private QuoteFilter(Map<Symbol, ImmutableRangeSet<Integer>> docIdToBannedRegions) { this.docIdToBannedRegions = ImmutableMap.copyOf(docIdToBannedRegions); for (RangeSet<Integer> rs : docIdToBannedRegions.values()) { for (final Range<Integer> r : rs.asRanges()) { checkArgument(r.hasLowerBound()); checkArgument(r.hasUpperBound()); checkArgument(r.lowerEndpoint() >= 0); } } // these ensure we can serialize safely for (Symbol sym : docIdToBannedRegions.keySet()) { final String s = sym.toString(); checkArgument(!s.isEmpty(), "Document IDs may not be empty"); checkArgument(!CharMatcher.WHITESPACE.matchesAnyOf(s), "Document IDs may not contain whitespace: %s", s); } }
/** * Converts zero-indexed, [closed, open) line ranges in the given source file to character ranges. */ public static RangeSet<Integer> lineRangesToCharRanges( String input, RangeSet<Integer> lineRanges) { List<Integer> lines = new ArrayList<>(); Iterators.addAll(lines, Newlines.lineOffsetIterator(input)); lines.add(input.length() + 1); final RangeSet<Integer> characterRanges = TreeRangeSet.create(); for (Range<Integer> lineRange : lineRanges.subRangeSet(Range.closedOpen(0, lines.size() - 1)).asRanges()) { int lineStart = lines.get(lineRange.lowerEndpoint()); // Exclude the trailing newline. This isn't strictly necessary, but handling blank lines // as empty ranges is convenient. int lineEnd = lines.get(lineRange.upperEndpoint()) - 1; Range<Integer> range = Range.closedOpen(lineStart, lineEnd); characterRanges.add(range); } return characterRanges; }
/** * Emit a list of {@link Replacement}s to convert from input to output. * * @param input the input compilation unit * @param characterRanges the character ranges to reformat * @return a list of {@link Replacement}s, sorted from low index to high index, without overlaps * @throws FormatterException if the input string cannot be parsed */ public ImmutableList<Replacement> getFormatReplacements( String input, Collection<Range<Integer>> characterRanges) throws FormatterException { JavaInput javaInput = new JavaInput(input); // TODO(cushon): this is only safe because the modifier ordering doesn't affect whitespace, // and doesn't change the replacements that are output. This is not true in general for // 'de-linting' changes (e.g. import ordering). javaInput = ModifierOrderer.reorderModifiers(javaInput, characterRanges); String lineSeparator = Newlines.guessLineSeparator(input); JavaOutput javaOutput = new JavaOutput(lineSeparator, javaInput, new JavaCommentsHelper(lineSeparator, options)); try { format(javaInput, javaOutput, options); } catch (FormattingError e) { throw new FormatterException(e.diagnostics()); } RangeSet<Integer> tokenRangeSet = javaInput.characterRangesToTokenRanges(characterRanges); return javaOutput.getFormatReplacements(tokenRangeSet); }
private static FrontendClientMetadata createFrontedClientMetadata(final long num) { final String index = String.valueOf(num); final String indexName = "test_" + index; final FrontendIdentifier frontendIdentifier = FrontendIdentifier.create(MemberName.forName(indexName), FrontendType.forName(index)); final ClientIdentifier clientIdentifier = ClientIdentifier.create(frontendIdentifier, num); final RangeSet<UnsignedLong> purgedHistories = TreeRangeSet.create(); purgedHistories.add(Range.closed(UnsignedLong.ZERO, UnsignedLong.ONE)); final Collection<FrontendHistoryMetadata> currentHistories = Collections.singleton( new FrontendHistoryMetadata(num, num, true, ImmutableMap.of(UnsignedLong.ZERO, Boolean.TRUE), purgedHistories)); return new FrontendClientMetadata(clientIdentifier, purgedHistories, currentHistories); }
private CrontabEntry( RangeSet<Integer> minute, RangeSet<Integer> hour, RangeSet<Integer> dayOfMonth, RangeSet<Integer> month, RangeSet<Integer> dayOfWeek) { checkEnclosed("minute", MINUTE, minute); checkEnclosed("hour", HOUR, hour); checkEnclosed("dayOfMonth", DAY_OF_MONTH, dayOfMonth); checkEnclosed("month", MONTH, month); checkEnclosed("dayOfWeek", DAY_OF_WEEK, dayOfWeek); this.minute = ImmutableRangeSet.copyOf(minute); this.hour = ImmutableRangeSet.copyOf(hour); this.dayOfMonth = ImmutableRangeSet.copyOf(dayOfMonth); this.month = ImmutableRangeSet.copyOf(month); this.dayOfWeek = ImmutableRangeSet.copyOf(dayOfWeek); checkArgument(hasWildcardDayOfMonth() || hasWildcardDayOfWeek(), "Specifying both dayOfWeek and dayOfMonth is not supported."); }
