Java 类 实例源码

项目:ExoPlayer-Offline    文件   
protected TrackSelection[] selectTracks(RendererCapabilities[] rendererCapabilities,
    TrackGroupArray[] rendererTrackGroupArrays, int[][][] rendererFormatSupports)
    throws ExoPlaybackException {
  Assertions.checkState(rendererTrackGroupArrays[VIDEO_RENDERER_INDEX].length == 1);
  Assertions.checkState(rendererTrackGroupArrays[AUDIO_RENDERER_INDEX].length == 1);
  TrackSelection[] selections = new TrackSelection[rendererCapabilities.length];
  selections[VIDEO_RENDERER_INDEX] = new RandomTrackSelection(
          rendererFormatSupports[VIDEO_RENDERER_INDEX][0], videoFormatIds,
      0 /* seed */);
  selections[AUDIO_RENDERER_INDEX] = new FixedTrackSelection(
      getTrackIndex(rendererTrackGroupArrays[AUDIO_RENDERER_INDEX].get(0), audioFormatId));
  includedAdditionalVideoFormats =
      selections[VIDEO_RENDERER_INDEX].length() > videoFormatIds.length;
  return selections;
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
public void onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException error) {
    switch (error.type) {
        case TYPE_RENDERER:
            // error occurred in a Renderer
            LogHelper.e(LOG_TAG, "An error occurred. Type RENDERER: " + error.getRendererException().toString());

        case TYPE_SOURCE:
            // error occurred loading data from a MediaSource.
            LogHelper.e(LOG_TAG, "An error occurred. Type SOURCE: " + error.getSourceException().toString());

        case TYPE_UNEXPECTED:
            // error was an unexpected RuntimeException.
            LogHelper.e(LOG_TAG, "An error occurred. Type UNEXPECTED: " + error.getUnexpectedException().toString());

            LogHelper.w(LOG_TAG, "An error occurred. Type OTHER ERROR.");

