Java 类 实例源码

项目:n4js    文件   
private void configureResourceSetContainerState(final List<N4JSProject> allProjects) {
    // a container is a project.
    List<String> containers = new LinkedList<>();
    BiMap<String, N4JSProject> container2project = HashBiMap.create();

    // the URIs of all resources directly contained in a project/container.
    Multimap<String, URI> container2Uris = HashMultimap.create();

    for (N4JSProject project : allProjects) {
        String container = FileBasedWorkspace.N4FBPRJ + project.getLocation();
        container2project.put(container, project);

        for (IN4JSSourceContainer sourceContainer : project.getSourceContainers()) {
            Iterables.addAll(container2Uris.get(container), sourceContainer);

    // Define the Mapping of Resources (URIs to Container === Projects),
    rsbAcs.configure(containers, container2Uris);
项目:neto    文件   
public Map<Integer, Class<? extends NetoJsonMessage>> opcodeMap(String filePath, String messagePackage) throws Exception {

        BiMap<Integer, Class<? extends NetoJsonMessage>> classBiMap = HashBiMap.create();

        File opcodeJsonFile = getFile(filePath);

        ObjectMapper ob = new ObjectMapper();

        JsonNode jsonNode = ob.readTree(opcodeJsonFile);
        Iterator<String> it = jsonNode.fieldNames();

        while(it.hasNext()) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            String className =;
            int opcode = jsonNode.get(className).asInt();
            Class<? extends NetoJsonMessage> aClass = (Class<? extends NetoJsonMessage>) Class.forName(sb.toString());
            classBiMap.put(opcode, aClass);

        return classBiMap;
项目:rejoiner    文件   
GqlInputConverter build() {
  HashBiMap<String, Descriptor> mapping = HashBiMap.create();
  HashBiMap<String, EnumDescriptor> enumMapping = HashBiMap.create(getEnumMap(enumDescriptors));
  LinkedList<Descriptor> loop = new LinkedList<>(descriptors);

  Set<FileDescriptor> fileDescriptorSet = ProtoRegistry.extractDependencies(fileDescriptors);

  for (FileDescriptor fileDescriptor : fileDescriptorSet) {

  while (!loop.isEmpty()) {
    Descriptor descriptor = loop.pop();
    if (!mapping.containsKey(descriptor.getFullName())) {
      mapping.put(getReferenceName(descriptor), descriptor);

  return new GqlInputConverter(
      ImmutableBiMap.copyOf(mapping), ImmutableBiMap.copyOf(enumMapping));
项目:rejoiner    文件   
/** Applies the supplied modifications to the GraphQLTypes. */
private static BiMap<String, GraphQLType> modifyTypes(
    BiMap<String, GraphQLType> mapping,
    ImmutableListMultimap<String, TypeModification> modifications) {
  BiMap<String, GraphQLType> result = HashBiMap.create(mapping.size());
  for (String key : mapping.keySet()) {
    if (mapping.get(key) instanceof GraphQLObjectType) {
      GraphQLObjectType val = (GraphQLObjectType) mapping.get(key);
      if (modifications.containsKey(key)) {
        for (TypeModification modification : modifications.get(key)) {
          val = modification.apply(val);
      result.put(key, val);
    } else {
      result.put(key, mapping.get(key));
  return result;
项目:TextHIN    文件   
public static BiMap<String, String> loadStringToStringBiMap(String file, int from, int to) throws IOException {

    BiMap<String, String> res = HashBiMap.create();
    BufferedReader reader = IOUtils.getBufferedFileReader(file);
    String line;
    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
      String[] tokens = line.split("\t");
      if (res.containsKey(tokens[from]))
        throw new RuntimeException("Map already contains key: " + tokens[from]);
      if (res.inverse().containsKey(tokens[to]))
        throw new RuntimeException("Map already contains value: " + tokens[to]);
      res.put(tokens[from], tokens[to]);
    return res;
项目:Equella    文件   
public void testTypeMap()
    BiMap<String, Integer> map = HashBiMap.create();
    map.put("test1", 1);
    map.put("test2", 2);
    map.put("test3", 3);
    map.put("test4", 4);