private static Predicate<IAssignedTask> buildNonUpdatingTasksFilter( final Map<IJobKey, IJobUpdateInstructions> roleJobUpdates) { return task -> { Optional<IJobUpdateInstructions> update = Optional.fromNullable( roleJobUpdates.get(task.getTask().getJob())); if (update.isPresent()) { IJobUpdateInstructions instructions = update.get(); RangeSet<Integer> initialInstances = getInstanceIds(instructions.getInitialState()); RangeSet<Integer> desiredInstances = getInstanceIds(instructions.isSetDesiredState() ? ImmutableSet.of(instructions.getDesiredState()) : ImmutableSet.of()); int instanceId = task.getInstanceId(); return !initialInstances.contains(instanceId) && !desiredInstances.contains(instanceId); } return true; }; }
@Override public void process(JCas jcas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { Collection<Concept> concepts = TypeUtil.getConcepts(jcas); List<QueryConcept> qconcepts = ConceptAbstractQueryGenerator .createQueryConceptsFromConceptMentions(jcas, concepts, useType, useWeight); // filter tokens that are covered by concept mentions RangeSet<Integer> cmentionRanges = TreeRangeSet.create(); .map(cmention -> Range.closedOpen(cmention.getBegin(), cmention.getEnd())) .forEach(cmentionRanges::add); // create an aquery using all tokens with POS in posTags set List<Token> tokens = TypeUtil.getOrderedTokens(jcas).stream().filter(token -> !cmentionRanges .encloses(Range.closedOpen(token.getBegin(), token.getEnd()))).collect(toList()); List<QueryConcept> qconceptTokens = TokenSelectionAbstractQueryGenerator .createQueryConceptsFromTokens(jcas, tokens, posTags, stoplist); qconceptTokens.addAll(qconcepts); AbstractQuery aquery = TypeFactory.createAbstractQuery(jcas, qconceptTokens); aquery.addToIndexes(); // create a backup aquery using only nouns List<QueryConcept> qconceptNouns = TokenSelectionAbstractQueryGenerator .createQueryConceptsFromTokens(jcas, tokens, nounTags, stoplist); qconceptNouns.addAll(qconcepts); AbstractQuery aqueryNoun = TypeFactory.createAbstractQuery(jcas, qconceptNouns); aqueryNoun.addToIndexes(); }
private void addCmsRanges(RangeSet<Long> ranges, ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration generation) { CompactibleFreeListSpace space = generation._cmsSpace(); FreeChunk freeChunk = hotspot.getStructs().staticStruct(FreeChunk.class); oopDesc oop = hotspot.getStructs().staticStruct(oopDesc.class); Klass klass = hotspot.getStructs().staticStruct(Klass.class); long minChunkSize = hotspot.alignUp(hotspot.getTypes().getType("FreeChunk").getSize(), hotspot.getMinObjAlignmentInBytes()); ranges.add(Range.closedOpen(space._bottom(), space._end())); for (long cur = space._bottom(); cur < space._end();) { freeChunk.setAddress(cur); if (freeChunk.isFreeChunk(hotspot)) { ranges.remove(Range.closedOpen(cur, cur + freeChunk.size(hotspot))); cur += freeChunk.size(hotspot); } else { oop.setAddress(cur); oop.getKlass(hotspot, klass); cur += Math.max(oop.getObjectSize(hotspot, klass), minChunkSize); } } }
/** * 1. Build a map of requests identified by ip-date-time(minutes accuracy) this will give us rate / min by ip. * 2. Create a range set for ips we do not want to auto block that we can query. * 3. Collect the do not auto block range set, the ranges of ips for the manual block list. * 4. Get the current violators from the request map that have requests grouped by ip and minutes * 5. Filter and Truncate to remove expired IP address and IPs that are on the White or Black manual lists * and ensure that we are under the ip limit for an IP Set * 6. Save the violators data. * 7. Update the auto block ip set to reflect the current violators data. * * @param events The Cloud Front log events * @param config The Cloud Formation outputs from when this Lambda was created * @param bucketName The Bucket that we are operating from */ @Override public void processLogEvents(List<CloudFrontLogEvent> events, CloudFrontLogHandlerConfig