Java 类 实例源码

项目:Re-Collector    文件   
public FileReaderService(PathSet pathSet,
                         Charset charset,
                         FileInput.InitialReadPosition initialReadPosition,
                         FileInput input,
                         MessageBuilder messageBuilder,
                         ContentSplitter contentSplitter,
                         Buffer buffer,
                         int readerBufferSize,
                         long readerInterval,
                         FileObserver fileObserver) {
    this.pathSet = pathSet;
    this.initialReadPosition = initialReadPosition;
    this.input = input;
    this.messageBuilder = messageBuilder;
    this.contentSplitter = contentSplitter;
    this.buffer = buffer;
    this.charset = charset;
    this.readerBufferSize = readerBufferSize;
    this.readerInterval = readerInterval;
    this.fileObserver = fileObserver;
    chunkQueue = Queues.newArrayBlockingQueue(2);
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
public Chunk(World worldIn, int x, int z)
    this.storageArrays = new ExtendedBlockStorage[16];
    this.blockBiomeArray = new byte[256];
    this.precipitationHeightMap = new int[256];
    this.updateSkylightColumns = new boolean[256];
    this.chunkTileEntityMap = Maps.<BlockPos, TileEntity>newHashMap();
    this.queuedLightChecks = 4096;
    this.tileEntityPosQueue = Queues.<BlockPos>newConcurrentLinkedQueue();
    this.entityLists = (ClassInheritanceMultiMap[])(new ClassInheritanceMultiMap[16]);
    this.worldObj = worldIn;
    this.xPosition = x;
    this.zPosition = z;
    this.heightMap = new int[256];

    for (int i = 0; i < this.entityLists.length; ++i)
        this.entityLists[i] = new ClassInheritanceMultiMap(Entity.class);

    Arrays.fill((int[])this.precipitationHeightMap, (int) - 999);
    Arrays.fill(this.blockBiomeArray, (byte) - 1);
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
public Chunk(World worldIn, int x, int z)
    this.storageArrays = new ExtendedBlockStorage[16];
    this.blockBiomeArray = new byte[256];
    this.precipitationHeightMap = new int[256];
    this.updateSkylightColumns = new boolean[256];
    this.chunkTileEntityMap = Maps.<BlockPos, TileEntity>newHashMap();
    this.queuedLightChecks = 4096;
    this.tileEntityPosQueue = Queues.<BlockPos>newConcurrentLinkedQueue();
    this.entityLists = (ClassInheritanceMultiMap[])(new ClassInheritanceMultiMap[16]);
    this.worldObj = worldIn;
    this.xPosition = x;
    this.zPosition = z;
    this.heightMap = new int[256];

    for (int i = 0; i < this.entityLists.length; ++i)
        this.entityLists[i] = new ClassInheritanceMultiMap(Entity.class);

    Arrays.fill((int[])this.precipitationHeightMap, (int) - 999);
    Arrays.fill(this.blockBiomeArray, (byte) - 1);
项目:BaseClient    文件   
public Chunk(World worldIn, int x, int z)
    this.storageArrays = new ExtendedBlockStorage[16];
    this.blockBiomeArray = new byte[256];
    this.precipitationHeightMap = new int[256];
    this.updateSkylightColumns = new boolean[256];
    this.chunkTileEntityMap = Maps.<BlockPos, TileEntity>newHashMap();
    this.queuedLightChecks = 4096;
    this.tileEntityPosQueue = Queues.<BlockPos>newConcurrentLinkedQueue();
    this.entityLists = (ClassInheritanceMultiMap[])(new ClassInheritanceMultiMap[16]);
    this.worldObj = worldIn;
    this.xPosition = x;
    this.zPosition = z;
    this.heightMap = new int[256];

    for (int i = 0; i < this.entityLists.length; ++i)
        this.entityLists[i] = new ClassInheritanceMultiMap(Entity.class);

