private void addJsonTypeInfo(JDefinedClass klass, ObjectTypeDeclaration type) { if (!context.getConfig().isJacksonTypeInfo()) { return; } if (type.discriminator() == null) { return; } List<String> derivedTypes = context.getApiModel().findDerivedTypes(; if (derivedTypes.isEmpty()) { return; } JAnnotationUse typeInfo = klass.annotate(JsonTypeInfo.class); typeInfo.param("use", Id.NAME); typeInfo.param("include", As.EXISTING_PROPERTY); typeInfo.param("property", type.discriminator()); JAnnotationUse subTypes = klass.annotate(JsonSubTypes.class); JAnnotationArrayMember typeArray = subTypes.paramArray(VALUE); for (String derivedType : derivedTypes) { JDefinedClass subtype = pkg._getClass(derivedType); typeArray.annotate(Type.class).param(VALUE, subtype); } }
public void assignTypeNameIfNecessary(ClassesMapping classesMapping, ClassMappingInternal<Object> currentClassMapping) { if (!currentClassMapping.hasAnnotation(JsonTypeName.class)) { .filter(typeWithPolymorphism -> typeWithPolymorphism.isAssignableFrom(currentClassMapping.getType())) .findFirst() .ifPresent(typeWithPolymorphism -> classesMapping.getOpt(typeWithPolymorphism) .ifPresent(classMapping -> classMapping.getAnnotationOpt(JsonSubTypes.class) .ifPresent((jsonSubTypes) -> Arrays.asList(jsonSubTypes.value()).stream() .filter(subtype -> subtype.value().equals(classMapping.getType())) .findFirst() .map(JsonSubTypes.Type::name) .ifPresent(classMapping::typeName) ) ) ); } }
@Override public void processSubTypeRule(TypeSpec.Builder typeSpec, TypeModel typeModel) { SubTypeModel subTypeModel = typeModel.getSubTypes(); AnnotationSpec typeInfoAnnotation = AnnotationSpec.builder(JsonTypeInfo.class) .addMember("use", "$L", "JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME") .addMember("include", "$L", "JsonTypeInfo.As." + (subTypeModel.isExistingProperty() ? "EXISTING_PROPERTY" : "PROPERTY")) .addMember("property", "$S", subTypeModel.getProperty()) .build(); AnnotationSpec.Builder subTypesBuilder = AnnotationSpec.builder(JsonSubTypes.class); for (Map.Entry<String, String> subType : subTypeModel.getSubTypeMapping().entrySet()) { subTypesBuilder.addMember("value", "$L", AnnotationSpec.builder(JsonSubTypes.Type.class) .addMember("value", "$T.class", getClassName(subType.getValue())) .addMember("name", "$S", subType.getKey()) .build()); } typeSpec.addAnnotation(typeInfoAnnotation); typeSpec.addAnnotation(; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <S> Class<S> resolveJsonType(String path, Class<S> type) { JsonTypeInfo typeInfo = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(type, JsonTypeInfo.class); if (typeInfo == null) { return null; } String property = getPropertyName(typeInfo); String proppath = KvUtils.join(path, property); try { KvNode node = getStorage().get(proppath); if(node == null) { return null; } String str = node.getValue(); JsonSubTypes subTypes = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(type, JsonSubTypes.class); for (JsonSubTypes.Type t : subTypes.value()) { if ( { return (Class<S>) t.value(); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("can't instantiate class", e); } return null; }
private void getSubTypes(ClassInformation information, ReflectClass<?> cls) { JsonSubTypes annot = cls.getAnnotation(JsonSubTypes.class); if (annot == null) { return; } for (JsonSubTypes.Type subtype : annot.value()) { Class<?> subclass = subtype.value(); ClassInformation subtypeInformation = get(subclass.getName()); if (subtypeInformation == null) { continue; } information.inheritance.subTypes.add(subtypeInformation); // TODO check whether name conflicts with one got from JsonTypeName if (! { subtypeInformation.typeName =; } if (subtypeInformation.typeName == null) { subtypeInformation.typeName = ""; } } }