    new ListMapping("collection", "types/type", ArrayList.class, new NodeTypeMapping("", "", map, new Integer(4))));

    assertEquals(1, bean.collection.get(0));
    assertEquals(2, bean.collection.get(1));
    assertEquals(3, bean.collection.get(2));
    assertEquals(4, bean.collection.get(3));


    assertEquals("test1", xml.getNode("types/type[0]"));
    assertEquals("test2", xml.getNode("types/type[1]"));
    assertEquals("test3", xml.getNode("types/type[2]"));
    assertEquals("test4", xml.getNode("types/type[3]"));
项目:optashift-employee-rostering    文件   
protected void initWidget() {
    for (DayOfWeek day : DayOfWeek.values()) {

    // TODO: Make this more maintainable
    templateDurationIndexMap = HashBiMap.create();
    templateDuration.addItem("1 Week");
    templateDurationIndexMap.put(1, 0);
    templateDuration.addItem("2 Weeks");
    templateDurationIndexMap.put(2, 1);
    templateDuration.addItem("4 Weeks");
    templateDurationIndexMap.put(4, 2);

    desiredWeightInput.setValidators(new DecimalMinValidator<Integer>(0));
    undesiredWeightInput.setValidators(new DecimalMinValidator<Integer>(0));
项目:SubgraphIsomorphismIndex    文件   
public Multimap<K, InsertPosition<K, G, V, T>> lookup(G queryGraph, boolean exactMatch) {

        Set<T> queryGraphTags = extractGraphTagsWrapper(queryGraph);

        Collection<InsertPosition<K, G, V, T>> positions = new LinkedList<>();
        findInsertPositions(positions, rootNode, queryGraph, queryGraphTags, HashBiMap.create(), HashBiMap.create(), true, exactMatch); //, writer);

        Multimap<K, InsertPosition<K, G, V, T>> result = HashMultimap.create();
        logger.debug("Lookup result candidates: " + positions.size());
        for(InsertPosition<K, G, V, T> pos : positions) {
            // Match with the children

            result.put(pos.getNode().getKey(), pos);
            //System.out.println("Node " + pos.node + " with keys " + pos.node.getKeys() + " iso: " + pos.getGraphIso().getInToOut());
//            for(K key : pos.node.getKeys()) {
//                result.put(key, pos);
//            }
        return result;
项目:SubgraphIsomorphismIndex    文件   
     * During the insert procedure, the insert graph is never renamed, because we want to figure out
     * how to remap existing nodes such they become a subgraph of the insertGraph.
     * @param graph
    void add(IndexNode<K, G, V, T> node, K key, G insertGraph, Set<T> insertGraphTags, BiMap<V, V> baseIso, boolean forceInsert) { //, IndentedWriter writer) {
        // The insert graph must be larger than the node Graph

        Collection<InsertPosition<K, G, V, T>> positions = new LinkedList<>();
        HashBiMap<V, V> deltaIso = HashBiMap.create();
        findInsertPositions(positions, node, insertGraph, insertGraphTags, baseIso, deltaIso, false, false); //, writer);

//        positions.forEach(p -> {
//            System.out.println("Insert pos: " + p.getNode().getKey() + " --- " + p.getIso());
//        });

        for(InsertPosition<K, G, V, T> pos : positions) {
            performAdd(key, pos, forceInsert); //, writer);
项目:cakes    文件   
 * BiMap存储数据时出现冲突
 * 存储时,如果key相同,则会覆盖,则逆转后不会有问题
 * 存储时,如果key不同,value有相同,则逆转时会抛出异常IllegalArgumentException
public void testConflictInsertKV() {
    // 存储相同key数据,此时会覆盖k1=v1
    BiMap<String, String> biMap1 = HashBiMap.create();
    biMap1.put("k1", "v1");
    biMap1.put("k1", "v2");
    System.out.println("biMap1: " + biMap1);