    Arrays.fill((int[])this.precipitationHeightMap, (int) - 999);
    Arrays.fill(this.blockBiomeArray, (byte) - 1);
项目:BaseClient    文件   
public Chunk(World worldIn, int x, int z)
    this.storageArrays = new ExtendedBlockStorage[16];
    this.blockBiomeArray = new byte[256];
    this.precipitationHeightMap = new int[256];
    this.updateSkylightColumns = new boolean[256];
    this.chunkTileEntityMap = Maps.<BlockPos, TileEntity>newHashMap();
    this.queuedLightChecks = 4096;
    this.tileEntityPosQueue = Queues.<BlockPos>newConcurrentLinkedQueue();
    this.entityLists = (ClassInheritanceMultiMap[])(new ClassInheritanceMultiMap[16]);
    this.worldObj = worldIn;
    this.xPosition = x;
    this.zPosition = z;
    this.heightMap = new int[256];

    for (int i = 0; i < this.entityLists.length; ++i)
        this.entityLists[i] = new ClassInheritanceMultiMap(Entity.class);

    Arrays.fill((int[])this.precipitationHeightMap, (int) - 999);
    Arrays.fill(this.blockBiomeArray, (byte) - 1);
项目:Backmemed    文件   
public Chunk(World worldIn, int x, int z)
    this.storageArrays = new ExtendedBlockStorage[16];
    this.blockBiomeArray = new byte[256];
    this.precipitationHeightMap = new int[256];
    this.updateSkylightColumns = new boolean[256];
    this.chunkTileEntityMap = Maps.<BlockPos, TileEntity>newHashMap();
    this.queuedLightChecks = 4096;
    this.tileEntityPosQueue = Queues.<BlockPos>newConcurrentLinkedQueue();
    this.entityLists = (ClassInheritanceMultiMap[])(new ClassInheritanceMultiMap[16]);
    this.worldObj = worldIn;
    this.xPosition = x;
    this.zPosition = z;
    this.heightMap = new int[256];

    for (int i = 0; i < this.entityLists.length; ++i)
        this.entityLists[i] = new ClassInheritanceMultiMap(Entity.class);

    Arrays.fill((int[])this.precipitationHeightMap, (int) - 999);
    Arrays.fill(this.blockBiomeArray, (byte) - 1);
项目:Backmemed    文件   
public ParticleManager(World worldIn, TextureManager rendererIn)
    this.worldObj = worldIn;
    this.renderer = rendererIn;

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        this.fxLayers[i] = new ArrayDeque[2];

        for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
            this.fxLayers[i][j] = Queues.newArrayDeque();

项目:apollo-custom    文件   
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
  auditExecutorService.submit(() -> {
    while (!auditStopped.get() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
      List<ConsumerAudit> toAudit = Lists.newArrayList();
      try {
        Queues.drain(audits, toAudit, BATCH_SIZE, BATCH_TIMEOUT, BATCH_TIMEUNIT);
        if (!toAudit.isEmpty()) {
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
public Chunk(World worldIn, int x, int z)
    this.storageArrays = new ExtendedBlockStorage[16];
    this.blockBiomeArray = new byte[256];
    this.precipitationHeightMap = new int[256];
    this.updateSkylightColumns = new boolean[256];
    this.chunkTileEntityMap = Maps.<BlockPos, TileEntity>newHashMap();
    this.queuedLightChecks = 4096;
    this.tileEntityPosQueue = Queues.<BlockPos>newConcurrentLinkedQueue();
    this.entityLists = (ClassInheritanceMultiMap[])(new ClassInheritanceMultiMap[16]);
    this.worldObj = worldIn;
    this.xPosition = x;
    this.zPosition = z;
    this.heightMap = new int[256];

    for (int i = 0; i < this.entityLists.length; ++i)
        this.entityLists[i] = new ClassInheritanceMultiMap(Entity.class);

