public void putConfiguration(ConnectionConfiguration config, String oldNodeId) { ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); if ( != null) { contentValues.put("name",; } else if (config.role == 2) { contentValues.put("name", "server"); } else { contentValues.put("name", "NULL_STRING"); } if (config.address != null) { contentValues.put("pairedBtAddress", config.address); } else { contentValues.put("pairedBtAddress", "NULL_STRING"); } contentValues.put("connectionType", config.type); contentValues.put("role", config.role); contentValues.put("connectionEnabled", true); contentValues.put("nodeId", config.nodeId); if (oldNodeId == null) { getWritableDatabase().insert(TABLE_NAME, null, contentValues); } else { getWritableDatabase().update(TABLE_NAME, contentValues, "nodeId=?", new String[]{oldNodeId}); } }
public synchronized ConnectionConfiguration[] getConfigurations() { if (configurations == null) { configurations = configDatabase.getAllConfigurations(); } if (configurationsUpdated) { configurationsUpdated = false; ConnectionConfiguration[] newConfigurations = configDatabase.getAllConfigurations(); for (ConnectionConfiguration configuration : configurations) { for (ConnectionConfiguration newConfiguration : newConfigurations) { if ( { newConfiguration.connected = configuration.connected; newConfiguration.peerNodeId = configuration.peerNodeId; newConfiguration.nodeId = configuration.nodeId; break; } } } configurations = newConfigurations; } Log.d(TAG, "Configurations reported: " + Arrays.toString(configurations)); return configurations; }
private void closeConnection(String nodeId) { WearableConnection connection = activeConnections.get(nodeId); try { connection.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { Log.w(TAG, e1); } if (connection == sct.getWearableConnection()) { sct.close(); sct = null; } activeConnections.remove(nodeId); for (ConnectionConfiguration config : getConfigurations()) { if (config.nodeId.equals(nodeId) || config.peerNodeId.equals(nodeId)) { config.connected = false; } } onPeerDisconnected(new NodeParcelable(nodeId, "Wear device")); Log.d(TAG, "Closed connection to " + nodeId + " on error"); }
private MessageHandler(WearableImpl wearable, ConnectionConfiguration config, String name, String networkId, long androidId) { super(new Connect.Builder() .name(name) .id(wearable.getLocalNodeId()) .networkId(networkId) .peerAndroidId(androidId) .unknown4(3) .peerVersion(1) .build()); this.wearable = wearable; this.oldConfigNodeId = config.nodeId; }
private static ConnectionConfiguration configFromCursor(final Cursor cursor) { String name = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("name")); String pairedBtAddress = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("pairedBtAddress")); int connectionType = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("connectionType")); int role = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("role")); int enabled = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("connectionEnabled")); String nodeId = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("nodeId")); if (NULL_STRING.equals(name)) name = null; if (NULL_STRING.equals(pairedBtAddress)) pairedBtAddress = null; return new ConnectionConfiguration(name, pairedBtAddress, connectionType, role, enabled > 0, nodeId); }
public ConnectionConfiguration getConfiguration(String name) { Cursor cursor = getReadableDatabase().query(TABLE_NAME, null, BY_NAME, new String[]{name}, null, null, null); ConnectionConfiguration config = null; if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToNext()) config = configFromCursor(cursor); cursor.close(); } return config; }
