Java 类 实例源码

项目:trident    文件   
 * 检测传入的URL是否在白名单的域名里
 * url:需要检测的URL
 * urlWList: 一级域名的域名列表,比如String[] urlWList = {"", ""};
 * 返回值:合法URL返回true,非法URL返回false
public static Boolean checkUrlWlist(String url, String[] urlWList) {
    try {
        URL u = new URL(url);
        // 只允许http和https的协议
        if (!u.getProtocol().startsWith("http") && !u.getProtocol().startsWith("https")) {
            return  false;
        // 获取域名,并转为小写
        String host = u.getHost().toLowerCase();
        // 获取一级域名
        String rootDomain = InternetDomainName.from(host).topPrivateDomain().toString();

        for (String whiteUrl: urlWList){
            if (rootDomain.equals(whiteUrl)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        return false;
项目:url-classifier    文件   
/** */
private Authority(
    Optional<String> userName, Optional<String> password,
    Optional<Object> host, int portOrNegOne,
    IDNA.Info info) {
  if (host.isPresent()) {
    Object hostObj = host.get();
        hostObj instanceof InternetDomainName
        || hostObj instanceof Inet4Address
        || hostObj instanceof Inet6Address,
        "Invalid host", hostObj);

  this.userName = userName;
  this.password = password; = host;
  this.portOrNegOne = portOrNegOne; = info;
项目:url-classifier    文件   
HostGlob(String globPattern) {
  int left = 0;
  int right = globPattern.length();

