Java 类com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ModelLoaderFactory 实例源码

项目:GitHub    文件   
private <T, Z> void registerFailFactory(Class<T> failModel, Class<Z> failResource)
    throws Exception {
  DataFetcher<Z> failFetcher = mock(DataFetcher.class);
  doAnswer(new Util.CallDataReady<>(null))
      .loadData(isA(Priority.class), isA(DataFetcher.DataCallback.class));
  ModelLoader<T, Z> failLoader = mock(ModelLoader.class);
  when(failLoader.buildLoadData(isA(failModel), anyInt(), anyInt(), isA(Options.class)))
      .thenReturn(new ModelLoader.LoadData<>(mock(Key.class), failFetcher));
  ModelLoaderFactory<T, Z> failFactory = mock(ModelLoaderFactory.class);

  Glide.get(getContext()).getRegistry().prepend(failModel, failResource, failFactory);
项目:GitHub    文件   
private static <X, Y> void registerMockModelLoader(Class<X> modelClass, Class<Y> dataClass,
      Y loadedData, Registry registry) {
  DataFetcher<Y> mockStreamFetcher = mock(DataFetcher.class);
  try {
    doAnswer(new Util.CallDataReady<>(loadedData))
        .loadData(isA(Priority.class), isA(DataFetcher.DataCallback.class));
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
  ModelLoader<X, Y> mockUrlLoader = mock(ModelLoader.class);
  when(mockUrlLoader.buildLoadData(isA(modelClass), anyInt(), anyInt(), isA(Options.class)))
      .thenReturn(new ModelLoader.LoadData<>(mock(Key.class), mockStreamFetcher));
  ModelLoaderFactory<X, Y> mockUrlLoaderFactory = mock(ModelLoaderFactory.class);

  registry.replace(modelClass, dataClass, mockUrlLoaderFactory);
项目:GitHub    文件   
private <T, Z> void registerFailFactory(Class<T> failModel, Class<Z> failResource) {
  DataFetcher<Z> failFetcher = mock(DataFetcher.class);
  doAnswer(new Util.CallDataReady<>(null))
      .loadData(isA(Priority.class), isA(DataFetcher.DataCallback.class));
  ModelLoader<T, Z> failLoader = mock(ModelLoader.class);
  when(failLoader.buildLoadData(isA(failModel), anyInt(), anyInt(), isA(Options.class)))
      .thenReturn(new ModelLoader.LoadData<>(mock(Key.class), failFetcher));
  ModelLoaderFactory<T, Z> failFactory = mock(ModelLoaderFactory.class);

  Glide.get(context).getRegistry().prepend(failModel, failResource, failFactory);
项目:GitHub    文件   
private static <X, Y> void registerMockModelLoader(Class<X> modelClass, Class<Y> dataClass,
      Y loadedData, Registry registry) {
  DataFetcher<Y> mockStreamFetcher = mock(DataFetcher.class);
  try {
    doAnswer(new Util.CallDataReady<>(loadedData))
        .loadData(isA(Priority.class), isA(DataFetcher.DataCallback.class));
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
  ModelLoader<X, Y> mockUrlLoader = mock(ModelLoader.class);
  when(mockUrlLoader.buildLoadData(isA(modelClass), anyInt(), anyInt(), isA(Options.class)))
      .thenReturn(new ModelLoader.LoadData<>(mock(Key.class), mockStreamFetcher));
  ModelLoaderFactory<X, Y> mockUrlLoaderFactory = mock(ModelLoaderFactory.class);

  registry.replace(modelClass, dataClass, mockUrlLoaderFactory);
项目:GitHub    文件   
private <T> void registerMockStreamModelLoader(final Class<T> modelClass) {
  ModelLoader<T, InputStream> modelLoader = mockStreamModelLoader(modelClass);
  ModelLoaderFactory<T, InputStream> modelLoaderFactory = mock(ModelLoaderFactory.class);