    // 获取的只有 v2=k1
    BiMap<String, String> inverseBiMap1 = biMap1.inverse();
    System.out.println("inverseBiMap1: " + inverseBiMap1);


    // 存储相同的value数据
    BiMap<String, String> biMap2 = HashBiMap.create();
    biMap2.put("k1", "v1");

    // 此时抛出异常 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: value already present: v1
    biMap2.put("k2", "v1");
    System.out.println("biMap2: " + biMap2);

    BiMap<String, String> inverseBiMap2 = biMap2.inverse();
    System.out.println("inverseBiMap2: " + inverseBiMap2);
项目:cakes    文件   
 * value如果有冲突时会抛异常,此时可以选择强制覆盖, forcePut
public void testFixedConflict() {
    BiMap<String, String> biMap = HashBiMap.create();
    biMap.put("k1", "v1");

    // 此时会强制覆盖,连原来的k1=v1都不存在
    biMap.forcePut("k2", "v1");

    // biMap: {k2=v1}
    System.out.println("biMap2: " + biMap);

    BiMap<String, String> inverseBiMap = biMap.inverse();

    // inverseBiMap: {v1=k2}
    System.out.println("inverseBiMap: " + inverseBiMap);
项目:cakes    文件   
 * HashBiMap key, value 相关校验
public void testKeyValueCheck() {
    BiMap<String, String> biMap = HashBiMap.create();
    biMap.put("k1", "v1");

    // 校验 map 是否为空
    boolean isBiMapEmpty = biMap.isEmpty();
    System.out.println("isBiMapEmpty: " + isBiMapEmpty);

    // 检查某个key是否存在
    boolean isKeyExists = biMap.containsKey("k1");
    System.out.println("isKeyExists: " + isKeyExists);

    // 检查某个value是否存在
    boolean isValueExists = biMap.containsValue("v1");
    System.out.println("isValueExists: " + isValueExists);
项目:cakes    文件   
 * HashBiMap 修改数据
 * putAll
 * remove
 * replace
public void testUpdateBiMapDate() {
    BiMap<String, String> biMap = HashBiMap.create();
    biMap.put("k1", "v1");
    biMap.put("k2", "v2");

    // putAll , 存入另一个Map的数据,此时如果value有重复的依然会抛异常
    biMap.putAll(ImmutableBiMap.of("k3", "v3", "k4", "v4", "k5", "v5", "k6", "v6"));
    System.out.println("biMap putAll after: " + biMap);


    // remove , 移除指定key的元素,如果key不存在,则返回null
    String v2 = biMap.remove("k2");
    String valueNotExists = biMap.remove("keyNotExists");
    System.out.println("remove k2 then biMap= " + biMap + ", and remove the value= " + v2);
    System.out.println("valueNotExists=" + valueNotExists);