  this.anySubdomain = globPattern.startsWith("**.");
  if (anySubdomain) {
    left += 3;
    this.aSubdomain = false;
  } else {
    this.aSubdomain = globPattern.startsWith("*.");
    if (this.aSubdomain) {
      left += 2;
  this.anyPublicSuffix = globPattern.endsWith(".*");
  if (this.anyPublicSuffix) {
    right = Math.max(right - 2, left);
  if (left == right) {
    this.middleParts = ImmutableList.of();
  } else {
    this.middleParts =
        InternetDomainName.from(globPattern.substring(left,  right)).parts();
项目:url-classifier    文件   
public void testOneHost() {
项目:nomulus    文件   
 * Return the {@link DomainResource} this host is subordinate to, or absent for out of zone
 * hosts.
 * <p>We use this instead of {@link HostFlowUtils#lookupSuperordinateDomain} because we don't
 * want to use the EPP exception classes for the case when the superordinate domain doesn't
 * exist or isn't active.
 * @throws IllegalStateException for hosts without superordinate domains
private static Optional<DomainResource> lookupSuperordinateDomain(
    InternetDomainName hostName, DateTime now) {
  Optional<InternetDomainName> tld = findTldForName(hostName);
  // out of zone hosts cannot be linked
  if (!tld.isPresent()) {
    return Optional.empty();
  // This is a subordinate host
  String domainName =
          .skip( - (tld.get().parts().size() + 1))
  DomainResource superordinateDomain = loadByForeignKey(DomainResource.class, domainName, now);
  // Hosts can't be linked if domains import hasn't been run
      superordinateDomain != null, "Superordinate domain does not exist: %s", domainName);
  return Optional.of(superordinateDomain);
项目:nomulus    文件   
public DomainPrices getDomainPrices(String fullyQualifiedDomainName, DateTime priceTime) {
  String tld = getTldFromDomainName(fullyQualifiedDomainName);
  String label = InternetDomainName.from(fullyQualifiedDomainName).parts().get(0);
  Registry registry = Registry.get(checkNotNull(tld, "tld"));
  Optional<Money> premiumPrice = getPremiumPrice(label, registry);
  boolean isNameCollisionInSunrise =
          && getReservationTypes(label, tld).contains(NAME_COLLISION);
  String feeClass = emptyToNull(Joiner.on('-').skipNulls().join(
          premiumPrice.isPresent() ? "premium" : null,
          isNameCollisionInSunrise ? "collision" : null));
  return DomainPrices.create(
项目:nomulus    文件   
/** Return the {@link DomainResource} this host is subordinate to, or null for external hosts. */
public static Optional<DomainResource> lookupSuperordinateDomain(
    InternetDomainName hostName, DateTime now) throws EppException {
  Optional<InternetDomainName> tld = findTldForName(hostName);
  if (!tld.isPresent()) {
    // This is an host on a TLD we don't run, therefore obviously external, so we are done.
    return Optional.empty();
  // This is a subordinate host
  String domainName =
          .skip( - (tld.get().parts().size() + 1))
  DomainResource superordinateDomain = loadByForeignKey(DomainResource.class, domainName, now);
  if (superordinateDomain == null || !isActive(superordinateDomain, now)) {
    throw new SuperordinateDomainDoesNotExistException(domainName);
  return Optional.of(superordinateDomain);
项目:nomulus    文件   
private ImmutableList<ResponseExtension> getDomainResponseExtensions(
    DomainResource domain, DateTime now) throws EppException {
  ImmutableList.Builder<ResponseExtension> extensions = new ImmutableList.Builder<>();
  addSecDnsExtensionIfPresent(extensions, domain.getDsData());
  ImmutableSet<GracePeriodStatus> gracePeriodStatuses = domain.getGracePeriodStatuses();
  if (!gracePeriodStatuses.isEmpty()) {
  FeeInfoCommandExtensionV06 feeInfo =
  if (feeInfo != null) { // Fee check was requested.
    FeeInfoResponseExtensionV06.Builder builder = new FeeInfoResponseExtensionV06.Builder();
项目:nomulus    文件   
private ImmutableSet<? extends ImmutableObject> createBillingEventsAndPollMessages(
    InternetDomainName domainName,
    DomainApplication application,
    HistoryEntry historyEntry,
    boolean isSunrushAddGracePeriod,
    Registry registry,
    DateTime now,
    int years) {
  DateTime registrationExpirationTime = leapSafeAddYears(now, years);
  BillingEvent.OneTime oneTimeBillingEvent = createOneTimeBillingEvent(
      application, historyEntry, isSunrushAddGracePeriod, registry, now, years);
  PollMessage.OneTime oneTimePollMessage =
      createOneTimePollMessage(application, historyEntry, getReservationTypes(domainName), now);
  // Create a new autorenew billing event and poll message starting at the expiration time.
  BillingEvent.Recurring autorenewBillingEvent =
      createAutorenewBillingEvent(historyEntry, registrationExpirationTime);
  PollMessage.Autorenew autorenewPollMessage =
      createAutorenewPollMessage(historyEntry, registrationExpirationTime);
  return ImmutableSet.of(
项目:nomulus    文件   
private void verifyRestoreAllowed(
    Update command,
    DomainResource existingDomain,
    FeeUpdateCommandExtension feeUpdate,
    FeesAndCredits feesAndCredits,
    DateTime now) throws EppException {
  verifyOptionalAuthInfo(authInfo, existingDomain);
  if (!isSuperuser) {
    verifyResourceOwnership(clientId, existingDomain);
    verifyNotReserved(InternetDomainName.from(targetId), false);
    verifyPremiumNameIsNotBlocked(targetId, now, clientId);
    checkAllowedAccessToTld(clientId, existingDomain.getTld());
  // No other changes can be specified on a restore request.
  if (!command.noChangesPresent()) {
    throw new RestoreCommandIncludesChangesException();
  // Domain must be within the redemptionPeriod to be eligible for restore.
  if (!existingDomain.getGracePeriodStatuses().contains(GracePeriodStatus.REDEMPTION)) {
    throw new DomainNotEligibleForRestoreException();
  validateFeeChallenge(targetId, existingDomain.getTld(), now, feeUpdate, feesAndCredits);
项目:nomulus    文件   
private Optional<String> getMessageForCheck(
    InternetDomainName domainName, Set<String> existingIds, DateTime now) {
  if (existingIds.contains(domainName.toString())) {
    return Optional.of("In use");
  Registry registry = Registry.get(domainName.parent().toString());
  if (PENDING_ALLOCATION_TLD_STATES.contains(registry.getTldState(now))
      && loadActiveApplicationsByDomainName(domainName.toString(), now)
          .anyMatch(input -> !input.getApplicationStatus().isFinalStatus())) {
    return Optional.of("Pending allocation");
  ImmutableSet<ReservationType> reservationTypes = getReservationTypes(domainName);
  if (reservationTypes.isEmpty()
      && isDomainPremium(domainName.toString(), now)
      && registry.getPremiumPriceAckRequired()
      && eppInput.getSingleExtension(FeeCheckCommandExtension.class) == null) {
    return Optional.of("Premium names require EPP ext.");