protected void getSchema(Class<?> clazz, ObjectNode schema, ArrayNode form) throws JsonMappingException { SchemaFactoryWrapper factoryWrapper = new SchemaFactoryWrapper(); JsonSubTypes subtype = clazz.getAnnotation(JsonSubTypes.class); if (subtype != null) { doForSubtype(factoryWrapper, schema, form, subtype); } else { objectMapper.acceptJsonFormatVisitor(objectMapper.constructType(clazz), factoryWrapper); JsonSchema jsonSchema = factoryWrapper.finalSchema(); jsonSchema.setId(null); String title = clazz.getSimpleName().replaceAll("\\.", "_"); jsonSchema.asObjectSchema().setTitle(title); iterateOnProperties(jsonSchema.asObjectSchema().getProperties()); schema.putPOJO(title, jsonSchema); } }
private static ImmutableMap<JClassType, String> extractMetadata( TreeLogger logger, RebindConfiguration configuration, JClassType type, Optional<JsonTypeInfo> jsonTypeInfo, Optional<JsonSubTypes> propertySubTypes, Optional<JsonSubTypes> typeSubTypes, ImmutableList<JClassType> allSubtypes ) throws UnableToCompleteException { ImmutableMap.Builder<JClassType, String> classToMetadata = ImmutableMap.builder(); classToMetadata.put( type, extractTypeMetadata( logger, configuration, type, type, jsonTypeInfo .get(), propertySubTypes, typeSubTypes, allSubtypes ) ); for ( JClassType subtype : allSubtypes ) { classToMetadata.put( subtype, extractTypeMetadata( logger, configuration, type, subtype, jsonTypeInfo .get(), propertySubTypes, typeSubTypes, allSubtypes ) ); } return; }
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY, property = "type") @JsonSubTypes({ @JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "one", value = PayloadOne.class), @JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "two", value = org.immutables.fixture.jackson.poly2.PayloadTwo.class) }) @JsonProperty("payload") public abstract Payload getPayload();
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME) @JsonSubTypes({ @Type(name = "I", value = Integer.class), @Type(name = "O", value = Double.class) }) // the annotation will be copied to a builder setter public abstract @Nullable Object value();
@JsonTypeInfo( use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY, property = "kdf") @JsonSubTypes({ @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Aes128CtrKdfParams.class, name = Wallet.AES_128_CTR), @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = ScryptKdfParams.class, name = Wallet.SCRYPT) }) // To support my Ether Wallet keys uncomment this annotation & comment out the above // @JsonDeserialize(using = KdfParamsDeserialiser.class) // Also add the following to the ObjectMapperFactory // objectMapper.configure(MapperFeature.ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES, true); public void setKdfparams(KdfParams kdfparams) { this.kdfparams = kdfparams; }
public void addNamedSubType(Class<? extends T> subType, String name) { List<JsonSubTypes.Type> types = Optional.ofNullable(annotations.get(JsonSubTypes.class)) .map(annotation -> new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(((JsonSubTypes) annotation).value()))) .orElse(new ArrayList<>()); types.add(JacksonaticJsonSubTypesType.type(name, subType).build()); annotations.add(jsonSubTypes(types.toArray(new JsonSubTypes.Type[types.size()]))); }
private String getJsonType(Class<?> clazz, JsonTypeInfo typeInfo) { String value; JsonTypeInfo.Id use = typeInfo.use(); switch (use) { case CLASS: value = clazz.getName(); break; case NAME: { JsonSubTypes.Type needed = null; JsonSubTypes subTypes = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(clazz, JsonSubTypes.class); if(subTypes != null) { for(JsonSubTypes.Type type: subTypes.value()) { if(type.value().equals(clazz)) { needed = type; break; } } } if(needed == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("On " + clazz + " can not find 'JsonSubTypes' record for current type."); } value =; break; } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("On " + clazz + " find unexpected 'JsonTypeInfo.use' value: " + use); } return value; }