    Arrays.fill((int[])this.precipitationHeightMap, (int) - 999);
    Arrays.fill(this.blockBiomeArray, (byte) - 1);
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
public ParticleManager(World worldIn, TextureManager rendererIn)
    this.worldObj = worldIn;
    this.renderer = rendererIn;

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        this.fxLayers[i] = new ArrayDeque[2];

        for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
            this.fxLayers[i][j] = Queues.newArrayDeque();

项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
private Set<EnumFacing> floodFill(int p_178604_1_)
    Set<EnumFacing> set = EnumSet.<EnumFacing>noneOf(EnumFacing.class);
    Queue<Integer> queue = Queues.<Integer>newArrayDeque();
    this.bitSet.set(p_178604_1_, true);

    while (!((Queue)queue).isEmpty())
        int i = ((Integer)queue.poll()).intValue();
        this.addEdges(i, set);

        for (EnumFacing enumfacing : EnumFacing.values())
            int j = this.getNeighborIndexAtFace(i, enumfacing);

            if (j >= 0 && !this.bitSet.get(j))
                this.bitSet.set(j, true);

    return set;
项目:GeoCrawler    文件   
private NutchServer() {
  configManager = new ConfManagerImpl();
  BlockingQueue<Runnable> runnables = Queues.newArrayBlockingQueue(JOB_CAPACITY);
  NutchServerPoolExecutor executor = new NutchServerPoolExecutor(10, JOB_CAPACITY, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS, runnables);
  jobManager = new JobManagerImpl(new JobFactory(), configManager, executor);
  fetchNodeDb = FetchNodeDb.getInstance();

  sf = new JAXRSServerFactoryBean();
  BindingFactoryManager manager = sf.getBus().getExtension(BindingFactoryManager.class);
  JAXRSBindingFactory factory = new JAXRSBindingFactory();
  manager.registerBindingFactory(JAXRSBindingFactory.JAXRS_BINDING_ID, factory);
  sf.setProvider(new JacksonJaxbJsonProvider());

项目:apollo    文件   
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
  auditExecutorService.submit(() -> {
    while (!auditStopped.get() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
      List<ConsumerAudit> toAudit = Lists.newArrayList();
      try {
        Queues.drain(audits, toAudit, BATCH_SIZE, BATCH_TIMEOUT, BATCH_TIMEUNIT);
        if (!toAudit.isEmpty()) {
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
项目:dropwizard-wiretap    文件   
public void start() {
    if (this.encoder == null) {
        addError("No encoder set for the appender named ["+ name +"].");

    try {
    } catch (IOException ignored) {

    EvictingQueue<String> q = EvictingQueue.create(limit);
    logList = Queues.synchronizedQueue(q);

    isLoggingOn = true;

项目:incubator-pulsar    文件   
protected ConsumerBase(PulsarClientImpl client, String topic, String subscription, ConsumerConfiguration conf,
        int receiverQueueSize, ExecutorService listenerExecutor, CompletableFuture<Consumer> subscribeFuture) {
    super(client, topic, new Backoff(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, 0 , TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
    this.maxReceiverQueueSize = receiverQueueSize;
    this.subscription = subscription;
    this.conf = conf;
    this.consumerName = conf.getConsumerName() == null ? ConsumerName.generateRandomName() : conf.getConsumerName();
    this.subscribeFuture = subscribeFuture;
    this.listener = conf.getMessageListener();
    if (receiverQueueSize <= 1) {
        this.incomingMessages = Queues.newArrayBlockingQueue(1);
    } else {
        this.incomingMessages = new GrowableArrayBlockingQueue<>();

