private void sendMessagesInternal(ExoPlayerMessage[] messages) throws ExoPlaybackException { try { for (ExoPlayerMessage message : messages) {, message.message); } if (mediaSource != null) { // The message may have caused something to change that now requires us to do work. handler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_DO_SOME_WORK); } } finally { synchronized (this) { customMessagesProcessed++; notifyAll(); } } }
public synchronized void blockingSendMessages(ExoPlayerMessage... messages) { if (released) { Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring messages sent after release."); return; } int messageNumber = customMessagesSent++; handler.obtainMessage(MSG_CUSTOM, messages).sendToTarget(); boolean wasInterrupted = false; while (customMessagesProcessed <= messageNumber) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { wasInterrupted = true; } } if (wasInterrupted) { // Restore the interrupted status. Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } }
private void sendMessagesInternal(ExoPlayerMessage[] messages) throws ExoPlaybackException { try { for (ExoPlayerMessage message : messages) {, message.message); } if (state == Player.STATE_READY || state == Player.STATE_BUFFERING) { // The message may have caused something to change that now requires us to do work. handler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_DO_SOME_WORK); } } finally { synchronized (this) { customMessagesProcessed++; notifyAll(); } } }
public void sendMessages(ExoPlayerMessage... messages) { if (released) { Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring messages sent after release."); return; } customMessagesSent++; handler.obtainMessage(MSG_CUSTOM, messages).sendToTarget(); }
public synchronized void blockingSendMessages(ExoPlayerMessage... messages) { if (released) { Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring messages sent after release."); return; } int messageNumber = customMessagesSent++; handler.obtainMessage(MSG_CUSTOM, messages).sendToTarget(); while (customMessagesProcessed <= messageNumber) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } }
/** * Adds a {@link MediaSource} to the playlist and executes a custom action on completion. * <p> * Note: {@link MediaSource} instances are not designed to be re-used. If you want to add the same * piece of media multiple times, use a new instance each time. * * @param index The index at which the new {@link MediaSource} will be inserted. This index must * be in the range of 0 <= index <= {@link #getSize()}. * @param mediaSource The {@link MediaSource} to be added to the list. * @param actionOnCompletion A {@link Runnable} which is executed immediately after the media * source has been added to the playlist. */ public synchronized void addMediaSource(int index, MediaSource mediaSource, @Nullable Runnable actionOnCompletion) { Assertions.checkNotNull(mediaSource); Assertions.checkArgument(!mediaSourcesPublic.contains(mediaSource)); mediaSourcesPublic.add(index, mediaSource); if (player != null) { player.sendMessages(new ExoPlayerMessage(this, MSG_ADD, new MessageData<>(index, mediaSource, actionOnCompletion))); } else if (actionOnCompletion != null) {; } }
/** * Adds multiple {@link MediaSource}s to the playlist and executes a custom action on completion. * <p> * Note: {@link MediaSource} instances are not designed to be re-used. If you want to add the same * piece of media multiple times, use a new instance each time. * * @param index The index at which the new {@link MediaSource}s will be inserted. This index must * be in the range of 0 <= index <= {@link #getSize()}. * @param mediaSources A collection of {@link MediaSource}s to be added to the list. The media * sources are added in the order in which they appear in this collection. * @param actionOnCompletion A {@link Runnable} which is executed immediately after the media * sources have been added to the playlist. */ public synchronized void addMediaSources(int index, Collection<MediaSource> mediaSources, @Nullable Runnable actionOnCompletion) { for (MediaSource mediaSource : mediaSources) { Assertions.checkNotNull(mediaSource); Assertions.checkArgument(!mediaSourcesPublic.contains(mediaSource)); } mediaSourcesPublic.addAll(index, mediaSources); if (player != null && !mediaSources.isEmpty()) { player.sendMessages(new ExoPlayerMessage(this, MSG_ADD_MULTIPLE, new MessageData<>(index, mediaSources, actionOnCompletion))); } else if (actionOnCompletion != null){; } }
/** * Moves an existing {@link MediaSource} within the playlist and executes a custom action on * completion. * * @param currentIndex The current index of the media source in the playlist. This index must be * in the range of 0 <= index < {@link #getSize()}. * @param newIndex The target index of the media source in the playlist. This index must be in the * range of 0 <= index < {@link #getSize()}. * @param actionOnCompletion A {@link Runnable} which is executed immediately after the media * source has been moved. */ public synchronized void moveMediaSource(int currentIndex, int newIndex, @Nullable Runnable actionOnCompletion) { if (currentIndex == newIndex) { return; } mediaSourcesPublic.add(newIndex, mediaSourcesPublic.remove(currentIndex)); if (player != null) { player.sendMessages(new ExoPlayerMessage(this, MSG_MOVE, new MessageData<>(currentIndex, newIndex, actionOnCompletion))); } else if (actionOnCompletion != null) {; } }
private void maybeNotifyListener(@Nullable EventDispatcher actionOnCompletion) { if (!preventListenerNotification) { listener.onSourceInfoRefreshed(this, new ConcatenatedTimeline(mediaSourceHolders, windowCount, periodCount, shuffleOrder), null); if (actionOnCompletion != null) { player.sendMessages( new ExoPlayerMessage(this, MSG_ON_COMPLETION, actionOnCompletion)); } } }
/** * Removes a {@link MediaSource} from the playlist and executes a custom action on completion. * <p> * Note: {@link MediaSource} instances are not designed to be re-used, and so the instance being * removed should not be re-added. If you want to move the instance use * {@link #moveMediaSource(int, int)} instead. * * @param index The index at which the media source will be removed. This index must be in the * range of 0 <= index < {@link #getSize()}. * @param actionOnCompletion A {@link Runnable} which is executed immediately after the media * source has been removed from the playlist. */ public synchronized void removeMediaSource(int index, @Nullable Runnable actionOnCompletion) { mediaSourcesPublic.remove(index); if (player != null) { player.sendMessages(new ExoPlayerMessage(this, MSG_REMOVE, new MessageData<>(index, null, actionOnCompletion))); } else if (actionOnCompletion != null) {; } }