Java 类 实例源码

项目:jaf-examples    文件   
private static void loadFromDb(ArrayTable<Integer, Character, List<Person>> personsTable) throws IOException {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    File dbFile = new File(Config.DB_FILE_NAME);
    LineIterator it = FileUtils.lineIterator(dbFile, "UTF-8");
    while(it.hasNext()) {
        String line =;
        Person person = parseStringTokenizer(line);
        char fc =;
        List<Person> persons = personsTable.get(person.age, fc);
        if(persons == null) {
            persons = new ArrayList<>();
            personsTable.put(person.age,, persons);
    System.out.println("load data elapsed time : " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
项目:ipst    文件   
private MLDouble histoDataAsMLDouble(String name, ArrayTable<Integer, String, Float> histoData) {
    int rowsSize = histoData.rowKeySet().size();
    int colsSize = histoData.columnKeySet().size();
    MLDouble mlDouble = new MLDouble(name, new int[] {rowsSize, colsSize});
    int i = 0;
    for (Integer rowKey : histoData.rowKeyList()) {
        int j = 0;
        for (String colkey : histoData.columnKeyList()) {
            Float v = histoData.get(rowKey, colkey);
            mlDouble.set(new Double(v), i, j);
    return mlDouble;
项目:ipst    文件   
public static double[][] histoDataAsDoubleMatrixNew(ArrayTable<Integer, String, Float> hdTable) {
    int rowsSize = hdTable.rowKeySet().size();
    int colsSize = hdTable.columnKeySet().size();
    double[][] matFinal = new double[rowsSize][colsSize];
    int i = 0;
    for (Integer rowKey : hdTable.rowKeyList()) {
        int j = 0;
        for (String colkey : hdTable.columnKeyList()) {
            Float v = hdTable.get(rowKey, colkey);
            matFinal[i][j] = getCleanFloat(v);
            j = j + 1;
        i = i + 1;
    return matFinal;
项目:fiat    文件   
private Table<String, ResourceType, Response<Map<String, String>>> getAllFromRedis(Set<String> userIds) {
  if (userIds.size() == 0) {
    return HashBasedTable.create();
  try (Jedis jedis = jedisSource.getJedis()) {
    Table<String, ResourceType, Response<Map<String, String>>> responseTable =
        ArrayTable.create(userIds, new ArrayIterator<>(ResourceType.values()));

    Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
    for (String userId : userIds) {
      for (ResourceType r : ResourceType.values()) {
        responseTable.put(userId, r, p.hgetAll(userKey(userId, r)));
    return responseTable;
  } catch (Exception e) {
    log.error("Storage exception reading all entries.", e);
  return null;
项目:gwthtml5apps    文件   
public  GridImageData(String fileName, String dataUrl,int gridSize,int row,int col,int imageWidth,int imageHeight) {
    this.fileName = fileName;
    this.dataUrl = dataUrl;

    Collection<Integer> rowValues=new ArrayList<Integer>();
    Collection<Integer> colValues=new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for(int i=0;i<row;i++){
    for(int i=0;i<col;i++){
    gridTable=ArrayTable.create(rowValues, colValues);

项目:jaf-examples    文件   
private static void arrayTable() throws IOException {
       List<Integer> ages = new ArrayList<>();
       for(int i = 1; i <= 18; i++) {

       String str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
       List<Character> chapters = new ArrayList<>();
       for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {

       ArrayTable<Integer, Character, List<Person>> personsTable = ArrayTable.create(ages, chapters);

       for(char c = 'a'; c <= 'e'; c++) {
           Map<Integer, List<Person>> rowsPerson = personsTable.column(c);
           long count6_11 = rowsPerson.keySet()
                   .filter(r -> r >= 6 && r <= 11)
                   .map(r -> rowsPerson.get(r).size()).reduce(0, Integer::sum);
           System.out.println("[6-11]-" + c + " : " + count6_11);

           long count16_18 = rowsPerson.keySet()
                   .filter(r -> r >= 16 && r <= 18)
                   .map(r -> rowsPerson.get(r).size()).reduce(0, Integer::sum);
           System.out.println("[16-18]-" + c + " : " + count16_18);