    this.listenerExecutor = listenerExecutor;
    this.pendingReceives = Queues.newConcurrentLinkedQueue();
项目:incubator-pulsar    文件   
public ManagedLedgerImpl(ManagedLedgerFactoryImpl factory, BookKeeper bookKeeper, MetaStore store,
        ManagedLedgerConfig config, ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor, OrderedSafeExecutor orderedExecutor,
        final String name) {
    this.factory = factory;
    this.bookKeeper = bookKeeper;
    this.config = config; = store; = name;
    this.scheduledExecutor = scheduledExecutor;
    this.executor = orderedExecutor;
    TOTAL_SIZE_UPDATER.set(this, 0);
    STATE_UPDATER.set(this, State.None);
    this.ledgersStat = null;
    this.mbean = new ManagedLedgerMBeanImpl(this);
    this.entryCache = factory.getEntryCacheManager().getEntryCache(this);
    this.waitingCursors = Queues.newConcurrentLinkedQueue();
    this.uninitializedCursors = Maps.newHashMap();
    this.updateCursorRateLimit = RateLimiter.create(1);

    // Get the next rollover time. Add a random value upto 5% to avoid rollover multiple ledgers at the same time
    this.maximumRolloverTimeMs = (long) (config.getMaximumRolloverTimeMs() * (1 + random.nextDouble() * 5 / 100.0));
项目:WorkflowyList    文件   
 * Do a breadth-first search over the given collection of lists, applying the supplied function
 * to each item in the list.  If the function returns an explicit true (not null or false)
 * the search will abort.
 * @param toTraverse the lists to traverse (breadth-first)
 * @param toApply the function to apply (if it returns true the search will abort)
 * @return the number of lists visited (inclusive)
public static int bfsLists(Collection<WFList> toTraverse, Function<WFList, Boolean> toApply) {
    if (toTraverse == null) return 0;

    int numVisited = 0;
    Queue<WFList> visitQueue = Queues.newArrayDeque(toTraverse);
    while (!visitQueue.isEmpty()) {
        WFList cur = visitQueue.remove();
        Boolean abort = toApply.apply(cur);
        if (abort != null && abort.equals(true)) {
        if (cur.getChildren() != null) {
    return numVisited;
项目:cracking-the-coding-interview-6th    文件   
 * Route Between Nodes: Find whether there is a path between two nodes (A->B) in a directed graph.
 * Assumptions:
 * Time complexity: O(n)
 * Space complexity: O(n)
 * Notes: Simple breadth first search.
public static boolean pathExistsDirectional(IntNode a, IntNode b, IntGraph graph) {
  if (a == b) {
    return true;

  Queue<IntNode> queue = Queues.newArrayDeque();
  Set<IntNode> visited = Sets.newHashSet();

  while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
    IntNode next = queue.remove();
    for (Node<Integer> adjacent : next.getAdjacent()) {
      if (adjacent == b) {
        return true;
      } else if (visited.add((IntNode) adjacent)) {
        queue.add((IntNode) adjacent);

  return false;
项目:cracking-the-coding-interview-6th    文件   
 * Route Between Nodes: Modified - Find whether there is a path between two nodes (A->B) in a bidirectional graph.
 * Assumptions:
 * Time complexity: O(n) where n is numer of nodes
 * Space complexity: O(n)
public static boolean pathExistsBidirectional(IntNode a, IntNode b) {
  // BFS on both nodes at the same time
  Queue<IntNode> queueA = Queues.newArrayDeque();
  Queue<IntNode> queueB = Queues.newArrayDeque();
  Set<IntNode> visitedA = Sets.newHashSet();
  Set<IntNode> visitedB = Sets.newHashSet();


  while (!queueA.isEmpty() && !queueB.isEmpty()) {
    if (pathExistsBidirectionalHelper(queueA, visitedA, visitedB)) {
      return true;
    if (pathExistsBidirectionalHelper(queueB, visitedB, visitedA)) {
      return true;