private static List<JavaType> resolveNonArrayTypes(JavaType javaType, TypeFactory typeFactory) { List<JavaType> types = new ArrayList<>(); types.add(javaType); Class<?> rawClass = javaType.getRawClass(); JsonSubTypes jsonSubTypes = rawClass.getAnnotation(JsonSubTypes.class); if (jsonSubTypes != null) { for (JsonSubTypes.Type subType : jsonSubTypes.value()) { JavaType javaSubType = typeFactory.constructType(subType.value()); types.add(javaSubType); } } return types; }
private Class<?> determineBaseType(Class<?> type) { Class<?> baseType = type; while ((baseType = baseType.getSuperclass()) != null) { JsonSubTypes subtypesAnnotation = getAnnotationByType(baseType, JsonSubTypes.class); if (containsType(subtypesAnnotation, type)) { return baseType; } } return type; }
public List<NamedType> findSubtypes(Annotated paramAnnotated) { JsonSubTypes localJsonSubTypes = (JsonSubTypes)paramAnnotated.getAnnotation(JsonSubTypes.class); if (localJsonSubTypes == null) return null; JsonSubTypes.Type[] arrayOfType = localJsonSubTypes.value(); ArrayList localArrayList = new ArrayList(arrayOfType.length); int i = arrayOfType.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { JsonSubTypes.Type localType = arrayOfType[j]; localArrayList.add(new NamedType(localType.value(),; } return localArrayList; }
public void doForSubtype(SchemaFactoryWrapper factoryWrapper, ObjectNode schema, ArrayNode form, JsonSubTypes subtype) throws JsonMappingException { List<String> types = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonSubTypes.Type type : subtype.value()) { objectMapper.acceptJsonFormatVisitor(objectMapper.constructType(type.value()), factoryWrapper); JsonSchema jsonSchema = factoryWrapper.finalSchema(); jsonSchema.setId(null); String title ="\\.", "_"); jsonSchema.asObjectSchema().setTitle(title); iterateOnProperties(jsonSchema.asObjectSchema().getProperties()); schema.putPOJO(title, jsonSchema); types.add(title); } ObjectNode choice = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); choice.put("type", "string"); choice.putPOJO("enum", types); schema.set("choice", choice); form.addPOJO(objectMapper .createObjectNode() .put("type", "fieldset") .put("title", "Sources") .set("items", objectMapper.createArrayNode().add( objectMapper.createObjectNode().put("type", "selectfieldset").put("key", "choice").put("title", "Choose a source") .putPOJO("items", types)))); }
private String getTypeName(JsonTypeInfo parentJsonTypeInfo, final Class<?> cls) { // Id.CLASS if (parentJsonTypeInfo.use() == JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS) { return cls.getName(); } // find @JsonTypeName recursively final JsonTypeName jsonTypeName = getAnnotationRecursive(cls, JsonTypeName.class); if (jsonTypeName != null && !jsonTypeName.value().isEmpty()) { return jsonTypeName.value(); } // find @JsonSubTypes.Type recursively final JsonSubTypes jsonSubTypes = getAnnotationRecursive(cls, JsonSubTypes.class, new Predicate<JsonSubTypes>() { @Override public boolean test(JsonSubTypes types) { return getJsonSubTypeForClass(types, cls) != null; } }); if (jsonSubTypes != null) { final JsonSubTypes.Type jsonSubType = getJsonSubTypeForClass(jsonSubTypes, cls); if (! { return; } } // use simplified class name if it's not an interface or abstract if(!cls.isInterface() && !Modifier.isAbstract(cls.getModifiers())) { return cls.getName().substring(cls.getName().lastIndexOf(".") + 1); } return null; }
private static JsonSubTypes.Type getJsonSubTypeForClass(JsonSubTypes types, Class<?> cls) { for (JsonSubTypes.Type type : types.value()) { if (type.value().equals(cls)) { return type; } } return null; }