项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
protected TrackSelection selectVideoTrack(RendererCapabilities rendererCapabilities,
    TrackGroupArray groups, int[][] formatSupport, int maxVideoWidth, int maxVideoHeight,
    int maxVideoBitrate, boolean allowNonSeamlessAdaptiveness, boolean allowMixedMimeAdaptiveness,
    int viewportWidth, int viewportHeight, boolean orientationMayChange,
    TrackSelection.Factory adaptiveTrackSelectionFactory, boolean exceedConstraintsIfNecessary,
    boolean exceedRendererCapabilitiesIfNecessary) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  TrackSelection selection = null;
  if (adaptiveTrackSelectionFactory != null) {
    selection = selectAdaptiveVideoTrack(rendererCapabilities, groups, formatSupport,
        maxVideoWidth, maxVideoHeight, maxVideoBitrate, allowNonSeamlessAdaptiveness,
        allowMixedMimeAdaptiveness, viewportWidth, viewportHeight,
        orientationMayChange, adaptiveTrackSelectionFactory);
  if (selection == null) {
    selection = selectFixedVideoTrack(groups, formatSupport, maxVideoWidth, maxVideoHeight,
        maxVideoBitrate, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, orientationMayChange,
        exceedConstraintsIfNecessary, exceedRendererCapabilitiesIfNecessary);
  return selection;
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
private static TrackSelection selectAdaptiveVideoTrack(RendererCapabilities rendererCapabilities,
    TrackGroupArray groups, int[][] formatSupport, int maxVideoWidth, int maxVideoHeight,
    int maxVideoBitrate, boolean allowNonSeamlessAdaptiveness, boolean allowMixedMimeAdaptiveness,
    int viewportWidth, int viewportHeight, boolean orientationMayChange,
    TrackSelection.Factory adaptiveTrackSelectionFactory) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  int requiredAdaptiveSupport = allowNonSeamlessAdaptiveness
      ? (RendererCapabilities.ADAPTIVE_NOT_SEAMLESS | RendererCapabilities.ADAPTIVE_SEAMLESS)
      : RendererCapabilities.ADAPTIVE_SEAMLESS;
  boolean allowMixedMimeTypes = allowMixedMimeAdaptiveness
      && (rendererCapabilities.supportsMixedMimeTypeAdaptation() & requiredAdaptiveSupport) != 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
    TrackGroup group = groups.get(i);
    int[] adaptiveTracks = getAdaptiveVideoTracksForGroup(group, formatSupport[i],
        allowMixedMimeTypes, requiredAdaptiveSupport, maxVideoWidth, maxVideoHeight,
        maxVideoBitrate, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, orientationMayChange);
    if (adaptiveTracks.length > 0) {
      return adaptiveTrackSelectionFactory.createTrackSelection(group, adaptiveTracks);
  return null;
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
 * Finds the renderer to which the provided {@link TrackGroup} should be associated.
 * <p>
 * A {@link TrackGroup} is associated to a renderer that reports
 * {@link RendererCapabilities#FORMAT_HANDLED} support for one or more of the tracks in the group,
 * or {@link RendererCapabilities#FORMAT_EXCEEDS_CAPABILITIES} if no such renderer exists, or
 * {@link RendererCapabilities#FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_SUBTYPE} if again no such renderer exists. In
 * the case that two or more renderers report the same level of support, the renderer with the
 * lowest index is associated.
 * <p>
 * If all renderers report {@link RendererCapabilities#FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE} for all of the
 * tracks in the group, then {@code renderers.length} is returned to indicate that no association
 * was made.
 * @param rendererCapabilities The {@link RendererCapabilities} of the renderers.
 * @param group The {@link TrackGroup} whose associated renderer is to be found.
 * @return The index of the associated renderer, or {@code renderers.length} if no
 *     association was made.
 * @throws ExoPlaybackException If an error occurs finding a renderer.
private static int findRenderer(RendererCapabilities[] rendererCapabilities, TrackGroup group)
    throws ExoPlaybackException {
  int bestRendererIndex = rendererCapabilities.length;
  int bestFormatSupportLevel = RendererCapabilities.FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE;
  for (int rendererIndex = 0; rendererIndex < rendererCapabilities.length; rendererIndex++) {
    RendererCapabilities rendererCapability = rendererCapabilities[rendererIndex];
    for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < group.length; trackIndex++) {
      int formatSupportLevel = rendererCapability.supportsFormat(group.getFormat(trackIndex))
          & RendererCapabilities.FORMAT_SUPPORT_MASK;
      if (formatSupportLevel > bestFormatSupportLevel) {
        bestRendererIndex = rendererIndex;
        bestFormatSupportLevel = formatSupportLevel;
        if (bestFormatSupportLevel == RendererCapabilities.FORMAT_HANDLED) {
          // We can't do better.
          return bestRendererIndex;
  return bestRendererIndex;
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
protected void onOutputFormatChanged(MediaCodec codec, MediaFormat outputFormat)
    throws ExoPlaybackException {
  boolean passthrough = passthroughMediaFormat != null;
  String mimeType = passthrough ? passthroughMediaFormat.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME)
      : MimeTypes.AUDIO_RAW;
  MediaFormat format = passthrough ? passthroughMediaFormat : outputFormat;
  int channelCount = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT);
  int sampleRate = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE);
  int[] channelMap;
  if (codecNeedsDiscardChannelsWorkaround && channelCount == 6 && this.channelCount < 6) {
    channelMap = new int[this.channelCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < this.channelCount; i++) {
      channelMap[i] = i;
  } else {
    channelMap = null;

  try {
    audioTrack.configure(mimeType, channelCount, sampleRate, pcmEncoding, 0, channelMap);
  } catch (AudioTrack.ConfigurationException e) {
    throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(e, getIndex());
项目:zapp    文件   
public void onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException error) {
    int errorMessageResourceId = R.string.error_stream_unknown;

    switch (error.type) {
        case ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_SOURCE:
            Timber.e(error,"exo player error TYPE_SOURCE");
            errorMessageResourceId = R.string.error_stream_io;
        case ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_RENDERER:
            Timber.e(error,"exo player error TYPE_RENDERER");
            errorMessageResourceId = R.string.error_stream_unsupported;
        case ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_UNEXPECTED:
            Timber.e(error,"exo player error TYPE_UNEXPECTED");