config, String bucketName) { Map<String, Integer> reqIdCountMap = new HashMap<>(); // Build a map of requests identified by ip-date-time(minutes accuracy) this will give us rate / min by ip events.forEach(cloudFrontLogEvent -> processRequest(cloudFrontLogEvent, reqIdCountMap)); // Collect the do not auto block range set, the ranges of ips for the manual block and white list. RangeSet<Integer> doNotAutoBlockIpRangeSet = getDoNotBlockRangeSet(config); // Get the current violators Map<String, ViolationMetaData> violators = getCurrentViolators(reqIdCountMap, config); // Get and merge in all the currently blocked violators violators.putAll(getCurrentlyBlockedIpsAndDateViolatedMap(bucketName)); // Filter and truncate to remove expired blocks and ensure that we are under the ip limit for an IP Set violators = filterAndTruncateViolators(config, doNotAutoBlockIpRangeSet, violators); // Save the violators data. saveCurrentViolators(violators, bucketName); // Update the auto block ip set to reflect the current violators data. Map<String, List<String>> summery = processViolators(config, violators); // log summery logSummery(summery, config); }
@Test public void testThatFilterAndTruncateViolatorsFiltersIPsInDoNotBlockRangeSet() { config.setRateLimitViolationBlacklistPeriodInMinutes(1); RangeSet<Integer> doNotAutoBlockIpRangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create(); SubnetUtils subnetUtils = new SubnetUtils(""); subnetUtils.setInclusiveHostCount(true); SubnetUtils.SubnetInfo subnetInfo = subnetUtils.getInfo(); Integer lowIpAsInt = subnetInfo.asInteger(subnetInfo.getLowAddress()); Integer highIpAsInt = subnetInfo.asInteger(subnetInfo.getHighAddress()); doNotAutoBlockIpRangeSet.add(Range.closed(lowIpAsInt, highIpAsInt)); Map<String, ViolationMetaData> violators = new HashMap<>(); violators.put("", new ViolationMetaData(new Date(), 2)); Map<String, ViolationMetaData> actual = processor.filterAndTruncateViolators(config, doNotAutoBlockIpRangeSet, violators); assertTrue("The violators map should be empty after filtering", actual.size() == 0); }
@Test public void testThatFilterAndTruncateViolatorsTruncatesTheLowestOffenders() { final int cidrLimit = 2; processor.setCidrLimitForIpSetOverride(cidrLimit); config.setRateLimitViolationBlacklistPeriodInMinutes(10); RangeSet<Integer> rangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create(); Map<String, ViolationMetaData> violators = new HashMap<>(); violators.put("", new ViolationMetaData(new Date(), 3)); violators.put("", new ViolationMetaData(new Date(), 1)); violators.put("", new ViolationMetaData(new Date(), 2)); violators.put("", new ViolationMetaData(new Date(), 4)); Map<String, ViolationMetaData> actual = processor.filterAndTruncateViolators(config, rangeSet, violators); assertTrue("The violators map should be the size of the cidr limit", actual.size() == cidrLimit); assertTrue("violators should contain 193 and 194 the highest offenders", actual.containsKey("") && actual.containsKey("")); }
/** * Return a pair of maps containing the ranges of availability for dimensions and metrics respectively. * * @param metadata The metadata that contain segment availability. * * @return A pair of two maps of range sets. One entry is for dimensions and the other for metrics. */ public static Map<Columns, Map<String, RangeSet<DateTime>>> getRangeLists(DataSourceMetadata metadata) { final Map<String, RangeSet<DateTime>> dimensionIntervals = new HashMap<>(); final Map<String, RangeSet<DateTime>> metricIntervals = new HashMap<>(); .forEach( segment -> { buildRangeSet(segment.getDimensions(), segment.getInterval(), dimensionIntervals); buildRangeSet(segment.getMetrics(), segment.getInterval(), metricIntervals); } ); EnumMap<Columns, Map<String, RangeSet<DateTime>>> intervals = new EnumMap<>(Columns.class); intervals.put(DIMENSIONS, dimensionIntervals); intervals.put(METRICS, metricIntervals); return intervals; }
