/** * Konstruktor. */ public NavBar() { if (GameManagerFactory.getInstance().getPlatform().getOrientation() == Orientation.Landscape) { NAVBAR_HIGH = (int) (this.height * 0.25); NAVBAR_WITH = (int) (this.width); } else { NAVBAR_HIGH = (int) (this.height * 0.14); NAVBAR_WITH = (int) (this.width); } horizontalGroup = new HorizontalGroup(); horizontalGroup.reverse(); horizontalGroup.space((float) (this.width * 0.005)); horizontalGroup.setHeight(NAVBAR_HIGH); horizontalGroup.setWidth(NAVBAR_WITH); setToTop(); this.addActor(horizontalGroup); this.pack(); }
@Override public SyncProperty next() { JsonValue val = it.next(); String clazz = val.getString("class"); SyncProperty result = null; if (clazz.equals("Accelerometer")) { result = new SyncProperty.Accelerometer(); } else if (clazz.equals("KeyPressed")) { result = new SyncProperty.KeyPressed(); } else if (clazz.equals("PointerEvent")) { result = new SyncProperty.PointerEvent(); } else if (clazz.equals("KeyEvent")) { result = new SyncProperty.KeyEvent(); } else if (clazz.equals("Orientation")) { result = new SyncProperty.Orientation(); } else if (clazz.equals("Pointer")) { result = new SyncProperty.Pointer(); } else if (clazz.equals("Button")) { result = new SyncProperty.Button(); } builder.build(result, val); return result; }
/** * Scroll the background across the frame duration. * */ @Override public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) { scrollTimer += Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime(); float scaled = direction * frameDurationFactor * scrollTimer; if (scrollTimer > frameDuration) { scrollTimer = 0.0f; } if (orientation == Orientation.Landscape) { setU(scaled); setU2(scaled + 1); } else { setV(scaled); setV2(scaled + 1); } super.draw(batch); }
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent paramSensorEvent) { if (paramSensorEvent.sensor.getType() == 1) { if (this.nativeOrientation != Input.Orientation.Portrait) break label69; System.arraycopy(paramSensorEvent.values, 0, this.accelerometerValues, 0, this.accelerometerValues.length); } while (true) { if (paramSensorEvent.sensor.getType() == 2) System.arraycopy(paramSensorEvent.values, 0, this.magneticFieldValues, 0, this.magneticFieldValues.length); return; label69: this.accelerometerValues[0] = paramSensorEvent.values[1]; this.accelerometerValues[1] = (-paramSensorEvent.values[0]); this.accelerometerValues[2] = paramSensorEvent.values[2]; } }
@Override public void setOrientation(Orientation orientation) { active = orientation; if (orientation == Orientation.Landscape) { DisplayMode[] DisplayModes = Gdx.graphics.getDisplayModes(); Gdx.graphics.setDisplayMode(DisplayModes[0].height, DisplayModes[0].width, false); activity.setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); }else{ activity.setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); } }
@Override public void setOrientation(Orientation orientation) { active=orientation; if(orientation == Orientation.Landscape) app.getGraphics().setDisplayMode(640, 360, false); else app.getGraphics().setDisplayMode(360,640, false); }
/** * Über diesen Konstruktor kann eine {@link Orientation} übergeben werden. * * @param orientation * {@link Orientation} */ public Game(final Orientation orientation) { super(orientation); GameNavBar nav = new GameNavBar(); this.overlay.setNavigationBar(nav); chest = new Chest(overlay); }
/** * Mittels diesem Konsturcktor kann eine {@link Orientation} übergeben * werden. * * @param orientation * orientation */ public Level(final Orientation orientation) { GameManagerFactory.getInstance().getPlatform().setOrientation(orientation); height = GameManagerFactory.getInstance().getSettings().getVirtualScreenHeight(); width = GameManagerFactory.getInstance().getSettings().getVirtualScreenWidth(); createViewport(); audioManager = AudioManagerImpl.getInstance(); AssetManager.loadSounds("ui"); }