项目:K-Sonic    文件   
protected TrackSelection selectVideoTrack(RendererCapabilities rendererCapabilities,
    TrackGroupArray groups, int[][] formatSupport, int maxVideoWidth, int maxVideoHeight,
    int maxVideoBitrate, boolean allowNonSeamlessAdaptiveness, boolean allowMixedMimeAdaptiveness,
    int viewportWidth, int viewportHeight, boolean orientationMayChange,
    TrackSelection.Factory adaptiveVideoTrackSelectionFactory,
    boolean exceedConstraintsIfNecessary, boolean exceedRendererCapabilitiesIfNecessary)
    throws ExoPlaybackException {
  TrackSelection selection = null;
  if (adaptiveVideoTrackSelectionFactory != null) {
    selection = selectAdaptiveVideoTrack(rendererCapabilities, groups, formatSupport,
        maxVideoWidth, maxVideoHeight, maxVideoBitrate, allowNonSeamlessAdaptiveness,
        allowMixedMimeAdaptiveness, viewportWidth, viewportHeight,
        orientationMayChange, adaptiveVideoTrackSelectionFactory);
  if (selection == null) {
    selection = selectFixedVideoTrack(groups, formatSupport, maxVideoWidth, maxVideoHeight,
        maxVideoBitrate, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, orientationMayChange,
        exceedConstraintsIfNecessary, exceedRendererCapabilitiesIfNecessary);
  return selection;
项目:K-Sonic    文件   
 * Finds the renderer to which the provided {@link TrackGroup} should be associated.
 * <p>
 * A {@link TrackGroup} is associated to a renderer that reports
 * {@link RendererCapabilities#FORMAT_HANDLED} support for one or more of the tracks in the group,
 * or {@link RendererCapabilities#FORMAT_EXCEEDS_CAPABILITIES} if no such renderer exists, or
 * {@link RendererCapabilities#FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_SUBTYPE} if again no such renderer exists. In
 * the case that two or more renderers report the same level of support, the renderer with the
 * lowest index is associated.
 * <p>
 * If all renderers report {@link RendererCapabilities#FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE} for all of the
 * tracks in the group, then {@code renderers.length} is returned to indicate that no association
 * was made.
 * @param rendererCapabilities The {@link RendererCapabilities} of the renderers.
 * @param group The {@link TrackGroup} whose associated renderer is to be found.
 * @return The index of the associated renderer, or {@code renderers.length} if no
 *     association was made.
 * @throws ExoPlaybackException If an error occurs finding a renderer.
private static int findRenderer(RendererCapabilities[] rendererCapabilities, TrackGroup group)
    throws ExoPlaybackException {
  int bestRendererIndex = rendererCapabilities.length;
  int bestFormatSupportLevel = RendererCapabilities.FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE;
  for (int rendererIndex = 0; rendererIndex < rendererCapabilities.length; rendererIndex++) {
    RendererCapabilities rendererCapability = rendererCapabilities[rendererIndex];
    for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < group.length; trackIndex++) {
      int formatSupportLevel = rendererCapability.supportsFormat(group.getFormat(trackIndex))
          & RendererCapabilities.FORMAT_SUPPORT_MASK;
      if (formatSupportLevel > bestFormatSupportLevel) {
        bestRendererIndex = rendererIndex;
        bestFormatSupportLevel = formatSupportLevel;
        if (bestFormatSupportLevel == RendererCapabilities.FORMAT_HANDLED) {
          // We can't do better.
          return bestRendererIndex;
  return bestRendererIndex;
项目:videoPickPlayer    文件   
public void render(long positionUs, long elapsedRealtimeUs) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  if (format == null) {
  if (codec != null) {
    while (drainOutputBuffer(positionUs, elapsedRealtimeUs)) {}
    while (feedInputBuffer()) {}
  } else if (format != null) {
项目:K-Sonic    文件   
public void handleMessage(int messageType, Object message) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  switch (messageType) {
    case C.MSG_SET_VOLUME:
      audioTrack.setVolume((Float) message);
      audioTrack.setPlaybackParams((PlaybackParams) message);
      @C.StreamType int streamType = (Integer) message;
      super.handleMessage(messageType, message);
项目:K-Sonic    文件   
protected void onOutputFormatChanged(MediaCodec codec, MediaFormat outputFormat)
    throws ExoPlaybackException {
  boolean passthrough = passthroughMediaFormat != null;
  String mimeType = passthrough ? passthroughMediaFormat.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME)
      : MimeTypes.AUDIO_RAW;
  MediaFormat format = passthrough ? passthroughMediaFormat : outputFormat;
  int channelCount = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT);
  int sampleRate = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE);
  int[] channelMap;
  if (codecNeedsDiscardChannelsWorkaround && channelCount == 6 && this.channelCount < 6) {
    channelMap = new int[this.channelCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < this.channelCount; i++) {
      channelMap[i] = i;
  } else {
    channelMap = null;

