Java 类 实例源码

项目:ditb    文件   
 * @param maxSize the target size of elements in the queue
 * @param blockSize expected average size of blocks
public CachedEntryQueue(long maxSize, long blockSize) {
  int initialSize = (int) (maxSize / blockSize);
  if (initialSize == 0) {
  queue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(new Comparator<Map.Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry>>() {

    public int compare(Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry1,
        Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry2) {
      return, entry2.getValue());

  cacheSize = 0;
  this.maxSize = maxSize;
项目:vespa    文件   
public CachedPostingListCounter rebuildCache() {
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<Entry> mostExpensive = MinMaxPriorityQueue
    synchronized (this) {
        for (ObjectLongPair<int[]> p : frequency.keyValuesView()) {
            mostExpensive.add(new Entry(p.getOne(), p.getTwo()));
    ObjectIntHashMap<int[]> postingListMapping = new ObjectIntHashMap<>();
    int[] bitVector = new int[nDocuments];
    int length = mostExpensive.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        Entry e = mostExpensive.removeFirst();
        int[] docIds = e.docIds;
        postingListMapping.put(docIds, i);
        for (int docId : docIds) {
            bitVector[docId] |= (1 << i);
    return new CachedPostingListCounter(postingListMapping, bitVector);
项目:maker    文件   
public Queue<QueryMatch> queryKNN(double lat, double lon, int n)
  throws IOException {
  DistanceComparator comp = new DistanceComparator(lon, lat);
  Queue<QueryMatch> ret
    = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(comp)

  GeoHash target = GeoHash.withCharacterPrecision(lat, lon, precision);
  ret.addAll(takeN(comp, target.toBase32(), n));
  for (GeoHash h : target.getAdjacent()) {
    ret.addAll(takeN(comp, h.toBase32(), n));

  return ret;
项目:pbase    文件   
 * @param maxSize the target size of elements in the queue
 * @param blockSize expected average size of blocks
public CachedEntryQueue(long maxSize, long blockSize) {
  int initialSize = (int) (maxSize / blockSize);
  if (initialSize == 0)
  queue = MinMaxPriorityQueue
      .orderedBy(new Comparator<Map.Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry>>() {
        public int compare(Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry1,
            Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry2) {
          return entry1.getValue().compareTo(entry2.getValue());

  cacheSize = 0;
  this.maxSize = maxSize;
项目:HIndex    文件   
 * @param maxSize the target size of elements in the queue
 * @param blockSize expected average size of blocks
public CachedEntryQueue(long maxSize, long blockSize) {
  int initialSize = (int) (maxSize / blockSize);
  if (initialSize == 0)
  queue = MinMaxPriorityQueue
      .orderedBy(new Comparator<Map.Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry>>() {
        public int compare(Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry1,
            Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry2) {
          return entry1.getValue().compareTo(entry2.getValue());

  cacheSize = 0;
  this.maxSize = maxSize;
项目:ache    文件   
public List<LinkRelevance> getSelectedLinks() {
    List<LinkRelevance> links = new ArrayList<>();
    while (links.size() < numberOfLinks && !topkLinksPerDomain.isEmpty()) {
        // adds the URL with max score of each domain
        MinMaxPriorityQueue<LinkRelevance> topk = newPriorityQueue(numberOfLinks);
        Iterator<Entry<String, MinMaxPriorityQueue<LinkRelevance>>> it = topkLinksPerDomain.entrySet().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            MinMaxPriorityQueue<LinkRelevance> domain =;
            if (domain.isEmpty()) {
        for(LinkRelevance link : topk) {
    this.topkLinksPerDomain = null; // clean-up reference
    return links;
项目:bigbase    文件   
 * @param maxSize the target size of elements in the queue
 * @param blockSize expected average size of blocks
public CachedEntryQueue(long maxSize, long blockSize) {
  int initialSize = (int) (maxSize / blockSize);
  if (initialSize == 0)
  queue = MinMaxPriorityQueue
      .orderedBy(new Comparator<Map.Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry>>() {
        public int compare(Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry1,
            Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry2) {
          return entry1.getValue().compareTo(entry2.getValue());