@NotNull @Valid @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_OBJECT) @JsonSubTypes({ @JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "postgres", value = Postgres.class), @JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "mysql", value = MySql.class) }) @JsonProperty(required = true) public BackendImplementation getBackendImplementation() { return super.getBackendImplementation(); }
private static void processBeanAnnotation( TreeLogger logger, JacksonTypeOracle typeOracle, RebindConfiguration configuration, JType type, PropertyAccessors propertyAccessors, PropertyInfoBuilder builder ) throws UnableToCompleteException { // identity Optional<JsonIdentityInfo> jsonIdentityInfo = propertyAccessors.getAnnotation( JsonIdentityInfo.class ); Optional<JsonIdentityReference> jsonIdentityReference = propertyAccessors.getAnnotation( JsonIdentityReference.class ); // type info Optional<JsonTypeInfo> jsonTypeInfo = propertyAccessors.getAnnotation( JsonTypeInfo.class ); Optional<JsonSubTypes> propertySubTypes = propertyAccessors.getAnnotation( JsonSubTypes.class ); // if no annotation is present that overrides bean processing, we just stop now if ( !jsonIdentityInfo.isPresent() && !jsonIdentityReference.isPresent() && !jsonTypeInfo.isPresent() && !propertySubTypes .isPresent() ) { // no override on field return; } // we need to find the bean to apply annotation on Optional<JClassType> beanType = extractBeanType( logger, typeOracle, type, builder.getPropertyName() ); if ( beanType.isPresent() ) { if ( jsonIdentityInfo.isPresent() || jsonIdentityReference.isPresent() ) { builder.setIdentityInfo( BeanProcessor.processIdentity( logger, typeOracle, configuration, beanType .get(), jsonIdentityInfo, jsonIdentityReference ) ); } if ( jsonTypeInfo.isPresent() || propertySubTypes.isPresent() ) { builder.setTypeInfo( BeanProcessor.processType( logger, typeOracle, configuration, beanType .get(), jsonTypeInfo, propertySubTypes ) ); } } else { logger.log( Type.WARN, "Annotation present on property " + builder.getPropertyName() + " but no valid bean has been found." ); } }
/** * <p>processType</p> * * @param logger a {@link} object. * @param typeOracle a {@link com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.rebind.JacksonTypeOracle} object. * @param configuration a {@link com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.rebind.RebindConfiguration} object. * @param typeOracle a {@link com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.rebind.JacksonTypeOracle} object. * @param type a {@link} object. * @param jsonTypeInfo a {@link} object. * @param propertySubTypes a {@link} object. * @return a {@link} object. * @throws if any. */ public static Optional<BeanTypeInfo> processType( TreeLogger logger, JacksonTypeOracle typeOracle, RebindConfiguration configuration, JClassType type, Optional<JsonTypeInfo> jsonTypeInfo, Optional<JsonSubTypes> propertySubTypes ) throws UnableToCompleteException { if ( !jsonTypeInfo.isPresent() ) { jsonTypeInfo = findFirstEncounteredAnnotationsOnAllHierarchy( configuration, type, JsonTypeInfo.class ); if ( !jsonTypeInfo.isPresent() ) { return Optional.absent(); } } Id use = jsonTypeInfo.get().use(); As include = jsonTypeInfo.get().include(); String propertyName = jsonTypeInfo.get().property().isEmpty() ? jsonTypeInfo.get().use().getDefaultPropertyName() : jsonTypeInfo .get().property(); Optional<JsonSubTypes> typeSubTypes = findFirstEncounteredAnnotationsOnAllHierarchy( configuration, type, JsonSubTypes.class ); // TODO we could do better, we actually extract metadata twice for a lot of classes ImmutableMap<JClassType, String> classToSerializationMetadata = extractMetadata( logger, configuration, type, jsonTypeInfo, propertySubTypes, typeSubTypes, CreatorUtils .filterSubtypesForSerialization( logger, configuration, type ) ); ImmutableMap<JClassType, String> classToDeserializationMetadata = extractMetadata( logger, configuration, type, jsonTypeInfo, propertySubTypes, typeSubTypes, CreatorUtils .filterSubtypesForDeserialization( logger, configuration, type ) ); return Optional.of( new BeanTypeInfo( use, include, propertyName, classToSerializationMetadata, classToDeserializationMetadata ) ); }