  return reservationTypes.isEmpty()
      ? Optional.empty()
      : Optional.of(getTypeOfHighestSeverity(reservationTypes).getMessageForCheck());
项目:nomulus    文件   
/** Handle the fee check extension. */
private ImmutableList<? extends ResponseExtension> getResponseExtensions(
    ImmutableMap<String, InternetDomainName> domainNames, DateTime now) throws EppException {
  FeeCheckCommandExtension<?, ?> feeCheck =
  if (feeCheck == null) {
    return ImmutableList.of();  // No fee checks were requested.
  ImmutableList.Builder<FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem> responseItems =
      new ImmutableList.Builder<>();
  for (FeeCheckCommandExtensionItem feeCheckItem : feeCheck.getItems()) {
    for (String domainName : getDomainNamesToCheckForFee(feeCheckItem, domainNames.keySet())) {
      FeeCheckResponseExtensionItem.Builder<?> builder = feeCheckItem.createResponseBuilder();
  return ImmutableList.of(feeCheck.createResponse(;
项目:nomulus    文件   
/** Returns a new renew price for the pricer. */
public FeesAndCredits getRenewPrice(
    Registry registry,
    String domainName,
    DateTime date,
    int years)
    throws EppException {
  Money renewCost = getDomainRenewCost(domainName, date, years);
  return customLogic.customizeRenewPrice(
              new FeesAndCredits.Builder()
                  .addFeeOrCredit(Fee.create(renewCost.getAmount(), FeeType.RENEW))
项目:nomulus    文件   
/** Returns a new restore price for the pricer. */
public FeesAndCredits getRestorePrice(Registry registry, String domainName, DateTime date)
    throws EppException {
  FeesAndCredits feesAndCredits =
      new FeesAndCredits.Builder()
              Fee.create(getDomainRenewCost(domainName, date, 1).getAmount(), FeeType.RENEW))
              Fee.create(registry.getStandardRestoreCost().getAmount(), FeeType.RESTORE))
  return customLogic.customizeRestorePrice(
项目:nomulus    文件   
/** Returns a new transfer price for the pricer. */
public FeesAndCredits getTransferPrice(Registry registry, String domainName, DateTime date)
    throws EppException {
  Money renewCost = getDomainRenewCost(domainName, date, 1);
  return customLogic.customizeTransferPrice(
              new FeesAndCredits.Builder()
                  .addFeeOrCredit(Fee.create(renewCost.getAmount(), FeeType.RENEW))
项目:nomulus    文件   
/** Returns a new update price for the pricer. */
public FeesAndCredits getUpdatePrice(Registry registry, String domainName, DateTime date)
    throws EppException {
  CurrencyUnit currency = registry.getCurrency();
  BaseFee feeOrCredit =
      Fee.create(, FeeType.UPDATE);
  return customLogic.customizeUpdatePrice(
              new FeesAndCredits.Builder()
项目:nomulus    文件   
 * Checks whether an LRP token String maps to a valid {@link LrpTokenEntity} for the domain name's
 * TLD, and return that entity (wrapped in an {@link Optional}) if one exists.
 * <p>This method has no knowledge of whether or not an auth code (interpreted here as an LRP
 * token) has already been checked against the reserved list for QLP (anchor tenant), as auth
 * codes are used for both types of registrations.
public static Optional<LrpTokenEntity> getMatchingLrpToken(
    String lrpToken, InternetDomainName domainName) {
  // Note that until the actual per-TLD logic is built out, what's being done here is a basic
  // domain-name-to-assignee match.
  if (!lrpToken.isEmpty()) {
    LrpTokenEntity token = ofy().load().key(Key.create(LrpTokenEntity.class, lrpToken)).now();
    if (token != null
        && token.getAssignee().equalsIgnoreCase(domainName.toString())
        && token.getRedemptionHistoryEntry() == null
        && token.getValidTlds().contains(domainName.parent().toString())) {
      return Optional.of(token);
  return Optional.empty();
项目:nomulus    文件   
static void validateNameserversCountForTld(String tld, InternetDomainName domainName, int count)
    throws EppException {
  // For TLDs with a nameserver whitelist, all domains must have at least 1 nameserver.
  ImmutableSet<String> tldNameserversWhitelist =
  if (!tldNameserversWhitelist.isEmpty() && count == 0) {
    throw new NameserversNotSpecifiedForTldWithNameserverWhitelistException(
  // For domains with a nameserver restricted reservation, they must have at least 1 nameserver.
  ImmutableSet<String> domainNameserversWhitelist = getAllowedNameservers(domainName);
  if (!domainNameserversWhitelist.isEmpty() && count == 0) {
    throw new NameserversNotSpecifiedForNameserverRestrictedDomainException(
    throw new TooManyNameserversException(String.format(
        "Only %d nameservers are allowed per domain", MAX_NAMESERVERS_PER_DOMAIN));
项目:nomulus    文件   
/** Validate the contacts and nameservers specified in a domain or application create command. */
static void validateCreateCommandContactsAndNameservers(
    Create command, Registry registry, InternetDomainName domainName) throws EppException {
      command.getContacts(), command.getRegistrant(), command.getNameservers());
  String tld = registry.getTldStr();
  validateRegistrantAllowedOnTld(tld, command.getRegistrantContactId());
  validateRequiredContactsPresent(command.getRegistrant(), command.getContacts());
  Set<String> fullyQualifiedHostNames =
  validateNameserversCountForTld(tld, domainName, fullyQualifiedHostNames.size());
  validateNameserversAllowedOnTld(tld, fullyQualifiedHostNames);
  validateNameserversAllowedOnDomain(domainName, fullyQualifiedHostNames);
项目:nomulus    文件   
public void publishHost(String hostName) {
  // Get the superordinate domain name of the host.
  InternetDomainName host = InternetDomainName.from(hostName);
  ImmutableList<String> hostParts =;
  Optional<InternetDomainName> tld = Registries.findTldForName(host);