项目:ipst    文件   
public ForecastErrorsHistoricalData(List<String> generatorsIds, List<String> loadsIds,
                                    List<StochasticVariable> stochasticVariables,
                                    ArrayTable<Integer, String, Float> forecastsData,
                                    ArrayTable<Integer, String, Float> snapshotsData) {
    this.generatorsIds = generatorsIds;
    this.loadsIds = loadsIds;
    this.stochasticVariables = stochasticVariables;
    this.forecastsData = forecastsData;
    this.snapshotsData = snapshotsData;
项目:ipst    文件   
public Wp41HistoData(List<String> historicalGensIds,
                     List<String> historicalLoadsIds,
                     List<String> historicalDanglingLinesIds,
                     ArrayTable<Integer, String, Float> hdTable) {
    this.historicalGensIds = historicalGensIds;
    this.historicalLoadsIds = historicalLoadsIds;
    this.historicalDanglingLinesIds = historicalDanglingLinesIds;
    this.hdTable = hdTable;
项目:ipst    文件   
private Wp41HistoData parseData(DataMiningFacadeParams dmParams) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    int rowCount = histoClient.queryCount(dmParams.getInterval(), HistoDbHorizon.SN);

    Set<HistoDbAttributeId> attributeIds = new LinkedHashSet<>((dmParams.getGensIds().size() +
                                                                dmParams.getLoadsIds().size() +
                                                                dmParams.getDanglingLinesIds().size()) * 2); // gens P, Q loads P, Q danglingLines P0, Q0
    for (String genId : dmParams.getGensIds()) {
        attributeIds.add(new HistoDbNetworkAttributeId(genId, HistoDbAttr.P));
        attributeIds.add(new HistoDbNetworkAttributeId(genId, HistoDbAttr.Q));
    for (String loadId : dmParams.getLoadsIds()) {
        attributeIds.add(new HistoDbNetworkAttributeId(loadId, HistoDbAttr.P));
        attributeIds.add(new HistoDbNetworkAttributeId(loadId, HistoDbAttr.Q));
    for (String dlId : dmParams.getDanglingLinesIds()) {
        attributeIds.add(new HistoDbNetworkAttributeId(dlId, HistoDbAttr.P0));
        attributeIds.add(new HistoDbNetworkAttributeId(dlId, HistoDbAttr.Q0));

    List<Integer> rowIndexes;
    try (IntStream intStream = IntStream.range(0, rowCount)) {
        rowIndexes = intStream.boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
    List<String> colIndexes =;

    ArrayTable<Integer, String, Float> hdTable = ArrayTable.create(rowIndexes, colIndexes);

    // parse csv generators
    try (InputStream is = histoClient.queryCsv(, attributeIds, dmParams.getInterval(), HistoDbHorizon.SN, false, false)) {
        parseCsv(is, attributeIds, hdTable, rowCount);

    return new Wp41HistoData(dmParams.getGensIds(), dmParams.getLoadsIds(), dmParams.getDanglingLinesIds(), hdTable);
项目:ipst    文件   
public static double[][] histoDataAsDoubleMatrix(ArrayTable<Integer, String, Float> hdTable) {