public ConnectionConfiguration[] getAllConfigurations() { Cursor cursor = getReadableDatabase().query(TABLE_NAME, null, null, null, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { List<ConnectionConfiguration> configurations = new ArrayList<ConnectionConfiguration>(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { configurations.add(configFromCursor(cursor)); } cursor.close(); return configurations.toArray(new ConnectionConfiguration[configurations.size()]); } else { return null; } }
public void onConnectReceived(WearableConnection connection, String nodeId, Connect connect) { for (ConnectionConfiguration config : getConfigurations()) { if (config.nodeId.equals(nodeId)) { if (config.nodeId != nodeId) { config.nodeId =; configDatabase.putConfiguration(config, nodeId); } config.peerNodeId =; config.connected = true; } } Log.d(TAG, "Adding connection to list of open connections: " + connection + " with connect " + connect); activeConnections.put(, connection); onPeerConnected(new NodeParcelable(,; // Fetch missing assets Cursor cursor = nodeDatabase.listMissingAssets(); if (cursor != null) { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { try { Log.d(TAG, "Fetch for " + cursor.getString(12)); connection.writeMessage(new RootMessage.Builder() .fetchAsset(new FetchAsset.Builder() .assetName(cursor.getString(12)) .packageName(cursor.getString(1)) .signatureDigest(cursor.getString(2)) .permission(false) .build()).build()); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); closeConnection(; } } cursor.close(); } }
public void onDisconnectReceived(WearableConnection connection, Connect connect) { for (ConnectionConfiguration config : getConfigurations()) { if (config.nodeId.equals( { config.connected = false; } } Log.d(TAG, "Removing connection from list of open connections: " + connection); activeConnections.remove(; onPeerDisconnected(new NodeParcelable(,; }
public abstract void zza(zzaz paramzzaz, ConnectionConfiguration paramConnectionConfiguration) throws RemoteException;
public abstract void zzb(zzaz paramzzaz, ConnectionConfiguration paramConnectionConfiguration) throws RemoteException;
public final void zza(zzaz paramzzaz, ConnectionConfiguration paramConnectionConfiguration) throws RemoteException { // Byte code: // 0: invokestatic 27 android/os/Parcel:obtain ()Landroid/os/Parcel; // 3: astore_3 // 4: invokestatic 27 android/os/Parcel:obtain ()Landroid/os/Parcel; // 7: astore 4 // 9: aload_3 // 10: ldc 29 // 12: invokevirtual 33 android/os/Parcel:writeInterfaceToken (Ljava/lang/String;)V // 15: aload_1 // 16: ifnull +63 -> 79 // 19: aload_1 // 20: invokeinterface 37 1 0 // 25: astore 6 // 27: aload_3 // 28: aload 6 // 30: invokevirtual 40 android/os/Parcel:writeStrongBinder (Landroid/os/IBinder;)V // 33: aload_2 // 34: ifnull +51 -> 85 // 37: aload_3 // 38: iconst_1 // 39: invokevirtual 62 android/os/Parcel:writeInt (I)V // 42: aload_2 // 43: aload_3 // 44: iconst_0 // 45: invokevirtual 78 com/google/android/gms/wearable/ConnectionConfiguration:writeToParcel (Landroid/os/Parcel;I)V // 48: aload_0 // 49: getfield 15 com/google/android/gms/wearable/internal/zzbb$zza$zza:zzop Landroid/os/IBinder; // 52: bipush 20 // 54: aload_3 // 55: aload 4 // 57: iconst_0 // 58: invokeinterface 46 5 0 // 63: pop // 64: aload 4 // 66: invokevirtual 49 android/os/Parcel:readException ()V // 69: aload 4 // 71: invokevirtual 52 android/os/Parcel:recycle ()V // 74: aload_3 // 75: invokevirtual 52 android/os/Parcel:recycle ()V // 78: return // 79: aconst_null // 80: astore 6 // 82: goto -55 -> 27 // 85: aload_3 // 86: iconst_0 // 87: invokevirtual 62 android/os/Parcel:writeInt (I)V // 90: goto -42 -> 48 // 93: astore 5 // 95: aload 4 // 97: invokevirtual 52 android/os/Parcel:recycle ()V // 100: aload_3 // 101: invokevirtual 52 android/os/Parcel:recycle ()V // 104: aload 5 // 106: athrow // Local variable table: // start length slot name signature // 0 107 0 this zza // 0 107 1 paramzzaz zzaz // 0 107 2 paramConnectionConfiguration ConnectionConfiguration // 3 98 3 localParcel1 Parcel // 7 89 4 localParcel2 Parcel // 93 12 5 localObject Object // 25 56 6 localIBinder IBinder // Exception table: // from to target type // 9 15 93 finally // 19 27 93 finally // 27 33 93 finally // 37 48 93 finally // 48 69 93 finally // 85 90 93 finally }
