private void addJsonTypeInfo(JDefinedClass klass, ObjectTypeDeclaration type) { if (!context.getConfig().isJacksonTypeInfo()) { return; } if (type.discriminator() == null) { return; } List<String> derivedTypes = context.getApiModel().findDerivedTypes(; if (derivedTypes.isEmpty()) { return; } JAnnotationUse typeInfo = klass.annotate(JsonTypeInfo.class); typeInfo.param("use", Id.NAME); typeInfo.param("include", As.EXISTING_PROPERTY); typeInfo.param("property", type.discriminator()); JAnnotationUse subTypes = klass.annotate(JsonSubTypes.class); JAnnotationArrayMember typeArray = subTypes.paramArray(VALUE); for (String derivedType : derivedTypes) { JDefinedClass subtype = pkg._getClass(derivedType); typeArray.annotate(Type.class).param(VALUE, subtype); } }
/** * Build the code to initialize a {@link TypeSerializationInfo} or {@link TypeDeserializationInfo}. * * @param typeInfo the type information obtained through the {@link JsonTypeInfo} annotation * @return the code built */ protected final CodeBlock generateTypeInfo( BeanTypeInfo typeInfo ) { Class type; ImmutableMap<JClassType, String> mapTypeToMetadata; if ( isSerializer() ) { type = TypeSerializationInfo.class; mapTypeToMetadata = typeInfo.getMapTypeToSerializationMetadata(); } else { type = TypeDeserializationInfo.class; mapTypeToMetadata = typeInfo.getMapTypeToDeserializationMetadata(); } CodeBlock.Builder builder = CodeBlock.builder() .add( "new $T($T.$L, $S)", type, As.class, typeInfo.getInclude(), typeInfo.getPropertyName() ) .indent() .indent(); for ( Entry<JClassType, String> entry : mapTypeToMetadata.entrySet() ) { builder.add( "\n.addTypeInfo($T.class, $S)", rawName( entry.getKey() ), entry.getValue() ); } return builder.unindent().unindent().build(); }
/** * Process the properties of the bean to find additionnal informations like @JsonValue. * * @param configuration the configuration * @param logger the logger * @param typeOracle the oracle * @param beanInfo the previous bean information * @param properties the properties of the bean * @return the new informations about the bean and its properties */ public static BeanInfo processProperties( RebindConfiguration configuration, TreeLogger logger, JacksonTypeOracle typeOracle, BeanInfo beanInfo, PropertiesContainer properties ) { if ( !properties.getValuePropertyInfo().isPresent() && !properties.getAnyGetterPropertyInfo().isPresent() && !properties .getAnySetterPropertyInfo().isPresent() ) { return beanInfo; } BeanInfoBuilder builder = new BeanInfoBuilder( beanInfo ); builder.setValuePropertyInfo( properties.getValuePropertyInfo() ); if ( properties.getValuePropertyInfo().isPresent() && beanInfo.getTypeInfo().isPresent() && As.PROPERTY.equals( beanInfo .getTypeInfo().get().getInclude() ) ) { // if the bean has type info on property with @JsonValue, we change it to WRAPPER_ARRAY because the value may not be an object BeanTypeInfo typeInfo = beanInfo.getTypeInfo().get(); builder.setTypeInfo( Optional.of( new BeanTypeInfo( typeInfo.getUse(), As.WRAPPER_ARRAY, typeInfo .getPropertyName(), typeInfo.getMapTypeToSerializationMetadata(), typeInfo.getMapTypeToDeserializationMetadata() ) ) ); } builder.setAnyGetterPropertyInfo( properties.getAnyGetterPropertyInfo() ); builder.setAnySetterPropertyInfo( properties.getAnySetterPropertyInfo() ); return; }
private Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer jsonRedisSerializer(JavaType javaType) { Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer jackson2JsonRedisSerializer = new Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer(javaType); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.enableDefaultTyping(); mapper.enableDefaultTyping(DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL, As.PROPERTY); mapper.findAndRegisterModules(); mapper.registerModule(new Jackson2HalModule()); mapper.setHandlerInstantiator(new Jackson2HalModule.HalHandlerInstantiator(new DefaultRelProvider(), null, null)); jackson2JsonRedisSerializer.setObjectMapper(mapper); return jackson2JsonRedisSerializer; }
public StdTypeResolverBuilder inclusion(JsonTypeInfo.As paramAs) { if (paramAs == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("includeAs can not be null"); this._includeAs = paramAs; return this; }