        int rowsSize = hdTable.rowKeySet().size();
        int colsSize = hdTable.columnKeySet().size();
        double[][] matFinal = new double[rowsSize][colsSize];
        for (int i = 0; i < rowsSize; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < colsSize; j++) {
                Float v = hdTable.get(i, j);
                matFinal[i][j] = getCleanFloat(v);
        return matFinal;
项目:director-aws-plugin    文件   
 * Parses a HOCON config to a table of network rules.
private static Table<Direction, AccessType, Iterable<NetworkRule>> parse(Config config) {
  Table<Direction, AccessType, Iterable<NetworkRule>> rules =
      ArrayTable.create(EnumSet.allOf(Direction.class), EnumSet.allOf(AccessType.class));
  for (Direction direction: Direction.values()) {
    for (AccessType access: AccessType.values()) {
      populateRules(config, direction, access, rules);
  return rules;
项目:FinanceAnalytics    文件   
 * Builds a {@link ScenarioResultModel} from the data calculated in a single cycle.
 * @param resultModel the results calculated by the engine in a single calculation cycle
 * @param columnNames column name overrides
 * @return A simple result model built from the results
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of column names doesn't match the number of columns
public SimpleResultModel build(ViewResultModel resultModel, List<String> columnNames) {
  ArgumentChecker.notNull(columnNames, "columnNames");
  ArgumentChecker.notNull(resultModel, "resultModel");

  if (columnNames.size() != _columnNames.size()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of column names. expected: " + _columnNames.size() +
                                           ", actual: " + columnNames.size());
  int rowCount = _idToIndex.size();
  int colCount = columnNames.size();
  ContiguousSet<Integer> rowIndices = ContiguousSet.create(Range.closedOpen(0, rowCount), DiscreteDomain.integers());
  ContiguousSet<Integer> colIndices = ContiguousSet.create(Range.closedOpen(0, colCount), DiscreteDomain.integers());
  Table<Integer, Integer, Object> table = ArrayTable.create(rowIndices, colIndices);

  for (ViewResultEntry entry : resultModel.getAllResults()) {
    String calcConfigName = entry.getCalculationConfiguration();
    ComputedValueResult value = entry.getComputedValue();
    ValueSpecification valueSpec = value.getSpecification();
    CompiledViewCalculationConfiguration calcConfig = _compiledViewDef.getCompiledCalculationConfiguration(calcConfigName);
    Set<ValueRequirement> valueReqs = calcConfig.getTerminalOutputSpecifications().get(valueSpec);

    for (ValueRequirement valueReq : valueReqs) {
      ColumnSpec colSpec = new ColumnSpec(calcConfigName, valueReq.getValueName(), valueReq.getConstraints());
      Integer colIndex = _colToIndex.get(colSpec);
      Integer rowIndex = _idToIndex.get(valueReq.getTargetReference().getSpecification().getUniqueId().getObjectId());

      // there won't be a row or column index for specific outputs (e.g. curves)
      if (colIndex != null && rowIndex != null) {
        table.put(rowIndex, colIndex, value);
      // TODO handle specific outputs
  return new SimpleResultModel(_targets, columnNames, table, resultModel.getViewCycleExecutionOptions());
项目:age3-nanorobots    文件   
StateMachineServiceBuilder(@NonNull final Class<S> states, @NonNull final Class<E> events) {
    stateClass = requireNonNull(states);
    eventClass = requireNonNull(events);

    transitions = ArrayTable.create(EnumSet.allOf(stateClass), EnumSet.allOf(eventClass));
    actions = ArrayTable.create(EnumSet.allOf(stateClass), EnumSet.allOf(eventClass));

    noStateTransitions = newEnumMap(eventClass);
    noStateActions = newEnumMap(eventClass);
项目:kidneyExchange    文件   
public AggregateTrialReport(boolean showOutcomeNames,
    boolean showAttributeNames, boolean outcomesAreRows,
    List<SimulationInputs> simulationInputs, int numTrialsPerSimulation) {
  this.showAttributeNames = showAttributeNames;
  this.showOutcomeNames = showOutcomeNames;
  this.outcomesAreRows = outcomesAreRows;
  List<Integer> columns = Lists.newArrayList();
  for (int i = 0; i < numTrialsPerSimulation; i++) {
  trialOutcomes = ArrayTable.create(simulationInputs, columns);
  nodeAggregationAttributes = Lists.newArrayList();
项目:Strata    文件   
public void getColumnTypes() {
  ArrayTable<Integer, Integer, Result<?>> table = ArrayTable.create(INDICES, INDICES);
  table.put(0, 0, Result.success(1));
  table.put(0, 1, Result.success("abc"));
  table.put(1, 0, Result.success(2));
  table.put(1, 1, Result.success("def"));