  return false;
项目:tracing-framework    文件   
PubSubClient(String hostname, int port, int maxPendingMessages) throws IOException {
    this.hostname = hostname;
    this.port = port;
    this.maxPendingMessages = maxPendingMessages;
    if (maxPendingMessages <= 0) {
        this.pending = Queues.newLinkedBlockingDeque();
    } else {
        this.pending = Queues.newLinkedBlockingDeque(maxPendingMessages);
    this.selector =;
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
        public void run() {
项目:drill    文件   
 * Adds all function names and signatures to passed jar,
 * adds all function names, their signatures and holders to {@link #functions}.
 * @param jar jar where function to be added
 * @param newFunctions collection of function holders, each contains function name, signature and holder.
private void addFunctions(Map<String, Queue<String>> jar, List<FunctionHolder> newFunctions) {
  for (FunctionHolder function : newFunctions) {
    final String functionName = function.getName();
    Queue<String> jarFunctions = jar.get(functionName);
    if (jarFunctions == null) {
      jarFunctions = Queues.newConcurrentLinkedQueue();;
      jar.put(functionName, jarFunctions);
    final String functionSignature = function.getSignature();

    Map<String, DrillFuncHolder> signatures = functions.get(functionName);
    if (signatures == null) {
      signatures = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
      functions.put(functionName, signatures);
    signatures.put(functionSignature, function.getHolder());
项目:drill    文件   
 * Returns {@link FieldPath} equivalent of the specified {@link SchemaPath}.
 * @param schemaPath {@link SchemaPath} instance that should be converted
 * @return {@link FieldPath} equivalent of the specified {@link SchemaPath}.
public static FieldPath schemaPathToFieldPath(SchemaPath schemaPath) {
  Deque<PathSegment> pathSegments = Queues.newArrayDeque();
  PathSegment pathSegment = schemaPath.getRootSegment();
  while (pathSegment != null) {
    pathSegment = pathSegment.getChild();

  FieldSegment child = null;
  while (!pathSegments.isEmpty()) {
    pathSegment = pathSegments.pop();
    if (pathSegment.isNamed()) {
      child = new FieldSegment.NameSegment(((PathSegment.NameSegment) pathSegment).getPath(), child, false);
    } else {
      child = new FieldSegment.IndexSegment(String.valueOf(((PathSegment.ArraySegment) pathSegment).getIndex()), child);
  return new FieldPath((FieldSegment.NameSegment) child);
项目:pipegen    文件   
private static Scene executeSoot(Collection<String> methodSignatures) {
    IoSinkExpressions sinkExpressions = new IoSinkExpressions(Scene.v());

    Set<MethodAnalysis> processed = Sets.newHashSet();
    Queue<MethodAnalysis> queue = Queues.newArrayDeque(
                                                                       .map(s -> Scene.v().getMethod(s))

            new Transform("wjtp.dataFlowTransform", new SceneTransformer() {
                @Override protected void internalTransform(String phaseName, Map options) {
                    processQueue(queue, processed, sinkExpressions);

    return Scene.v();
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public PsiElement insertItemIntoListRemoveRedundantCommas(
  @NotNull final PyElement list,
  @Nullable final PyExpression afterThis,
  @NotNull final PyExpression toInsert) {
  // TODO: #insertItemIntoList is probably buggy. In such case, fix it and get rid of this method
  final PsiElement result = insertItemIntoList(list, afterThis, toInsert);
  final LeafPsiElement[] leafs = PsiTreeUtil.getChildrenOfType(list, LeafPsiElement.class);
  if (leafs != null) {
    final Deque<LeafPsiElement> commas = Queues.newArrayDeque(Collections2.filter(Arrays.asList(leafs), COMMAS_ONLY));
    if (!commas.isEmpty()) {
      final LeafPsiElement lastComma = commas.getLast();
      if (PsiTreeUtil.getNextSiblingOfType(lastComma, PyExpression.class) == null) { //Comma has no expression after it