/** * Konstruktor. */ public Popup() { if (GameManagerFactory.getInstance().getPlatform().getOrientation() == Orientation.Landscape) { popupHeight = 0; popupWidth = width / 2; content.setHeight(popupHeight); content.setWidth(popupWidth); content.setX(popupWidth / 2); } else { popupHeight = 0; popupWidth = width - 100; content.setHeight(popupHeight); content.setWidth(popupWidth); content.setX(50); } this.setHeight(height); this.setWidth(width); // Setzen eines neuen KeyDown Listener um Back Keys abzufangen. So wird // nur das Popups disposed. this.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean keyDown(final InputEvent event, final int keycode) { if ((keycode == Keys.ESCAPE) || (keycode == Keys.BACK)) { Gdx.app.log("Popup", "Back Key Detected"); getOverlay().disposePopup(); return true; } return false; } }); createBackgroundImage(); createContentGroup(); super.addActor(content); fadeIn(); }
/** * Wenn Sich die Orientation gedreht hat ändert sich ändert sich auch die * Breite. * * @return Breite */ @Override public int getVirtualScreenWidth() { if (GameManagerFactory.getInstance().getPlatform().getOrientation() == Orientation.Portrait) { return VIRTUALWIDTH; } else { return VIRTUALHIGHT; } }
/** * Wenn Sich die Orientation gedreht hat ändert sich ändert sich auch die * Höhe. * * @return Höhe */ @Override public int getVirtualScreenHeight() { if (GameManagerFactory.getInstance().getPlatform().getOrientation() == Orientation.Portrait) { return VIRTUALHIGHT; } else { return VIRTUALWIDTH; } }
private StaticProperties readStaticValues(StaticProperties values) { JsonValue json = reader.parse(staticPropertiesFile.reader()); values.accelerometerAvailable = json .getBoolean("accelerometerAvailable"); values.compassAvailable = json.getBoolean("compassAvailable"); values.hasMultitouch = json.getBoolean("hasMultitouch"); values.keyboardAvailable = json.getBoolean("keyboardAvailable"); values.nativeOrientation = Orientation.valueOf((json .getString("nativeOrientation"))); values.onscreenKeyboard = json.getBoolean("onscreenKeyboard"); values.vibrator = json.getBoolean("vibrator"); return values; }
@Override public void visitOrientation(SyncProperty.Orientation orientation) { orientation.azimuth = json.getFloat("azimuth"); orientation.orientation = json.getInt("orientation"); orientation.pitch = json.getFloat("pitch"); orientation.roll = json.getFloat("roll"); JsonValue matrixJson = json.get("rotationMatrix"); float[] matrix = new float[16]; int i = 0; for (JsonValue value : matrixJson) { matrix[i] = value.asFloat(); i++; } orientation.rotationMatrix = matrix; }
/** * Build view elements. * */ private void buildElements() { // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Background. // --------------------------------------------------------------- backGroundSprite = new BackgroundSprite(background, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight(), BACKGROUND_FRAME_DURATION, Orientation.Portrait, -1); }
public AndroidInput(AndroidApplication paramAndroidApplication, View paramView, AndroidApplicationConfiguration paramAndroidApplicationConfiguration) { paramView.setOnKeyListener(this); paramView.setOnTouchListener(this); paramView.setFocusable(true); paramView.setFocusableInTouchMode(true); paramView.requestFocus(); paramView.requestFocusFromTouch(); this.config = paramAndroidApplicationConfiguration; this.onscreenKeyboard = new AndroidOnscreenKeyboard(paramAndroidApplication, new Handler(), this); while (i < this.realId.length) { this.realId[i] = -1; i++; } this.handle = new Handler(); this.app = paramAndroidApplication; this.sleepTime = paramAndroidApplicationConfiguration.touchSleepTime; if (Integer.parseInt(Build.VERSION.SDK) >= 5); for (this.touchHandler = new AndroidMultiTouchHandler(); ; this.touchHandler = new AndroidSingleTouchHandler()) { this.hasMultitouch = this.touchHandler.supportsMultitouch(this.app); this.vibrator = ((Vibrator)paramAndroidApplication.getSystemService("vibrator")); int j = getRotation(); Graphics.DisplayMode localDisplayMode = this.app.graphics.getDesktopDisplayMode(); if (((j == 0) || (j == 180)) && ((localDisplayMode.width < localDisplayMode.height) && (((j != 90) && (j != 270)) || (localDisplayMode.width > localDisplayMode.height)))) break; this.nativeOrientation = Input.Orientation.Landscape; return; } this.nativeOrientation = Input.Orientation.Portrait; }
