private static Builder<DefaultQuickfixProvider> collectRegisteredProviders() { final Builder<DefaultQuickfixProvider> builder = ImmutableList.<DefaultQuickfixProvider> builder(); if (Platform.isRunning()) { final IConfigurationElement[] elements = getQuickfixSupplierElements(); for (final IConfigurationElement element : elements) { try { final Object extension = element.createExecutableExtension(CLAZZ_PROPERTY_NAME); if (extension instanceof QuickfixProviderSupplier) { builder.add(((QuickfixProviderSupplier) extension).get()); } } catch (final CoreException e) { LOGGER.error("Error while instantiating quickfix provider supplier instance.", e); } } } return builder; }
public ImmutableList<? extends IN4JSSourceContainer> getN4JSSourceContainers(N4JSProject project) { ImmutableList.Builder<IN4JSSourceContainer> result = ImmutableList.builder(); URI location = project.getLocation(); ProjectDescription description = getProjectDescription(location); if (description != null) { List<SourceFragment> sourceFragments = newArrayList(from(description.getSourceFragment())); sourceFragments.sort((f1, fDIRECT_RESOURCE_IN_PROJECT_SEGMENTCOUNT) -> f1 .compareByFragmentType(fDIRECT_RESOURCE_IN_PROJECT_SEGMENTCOUNT)); for (SourceFragment sourceFragment : sourceFragments) { List<String> paths = sourceFragment.getPaths(); for (String path : paths) { // XXX poor man's canonical path conversion. Consider headless compiler with npm projects. final String relativeLocation = ".".equals(path) ? "" : path; IN4JSSourceContainer sourceContainer = this.createProjectN4JSSourceContainer(project, sourceFragment.getSourceFragmentType(), relativeLocation); result.add(sourceContainer); } } } return; }
public ImmutableList<IN4JSSourceContainer> getSourceContainers(N4JSArchive archive) { ImmutableList.Builder<IN4JSSourceContainer> result = ImmutableList.builder(); URI location = archive.getLocation(); ProjectDescription description = getProjectDescription(location); if (description != null) { List<SourceFragment> sourceFragments = newArrayList(from(description.getSourceFragment())); sourceFragments.sort((f1, fDIRECT_RESOURCE_IN_PROJECT_SEGMENTCOUNT) -> f1 .compareByFragmentType(fDIRECT_RESOURCE_IN_PROJECT_SEGMENTCOUNT)); for (SourceFragment sourceFragment : sourceFragments) { List<String> paths = sourceFragment.getPaths(); for (String path : paths) { result.add(createArchiveN4JSSourceContainer(archive, sourceFragment.getSourceFragmentType(), path)); } } } return; }
/** * Prepares process builder configured to invoke Node.js for main module resolution. * * @param packageRoot * package name to resolve. * @return configured process builder */ public ProcessBuilder prepareMainModuleResolveProcessBuilder(File packageRoot) { final Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.<String> builder(); NodeJsBinary nodeBinary = nodeBinaryProvider.get(); if (isWindows()) { builder.add(WIN_SHELL_COMAMNDS); builder.add(escapeBinaryPath(nodeBinary.getBinaryAbsolutePath())); builder.add("-e"); builder.add("console.log(require.resolve('" + packageRoot.getName() + "'));"); } else { builder.add(NIX_SHELL_COMAMNDS); builder.add(escapeBinaryPath(nodeBinary.getBinaryAbsolutePath()) + " -e \"console.log(require.resolve('" + packageRoot.getName() + "'));\""); } return create(, nodeBinary, packageRoot, false); }
/** * Prepares process builder for "npm cache clean" command. * * @param invokationPath * location on which npm command should be invoked * @return configured, operating system aware process builder for "npm cache clean" command */ public ProcessBuilder getNpmCacheCleanProcessBuilder(File invokationPath) { Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.<String> builder(); NpmBinary npmBinary = npmBinaryProvider.get(); if (isWindows()) { builder.add(WIN_SHELL_COMAMNDS); builder.add(escapeBinaryPath(npmBinary.getBinaryAbsolutePath()), "cache", "clean", "--force"); } else { builder.add(NIX_SHELL_COMAMNDS); builder.add( escapeBinaryPath(npmBinary.getBinaryAbsolutePath()) + " cache clean --force"); } return create(, npmBinary, invokationPath, false); }