private static String extractTypeMetadata( TreeLogger logger, RebindConfiguration configuration, JClassType baseType, JClassType subtype, JsonTypeInfo typeInfo, Optional<JsonSubTypes> propertySubTypes, Optional<JsonSubTypes> baseSubTypes, ImmutableList<JClassType> allSubtypes ) throws UnableToCompleteException { switch ( typeInfo.use() ) { case NAME: // we first look the name on JsonSubTypes annotations. Top ones override the bottom ones. String name = findNameOnJsonSubTypes( baseType, subtype, allSubtypes, propertySubTypes, baseSubTypes ); if ( null != name && !"".equals( name ) ) { return name; } // we look if the name is defined on the type with JsonTypeName Optional<JsonTypeName> typeName = findFirstEncounteredAnnotationsOnAllHierarchy( configuration, subtype, JsonTypeName .class ); if ( typeName.isPresent() && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty( typeName.get().value() ) ) { return typeName.get().value(); } // we use the default name (ie simple name of the class) String simpleBinaryName = subtype.getQualifiedBinaryName(); int indexLastDot = simpleBinaryName.lastIndexOf( '.' ); if ( indexLastDot != -1 ) { simpleBinaryName = simpleBinaryName.substring( indexLastDot + 1 ); } return simpleBinaryName; case MINIMAL_CLASS: if ( !baseType.getPackage().isDefault() ) { String basePackage = baseType.getPackage().getName(); if ( subtype.getQualifiedBinaryName().startsWith( basePackage + "." ) ) { return subtype.getQualifiedBinaryName().substring( basePackage.length() ); } } case CLASS: return subtype.getQualifiedBinaryName(); default: logger.log( TreeLogger.Type.ERROR, "JsonTypeInfo.Id." + typeInfo.use() + " is not supported" ); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } }
private static String findNameOnJsonSubTypes( JClassType baseType, JClassType subtype, ImmutableList<JClassType> allSubtypes, Optional<JsonSubTypes> propertySubTypes, Optional<JsonSubTypes> baseSubTypes ) { JsonSubTypes.Type typeFound = findTypeOnSubTypes( subtype, propertySubTypes ); if ( null != typeFound ) { return; } typeFound = findTypeOnSubTypes( subtype, baseSubTypes ); if ( null != typeFound ) { return; } if ( baseType != subtype ) { // we look in all the hierarchy JClassType type = subtype; while ( null != type ) { if ( allSubtypes.contains( type ) ) { JsonSubTypes.Type found = findTypeOnSubTypes( subtype, Optional.fromNullable( type .getAnnotation( JsonSubTypes.class ) ) ); if ( null != found ) { typeFound = found; } } type = type.getSuperclass(); } if ( null != typeFound ) { return; } } return null; }
private static JsonSubTypes.Type findTypeOnSubTypes( JClassType subtype, Optional<JsonSubTypes> jsonSubTypes ) { if ( jsonSubTypes.isPresent() ) { for ( JsonSubTypes.Type type : jsonSubTypes.get().value() ) { if ( type.value().getName().equals( subtype.getQualifiedBinaryName() ) ) { return type; } } } return null; }
@Nonnull @Override public Result<Map<TypeDescriptor, String>> subclasses(TypeDescriptor type) { JsonSubTypes jsonSubType = type.getAnnotation(JsonSubTypes.class); if (jsonSubType != null && jsonSubType.value().length > 0) { TypeDescriptors typeDescriptors = type.getTypeDescriptors(); Map<TypeDescriptor, String> aliasesByTypes = asList(jsonSubType.value()).stream() .collect(toMap(subType -> typeDescriptors.get(subType.value()), Type::name)); return Result.of(aliasesByTypes); } return Result.notFound(); }
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY, property = "resourceType", defaultImpl=TaskQueryDto.class) @JsonSubTypes(value = { @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = TaskQueryDto.class, name = EntityTypes.TASK)}) public void setQuery(AbstractQueryDto<?> query) { this.query = query; }