public boolean isEmpty() { if (!anyLvlSet.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (Map.Entry<Integer, MsLevelRangeSet> lvlMapEntry : lvlMap.entrySet()) { MsLevelRangeSet msLevelRangeSet = lvlMapEntry.getValue(); if (!msLevelRangeSet.anyPrecursorSet.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (Map.Entry<DoubleRange, RangeSet<Integer>> rngMapEntry : msLevelRangeSet.rngMap.entrySet()) { if (!rngMapEntry.getValue().isEmpty()) { return false; } } } return true; }
/** * Filter out the values for which the tokens are not included within the specified range. * * @param tokens the tokens range * @param values the restricted values * @return the values for which the tokens are not included within the specified range. */ private List<ByteBuffer> filterWithRangeSet(RangeSet<Token> tokens, List<ByteBuffer> values) { List<ByteBuffer> remaining = new ArrayList<>(); for (ByteBuffer value : values) { Token token = partitioner.getToken(value); if (!tokens.contains(token)) continue; remaining.add(value); } return remaining; }
/** * Returns the records of this time series that belong to the specified time ranges and are accepted by the * specified filter. * * @param timeRanges the time ranges for which the data must be read * @throws IOException if an I/O problem occurs * @throws HorizonDBException if another problem occurs */ public ResourceIterator<Record> read(RangeSet<Field> timeRanges, Filter<String> recordTypeFilter, Filter<Record> filter) throws IOException, HorizonDBException { Range<Field> span = timeRanges.span(); final Range<Field> from = this.definition.getPartitionTimeRange(span.lowerEndpoint()); final Range<Field> to; if (from.contains(span.upperEndpoint())) { to = from; } else { to = this.definition.getPartitionTimeRange(span.upperEndpoint()); } KeyValueIterator<PartitionId, TimeSeriesPartition> rangeForRead = this.partitionManager.getRangeForRead(toPartitionId(from), toPartitionId(to), this.definition); return new PartitionRecordIterator(timeRanges, rangeForRead, recordTypeFilter, filter); }
private static String toLengthString(final RangeSet<Integer> ranges) { final Iterator<Range<Integer>> it = ranges.asRanges().iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) { return ""; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean haveNext; do { final Range<Integer> current =; haveNext = it.hasNext(); appendRange(sb, current.lowerEndpoint(), current.upperEndpoint(), haveNext); } while (haveNext); return sb.toString(); }
private static String toRangeString(final RangeSet<?> ranges) { final Iterator<? extends Range<?>> it = ranges.asRanges().iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) { return ""; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean haveNext; do { final Range<?> current =; haveNext = it.hasNext(); appendRange(sb, current.lowerEndpoint(), current.upperEndpoint(), haveNext); } while (haveNext); return sb.toString(); }
final RangeConstraint<N> calculateRangeConstraint(final RangeConstraint<N> baseRangeConstraint) { if (ranges == null) { return baseRangeConstraint; } // Run through alternatives and resolve them against the base type final RangeSet<N> baseRangeSet = baseRangeConstraint.getAllowedRanges(); Verify.verify(!baseRangeSet.isEmpty(), "Base type %s does not define constraints", getBaseType()); final Range<N> baseRange = baseRangeSet.span(); final List<ValueRange> resolvedRanges = ensureResolvedRanges(ranges, baseRange); // Next up, ensure the of boundaries match base constraints final RangeSet<N> typedRanges = ensureTypedRanges(resolvedRanges, baseRange.lowerEndpoint().getClass()); // Now verify if new ranges are strict subset of base ranges if (!baseRangeSet.enclosesAll(typedRanges)) { throw new InvalidRangeConstraintException(typedRanges, "Range constraint %s is not a subset of parent constraint %s", typedRanges, baseRangeSet); } return new ResolvedRangeConstraint<>(constraint, typedRanges); }