  try {
    audioTrack.configure(mimeType, channelCount, sampleRate, pcmEncoding, 0, channelMap);
  } catch (AudioTrack.ConfigurationException e) {
    throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(e, getIndex());
项目:K-Sonic    文件   
private void setSurface(Surface surface) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  // We only need to update the codec if the surface has changed.
  if (this.surface != surface) {
    this.surface = surface;
    int state = getState();
    if (state == STATE_ENABLED || state == STATE_STARTED) {
      MediaCodec codec = getCodec();
      if (Util.SDK_INT >= 23 && codec != null && surface != null) {
        setOutputSurfaceV23(codec, surface);
      } else {
  // Clear state so that we always call the event listener with the video size and when a frame
  // is rendered, even if the surface hasn't changed.
项目:videoPickPlayer    文件   
private static TrackSelection selectAdaptiveVideoTrack(RendererCapabilities rendererCapabilities,
    TrackGroupArray groups, int[][] formatSupport, int maxVideoWidth, int maxVideoHeight,
    boolean allowNonSeamlessAdaptiveness, boolean allowMixedMimeAdaptiveness, int viewportWidth,
    int viewportHeight, boolean orientationMayChange,
    TrackSelection.Factory adaptiveVideoTrackSelectionFactory) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  int requiredAdaptiveSupport = allowNonSeamlessAdaptiveness
      ? (RendererCapabilities.ADAPTIVE_NOT_SEAMLESS | RendererCapabilities.ADAPTIVE_SEAMLESS)
      : RendererCapabilities.ADAPTIVE_SEAMLESS;
  boolean allowMixedMimeTypes = allowMixedMimeAdaptiveness
      && (rendererCapabilities.supportsMixedMimeTypeAdaptation() & requiredAdaptiveSupport) != 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
    TrackGroup group = groups.get(i);
    int[] adaptiveTracks = getAdaptiveTracksForGroup(group, formatSupport[i],
        allowMixedMimeTypes, requiredAdaptiveSupport, maxVideoWidth, maxVideoHeight,
        viewportWidth, viewportHeight, orientationMayChange);
    if (adaptiveTracks.length > 0) {
      return adaptiveVideoTrackSelectionFactory.createTrackSelection(group, adaptiveTracks);
  return null;
项目:videoPickPlayer    文件   
 * Finds the renderer to which the provided {@link TrackGroup} should be associated.
 * <p>
 * A {@link TrackGroup} is associated to a renderer that reports
 * {@link RendererCapabilities#FORMAT_HANDLED} support for one or more of the tracks in the group,
 * or {@link RendererCapabilities#FORMAT_EXCEEDS_CAPABILITIES} if no such renderer exists, or
 * {@link RendererCapabilities#FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_SUBTYPE} if again no such renderer exists. In
 * the case that two or more renderers report the same level of support, the renderer with the
 * lowest index is associated.
 * <p>
 * If all renderers report {@link RendererCapabilities#FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE} for all of the
 * tracks in the group, then {@code renderers.length} is returned to indicate that no association
 * was made.
 * @param rendererCapabilities The {@link RendererCapabilities} of the renderers.
 * @param group The {@link TrackGroup} whose associated renderer is to be found.
 * @return The index of the associated renderer, or {@code renderers.length} if no
 *     association was made.
 * @throws ExoPlaybackException If an error occurs finding a renderer.
private static int findRenderer(RendererCapabilities[] rendererCapabilities, TrackGroup group)
    throws ExoPlaybackException {
  int bestRendererIndex = rendererCapabilities.length;
  int bestSupportLevel = RendererCapabilities.FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE;
  for (int rendererIndex = 0; rendererIndex < rendererCapabilities.length; rendererIndex++) {
    RendererCapabilities rendererCapability = rendererCapabilities[rendererIndex];
    for (int trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < group.length; trackIndex++) {
      int trackSupportLevel = rendererCapability.supportsFormat(group.getFormat(trackIndex));
      if (trackSupportLevel > bestSupportLevel) {
        bestRendererIndex = rendererIndex;
        bestSupportLevel = trackSupportLevel;
        if (bestSupportLevel == RendererCapabilities.FORMAT_HANDLED) {
          // We can't do better.
          return bestRendererIndex;
  return bestRendererIndex;
项目:videoPickPlayer    文件   
public void render(long positionUs, long elapsedRealtimeUs) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  if (!inputStreamEnded && pendingMetadata == null) {
    int result = readSource(formatHolder, buffer);
    if (result == C.RESULT_BUFFER_READ) {
      if (buffer.isEndOfStream()) {
        inputStreamEnded = true;
      } else {
        pendingMetadataTimestamp = buffer.timeUs;
        try {
          ByteBuffer bufferData =;
          pendingMetadata = metadataDecoder.decode(bufferData.array(), bufferData.limit());
        } catch (MetadataDecoderException e) {
          throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(e, getIndex());