  // host not managed by our registry, no need to update DNS.
  if (!tld.isPresent()) {

  ImmutableList<String> tldParts = tld.get().parts();
  ImmutableList<String> domainParts =
      hostParts.subList(hostParts.size() - tldParts.size() - 1, hostParts.size());
  String domain = Joiner.on(".").join(domainParts);

  // Refresh the superordinate domain, always delete the host first to ensure idempotency,
  // and only publish the host if it is a glue record.
  publishDomain(domain, hostName);
项目:nomulus    文件   
 * Publish A/AAAA records to Cloud DNS.
 * <p>Cloud DNS has no API for glue -- A/AAAA records are automatically matched to their
 * corresponding NS records to serve glue.
public void publishHost(String hostName) {
  // Get the superordinate domain name of the host.
  InternetDomainName host = InternetDomainName.from(hostName);
  Optional<InternetDomainName> tld = Registries.findTldForName(host);

  // Host not managed by our registry, no need to update DNS.
  if (!tld.isPresent()) {
    logger.severefmt("publishHost called for invalid host %s", hostName);

  // Extract the superordinate domain name. The TLD and host may have several dots so this
  // must calculate a sublist.
  ImmutableList<String> hostParts =;
  ImmutableList<String> tldParts = tld.get().parts();
  ImmutableList<String> domainParts =
      hostParts.subList(hostParts.size() - tldParts.size() - 1, hostParts.size());
  String domain = Joiner.on(".").join(domainParts);

  // Refresh the superordinate domain, since we shouldn't be publishing glue records if we are not
  // authoritative for the superordinate domain.
项目:nomulus    文件   
protected void initMutatingEppToolCommand() {
  checkArgument(superuser, "This command must be run as a superuser.");
  findTldForNameOrThrow(InternetDomainName.from(domainName)); // Check that the tld exists.
  if (isNullOrEmpty(password)) {
    password = createToken(ANCHOR_TENANT, passwordGenerator);

