private void addFieldRow(CharacterItemDataPacket[] itemsToShow, PacketsSender packetsSender, int numberOfItems, int i, ItemPositionSupplier userInventoryTakeItemPositionSupplier) { HorizontalGroup buttonRow = new HorizontalGroup().space(0).pad(0).fill(); for (int j = 0; j < ROW_LENGTH; j++) { ButtonField<Item> field = createField(packetsSender, userInventoryTakeItemPositionSupplier); int nextIndex = i * ROW_LENGTH + j; buttonRow.addActor(field); containerFields.put(new Point(j, i), field); if (nextIndex < numberOfItems) { Item item = ItemFactory.produceItem(itemsToShow[nextIndex]); field.put(item); } } this.getContentTable().add(buttonRow); }
public QuickAccessDialog(String title) { super(title, Settings.DEFAULT_SKIN); HorizontalGroup buttons = new HorizontalGroup().padBottom(8).space(4).padTop(0).fill(); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { ButtonField<T> field = createField(i); quickAccessButtons.put(i, field); buttons.addActor(field); } add(buttons); row(); pack(); this.setHeight(80); this.setMovable(false); }
private void createUIElements() { space(0).pad(0).padRight(5).fill(); for (int i = 0; i < BUTTON_COLUMN_LENGTH; i++) { HorizontalGroup buttonRow = new HorizontalGroup().space(0).pad(0).fill(); for (int j = 0; j < BUTTON_ROW_LENGTH; j++) { Point cellPosition = new Point(j, i); ButtonField<Item> field = new ButtonField<Item>(); inventoryFields.put(cellPosition, field); buttonRow.addActor(field); } addActor(buttonRow); } padBottom(8); }
public InventoryPage(InventoryDialog inventoryDialog, int pageIndex) { this.inventoryDialog = inventoryDialog; space(0).pad(0).padRight(5).fill(); for (int i = 0; i < INVENTORY_FIELDS_HEIGHT_NUMBER; i++) { HorizontalGroup buttonRow = new HorizontalGroup().space(0).pad(0).fill(); for (int j = 0; j < INVENTORY_FIELDS_WIDTH_NUMBER; j++) { Point cellPosition = new Point(j, i); ItemInventoryPosition inventoryPosition = new ItemInventoryPosition(pageIndex, cellPosition); ButtonField<Item> button = createField(inventoryPosition); inventoryFields.put(cellPosition, button); buttonRow.addActor(button); } addActor(buttonRow); } padBottom(8); }
public KeyboardActor(final PlayScreen playScreen) { alphabet = new Texture("alphabet.png"); for (int i = 0 ; i < 26 ; i++) { if (i%7 == 0) { hg = new HorizontalGroup(); this.addActor(hg); } final char character = (char) (i + 65); button = new ImageButton(new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(alphabet, i * 90, 0, 90, 90))); button.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeListener.ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { playScreen.proposeLetter(character); } }); hg.addActor(button); } }
@Override protected void processForActor(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final Actor actor, final String rawAttributeData) { // Parsed if actor is not in a cell: if (actor instanceof Table) { final Value verticalValue = LmlUtilities.parseVerticalValue(parser, tag.getParent(), actor, rawAttributeData); ((Table) actor).padTop(verticalValue); } else if (actor instanceof VerticalGroup) { ((VerticalGroup) actor).padTop(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); } else if (actor instanceof HorizontalGroup) { ((HorizontalGroup) actor).padTop(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); } else if (actor instanceof Container<?>) { ((Container<?>) actor) .padTop(LmlUtilities.parseVerticalValue(parser, tag.getParent(), actor, rawAttributeData)); } else { // Exception: super.processForActor(parser, tag, actor, rawAttributeData); } }
@Override protected void processForActor(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final Actor actor, final String rawAttributeData) { // Parsed if actor is not in a cell: if (actor instanceof Table) { final Value horizontalValue = LmlUtilities.parseHorizontalValue(parser, tag.getParent(), actor, rawAttributeData); ((Table) actor).padLeft(horizontalValue); } else if (actor instanceof VerticalGroup) { ((VerticalGroup) actor).padLeft(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); } else if (actor instanceof HorizontalGroup) { ((HorizontalGroup) actor).padLeft(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); } else if (actor instanceof Container<?>) { ((Container<?>) actor) .padLeft(LmlUtilities.parseHorizontalValue(parser, tag.getParent(), actor, rawAttributeData)); } else { // Exception: super.processForActor(parser, tag, actor, rawAttributeData); } }