/** * Prepares process builder for simple npm commands, e.g. "npm install" or "npm uninstall". Specific command should * be passed without surrounding spaces or or quotes. * * @param invokationPath * location on which npm command should be invoked * @param packageName * package passed as parameter to the command (might be space separated list of names) * @param save * instructs npm to save command result to packages in package.json (if available) * @param simpleCommand * command to execute * @return configured, operating system aware process builder for given command */ private ProcessBuilder simpleCall(File invokationPath, String packageName, boolean save, String simpleCommand) { Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.<String> builder(); NpmBinary npmBinary = npmBinaryProvider.get(); String saveCommand = save ? NPM_OPTION_SAVE : ""; if (isWindows()) { builder.add(WIN_SHELL_COMAMNDS); builder.add(escapeBinaryPath(npmBinary.getBinaryAbsolutePath()), simpleCommand, packageName, saveCommand); } else { builder.add(NIX_SHELL_COMAMNDS); builder.add( escapeBinaryPath(npmBinary.getBinaryAbsolutePath()) + " " + simpleCommand + " " + packageName + " " + saveCommand); } return create(, npmBinary, invokationPath, false); }
public static ImmutableList<String> readAllNames(Path path) { if (path != null) { Builder<String> namesBuilder = new ImmutableList.Builder<String>(); try (DictionaryReader reader = new DictionaryReader(path);) { String name = reader.readName(); while (!name.isEmpty()) { namesBuilder.add(name); name = reader.readName(); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Unable to create dictionary from file " + path.toString()); } return; } else { return ImmutableList.of(); } }
/** * Returns {@link ProjectRole}s of the specified secret of a {@link TokenInfo}. */ public CompletionStage<Map<String, ProjectRole>> findRole(String secret) { requireNonNull(secret, "secret"); final String q = "$[?(@.tokens[?(@.secret == \"" + secret + "\")] empty false && @.removed != true)]"; return query(q) .thenApply(MetadataService::toProjectInfoList) .thenApply(list -> { final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ProjectRole> builder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>(); list.forEach(p -> p.tokens().stream() .filter(t -> t.secret().equals(secret)) .findFirst() .ifPresent(m -> builder.put(, m.role()))); return; }); }
@Override public Object convertRequest(ServiceRequestContext ctx, AggregatedHttpMessage request, Class<?> expectedResultType) throws Exception { final JsonNode node = (JsonNode) super.convertRequest(ctx, request, JsonNode.class); if (node.get("changes") != null) { // have one entry or more than one entry final JsonNode changeNode = node.get("changes"); final Builder<Change<?>> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (JsonNode change : changeNode) { builder.add(readChange(change)); } final ImmutableList<Change<?>> changes =; checkArgument(!changes.isEmpty(), "should have at least one change."); return changes; } // have only one entry return ImmutableList.of(readChange(node)); }
@SuppressWarnings("nls") @Override public List<TaskListSubsearch> getTaskFilters() { Builder<TaskListSubsearch> notificationFilters = ImmutableList.builder(); notificationFilters.add(factory.create(NotifcationPortalConstants.ID_ALL, "", false)); notificationFilters.add(factory.create("notewentlive", Notification.REASON_WENTLIVE, true)); notificationFilters.add(factory.create("notewentlive2", Notification.REASON_WENTLIVE2, true)); notificationFilters.add(factory.create("notemylive", Notification.REASON_MYLIVE, true)); notificationFilters.add(factory.create("noterejected", Notification.REASON_REJECTED, true)); notificationFilters.add(factory.create("notebadurl", Notification.REASON_BADURL, true)); notificationFilters.add(factory.create("noteoverdue", Notification.REASON_OVERDUE, true)); notificationFilters.add(factory.create("noteerror", Notification.REASON_SCRIPT_ERROR, true)); notificationFilters.add(factory.create("noteexecuted", Notification.REASON_SCRIPT_EXECUTED, true)); return; }