  Money cost = null;
  if (fee) {
    cost = getDomainCreateCost(domainName,, DEFAULT_ANCHOR_TENANT_PERIOD_YEARS);

  addSoyRecord(clientId, new SoyMapData(
      "domainName", domainName,
      "contactId", contact,
      "reason", reason,
      "password", password,
      "feeCurrency", cost != null ? cost.getCurrencyUnit().toString() : null,
      "fee", cost != null ? cost.getAmount().toString() : null));
项目:nomulus    文件   
public void testMatchesAnchorTenantReservation_duplicatingAuthCodes() throws Exception {
  ReservedList rl1 = persistReservedList("reserved1", "lol,RESERVED_FOR_ANCHOR_TENANT,foo");
  ReservedList rl2 = persistReservedList("reserved2", "lol,RESERVED_FOR_ANCHOR_TENANT,foo");
  persistResource(Registry.get("tld").asBuilder().setReservedLists(rl1, rl2).build());
  assertThat(matchesAnchorTenantReservation(InternetDomainName.from("lol.tld"), "foo")).isTrue();
  assertThat(matchesAnchorTenantReservation(InternetDomainName.from("lol.tld"), "bar")).isFalse();
  persistReservedList("reserved2", "lol,RESERVED_FOR_ANCHOR_TENANT,bar");
  IllegalStateException thrown =
          () -> matchesAnchorTenantReservation(InternetDomainName.from("lol.tld"), "bar"));
      .contains("There are conflicting auth codes for domain: lol.tld");
项目:nomulus    文件   
public void testFindTldForName() {
  // We don't have an "example" tld.
  // A tld is not a match for itself.
  // The name must match the entire tld.
  // Substring tld matches aren't considered.
项目:beeLin-java    文件   
 * @see NameService#getHostByAddr(byte[])
public InetAddress[] lookupAllHostAddr(String host) throws UnknownHostException {
    List<InetAddress> addresses = new ArrayList<>(1);
    InternetDomainName idn = InternetDomainName.from(host);
    String tld = getTld(idn);
    if (!tld.equals("bit")) {
        // Not a .bit domain, fall back to standard resolver
        throw new UnknownHostException();
    List<String> parts =;

    if (parts.size() < 2) {
        throw new UnknownHostException();

    // For now assume only 2 parts.
    String domain = parts.get(parts.size() - 2);
    return resolveNamecoin(domain);
项目:metron    文件   
public Object apply(List<Object> objects) {
  if(objects.isEmpty()) {
    return null;
  Object dnObj = objects.get(0);
  InternetDomainName idn = toDomainName(dnObj);
  if(idn != null) {
    String dn = dnObj.toString();
    String tld = extractTld(idn, dn);
    if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(dn)) {
      String suffix = safeSubstring(dn, 0, dn.length() - tld.length());
      String hostnameWithoutTLD = safeSubstring(suffix, 0, suffix.length() - 1);
      if(hostnameWithoutTLD == null) {
        return dn;
      String hostnameWithoutSubsAndTLD = Iterables.getLast(Splitter.on(".").split(hostnameWithoutTLD), null);
      if(hostnameWithoutSubsAndTLD == null) {
        return null;
      return hostnameWithoutSubsAndTLD + "." + tld;
  return null;
项目:metron    文件   
public Object apply(List<Object> objects) {
  Object dnObj = objects.get(0);
  InternetDomainName idn = toDomainName(dnObj);
  if(idn != null) {
    String dn = dnObj.toString();
    String tld = extractTld(idn, dn);
    String suffix = safeSubstring(dn, 0, dn.length() - tld.length());
    if(StringUtils.isEmpty(suffix)) {
      return suffix;
    else {
      return suffix.substring(0, suffix.length() - 1);
  return null;
项目:metron    文件   
private static InternetDomainName toDomainName(Object dnObj) {
  if(dnObj != null) {
    if(dnObj instanceof String) {
      String dn = dnObj.toString();
      try {
        return InternetDomainName.from(dn);
      catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        return null;
    else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(dnObj + " is not a string and therefore also not a domain.");
  return null;
项目:ache    文件   
public static String getTopLevelDomain(String host) {
    InternetDomainName domain = null;
    try {
        domain = getDomainName(host);
        if(domain.isUnderPublicSuffix()) {
            return domain.topPrivateDomain().toString();
        } else {
            // if the domain is a public suffix, just use it as top level domain
            return domain.toString();
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        // when host is an IP address, use it as TLD
        if(InetAddresses.isInetAddress(host)) {
            return host;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid top private domain name=["+domain+"] in URL=["+host+"]", e);
项目:dwtc-tools    文件   
protected String preprocess( ds) {
    /* example of some useful preprocessing done while indexing */
    try {
        ds.domain = InternetDomainName.from(new URI(ds.url).getHost())
    } catch (Exception e) {
        ds.domain = null;
    ds.titleTermSet = analyze(ds.title);
    ds.urlTermSet = analyze(joiner.join(splitURL(ds.url)));
    ds.columnTypes = new String[ds.relation.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < ds.relation.length; i++)
        ds.columnTypes[i] = Types.columnType(Arrays.copyOfRange(
                ds.relation[i], 1, ds.relation[i].length)).Name;
    return ds.toJson();
项目:webarchive-commons    文件   
public static String hostToPublicSuffix(String host) {
    InternetDomainName idn;

