public void buildPropertyValueTable(Map<Map<IProperty, Comparable>, BlockState.StateImplementation> map) { if (this.propertyValueTable != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } else { Table<IProperty, Comparable, IBlockState> table = HashBasedTable.<IProperty, Comparable, IBlockState>create(); for (IProperty <? extends Comparable > iproperty : { for (Comparable comparable : iproperty.getAllowedValues()) { if (comparable != { table.put(iproperty, comparable, map.get(this.getPropertiesWithValue(iproperty, comparable))); } } } this.propertyValueTable = ImmutableTable.<IProperty, Comparable, IBlockState>copyOf(table); } }
MediaTypeClassifierImpl(Iterable<? extends MediaType> mts) { Table<String, String, Set<MediaType>> typeTable = HashBasedTable.<String, String, Set<MediaType>>create(); for (MediaType mt : mts) { String type = mt.type(); String subtype = mt.subtype(); Set<MediaType> typeSet = typeTable.get(type, subtype); if (typeSet == null) { typeSet = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); typeTable.put(type, subtype, typeSet); } typeSet.add(mt); } ImmutableTable.Builder<String, String, ImmutableSet<MediaType>> b = ImmutableTable.builder(); for (Table.Cell<String, String, Set<MediaType>> cell : typeTable.cellSet()) { b.put(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey(), ImmutableSet.copyOf(cell.getValue())); } this.types =; }
public static void register(final Kryo kryo) { // register list final ImmutableListSerializer serializer = new ImmutableListSerializer(); kryo.register(ImmutableList.class, serializer); kryo.register(ImmutableList.of().getClass(), serializer); kryo.register(ImmutableList.of(Integer.valueOf(1)).getClass(), serializer); kryo.register(ImmutableList.of(Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2), Integer.valueOf(3)).subList(1, 2).getClass(), serializer); kryo.register(ImmutableList.of().reverse().getClass(), serializer); kryo.register(Lists.charactersOf("dremio").getClass(), serializer); final HashBasedTable baseTable = HashBasedTable.create(); baseTable.put(Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2), Integer.valueOf(3)); baseTable.put(Integer.valueOf(4), Integer.valueOf(5), Integer.valueOf(6)); ImmutableTable table = ImmutableTable.copyOf(baseTable); kryo.register(table.values().getClass(), serializer); }
public void buildPropertyValueTable(Map < Map < IProperty<?>, Comparable<? >> , BlockStateContainer.StateImplementation > map) { if (this.propertyValueTable != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } else { Table < IProperty<?>, Comparable<?>, IBlockState > table = HashBasedTable. < IProperty<?>, Comparable<?>, IBlockState > create(); for (Entry < IProperty<?>, Comparable<? >> entry : { IProperty<?> iproperty = (IProperty)entry.getKey(); for (Comparable<?> comparable : iproperty.getAllowedValues()) { if (comparable != entry.getValue()) { table.put(iproperty, comparable, map.get(this.getPropertiesWithValue(iproperty, comparable))); } } } this.propertyValueTable = ImmutableTable. < IProperty<?>, Comparable<?>, IBlockState > copyOf(table); } }
/** * Creates and stores reports of a given type on GCS. * * <p>This is factored out to facilitate choosing which reports to upload, */ ImmutableList<String> stageReports(ReportType reportType) throws Exception { QueryBuilder queryBuilder = (reportType == ReportType.ACTIVITY) ? activityQueryBuilder : transactionsQueryBuilder; ImmutableMap<String, String> viewQueryMap = queryBuilder.getViewQueryMap(); // Generate intermediary views for (Entry<String, String> entry : viewQueryMap.entrySet()) { createIntermediaryTableView(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), reportType); } // Get an in-memory table of the aggregate query's result ImmutableTable<Integer, TableFieldSchema, Object> reportTable = bigquery.queryToLocalTableSync(queryBuilder.getReportQuery()); // Get report headers from the table schema and convert into CSV format String headerRow = constructRow(getHeaders(reportTable.columnKeySet())); return (reportType == ReportType.ACTIVITY) ? stageActivityReports(headerRow, reportTable.rowMap().values()) : stageTransactionsReports(headerRow, reportTable.rowMap().values()); }