    // 清空map里的数据
    System.out.println("clean biMap=" + biMap);
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
public void onCreate(Map<ResourceLocation, ?> slaveset, BiMap<ResourceLocation, ? extends IForgeRegistry<?>> registries)
    final ClearableObjectIntIdentityMap<IBlockState> idMap = new ClearableObjectIntIdentityMap<IBlockState>()
        public int get(IBlockState key)
            Integer integer = (Integer)this.identityMap.get(key);
            // There are some cases where this map is queried to serialize a state that is valid,
            //but somehow not in this list, so attempt to get real metadata. Doing this hear saves us 7 patches
            if (integer == null && key != null)
                integer = this.identityMap.get(key.getBlock().getStateFromMeta(key.getBlock().getMetaFromState(key)));
            return integer == null ? -1 : integer.intValue();
    ((Map<ResourceLocation,Object>)slaveset).put(BLOCKSTATE_TO_ID, idMap);
    final HashBiMap<Block, Item> map = HashBiMap.create();
    ((Map<ResourceLocation,Object>)slaveset).put(BLOCK_TO_ITEM, map);
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
public static Fluid lookupFluidForBlock(Block block)
    if (fluidBlocks == null)
        BiMap<Block, Fluid> tmp = HashBiMap.create();
        for (Fluid fluid : fluids.values())
            if (fluid.canBePlacedInWorld() && fluid.getBlock() != null)
                tmp.put(fluid.getBlock(), fluid);
        fluidBlocks = tmp;
    return fluidBlocks.get(block);
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
public static void loadFluidDefaults(NBTTagCompound tag)
    Set<String> defaults = Sets.newHashSet();
    if (tag.hasKey("DefaultFluidList",9))
        FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.DEBUG, "Loading persistent fluid defaults from world");
        NBTTagList tl = tag.getTagList("DefaultFluidList", 8);
        for (int i = 0; i < tl.tagCount(); i++)
        FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.DEBUG, "World is missing persistent fluid defaults - using local defaults");
    loadFluidDefaults(HashBiMap.create(fluidIDs), defaults);
项目:canal_mysql_elasticsearch_sync    文件   
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
    dbEsBiMapping = HashBiMap.create();
    dbEsMapping.forEach((key, value) -> {
        String[] keyStrings = StringUtils.split(key, ".");
        String[] valueStrings = StringUtils.split(value, ".");
        dbEsBiMapping.put(new DatabaseTableModel(keyStrings[0], keyStrings[1]), new IndexTypeModel(valueStrings[0], valueStrings[1]));

    mysqlTypeElasticsearchTypeMapping = Maps.newHashMap();
    mysqlTypeElasticsearchTypeMapping.put("char", data -> data);
    mysqlTypeElasticsearchTypeMapping.put("text", data -> data);
    mysqlTypeElasticsearchTypeMapping.put("blob", data -> data);
    mysqlTypeElasticsearchTypeMapping.put("int", Long::valueOf);
    mysqlTypeElasticsearchTypeMapping.put("date", data -> LocalDateTime.parse(data, formatter));
    mysqlTypeElasticsearchTypeMapping.put("time", data -> LocalDateTime.parse(data, formatter));
    mysqlTypeElasticsearchTypeMapping.put("float", Double::valueOf);
    mysqlTypeElasticsearchTypeMapping.put("double", Double::valueOf);
    mysqlTypeElasticsearchTypeMapping.put("decimal", Double::valueOf);
项目:jaf-examples    文件   
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    List<Salary> list = SalaryFileUtils.readFromFile();

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    HashBiMap<String, LongSummaryStatistics> groupMap = list.parallelStream()
        .filter(s -> s.getTotalIncome() > 100000)
                () -> HashBiMap.create(),

        .sorted(Comparator.comparingLong(LongSummaryStatistics::getSum).reversed()) // 默认是从小到大排序
        .forEachOrdered(ls -> {
            System.out.format("[%s], count: %s, sum: %s \n", 
                    groupMap.inverse().get(ls), ls.getCount(), ls.getSum());
    System.out.println("elapsed time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
项目:jaf-examples    文件   
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    List<Salary> list = SalaryFileUtils.readFromFile();

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    HashBiMap<String, LongSummaryStatistics> groupMap = list.parallelStream()
        .filter(s -> s.getTotalIncome() > 100000)
                () -> HashBiMap.create(),

        .sorted(Comparator.comparingLong(LongSummaryStatistics::getSum).reversed()) // 默认是从小到大排序
        .forEachOrdered(ls -> {
            System.out.format("[%s], count: %s, sum: %s \n", 
                    groupMap.inverse().get(ls), ls.getCount(), ls.getSum());
    System.out.println("elapsed time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
项目:ipst    文件   
public static EurostagFakeNodes build(Network network, EurostagEchExportConfig config) {

    BiMap<String, String> fakeNodesMap = HashBiMap.create(new HashMap<>());
    AtomicLongMap<String> countUsesMap = AtomicLongMap.create();

    //adds 2 default fake nodes
    fakeNodesMap.put(EchUtil.FAKE_NODE_NAME1, EchUtil.FAKE_NODE_NAME1);
    fakeNodesMap.put(EchUtil.FAKE_NODE_NAME2, EchUtil.FAKE_NODE_NAME2);