@Override public Orientation getOrientation() { return active; }
@Override public void setOrientation(final Orientation orientation) { Gdx.app.log("Platform", "Diese Platform unterstützt diese setOrientation nicht"); }
@Override public Orientation getOrientation() { return Orientation.Portrait; }
/** * Konstruktor. */ public Parcours() { super(Orientation.Landscape); gameOperator = new GameOperator(new Stage(this.getViewport(), this.getSpriteBatch()), this.getViewport(), this.width, this.height, chest, this.audioManager, this.overlay); }
/** * Constructor. */ public Level() { this(Orientation.Portrait); }
void visitOrientation( com.badlogic.gdx.automation.recorder.InputProperty.SyncProperty.Orientation orientation);
public void pollPlayerInput(float delta, Level level, Player player) { int xPosition = player.getPositionX(); int yPosition = player.getPositionY(); if ((Gdx.app.getType() == ApplicationType.Android) && (Gdx.input.isPeripheralAvailable(Peripheral.Accelerometer))) { float accelX = Gdx.input.getAccelerometerX(); float accelY = Gdx.input.getAccelerometerY(); // Game is in landscape, so rotate axes when default orientation is portrait if (Gdx.input.getNativeOrientation() == Orientation.Portrait) { accelX = Gdx.input.getAccelerometerY(); accelY = Gdx.input.getAccelerometerX(); } float sensibility = 4.0f; if (Math.abs(accelX) <= 1.0f && Math.abs(accelY) <= 1.0f) { mAccelerometerReadyForPolling = true; return; } if (mAccelerometerReadyForPolling) { if (accelX > sensibility) { xPosition += 64; mAccelerometerReadyForPolling = false; } else if (accelX < -sensibility) { xPosition -= 64; mAccelerometerReadyForPolling = false; } else if (accelY > sensibility) { yPosition -= 64; mAccelerometerReadyForPolling = false; } else if (accelY < -sensibility) { yPosition += 64; mAccelerometerReadyForPolling = false; } } } else { if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.RIGHT)) { xPosition += 64; } else if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.LEFT)) { xPosition -= 64; } else if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.UP)) { yPosition += 64; } else if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.DOWN)) { yPosition -= 64; } } handlePlayer(xPosition, yPosition); }
/** * Create scrolling background sprite. * * @param texture * The texture to scroll. * @param width * Texture width. * @param height * Texture height. * @param frameDuration * Frame duration seconds. * @param orientation * Portrait==vertical, Landscape=horizontal. * @param direction * Direction of scroll 1 or -1. */ public BackgroundSprite(Texture texture, float width, float height, float frameDuration, Orientation orientation, int direction) { super(texture, (int)width, (int)height); this.frameDuration = frameDuration; this.orientation = orientation; this.direction = direction; // Do this once so we don't have to do it repeatedly. this.frameDurationFactor = 1.0f / frameDuration; scrollTimer = 0.0f; texture.setWrap(TextureWrap.Repeat, TextureWrap.Repeat); }
AndroidInput$SensorListener(AndroidInput paramAndroidInput, Input.Orientation paramOrientation, float[] paramArrayOfFloat1, float[] paramArrayOfFloat2) { this.accelerometerValues = paramArrayOfFloat1; this.magneticFieldValues = paramArrayOfFloat2; this.nativeOrientation = paramOrientation; }
public final Input.Orientation getNativeOrientation() { return this.nativeOrientation; }
public Input.Orientation getNativeOrientation() { return Input.Orientation.Landscape; }
/** * Setzt die Orientation. Portrait oder Landscape. (Vor allem für Android * wichtig) * * @param orientation * {@link Orientation} */ public void setOrientation(Orientation orientation);
/** * Liefert die {@link Orientation}. * * @return {@link Orientation} */ public Orientation getOrientation();