      .prepend(modelClass, InputStream.class, modelLoaderFactory);
项目:GitHub    文件   
public static synchronized <T> WaitModel<T> waitOn(T model) {
  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ModelLoaderFactory<WaitModel<T>, InputStream> streamFactory =
      new Factory<>((Class<T>) model.getClass(), InputStream.class);
      .replace(WaitModel.class, InputStream.class, streamFactory);

  return new WaitModel<>(model);
项目:GitHub    文件   
private <T> void registerMockStreamModelLoader(final Class<T> modelClass) {
  ModelLoader<T, InputStream> modelLoader = mockStreamModelLoader(modelClass);
  ModelLoaderFactory<T, InputStream> modelLoaderFactory = mock(ModelLoaderFactory.class);

      .prepend(modelClass, InputStream.class, modelLoaderFactory);
项目:TWiStErRob    文件   
protected void onResume() {

    FileDescriptorUriLoader.Factory originalFactory = new FileDescriptorUriLoader.Factory();
    ModelLoaderFactory<Uri, ParcelFileDescriptor> wrapperFactory = new ModelLoaderFactoryWrapper<>(originalFactory, this);
    Glide.get(this).register(Uri.class, ParcelFileDescriptor.class, wrapperFactory);
项目:GitHub    文件   
public <Model, Data> Registry prepend(Class<Model> modelClass, Class<Data> dataClass,
    ModelLoaderFactory<Model, Data> factory) {
  modelLoaderRegistry.prepend(modelClass, dataClass, factory);
  return this;
项目:GitHub    文件   
public <Model, Data> Registry replace(Class<Model> modelClass, Class<Data> dataClass,
    ModelLoaderFactory<Model, Data> factory) {
  modelLoaderRegistry.replace(modelClass, dataClass, factory);
  return this;
项目:RecyclerAdapterBase    文件   
public ModelLoaderFactory<GlideUrl, InputStream> createUrlLoaderFactory() {
    return new VolleyUrlLoader.Factory(getRequestQueue());
项目:RecyclerAdapterBase    文件   
public static ModelLoaderFactory<GlideUrl, InputStream> createUrlLoaderFactory() {
    if(sExecutor instanceof GlideLoaderFactory) {
        return ((GlideLoaderFactory)sExecutor).createUrlLoaderFactory();
    return null;
项目:glide-support    文件   
 * {@link Glide#register(Class, Class, ModelLoaderFactory) Register}'s params should be
 * {@code (Class<T>, Class<Y>, ModelLoaderFactory<? super T, Y>)}. This method works around that.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused"})
private static <T> ModelLoaderFactory<T, InputStream> superFactory(
        ModelLoaderFactory<? super T, InputStream> factory, Class<T> modelType) {
    return (ModelLoaderFactory<T, InputStream>)factory;
项目:toshi-android-client    文件   
 * {@link Glide#register(Class, Class, ModelLoaderFactory) Register}'s params should be
 * {@code (Class<T>, Class<Y>, ModelLoaderFactory<? super T, Y>)}. This method works around that.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused"})
private static <T> ModelLoaderFactory<T, InputStream> superFactory(
        ModelLoaderFactory<? super T, InputStream> factory, Class<T> modelType) {
    return (ModelLoaderFactory<T, InputStream>)factory;
项目:TWiStErRob    文件   
public ModelLoaderFactoryWrapper(ModelLoaderFactory<T, Y> wrapped, ExceptionHandler handler) {
    this.wrapped = wrapped;
    this.handler = handler;
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Removes all default and previously registered {@link ModelLoaderFactory}s for the given data
 * and model class and replaces all of them with the single {@link ModelLoader} provided.
 * <p>If you're attempting to add additional functionality or add a backup that should run only
 * after the default {@link ModelLoader}s run, use
 * {@link #append(Class, Class, ModelLoaderFactory)}. This method should be used only when you
 * want to ensure that Glide's default {@link ModelLoader}s do not run.
 * <p>One good use case for this method is when you want to replace Glide's default networking
 * library with your OkHttp, Volley, or your own implementation. Using
 * {@link #prepend(Class, Class, ModelLoaderFactory)} or
 * {@link #append(Class, Class, ModelLoaderFactory)} may still allow Glide's default networking
 * library to run in some cases. Using this method will ensure that only your networking library
 * will run and that the request will fail otherwise.
 * @see #prepend(Class, Class, ModelLoaderFactory)
 * @see #append(Class, Class, ModelLoaderFactory)
 * @param modelClass The model class (e.g. URL, file path).
 * @param dataClass  the data class (e.g. {@link},
 * {@link}).
public <Model, Data> Registry replace(