public final void zzb(zzaz paramzzaz, ConnectionConfiguration paramConnectionConfiguration) throws RemoteException { // Byte code: // 0: invokestatic 27 android/os/Parcel:obtain ()Landroid/os/Parcel; // 3: astore_3 // 4: invokestatic 27 android/os/Parcel:obtain ()Landroid/os/Parcel; // 7: astore 4 // 9: aload_3 // 10: ldc 29 // 12: invokevirtual 33 android/os/Parcel:writeInterfaceToken (Ljava/lang/String;)V // 15: aload_1 // 16: ifnull +62 -> 78 // 19: aload_1 // 20: invokeinterface 37 1 0 // 25: astore 6 // 27: aload_3 // 28: aload 6 // 30: invokevirtual 40 android/os/Parcel:writeStrongBinder (Landroid/os/IBinder;)V // 33: aload_2 // 34: ifnull +50 -> 84 // 37: aload_3 // 38: iconst_1 // 39: invokevirtual 62 android/os/Parcel:writeInt (I)V // 42: aload_2 // 43: aload_3 // 44: iconst_0 // 45: invokevirtual 78 com/google/android/gms/wearable/ConnectionConfiguration:writeToParcel (Landroid/os/Parcel;I)V // 48: aload_0 // 49: getfield 15 com/google/android/gms/wearable/internal/zzbb$zza$zza:zzop Landroid/os/IBinder; // 52: iconst_2 // 53: aload_3 // 54: aload 4 // 56: iconst_0 // 57: invokeinterface 46 5 0 // 62: pop // 63: aload 4 // 65: invokevirtual 49 android/os/Parcel:readException ()V // 68: aload 4 // 70: invokevirtual 52 android/os/Parcel:recycle ()V // 73: aload_3 // 74: invokevirtual 52 android/os/Parcel:recycle ()V // 77: return // 78: aconst_null // 79: astore 6 // 81: goto -54 -> 27 // 84: aload_3 // 85: iconst_0 // 86: invokevirtual 62 android/os/Parcel:writeInt (I)V // 89: goto -41 -> 48 // 92: astore 5 // 94: aload 4 // 96: invokevirtual 52 android/os/Parcel:recycle ()V // 99: aload_3 // 100: invokevirtual 52 android/os/Parcel:recycle ()V // 103: aload 5 // 105: athrow // Local variable table: // start length slot name signature // 0 106 0 this zza // 0 106 1 paramzzaz zzaz // 0 106 2 paramConnectionConfiguration ConnectionConfiguration // 3 97 3 localParcel1 Parcel // 7 88 4 localParcel2 Parcel // 92 12 5 localObject Object // 25 55 6 localIBinder IBinder // Exception table: // from to target type // 9 15 92 finally // 19 27 92 finally // 27 33 92 finally // 37 48 92 finally // 48 68 92 finally // 84 89 92 finally }
GetConfigResponse(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, ConnectionConfiguration paramConnectionConfiguration) { this.versionCode = paramInt1; this.statusCode = paramInt2; this.zzcgp = paramConnectionConfiguration; }
GetConfigsResponse(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, ConnectionConfiguration[] paramArrayOfConnectionConfiguration) { this.versionCode = paramInt1; this.statusCode = paramInt2; this.zzcgq = paramArrayOfConnectionConfiguration; }
public GetConfigResponse(int statusCode, ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfiguration) { this.statusCode = statusCode; this.connectionConfiguration = connectionConfiguration; }
public GetConfigsResponse(int statusCode, ConnectionConfiguration[] configurations) { this.statusCode = statusCode; this.configurations = configurations; }
public MessageHandler(WearableImpl wearable, ConnectionConfiguration config) { this(wearable, config, new Build().model, config.nodeId,; }
@Override @Deprecated public void putConnection(IWearableCallbacks callbacks, ConnectionConfiguration config) throws RemoteException { Log.d(TAG, "unimplemented Method: putConnection"); }
public void putConfiguration(ConnectionConfiguration config) { putConfiguration(config, null); }
public void createConnection(ConnectionConfiguration config) { if (config.nodeId == null) config.nodeId = getLocalNodeId(); Log.d(TAG, "putConfig[nyp]: " + config); configDatabase.putConfiguration(config); configurationsUpdated = true; }