderInterface.getQ1(); float q2 = (float) Invaders.mInvaderInterface.getQ2(); float q3 = (float) Invaders.mInvaderInterface.getQ3(); ship.transform.trn(-delta * Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY * scale, 0, 0); ship.transform.getTranslation(tmpV1); if (tmpV1.x < PLAYFIELD_MIN_X) ship.transform.trn(PLAYFIELD_MIN_X - tmpV1.x, 0, 0); Vector3 oldTranslation = ship.transform.getTranslation(tmpV1); Quaternion rotateQ = new Quaternion(q0,-1*q1,q3,-1*q2); //Used if you want all 3-axis rotation // Quaternion rotateQ = new Quaternion(1,0,0,0); //Used if you only want the roll ship.transform.setToRotation(0, 0, 0, 0); ship.transform.set(oldTranslation, rotateQ); // ROLL-ONLY CODE - BETTER FOR GAME MODE // float roll_x = 57.29578f*((float)(Math.atan2(2*(q0*q1+q2*q3),1-2*(q1*q1+q2*q2))));//Used if you want only roll // ship.transform.rotate(0, 0, 1, roll_x);//Used if you want only roll // ship.transform.rotate(rotateQ); }
public void moveShipRight (float delta, float scale) { if (ship.isExploding) return; float q0 = (float) Invaders.mInvaderInterface.getQ0(); float q1 = (float) Invaders.mInvaderInterface.getQ1(); float q2 = (float) Invaders.mInvaderInterface.getQ2(); float q3 = (float) Invaders.mInvaderInterface.getQ3(); ship.transform.trn(+delta * Ship.SHIP_VELOCITY * scale, 0, 0); if (tmpV1.x > PLAYFIELD_MAX_X) ship.transform.trn(PLAYFIELD_MAX_X - tmpV1.x, 0, 0); Vector3 oldTranslation = ship.transform.getTranslation(tmpV1); Vector3 flip = new Vector3(0,0,0); Quaternion rotateQ = new Quaternion(q0,-1*q1,q3,-1*q2); //For 3-axis // Quaternion rotateQ = new Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0); //For ROLL-ONLY // ship.transform.set(oldTranslation.mulAdd(flip, -1), rotateQ);//ROLL-ONLY // float roll_x = 57.29578f*((float)(Math.atan2(2*(q0*q1+q2*q3),1-2*(q1*q1+q2*q2))));//ROLL ONLY // ship.transform.rotate(0,0,1,roll_x);//ROLL ONLY ship.transform.setToRotation(0, 0, 0, 0); ship.transform.set(oldTranslation.mulAdd(flip, -1), rotateQ); }
public static void initWorld(BulletWorld world) { //TreeShape Model model = Assets.get(Models.MODEL_TREE_PROTOTYPE, Model.class); model.nodes.first().translation.set(0, -1.15f, 0); btCompoundShape treeShape = new btCompoundShape(); treeShape.addChildShape(new Matrix4(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Quaternion(), new Vector3(1, 1, 1)), new btBoxShape(new Vector3(.2f, .9f, .2f))); treeShape.addChildShape(new Matrix4(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), new Quaternion(), new Vector3(1, 1, 1)), new btSphereShape(1)); //LogShape model = Assets.get(Models.MODEL_LOG_PROTOTYPE, Model.class); model.nodes.first().translation.set(0, -1.15f, 0); world.addConstructor("log", new BulletConstructor(Assets.get(Models.MODEL_LOG_PROTOTYPE, Model.class), 75, new btBoxShape(new Vector3(.2f, .9f, .2f)))); world.addConstructor("stump", new BulletConstructor(Assets.get(Models.MODEL_STUMP_PROTOTYPE, Model.class), 0, new btCylinderShape(new Vector3(.2f, .22f, .2f)))); world.addConstructor("staticTree", new BulletConstructor(Assets.get(Models.MODEL_TREE_PROTOTYPE, Model.class), 0, treeShape)); world.addConstructor("dynamicTree", new BulletConstructor(Assets.get(Models.MODEL_TREE_PROTOTYPE, Model.class), 100, treeShape)); }
private void drawArmatureNodes(Node currentNode, Vector3 modelPos, Quaternion modelRot, Vector3 parentNodePos, Vector3 currentNodePos) { currentNode.globalTransform.getTranslation(currentNodePos); modelRot.transform(currentNodePos); currentNodePos.add(modelPos); drawVertex(currentNodePos, 0.02f, Color.GREEN); shapeRenderer.setColor(Color.YELLOW); if (currentNode.hasParent()) { shapeRenderer.line(parentNodePos, currentNodePos); } if (currentNode.hasChildren()) { float x = currentNodePos.x; float y = currentNodePos.y; float z = currentNodePos.z; for (Node child : currentNode.getChildren()) { drawArmatureNodes(child, modelPos, modelRot, currentNodePos, parentNodePos); currentNodePos.set(x, y, z); } } }