  cacheSize = 0;
  this.maxSize = maxSize;
项目:PyroDB    文件   
 * @param maxSize the target size of elements in the queue
 * @param blockSize expected average size of blocks
public CachedEntryQueue(long maxSize, long blockSize) {
  int initialSize = (int) (maxSize / blockSize);
  if (initialSize == 0)
  queue = MinMaxPriorityQueue
      .orderedBy(new Comparator<Map.Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry>>() {
        public int compare(Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry1,
            Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry2) {
          return entry1.getValue().compareTo(entry2.getValue());

  cacheSize = 0;
  this.maxSize = maxSize;
项目:miru    文件   
public List<MiruPartition> getPartitionsForTenant(MiruTenantId tenantId) throws Exception {
    NavigableMap<MiruPartitionId, MinMaxPriorityQueue<HostAndTimestamp>> partitionIdToLatest = tenantLatestTopologies(tenantId);

    List<MiruPartition> partitions = new ArrayList<>();
    for (MiruPartitionId partitionId : partitionIdToLatest.keySet()) {
        MinMaxPriorityQueue<HostAndTimestamp> got = partitionIdToLatest.get(partitionId);
        for (HostAndTimestamp hat : got) {
            EmbeddedClient topologyInfoClient = topologyInfoClient(;
            byte[] rawInfo = topologyInfoClient.getValue(Consistency.none, null, toTopologyKey(tenantId, partitionId));
            MiruPartitionCoordInfo info;
            if (rawInfo == null) {
                info = new MiruPartitionCoordInfo(MiruPartitionState.offline, MiruBackingStorage.memory);
            } else {
                MiruTopologyColumnValue columnValue = topologyColumnValueMarshaller.fromBytes(rawInfo);
                info = new MiruPartitionCoordInfo(columnValue.state,;
            partitions.add(new MiruPartition(new MiruPartitionCoord(tenantId, partitionId,, info));
    return partitions;
项目:miru    文件   
private NavigableMap<MiruPartitionId, MinMaxPriorityQueue<HostAndTimestamp>> tenantPartitionsLatestTopologies(MiruTenantId tenantId,
    Collection<MiruPartitionId> partitionIds) throws Exception {

    final NavigableMap<MiruPartitionId, MinMaxPriorityQueue<HostAndTimestamp>> partitionIdToLatest = new TreeMap<>();

    for (HostHeartbeat hostHeartbeat : getAllHosts()) {
        EmbeddedClient registryClient = registryClient(;
        for (MiruPartitionId partitionId : partitionIds) {
            byte[] got = registryClient.getValue(Consistency.quorum, null, toTopologyKey(tenantId, partitionId));
            if (got != null) {
                MinMaxPriorityQueue<HostAndTimestamp> latest = partitionIdToLatest.get(partitionId);
                if (latest == null) {
                    // TODO defaultNumberOfReplicas should come from config?
                    latest = MinMaxPriorityQueue.maximumSize(defaultNumberOfReplicas)
                    partitionIdToLatest.put(partitionId, latest);
                latest.add(new HostAndTimestamp(, FilerIO.bytesLong(got)));

    return partitionIdToLatest;
项目:miru    文件   
public List<MiruPartition> getPartitionsForTenantHost(MiruTenantId tenantId, MiruHost host) throws Exception {
    NavigableMap<MiruPartitionId, MinMaxPriorityQueue<HostAndTimestamp>> partitionIdToLatest = tenantLatestTopologies(tenantId);
    List<MiruPartition> partitions = new ArrayList<>();
    for (MiruPartitionId partitionId : partitionIdToLatest.keySet()) {
        MinMaxPriorityQueue<HostAndTimestamp> got = partitionIdToLatest.get(partitionId);
        for (HostAndTimestamp hat : got) {
            if ( {
                EmbeddedClient topologyInfoClient = topologyInfoClient(;
                byte[] rawInfo = topologyInfoClient.getValue(Consistency.none, null, toTopologyKey(tenantId, partitionId));
                MiruPartitionCoordInfo info;
                if (rawInfo == null) {
                    info = new MiruPartitionCoordInfo(MiruPartitionState.offline, MiruBackingStorage.memory);
                } else {
                    MiruTopologyColumnValue columnValue = topologyColumnValueMarshaller.fromBytes(rawInfo);
                    info = new MiruPartitionCoordInfo(columnValue.state,;
                partitions.add(new MiruPartition(new MiruPartitionCoord(tenantId, partitionId,, info));
    return partitions;
项目:miru    文件   
public MiruReplicaSet getReplicaSet(MiruTenantId tenantId, MiruPartitionId partitionId) throws Exception {
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<HostAndTimestamp> latest = tenantLatestTopology(tenantId, partitionId);
    List<MiruPartition> partitions = Lists.newArrayList();
    Set<MiruHost> replicaHosts = Sets.newHashSet();