@Override protected void processForActor(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final Actor actor, final String rawAttributeData) { // Parsed if actor is not in a cell: if (actor instanceof Table) { final Value horizontalValue = LmlUtilities.parseHorizontalValue(parser, tag.getParent(), actor, rawAttributeData); ((Table) actor).padRight(horizontalValue); } else if (actor instanceof VerticalGroup) { ((VerticalGroup) actor).padRight(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); } else if (actor instanceof HorizontalGroup) { ((HorizontalGroup) actor).padRight(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); } else if (actor instanceof Container<?>) { ((Container<?>) actor) .padRight(LmlUtilities.parseHorizontalValue(parser, tag.getParent(), actor, rawAttributeData)); } else { // Exception: super.processForActor(parser, tag, actor, rawAttributeData); } }
@Override protected void processForActor(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final Actor actor, final String rawAttributeData) { // Applied if not in a cell. if (actor instanceof Label) { ((Label) actor).setAlignment(LmlUtilities.parseAlignment(parser, actor, rawAttributeData)); } else if (actor instanceof Table) { ((Table) actor).align(LmlUtilities.parseAlignment(parser, actor, rawAttributeData)); } else if (actor instanceof Image) { ((Image) actor).setAlign(LmlUtilities.parseAlignment(parser, actor, rawAttributeData)); } else if (actor instanceof HorizontalGroup) { ((HorizontalGroup) actor).align(LmlUtilities.parseAlignment(parser, actor, rawAttributeData)); } else if (actor instanceof VerticalGroup) { ((VerticalGroup) actor).align(LmlUtilities.parseAlignment(parser, actor, rawAttributeData)); } else if (actor instanceof TextField) { ((TextField) actor).setAlignment(LmlUtilities.parseAlignment(parser, actor, rawAttributeData)); } else { // Exception: super.processForActor(parser, tag, actor, rawAttributeData); } }
@Override protected void processForActor(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final Actor actor, final String rawAttributeData) { // Parsed if actor is not in a cell: if (actor instanceof Table) { final Value verticalValue = LmlUtilities.parseVerticalValue(parser, tag.getParent(), actor, rawAttributeData); ((Table) actor).padBottom(verticalValue); } else if (actor instanceof VerticalGroup) { ((VerticalGroup) actor).padBottom(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); } else if (actor instanceof HorizontalGroup) { ((HorizontalGroup) actor).padBottom(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); } else if (actor instanceof Container<?>) { ((Container<?>) actor) .padBottom(LmlUtilities.parseVerticalValue(parser, tag.getParent(), actor, rawAttributeData)); } else { // Exception: super.processForActor(parser, tag, actor, rawAttributeData); } }
/** * Konstruktor. */ public NavBar() { if (GameManagerFactory.getInstance().getPlatform().getOrientation() == Orientation.Landscape) { NAVBAR_HIGH = (int) (this.height * 0.25); NAVBAR_WITH = (int) (this.width); } else { NAVBAR_HIGH = (int) (this.height * 0.14); NAVBAR_WITH = (int) (this.width); } horizontalGroup = new HorizontalGroup(); horizontalGroup.reverse(); (this.width * 0.005)); horizontalGroup.setHeight(NAVBAR_HIGH); horizontalGroup.setWidth(NAVBAR_WITH); setToTop(); this.addActor(horizontalGroup); this.pack(); }
public static void setup(){ registerSerializer(Actor.class, new ActorSerializer()); registerSerializer(Scene.class, new SceneSerializer()); registerSerializer(ImageJson.class, new ImageJson()); registerSerializer(Label.class, new LabelSerializer()); registerSerializer(Button.class, new ButtonSerializer()); registerSerializer(TextButton.class, new TextButtonSerializer()); registerSerializer(Table.class, new TableSerializer()); registerSerializer(CheckBox.class, new CheckBoxSerializer()); registerSerializer(SelectBox.class, new SelectBoxSerializer()); registerSerializer(List.class, new ListSerializer()); registerSerializer(Slider.class, new SliderSerializer()); registerSerializer(TextField.class, new TextFieldSerializer()); registerSerializer(Touchpad.class, new TouchpadSerializer()); registerSerializer(Sprite.class, new SpriteSerializer()); registerSerializer(Dialog.class, new DialogSerializer()); registerSerializer(SplitPane.class, new SplitPaneSerializer()); registerSerializer(ScrollPane.class, new ScrollPaneSerializer()); registerSerializer(Stack.class, new StackSerializer()); registerSerializer(Tree.class, new TreeSerializer()); registerSerializer(Table.class, new TableSerializer()); registerSerializer(ButtonGroup.class, new ButtonGroupSerializer()); registerSerializer(HorizontalGroup.class, new HorizontalGroupSerializer()); registerSerializer(VerticalGroup.class, new VerticalGroupSerializer()); }