    Identifiables.sort(network.getVoltageLevels()).stream().map(VoltageLevel::getId).forEach(vlId ->
            fakeNodesMap.put(vlId, newEsgId(fakeNodesMap, vlId)));

    return new EurostagFakeNodes(fakeNodesMap, countUsesMap, network);
项目:TRHS_Club_Mod_2016    文件   
public static Fluid lookupFluidForBlock(Block block)
    if (fluidBlocks == null)
        BiMap<Block, Fluid> tmp = HashBiMap.create();
        for (Fluid fluid : fluids.values())
            if (fluid.canBePlacedInWorld() && fluid.getBlock() != null)
                tmp.put(fluid.getBlock(), fluid);
        fluidBlocks = tmp;
    return fluidBlocks.get(block);
项目:TRHS_Club_Mod_2016    文件   
public static void loadFluidDefaults(NBTTagCompound tag)
    Set<String> defaults = Sets.newHashSet();
    if (tag.func_150297_b("DefaultFluidList",9))
        FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.DEBUG, "Loading persistent fluid defaults from world");
        NBTTagList tl = tag.func_150295_c("DefaultFluidList", 8);
        for (int i = 0; i < tl.func_74745_c(); i++)
        FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.DEBUG, "World is missing persistent fluid defaults - using local defaults");
    loadFluidDefaults(HashBiMap.create(fluidIDs), defaults);
项目:WikiParser    文件   
public static void write(ArticlesIdsRelations articlesIds, String file, String[] header)
    List<String[]> entries = new ArrayList<>();
    HashBiMap<String, String> titleIdMap = articlesIds.getTitleIdMap();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : titleIdMap.entrySet())
        String id1 = e.getValue();
        String id2 = e.getKey();
        String[] entry =
            id1, id2
    write(entries, file);

项目:asglogic    文件   
public Netlist(BDDFactory fac, StateGraph sg, Reset reset) {
    this.fac = fac;
    this.reset = reset;
    this.nameVarMap = new HashMap<>();
    this.idVarMap = new HashMap<>();
    this.terms = new TreeMap<>(new BDDComparator());
    this.unmappedTerms = new HashSet<>();
    this.mappedTerms = new HashMap<>();
    this.quasiSignals = new HashMap<>();
    this.tmpid = 0;

    this.sigVarMap = HashBiMap.create();
    for(Signal sig : sg.getAllSignals()) {
        sigVarMap.put(sig, getNetlistVariableByName(sig.getName()));

项目:ExoMagica    文件   
public static void registerRitual(IRitual ritual, String name) {
    if(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to register a ritual with no name: " + ritual);
    if(ritual == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("The ritual cannot be null");