@Test public void exceptionTest() { final UnresolvedNumber min = UnresolvedNumber.min(); final UnresolvedNumber max = UnresolvedNumber.max(); final EnumPair enumPair = EnumPairBuilder.create("enum1", 1).setDescription("description") .setReference("reference").setUnknownSchemaNodes(mock(UnknownSchemaNode.class)).build(); final RangeSet<Integer> rangeset = ImmutableRangeSet.of(Range.closed(1, 2)); final InvalidRangeConstraintException invalidRangeConstraintException = new InvalidRangeConstraintException( rangeset, "error msg", "other important messages"); assertSame(rangeset, invalidRangeConstraintException.getOffendingRanges()); final InvalidBitDefinitionException invalidBitDefinitionException = new InvalidBitDefinitionException( BIT_A, "error msg", "other important messages"); assertEquals(invalidBitDefinitionException.getOffendingBit(), BIT_A); final InvalidEnumDefinitionException invalidEnumDefinitionException = new InvalidEnumDefinitionException( enumPair, "error msg", "other important messages"); assertEquals(invalidEnumDefinitionException.getOffendingEnum(), enumPair); }
/** Replaces calls to EXTRACT, FLOOR and CEIL in an expression. */ @VisibleForTesting public static RexNode replaceTimeUnits(RexBuilder rexBuilder, RexNode e, String timeZone) { ImmutableSortedSet<TimeUnitRange> timeUnits = extractTimeUnits(e); if (!timeUnits.contains(TimeUnitRange.YEAR)) { // Case when we have FLOOR or CEIL but no extract on YEAR. // Add YEAR as TimeUnit so that FLOOR gets replaced in first iteration // with timeUnit YEAR. timeUnits = ImmutableSortedSet.<TimeUnitRange>naturalOrder() .addAll(timeUnits).add(TimeUnitRange.YEAR).build(); } final Map<String, RangeSet<Calendar>> operandRanges = new HashMap<>(); for (TimeUnitRange timeUnit : timeUnits) { e = e.accept( new ExtractShuttle(rexBuilder, timeUnit, operandRanges, timeUnits, timeZone)); } return e; }
private boolean canRewriteExtract(RexNode operand) { // We rely on timeUnits being sorted (so YEAR comes before MONTH // before HOUR) and unique. If we have seen a predicate on YEAR, // operandRanges will not be empty. This checks whether we can rewrite // the "extract" condition. For example, in the condition // // extract(MONTH from time) = someValue // OR extract(YEAR from time) = someValue // // we cannot rewrite extract on MONTH. if (timeUnit == TimeUnitRange.YEAR) { return true; } final RangeSet<Calendar> calendarRangeSet = operandRanges.get(operand.toString()); if (calendarRangeSet == null || calendarRangeSet.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (Range<Calendar> range : calendarRangeSet.asRanges()) { // Cannot reWrite if range does not have an upper or lower bound if (!range.hasUpperBound() || !range.hasLowerBound()) { return false; } } return true; }
private RexNode compareFloorCeil(SqlKind comparison, RexNode operand, RexLiteral timeLiteral, TimeUnitRange timeUnit, boolean floor) { RangeSet<Calendar> rangeSet = operandRanges.get(operand.toString()); if (rangeSet == null) { rangeSet = ImmutableRangeSet.<Calendar>of().complement(); } final RangeSet<Calendar> s2 = TreeRangeSet.create(); final Calendar c = timestampValue(timeLiteral); final Range<Calendar> range = floor ? floorRange(timeUnit, comparison, c) : ceilRange(timeUnit, comparison, c); s2.add(range); // Intersect old range set with new. s2.removeAll(rangeSet.complement()); operandRanges.put(operand.toString(), ImmutableRangeSet.copyOf(s2)); if (range.isEmpty()) { return rexBuilder.makeLiteral(false); } return toRex(operand, range); }
public P2PBlobRangeSet constrainMaximumSpan(int maximumSpanSize) { int currentSize=0; RangeSet<Integer> constrainedRange=TreeRangeSet.create(); for(Range<Integer> r: ranges.asRanges()){ int sizeOfRange=r.upperEndpoint()-r.lowerEndpoint()+1; if(currentSize+sizeOfRange<=maximumSpanSize){ currentSize+=sizeOfRange; constrainedRange.add(r); } else{ sizeOfRange=maximumSpanSize-currentSize-1; constrainedRange.add(Range.closed(r.lowerEndpoint(), r.lowerEndpoint()+sizeOfRange)); break; } } return new P2PBlobRangeSet(constrainedRange); }
private final BitSet convertToBitSet(final RangeSet<Integer> rangeSet) { if(rangeSet.isEmpty()) { return new BitSet(); } final BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(rangeSet.span().upperEndpoint()); rangeSet.asRanges().forEach(range -> { if(!range.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers()).isEmpty()) { Range<Integer> closedRange = ContiguousSet.create(range, DiscreteDomain.integers()).range(); bitSet.set(closedRange.lowerEndpoint(), closedRange.upperEndpoint() + 1); } }); return bitSet; }