    for (HostAndTimestamp hat : latest) {
        EmbeddedClient topologyInfoClient = topologyInfoClient(;
        byte[] rawInfo = topologyInfoClient.getValue(Consistency.none, null, toTopologyKey(tenantId, partitionId));
        MiruPartitionCoordInfo info;
        if (rawInfo == null) {
            info = new MiruPartitionCoordInfo(MiruPartitionState.offline, MiruBackingStorage.memory);
        } else {
            MiruTopologyColumnValue columnValue = topologyColumnValueMarshaller.fromBytes(rawInfo);
            info = new MiruPartitionCoordInfo(columnValue.state,;
        partitions.add(new MiruPartition(new MiruPartitionCoord(tenantId, partitionId,, info));

    int missing = defaultNumberOfReplicas - replicaHosts.size(); // TODO expose to config?
    return new MiruReplicaSet(extractPartitionsByState(partitions), replicaHosts, missing, defaultNumberOfReplicas);
项目:miru    文件   
private <BM extends IBM, IBM> RecoAnswer composeAnswer(MiruRequestContext<BM, IBM, ?> requestContext,
    MiruRequest<RecoQuery> request,
    MiruFieldDefinition fieldDefinition,
    MinMaxPriorityQueue<MiruTermCount> heap,
    StackBuffer stackBuffer) throws Exception {

    MiruSchema schema = requestContext.getSchema();
    MiruTermComposer termComposer = requestContext.getTermComposer();
    List<Recommendation> results = new ArrayList<>();
    for (MiruTermCount result : heap) {
        MiruValue term = new MiruValue(termComposer.decompose(schema, fieldDefinition, stackBuffer, result.termId));
        results.add(new Recommendation(term, result.count));
    log.debug("score: results.size={}", results.size());
    boolean resultsExhausted = request.query.timeRange.smallestTimestamp > requestContext.getTimeIndex().getLargestTimestamp();
    return new RecoAnswer(results, 1, resultsExhausted);
项目:c5    文件   
 * @param maxSize the target size of elements in the queue
 * @param blockSize expected average size of blocks
public CachedEntryQueue(long maxSize, long blockSize) {
  int initialSize = (int) (maxSize / blockSize);
  if (initialSize == 0)
  queue = MinMaxPriorityQueue
      .orderedBy(new Comparator<Map.Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry>>() {
        public int compare(Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry1,
            Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry2) {
          return entry1.getValue().compareTo(entry2.getValue());

  cacheSize = 0;
  this.maxSize = maxSize;
项目:pinot    文件   
public void completeCommittingSegments(String realtimeTableName, List<String> segmentIds) {
  Comparator<LLCSegmentName> comparator = new Comparator<LLCSegmentName>() {
    public int compare(LLCSegmentName o1, LLCSegmentName o2) {
      return o2.compareTo(o1);

  Map<Integer, MinMaxPriorityQueue<LLCSegmentName>> partitionToLatestSegments = new HashMap<>();

  for (String segmentId : segmentIds) {
    LLCSegmentName segmentName = new LLCSegmentName(segmentId);
    final int partitionId = segmentName.getPartitionId();
    MinMaxPriorityQueue latestSegments = partitionToLatestSegments.get(partitionId);
    if (latestSegments == null) {
      latestSegments = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(comparator).maximumSize(2).create();
      partitionToLatestSegments.put(partitionId, latestSegments);

  completeCommittingSegmentsInternal(realtimeTableName, partitionToLatestSegments);
项目:pinot    文件   
public void comparatorTest() throws Exception {