  if (pendingMetadata != null && pendingMetadataTimestamp <= positionUs) {
    pendingMetadata = null;
项目:react-native-videoplayer    文件   
public void onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException e) {
    String errorString = null;
    if (e.type == ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_RENDERER) {
        Exception cause = e.getRendererException();
        if (cause instanceof MediaCodecRenderer.DecoderInitializationException) {
            // Special case for decoder initialization failures.
            MediaCodecRenderer.DecoderInitializationException decoderInitializationException =
                    (MediaCodecRenderer.DecoderInitializationException) cause;
            if (decoderInitializationException.decoderName == null) {
                if (decoderInitializationException.getCause() instanceof MediaCodecUtil.DecoderQueryException) {
                    errorString = getResources().getString(R.string.error_querying_decoders);
                } else if (decoderInitializationException.secureDecoderRequired) {
                    errorString = getResources().getString(R.string.error_no_secure_decoder,
                } else {
                    errorString = getResources().getString(R.string.error_no_decoder,
            } else {
                errorString = getResources().getString(R.string.error_instantiating_decoder,
    if (errorString != null) {
        eventEmitter.error(errorString, e);
    playerNeedsSource = true;
项目:yjPlay    文件   
public void onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException error) {
  if (playingAd) {
    for (int i = 0; i < adCallbacks.size(); i++) {
项目:yjPlay    文件   
 * @param e 异常
 * @return boolean boolean
public static boolean isBehindLiveWindow(@NonNull ExoPlaybackException e) {
    if (e.type != ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_SOURCE) {
        return false;
    Throwable cause = e.getSourceException();
    while (cause != null) {
        if (cause instanceof BehindLiveWindowException) {
            return true;
        cause = cause.getCause();
    return false;
项目:yjPlay    文件   
public void onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException e) {
    Log.e(TAG, "onPlayerError:" + e.getMessage());
    if (VideoPlayUtils.isBehindLiveWindow(e)) {
    } else {
        if (videoInfoListener != null) {
项目:ExoPlayer-Offline    文件   
public void onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException e) {
    String errorString = null;
    if (e.type == ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_RENDERER) {
        Exception cause = e.getRendererException();
        if (cause instanceof DecoderInitializationException) {
            // Special case for decoder initialization failures.
            DecoderInitializationException decoderInitializationException =
                    (DecoderInitializationException) cause;
            if (decoderInitializationException.decoderName == null) {
                if (decoderInitializationException.getCause() instanceof DecoderQueryException) {
                    errorString = getString(R.string.error_querying_decoders);
                } else if (decoderInitializationException.secureDecoderRequired) {
                    errorString = getString(R.string.error_no_secure_decoder,
                } else {
                    errorString = getString(R.string.error_no_decoder,
            } else {
                errorString = getString(R.string.error_instantiating_decoder,
    if (errorString != null) {
    playerNeedsSource = true;
    if (isBehindLiveWindow(e)) {
    } else {
项目:ExoPlayer-Offline    文件   
private static boolean isBehindLiveWindow(ExoPlaybackException e) {
    if (e.type != ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_SOURCE) {
        return false;
    Throwable cause = e.getSourceException();
    while (cause != null) {
        if (cause instanceof BehindLiveWindowException) {
            return true;
        cause = cause.getCause();
    return false;
项目:ExoPlayer-Offline    文件   
protected void onInputFormatChanged(Format newFormat) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  // Ensure timestamps of buffers queued after this format change are never inserted into the
  // queue of expected output timestamps before those of buffers that have already been queued.
  minimumInsertIndex = startIndex + queueSize;
项目:NSMPlayer-Android    文件   
 * Called when an error occurs. The playback state will transition to {@link ExoPlayer#STATE_IDLE}
 * immediately after this method is called. The player instance can still be used, and
 * {@link #release()} must still be called on the player should it no longer be required.
 * @param e The error.
public void onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException e) {
    MediaError error = null;
    if (e == null) {
        error = new MediaError(MediaError.ERROR_UNKNOWN);
    } else {
        if (e.type == ExoPlaybackException.TYPE_RENDERER) {
            Exception cause = e.getRendererException();
            if (cause instanceof MediaCodecRenderer.DecoderInitializationException) {
                // Special case for decoder initialization failures.
                MediaCodecRenderer.DecoderInitializationException decoderInitializationException =
                        (MediaCodecRenderer.DecoderInitializationException) cause;
                if (decoderInitializationException.decoderName == null) {
                    if (decoderInitializationException.getCause() instanceof MediaCodecUtil.DecoderQueryException) {
                        error = new MediaError(MediaError.EXO_ERROR_QUERYING_DECODERS);
                    } else if (decoderInitializationException.secureDecoderRequired) {
                        error = new MediaError(MediaError.EXO_ERROR_NO_SECURE_DECODER);
                    } else {
                        error = new MediaError(MediaError.EXO_ERROR_NO_DECODER);
                } else {
                    error = new MediaError(MediaError.EXO_ERROR_INSTANTIATING_DECODER);