    Class<Model> modelClass,
    Class<Data> dataClass,
    ModelLoaderFactory<? extends Model, ? extends Data> factory) {
  modelLoaderRegistry.replace(modelClass, dataClass, factory);
  return this;
项目:saarang-iosched    文件   
 * Use the given factory to build a {@link ModelLoader} for models of the given class. Generally the best use of
 * this method is to replace one of the default factories or add an implementation for other similar low level
 * models. Typically the {@link ModelRequest#using(StreamModelLoader)} or
 * {@link ModelRequest#using(FileDescriptorModelLoader)} syntax is preferred because it directly links the model
 * with the ModelLoader being used to load it. Any factory replaced by the given factory will have its
 * {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()}} method called.
 * <p>
 *     Note - If a factory already exists for the given class, it will be replaced. If that factory is not being
 *     used for any other model class, {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()}
 *     will be called.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     Note - The factory must not be an anonymous inner class of an Activity or another object that cannot be
 *     retained statically.
 * </p>
 * @see ModelRequest#using(FileDescriptorModelLoader)
 * @see ModelRequest#using(StreamModelLoader)
 * @param modelClass The model class.
 * @param resourceClass The resource class the model loader will translate the model type into.
 * @param factory The factory to use.
 * @param <T> The type of the model.
 * @param <Y> the type of the resource.
public <T, Y> void register(Class<T> modelClass, Class<Y> resourceClass, ModelLoaderFactory<T, Y> factory) {
    ModelLoaderFactory<T, Y> removed = loaderFactory.register(modelClass, resourceClass, factory);
    if (removed != null) {
项目:saarang-iosched    文件   
 * Removes any {@link ModelLoaderFactory} registered for the given model and resource classes if one exists. If a
 * {@link ModelLoaderFactory} is removed, its {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()}} method will be called.
 * @param modelClass The model class.
 * @param resourceClass The resource class.
 * @param <T> The type of the model.
 * @param <Y> The type of the resource.
public <T, Y> void unregister(Class<T> modelClass, Class<Y> resourceClass) {
    ModelLoaderFactory<T, Y> removed = loaderFactory.unregister(modelClass, resourceClass);
    if (removed != null) {
项目:AppDevFestSudeste2015    文件   
 * Use the given factory to build a {@link ModelLoader} for models of the given class. Generally the best use of
 * this method is to replace one of the default factories or add an implementation for other similar low level
 * models. Typically the {@link ModelRequest#using(StreamModelLoader)} or
 * {@link ModelRequest#using(FileDescriptorModelLoader)} syntax is preferred because it directly links the model
 * with the ModelLoader being used to load it. Any factory replaced by the given factory will have its
 * {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()}} method called.
 * <p>
 *     Note - If a factory already exists for the given class, it will be replaced. If that factory is not being
 *     used for any other model class, {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()}
 *     will be called.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     Note - The factory must not be an anonymous inner class of an Activity or another object that cannot be
 *     retained statically.
 * </p>
 * @see ModelRequest#using(FileDescriptorModelLoader)
 * @see ModelRequest#using(StreamModelLoader)
 * @param modelClass The model class.
 * @param resourceClass The resource class the model loader will translate the model type into.
 * @param factory The factory to use.
 * @param <T> The type of the model.
 * @param <Y> the type of the resource.
public <T, Y> void register(Class<T> modelClass, Class<Y> resourceClass, ModelLoaderFactory<T, Y> factory) {
    ModelLoaderFactory<T, Y> removed = loaderFactory.register(modelClass, resourceClass, factory);
    if (removed != null) {
项目:AppDevFestSudeste2015    文件   
 * Removes any {@link ModelLoaderFactory} registered for the given model and resource classes if one exists. If a
 * {@link ModelLoaderFactory} is removed, its {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()}} method will be called.