    ModContainer mod = Loader.instance().activeModContainer();
    if(mod == null) {
        name = "minecraft:" + name;
    } else {
        name = mod.getModId() + ":" + name;
    HashBiMap<String, IRitualRecipe> recipes = HashBiMap.create();
    NAMED_RITUALS.put(name, ritual);
    RITUALS_RECIPES.put(ritual, recipes);
项目:registry    文件   
public SchemaBranchCache(Integer size, Long expiryInSecs, final SchemaBranchFetcher schemaBranchFetcher) {
    schemaBranchNameToIdMap = Maps.synchronizedBiMap(HashBiMap.create());
    loadingCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
            .expireAfterAccess(expiryInSecs, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
            .build(new CacheLoader<Key, SchemaBranch>() {
                public SchemaBranch load(Key key) throws Exception {
                    SchemaBranch schemaBranch;
                    Key otherKey;
                    if (key.getSchemaBranchKey() != null) {
                        schemaBranch = schemaBranchFetcher.getSchemaBranch(key.getSchemaBranchKey());
                        otherKey = Key.of(schemaBranch.getId());
                        schemaBranchNameToIdMap.put(key.getSchemaBranchKey(), schemaBranch.getId());
                    } else if (key.getId() != null) {
                        schemaBranch = schemaBranchFetcher.getSchemaBranch(key.getId());
                        otherKey = Key.of(new SchemaBranchKey(schemaBranch.getName(), schemaBranch.getSchemaMetadataName()));
                        schemaBranchNameToIdMap.put(otherKey.schemaBranchKey, schemaBranch.getId());
                    } else {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given argument is not valid: " + key);
                    loadingCache.put(otherKey, schemaBranch);
                    return schemaBranch;
项目:jamocha    文件   
public ConstructCache.Defrule.ECSetRule build() {
    if (1 != this.stack.size()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Rule can only be constructed if all existential scopes are closed!");
    final AbstractConditionProxy conditionProxy = this.stack.pop();
    final Set<ECFilterSet> condition = conditionProxy.condition;
    final Set<SingleFactVariable> factVariableSet = conditionProxy.factVariableSet;
    final Set<RuleCondition.EquivalenceClass> equivalenceClasses = conditionProxy.equivalenceClasses;
    final Set<RuleCondition.EquivalenceClass> usedECs = ECCollector.collect(condition);
    if (usedECs.contains(this.initialFactVariable.getEqual())) {
    final ConstructCache.Defrule defrule =
            new ConstructCache.Defrule(this.ruleName, "", 0, null, ImmutableList.of());
    final ConstructCache.Defrule.ECSetRule ecSetRule =
            defrule.newECSetRule(condition, factVariableSet, equivalenceClasses, HashBiMap.create(0), 0);
    return ecSetRule;
项目:api-compiler    文件   
private static ImmutableMap<String, Map<CollectionAttribute, String>> generateShortNames(
    Collection<CollectionAttribute> collections) {
  // Map[version -> Map[name -> collection]] because collection name must be unique within a
  // given version, but likely is not unique across versions.
  Map<String, BiMap<String, CollectionAttribute>> versionMap = new HashMap<>();
  for (CollectionAttribute collection : collections) {
    String version = collection.getVersionWithDefault();
    if (!versionMap.containsKey(version)) {
      versionMap.put(version, HashBiMap.<String, CollectionAttribute>create());
    String baseName = collection.getBaseName();
    String shortName = baseName.substring(baseName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
    insertOrDisambiguate(versionMap.get(version), shortName, collection);

  ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Map<CollectionAttribute, String>> shortNames =
      new ImmutableMap.Builder<>();
  for (Map.Entry<String, BiMap<String, CollectionAttribute>> entry : versionMap.entrySet()) {
    shortNames.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().inverse());
项目:SilverKing    文件   
public AsyncKeyedOperationImpl(KeyedNamespaceOperation<K> operation, KeyCreator<K> keyCreator, 
                               ClientNamespace namespace, long curTime, byte[] originator) {
    super(operation, namespace.getContext(), curTime, originator);

    this.keyedNamespaceOperation = (KeyedNamespaceOperation<K>)operation;
    size = keyedNamespaceOperation.size();
    this.keyCreator = keyCreator;
    //dhtKeyToKey = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(size);
    //keyToDHTKey = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(size);
    //dhtKeyToKey = new HashMap<>(size);
    //keyToDHTKey = new HashMap<>(size);
    if (size != 1) {
     keyDHTKeyBiMap = HashBiMap.create(size);
     keyToDHTKey = keyDHTKeyBiMap;
     dhtKeyToKey = keyDHTKeyBiMap.inverse();
    } else {
     keyDHTKeyBiMap = null;
     keyToDHTKey = new SingleKeyToDHTKeyMap<>();
     dhtKeyToKey = new SingleDHTKeyToKeyMap<>();
    dhtKeys = createKeys(keyCreator);
    failureCausesRef = new AtomicReference<>();
    resultsReceived = new AtomicInteger();
    completionCheckLock = new SpinLock();
    //completionCheckLock = new ReentrantLock();
项目:copybara    文件   
public Transformation reverse() throws NonReversibleValidationException {
  if (mode != Mode.MAP_OR_FAIL && mode != Mode.MAP_OR_IGNORE) {
    throw new NonReversibleValidationException(location, mode + " mode is not reversible");