@Override public void render() { float deltaTime =; if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.W)) { VirtualReality.body.position.add(new Vector3(0, 0, -2).mul(VirtualReality.body.orientation).scl(deltaTime)); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.S)) { VirtualReality.body.position.add(new Vector3(0, 0, 2).mul(VirtualReality.body.orientation).scl(deltaTime)); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.A)) { VirtualReality.body.orientation.mulLeft(new Quaternion(Vector3.Y, 90f * deltaTime)); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.D)) { VirtualReality.body.orientation.mulLeft(new Quaternion(Vector3.Y, -90f * deltaTime)); } VirtualReality.update(; VirtualReality.renderer.render(); }
private void init(String tex0, float w, float h) { setTexture0(tex0); // Init comparator comp = new DistToCameraComparator<IRenderable>(); // Init vertices float[] vertices = new float[20]; fillVertices(vertices, w, h); // We wont need indices if we use GL_TRIANGLE_FAN to draw our quad // TRIANGLE_FAN will draw the verts in this order: 0, 1, 2; 0, 2, 3 mesh = new Mesh(VertexDataType.VertexArray, true, 4, 6, new VertexAttribute(Usage.Position, 2, ShaderProgram.POSITION_ATTRIBUTE), new VertexAttribute(Usage.ColorPacked, 4, ShaderProgram.COLOR_ATTRIBUTE), new VertexAttribute(Usage.TextureCoordinates, 2, ShaderProgram.TEXCOORD_ATTRIBUTE + "0")); mesh.setVertices(vertices, 0, vertices.length); mesh.getIndicesBuffer().position(0); mesh.getIndicesBuffer().limit(6); short[] indices = new short[] { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 }; mesh.setIndices(indices); quaternion = new Quaternion(); aux = new Vector3(); }
private void init(float w, float h) { // Init comparator comp = new DistToCameraComparator<IRenderable>(); // Init vertices float[] vertices = new float[20]; fillVertices(vertices, w, h); // We wont need indices if we use GL_TRIANGLE_FAN to draw our quad // TRIANGLE_FAN will draw the verts in this order: 0, 1, 2; 0, 2, 3 mesh = new Mesh(VertexDataType.VertexArray, true, 4, 6, new VertexAttribute(Usage.Position, 2, ShaderProgram.POSITION_ATTRIBUTE), new VertexAttribute(Usage.ColorPacked, 4, ShaderProgram.COLOR_ATTRIBUTE), new VertexAttribute(Usage.TextureCoordinates, 2, ShaderProgram.TEXCOORD_ATTRIBUTE + "0")); mesh.setVertices(vertices, 0, vertices.length); mesh.getIndicesBuffer().position(0); mesh.getIndicesBuffer().limit(6); short[] indices = new short[] { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 }; mesh.setIndices(indices); quaternion = new Quaternion(); aux = new Vector3(); }
public Entity(Matrix4 transform, int hp, int health, EnumSet<Types> types, EnumSet<Effects> effects, ModelInstance instance, btCollisionShape shape, btCollisionWorld world, IntMap<Entity> entities, Map<String, Sound> sounds){ this.instance = instance; this.transform = transform; this.hp = hp; this.types = types; = health; this.effects = effects; this.sounds = sounds; animation = new AnimationController(instance); this.instance.transform.set(transform); this.shape = shape; body = new btCollisionObject(); body.setCollisionShape(shape); body.setWorldTransform(this.instance.transform); = world; tempVector = new Vector3(); tempVector2 = new Vector3(); this.entities = entities; tempQuaternion = new Quaternion(); quaternion = new Quaternion(); if(this instanceof Enemy || this instanceof Projectile) body.setCollisionFlags(body.getCollisionFlags()); int index = getNextIndex(); entities.put(index, this); body.setUserValue(index); world.addCollisionObject(body); boundingBox = instance.calculateBoundingBox(new BoundingBox()); //for(Node node: instance.nodes) //System.out.println(); }