  MinMaxPriorityQueue<DimensionValueMetricPair> testQueue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.maximumSize(2).create();

  DimensionValueMetricPair d1 = new DimensionValueMetricPair("d1", 1);
  DimensionValueMetricPair d2 = new DimensionValueMetricPair("d2", 2);
  DimensionValueMetricPair d3 = new DimensionValueMetricPair(30, 3);
  DimensionValueMetricPair d4 = new DimensionValueMetricPair("d4", 4);


  for (DimensionValueMetricPair pair : testQueue) {
    Assert.assertEquals(pair.getMetricValue().intValue() > 2, true,
        "Incorrect comparator for DimensionValueMetricPair, queue must retain highest metric values");

项目:DominoHBase    文件   
 * @param maxSize the target size of elements in the queue
 * @param blockSize expected average size of blocks
public CachedEntryQueue(long maxSize, long blockSize) {
  int initialSize = (int) (maxSize / blockSize);
  if (initialSize == 0)
  queue = MinMaxPriorityQueue
      .orderedBy(new Comparator<Map.Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry>>() {
        public int compare(Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry1,
            Entry<BlockCacheKey, BucketEntry> entry2) {
          return entry1.getValue().compareTo(entry2.getValue());

  cacheSize = 0;
  this.maxSize = maxSize;
项目:ditb    文件   
 * Add a region from the head or tail to the List of regions to return.
private void addRegionPlan(final MinMaxPriorityQueue<RegionPlan> regionsToMove,
    final boolean fetchFromTail, final ServerName sn, List<RegionPlan> regionsToReturn) {
  RegionPlan rp = null;
  if (!fetchFromTail) rp = regionsToMove.remove();
  else rp = regionsToMove.removeLast();
项目:ditb    文件   
 * @param maxSize the target size of elements in the queue
 * @param blockSize expected average size of blocks
public LruCachedBlockQueue(long maxSize, long blockSize) {
  int initialSize = (int)(maxSize / blockSize);
  if(initialSize == 0) initialSize++;
  queue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.expectedSize(initialSize).create();
  heapSize = 0;
  this.maxSize = maxSize;
项目:neuralccg    文件   
public ReservoirSampler(final int k, final Random random, final ToDoubleFunction<Integer> computeWeight) {
    this.minQueue = MinMaxPriorityQueue
            .<Pair<Double, T>>orderedBy((x, y) ->, y.first()))
    this.computeWeight = computeWeight;
    this.random = random;
    this.count = new AtomicInteger(0);
项目:LCIndex-HBase-0.94.16    文件   
 * Add a region from the head or tail to the List of regions to return.
void addRegionPlan(final MinMaxPriorityQueue<RegionPlan> regionsToMove,
    final boolean fetchFromTail, final ServerName sn, List<RegionPlan> regionsToReturn) {
  RegionPlan rp = null;
  if (!fetchFromTail) rp = regionsToMove.remove();
  else rp = regionsToMove.removeLast();
项目:LCIndex-HBase-0.94.16    文件   
 * @param maxSize the target size of elements in the queue
 * @param blockSize expected average size of blocks
public CachedBlockQueue(long maxSize, long blockSize) {
  int initialSize = (int)(maxSize / blockSize);
  if(initialSize == 0) initialSize++;
  queue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.expectedSize(initialSize).create();
  heapSize = 0;
  this.maxSize = maxSize;
项目:binnavi    文件   
public MonoReilSolver(final IInstructionGraph instructionGraph,
    final AnalysisDirection analysisDirection, final ILattice<LatticeElementType> lattice) {
  m_graph = Preconditions.checkNotNull(instructionGraph,
      "Error: instruction graph argument can not be null");
  m_direction = Preconditions.checkNotNull(analysisDirection,
      "Error: analysis direction argument can not be null");
  m_lattice = Preconditions.checkNotNull(lattice, "Error: latice argument can not be null");

