public void downloadFileById(String resourceId) { final String url = getResourceUrl(resourceId); if (url != null && !url.isEmpty()) { final IFrameElement iframe = Document.get().createIFrameElement(); Style style = iframe.getStyle(); style.setVisibility(Style.Visibility.HIDDEN); style.setHeight(0, Style.Unit.PX); style.setWidth(0, Style.Unit.PX); iframe.setFrameBorder(0); iframe.setTabIndex(-1); iframe.setSrc(url); RootPanel.getBodyElement().appendChild(iframe); Timer removeTimer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { iframe.removeFromParent(); } }; removeTimer.schedule(60 * 1000); } }
private void buildIFrame(String gadgetName, String width, String height) { gadgetIframe.getElement().setId(gadgetName); IFrameElement iframe = getIframeElement(); iframe.setAttribute("vspace", "0"); iframe.setAttribute("hspace", "0"); iframe.setAttribute("frameBorder", "no"); iframe.setAttribute("moduleId", gadgetName); iframe.setAttribute("display", "block"); // TODO(user): scrolling policy/settings for the wave gadgets. iframe.setScrolling("no"); //remove default style gadgetIframe.removeStyleName("gwt-Frame"); gadgetIframe.addStyleName(CSS.gadgetIframe()); if (width != null) { gadgetFrame.setWidth(width); } if (height != null) { gadgetFrame.setHeight(height); } iframeDiv.add(gadgetIframe); }
/** * Gets the true hash value. Cannot use location.hash directly due to bug * in Firefox where location.hash will always be decoded. * * @param iframe * @return */ public String getHash(IFrameElement iframe) { RegExp re = RegExp.compile("#(.*)$"); String href = location.getHref(); if(iframe != null) { href = getIFrameUrl(iframe); } MatchResult result = re.exec(href); return result != null && result.getGroupCount() > 1 ? result.getGroup(1) : ""; }
private void updateHash(IFrameElement iFrame, String fragment, boolean replace) { if(replace) { String locationHref = location.getHref(); if(iFrame != null) { locationHref = getIFrameUrl(iFrame); } String href = locationHref.replaceAll("(javascript:|#).*$", ""); if(iFrame != null) { replaceFrameLocation(iFrame, href + '#' + fragment); } else { location.replace(href + '#' + fragment); } } else { // Some browsers require that `hash` contains a leading #. String hash = '#' + fragment; if(iFrame != null) { updateFrameLocationHash(iFrame, hash); } else { location.setHash(hash); } } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void initialize() { iframe =; final SimplePanel panel = new SimplePanel(); panel.addStyleName(CSS_HELP_CONTENT); panel.getElement().appendChild(iframe); final ScrollPanel mainPanel = new ScrollPanel(panel); mainPanel.getElement().setId(ID_HELP); mainPanel.setAlwaysShowScrollBars(false); initPopup(mainPanel); }
private static IFrameElement createCajaFrame() { IFrameElement cajaFrame = Document.get().createIFrameElement(); cajaFrame.setFrameBorder(0); cajaFrame.setAttribute("width", "0"); cajaFrame.setAttribute("height", "0"); Document.get().getBody().appendChild(cajaFrame); Document cajaFrameDoc = cajaFrame.getContentDocument(); cajaFrameDoc.getBody().appendChild( cajaFrameDoc.createScriptElement(RESOURCES.supportingJs().getText())); cajaFrameDoc.getBody().appendChild( cajaFrameDoc.createScriptElement(RESOURCES.taming().getText())); return cajaFrame; }
private void initIFrame() { final Frame iframe = new Frame("javascript:\"\""); iframe.getElement().setAttribute("name", id); iframe.getElement().setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;width:0;height:0;border:0"); iframe.addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler() { @Override public void onLoad(LoadEvent arg0) { String content =; if (content != null && !"".equals(content)) formPanel.fireEvent(new SubmitCompleteEvent(content) { }); } }); flowPanel.add(iframe); }
private final native void fillIframe(IFrameElement iframe, String content) /*-{ var doc = iframe.document; if(iframe.contentDocument) doc = iframe.contentDocument; // For NS6 else if(iframe.contentWindow) doc = iframe.contentWindow.document; // For IE5.5 and IE6 // Put the content in the iframe; doc.writeln(content); doc.close(); }-*/;
private native void applyFrameInitialHash(IFrameElement frame, String fragment) /*-{ var body = document.body; // Using `appendChild` will throw on IE < 9 if the document is not ready. var iWindow = body.insertBefore(frame, body.firstChild).contentWindow;; iWindow.document.close(); iWindow.location.hash = '#' + fragment; }-*/;