@Override public void write(Kryo kryo, Output output, Quaternion quaternion) { output.writeFloat(quaternion.x); output.writeFloat(quaternion.y); output.writeFloat(quaternion.z); output.writeFloat(quaternion.w); }
@Override public Quaternion read(Kryo kryo, Input input, Class<Quaternion> type) { float x = input.readFloat(); float y = input.readFloat(); float z = input.readFloat(); float w = input.readFloat(); return new Quaternion(x, y, z, w); }
public void lookAt (Vector3 point) { Vector3 from = transform.getTranslation(new Vector3()).cpy(); Vector3 to = point.cpy(); Vector3 direction = to.sub(from).nor(); direction.set(-direction.x, -direction.y, -direction.z); Quaternion quaternion = new Quaternion(); Matrix4 instanceRotation = transform.cpy().mul(transform); instanceRotation.setToLookAt(direction, new Vector3(0,-1,0)); instanceRotation.rotate(0, 0, 1, 180); instanceRotation.getRotation(quaternion); transform.set(from, quaternion); }
@Override protected void reset() { node.translation.set(new Vector3()); node.rotation.set(new Quaternion()); node.scale.set(new Vector3()); translationDelta.set(Vector3.Zero); rotationDelta.set(Vector3.Zero); scaleDelta.set(Vector3.Zero); }
public void setRotation(Quaternion rotation) { rotationDelta.set( rotation.x - rotation.getPitch(), rotation.y - rotation.getYaw(), rotation.z - rotation.getRoll()); node.rotation.set(rotation); }
/** * Rotates the node. * * @param rotation the rotation quaternion added to the node's rotation. * @param apply if true, transforms will be calculated immediately. It's not recommended, instead use * {@link #applyTransforms() applyTransforms()} after you've completed all transforms on the node. */ public void rotate(Quaternion rotation, boolean apply) { node.rotation.add(rotation); if (apply) { applyTransforms(); } }
public void build() { translation = new Vector3(); rotation = new Quaternion(); vehicleComponent.addWheel(attachmentPoint, direction, axis, radius, suspensionRestLength, wheelFriction, frontWheel); }
public RigidBodyComponent() { state = State.NOT_INITIALIZED; translation = new Vector3(); scale = new Vector3(); rotation = new Quaternion(); initialTransform = new Matrix4(); }
@Override public void getPlane(Vector3 planeNormal, Vector3 planeSupport, int i) { // this plane might not be aligned... Stack stack = Stack.enter(); Quaternion plane = stack.allocQuaternion(); getPlaneEquation(plane, i); planeNormal.set(plane.x, plane.y, plane.z); Vector3 tmp = stack.allocVector3(); tmp.set(planeNormal).scl(-1); localGetSupportingVertex(tmp, planeSupport); stack.leave(); }
public void getPlaneEquation(Quaternion plane, int i) { Stack stack = Stack.enter(); Vector3 halfExtents = getHalfExtentsWithoutMargin(stack.allocVector3()); switch (i) { case 0: plane.set(1f, 0f, 0f, -halfExtents.x); break; case 1: plane.set(-1f, 0f, 0f, -halfExtents.x); break; case 2: plane.set(0f, 1f, 0f, -halfExtents.y); break; case 3: plane.set(0f, -1f, 0f, -halfExtents.y); break; case 4: plane.set(0f, 0f, 1f, -halfExtents.z); break; case 5: plane.set(0f, 0f, -1f, -halfExtents.z); break; default: assert (false); } stack.leave(); }
public static int closestAxis4 (Quaternion vec) { Quaternion tmp = new Quaternion(vec); tmp.x = Math.abs(tmp.x); tmp.y = Math.abs(tmp.y); tmp.z = Math.abs(tmp.z); tmp.w = Math.abs(tmp.w); return maxAxis4(tmp); }
public static void cross3 (Vector3 dest, Quaternion v1, Quaternion v2) { float x, y; x = v1.y * v2.z - v1.z * v2.y; y = v2.x * v1.z - v2.z * v1.x; dest.z = v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x; dest.x = x; dest.y = y; }