 * @param modelClass The model class.
 * @param resourceClass The resource class.
 * @param <T> The type of the model.
 * @param <Y> The type of the resource.
public <T, Y> void unregister(Class<T> modelClass, Class<Y> resourceClass) {
    ModelLoaderFactory<T, Y> removed = loaderFactory.unregister(modelClass, resourceClass);
    if (removed != null) {
项目:devfestnorte-app    文件   
 * Use the given factory to build a {@link ModelLoader} for models of the given class. Generally the best use of
 * this method is to replace one of the default factories or add an implementation for other similar low level
 * models. Typically the {@link ModelRequest#using(StreamModelLoader)} or
 * {@link ModelRequest#using(FileDescriptorModelLoader)} syntax is preferred because it directly links the model
 * with the ModelLoader being used to load it. Any factory replaced by the given factory will have its
 * {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()}} method called.
 * <p>
 *     Note - If a factory already exists for the given class, it will be replaced. If that factory is not being
 *     used for any other model class, {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()}
 *     will be called.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     Note - The factory must not be an anonymous inner class of an Activity or another object that cannot be
 *     retained statically.
 * </p>
 * @see ModelRequest#using(FileDescriptorModelLoader)
 * @see ModelRequest#using(StreamModelLoader)
 * @param modelClass The model class.
 * @param resourceClass The resource class the model loader will translate the model type into.
 * @param factory The factory to use.
 * @param <T> The type of the model.
 * @param <Y> the type of the resource.
public <T, Y> void register(Class<T> modelClass, Class<Y> resourceClass, ModelLoaderFactory<T, Y> factory) {
    ModelLoaderFactory<T, Y> removed = loaderFactory.register(modelClass, resourceClass, factory);
    if (removed != null) {
项目:devfestnorte-app    文件   
 * Removes any {@link ModelLoaderFactory} registered for the given model and resource classes if one exists. If a
 * {@link ModelLoaderFactory} is removed, its {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()}} method will be called.
 * @param modelClass The model class.
 * @param resourceClass The resource class.
 * @param <T> The type of the model.
 * @param <Y> The type of the resource.
public <T, Y> void unregister(Class<T> modelClass, Class<Y> resourceClass) {
    ModelLoaderFactory<T, Y> removed = loaderFactory.unregister(modelClass, resourceClass);
    if (removed != null) {
项目:saarang-iosched    文件   
 * Use the given factory to build a {@link ModelLoader} for models of the given class. Generally the best use of
 * this method is to replace one of the default factories or add an implementation for other similar low level
 * models. Typically the {@link ModelRequest#using(StreamModelLoader)} or
 * {@link ModelRequest#using(FileDescriptorModelLoader)} syntax is preferred because it directly links the model
 * with the ModelLoader being used to load it. Any factory replaced by the given factory will have its
 * {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()}} method called.
 * <p>
 *     Note - If a factory already exists for the given class, it will be replaced. If that factory is not being
 *     used for any other model class, {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()}
 *     will be called.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *     Note - The factory must not be an anonymous inner class of an Activity or another object that cannot be
 *     retained statically.
 * </p>
 * @see ModelRequest#using(FileDescriptorModelLoader)
 * @see ModelRequest#using(StreamModelLoader)
 * @param modelClass The model class.
 * @param resourceClass The resource class the model loader will translate the model type into.
 * @param factory The factory to use.
 * @param <T> The type of the model.
 * @param <Y> the type of the resource.
public <T, Y> void register(Class<T> modelClass, Class<Y> resourceClass, ModelLoaderFactory<T, Y> factory) {
    ModelLoaderFactory<T, Y> removed = loaderFactory.register(modelClass, resourceClass, factory);
    if (removed != null) {
项目:saarang-iosched    文件   
 * Removes any {@link ModelLoaderFactory} registered for the given model and resource classes if one exists. If a