  return result;
项目:intellij    文件   
public static ImmutableCollection<TargetKey> getTransitiveDependencies(
    Collection<TargetKey> targetKeys, TargetMap targetMap) {
  Queue<TargetKey> targetsToVisit = Queues.newArrayDeque();
  Set<TargetKey> transitiveDependencies = Sets.newHashSet();
  while (!targetsToVisit.isEmpty()) {
    TargetIdeInfo currentTarget = targetMap.get(targetsToVisit.remove());
    if (currentTarget == null) {
    List<TargetKey> newDependencies =
            .map(d -> TargetKey.forPlainTarget(d.targetKey.label))
            // Get rid of the ones we've already seen.
            .filter(r -> !transitiveDependencies.contains(r))
  return ImmutableSet.copyOf(transitiveDependencies);
项目:intellij    文件   
 * Finds transitive closure of all files in the given file sets (traversing child filesets
 * transitively).
private static ImmutableList<File> traverseFileSetsTransitively(
    Map<String, BuildEventStreamProtos.NamedSetOfFiles> fileSets,
    Set<String> fileSetsToVisit,
    Predicate<String> fileFilter) {
  Queue<String> toVisit = Queues.newArrayDeque();
  Set<File> allFiles = new HashSet<>();
  Set<String> visited = new HashSet<>();
  while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) {
    String name = toVisit.remove();
    BuildEventStreamProtos.NamedSetOfFiles fs = fileSets.get(name);
        fs.getFilesList().stream().map(f -> parseFile(f, fileFilter)).collect(toImmutableList()));
    Set<String> children =
            .filter(s -> !visited.contains(s))
  return ImmutableList.copyOf(allFiles);
项目:intellij    文件   
private Collection<TargetIdeInfo> targetsForSourceFileImpl(
    ImmutableMultimap<TargetKey, TargetKey> rdepsMap, File sourceFile) {
  List<TargetIdeInfo> result = Lists.newArrayList();
  Collection<TargetKey> roots = rootsMap.get(sourceFile);

  Queue<TargetKey> todo = Queues.newArrayDeque();
  Set<TargetKey> seen = Sets.newHashSet();
  while (!todo.isEmpty()) {
    TargetKey targetKey = todo.remove();
    if (!seen.add(targetKey)) {

    TargetIdeInfo target = targetMap.get(targetKey);
    if (filter.test(target)) {
  return result;
项目:collector    文件   
public FileReaderService(PathSet pathSet,
                         Charset charset,
                         FileInput.InitialReadPosition initialReadPosition,
                         FileInput input,
                         MessageBuilder messageBuilder,
                         ContentSplitter contentSplitter,
                         Buffer buffer,
                         int readerBufferSize,
                         long readerInterval,
                         FileObserver fileObserver) {
    this.pathSet = pathSet;
    this.initialReadPosition = initialReadPosition;
    this.input = input;
    this.messageBuilder = messageBuilder;
    this.contentSplitter = contentSplitter;
    this.buffer = buffer;
    this.charset = charset;
    this.readerBufferSize = readerBufferSize;
    this.readerInterval = readerInterval;
    this.fileObserver = fileObserver;
    chunkQueue = Queues.newArrayBlockingQueue(2);
项目:core-java    文件   
public void log_errors() {
    final CommandEnvelope commandEnvelope = givenCommandEnvelope();

    // Since we're in the tests mode `Environment` returns `SubstituteLogger` instance.
    final SubstituteLogger log = (SubstituteLogger) handler.log();

    // Restrict the queue size only to the number of calls we want to make.
    final Queue<SubstituteLoggingEvent> queue = Queues.newArrayBlockingQueue(1);
    log.setDelegate(new EventRecodingLogger(log, queue));

    SubstituteLoggingEvent loggingEvent;

    final RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException("log_errors");
    handler.onError(commandEnvelope, exception);

    loggingEvent = queue.poll();