  BiMap<String, String> mapping;
  try {
    mapping = HashBiMap.create(this.mapping);
  } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    throw new NonReversibleValidationException(location,
        "Non-reversible mapping: " + e.getMessage());

  return new TodoReplace(location, glob, todoTags, mode, mapping.inverse(), defaultString,
项目:FastDMM    文件   
public void expandKeys() {
    Set<String> unusedKeysSet = new TreeSet<>();
    generateKeys(keyLen, "", unusedKeysSet);
    ArrayList<String> newUnusedKeys = new ArrayList<>(unusedKeysSet);
    BiMap<String, TileInstance> newInstances = HashBiMap.create();
    Map<Location, String> newMap = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, String> substitutions = new HashMap<>();
    for(Map.Entry<String, TileInstance> instance : instances.entrySet()) {
        String newKey = newUnusedKeys.get(rand.nextInt(newUnusedKeys.size()));
        substitutions.put(instance.getKey(), newKey);
        newInstances.put(newKey, instance.getValue());
    for(Map.Entry<Location, String> mapInst : map.entrySet()) {
        newMap.put(mapInst.getKey(), substitutions.get(mapInst.getValue()));

    diffStack.push(new DMMDiff.ExpandKeysDiff(this, map, newMap, instances, newInstances, unusedKeys, newUnusedKeys, keyLen-1, keyLen));
    instances = newInstances;
    map = newMap;
    unusedKeys = newUnusedKeys;
项目:CustomItemLibrary    文件   
public void register(ItemType itemType, PluginContainer pluginContainer, Iterable<String> models, String modelDirectoryName) {
    models.forEach(model -> {
        BiMap<Integer, Identifier> durabilityToModelId = typeToDurabilityToModelId.computeIfAbsent(itemType, k -> HashBiMap.create());
        Identifier modelId = new Identifier(pluginContainer.getId(), model);

        // Is the model already registered? If so, skip.
        Integer registeredDurability = durabilityToModelId.inverse().get(modelId);

        if(registeredDurability == null) {
            registeredDurability = getAvailableDurability(itemType);

        DurabilityIdentifier durabilityId = new DurabilityIdentifier(itemType, registeredDurability);

        durabilityIdToDirectoryName.put(durabilityId, modelDirectoryName);
        durabilityIdToModelId.put(durabilityId, modelId);
        durabilityToModelId.put(registeredDurability, modelId);
项目:fili    文件   
 * Builds something to process a set of sql results and return them as the
 * same format as a GroupBy query to Druid.
 * @param druidQuery  The original query that was converted to a sql query.
 * @param apiToFieldMapper  The mapping from api to physical name.
 * @param objectMapper  The mapper for all JSON processing.
 * @param sqlTimeConverter  The time converter used with making the query.
public SqlResultSetProcessor(
        DruidAggregationQuery<?> druidQuery,
        ApiToFieldMapper apiToFieldMapper,
        ObjectMapper objectMapper,
        SqlTimeConverter sqlTimeConverter
) {
    this.druidQuery = druidQuery;
    this.apiToFieldMapper = apiToFieldMapper;
    this.objectMapper = objectMapper;
    this.sqlTimeConverter = sqlTimeConverter;

    this.sqlResults = new ArrayList<>();
    this.columnToColumnName = HashBiMap.create();

    this.groupByDimensionsCount = druidQuery.getDimensions().size();
项目:dhis2-core    文件   
private Map<Set<User>, NotificationMessage> createSingleNotifications( SortedSet<MessagePair> messagePairs )
    BiMap<Set<User>, NotificationMessage> singleNotificationCollection = HashBiMap.create();

    for ( MessagePair messagePair : messagePairs )
        NotificationMessage notificationMessage = notificationMessageRenderer
            .render( messagePair.result, messagePair.template );

        notificationMessage.setPriority( getPriority( messagePair.result.getValidationRule().getImportance() ) );

        singleNotificationCollection.put( new HashSet<>(), notificationMessage );