private String context(final String originalDocText, final Response response) { // [1,3], [2,5], [8,10] => [1,5], [8,10] final List<CharOffsetSpan> charSpans = justificationSpans(response); final List<CharOffsetSpan> unitedSpans = Lists.newArrayList(); // use RangeSet to do this final RangeSet<Integer> disconnected = TreeRangeSet.create(); for (CharOffsetSpan charSpan : charSpans) { int startInclusive = charSpan.startInclusive(); int endInclusive = charSpan.endInclusive(); startInclusive = (startInclusive - 100) >= 0 ? startInclusive - 100 : 0; endInclusive = (endInclusive + 100) < originalDocText.length() ? endInclusive + 100 : endInclusive; disconnected.add(Range.closed(startInclusive, endInclusive)); } for (Range<Integer> range : disconnected.asRanges()) { unitedSpans.add(CharOffsetSpan.fromOffsetsOnly(range.lowerEndpoint(), range.upperEndpoint())); } Collections.sort(unitedSpans); String justificationsString = ""; if (unitedSpans.get(0).startInclusive() != 0) { justificationsString += "[.....]"; } for (CharOffsetSpan span : unitedSpans) { justificationsString += originalDocText.substring(span.startInclusive(), span.endInclusive() + 1); justificationsString += "[.....]"; } return justificationsString; }
/** * Runs the Google Java formatter on the given source, with only the given ranges specified. */ public List<Replacement> format( SnippetKind kind, String source, List<Range<Integer>> ranges, int initialIndent, boolean includeComments) throws FormatterException { RangeSet<Integer> rangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create(); for (Range<Integer> range : ranges) { rangeSet.add(range); } if (includeComments) { if (kind != SnippetKind.COMPILATION_UNIT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "comment formatting is only supported for compilation units"); } return formatter.getFormatReplacements(source, ranges); } SnippetWrapper wrapper = snippetWrapper(kind, source, initialIndent); ranges = offsetRanges(ranges, wrapper.offset); String replacement = formatter.formatSource(wrapper.contents.toString(), ranges); replacement = replacement.substring( wrapper.offset, replacement.length() - (wrapper.contents.length() - wrapper.offset - source.length())); List<Replacement> replacements = toReplacements(source, replacement); List<Replacement> filtered = new ArrayList<>(); for (Replacement r : replacements) { if (rangeSet.encloses(r.getReplaceRange())) { filtered.add(r); } } return filtered; }
public RangeSet<Integer> characterRangesToTokenRanges(Collection<Range<Integer>> characterRanges) throws FormatterException { RangeSet<Integer> tokenRangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create(); for (Range<Integer> characterRange0 : characterRanges) { Range<Integer> characterRange = characterRange0.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers()); tokenRangeSet.add( characterRangeToTokenRange( characterRange.lowerEndpoint(), characterRange.upperEndpoint() - characterRange.lowerEndpoint())); } return tokenRangeSet; }
static EncodedDiscreteResources of(Set<DiscreteResource> resources, DiscreteResourceCodec codec) { RangeSet<Integer> rangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create(); .map(x -> x.valueAs(Object.class)) .flatMap(Tools::stream) .map(x -> codec.encode(x)) .map(Range::singleton) .map(x -> x.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers())) .forEach(rangeSet::add); return new EncodedDiscreteResources(rangeSet, codec); }
@Override public EncodedDiscreteResources read(Kryo kryo, Input input, Class<EncodedDiscreteResources> cls) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<ClosedOpenRange> ranges = kryo.readObject(input, ArrayList.class); DiscreteResourceCodec codec = (DiscreteResourceCodec) kryo.readClassAndObject(input); RangeSet<Integer> rangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create(); .map(x -> Range.closedOpen(x.lowerBound(), x.upperBound())) .forEach(rangeSet::add); return new EncodedDiscreteResources(rangeSet, codec); }