    assertEquals(Level.ERROR, loggingEvent.getLevel());
    assertEquals(commandEnvelope, handler.getLastErrorEnvelope());
    assertEquals(exception, handler.getLastException());
项目:linn    文件   
private boolean willRewrite(Production production) {
    // fill worker queue
    Deque<Production> openProduction = Queues.newArrayDeque();
    // till no production to consider ...
    while (openProduction.isEmpty() == false) {
        Production currentProduction = openProduction.poll();
        if (currentProduction instanceof RewriteProduction) {
            // we're not done, for sure, as we found a rewrite production
            return true;
        } else if (currentProduction instanceof BranchProduction<?>) {
            BranchProduction<?> branchProduction = (BranchProduction<?>) currentProduction;
            List<Production> branchInnerProductions = branchProduction.getRuleProductions(-1);
            for (Production branchInnerProduction : branchInnerProductions) {
    return false;
项目:Gobblin    文件   
@Test(dependsOnMethods = "testSerializeToSequenceFile")
public void testDeserializeFromSequenceFile() throws IOException {
  Queue<WorkUnitState> workUnitStates = Queues.newConcurrentLinkedQueue();

  Closer closer = Closer.create();
  try {
    ParallelRunner parallelRunner = closer.register(new ParallelRunner(2, this.fs));
    parallelRunner.deserializeFromSequenceFile(Text.class, WorkUnitState.class, new Path(this.outputPath, "seq1"),
    parallelRunner.deserializeFromSequenceFile(Text.class, WorkUnitState.class, new Path(this.outputPath, "seq2"),
  } catch (Throwable t) {
    throw closer.rethrow(t);
  } finally {

  Assert.assertEquals(workUnitStates.size(), 2);

  for (WorkUnitState workUnitState : workUnitStates) {
    TestWatermark watermark = new Gson().fromJson(workUnitState.getActualHighWatermark(), TestWatermark.class);
    Assert.assertTrue(watermark.getLongWatermark() == 10L || watermark.getLongWatermark() == 100L);
项目:Gobblin    文件   
public EventReporter(Builder builder) {
  super(builder.context,, builder.filter, builder.rateUnit, builder.durationUnit);

  this.closer = Closer.create();
  this.immediateReportExecutor = MoreExecutors.
      getExitingExecutorService((ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1,
          ExecutorsUtils.newThreadFactory(Optional.of(LOGGER), Optional.of("EventReporter-" + + "-%d"))),
          5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

  this.metricContext = builder.context;
  this.notificationTargetKey = builder.context.addNotificationTarget(new Function<Notification, Void>() {
    public Void apply(Notification notification) {
      return null;
  this.reportingQueue = Queues.newLinkedBlockingQueue(QUEUE_CAPACITY);
项目:atomix    文件   
protected void clear(Commit<Void> commit) {
  Queue<DocumentPath> toClearQueue = Queues.newArrayDeque();
  Map<String, Versioned<byte[]>> topLevelChildren = docTree.getChildren(DocumentPath.from("root"));
      .map(name -> new DocumentPath(name, DocumentPath.from("root")))
  while (!toClearQueue.isEmpty()) {
    DocumentPath path = toClearQueue.remove();
    Map<String, Versioned<byte[]>> children = docTree.getChildren(path);
    if (children.size() == 0) {
    } else {
      children.keySet().forEach(name -> toClearQueue.add(new DocumentPath(name, path)));
项目:jackrabbit-dynamodb-store    文件   
Iterator<NodeDocument> getAllPreviousDocs() {
    if (getPreviousRanges().isEmpty()) {
        return Iterators.emptyIterator();
    //Currently this method would fire one query per previous doc
    //If that poses a problem we can try to find all prev doc by relying
    //on property that all prevDoc id would starts <depth+2>:p/path/to/node
    return new AbstractIterator<NodeDocument>(){
        private Queue<Map.Entry<Revision, Range>> previousRanges =
        protected NodeDocument computeNext() {
                Map.Entry<Revision, Range> e = previousRanges.remove();
                NodeDocument prev = getPreviousDoc(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
                if(prev != null){
                    return prev;
            return endOfData();
项目:incubator-gobblin    文件   
public void testForwardingOfRequests() throws Exception {

  Queue<RequestAndCallback> queue = Queues.newArrayDeque();