public TabPanel(Skin skin) { super(skin); = skin; buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup<Button>(); header = new HorizontalGroup(); body = new Container<Actor>(); tabs = new ArrayList<Tab>(); buttonGroup.setMaxCheckCount(1); buttonGroup.setMinCheckCount(1); buttonGroup.setUncheckLast(true); header.wrap(true); header.rowAlign(Align.left); add(header).expandX().fillX().left(); row(); add(body).expand().fill(); body.fill(); }
public ScopePanel(Skin skin) { super(skin); = skin; buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup<TextButton>(); hPanel = new HorizontalGroup(); hPanel.wrap(true); hPanel.rowAlign(Align.left); buttonGroup.setMaxCheckCount(1); buttonGroup.setMinCheckCount(1); buttonGroup.setUncheckLast(true); hPanel.addActor(new Label("Scope: ", skin)); addButton(WORLD_SCOPE); addButton(SCENE_SCOPE); addButton(ACTOR_SCOPE); add(hPanel).expandX().fillX().center(); buttonGroup.getButtons().get(2).setChecked(true); }
private Actor generateTop(Item item) { HorizontalGroup group = new HorizontalGroup(); group.align(Align.left); IconWidget icon = new IconWidget(item, 0); icon.setHandle( DefaultIconHandle() { @Override public boolean isDraggable(int amount) { return false; } @Override public boolean isVisible(int currentAmount) { return false; } }); group.addActor(icon); HorizontalGroup wrapper = new HorizontalGroup(); Label caption = new Label(Bundles.items.get(item.getId().toString()), Styles.LBL_ITEM); caption.setColor(item.getRarity().getColor()); icon.setWidth(caption.getHeight() * 4); icon.setHeight(caption.getHeight() * 4); wrapper.addActor(caption); wrapper.padLeft(15f); group.addActor(wrapper); return group; }
public CardViewBig(CardshifterGame game, CardInfoMessage cardInfo) { = new HashMap<String, Object>(cardInfo.getProperties()); = cardInfo.getId(); table = new Table(; table.add((String) cardInfo.getProperties().get("name")); costs = new HorizontalGroup(); costs.addActor(new Label("A",; table.add(costs).row(); // table.add(image); Table textTable = new Table(; textTable.add("Abilities").row(); textTable.add("Effect").row(); textTable.add("Flavortext").bottom(); table.add(textTable).colspan(2).row(); table.add("Type").left(); gives = new HorizontalGroup(); gives.addActor(new Label("ABC",; table.add(gives).right(); }
@Override protected void processForActor(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final Actor actor, final String rawAttributeData) { // Parsed if actor is not in a cell: if (actor instanceof VerticalGroup) { ((VerticalGroup) actor).space(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); } else if (actor instanceof HorizontalGroup) { ((HorizontalGroup) actor).space(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); } else { // Exception: super.processForActor(parser, tag, actor, rawAttributeData); } }
public LanguageSelectionScreen(MissingWords missingWords) { super(missingWords); /* Creamos el fondo de pantalla */ background = new Background(MissingWords.myManager.get("background.png", Texture.class)); stage.addActor(background); /* Creamos los botones con los idiomas */ buttonGerman = new ImageButton(new TextureRegionDrawable( new TextureRegion(MissingWords.myManager.get("Germany-flag.png", Texture.class)))); buttonGerman.addListener(new MenuListener(missingWords, "german")); buttonEnglish = new ImageButton(new TextureRegionDrawable( new TextureRegion(MissingWords.myManager.get("United-kingdom-flag.png", Texture.class)))); buttonEnglish.addListener(new MenuListener(missingWords, "english")); /* Creamos el grupo que almacena los botones */ languageBox = new HorizontalGroup();; // Espacio entre botones /* A�adimos los botones al grupo */ languageBox.addActor(buttonGerman); languageBox.addActor(buttonEnglish); /* Posicionamos el grupo en el centro de la pantalla */ languageBox.setPosition((MissingWords.VIEWPORT_WIDTH - languageBox.getMinWidth()) / 2, (MissingWords.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT - languageBox.getMaxHeight()) / 2); stage.addActor(languageBox); // A�adimos el grupo al escenario }