AbstractFrontendHistory(final String persistenceId, final ShardDataTree tree, final Map<UnsignedLong, Boolean> closedTransactions, final RangeSet<UnsignedLong> purgedTransactions) { this.persistenceId = Preconditions.checkNotNull(persistenceId); this.tree = Preconditions.checkNotNull(tree); this.closedTransactions = Preconditions.checkNotNull(closedTransactions); this.purgedTransactions = Preconditions.checkNotNull(purgedTransactions); }
public FrontendHistoryMetadata(final long historyId, final long cookie, final boolean closed, final Map<UnsignedLong, Boolean> closedTransactions, final RangeSet<UnsignedLong> purgedTransactions) { this.historyId = historyId; this.cookie = cookie; this.closed = closed; this.closedTransactions = ImmutableMap.copyOf(closedTransactions); this.purgedTransactions = ImmutableRangeSet.copyOf(purgedTransactions); }
public static FrontendHistoryMetadata readFrom(final DataInput in) throws IOException { byte header = WritableObjects.readLongHeader(in); final long historyId = WritableObjects.readFirstLong(in, header); final long cookie = WritableObjects.readSecondLong(in, header); final boolean closed = in.readBoolean(); header = WritableObjects.readLongHeader(in); long ls = WritableObjects.readFirstLong(in, header); Verify.verify(ls >= 0 && ls <= Integer.MAX_VALUE); final int csize = (int) ls; ls = WritableObjects.readSecondLong(in, header); Verify.verify(ls >= 0 && ls <= Integer.MAX_VALUE); final int psize = (int) ls; final Map<UnsignedLong, Boolean> closedTransactions = new HashMap<>(csize); for (int i = 0; i < csize; ++i) { final UnsignedLong key = UnsignedLong.fromLongBits(WritableObjects.readLong(in)); final Boolean value = Boolean.valueOf(in.readBoolean()); closedTransactions.put(key, value); } final RangeSet<UnsignedLong> purgedTransactions = TreeRangeSet.create(); for (int i = 0; i < psize; ++i) { final byte h = WritableObjects.readLongHeader(in); final UnsignedLong l = UnsignedLong.fromLongBits(WritableObjects.readFirstLong(in, h)); final UnsignedLong u = UnsignedLong.fromLongBits(WritableObjects.readSecondLong(in, h)); purgedTransactions.add(Range.closed(l, u)); } return new FrontendHistoryMetadata(historyId, cookie, closed, closedTransactions, purgedTransactions); }
private StandaloneFrontendHistory(final String persistenceId, final ClientIdentifier clientId, final ShardDataTree tree, final Map<UnsignedLong, Boolean> closedTransactions, final RangeSet<UnsignedLong> purgedTransactions) { super(persistenceId, tree, closedTransactions, purgedTransactions); this.identifier = new LocalHistoryIdentifier(clientId, 0); this.tree = Preconditions.checkNotNull(tree); }
private static void checkEnclosed( String fieldName, Range<Integer> fieldEnclosure, RangeSet<Integer> field) { checkArgument(fieldEnclosure.encloses(field.span()), String.format( "Bad specification for field %s: span(%s) = %s is not enclosed by boundary %s.", fieldName, field, field.span(), fieldEnclosure)); }
private static CrontabEntry from( RangeSet<Integer> minute, RangeSet<Integer> hour, RangeSet<Integer> dayOfMonth, RangeSet<Integer> month, RangeSet<Integer> dayOfWeek) throws IllegalArgumentException { return new CrontabEntry(minute, hour, dayOfMonth, month, dayOfWeek); }
private String fieldToString(RangeSet<Integer> rangeSet, Range<Integer> coveringRange) { if (rangeSet.asRanges().size() == 1 && rangeSet.encloses(coveringRange)) { return "*"; } List<String> components = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Range<Integer> range : rangeSet.asRanges()) { ContiguousSet<Integer> set = ContiguousSet.create(range, DiscreteDomain.integers()); if (set.size() == 1) { components.add(set.first().toString()); } else { components.add(set.first() + "-" + set.last()); } } return String.join(",", components); }
private RangeSet<Integer> parseMinute() { RangeSet<Integer> minutes = TreeRangeSet.create(); for (String component : getComponents(rawMinute)) { minutes.addAll(parseComponent(MINUTE, component)); } return ImmutableRangeSet.copyOf(minutes); }
private RangeSet<Integer> parseHour() { RangeSet<Integer> hours = TreeRangeSet.create(); for (String component : getComponents(rawHour)) { hours.addAll(parseComponent(HOUR, component)); } return ImmutableRangeSet.copyOf(hours); }