/** * Loads a list of tests based on the json-encoded test vector files. */ @Parameters(name = "Test Vector {index}: {0}") public static Collection<TestVector> testVectorData() throws Exception { final URI baseUri = ValidVectorTest.class.getResource(ValidVectorTest.class.getSimpleName() + ".class").toURI(); final File baseDirectoryFile = new File(baseUri).getParentFile(); final File validTestVectorDir = new File(baseDirectoryFile, "/vectors/valid"); final Builder<TestVector> vectors = ImmutableList.builder(); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); -> { try { if (file.getName().endsWith(".json")) { TestVector vector = mapper.readValue(file, TestVector.class); vector.setName(file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().length() - 5)); vectors.add(vector); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); return; }
/** * Concurrently runs one or more instances of {@link Runnable} in a multithreaded fashion, * relying upon {@code numThreads} for concurrency. */ protected void runConcurrent(final int numThreads, final Runnable... runnableTest) throws InterruptedException { final Builder<Runnable> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); // For each runnableTest, add it numThreads times to the bulider. for (final Runnable runnable : runnableTest) { for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { builder.add(runnable); } }"About to run %s threads...", numThreads)); // Actually runs the Runnables above using multiple threads. assertConcurrent("Test did not complete before the harness timed-out. Please consider " + "increasing the timeout value for this test.",, 15);"Ran %s threads!", numThreads)); }
private static List<Tokenizer> flatten(List<Tokenizer> simplifiers) { Builder<Tokenizer> flattend = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Tokenizer s : simplifiers) { if (s instanceof Recursive) { // Tokenizers controls the creation of recursive tokenizers // all recursive tokenizers are flat so we don't have // to flatten recursively final Recursive c = (Recursive) s; flattend.addAll(c.getTokenizers()); } else { flattend.add(s); } } return; }
public void computeBranding() { if (brandings == null) { Builder<String> brd = ImmutableList.builder(); brd.add(Loader.instance().getMCVersionString()); brd.add(Loader.instance().getMCPVersionString()); brd.add("Powered by Forge " + ForgeVersion.getVersion()); if (sidedDelegate!=null) { brd.addAll(sidedDelegate.getAdditionalBrandingInformation()); } if (Loader.instance().getFMLBrandingProperties().containsKey("fmlbranding")) { brd.add(Loader.instance().getFMLBrandingProperties().get("fmlbranding")); } int tModCount = Loader.instance().getModList().size(); int aModCount = Loader.instance().getActiveModList().size(); brd.add(String.format("%d mod%s loaded, %d mod%s active", tModCount, tModCount!=1 ? "s" :"", aModCount, aModCount!=1 ? "s" :"" )); brandings =; brandingsNoMC = brandings.subList(1, brandings.size()); } }
/** * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.jdbc.SqlDialect#addTableFromStatements(org.alfasoftware.morf.metadata.Table, org.alfasoftware.morf.sql.SelectStatement) */ @Override public Collection<String> addTableFromStatements(Table table, SelectStatement selectStatement) { Builder<String> result = ImmutableList.<String>builder(); result.add(new StringBuilder() .append(createTableStatement(table, true)) .append(" AS ") .append(convertStatementToSQL(selectStatement)) .toString() ); result.add("ALTER TABLE " + qualifiedTableName(table) + " NOPARALLEL LOGGING"); if (!primaryKeysForTable(table).isEmpty()) { result.add("ALTER INDEX " + schemaNamePrefix() + primaryKeyConstraintName(table.getName()) + " NOPARALLEL LOGGING"); } result.addAll(buildRemainingStatementsAndComments(table)); return; }