  m_workList = MinMaxPriorityQueue.expectedSize(m_graph.size()).create();
项目:Gobblin    文件   
 * Pack a list of {@link WorkUnit}s into a smaller number of {@link MultiWorkUnit}s,
 * using the worst-fit-decreasing algorithm.
 * Each {@link WorkUnit} is assigned to the {@link MultiWorkUnit} with the smallest load.
protected List<WorkUnit> worstFitDecreasingBinPacking(List<WorkUnit> groups, int numOfMultiWorkUnits) {

  // Sort workunit groups by data size desc
  Collections.sort(groups, LOAD_DESC_COMPARATOR);

  MinMaxPriorityQueue<MultiWorkUnit> pQueue =
  for (int i = 0; i < numOfMultiWorkUnits; i++) {
    MultiWorkUnit multiWorkUnit = new MultiWorkUnit();
    setWorkUnitEstSize(multiWorkUnit, 0);

  for (WorkUnit group : groups) {
    MultiWorkUnit lightestMultiWorkUnit = pQueue.poll();
    addWorkUnitToMultiWorkUnit(group, lightestMultiWorkUnit);


  double minLoad = getWorkUnitEstLoad(pQueue.peekFirst());
  double maxLoad = getWorkUnitEstLoad(pQueue.peekLast());"Min load of multiWorkUnit = %f; Max load of multiWorkUnit = %f; Diff = %f%%", minLoad,
      maxLoad, (maxLoad - minLoad) / maxLoad * 100.0));

  this.state.setProp(MIN_MULTIWORKUNIT_LOAD, minLoad);
  this.state.setProp(MAX_MULTIWORKUNIT_LOAD, maxLoad);

  List<WorkUnit> multiWorkUnits = Lists.newArrayList();
  return multiWorkUnits;
项目:maker    文件   
Queue<QueryMatch> takeN(Comparator<QueryMatch> comp,
                             String prefix,
                             int n) throws IOException {
  Queue<QueryMatch> candidates
    = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(comp)

  Scan scan = new Scan(prefix.getBytes());
  scan.setFilter(new PrefixFilter(prefix.getBytes()));

  HTableInterface table = pool.getTable(TABLE);

  int cnt = 0;
  ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
  for (Result r : scanner) {
    String hash = new String(r.getRow());
    String id = new String(r.getValue(FAMILY, ID));
    String lon = new String(r.getValue(FAMILY, X_COL));
    String lat = new String(r.getValue(FAMILY, Y_COL));
    candidates.add(new QueryMatch(id, hash,


    String.format("Scan over '%s' returned %s candidates.",
                  prefix, cnt));
  return candidates;
项目:Megh    文件   
public AbstractBucketManager()
  eventQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Long>();
  evictionCandidates = Sets.newHashSet();
  dirtyBuckets = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
  bucketHeap = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(new Comparator<AbstractBucket<T>>()
    public int compare(AbstractBucket<T> bucket1, AbstractBucket<T> bucket2)
      if (bucket1.lastUpdateTime() < bucket2.lastUpdateTime()) {
        return -1;
      if (bucket1.lastUpdateTime() > bucket2.lastUpdateTime()) {
        return 1;
      return 0;

  lock = new Lock();
  committedWindow = -1;