    try {
        idn = InternetDomainName.from(host);
    } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
        return host;
    InternetDomainName tmp = idn.publicSuffix();
    if(tmp == null) {
        return host;
    String pubSuff = tmp.toString();
    int idx = host.lastIndexOf(".", host.length() - (pubSuff.length()+2));
    if(idx == -1) {
        return host;
    return host.substring(idx+1);
项目:w3act    文件   
 * Get the parent domain name, in order to find inheritence candidates:
 * @param domain
 * @return
private static String getParentDomain(String hostname) {
    hostname = stripWWW(hostname);
    try {
        InternetDomainName idn = InternetDomainName.from(hostname);
        // Get the private domain, if there is one:
        if( idn.isUnderPublicSuffix() ) {
            InternetDomainName domain = idn.topPrivateDomain();
            // If the domain is not just a naked TLD, return it:
            if( domain != null && domain.toString().contains(".")) {
                return domain.toString();
    } catch( IllegalArgumentException e ) {"Could not parse "+hostname+" as a domain name.");
    return hostname;
项目:quality    文件   
 * Extract the pay-level domain (also known simply as domain, for example of the URI provided as parameter. 
 * About URIs: The hierarchical part of the URI is intended to hold identification information hierarchical in nature. 
 * If this part begins with a double forward slash ("//"), it is followed by an authority part and a path. 
 * If it doesn't it contains only a path and thus it doesn't have a PLD (e.g. urns).
 * @param resourceURI
 * @return
public static String extractPayLevelDomainURI(String resourceURI) {
    // Argument validation. Fail fast
    if(resourceURI == null) {
        return null;

    int extract = -1;
    if (resourceURI.startsWith("http://")) extract = resourceURI.indexOf("/", 7);
    else if (resourceURI.startsWith("https://")) extract = resourceURI.indexOf("/", 8);

    if(extract == -1) extract = resourceURI.length();

    String matched = (resourceURI.startsWith("http://")) ? resourceURI.substring(7, extract) : 
                                (resourceURI.startsWith("https://")) ? resourceURI.substring(8, extract) : resourceURI;