protected TypeResolverBuilder<?> _findTypeResolver(MapperConfig<?> paramMapperConfig, Annotated paramAnnotated, JavaType paramJavaType) { JsonTypeInfo localJsonTypeInfo = (JsonTypeInfo)paramAnnotated.getAnnotation(JsonTypeInfo.class); JsonTypeResolver localJsonTypeResolver = (JsonTypeResolver)paramAnnotated.getAnnotation(JsonTypeResolver.class); Object localObject; if (localJsonTypeResolver != null) { if (localJsonTypeInfo == null) return null; localObject = paramMapperConfig.typeResolverBuilderInstance(paramAnnotated, localJsonTypeResolver.value()); } else { if (localJsonTypeInfo == null) return null; if (localJsonTypeInfo.use() == JsonTypeInfo.Id.NONE) return _constructNoTypeResolverBuilder(); localObject = _constructStdTypeResolverBuilder(); } JsonTypeIdResolver localJsonTypeIdResolver = (JsonTypeIdResolver)paramAnnotated.getAnnotation(JsonTypeIdResolver.class); TypeIdResolver localTypeIdResolver1; if (localJsonTypeIdResolver == null) localTypeIdResolver1 = null; else localTypeIdResolver1 = paramMapperConfig.typeIdResolverInstance(paramAnnotated, localJsonTypeIdResolver.value()); TypeIdResolver localTypeIdResolver2 = localTypeIdResolver1; if (localTypeIdResolver1 != null) localTypeIdResolver2.init(paramJavaType); TypeResolverBuilder localTypeResolverBuilder1 = ((TypeResolverBuilder)localObject).init(localJsonTypeInfo.use(), localTypeIdResolver2); JsonTypeInfo.As localAs1 = localJsonTypeInfo.include(); JsonTypeInfo.As localAs2 = localAs1; if ((localAs1 == JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY) && ((paramAnnotated instanceof AnnotatedClass))) localAs2 = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY; TypeResolverBuilder localTypeResolverBuilder2 = localTypeResolverBuilder1.inclusion(localAs2).typeProperty(; Class localClass = localJsonTypeInfo.defaultImpl(); if (localClass != JsonTypeInfo.None.class) localTypeResolverBuilder2 = localTypeResolverBuilder2.defaultImpl(localClass); return localTypeResolverBuilder2.typeIdVisibility(localJsonTypeInfo.visible()); }
public JsonObjectMapper() { registerModule(module); configure(MapperFeature.REQUIRE_SETTERS_FOR_GETTERS, true); configure(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS, false); enableDefaultTyping(DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL, As.WRAPPER_OBJECT); typer = new ClassAliasTypeResolverBuilder(DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL); setDefaultTyping(typer.inclusion(As.WRAPPER_OBJECT)); }
/** * <p>processType</p> * * @param logger a {@link} object. * @param typeOracle a {@link com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.rebind.JacksonTypeOracle} object. * @param configuration a {@link com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.rebind.RebindConfiguration} object. * @param typeOracle a {@link com.github.nmorel.gwtjackson.rebind.JacksonTypeOracle} object. * @param type a {@link} object. * @param jsonTypeInfo a {@link} object. * @param propertySubTypes a {@link} object. * @return a {@link} object. * @throws if any. */ public static Optional<BeanTypeInfo> processType( TreeLogger logger, JacksonTypeOracle typeOracle, RebindConfiguration configuration, JClassType type, Optional<JsonTypeInfo> jsonTypeInfo, Optional<JsonSubTypes> propertySubTypes ) throws UnableToCompleteException { if ( !jsonTypeInfo.isPresent() ) { jsonTypeInfo = findFirstEncounteredAnnotationsOnAllHierarchy( configuration, type, JsonTypeInfo.class ); if ( !jsonTypeInfo.isPresent() ) { return Optional.absent(); } } Id use = jsonTypeInfo.get().use(); As include = jsonTypeInfo.get().include(); String propertyName = jsonTypeInfo.get().property().isEmpty() ? jsonTypeInfo.get().use().getDefaultPropertyName() : jsonTypeInfo .get().property(); Optional<JsonSubTypes> typeSubTypes = findFirstEncounteredAnnotationsOnAllHierarchy( configuration, type, JsonSubTypes.class ); // TODO we could do better, we actually extract metadata twice for a lot of classes ImmutableMap<JClassType, String> classToSerializationMetadata = extractMetadata( logger, configuration, type, jsonTypeInfo, propertySubTypes, typeSubTypes, CreatorUtils .filterSubtypesForSerialization( logger, configuration, type ) ); ImmutableMap<JClassType, String> classToDeserializationMetadata = extractMetadata( logger, configuration, type, jsonTypeInfo, propertySubTypes, typeSubTypes, CreatorUtils .filterSubtypesForDeserialization( logger, configuration, type ) ); return Optional.of( new BeanTypeInfo( use, include, propertyName, classToSerializationMetadata, classToDeserializationMetadata ) ); }