public static void calculateDiffAxisAngle (Transform transform0, Transform transform1, Vector3 axis, float[] angle) { // #ifdef USE_QUATERNION_DIFF // btQuaternion orn0 = transform0.getRotation(); // btQuaternion orn1a = transform1.getRotation(); // btQuaternion orn1 = orn0.farthest(orn1a); // btQuaternion dorn = orn1 * orn0.inverse(); // #else Stack stack = Stack.enter(); Matrix3 tmp = stack.allocMatrix3(); tmp.set(transform0.basis); MatrixUtil.invert(tmp); Matrix3 dmat = stack.allocMatrix3(); dmat.set(transform1.basis).mul(tmp); Quaternion dorn = stack.allocQuaternion(); MatrixUtil.getRotation(dmat, dorn); // #endif // floating point inaccuracy can lead to w component > 1..., which breaks dorn.nor(); angle[0] = QuaternionUtil.getAngle(dorn); axis.set(dorn.x, dorn.y, dorn.z); // TODO: probably not needed // axis[3] = btScalar(0.); // check for axis length float len = axis.len2(); if (len < BulletGlobals.FLT_EPSILON * BulletGlobals.FLT_EPSILON) { axis.set(1f, 0f, 0f); } else { axis.scl(1f / (float)Math.sqrt(len)); } stack.leave(); }
public static void mul (Quaternion q, Vector3 w) { float rx = q.w * w.x + q.y * w.z - q.z * w.y; float ry = q.w * w.y + q.z * w.x - q.x * w.z; float rz = q.w * w.z + q.x * w.y - q.y * w.x; float rw = -q.x * w.x - q.y * w.y - q.z * w.z; q.set(rx, ry, rz, rw); }
public static Vector3 quatRotate (Quaternion rotation, Vector3 v, Vector3 out) { Stack stack = Stack.enter(); Quaternion q = stack.alloc(rotation); QuaternionUtil.mul(q, v); Quaternion tmp = stack.allocQuaternion(); inverse(tmp, rotation); q.mul(tmp); out.set(q.x, q.y, q.z); stack.leave(); return out; }
public static void setEuler (Quaternion q, float yaw, float pitch, float roll) { float halfYaw = yaw * 0.5f; float halfPitch = pitch * 0.5f; float halfRoll = roll * 0.5f; float cosYaw = (float)Math.cos(halfYaw); float sinYaw = (float)Math.sin(halfYaw); float cosPitch = (float)Math.cos(halfPitch); float sinPitch = (float)Math.sin(halfPitch); float cosRoll = (float)Math.cos(halfRoll); float sinRoll = (float)Math.sin(halfRoll); q.x = cosRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw; q.y = cosRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw - sinRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw; q.z = sinRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw - cosRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw; q.w = cosRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw; }
public static boolean isPointInsidePlanes(ObjectArrayList<Quaternion> planeEquations, Vector3 point, float margin) { int numbrushes = planeEquations.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numbrushes; i++) { Quaternion N1 = planeEquations.getQuick(i); float dist = VectorUtil.dot3(N1, point) + N1.w - margin; if (dist > 0f) { return false; } } return true; }
public static boolean areVerticesBehindPlane(Quaternion planeNormal, ObjectArrayList<Vector3> vertices, float margin) { int numvertices = vertices.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numvertices; i++) { Vector3 N1 = vertices.getQuick(i); float dist = VectorUtil.dot3(planeNormal, N1) + planeNormal.w - margin; if (dist > 0f) { return false; } } return true; }
private static boolean notExist(Quaternion planeEquation, ObjectArrayList<Quaternion> planeEquations) { int numbrushes = planeEquations.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numbrushes; i++) { Quaternion N1 = planeEquations.getQuick(i); if (VectorUtil.dot3(planeEquation, N1) > 0.999f) { return false; } } return true; }
public Quaternion allocQuaternion() { types[sp++] = TYPE_QUATERNION; int pos = stackPositions[TYPE_QUATERNION]++; if (quat4fStack.size() <= pos) { quat4fStack.add(new Quaternion()); } return quat4fStack.get(pos); }