@Override public WebEmbed extract(Element e) { if (e == null || !relevantTags.contains(e.getTagName())) { return null; } String src =; if (!DomUtil.hasRootDomain(src, "")) { return null; } // Get specific attributes about the Vimeo embed. AnchorElement anchor = Document.get().createAnchorElement(); anchor.setHref(src); String path = anchor.getPropertyString("pathname"); Map<String, String> paramMap = DomUtil.splitUrlParams(anchor.getPropertyString("search").substring(1)); String id = getVimeoIdFromPath(path); if (id == null) { return null; } if (LogUtil.isLoggable(LogUtil.DEBUG_LEVEL_VISIBILITY_INFO)) { LogUtil.logToConsole("Vimeo embed extracted:"); LogUtil.logToConsole(" ID: " + id); } return new WebEmbed(e, "vimeo", id, paramMap); }
/** * Handle a Twitter embed that has already been rendered. * @param e The root element of the embed (should be an "iframe"). * @return EmbeddedElement object representing the embed or null. */ private WebEmbed handleRendered(Element e) { // Twitter embeds are blockquote tags operated on by some javascript. if (!"IFRAME".equals(e.getTagName())) { return null; } IFrameElement iframe =; // If the iframe has no "src" attribute, explore further. if (!iframe.getSrc().isEmpty()) { return null; } Document iframeDoc = iframe.getContentDocument(); if (iframeDoc == null) { return null; } // The iframe will contain a blockquote element that has information including tweet id. NodeList blocks = iframeDoc.getElementsByTagName("blockquote"); if (blocks.getLength() < 1) { return null; } Element tweetBlock =; String id = tweetBlock.getAttribute("data-tweet-id"); if (id.isEmpty()) { return null; } return new WebEmbed(e, "twitter", id, null); }
public IFrame( String url ) { Element iframe = DOM.createIFrame(); iFrame = iframe ); setElement( iframe ); setSrc( url ); }
public IFrame() { Element iframe = DOM.createIFrame(); iFrame = iframe ); setElement( iframe ); }
private void buildIFrame(String gadgetName) { gadgetIframe.getElement().setId(gadgetName); int height = 0; switch (throbberState) { case SMALL: gadgetIframe.addStyleName(CSS.loadingGadgetSmallThrobber()); height = Resources.RESOURCES.loadingGadgetSmall().getHeight(); break; case LARGE: gadgetIframe.addStyleName(CSS.loadingGadgetLargeThrobber()); height = Resources.RESOURCES.loadingGadgetLarge().getHeight(); break; } IFrameElement iframe = getIframeElement(); iframe.setAttribute("vspace", "0"); iframe.setAttribute("hspace", "0"); iframe.setAttribute("frameBorder", "no"); iframe.setAttribute("moduleId", gadgetName); iframe.setAttribute("display", "block"); iframe.setAttribute("height", height + "px"); // TODO(user): scrolling policy/settings for the wave gadgets. iframe.setScrolling("no"); //remove default style gadgetIframe.removeStyleName("gwt-Frame"); gadgetIframe.addStyleName(CSS.gadgetIframe()); iframeDiv.add(gadgetIframe); }
private native boolean registerLocalApi_native(IFrameElement iframe, String apiNamespace) /*-{ function isSameDomain(iframe) { var html = null; try { // deal with older browsers var doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document; html = doc.body.innerHTML; } catch(err){ // do nothing } return(html !== null); } if( isSameDomain(iframe) ) { = $; iframe.contentWindow.alert = $wnd[apiNamespace+'_alert']; return true; } else { return false; } }-*/;
@Test @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void shouldAllowOnlyJavascriptCastsThatAreValidJavaCasts() { // Casts to ancestors should be legal JavaScriptObject o = Document.get().createDivElement().cast(); Node n = Document.get().createDivElement().cast(); DivElement d = Document.get().createDivElement().cast(); // Casts to sibling elements shouldn't be legal (even though they are in javascript) try { IFrameElement i = Document.get().createDivElement().cast(); fail("Exception not thrown"); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} }
/** Constructor of the Toolbar **/ public RichTextToolbar(final RichTextArea richtext) { //Initialize the main-panel outer = new VerticalPanel(); //Initialize the two inner panels topPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); bottomPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); topPanel.setStyleName("RichTextToolbar"); bottomPanel.setStyleName("RichTextToolbar"); //Save the reference to the RichText area we refer to and get the interfaces to the stylings styleText = richtext; styleTextFormatter = styleText.getFormatter(); //Set some graphical options, so this toolbar looks how we like it. topPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); bottomPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); //Add the two inner panels to the main panel outer.add(topPanel); outer.add(bottomPanel); //Some graphical stuff to the main panel and the initialisation of the new widget outer.setStyleName("RichTextToolbar"); initWidget(outer); // evHandler = new EventHandler(); //Add KeyUp and Click-Handler to the RichText, so that we can actualize the toolbar if neccessary styleText.addKeyUpHandler(evHandler); styleText.addClickHandler(evHandler); // Changing styles IFrameElement e =; e.setSrc("iframe_richtext.html"); e.setFrameBorder(0); // removing frame border richTextPopup = new RichTextPopup(this); richTextPopup.setWidth("300px"); richTextPopup.setHeight("50px"); richTextPopup.setStyleName("okm-Popup"); //Now lets fill the new toolbar with life buildTools(); }