    if (error == null) {
        error = new MediaError(MediaError.ERROR_UNKNOWN);
    PlayerLog.d(TAG, "onPlayerError   " + error.toString());
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
protected void onStreamChanged(Format[] formats) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  streamFormat = formats[0];
  if (decoder != null) {
  } else {
    decoder = decoderFactory.createDecoder(streamFormat);
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
public void render(long positionUs, long elapsedRealtimeUs) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  if (!inputStreamEnded && pendingMetadataCount < MAX_PENDING_METADATA_COUNT) {
    int result = readSource(formatHolder, buffer, false);
    if (result == C.RESULT_BUFFER_READ) {
      if (buffer.isEndOfStream()) {
        inputStreamEnded = true;
      } else if (buffer.isDecodeOnly()) {
        // Do nothing. Note this assumes that all metadata buffers can be decoded independently.
        // If we ever need to support a metadata format where this is not the case, we'll need to
        // pass the buffer to the decoder and discard the output.
      } else {
        buffer.subsampleOffsetUs = formatHolder.format.subsampleOffsetUs;
        try {
          int index = (pendingMetadataIndex + pendingMetadataCount) % MAX_PENDING_METADATA_COUNT;
          pendingMetadata[index] = decoder.decode(buffer);
          pendingMetadataTimestamps[index] = buffer.timeUs;
        } catch (MetadataDecoderException e) {
          throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(e, getIndex());