  noOfBuckets = DEF_NUM_BUCKETS;
  noOfBucketsInMemory = DEF_NUM_BUCKETS_MEM;
  maxNoOfBucketsInMemory = DEF_NUM_BUCKETS_MEM + 100;
  millisPreventingBucketEviction = DEF_MILLIS_PREVENTING_EVICTION;
  writeEventKeysOnly = true;
  bucketsToDelete = Sets.newHashSet();
项目:pbase    文件   
 * Add a region from the head or tail to the List of regions to return.
private void addRegionPlan(final MinMaxPriorityQueue<RegionPlan> regionsToMove,
    final boolean fetchFromTail, final ServerName sn, List<RegionPlan> regionsToReturn) {
  RegionPlan rp = null;
  if (!fetchFromTail) rp = regionsToMove.remove();
  else rp = regionsToMove.removeLast();
项目:pbase    文件   
 * @param maxSize the target size of elements in the queue
 * @param blockSize expected average size of blocks
public LruCachedBlockQueue(long maxSize, long blockSize) {
  int initialSize = (int)(maxSize / blockSize);
  if(initialSize == 0) initialSize++;
  queue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.expectedSize(initialSize).create();
  heapSize = 0;
  this.maxSize = maxSize;
项目:HIndex    文件   
 * Add a region from the head or tail to the List of regions to return.
private void addRegionPlan(final MinMaxPriorityQueue<RegionPlan> regionsToMove,
    final boolean fetchFromTail, final ServerName sn, List<RegionPlan> regionsToReturn) {
  RegionPlan rp = null;
  if (!fetchFromTail) rp = regionsToMove.remove();
  else rp = regionsToMove.removeLast();
项目:HIndex    文件   
 * @param maxSize the target size of elements in the queue
 * @param blockSize expected average size of blocks
public CachedBlockQueue(long maxSize, long blockSize) {
  int initialSize = (int)(maxSize / blockSize);
  if(initialSize == 0) initialSize++;
  queue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.expectedSize(initialSize).create();
  heapSize = 0;
  this.maxSize = maxSize;
项目:datacollector    文件   
protected List<ConfigIssue> init() {
  // Validate configuration values and open any required resources.
  List<ConfigIssue> issues = gcsOriginConfig.init(getContext(), super.init());
  minMaxPriorityQueue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy((Blob o1, Blob o2) -> {
    int result = o1.getUpdateTime().compareTo(o2.getUpdateTime());
    if(result != 0) {
      return result;
    //same modified time. Use name to sort
    return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName());
  antPathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher();

  gcsOriginConfig.credentials.getCredentialsProvider(getContext(), issues)
      .ifPresent(p -> credentialsProvider = p);

  try {
    storage = StorageOptions.newBuilder()
  } catch (IOException e) {
    LOG.error("Error when initializing storage. Reason : {}", e);

  rateLimitElEval = FileRefUtil.createElEvalForRateLimit(getContext());
  rateLimitElVars = getContext().createELVars();
  errorBlobHandler = new GcsObjectPostProcessingHandler(storage, gcsOriginConfig.gcsOriginErrorConfig);
  return issues;
项目:ache    文件   
public void startSelection(int numberOfLinks) {
    this.topkLinks = MinMaxPriorityQueue
            .maximumSize(numberOfLinks) // keep only top-k items
项目:ache    文件   
public void startSelection(int numberOfLinks) {
    links = MinMaxPriorityQueue
        .orderedBy(new Comparator<RandomLink>() {
            public int compare(RandomLink o1, RandomLink o2) {
                return, o2.relevance);
        .maximumSize(numberOfLinks) // keep only top-k items
项目:ache    文件   
public void evaluateLink(LinkRelevance link) {
    if (link.getRelevance() > 0) {
        String domainName = link.getTopLevelDomainName();
        MinMaxPriorityQueue<LinkRelevance> domainQueue = topkLinksPerDomain.get(domainName);
        if (domainQueue == null) {
            domainQueue = newPriorityQueue(MAX_LINKS_PER_DOMAIN);
            topkLinksPerDomain.put(domainName, domainQueue);
项目:termsuite-core    文件   
public List<TranslationCandidate> alignDistributional(TermService sourceTerm, int nbCandidates,
        int minCandidateFrequency) {
    Queue<TranslationCandidate> alignedCandidateQueue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.maximumSize(nbCandidates).create();
    ContextVector sourceVector = sourceTerm.getContext();
    if(sourceVector == null)
        return new ArrayList<>();
    ContextVector translatedSourceVector = translateVector(
    ExplainedValue v;
    int nbVectorsNotComputed = 0;
    int nbVectorsComputed = 0;
    for(TermService targetTerm:targetTermino.terms().filter(TermService::isSingleWord).collect(Collectors.toList())) {
        if(targetTerm.getFrequency() < minCandidateFrequency)
        if(targetTerm.getContext() != null) {
            v = distance.getExplainedValue(translatedSourceVector, targetTerm.getContext());
            TranslationCandidate candidate = new TranslationCandidate(
    if(nbVectorsNotComputed > 0) {
        LOGGER.warn(MSG_SEVERAL_VECTORS_NOT_COMPUTED, nbVectorsComputed, nbVectorsNotComputed); 