    if(InternetDomainName.isValid(matched) && InternetDomainName.from(matched).isUnderPublicSuffix()) {
        return InternetDomainName.from(matched).topPrivateDomain().toString();
    } else {
        return resourceURI;
项目:generator-jhipster    文件   
 * Returns the top level domain of the server from the request. This is used to limit the Cookie
 * to the top domain instead of the full domain name.
 * <p>
 * A lot of times, individual gateways of the same domain get their own subdomain but authentication
 * shall work across all subdomains of the top level domain.
 * <p>
 * For example, when sending a request to <code></code>,
 * this returns <code></code>.
 * @param request the HTTP request we received from the client.
 * @return the top level domain to set the cookies for.
 * Returns null if the domain is not under a public suffix (.com,, e.g. for localhost.
private String getCookieDomain(HttpServletRequest request) {
    String domain = oAuth2Properties.getWebClientConfiguration().getCookieDomain();
    if (domain != null) {
        return domain;
    //if not explicitly defined, use top-level domain
    domain = request.getServerName().toLowerCase();
    //strip off leading www.
    if (domain.startsWith("www.")) {
        domain = domain.substring(4);
    //if it isn't an IP address
    if (!InetAddresses.isInetAddress(domain)) {
        //strip off subdomains, leaving the top level domain only
        InternetDomainName domainName = InternetDomainName.from(domain);
        if (domainName.isUnderPublicSuffix() && !domainName.isTopPrivateDomain()) {
            //preserve leading dot
            return "." + domainName.topPrivateDomain().toString();
    //no top-level domain, stick with default domain
    return null;
项目:url-classifier    文件   
 * @param info will have the errors and transitional differences set if
 *    appropriate.
static InternetDomainName toDomainName(String decodedHost, IDNA.Info info) {
  String unicodeName = IDN.toUnicode(decodedHost, IDN.USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES);
  IDNA idna = IDNA.getUTS46Instance(IDNA.DEFAULT);
  StringBuilder nameBuffer = new StringBuilder(decodedHost.length() + 16);
  nameBuffer = idna.nameToASCII(decodedHost, nameBuffer, info);
  return InternetDomainName.from(unicodeName);
项目:url-classifier    文件   
 * Builds a classifier based on previous allow/match decisions.
 * This may be reused after a call to build and subsequent calls to
 * allow/match methods will not affect previously built classifiers.
public AuthorityClassifier build() {
  ImmutableSet<Inet4Address> ipv4Set =;
  ImmutableSet<Inet6Address> ipv6Set =;
  ImmutableSet<InternetDomainName> domainNameSet =;
  HostGlobMatcher hostGlobMatcher = new HostGlobMatcher(;
  int[] allowedPortsSorted;
    ImmutableSet<Integer> allowedPortIntSet =;
    int n = allowedPortIntSet.size();
    allowedPortsSorted = new int[n];
    Iterator<Integer> allowedPortIt = allowedPortIntSet.iterator();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      allowedPortsSorted[i] =;
  Predicate<? super Integer> portClassifier =
      allowedPortsSorted.length == 0  // No exclusion specified
      ? Predicates.alwaysTrue()
      : Predicates.alwaysFalse();
  if (this.allowedPortClassifier != null) {
    portClassifier = this.allowedPortClassifier;
  UserInfoClassifier userInfoClassifier =
      this.allowedUserInfoClassifier != null
      ? this.allowedUserInfoClassifier
  return new AuthorityClassifierImpl(
项目:url-classifier    文件   
public AuthorityClassifierImpl(
    ImmutableSet<Inet4Address> ipv4Set, ImmutableSet<Inet6Address> ipv6Set,
    ImmutableSet<InternetDomainName> canonHostnameSet, HostGlobMatcher hostGlobMatcher,
    boolean matchesAnyHost, int[] allowedPortsSorted, Predicate<? super Integer> portClassifier,
    UserInfoClassifier userInfoClassifier) {
  this.ipv4Set = ipv4Set;
  this.ipv6Set = ipv6Set;
  this.domainNameSet = canonHostnameSet;
  this.hostGlobMatcher = hostGlobMatcher;
  this.matchesAnyHost = matchesAnyHost;
  this.allowedPortsSorted = allowedPortsSorted;
  this.portClassifier = portClassifier;
  this.userInfoClassifier = userInfoClassifier;
项目:android-AutofillFramework    文件   
public static String getCanonicalDomain(String domain) {
    InternetDomainName idn = InternetDomainName.from(domain);
    while (idn != null && !idn.isTopPrivateDomain()) {
        idn = idn.parent();
    return idn == null ? null : idn.toString();
项目:historybook    文件   
private void setDomainField(String url) {
    try {
        URL u = URL.parse(url);
        String hostString =;
        String domain;
        if (!"localhost".equalsIgnoreCase(hostString) && !InetAddresses.isInetAddress(hostString)) {
            domain = InternetDomainName.from(hostString).topPrivateDomain().toString();
        } else {
            domain = hostString;
        doc.add(new StringField(FIELD_DOMAIN, domain, Field.Store.YES));
    } catch (GalimatiasParseException e1) {
        LOG.error("Unable to parse url {}", url);
项目:google-cloud-eclipse    文件   
private IStatus allComponentsLengthAreValid(String value) {
  String[] components = value.split("\\.");
  for (String component : components) {
    if (component.length() == 0 || component.length() > 63) {
      return ValidationStatus.error(Messages.getString("", value));
  // if contains dots then must be a valid domain name
  if (components.length > 1 && !InternetDomainName.isValid(value)) {
    return ValidationStatus.error(Messages.getString("", value));
  return ValidationStatus.ok();