/** * Returns a table of data for the given sets of fields and objects. The table is row-keyed by * object and column-keyed by field, in the same iteration order as the provided sets. */ private ImmutableTable<T, String, String> extractData(ImmutableSet<String> fields, ImmutableSet<T> objects) { ImmutableTable.Builder<T, String, String> builder = new ImmutableTable.Builder<>(); for (T object : objects) { Map<String, Object> fieldMap = new HashMap<>(); // Base case of the mapping is to use ImmutableObject's toDiffableFieldMap(). fieldMap.putAll(object.toDiffableFieldMap()); // Next, overlay any field-level overrides specified by the subclass. fieldMap.putAll(getFieldOverrides(object)); // Next, add to the mapping all the aliases, with their values defined as whatever was in the // map under the aliased field's original name. fieldMap.putAll(new HashMap<>(Maps.transformValues(getFieldAliases(), fieldMap::get))); Set<String> expectedFields = ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(fieldMap.keySet()); for (String field : fields) { checkArgument(fieldMap.containsKey(field), "Field '%s' not found - recognized fields are:\n%s", field, expectedFields); builder.put(object, field, Objects.toString(fieldMap.get(field), "")); } } return; }
/** Converts the provided table of data to text, formatted using the provided column widths. */ private List<String> generateFormattedData( ImmutableTable<T, String, String> data, ImmutableMap<String, Integer> columnWidths) { Function<Map<String, String>, String> rowFormatter = makeRowFormatter(columnWidths); List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>(); if (isHeaderRowInUse(data)) { // Add a row of headers (column names mapping to themselves). Map<String, String> headerRow = Maps.asMap(data.columnKeySet(), key -> key); lines.add(rowFormatter.apply(headerRow)); // Add a row of separator lines (column names mapping to '-' * column width). Map<String, String> separatorRow = Maps.transformValues(columnWidths, width -> Strings.repeat("-", width)); lines.add(rowFormatter.apply(separatorRow)); } // Add the actual data rows. for (Map<String, String> row : data.rowMap().values()) { lines.add(rowFormatter.apply(row)); } return lines; }
@Override public ImmutableMarkovChain<S> build() { // todo: check if sum of transition probabilities in rows are <= 1 for (final S state : table.rowKeySet()) { double sum = 0.0; for (final Double value : table.row(state).values()) { sum += value; } if (sum < 0 || sum > 1) { final String message = "Sum of transition probabilities from state " + state + " must be in >= 0 and <= 1"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } } rng = RandomGenerators.rng(); return new ImmutableMarkovChain<S>(ImmutableTable.copyOf(table), rng); }
public static ReviewerSet parseReviewerFieldValues(Iterable<String> values) { ImmutableTable.Builder<ReviewerStateInternal, Account.Id, Timestamp> b = ImmutableTable.builder(); for (String v : values) { int f = v.indexOf(','); if (f < 0) { continue; } int l = v.lastIndexOf(','); if (l == f) { continue; } b.put( ReviewerStateInternal.valueOf(v.substring(0, f)), Account.Id.parse(v.substring(f + 1, l)), new Timestamp(Long.valueOf(v.substring(l + 1, v.length())))); } return ReviewerSet.fromTable(; }
public static ReviewerByEmailSet parseReviewerByEmailFieldValues(Iterable<String> values) { ImmutableTable.Builder<ReviewerStateInternal, Address, Timestamp> b = ImmutableTable.builder(); for (String v : values) { int f = v.indexOf(','); if (f < 0) { continue; } int l = v.lastIndexOf(','); if (l == f) { continue; } b.put( ReviewerStateInternal.valueOf(v.substring(0, f)), Address.parse(v.substring(f + 1, l)), new Timestamp(Long.valueOf(v.substring(l + 1, v.length())))); } return ReviewerByEmailSet.fromTable(; }
@Test public void multipleReviewers() throws Exception { Change c = newChange(); ChangeUpdate update = newUpdate(c, changeOwner); update.putReviewer(changeOwner.getAccount().getId(), REVIEWER); update.putReviewer(otherUser.getAccount().getId(), REVIEWER); update.commit(); ChangeNotes notes = newNotes(c); Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(update.getWhen().getTime()); assertThat(notes.getReviewers()) .isEqualTo( ReviewerSet.fromTable( ImmutableTable.<ReviewerStateInternal, Account.Id, Timestamp>builder() .put(REVIEWER, new Account.Id(1), ts) .put(REVIEWER, new Account.Id(2), ts) .build())); }