/** * Gets a property of the iframe's window. Setting such properties is how the * iframe communicates back with this window. */ private static native String getFrameProperty(IFrameElement frame, String property) /*-{ return frame.contentWindow[property]; }-*/;
private static CajolerFacade create() { IFrameElement cajaFrame = createCajaFrame(); CajoleService service = new HttpCajoleService(); return new CajolerFacade(service, cajaFrame); }
private CajolerFacade(CajoleService service, IFrameElement cajaFrame) { this.cajoleService = service; this.cajaFrame = cajaFrame; }
public void setContent(String html){ fillIframe((IFrameElement)getElement().cast(), html); }
private native void replaceFrameLocation(IFrameElement frame, String s) /*-{ if(frame.contentWindow) { frame.contentWindow.location.replace(s); } }-*/;
private native void updateFrameLocationHash(IFrameElement frame, String hash) /*-{ if(frame.contentWindow) { frame.contentWindow.location.hash = hash; } }-*/;
private native String openAndCloseIFrameDocument(IFrameElement frame) /*-{ if(frame.document) { frame.document.close(); } }-*/;
private native String getIFrameUrl(IFrameElement frame) /*-{ return frame.contentWindow !== undefined ? frame.contentWindow.location.href : ""; }-*/;
@Override public WebEmbed extract(Element e) { if (e == null || !relevantTags.contains(e.getTagName())) { return null; } String src = null; if ("IFRAME".equals(e.getTagName())) { src =; } else if ("OBJECT".equals(e.getTagName())) { // Deprecated way to embed youtube. // Ref: // ObjectElement o =; if (o.getAttribute("type").equals("application/x-shockwave-flash")) { src = o.getAttribute("data"); } else { NodeList<Element> params = DomUtil.querySelectorAll(e, "param[name=\"movie\"]"); if (params.getLength() == 1) { src = params.getItem(0).getAttribute("value"); } } } if (src == null) { return null; } if (!DomUtil.hasRootDomain(src, "")) { return null; } // Get specific attributes about the YouTube embed. int paramLoc = src.indexOf("?"); if (paramLoc < 0) { // Wrong syntax like "<video-id>¶m=value" has been // observed in the wild. Youtube seems to be resilient. paramLoc = src.indexOf("&"); } if (paramLoc < 0) { paramLoc = src.length(); } String path = src.substring(0, paramLoc); Map<String, String> paramMap = DomUtil.splitUrlParams(src.substring(paramLoc + 1)); String id = getYouTubeIdFromPath(path); if (id == null) { return null; } if (LogUtil.isLoggable(LogUtil.DEBUG_LEVEL_VISIBILITY_INFO)) { LogUtil.logToConsole("YouTube embed extracted:"); LogUtil.logToConsole(" ID: " + id); } return new WebEmbed(e, "youtube", id, paramMap); }
public static IFrameElement createIframe() { return Document.get().createIFrameElement(); }
public void testRenderedTwitterExtractor() { IFrameElement twitter = TestUtil.createIframe(); // Add iframe to body so its document is generated. mBody.appendChild(twitter); // This string represents a very simplified version of the twitter iframe embed structure. String iframeStructure = "<div class=\"media-forward root standalone-tweet ltr\"" + "data-iframe-title=\"Embedded Tweet\"" + "data-scribe=\"page:tweet\">" + "<blockquote data-tweet-id=\"1234567890\"" + "data-scribe=\"section:subject\">" + "<div class=\"cards-base cards-multimedia customisable-border\"" + "data-scribe=\"component:card\"" + "data-video-content-id=\"0987654321\">" + "</div>" + "<div class=\"header\">" + "</div>" + "<div class=\"content\" data-scribe=\"component:tweet\">" + "</div>" + "<div class=\"footer\" data-scribe=\"component:footer\">" + "</div>" + "</blockquote>" + "</div>"; twitter.getContentDocument().getBody().setInnerHTML(iframeStructure); EmbedExtractor extractor = new TwitterExtractor(); WebEmbed result = (WebEmbed) extractor.extract(twitter); // Check twitter specific attributes - namely twitter id assertNotNull(result); assertEquals("twitter", result.getType()); assertEquals("1234567890", result.getId()); // Begin negative test: IFrameElement notTwitter = TestUtil.createIframe(); mBody.appendChild(notTwitter); notTwitter.getContentDocument().getBody().setInnerHTML( iframeStructure.replaceAll("blockquote", "div")); result = (WebEmbed) extractor.extract(notTwitter); assertNull(result); // Test no important twitter content. notTwitter = TestUtil.createIframe(); mBody.appendChild(notTwitter); notTwitter.getContentDocument().getBody().setInnerHTML( iframeStructure.replaceAll("data-tweet-id", "data-bad-id")); result = (WebEmbed) extractor.extract(notTwitter); assertNull(result); }