 * {@link ModelLoaderFactory} is removed, its {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()}} method will be called.
 * @param modelClass The model class.
 * @param resourceClass The resource class.
 * @param <T> The type of the model.
 * @param <Y> The type of the resource.
public <T, Y> void unregister(Class<T> modelClass, Class<Y> resourceClass) {
    ModelLoaderFactory<T, Y> removed = loaderFactory.unregister(modelClass, resourceClass);
    if (removed != null) {
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Use the given factory to build a {@link com.bumptech.glide.load.model.ModelLoader} for models
 * of the given class. Generally the best use of this method is to replace one of the default
 * factories or add an implementation for other similar low level models. Any factory replaced by
 * the given factory will have its {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()}} method called.
 * <p> Note - If a factory already exists for the given class, it will be replaced. If that
 * factory is not being used for any other model class, {@link ModelLoaderFactory#teardown()} will
 * be called. </p>
 * <p> Note - The factory must not be an anonymous inner class of an Activity or another object
 * that cannot be retained statically. </p>
 * @param modelClass The model class.
 * @param dataClass  the data class.
public <Model, Data> Registry append(Class<Model> modelClass, Class<Data> dataClass,
    ModelLoaderFactory<Model, Data> factory) {
  modelLoaderRegistry.append(modelClass, dataClass, factory);
  return this;
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Appends a new {@link ModelLoaderFactory} onto the end of the existing set so that the
 * constructed {@link ModelLoader} will be tried after all default and previously registered
 * {@link ModelLoader}s for the given model and data classes.
 * <p>If you're attempting to replace an existing {@link ModelLoader}, use
 * {@link #prepend(Class, Class, ModelLoaderFactory)}. This method is best for new types of models
 * and/or data or as a way to add an additional fallback loader for an existing type of
 * model/data.
 * <p>If multiple {@link ModelLoaderFactory}s are registered for the same model and/or data
 * classes, the {@link ModelLoader}s they produce will be attempted in the order the
 * {@link ModelLoaderFactory}s were registered. Only if all {@link ModelLoader}s fail will the
 * entire request fail.
 * @see #prepend(Class, Class, ModelLoaderFactory)
 * @see #replace(Class, Class, ModelLoaderFactory)
 * @param modelClass The model class (e.g. URL, file path).
 * @param dataClass  the data class (e.g. {@link},
 * {@link}).
public <Model, Data> Registry append(Class<Model> modelClass, Class<Data> dataClass,
    ModelLoaderFactory<Model, Data> factory) {
  modelLoaderRegistry.append(modelClass, dataClass, factory);
  return this;
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Prepends a new {@link ModelLoaderFactory} onto the beginning of the existing set so that the
 * constructed {@link ModelLoader} will be tried before all default and previously registered
 * {@link ModelLoader}s for the given model and data classes.
 * <p>If you're attempting to add additional functionality or add a backup that should run only
 * after the default {@link ModelLoader}s run, use
 * {@link #append(Class, Class, ModelLoaderFactory)}. This method is best for adding an additional
 * case to Glide's existing functionality that should run first. This method will still run
 * Glide's default {@link ModelLoader}s if the prepended {@link ModelLoader}s fail.
 * <p>If multiple {@link ModelLoaderFactory}s are registered for the same model and/or data
 * classes, the {@link ModelLoader}s they produce will be attempted in the order the
 * {@link ModelLoaderFactory}s were registered. Only if all {@link ModelLoader}s fail will the
 * entire request fail.
 * @see #append(Class, Class, ModelLoaderFactory)
 * @see #replace(Class, Class, ModelLoaderFactory)
 * @param modelClass The model class (e.g. URL, file path).
 * @param dataClass  the data class (e.g. {@link},
 * {@link}).
public <Model, Data> Registry prepend(Class<Model> modelClass, Class<Data> dataClass,
    ModelLoaderFactory<Model, Data> factory) {
  modelLoaderRegistry.prepend(modelClass, dataClass, factory);
  return this;
项目:ApiAbstractionFramework    文件   
ModelLoaderFactory<GlideUrl, InputStream> createUrlLoaderFactory();