@Test public void reviewerTypes() throws Exception { Change c = newChange(); ChangeUpdate update = newUpdate(c, changeOwner); update.putReviewer(changeOwner.getAccount().getId(), REVIEWER); update.putReviewer(otherUser.getAccount().getId(), CC); update.commit(); ChangeNotes notes = newNotes(c); Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(update.getWhen().getTime()); assertThat(notes.getReviewers()) .isEqualTo( ReviewerSet.fromTable( ImmutableTable.<ReviewerStateInternal, Account.Id, Timestamp>builder() .put(REVIEWER, new Account.Id(1), ts) .put(CC, new Account.Id(2), ts) .build())); }
@Test public void oneReviewerMultipleTypes() throws Exception { Change c = newChange(); ChangeUpdate update = newUpdate(c, changeOwner); update.putReviewer(otherUser.getAccount().getId(), REVIEWER); update.commit(); ChangeNotes notes = newNotes(c); Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(update.getWhen().getTime()); assertThat(notes.getReviewers()) .isEqualTo(ReviewerSet.fromTable(ImmutableTable.of(REVIEWER, new Account.Id(2), ts))); update = newUpdate(c, otherUser); update.putReviewer(otherUser.getAccount().getId(), CC); update.commit(); notes = newNotes(c); ts = new Timestamp(update.getWhen().getTime()); assertThat(notes.getReviewers()) .isEqualTo(ReviewerSet.fromTable(ImmutableTable.of(CC, new Account.Id(2), ts))); }
/** * Return a new {@code ProvenancedConfusionMatrix} containing only those provenance entries * matching the provided predicate. */ public ProvenancedConfusionMatrix<CellFiller> filteredCopy(Predicate<CellFiller> predicate) { final ImmutableTable.Builder<Symbol, Symbol, List<CellFiller>> newTable = ImmutableTable.builder(); for (final Cell<Symbol, Symbol, List<CellFiller>> curCell : table.cellSet()) { final List<CellFiller> newFiller = FluentIterable.from(curCell.getValue()) .filter(predicate).toList(); if (!newFiller.isEmpty()) { newTable.put(curCell.getRowKey(), curCell.getColumnKey(), newFiller); } } return new ProvenancedConfusionMatrix<CellFiller>(; }
public ImmutableSetMultitable<R, C, V> build() { final ImmutableTable.Builder<R, C, Collection<V>> immutableTable = ImmutableTable.builder(); int size = 0; ImmutableSet.Builder<R> rowIterationBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); ImmutableSet.Builder<C> columnIterationBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (final RowKeyColumnKeyPair<R, C> rowKeyColKey : { final ImmutableSet<V> valuesForPair = tableWeCanLookUpIn.get(rowKeyColKey.row(), rowKeyColKey.column()).build(); size += valuesForPair.size(); immutableTable.put(rowKeyColKey.row(), rowKeyColKey.column(), valuesForPair); rowIterationBuilder.add(rowKeyColKey.row()); columnIterationBuilder.add(rowKeyColKey.column()); } return new ImmutableSetMultitable<>(, size,,; }
public ImmutableListMultitable<R, C, V> build() { final ImmutableTable.Builder<R, C, Collection<V>> immutableTable = ImmutableTable.builder(); int size = 0; ImmutableSet.Builder<R> rowIterationBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); ImmutableSet.Builder<C> columnIterationBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (final RowKeyColumnKeyPair<R, C> rowKeyColKey : { final ImmutableList<V> valuesForPair = tableWeCanLookUpIn.get(rowKeyColKey.row(), rowKeyColKey.column()).build(); size += valuesForPair.size(); immutableTable.put(rowKeyColKey.row(), rowKeyColKey.column(), valuesForPair); rowIterationBuilder.add(rowKeyColKey.row()); columnIterationBuilder.add(rowKeyColKey.column()); } return new ImmutableListMultitable<>(, size,,; }
public static ImmutableTable<Symbol, Symbol, Symbol> loadSymbolTable(CharSource input) throws IOException { final ImmutableTable.Builder<Symbol, Symbol, Symbol> ret = ImmutableTable.builder(); int lineNo = 0; for (final String line : input.readLines()) { final List<String> parts = StringUtils.onTabs().splitToList(line); if (parts.size() != 3) { throw new IOException(String.format("Invalid line %d when reading symbol table: %s", lineNo, line)); } ret.put(Symbol.from(parts.get(0)), Symbol.from(parts.get(1)), Symbol.from(parts.get(2))); ++lineNo; } return; }