@Override public Collection<String> renameTableStatements(Table fromTable, Table toTable) { String from = fromTable.getName(); String to = toTable.getName(); Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.<String>builder(); builder.add("IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID(N'" + from + "_version_DF') AND type = (N'D')) exec sp_rename N'" + from + "_version_DF', N'" + to + "_version_DF'"); if (!primaryKeysForTable(fromTable).isEmpty()) { builder.add("sp_rename N'" + from + "." + from + "_PK', N'" + to + "_PK', N'INDEX'"); } builder.add("sp_rename N'" + from + "', N'" + to + "'"); return; }
/** * Checks if parametrised query execution is working correctly. */ @Test public void shouldExecuteParametrisedQuery() { SqlScriptExecutor executor = sqlScriptExecutorProvider.get(new LoggingSqlScriptVisitor()); SelectStatement testSelect = select(field("alfaDate1"), field("alfaDate2"), literal(123)) .from(tableRef("DateTable")).where(eq(field("alfaDate1"), parameter("firstDateParam").type(DataType.BIG_INTEGER)));; Iterable<SqlParameter> parameterMetadata = ImmutableList.of(parameter(column("firstDateParam", DataType.STRING))); RecordBuilder parameterData = DataSetUtils.record().setString("firstDateParam", "20040609"); ResultSetProcessor<List<List<String>>> resultSetProcessor = new ResultSetProcessor<List<List<String>>>() { /** * Takes all rows and puts into two-dimension String array. */ @Override public List<List<String>> process(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { Builder<List<String>> builder = ImmutableList.<List<String>>builder(); ResultSetMetaData metaData = resultSet.getMetaData(); int columnCount = metaData.getColumnCount(); while ( { List<String> rowBuilder = new LinkedList<>(); for (int columnNumber = 1; columnNumber < columnCount + 1; columnNumber++) { String stringifiezedCell = resultSet.getString(columnNumber); rowBuilder.add(stringifiezedCell); } builder.add(rowBuilder); } return; } }; List<List<String>> result = executor.executeQuery(testSelect, parameterMetadata, parameterData, connection, resultSetProcessor); assertEquals(ImmutableList.of(ImmutableList.of("20040609","20040813", "123"), ImmutableList.of("20040609","20040609", "123") , ImmutableList.of("20040609","20040610", "123")), result); }
/** * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.jdbc.SqlDialect#renameTableStatements(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ @Override public Collection<String> renameTableStatements(Table from, Table to) { Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.<String>builder(); if (!primaryKeysForTable(from).isEmpty()) { builder.add(dropPrimaryKeyConstraintStatement(from)); } builder.add("ALTER TABLE " + from.getName() + " RENAME TO " + to.getName()); if (!primaryKeysForTable(to).isEmpty()) { builder.add(addPrimaryKeyConstraintStatement(to, namesOfColumns(primaryKeysForTable(to)))); } return; }
/** * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.jdbc.SqlDialect#alterTableAddColumnStatements(org.alfasoftware.morf.metadata.Table, org.alfasoftware.morf.metadata.Column) */ @Override public Collection<String> alterTableAddColumnStatements(Table table, Column column) { ImmutableList.Builder<String> statements = ImmutableList.builder(); statements.add( new StringBuilder().append("ALTER TABLE ").append(qualifiedTableName(table)).append(" ADD COLUMN ") .append(column.getName()).append(' ').append(sqlRepresentationOfColumnType(column, true)) .toString() ); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(column.getDefaultValue()) && column.isNullable()) { statements.add("UPDATE " + table.getName() + " SET " + column.getName() + " = " + getSqlFrom(new FieldLiteral(column.getDefaultValue(), column.getType()))); } return; }
/** * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.jdbc.SqlDialect#renameTableStatements(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ @Override public Collection<String> renameTableStatements(Table from, Table to) { Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.<String>builder(); if (!primaryKeysForTable(from).isEmpty()) { builder.add(dropPrimaryKeyConstraintStatement(from)); } builder.add("ALTER TABLE " + qualifiedTableName(from) + " RENAME TO " + qualifiedTableName(to)); if (!primaryKeysForTable(to).isEmpty()) { builder.add(addPrimaryKeyConstraintStatement(to, namesOfColumns(primaryKeysForTable(to)))); } return; }