BeanTypeInfo( Id use, As include, String propertyName, ImmutableMap<JClassType, String> mapTypeToSerializationMetadata, ImmutableMap<JClassType, String> mapTypeToDeserializationMetadata ) { this.use = use; this.include = include; this.propertyName = propertyName; this.mapTypeToSerializationMetadata = mapTypeToSerializationMetadata; this.mapTypeToDeserializationMetadata = mapTypeToDeserializationMetadata; }
@JsonTypeInfo(use = Id.NAME, include = As.EXISTING_PROPERTY) public AntiochQuery getQuery() { return query; }
public JsonTypeInfo.As getTypeInclusion() { return JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY; }
public JsonTypeInfo.As getTypeInclusion() { return JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_ARRAY; }
public JsonTypeInfo.As getTypeInclusion() { return JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_OBJECT; }
public JsonTypeInfo.As getTypeInclusion() { return JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY; }
/** @return the identifier */ @JsonTypeInfo(use=JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include=As.PROPERTY, property="class") ID getID();
@Override public As getTypeInclusion() { return As.PROPERTY; }
@Override public As getTypeInclusion() { return As.WRAPPER_ARRAY; }
@Override public As getTypeInclusion() { return As.WRAPPER_OBJECT; }
@Override public As getTypeInclusion() { return As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY; }
/** * <p>Constructor for TypeSerializationInfo.</p> * * @param include a {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.As} object. * @param propertyName a {@link String} object. */ public TypeSerializationInfo(As include, String propertyName) { this.include = include; this.propertyName = propertyName; this.typeClassToInfo = new HashMap<Class<? extends T>, String>(); }
/** * <p>Getter for the field <code>include</code>.</p> * * @return a {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.As} object. */ public As getInclude() { return include; }
/** * <p>Constructor for TypeDeserializationInfo.</p> * * @param include a {@link As} object. * @param propertyName a {@link String} object. */ public TypeDeserializationInfo(As include, String propertyName) { this.include = include; this.propertyName = propertyName; this.typeInfoToClass = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends T>>(); }
/** * <p>Getter for the field <code>include</code>.</p> * * @return a {@link As} object. */ public As getInclude() { return include; }
/** * <p>Constructor for TypeSerializationInfo.</p> * * @param include a {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.As} object. * @param propertyName a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public TypeSerializationInfo( As include, String propertyName ) { this.include = include; this.propertyName = propertyName; this.typeClassToInfo = new HashMap<Class<? extends T>, String>(); }
/** * <p>Constructor for TypeDeserializationInfo.</p> * * @param include a {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.As} object. * @param propertyName a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public TypeDeserializationInfo( As include, String propertyName ) { this.include = include; this.propertyName = propertyName; this.typeInfoToClass = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends T>>(); }
/** * Accessor for type information inclusion method * that deserializer uses; indicates how type information * is (expected to be) embedded in JSON input. */ public abstract As getTypeInclusion();
/** * Method for specifying mechanism to use for including type metadata * in JSON. * If not explicitly called, setting defaults to * {@link As#PROPERTY}. * * @param includeAs Mechanism used for including type metadata in JSON * * @return Resulting builder instance (usually this builder, * but not necessarily) */ public T inclusion(As includeAs);
public abstract JsonTypeInfo.As getTypeInclusion();