final void check() { runTester() .assertNonNullValues( Gender.MALE, Integer.valueOf(0), 0, "", "", ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableSet.of(), ImmutableSet.of(), ImmutableSortedSet.of(), ImmutableSortedSet.of(), ImmutableMultiset.of(), ImmutableMultiset.of(), ImmutableMultimap.of(), ImmutableMultimap.of(), ImmutableTable.of(), ImmutableTable.of()); }
private ImmutableTable<V, V, Double> getPrecedenceVariableValues( VariableSet.VariableExtractor variableExtractor) { ImmutableTable.Builder<V, V, Double> ans = ImmutableTable.builder(); List<Cell<V, V, IloNumVar>> varsAsList = Lists .newArrayList(this.precedenceVariables.cellSet()); IloNumVar[] varArray = new IloNumVar[varsAsList.size()]; int i = 0; for (Cell<V, V, IloNumVar> cell : varsAsList) { varArray[i++] = cell.getValue(); } double[] varVals; try { varVals = variableExtractor.getValuesVE(varArray); } catch (IloException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } for (int j = 0; j < varsAsList.size(); j++) { ans.put(varsAsList.get(j).getRowKey(), varsAsList.get(j).getColumnKey(), varVals[j]); } return; }
/** * * @param nonZeroEdgeValues * @return A list of lists of length 3. A returned list of [u,v,w] indicates * that the constraint delta_uv + delta_vw <= delta_uw + 1 should be * added. */ public List<List<V>> checkFractionalSolution( Map<E, Double> nonZeroEdgeValues, ImmutableTable<V, V, Double> precVarVals) { Set<V> retainedVertices = Sets.newHashSet(kepInstance.getGraph() .getVertices()); Set<E> retainedEdges = Maps.filterValues(nonZeroEdgeValues, Range.<Double> atLeast(.51)).keySet(); // In the below graph, each node will have in degree and out degree // at most one DirectedSparseMultigraph<V, E> inUseEdges = SubgraphUtil.subgraph( kepInstance.getGraph(), retainedVertices, retainedEdges); CycleChainDecomposition<V, E> decomposition = new CycleChainDecomposition<V, E>( inUseEdges); List<List<V>> ans = checkCycleChainDecomposition(decomposition, precVarVals, checkChains); fractionalCutsAdded += ans.size(); return ans; }
private static List<NistInstance> readInstances(CharSource input) throws IOException { return input.readLines().stream().map(line -> { List<String> tokens = PARSER.splitToList(line); List<Integer> values =; List<Integer> instanceInput = values.subList(0, values.size() - 1); int instanceOutput = values.get(values.size() - 1); ImmutableTable.Builder<Integer, Integer, Integer> instance = ImmutableTable.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < instanceInput.size(); i++) { int value = instanceInput.get(i); int row = i / COLUMNS; int column = i % COLUMNS; instance.put(row, column, value); } return NistInstance.create( instanceInput, instance .orderRowsBy(Comparator.<Integer>naturalOrder()) .orderColumnsBy(Comparator.<Integer>naturalOrder()) .build(), instanceOutput); }).collect(Collectors.toList()); }
private DelTemplateSelector(Builder<T> builder) { ImmutableTable.Builder<String, String, Group<T>> nameAndVariantBuilder = ImmutableTable.builder(); ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<String, T> delTemplateNameToValuesBuilder = ImmutableListMultimap.builder(); for (Table.Cell<String, String, Group.Builder<T>> entry : builder.nameAndVariantToGroup.cellSet()) { Group<T> group = entry.getValue().build(); nameAndVariantBuilder.put(entry.getRowKey(), entry.getColumnKey(), group); String delTemplateName = entry.getRowKey(); if (group.defaultValue != null) { delTemplateNameToValuesBuilder.put(delTemplateName, group.defaultValue); } delTemplateNameToValuesBuilder.putAll(delTemplateName, group.delpackageToValue.values()); } this.nameAndVariantToGroup =; this.delTemplateNameToValues =; }