/** * Concurrently fetches the fragments of the page and returns the {@link Content#isAvailable() available} {@link Contents}. * * @param params Parameters used to fetch the content * @param tracer the Tracer used to process {@link TraceEvent trace events}. * @return available Contents */ public Contents fetchWith(final Parameters params, final Tracer tracer) { // use a latch to await execution of all fragments: final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final Contents.Builder contents = contentsBuilder(); from(fragments) .flatMap((fragment) -> fragment.fetchWith(tracer, params)) .subscribe( contents::add, (t) -> LOG.error(t.getMessage(), t), latch::countDown ); try { // wait for completion of the plan execution: latch.await(); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("Interrupted waiting for Contents: {}", e.getMessage()); } final Statistics statistics = tracer.getStatistics();; return contents .setStats(statistics) .build(); }
@Override public List<String> deleteAllIds(final Collection<String> ids) { if (ids.isEmpty()) { return ImmutableList.of(); } final BulkRequestBuilder bulk = client .prepareBulk() .setRefreshPolicy(policy.get()); for (final String id : ids) { bulk.add(client.prepareDelete(index, type, id)); } final BulkResponse response = bulk.execute().actionGet(); final ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (final BulkItemResponse item : response.getItems()) { builder.add(item.getId()); } return; }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { InjectedApplication application = new InjectedApplication.Builder(args) .withParameter(Params.class, CommonParams.class) .withModule(new ArscModule()) .build(); ArscDumper dumper = application.get(ArscDumper.class); Params params = application.get(Params.class); CommonParams commonParams = application.get(CommonParams.class); try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(getWriter(commonParams.getOutput()))) { switch (params.type) { case CONFIGS: dumper.dumpResourceConfigs(writer, params.keys); break; case ENTRIES: dumper.dumpEntries(writer); break; case BASELESS_KEYS: dumper.dumpBaselessKeys(writer); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException( String.format("Missing implementation for type: %s.", params.type)); } } }
/** Lower type annotations in a class declaration's signature. */ private ImmutableList<TypeAnnotationInfo> classTypeAnnotations(SourceTypeBoundClass info) { ImmutableList.Builder<TypeAnnotationInfo> result = ImmutableList.builder(); { if (info.superClassType() != null) { lowerTypeAnnotations( result, info.superClassType(), TargetType.SUPERTYPE, new TypeAnnotationInfo.SuperTypeTarget(-1)); } int idx = 0; for (Type i : info.interfaceTypes()) { lowerTypeAnnotations( result, i, TargetType.SUPERTYPE, new TypeAnnotationInfo.SuperTypeTarget(idx++)); } } typeParameterAnnotations( result, info.typeParameterTypes().values(), TargetType.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER, TargetType.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND); return; }
private static MethodInfo bindMethod(Env<ClassSymbol, TypeBoundClass> env, MethodInfo base) { ImmutableList.Builder<AnnoInfo> declarationAnnotations = ImmutableList.builder(); Type returnType = disambiguate( env,"<init>") ? ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR : ElementType.METHOD, base.returnType(), base.annotations(), declarationAnnotations); return new MethodInfo( base.sym(), base.tyParams(), returnType, bindParameters(env, base.parameters()), base.exceptions(), base.access(), base.defaultValue(), base.decl(),, base.receiver() != null ? bindParam(env, base.receiver()) : null); }