  if (pendingMetadataCount > 0 && pendingMetadataTimestamps[pendingMetadataIndex] <= positionUs) {
    pendingMetadata[pendingMetadataIndex] = null;
    pendingMetadataIndex = (pendingMetadataIndex + 1) % MAX_PENDING_METADATA_COUNT;
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
public final int supportsFormat(Format format) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  try {
    return supportsFormat(mediaCodecSelector, format);
  } catch (DecoderQueryException e) {
    throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(e, getIndex());
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
protected void onPositionReset(long positionUs, boolean joining) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  inputStreamEnded = false;
  outputStreamEnded = false;
  if (codec != null) {
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
protected void flushCodec() throws ExoPlaybackException {
  codecHotswapDeadlineMs = C.TIME_UNSET;
  inputIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
  outputIndex = C.INDEX_UNSET;
  waitingForFirstSyncFrame = true;
  waitingForKeys = false;
  shouldSkipOutputBuffer = false;
  codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaroundBuffer = false;
  shouldSkipAdaptationWorkaroundOutputBuffer = false;
  if (codecNeedsFlushWorkaround || (codecNeedsEosFlushWorkaround && codecReceivedEos)) {
  } else if (codecReinitializationState != REINITIALIZATION_STATE_NONE) {
    // We're already waiting to release and re-initialize the codec. Since we're now flushing,
    // there's no need to wait any longer.
  } else {
    // We can flush and re-use the existing decoder.
    codecReceivedBuffers = false;
  if (codecReconfigured && format != null) {
    // Any reconfiguration data that we send shortly before the flush may be discarded. We
    // avoid this issue by sending reconfiguration data following every flush.
    codecReconfigurationState = RECONFIGURATION_STATE_WRITE_PENDING;
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
private boolean shouldWaitForKeys(boolean bufferEncrypted) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  if (drmSession == null) {
    return false;
  @DrmSession.State int drmSessionState = drmSession.getState();
  if (drmSessionState == DrmSession.STATE_ERROR) {
    throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(drmSession.getError(), getIndex());
  return drmSessionState != DrmSession.STATE_OPENED_WITH_KEYS
      && (bufferEncrypted || !playClearSamplesWithoutKeys);
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
 * Called when a new format is read from the upstream {@link MediaPeriod}.
 * @param newFormat The new format.
 * @throws ExoPlaybackException If an error occurs reinitializing the {@link MediaCodec}.
protected void onInputFormatChanged(Format newFormat) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  Format oldFormat = format;
  format = newFormat;

  boolean drmInitDataChanged = !Util.areEqual(format.drmInitData, oldFormat == null ? null
      : oldFormat.drmInitData);
  if (drmInitDataChanged) {
    if (format.drmInitData != null) {
      if (drmSessionManager == null) {
        throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(
            new IllegalStateException("Media requires a DrmSessionManager"), getIndex());
      pendingDrmSession = drmSessionManager.acquireSession(Looper.myLooper(), format.drmInitData);
      if (pendingDrmSession == drmSession) {
    } else {
      pendingDrmSession = null;