public CompareView(List<KnownColormap> colorMaps) { setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 0)); List<ColormapQuality> metrics = getMetrics(); ImmutableTable.Builder<KnownColormap, ColormapQuality, Double> builder = ImmutableTable.builder(); for (KnownColormap cm : colorMaps) { for (ColormapQuality metric : metrics) { builder.put(cm, metric, metric.getQuality(cm)); } } Table<KnownColormap, ColormapQuality, Double> infoTable =; add(new CompareViewPanel(infoTable)); add(new CompareViewPanel(infoTable)); add(new CompareViewPanel(infoTable)); }
private CashFlowReport( LocalDate valuationDate, Instant runInstant, List<ExplainKey<?>> columnKeys, List<String> columnHeaders, Table<Integer, Integer, Object> data) { JodaBeanUtils.notNull(valuationDate, "valuationDate"); JodaBeanUtils.notNull(runInstant, "runInstant"); JodaBeanUtils.notNull(columnKeys, "columnKeys"); JodaBeanUtils.notNull(columnHeaders, "columnHeaders"); JodaBeanUtils.notNull(data, "data"); this.valuationDate = valuationDate; this.runInstant = runInstant; this.columnKeys = ImmutableList.copyOf(columnKeys); this.columnHeaders = ImmutableList.copyOf(columnHeaders); = ImmutableTable.copyOf(data); }
/** * Returns a void->void MethodHandle that will run this ActorGroup for the * given iterations using the given ConcreteStorage instances. * @param iterations the range of iterations to run for * @param storage the storage being used * @return a void->void method handle */ public MethodHandle specialize(Range<Integer> iterations, Map<Storage, ConcreteStorage> storage, BiFunction<MethodHandle[], WorkerActor, MethodHandle> switchFactory, int unrollFactor, ImmutableTable<Actor, Integer, IndexFunctionTransformer> inputTransformers, ImmutableTable<Actor, Integer, IndexFunctionTransformer> outputTransformers) { //TokenActors are special. assert !isTokenGroup() : actors(); Map<Actor, MethodHandle> withRWHandlesBound = bindActorsToStorage(iterations, storage, switchFactory, inputTransformers, outputTransformers); int totalIterations = iterations.upperEndpoint() - iterations.lowerEndpoint(); unrollFactor = Math.min(unrollFactor, totalIterations); int unrolls = (totalIterations/unrollFactor); int unrollEndpoint = iterations.lowerEndpoint() + unrolls*unrollFactor; MethodHandle overall = Combinators.semicolon( makeGroupLoop(Range.closedOpen(iterations.lowerEndpoint(), unrollEndpoint), unrollFactor, withRWHandlesBound), makeGroupLoop(Range.closedOpen(unrollEndpoint, iterations.upperEndpoint()), 1, withRWHandlesBound) ); return overall; }
public void a(Map<Map<IBlockState<?>, Comparable<?>>, BlockStateList.BlockData> map) { if (this.c != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } else { HashBasedTable hashbasedtable = HashBasedTable.create(); Iterator iterator = this.b.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entry entry = (Entry); IBlockState iblockstate = (IBlockState) entry.getKey(); Iterator iterator1 = iblockstate.c().iterator(); while (iterator1.hasNext()) { Comparable comparable = (Comparable); if (comparable != entry.getValue()) { hashbasedtable.put(iblockstate, comparable, map.get(this.b(iblockstate, comparable))); } } } this.c = ImmutableTable.copyOf(hashbasedtable); } }
/** * Load the list of AMIs from a resource file (csv format) * <p/> * Note: the parser is doing only split by comma. There is no * support for escaping line components * * @param resource path to resource * @return an instance of {@see ImageTable} * @throws IOException */ public static ImageTable fromCsvResource(String resource) throws IOException { checkNotNull(resource, "resource is null"); List<String> lines = Resources.readLines(Resources.getResource(ImageTable.class, resource), Charsets.UTF_8); checkArgument(!lines.isEmpty(), "the resource is an empty file"); final ImmutableTable.Builder<String, String, String> table = ImmutableTable.builder(); final Iterable<String> headers = extractHeaders(lines); int index = 0; for (String line : Iterables.skip(lines, 1)) { final Iterable<Table.Cell<String, String, String>> cells = combineHeadersWithLinePartsAsTableCells(index, headers, COMMA.split(line)); for (Table.Cell<String, String, String> cell : cells) { table.put(cell); } index++; } return new ImageTable(; }