  BatchedPermitsRequester container = BatchedPermitsRequester.builder().resourceId("resource")
      .requestorIdentifier("requestor").requestSender(new TestRequestSender(queue, false)).build();
  try (ParallelRequester requester = new ParallelRequester(container)) {

    Future<Boolean> future = requester.request(10);

    await(new QueueSize(queue, 1), 1000);
    Assert.assertEquals(queue.size(), 1);

    future.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
项目:incubator-gobblin    文件   
public void testRetriableFail() throws Exception {
  Queue<RequestAndCallback> queue = Queues.newArrayDeque();

  BatchedPermitsRequester container = BatchedPermitsRequester.builder().resourceId("resource")
      .requestorIdentifier("requestor").requestSender(new TestRequestSender(queue, false)).build();
  try (ParallelRequester requester = new ParallelRequester(container)) {

    Future<Boolean> future = requester.request(10);

    for (int i = 0; i < BatchedPermitsRequester.MAX_RETRIES; i++) {
      // container will fail 5 times
      await(new QueueSize(queue, 1), 1000);

    // should return a failure
    // should not make any more request
    Assert.assertEquals(queue.size(), 0);
项目:incubator-gobblin    文件   
public void testNonRetriableFail() throws Exception {
  Queue<RequestAndCallback> queue = Queues.newArrayDeque();

  BatchedPermitsRequester container = BatchedPermitsRequester.builder().resourceId("resource")
      .requestorIdentifier("requestor").requestSender(new TestRequestSender(queue, false)).build();
  try (ParallelRequester requester = new ParallelRequester(container)) {

    Future<Boolean> future = requester.request(10);

    // container should only try request once
    await(new QueueSize(queue, 1), 1000);

    Assert.assertEquals(queue.size(), 0);
项目:incubator-gobblin    文件   
@Test(dependsOnMethods = "testSerializeToSequenceFile")
public void testDeserializeFromSequenceFile() throws IOException {
  Queue<WorkUnitState> workUnitStates = Queues.newConcurrentLinkedQueue();

  Path seqPath1 = new Path(this.outputPath, "seq1");
  Path seqPath2 = new Path(this.outputPath, "seq2");

  try (ParallelRunner parallelRunner = new ParallelRunner(2, this.fs)) {
    parallelRunner.deserializeFromSequenceFile(Text.class, WorkUnitState.class, seqPath1, workUnitStates, true);
    parallelRunner.deserializeFromSequenceFile(Text.class, WorkUnitState.class, seqPath2, workUnitStates, true);


  Assert.assertEquals(workUnitStates.size(), 2);

  for (WorkUnitState workUnitState : workUnitStates) {
    TestWatermark watermark = new Gson().fromJson(workUnitState.getActualHighWatermark(), TestWatermark.class);
    Assert.assertTrue(watermark.getLongWatermark() == 10L || watermark.getLongWatermark() == 100L);
项目:incubator-gobblin    文件   
public EventReporter(Builder builder) {
  super(builder.context,, builder.filter, builder.rateUnit, builder.durationUnit);

  this.closer = Closer.create();
  this.immediateReportExecutor = MoreExecutors.getExitingExecutorService(
      (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1,
          ExecutorsUtils.newThreadFactory(Optional.of(LOGGER), Optional.of("EventReporter-" + + "-%d"))),
      5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

  this.metricContext = builder.context;
  this.notificationTargetKey = builder.context.addNotificationTarget(new Function<Notification, Void>() {
    public Void apply(Notification notification) {
      return null;
  this.reportingQueue = Queues.newLinkedBlockingQueue(QUEUE_CAPACITY);
项目:newts    文件   
SelectDispatcher(SelectConfig config) {

    m_config = config;

    CassandraSession session = new CassandraSessionImpl(
    m_repository = new CassandraSampleRepository(
            new MetricRegistry(),
            new DefaultSampleProcessorService(1),
            new ContextConfigurations());

    m_queryQueue = Queues.newArrayBlockingQueue(config.getThreads() * 10);