/** * Moves type annotations in {@code annotations} to {@code type}, and adds any declaration * annotations on {@code type} to {@code declarationAnnotations}. */ private static Type disambiguate( Env<ClassSymbol, TypeBoundClass> env, ElementType declarationTarget, Type type, ImmutableList<AnnoInfo> annotations, Builder<AnnoInfo> declarationAnnotations) { // desugar @Repeatable annotations before disambiguating: annotation containers may target // a subset of the types targeted by their element annotation annotations = groupRepeated(env, annotations); ImmutableList.Builder<AnnoInfo> typeAnnotations = ImmutableList.builder(); for (AnnoInfo anno : annotations) { Set<ElementType> target = env.get(anno.sym()).annotationMetadata().target(); if (target.contains(ElementType.TYPE_USE)) { typeAnnotations.add(anno); } if (target.contains(declarationTarget)) { declarationAnnotations.add(anno); } } return addAnnotationsToType(type,; }
public static ImmutableMap<String, byte[]> collectDeps( ClassPath bootClassPath, BindingResult bound) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, byte[]> transitive = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (ClassSymbol sym : superClosure(bound)) { BytecodeBoundClass info = bound.classPathEnv().get(sym); if (info == null) { // the symbol wasn't loaded from the classpath continue; } if (bootClassPath.env().get(sym) != null) { // don't export symbols loaded from the bootclasspath continue; } transitive.put(sym.binaryName(), ClassWriter.writeClass(trimClass(info.classFile()))); } return; }
private ImmutableList<FieldSelector> buildVisibleSelectors( List<FieldSelector> selectors) { ImmutableList.Builder<FieldSelector> listBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (FieldSelector selector : selectors) { boolean hasInvisibleField = false; for (Field field : selector.getFields()) { if (!field.isReachable()) { hasInvisibleField = true; break; } } // Only include FieldSelector that has no invisible field. if (!hasInvisibleField) { listBuilder.add(selector); } } return; }
@Override public List<Pair<ISemanticRegion, ISemanticRegion>> keywordPairs(Keyword kw1, Keyword kw2) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(kw1); Preconditions.checkNotNull(kw2); Preconditions.checkArgument(kw1 != kw2); Predicate<ISemanticRegion> p1 = createPredicate(kw1); Predicate<ISemanticRegion> p2 = createPredicate(kw2); List<ISemanticRegion> all = findAll(Predicates.or(p1, p2)); Builder<Pair<ISemanticRegion, ISemanticRegion>> result = ImmutableList.builder(); LinkedList<ISemanticRegion> stack = new LinkedList<ISemanticRegion>(); for (ISemanticRegion region : all) { if (p1.apply(region)) stack.push(region); else if (!stack.isEmpty()) result.add(Pair.of(stack.pop(), region)); } return; }
private static Collection<SearchMapping> collectMappings(final Map<String, SearchMappings> searchMappings) { final Builder<SearchMapping> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); // put the default mappings in first final SearchMappings defaultMappings = searchMappings.get(DEFAULT); if (defaultMappings != null) { builder.addAll(defaultMappings.get()); } // add the rest of the mappings searchMappings.keySet().stream() .filter(key -> !DEFAULT.equals(key)) .sorted() .forEach(key -> builder.addAll(searchMappings.get(key).get())); return; }
/** * Intelligently sets the property. * <p> * This uses the repository to link properties declared with classifiers to the instance. * * @param bean the bean, not null * @param mp the property, not null * @param value the configured value, not null * @throws ComponentConfigException if the property cannot be initialized */ protected void setPropertyInferType(Bean bean, MetaProperty<?> mp, String value) { Class<?> propertyType = mp.propertyType(); if (isConvertibleFromString(mp.propertyType())) { // set property by value type conversion from String mp.set(bean, convert(propertyType, value)); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { // set property by value type conversion from comma separated String Class<?> collType = JodaBeanUtils.collectionType(mp, bean.getClass()); if (isConvertibleFromString(collType)) { Iterable<String> split = Splitter.on(',').trimResults().split(value); Builder<Object> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (String singleValue : split) { builder.add(convert(collType, singleValue)); } mp.set(bean,; } else { throw new ComponentConfigException(String.format("No mechanism found to set collection property %s from value: %s", mp, value)); } } else { throw new ComponentConfigException(String.format("No mechanism found to set property %s from value: %s", mp, value)); } }