public DefaultZoneView(CardshifterClientContext context, ZoneMessage message, Map<Integer, EntityView> viewMap) { super(message); = new HorizontalGroup();;; this.context = context; for (int id : message.getEntities()) { viewMap.put(id, addCard(new CardInfoMessage(message.getId(), id, null))); } }
public ResourceView(Skin skin, List<ResView> views) { = new HorizontalGroup(); = skin; this.views = new ArrayList<ResView>(views); for (ResView view : views) {; } }
/** * @return number of actors in the table. */ public Integer countElements() { int count = 0; HorizontalGroup group; for (int i = 0; i < this.getRowCount(); i++) { group = this.getGroupInRow(i); count += group.getChildren().size; } return count; }
/** * Removes all combat objects in table, but doe snot remove * the horizontal groups in the vertical groups. */ public void clearObjects() { HorizontalGroup group; for(int i = 0; i < this.getChildren().size; i++) { group = this.getGroupInRow(i); group.clearChildren(); } }
@Test public void testScturctureIs3InARow() { Table2D table = new Table2D(3); //System.out.println("testScturctureIs3InARow"); table.add(objectA); table.add(objectB); table.add(objectC); HorizontalGroup groups = (HorizontalGroup)table.getChildren().get(0); assertThat(groups.getChildren().size, is(3)); }
public DialogScreen(OdysseeDesMaths game, EndButtonsListener endButtonsListener) { = game; this.endButtonsListener = endButtonsListener; viewport = new StretchViewport(WIDTH, HEIGHT); stage = new Stage(viewport); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); skin = new Skin(); skin.addRegions(Assets.getManager().get(Assets.UI_SCROLL, TextureAtlas.class)); skin.addRegions(Assets.getManager().get(Assets.UI_ORANGE, TextureAtlas.class)); mainTable = new Table(); mainTable.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(mainTable); leftCharGroup = new HorizontalGroup(); rightCharGroup = new HorizontalGroup();;; charsImages = new Image[MAX_CHARS]; for (int i=0; i<MAX_CHARS; i++) { charsImages[i] = new Image(); if (i < MAX_CHARS/2) { leftCharGroup.addActor(charsImages[i]); } else { rightCharGroup.addActor(charsImages[i]); } } middleImage = new Image(); dialogTable = new Table(); dialogTable.background(skin.getDrawable("scroll_background")); buttonsGroup = new HorizontalGroup();; buttonStyle = new TextButton.TextButtonStyle(); buttonStyle.up = skin.getDrawable("button"); buttonStyle.down = skin.getDrawable("button_pressed"); buttonStyle.font = FONT_12; buttonStyle.fontColor = Color.WHITE; buildGUI(); displayAction = new DisplayTextAction(); endButtonsList = new ArrayList<>(); //stage.setDebugAll(true); }
@Override public Class<HorizontalGroup> getHandledType() { return HorizontalGroup.class; }
@Override public void process(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final HorizontalGroup actor, final String rawAttributeData) { actor.reverse(parser.parseBoolean(rawAttributeData, actor)); }
@Override public void process(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final HorizontalGroup actor, final String rawAttributeData) { actor.padLeft(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); }
@Override public void process(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final HorizontalGroup actor, final String rawAttributeData) {, actor)); }
@Override public void process(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final HorizontalGroup actor, final String rawAttributeData) { actor.padBottom(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); }
@Override public void process(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final HorizontalGroup actor, final String rawAttributeData) { actor.fill(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); }
@Override public void process(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final HorizontalGroup actor, final String rawAttributeData) { actor.padTop(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); }
@Override public void process(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final HorizontalGroup actor, final String rawAttributeData) { actor.pad(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); }
@Override public void process(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final HorizontalGroup actor, final String rawAttributeData) { actor.align(LmlUtilities.parseAlignment(parser, actor, rawAttributeData)); }