  List<Class<?>> columnTypes = TradeReportFormatter.INSTANCE.getColumnTypes(report(table));
  assertThat(columnTypes).isEqualTo(ImmutableList.of(Integer.class, String.class));
项目:Strata    文件   
public void getColumnTypesWithSomeFailures() {
  ImmutableList<Integer> indices = ImmutableList.of(0, 1);
  ArrayTable<Integer, Integer, Result<?>> table = ArrayTable.create(indices, indices);
  table.put(0, 0, Result.failure(FailureReason.ERROR, "fail"));
  table.put(0, 1, Result.failure(FailureReason.ERROR, "fail"));
  table.put(1, 0, Result.success(2));
  table.put(1, 1, Result.success("def"));

  List<Class<?>> columnTypes = TradeReportFormatter.INSTANCE.getColumnTypes(report(table));
  assertThat(columnTypes).isEqualTo(ImmutableList.of(Integer.class, String.class));
项目:Strata    文件   
public void getColumnTypesWithAllFailures() {
  ImmutableList<Integer> indices = ImmutableList.of(0, 1);
  ArrayTable<Integer, Integer, Result<?>> table = ArrayTable.create(indices, indices);
  table.put(0, 0, Result.failure(FailureReason.ERROR, "fail"));
  table.put(0, 1, Result.failure(FailureReason.ERROR, "fail"));
  table.put(1, 0, Result.failure(FailureReason.ERROR, "fail"));
  table.put(1, 1, Result.failure(FailureReason.ERROR, "fail"));

  List<Class<?>> columnTypes = TradeReportFormatter.INSTANCE.getColumnTypes(report(table));
  assertThat(columnTypes).isEqualTo(ImmutableList.of(Object.class, Object.class));
项目:Strata    文件   
private TradeReport report(ArrayTable<Integer, Integer, Result<?>> table) {
  return TradeReport.builder()
项目:jpmml-evaluator    文件   
InlineTable createInlineTable(List<List<String>> rows, List<String> columns){
    List<Integer> rowKeys = new ArrayList<>();

    for(int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++){
        rowKeys.add(i + 1);

    Table<Integer, String, String> table = ArrayTable.create(rowKeys, columns);

    for(int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++){
        List<String> row = rows.get(i);

        for(int j = 0; j < columns.size(); j++){
            String column = columns.get(j);
            String value = row.get(j);

            if(value == null){

            table.put(rowKeys.get(i), column, value);

    return InlineTableUtil.format(table);
项目:Leveled-Storage    文件   
public ArrayTableStorage(ArrayTable<R, C, V> table) {
项目:Leveled-Storage    文件   
public StorageObject delegate() {
    return new ArrayTableStorage(ArrayTable.create(getValue()));
项目:ipst    文件   
public ArrayTable<Integer, String, Float> getForecastsData() {
    return forecastsData;
项目:ipst    文件   
public ArrayTable<Integer, String, Float> getSnapshotsData() {
    return snapshotsData;
项目:ipst    文件   
public ArrayTable<Integer, String, Float> getHdTable() {
    return hdTable;
项目:xml-comparator    文件   
private CostMatrix(Collection<INode> children1, Collection<INode> children2) {
    costMatrix = ArrayTable.create(children1, children2);
项目:swmutsel    文件   
public static <R, C, V> Table<R, C, V> getColumnSubset(Table<R, C, V> table, Collection<C> columns) {

        Collection<R> rows = table.rowKeySet();

        Table<R, C, V> subTable = ArrayTable.create(rows, columns);

        for (R row : rows) {
            for (C column : columns) {
                subTable.put(row, column, table.get(row, column));

        return subTable;