@TaskAction void generateJavaClasses() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { if (!inputDir.isDirectory()) { throw new RuntimeException("inputDir needs to be a directory"); } CompilationUnit baseResourceCompilationUnit = JavaParser.parseResource(""); ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration baseResourceClass = baseResourceCompilationUnit.getClassByName("ResourceBase") .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Could not find ResourceBase class")); // Add an @JsonSubTypes annotation to the ResourceBase class ArrayInitializerExpr jsonSubTypesArrayExpr = new ArrayInitializerExpr(); SingleMemberAnnotationExpr jsonSubTypesAnnotation = new SingleMemberAnnotationExpr( new Name(JsonSubTypes.class.getSimpleName()), jsonSubTypesArrayExpr); baseResourceClass.addAnnotation(jsonSubTypesAnnotation); baseResourceCompilationUnit.addImport(JsonSubTypes.class); File[] inputFiles = inputDir.listFiles((dir, name) -> name.endsWith("Specification.json")); if (inputFiles == null || inputFiles.length == 0) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Did not find any spec files in directory %s", inputDir.getName())); } ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); for (File inputFile : inputFiles) { // Deserialize specification from JSON file CloudFormationSpecification spec; try (FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile)) { spec = objectMapper.readValue(inputStream, CloudFormationSpecification.class); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {"Error deserializing file: {}. Skipping...", inputFile.getName()); continue; } // Generate the compilation unit from the specification CompilationUnit resourceCompilationUnit = generateCompilationUnitFromCloudFormationSpec(spec, jsonSubTypesArrayExpr); // Write the compilation unit out to a file String resourceClassName = resourceCompilationUnit.getType(0).getNameAsString(); File resourceClassFile = new File(generatedFileDir, resourceClassName + ".java"); writeFile(resourceClassFile, resourceCompilationUnit.toString()); } // Write file writeFile(new File(generatedFileDir, ""), baseResourceCompilationUnit.toString( new CustomPrettyPrinterConfiguration().setArrayLiteralMembersOnSeparateLines(true))); // Copy over static files like without modification for (String fileName : STATIC_FILES) { InputStream stream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fileName); Files.copy(stream, new File(generatedFileDir, fileName).toPath()); stream.close(); } }
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() { return JsonSubTypes.Type.class; }
@Override public JsonSubTypes.Type build() { return type; }
@Override public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() { return JsonSubTypes.class; }
@Override public JsonSubTypes build() { return jsonSubTypes; }
public void saveTypeWithJsonSubTypes(ClassMappingInternal<Object> currentClassMapping) { if (currentClassMapping.hasAnnotation(JsonSubTypes.class)) { typesWithPolymorphism.add(currentClassMapping.getType()); } }
private boolean containsType(JsonSubTypes subtypesAnnotation, Class<?> type) { return (subtypesAnnotation != null) && (Arrays.asList(subtypesAnnotation.value()).stream().anyMatch(t -> t.value() == type)); }
private static Optional<BeanTypeInfo> processType( TreeLogger logger, JacksonTypeOracle typeOracle, RebindConfiguration configuration, JClassType type ) throws UnableToCompleteException { return processType( logger, typeOracle, configuration, type, Optional.<JsonTypeInfo>absent(), Optional.<JsonSubTypes>absent() ); }
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "@class") @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Long.class) public long longValue() { return longValue; }