        resolveRecipients( messagePair )
            .forEach( user -> singleNotificationCollection.inverse().get( notificationMessage ).add( user ) );

    return singleNotificationCollection;
项目:dhis2-core    文件   
private static Map<Set<User>, SortedSet<MessagePair>> groupRecipientsForMessagePairs(
    Map<User, SortedSet<MessagePair>> messagePairsPerUser )
    BiMap<Set<User>, SortedSet<MessagePair>> grouped = HashBiMap.create();

    for ( Map.Entry<User, SortedSet<MessagePair>> entry : messagePairsPerUser.entrySet() )
        User user = entry.getKey();
        SortedSet<MessagePair> setOfPairs = entry.getValue();

        if ( grouped.containsValue( setOfPairs ) )
            // Value exists -> Add user to the existing key set
            grouped.inverse().get( setOfPairs ).add( user );
            // Value doesn't exist -> Add the [user, set] as a new entry
            grouped.put( Sets.newHashSet( user ), setOfPairs );

    return grouped;
项目:AppInventorRaspberryPiCompanion    文件   
public P1Header() {
  pinConfiguration = HashBiMap.create();
  pinConfiguration.put(3, RaspiPin.GPIO_08);
  pinConfiguration.put(5, RaspiPin.GPIO_09);
  pinConfiguration.put(7, RaspiPin.GPIO_07);
  pinConfiguration.put(8, RaspiPin.GPIO_15);
  pinConfiguration.put(10, RaspiPin.GPIO_16);
  pinConfiguration.put(11, RaspiPin.GPIO_00);
  pinConfiguration.put(12, RaspiPin.GPIO_01);
  pinConfiguration.put(13, RaspiPin.GPIO_02);
  pinConfiguration.put(15, RaspiPin.GPIO_03);
  pinConfiguration.put(16, RaspiPin.GPIO_04);
  pinConfiguration.put(18, RaspiPin.GPIO_05);
  pinConfiguration.put(19, RaspiPin.GPIO_12);
  pinConfiguration.put(21, RaspiPin.GPIO_13);
  pinConfiguration.put(22, RaspiPin.GPIO_06);
  pinConfiguration.put(23, RaspiPin.GPIO_14);
  pinConfiguration.put(24, RaspiPin.GPIO_10);
  pinConfiguration.put(26, RaspiPin.GPIO_11);
项目:powsybl-core    文件   
public StringToIntMapper(Class<S> clazz) {
    this.clazz = clazz;
    id2num = new EnumMap<>(clazz);
    counter = new EnumMap<>(clazz);
    for (S s : clazz.getEnumConstants()) {
        id2num.put(s, HashBiMap.<String, Integer>create());
        counter.put(s, s.getInitialValue());
项目:powsybl-core    文件   
public synchronized void reset(S subset) {
    if (subset == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("subset is null");
    id2num.put(subset, HashBiMap.<String, Integer>create());
    counter.put(subset, subset.getInitialValue());
项目:r8    文件   
private TryInfo computeTryInfo() {
  // Canonical map of handlers.
  BiMap<CatchHandlers<BasicBlock>, Integer> canonicalHandlers = HashBiMap.create();
  // Compute the list of try items and their handlers.
  List<TryItem> tryItems = computeTryItems(canonicalHandlers);
  // Compute handler sets before dex items which depend on the handler index.
  Try[] tries = getDexTryItems(tryItems, canonicalHandlers);
  TryHandler[] handlers = getDexTryHandlers(canonicalHandlers.inverse());
  return new TryInfo(tries, handlers);
项目:hadoop-oss    文件   
synchronized private void loadFullUserMap() throws IOException {
  BiMap<Integer, String> uMap = HashBiMap.create();
  if (OS.startsWith("Mac")) {
    updateMapInternal(uMap, "user", MAC_GET_ALL_USERS_CMD, "\\s+",
  } else {
    updateMapInternal(uMap, "user", GET_ALL_USERS_CMD, ":",
  uidNameMap = uMap;
  lastUpdateTime = Time.monotonicNow();