/** * Helper function to build the ttl mapping. Only insert to the mapping if the value is a valid date. * @param ttlMapBuilder * @param config * @param gran * @param rollupType * @param configKey * @return true if the insertion is successful, false otherwise. */ private boolean put( ImmutableTable.Builder<Granularity, RollupType, TimeValue> ttlMapBuilder, Configuration config, Granularity gran, RollupType rollupType, TtlConfig configKey) { int value; try { value = config.getIntegerProperty(configKey); if (value < 0) return false; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { log.trace(String.format("No valid TTL config set for granularity: %s, rollup type: %s",,, ex); return false; } ttlMapBuilder.put(gran, rollupType, new TimeValue(value, TimeUnit.DAYS)); return true; }
SafetyTtlProvider() { ImmutableTable.Builder<Granularity, RollupType, TimeValue> ttlMapBuilder = new ImmutableTable.Builder<Granularity, RollupType, TimeValue>(); for (Granularity granularity : Granularity.granularities()) { for (RollupType type : RollupType.values()) { if (type == RollupType.NOT_A_ROLLUP) { continue; } MetricColumnFamily metricCF = CassandraModel.getColumnFamily(RollupType.classOf(type, granularity), granularity); TimeValue ttl = new TimeValue(metricCF.getDefaultTTL().getValue(), metricCF.getDefaultTTL().getUnit()); ttlMapBuilder.put(granularity, type, ttl); } } this.SAFETY_TTLS =; }
public Table<String, String, Property> loadFromConfiguration(Configuration config) { final Table<String, String, Property> properties = HashBasedTable.create(); for (Table.Cell<String, String, FeatureEntry> cell : features.cellSet()) { final FeatureEntry entry = cell.getValue(); if (!entry.isConfigurable) continue; final String categoryName = cell.getRowKey(); final String featureName = cell.getColumnKey(); final Property prop = config.get(categoryName, featureName, entry.isEnabled); properties.put(categoryName, featureName, prop); if (!prop.wasRead()) continue; if (!prop.isBooleanValue()) prop.set(entry.isEnabled); else entry.isEnabled = prop.getBoolean(entry.isEnabled); } return ImmutableTable.copyOf(properties); }
@Test public void positiveViewState() { try { assertCompilationResultIs(ImmutableTable.<Diagnostic.Kind, Integer, Pattern>of(), ImmutableList.of(getString("com/arellomobile/mvp/view/PositiveViewStateView$$"))); } catch (IOException e) { fail(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }
@Test public void positiveViewStateProvider() { try { assertCompilationResultIs(ImmutableTable.<Diagnostic.Kind, Integer, Pattern>of(), ImmutableList.of(getString("com/arellomobile/mvp/presenter/PositiveViewStateProviderPresenter$$"))); } catch (IOException e) { fail(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }
@Encoding.Copy @Encoding.Naming("with*Put") public ImmutableTable<R, C, V> withPut(R row, C column, V value) { return ImmutableTable.<R, C, V>builder() .put(row, column, value) .build(); }
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // called by NullPointerTester public void checkDefaultValuesForTheseTypes( Gender gender, Integer integer, int i, String string, CharSequence charSequence, List<String> list, ImmutableList<Integer> immutableList, Map<String, Integer> map, ImmutableMap<String, String> immutableMap, Set<String> set, ImmutableSet<Integer> immutableSet, SortedSet<Number> sortedSet, ImmutableSortedSet<Number> immutableSortedSet, Multiset<String> multiset, ImmutableMultiset<Integer> immutableMultiset, Multimap<String, Integer> multimap, ImmutableMultimap<String, Integer> immutableMultimap, Table<String, Integer, Exception> table, ImmutableTable<Integer, String, Exception> immutableTable) { calledWith( gender, integer, i, string, charSequence, list, immutableList, map, immutableMap, set, immutableSet, sortedSet, immutableSortedSet, multiset, immutableMultiset, multimap, immutableMultimap, table, immutableTable); }
final void check() { runTester().assertNonNullValues( Gender.MALE, Integer.valueOf(0), 0, "", "", ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableSet.of(), ImmutableSet.of(), ImmutableSortedSet.of(), ImmutableSortedSet.of(), ImmutableMultiset.of(), ImmutableMultiset.of(), ImmutableMultimap.of(), ImmutableMultimap.of(), ImmutableTable.of(), ImmutableTable.of()); }