  if (pendingDrmSession == drmSession && codec != null
      && canReconfigureCodec(codec, codecIsAdaptive, oldFormat, format)) {
    codecReconfigured = true;
    codecReconfigurationState = RECONFIGURATION_STATE_WRITE_PENDING;
    codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaroundBuffer = codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaround
        && format.width == oldFormat.width && format.height == oldFormat.height;
  } else {
    if (codecReceivedBuffers) {
      // Signal end of stream and wait for any final output buffers before re-initialization.
    } else {
      // There aren't any final output buffers, so perform re-initialization immediately.
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
 * Processes a new output format.
private void processOutputFormat() throws ExoPlaybackException {
  MediaFormat format = codec.getOutputFormat();
  if (codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaround
      && format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT) == ADAPTATION_WORKAROUND_SLICE_WIDTH_HEIGHT) {
    // We assume this format changed event was caused by the adaptation workaround.
    shouldSkipAdaptationWorkaroundOutputBuffer = true;
  if (codecNeedsMonoChannelCountWorkaround) {
    format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT, 1);
  onOutputFormatChanged(codec, format);
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
 * Processes an end of stream signal.
 * @throws ExoPlaybackException If an error occurs processing the signal.
private void processEndOfStream() throws ExoPlaybackException {
  if (codecReinitializationState == REINITIALIZATION_STATE_WAIT_END_OF_STREAM) {
    // We're waiting to re-initialize the codec, and have now processed all final buffers.
  } else {
    outputStreamEnded = true;
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
private boolean shouldWaitForKeys(boolean bufferEncrypted) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  if (drmSession == null) {
    return false;
  @DrmSession.State int drmSessionState = drmSession.getState();
  if (drmSessionState == DrmSession.STATE_ERROR) {
    throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(drmSession.getError(), getIndex());
  return drmSessionState != DrmSession.STATE_OPENED_WITH_KEYS
      && (bufferEncrypted || !playClearSamplesWithoutKeys);
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
private void processEndOfStream() throws ExoPlaybackException {
  outputStreamEnded = true;
  try {
  } catch (AudioTrack.WriteException e) {
    throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(drmSession.getError(), getIndex());
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
private void flushDecoder() throws ExoPlaybackException {
  waitingForKeys = false;
  if (decoderReinitializationState != REINITIALIZATION_STATE_NONE) {
  } else {
    inputBuffer = null;
    if (outputBuffer != null) {
      outputBuffer = null;
    decoderReceivedBuffers = false;
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
protected void onEnabled(boolean joining) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  decoderCounters = new DecoderCounters();
  int tunnelingAudioSessionId = getConfiguration().tunnelingAudioSessionId;
  if (tunnelingAudioSessionId != C.AUDIO_SESSION_ID_UNSET) {
  } else {
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
protected void onPositionReset(long positionUs, boolean joining) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  currentPositionUs = positionUs;
  allowPositionDiscontinuity = true;
  inputStreamEnded = false;
  outputStreamEnded = false;
  if (decoder != null) {
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
private void maybeInitDecoder() throws ExoPlaybackException {
  if (decoder != null) {

  drmSession = pendingDrmSession;
  ExoMediaCrypto mediaCrypto = null;
  if (drmSession != null) {
    @DrmSession.State int drmSessionState = drmSession.getState();
    if (drmSessionState == DrmSession.STATE_ERROR) {
      throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(drmSession.getError(), getIndex());
    } else if (drmSessionState == DrmSession.STATE_OPENED
        || drmSessionState == DrmSession.STATE_OPENED_WITH_KEYS) {
      mediaCrypto = drmSession.getMediaCrypto();
    } else {
      // The drm session isn't open yet.

  try {
    long codecInitializingTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
    decoder = createDecoder(inputFormat, mediaCrypto);
    long codecInitializedTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
    eventDispatcher.decoderInitialized(decoder.getName(), codecInitializedTimestamp,
        codecInitializedTimestamp - codecInitializingTimestamp);
  } catch (AudioDecoderException e) {
    throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(e, getIndex());
项目:Exoplayer2Radio    文件   
private void onInputFormatChanged(Format newFormat) throws ExoPlaybackException {
  Format oldFormat = inputFormat;
  inputFormat = newFormat;

  boolean drmInitDataChanged = !Util.areEqual(inputFormat.drmInitData, oldFormat == null ? null
      : oldFormat.drmInitData);
  if (drmInitDataChanged) {
    if (inputFormat.drmInitData != null) {
      if (drmSessionManager == null) {
        throw ExoPlaybackException.createForRenderer(
            new IllegalStateException("Media requires a DrmSessionManager"), getIndex());
      pendingDrmSession = drmSessionManager.acquireSession(Looper.myLooper(),
      if (pendingDrmSession == drmSession) {
    } else {
      pendingDrmSession = null;

  if (decoderReceivedBuffers) {
    // Signal end of stream and wait for any final output buffers before re-initialization.
  } else {
    // There aren't any final output buffers, so release the decoder immediately.
    audioTrackNeedsConfigure = true;