    // sort alignedCandidates
    List<TranslationCandidate> alignedCandidates = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(alignedCandidateQueue.size());
    return Lists.newArrayList(alignedCandidateQueue);
项目:IRIndex    文件   
 * Add a region from the head or tail to the List of regions to return.
void addRegionPlan(final MinMaxPriorityQueue<RegionPlan> regionsToMove,
    final boolean fetchFromTail, final ServerName sn, List<RegionPlan> regionsToReturn) {
  RegionPlan rp = null;
  if (!fetchFromTail) rp = regionsToMove.remove();
  else rp = regionsToMove.removeLast();
项目:IRIndex    文件   
 * @param maxSize the target size of elements in the queue
 * @param blockSize expected average size of blocks
public CachedBlockQueue(long maxSize, long blockSize) {
  int initialSize = (int)(maxSize / blockSize);
  if(initialSize == 0) initialSize++;
  queue = MinMaxPriorityQueue.expectedSize(initialSize).create();
  heapSize = 0;
  this.maxSize = maxSize;
项目:RStore    文件   
 * Add a region from the head or tail to the List of regions to return.
void addRegionPlan(final MinMaxPriorityQueue<RegionPlan> regionsToMove,
    final boolean fetchFromTail, final ServerName sn, List<RegionPlan> regionsToReturn) {
  RegionPlan rp = null;
  if (!fetchFromTail) rp = regionsToMove.remove();
  else rp = regionsToMove.removeLast();
项目:incubator-gobblin    文件   
 * Pack a list of {@link WorkUnit}s into a smaller number of {@link MultiWorkUnit}s,
 * using the worst-fit-decreasing algorithm.
 * Each {@link WorkUnit} is assigned to the {@link MultiWorkUnit} with the smallest load.
protected List<WorkUnit> worstFitDecreasingBinPacking(List<WorkUnit> groups, int numOfMultiWorkUnits) {

  // Sort workunit groups by data size desc
  Collections.sort(groups, LOAD_DESC_COMPARATOR);

  MinMaxPriorityQueue<MultiWorkUnit> pQueue =
  for (int i = 0; i < numOfMultiWorkUnits; i++) {
    MultiWorkUnit multiWorkUnit = MultiWorkUnit.createEmpty();
    setWorkUnitEstSize(multiWorkUnit, 0);

  for (WorkUnit group : groups) {
    MultiWorkUnit lightestMultiWorkUnit = pQueue.poll();
    addWorkUnitToMultiWorkUnit(group, lightestMultiWorkUnit);


  double minLoad = getWorkUnitEstLoad(pQueue.peekFirst());
  double maxLoad = getWorkUnitEstLoad(pQueue.peekLast());"Min load of multiWorkUnit = %f; Max load of multiWorkUnit = %f; Diff = %f%%", minLoad,
      maxLoad, (maxLoad - minLoad) / maxLoad * 100.0));

  this.state.setProp(MIN_MULTIWORKUNIT_LOAD, minLoad);
  this.state.setProp(MAX_MULTIWORKUNIT_LOAD, maxLoad);

  List<WorkUnit> multiWorkUnits = Lists.newArrayList();
  return multiWorkUnits;
项目:PyroDB    文件   
 * Add a region from the head or tail to the List of regions to return.
private void addRegionPlan(final MinMaxPriorityQueue<RegionPlan> regionsToMove,
    final boolean fetchFromTail, final ServerName sn, List<RegionPlan> regionsToReturn) {
  RegionPlan rp = null;
  if (!fetchFromTail) rp = regionsToMove.remove();
  else rp = regionsToMove.removeLast();