private BasicXtaAction(final XtaSystem system, final List<Loc> sourceLocs, final Edge edge) { super(system, sourceLocs); this.edge = checkNotNull(edge); final ImmutableList.Builder<Loc> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); final Loc source = edge.getSource(); final Loc target = edge.getTarget(); boolean matched = false; for (final Loc loc : sourceLocs) { if (loc.equals(source)) { checkArgument(!matched); builder.add(target); matched = true; } else { builder.add(loc); } } checkArgument(matched); targetLocs =; }
@Override public List<Stmt> getStmts() { List<Stmt> result = stmts; if (stmts == null) { final ImmutableList.Builder<Stmt> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); addInvariants(builder, getSourceLocs()); addGuards(builder, edge); addUpdates(builder, edge); addInvariants(builder, targetLocs); if (shouldApplyDelay(getTargetLocs())) { addDelay(builder, getClockVars()); } result =; stmts = result; } return result; }
@Override public List<Stmt> getStmts() { List<Stmt> result = stmts; if (stmts == null) { final ImmutableList.Builder<Stmt> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); addInvariants(builder, getSourceLocs()); addSync(builder, emitEdge, recvEdge); addGuards(builder, emitEdge); addGuards(builder, recvEdge); addUpdates(builder, emitEdge); addUpdates(builder, recvEdge); addInvariants(builder, targetLocs); if (shouldApplyDelay(getTargetLocs())) { addDelay(builder, getClockVars()); } result =; stmts = result; } return result; }
public static List<String> dirList(String path){ Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); File folder = new File(path); File[] files = folder.listFiles(); if(files == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } for (File entry : files) { if (entry.isFile()) { builder.add("File : " + entry.getName()); } else if (entry.isDirectory()) { builder.add("Directory : " + entry.getName()); } } return; }
@Override protected ImmutableList<ValueAssignment> modelToList() { Builder<ValueAssignment> out = ImmutableList.builder(); // Iterate through constants. for (int constIdx = 0; constIdx < Native.modelGetNumConsts(z3context, model); constIdx++) { long keyDecl = Native.modelGetConstDecl(z3context, model, constIdx); Native.incRef(z3context, keyDecl); out.addAll(getConstAssignments(keyDecl)); Native.decRef(z3context, keyDecl); } // Iterate through function applications. for (int funcIdx = 0; funcIdx < Native.modelGetNumFuncs(z3context, model); funcIdx++) { long funcDecl = Native.modelGetFuncDecl(z3context, model, funcIdx); Native.incRef(z3context, funcDecl); if (!isInternalSymbol(funcDecl)) { String functionName = z3creator.symbolToString(Native.getDeclName(z3context, funcDecl)); out.addAll(getFunctionAssignments(funcDecl, funcDecl, functionName)); } Native.decRef(z3context, funcDecl); } return; }
@Override protected ImmutableList<ValueAssignment> modelToList() { Builder<ValueAssignment> assignments = ImmutableList.builder(); long modelIterator = msat_model_create_iterator(model); while (msat_model_iterator_has_next(modelIterator)) { long[] key = new long[1]; long[] value = new long[1]; if (msat_model_iterator_next(modelIterator, key, value)) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } if (msat_is_array_type(creator.getEnv(), msat_term_get_type(value[0]))) { assignments.addAll(getArrayAssignments(key[0], key[0], value[0], Collections.emptyList())); } else { assignments.add(getAssignment(key[0], value[0])); } } msat_destroy_model_iterator(modelIterator); return; }